q the cton free prees wednesday way 6 1968 reeve declares opposition to commercial building seynuck farm overlapping of ihannlrjf boards and councils roles in ptenalnf of new developments in town was stressed at the last meemnc of council in regard to the proposed development of the sevnuck property representatives of the randy construction co presented a re vised plan of suhllvteion for the stynick property at a recent committee meeting asuog- on- sloratlofl for resonlofbf area frosting on wallace a foy a mlltibortrtwd shoppxss centre- the construction oompanv elao suggested part of tne farm be designated rz or r3 so they conld cottslcw wmideucked homes tn the are mayor doby said plans were being made fo erect at least 100 homes on the seynock farm reeve btntba said he was very conedoos of the planning boards rale for tau development nts a planning board matter and theyll make recommeqdetloosto council he maintained some directions shonm come from council so the board doesnf do something detrimental to councils wishes snggesm councillor bob tktnkwalter coaacillor tywr agreed with mr drtskaraiters eutfeetjon rd uke to see council direct planning board retain the beenu- fal green belt up there be offered with no wood chopping going as w uke to see the green belt area retained either an the 5 percent er possibly by purcneatiej pm sore every- n would beset from it eiceniedabont the com mercial aspects said mr imnkwatter reeve biisca was more emphatic ld object moat stremodsly to any commercial interests in that area he staled specifying he had no personal axe to grind a commercial development asserted the reeve would only deteriorate into another little area and it wont do the down town merchants any good the reeve also said be was against changing the sonlnglnthe seynuck farm area presently aoned rl developers dont re quire 50 foot lots theres uuu enough space tn 60 foot lota any reduction in aire and the developer makes more dollars per foot mr hlnton declared himself against diversion of the creek running through the property and felt the plan of subdivision backed in too close to the green belt mayor duby reminded council the town may have the opportunity to have houses worth from 18000 to 20000 in the seynuck farm added costs he pre dicted could raise the prices to 25000 and 28000 pres sures make developers raise prices and this could have more far reaching effects appoint george kerr commission the hon charles mcnaugbton treasurer of ontario announced the appointment of two members to the pension commission of ontario this week one of whom la george a kerr qc member for helton west paul a kates an insurance underwriter from toronto was the second these members will fill vac- ancles created by the resign ations of alfred h cowling the former member of the legis lature for high park and pro fessor d c macgregor of the department of political economy university of toronto who has served as vicechairman of the commission since its inception george kerr a resident of burlington has served as chair man of various standing commit tees and member of at least two select committees this year he was elected chairman of the standing committee on municipal law and legal bills councillor drlnkwalier thought there should be s subdivision bylaw drawn up and passed by council one that would concern all subflvlders that makes sense agreed councillor mckensle later on in the meeting council passed a resolution to prepare a subdlvtders agreement bylaw wttlcb will oitllne all services which a property developejrwouks be responsible to supply councilor drtnkwelter dis agreed with the reeve about each developer having a new est of rules for guidelines we shouldnt have to deviate be said we should have ground rules but they shouldnl oe too rigid further discussion about the proposed bylaw was interrupted when clerk jf mooeachle said there wa s- document on flip now foriasubdlvidersagreement which the planner had been already paid for school libraries new called resource centres communications between acton council and the public school board never strong are agslushowing weak links no the school building program recent ly approved by the ontario mun icipal board deputy reeve f oakes and councillor drink alter quest ioned councils position on build ing of an addltloo to the mz bennett school and a library on the robert uttle education centre at the last meeting of council is the boardgolngahead with the library asked mr drlnk- walter school board said dr oakes is fully aware of the position council took before they proceed with bulkung the library at the robert uttle they must get firm approval or try to get it council previously gave arm approval for the mz bennett addltloo but yielded only tentative approval for the library at rob ert little mayor les duby recalled arg uments over building the towns centennial library when be made the statement if they didnt get the library then wed never get it well i feel the school board should be made aware they only got tentative approval for this one said the deputy reeve councillor mckensle enlarged on the role the library would play at the robert uttla school where he is principal no longer will they be called libraries the new name lshssource centre along with the new name goes a new concept and a new pro gram mr mckensle reported on a seminar at brookville which the entire staff ofhlsschoolattended theyre going to unlock the grade system and promote stu dents two and three tlmesayear a resource centre is necessary to carry this out mayor duby pointed out council was more concerned with the financial picture he had two allies in the reeve and the deputy who had some questions about financing before and after the county school boards take over upshot of the discussion was the clerkadministrators prom ise to send school board a letter