kt jvcttftt jfctz ft ninetythird yearno 35 actoim ontario wednesday february 28 1968 second section speaker tells ys men nigerian life still pri mitive adooys vnwjtlesuhad uw- pleasure and opporunlty at last thursday nights meeting to listen toaiimerestdgialli- oo nigeria alold by a native wthe north african country oabrlal anlcell v gabriel a 24ryearld student- at the university ofguflph gave botli a literal and pictorial des- crlptlonof life in and around the suburbs and larger cltwb of mg- eria with the aid of sucfes taken by a former profeisor at the university of kansas at which mr ankeli first attended before coming to canada asked why- ho had coma to canada gabriel explained that an educational degree from a country belonging to the com monwealth as more readily ac cepted in his country whersas a us degree was accepted only on a probatlonay term nf two to three years me further ex plained that since his firs com ing to canada more than a year ago he has found the people of our country much more friendly and easier to get along with one difficulty mr ankeli did dndherelncanadawasmecoming accunpmdto our qpldwlaters and especially the snowhe has fdund it dlfcjiltw4ldngoftsnow suffering mishaps apd bruses in tragi cy tumbles on the unljfer- slty ampuii ysuanclarencarognvaldson took confrbr of the slide- pr6jedt or as gabriel narrated irvlef tour- of jils country among the interestlng points shown on thn slides were scenes depleting various nwahi of trans portation the most convenient and cheapest being the bicyclel the roads shown as gabriel explained were classified as a b and croutes thna routes afford a single lane of traffic on which both directions are ex pected to travel so one can imagine the amount of traffic these roads will support the matrimonial customs of nigeria greatly interested the attentive ys mn gabriel him self is the son of his fathers second of five wives all of which dwelt in his fathors household at the same tlm- wives in nig eria are procured on the basis f a trade or barter of aslieable dowty ami any h jmber of wives may be bargained or none of the wjves areallowid otrfof ttw delllng during dv- light hours except forthe first wife who dons the arrands and chopping foithi family 1 thv local biitdw market places tlw traditional nigeria dwel- ling consists of a small grouping of mild and grass formed huts surrounded by high mud wall in which all momljers of the family as welt a the livestock take up residence agriculture in nigeria is on subsistence lovol on which ihi family grows their own vege- tables and fruits supports its own livestock for private u w up to five crops a year may be grown on one field ths is dii to the nigerian climate and tho extreme fertility of thn soil the diet of the native nigerian consists mninly of the normal grain foods rye barley and drlod corn yams orswootpotatooi as they aro nv re corminnly known are drlod by boiling thorn to the point whir mo- if the wator bonlent isrisrrkiisd and the potato ls black irt dlor lakofrefrlgoralldnfs the mn reason- tor thvdeaiirilon of many of the vogotablesanihrjilts one tltlfcncygalirlutisald he mlsodhero in canalawasfb llot- rodpvipisgrowirirt fihv nahvo country peppersigown hero- he iayijk not compare to the- hot nippy flavor of thus in nigeria gabriel gavel his talk dressed ihhls nativo garb whlcli consist- ed df a small boanlo type cap and a cloak which ts word in- placo of a sports jacket or any typo of jacket as wu know it ti10 oldor male momlwrswoar a turban or wraparound head dress in placo of thecap gabriel has rocolvod most of his oducatlon on scholarship grants receiving his socondary schooling in governmont schools one particular agriculture problem tho nlgorlans have is wtth thoir livestock tho nig erians gabrlol stated raise tholr cattlo much tho same way as thoy raise tholr- wlvos in quantity and net quality this s one of the thingshnhdpes to btvawe toheq cure with proper dieted gare wuon he subki ct of wi id an riiaf hunting entered uprfn the conversation it xas learned that gabriels falhorwas one of he butter hunters of his small wll- age ol ouirkdij one bartfcular instance saw gabriels father called upon to rid the village of a vicious female lion with a cub when the task wascorapleie via bow and arrow afad razor sharp hunting knives gabriel liad to kill mm cub the custom for tho hunter now was to go through the village and collect a reward in tho form of money for the trouble ho had saved the villagers from this attacking lion naturally gabrlol said my uon was smaller so i received a lot lass reward many vicious and poisonous snakes are found in the dense junglo and bushlands ofgabrlels ntgorla his father on one par tlcular instance found himself porchod on tho back of a python much to his surprise which liad just swallowod wholo a llvo formation of partnership new location for earl ryder andy stull ryders tv sales service earl ryder and andy stull have teamed up in partnership and the business is now located at 49 main st n in georgetown in the new woodrex building featuring the all new motorola solid state transistor tv as well as emerson and rogers majestic see our large selection of home entertainment products we service color blade w stereo radio ryders tv sales service 49 main