free press camera captures 4 town tourney action saturday acton ctvefto conjtiuctton bantams en shown in action against the visiting fergus entry in saturdays four town tournament the acton crew blanked the fergus squad 10- 0 and went on to suffer a 31 defeat to georg etown in the finals staff photo mm lou bonnette draws the winning tlcketwov the bond draw while ted pope executive member of legion mln or sports lends a hand with the old oaken barrel staff photo members of the legion- ladles auxiliary were kept busy saturday dishing but delicious elplngs of irish slew to cold hungry players and coaches in the four town tourney mrs charles shullii and mrs bob angell are shown doing their best to keep the boys hap- pv staff photo kerr puts onus on municipal politicians for slowdown on regional government he jtiw jfftt flrfcms hatton west upp george kerr told the annual meeting of the ontario young progressive conservative association one of the main reasons regional gov ernment was slow in coming ues with municipal politicians they are against it and prob ably the most vehement is the county councillor mr kerr aid it three day meeting in peterborough heard panelists discuss the problems and chal lenges of regional government former federal cabinet minister alvln hamilton said the regional development attack on the north should be from those areas in southern canada that- offer a natural base into the north national ypc president del acton driving school licensed instructor osl certificate cars with dual controls fully insured day or evening appointments call 8530459 obrien told the meeting the government should promote de centralization of industry and population to areas of lower liv ing costs and better living situations in his remarks to delegates the hallon west upp said im proved transportation to sub urban municipalities from metro was the answer to the housing shortage we have a nucleus for sat- county assessment is 337722826 the 1938 rales for county taxation will bo based on an equalized assessment totalling 3v12ifi2i it was revealed last week at the february meeting of hallon county couicll burllnitoo will pay the highest percentage of 1968 taxos- to halloo approximately 43 per cent of the total budget on a total rateable assessment of 144584231 oalcvllle is next at 42 per cent on 141880438 assessnw it other figures for tho county include georgetown 5 per cent 16001888 esqunslng 35 par mut 11647298 ullton 3 pnr ceit 10215947 acton 2 per cent 7518011 nassagawoya 15 par on 4812013 buy easter seals ymi 1kt uhauutayton mooum ml ctttlo cmuoun in m wofttd h ttdmy hftftl in onvjuuo ad tnfr st conlrt bill wins hn mwi it potlbl to confirm nd mott important npnd tkr i no olkv crippud chtldvn oronxlton h ki comprbl nuning tuft or ckmping progtvn yh network ol ttmt- prtnt unhi nd th numbtr of lrwlling clintct unoultd th etttek sl comfvufln 1 major potci m 330 urvtci club in tkevtvouinc thtiur urvtc clubl work in uociiw with oaiio savtrv or crdld ovldn to rnu vul ut th funds for tk bwil of mot thn 16 000 cfdpud children subscribe to the 1968 easter seal campaign with a ginerous gift today a chld c tsmntrjar ho bacomat physically ditbld through afckiant duaai or t birth hi rh blt opportunity for rcovkv cur thantti 10 ih popl of ontario who ndorw thi grat tffort by contributing qtntuoutly towards lh work btnn don by the society this year eatier saal coninbutioni mult b t laaii 1 400 000 if the total rehabilitation for crippled children it to continue a re- iponie to the eaiter seal appeal received ar your home will b o kelp to tome crippled child li a hkxiect of the rotary club of acton mmm mail your donation to easter seal fund the rotary club of acton bank of montreal acton ninetythird yoar no 37 acton ontario wednesday march 13 1948 second seclion elllte cities now the answer to public transportation and a system of taxation that will allow these towns to develop i dont think this necessarily means more highways said ur kerr former toronto city control ler william archer said the provincial government would gain votes in the next election it it established regional government he maintained metro toronto should not gobble up any more land report to legislature will strengthen hand of conservationists the select committee on conservation of the ontario leg islature although i think they started out with the idea that implemented will strengthen the hand of the conservation author ities in ontario fred jackson the supervisor of special services conserva tion aulhorltlos branch depart ment of enorgy and hesourcos management told ho inaugural meeting of tho crodlt valloy conservation authority the commltteo did an excel lent job and many of tho 127 re commendations are already in operation he contlnuod those changes which deal with railway gravel resolutions as proposed by nassagaweya aired at rural convention two motions submlttod by tho township of nassagawaya wore among 23 received by the rural municipalities association and open for discussion at the ru a convention recently reovo bill coulter roportod at the town ship council meeting the first which has been pass ed on to the provincial cabinet suggested all railroad vehicles in the province be required to have fluorescent marldnsrs on their sides the c n r is currently working on the project another asking the province to set up a levy for each ton of irranular extract taken from tho escarpment has been passed on to proper channels tho money obtained this way would go to wards rehabilitation tree- replanting grasu of the area of operation councillor ross gordon re ported poople have been seen including deceased animals in garbage left at tho township dump dogs cats and oven a pony were dumped he claimed most councillors felt this created a health hazard and should be prohibited since ser vices are available to pick up the animals either free of charge or with some remuneration for the owner the ontario agricul tural college finds some dead animals useful for study a book entltlod tablet to the kings which was presented to the ruling heads of state in europe and asia over a century ago is now being distributed to lower levels of government by members of the banal tilth local spiritual assembly of oakvllle representative sher wood mooro presentod a copy of the