clarifying where the two bodies sit with reference to the new resource centre nassaga weya council briefs during the meeting of nesst- gaweya council on monday m members agreed to write toe milton opp to inform them no parking signs at the five slderoadfuth line intersection are legal and should be enforced a resident at the corner reports problems with weekend hikers disobeying the signs and blocking his driveway reeve william coulter re ported the county roads depart ment will soon be planting over zoo six to eight foot trees along five slderoad in the area where a recent road widening program meant the loss of several old trees gus goutousld levelled a verbal blast at the reeve for falling to inform him as prom ised at a meeting earlier this year about councils progress in erecting stop signs at town- ship intersections he was in formed all the stop signs on in tersections within the township boundaries have been installed and signs for town line roads are under study clerk j c mclntyro said be had told mr goutouski this action had been taken mr goutouald also suggest ed council should erect white or amber lights over each inter section along the five slderoad ratepayer william a john son brought to councils atten tion the new legislation giving the minister of municipal affairs dictatorial rights over local toning bylaws he claimed the minister could put a glue factory next to a 15000 home now and there was no appeal reeve w for gas appliances kefacav richardsons tv ft appliances v ml main st t miiyon t744f veeaeeooeseseeaeeeeeseesee coulter said the matter would be discussed by the ontario mayors and reeves association next month and several councillors expressed alarm at the legisla tion it was pointed out one part of the legislation was welcomed in that all land separations must now come before the municipal ity for approval council agreed to study a draft bylaw suggested by milton fire chief a e clement which would govern the lighting of open fires in the township the campbellvtue police village trustees urged council to apply to the attorneygener als department for an estimate on the cost of a village survey it was reported a public meeting last week had approved the sur vey for the village but the trustees wanted to ascertain the costs first members gave the roads superintendent grant mcmillan permission to begin reconstruc tion work on the nassagaweya- esquesing town line near milton heights although the final ap proval has yet to be received from the department of high ways receipt of approval is expected any day now and tt would be wise to start the job while the good weather lasts councillors agreed two of the 20 applicants for a roads department employee opening were to be interviewed by the roads committee building inspector sw sav age informed council that 16 new homes upped the april permit issues to 298500 worth bring ing the total this year to 379 300 mrs peter patterson was named caretaker of the township hall at brookvlue a brief discussion was held on the location of the township dump when it was noted another are broke out there last week councillors noted there were a lot of new building lots in the vicinity and wondered if the new homeowners would be complain ing about the dump the dump was there before they built the houses said councillor roas gordon reeve against mall for offstreet parking a mall for the main business section in acton councillor ted tylers sug gestion never discussed fully at council level maybe microscop ically examined by committee with a recommendatlontocouncll for or against soon meanwhile reeve hlnton patting mr tyler on the back for his enterprise in presenting a brief regarding downtown pro blems catne out flatly against the idea of a mall i cant support it be said barbara minabbs dross making ability is admired by two vitltovtfrom ghana who visit ed the robert utile school tall wednesday af temoon at part ofthelr stud of the canadian educational system joseph kpatpoallotey and vigilance doodo were accompanied by area superintendent w l- mcneil principal 6 w mokeniie looks on they like canada very much end find their reception here cor dial they go to alberto next staff photo foreign students to spend weekend with acton hosts this weekend 25 foreign students and several wives and children will be guests in acton homes in a novel project spon sored by the united church wo men the students will be com ing from threeunlversitleg mc- master in hamilton university of guelph and the university of toronto under the auspices of two organisations the inter national students council and foreign relations for overseas students the assistant director of lsc and his wife will be among the mo cottages unsatisfactory more than 100 cottages at two lakes owned by the grand river conservation authority have been found in unsatisfactory condition the figure may be higher when cottage inspections have been completed at belwood and con- estogo lakes which betweenthem have about 675 cottages on land leased from the authority the inspections signalled a start to a new policy aimed at upgrading cottage areas improv ing existing facilities for use by the general public and formulat ing longrange plans to open up more shorellneforgeneralpubllc use owners of cottages classed as below acceptable standards will be asked to carry out repairs and renovations or remove the cot tage said g ilcoutts authority general manager the authority office has been deluged by telephone calls and letters since cottage ownerswere notified of the new policy a great deal of public money has been spent on the dams that create these two lakes and we feel we should gradually provide more public access to the facil ities said authority chairman james s bauer of waterloo we want to clean up some undesirable conditions that have grown up around the lakes