st n georgetown 8779796 vewtlnarv studknt gabriel ankeli in nat ive nigerian garb was guest speaker at the ys mens meeting last thursday after his very interesting talk he was thanked by wayne wheeler left and gary baleman staff pholo door thoso snakos tho ys men were told roach as much as 15 20 foot in length and could swallow a human with oaso the moat from the python al though ft doosnt sound very ap- poliadng is oaten by tho nlgor lans mr ankoll says it tastos like fish hut has no fishy smotl toll on the wholo mr ankoll stat- od that his country of today although it still practices many of its anclonl customs and man- agos to llvo in crude mothods of agriculture is turning moro and more to modorn ways and moans of civilization modorn buildings and machin ery aro being used moro oach day wayno whoolor thankod mr ankoll for his interesting and informative talk and presented him with a gift on behalf of tho acton ys mon anothor prominent guost at this weeks mooting was walt batho district govornor of tho ys mons branch tho district ovor which mr bathe presides includes branlford guelphgalt acton andkltchenerwatorloo mr batho personally invited tho local ys mon to attend tho cod conference held at the guolph ymca on april 20 gary batoman president of varied entertainment for golden age club dospllo bolow zero tempera ture and well slcknoss among tho mnmlors thoro wa5 a iood turnout to tho regular ovoulnt miotlng of tho gulden ago club on tiiosilay fobraury 20 mr and mrs robert mcenery wore welcomod luck all wore ploased 10 soo mr m enory much improves in health mrs croasoy mrs cults liid john ford wire roportod improving in guolph goaoral hospital diane and debbie iloustlold opened tho outortalnnont with a delightful piano duet later diano playodvvory beautifully a piano solo acton ys mons club rocolvod on behalf of tho organization an autographed hockey stick from the acton ys mon poo wee trlcounty toam to show tholr appreciation for tholr sponsor ship gary was prosontod with tho memento at tho peo weo play off opener in tho community contro mrs mllno gavo several roadngs which woro inn- h on- joyod miss dollamaye rtoszell sang in her usual plouslng man ner mis uradshawajcjiiipaiuod hor on tiiiano and theaudluiiri jolnod in the chorus mis liao wost showml lwaullfil pictures of tho wonderful canadian rocklos ami o her ainning cominn tary lunch and social chat concluded an onjoyablo ovonlng acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too small phone 8530234 65 main st n acton before you sign on the dotted line know what yow loan will cost borrow up to sooo take up to 60 months to repay youre told in advance at household finance the cost of your loan is spelled out clearly simply and in dollars no extras nohtddenchargesno afterward you get the facts first before you borrow when you need a loan youll find that you- too can borrow with confidence from the company that tells you the cost in advance compare hfc charges on loans over 1500 with charges of other companies of our kind youll probably find hfc saves you money atk tbout cttdit il4 inurtnc on tatni tl low group ulti household finam giorgctown 41 main stamt nortfi uuphort 8775221 nktt i sllvti dmm4mt slot iu ahuut our tvtmng houn polite warn tailgaters during tho wook of february 18 24 inclusive personnel of milton detachment ontario pro vincial pollco worked j total of 1010 12 hours and patrolled 10212 miles on aroa hlghwiys as a rosult of patrol 94 charges wire proforrod lijraflic warn ings woro issuoilank4gvohlcles woro safety chocked there woro 34 convictions roglstored in mag istrates court there woro six property dam age accidents investigated sm personal injur accidents result ing in olght persons being in jured ptoporty damagud totall ed 1 8000 causes of accidents woro drlvor lost control im proper- turn spoed ton ast for road or traiflc coailltloni in- aituntlve driving did int have right of way thure were flvo chargus laid as a result of tliu in accidents thoro wire 25 guaoral oceur- encos dirlng this period includ ing ono iiroak and ntr in ss- cfieslng townslup oiu minor theft ono mlssni 13 year old youth who was laitr located oie poraon charged with impaired driving two llqu ir control act investigation rusultln in w porsons liulng nargul umler the liquor control act one report o damage to property all other occurrencj were of a iu noi nature safe driving t p vital stopping distance s e- sontlal do not uhive tcx3 close to the car ahead this is called tillgatlni and tailgaters eel involve i in ac cidents because they dont have unoujli itopplng staice should the car ahead stop i slow down suddjnly records stiow that tallgatlng is one of the major causes of accidents remember thai sale stopplnc distance when following in traf fic is a car length for each 10 mos per hojr siwl tliat five car lenjths at 50 six at 00 aid so on seons a lot but whn you noud it its vitally es jitlal that you hae it more communication object of program tomorrow evening wednes day parents are invited to the high school for a unique com munications night its hoped inspectors taacheriparentsand students will all benefit from improved communications as a result parents have been asked to come prepared lth questions and discussion groups will be formed