book to reeve bill coulter arthur a johnson od omomirmu oittti fvtry wednesday and saturday 34 mill st t acton who accepted on boliau of the township fire agreements with tho ull ton fire area board for ono year and tho acton fire area board for throo yoars woro ro ne wo d m j thlbodoau appeared at the meeting to question the nec essity of prohibiting parking on the guelph line near mohawk raceway when racing is not being carried on ho notod the noparklngany- umo signs includo an area dir ectly fronting conservation pro perty where pooplo aro usually encouraged to leave their cars and walk in the woods council will look into tho mat ter and probably change the wording of the signs to restrict parking on the road only during tho racing season ur thlbodeau also suggested the large amount of lighting in front of mohawk would serve a good purpose if usod at some of the limited visibility intersec tions and railway crossings in ths township roeve coulter pointed out the illumination has successfully limited damage to tho track by vandals and is less expense to the township than similar pro tection in the form of police would bo the track is also patrolled by private security guards provision of courses in driv er oducatlon with lectures osts movies and discussion groups was suggostod by deputyroevo bill hooy pele who have boon driving for a considerable period of tlmo possibly del they drlvo well but changing conditions such as the new throughwis require refreshing of their skill he noted council may poll tho public to find how many residents of the area would ivt interested in at tending the course it it is set up in the township ur hoey suggested the course would be aimed mainly at older residents since hijh school stu dents have access to driver ed ucation programs at acton and ullton councillor urs anne uac- arthur presented a reojuest from halton region conservation authority for a chance d address various groups within the town ship the meetings will explain to the general public the authoritys alms and accomplishments council plans to assist hrc a in this project changes in the conservation authorities act have been dis cussed with the oxecutlve of the authority chairmen and the bill will be introduced in the legis lature this session chairman r k uculllanpre- slded at the election of officers for iocs and the following were elected flood control and pollution advisory board chairman r r parkor acton vice chair man e black caledon parks and recreation advis ory board chairman j w pawloy brampton vice chair man grant clarkson mlsslss- auga reforestation land use and wildlife advisory board chair man j ii bailey streetsvllle vice chairman charles bryan amaranth township historical records advisory board chairmanclareneeklng east garafraxa township vice chairman william weber erin information and education ad visory board chairman a u greenavay port credit vie chairman b c smith port credit the chairmen of the advisory boards along with the authority chairman r k mcmillan and authority vice chairman e it white of uono township make up the executive of the credit valley conservation authority new members welcomed by the chairman were jack kehoe and grant clarkson ulsalss- auga roy bauentlne george town frank lyons chingua- cousy and a w day oakvllle l parsons also a new member from ulssissauga was unable to attend the meeting questions esquesing about slaughter house john bird an rr 2 george town resident was at mondays meeting of esqueslng council to ask clarification of reports be had read in newspapers about conditional approval granted for a slaughter house on the seventh line ur blrdsaldseveralother neighbors who were unable to attend he meeting were also concerned are you registering an ob jection asked councillor pat terson no said ur bird he stated he only wlshad to gel more information on the proposal ive had several calls re cently said ur patterson i can give names they complain ed not bitterly but objectively of the drain system in the area he reminded ur bird there was no bylaw in the township to stop a slaughter house but there is one for objectionable industries which could include slaughter houses councillor bob lawson ex plained councils conditional ap proval of the slaughter house was based on the applicants ability to get approval from the health unit and other restricting bodies ur bird said be hadnt been approached yet for his approval but was told by the reeve be was not close enough lo be involved the other thing bothering mr bird was the tact be was in the same watershed i believe there are certain situations involved which might possibly stop adjoining neighbors from complaining sajd coun cillor patterson emphasising he hoped he had used enough hyper bole lo confuse the pre is there would be no runoff there councillor wilfred les lie assjred ur bird i wouldnt mind having one in my front yard commented the reeve ur blrdsaldhehadevery con fidence in the present operation but use business could change hands and volume could be diff erent he asked and was told council would still be able to control it since it would be under the jurisdiction of the health unit ur bird said some neighbors are very much opposed to the slaughter house and it was his object to get all the information he could hk porter co new president e l daltoo p eng has been appointed president of h k porter company canada limited a subsidiary of h k porter inc he is responsible for all porter canadian opera tions before joining porter ur dalton was general manager of bata engineering a subsidiary of the world wide bala sbo organisation ur dalton attended memorial university and was graduated from nova scotia technical col- leg with a bachelor of selene degree in electrical engineering principal products of porter canada include wire and cable saws trowels hacksaws steel tap rules for the hardware trad wood and metal cutting saws and knives for industry under floor and surface electri cal raceway systems electrical twitehgear current collector systems automotive friction products vinyl electrical tap and refractory products broken windshield a cracked windshield on a ear was reported to acton polio on march 1 at 5 pm the damaged ear was at the comer of bower ave and willow b believed bb gun pellets might have caused the dauag