but at the same time we want to be fair and equitable to all mr bauer said that in addition to cottages that are below stand ard there are several instances where flush toilet systems are emptying directly into the lake we cant allow things like this to go on he said a notice from halton region conservation authority announc ed the townships share of the 600000 scotch block dam and reservoir project in esqueslng would be 2581 payable over a 12 year period with an average annual payment of just over 200 the authority will meet with councillors to explain the pro ject also this years 145 per capita levy to all supporting municipalities members discussed the pos sibility of closing the fifth line road allowance north of five slderoad where anadjaeenl land owner has reported problems with hikers and construction crews neighboring owners are to be contacted to aee bow clos ing the road would affect them the clerk reported the floors in the township hall at brookvlue had been retlnlahed and plans were made to recover the stage area with plywood and tile council alsoauthorlxedlmprove- ments to a planter along the front of the administration building ii coming from toronto a couple and their child and three students are expected from the university of guelph and eight including one child from mc- msster they come from india pakistan malaysia and other countries they will experience home life in acton with the hope of learning more about canada while theyare here studying they will arrive saturday noon have lunch with host families and then tour micro plasties beard- more and co and the robert little school theyll have dinner and spend the evening with their hosts sunday morning they will go to the united church if not to euchre winners are announced winners at the last euchre at crewsons corners were ladles hlghjn ladles low augusta strickland mens high john dewar mens low v shaw lone hands mae fountain the door prize was won by bea anderson worship then just to observe coffee and a light lunch will be served after church and theyll be driven backtotbelr campuses this is the first time this type of project has been held in acton looking after various aspects of arrangements are mrs t shields mrs cl rognvaldson mrs hugh patterson and mrs a long there was short meeting after church sunday to brief the hosts on a few details they mightnt have considered from the names sent from the uni versities its impossible to tell the nationalities of the visitors some will be vegetarians some will likely eat chicken but not beef or pork they might or might not be christians the answers tothese questions will be part of the exchange of knowledge and understandingthat will result from the visit for both the foreign students and the acton families robert r hamilton opfomttrist 116 mountainview road s georgetown fete mother with the fragrant gift flowers bring beauty into her day and express your admiration to well order yours now e t marks grocery 113 mill st i hone mj0310 how much is missing from the profile of protection on your boat you dont have to go over board to get complete insurance protection for your boat at safeco with slco policy a qoots tkippf qehs vrv thing he need to keep thing thipthipe inturanca wm in one pjckaot insure you fo bot moloj equipment liebtlitv end medtcel enpeniet on lend el tee 12 moniki e veer you hive full protection renewed eutomjdcally too e long premtumi ere petd when due see ui today dennys insurance agency s i mill st w attofl aw residences al5ce milt 8532243 bill 8532645 harold 85325o5 whiki vouni tmayid iiki pusonnot humsi long an advocate of offstreet parking the reeve said he had done everything possible to get more such parking facilities and charged council has direct responsibility for providing tt mayor duby took issue with mr unions statement he was instrumental in cutting down the mill rate so much so hes pretty well hamstrung any regular pro gram the mayor charged heap big enjef speaks with forked tongue i thjnk the mayor concluded l halton cooperative medical care plan rays v an feunlcat operations doctors cell paid from first visit anaeethetlete services r ximym k aleo major medical individual or employee grovpe may enrol at any mete of he year feevised hates- monthly seal single monthly fta22 couple monthly iisjj family m day waiting reriod payable quarterly of yearly f haltori co of medical services 1 41 ml si mllt pleese seai ate infenaetlee he eulgerllee mee i aaevet out s7am need money for something big see hfc whether youre in the market for some new appli ances furniture color tv or a better family car a big purchase loan from household finance will provide the money you need when you borrow from household you know m advance how much your hfc big purchase loan will cost loisll spall it out in dollars and cents there are no extras no hidden charges no surprises see hfc now before you sign on the dotted line k what your lo w cost borrow up to boo0 tskct up to 60 months to repay atk mboul crtdtl lift insurance on lofnt at low group ratal household finan momcyowm 41 main strmt north telephone s775221 nam l silvers debartmaal store ask about our evirmiq hours a free serviee check for your volkswagen tues wed thurs may 141516 hours 630 pm to 9 pm whats free catch youdontknowwhat thorough meant until youve teen a vw mechanic tofety check a volkswagen and were giving you a chance to lee it for nothing on your car well check 47 different thing from fuel una la flashert then well give you a list and the coil of putting your car in perfect shape if there happens to be anything wrong also o vw factory service representative will b on hand to onswer any questions you may have all this ust lo keep you as a happy volkswagen customer and its absolutely free so are the coffee and donuts c v motors okhkutown and im oufttml stftttr t 1 phb