0j th aclon free press wednesday may 29 1968 ospringe popular thresher injured in accident at fergus ijsfii lffiswffil- 5c by mr d c hobertson mrs ida chrlstonsen from denmark la visiting with tur daughter and snnlnlsw mr pasture can be dangerous bloat grass tetany common toppled over and pinned htm ha waa aaalatlng hi a sonlnlew on the farm near fergua until a few yeara ago mrendmrsltut- ler were rerddents of thla com- and mrs pmilaun and family m when ihey farmed on the ir your cattle are oaf on pesi- un right now how often dojou cneojr them bloat and grass tetany at common arid-dangec- onstoyonr aidmal ufjanl trxot work often causes negleer of cattle esrjeoi tally in ihe ejfring when they are prt oa pasture the early- pest- urtl baiaida can be reduced if they are given attention accord ing to dr w j naely id the veterinary service hrancti cmtaro department of agrjoul- jura and food i j ah legume standstill ild- may and uarly juno are very succulent and low in flhor oon- tenl csltm waste no tllne ijnrir- iht rhuaiautvej and mnel troubles aooh start there ant ee vural preventative measures which can help the idt- utlki onu of the tieal istotrit cattle out ftopooerpaahmiflrat conditioning them alowty for tb change from hay to paaturv will eliminate- much of th haiurd of blost 1 you muat put rattle in a halton 4hconseitvation club by stuart nurse the hallon and peel 411 con- servallon club hutda joint maul ing on uay ik at the mountsborg wildlife preserve frank tlm- mermans iho manager outlined the program of tho 1200 aero area and said it will bu used as a conservation school ss well as a preserve pheasants wood ducks and taal are aomo of the species that populate tho area some grain is loft standing in ho fluids over the winter tor tho pheasants while ur timmermsns was speaking the members wore on- tertajned by the antics of a wan- daring hors president carol swsekhsmer presided and tho mooting was closed with a quia far thn club members halton 4h corn ciub by john nurse at tho second regular mooting of tha halton 4h corn club hold at the homo of david lswson father of club leader art lawson on uay 80 tho club display com mittee was chosen tho com mittee consists of murray brownridge david austin and john nurse who are responsible for the corn club display at mil ton fair with routine buatnoss over bill wilson led a discussion on soil composition three members gave talks on topics pertaining to corn konalderson poke on uaoof silos for corn elisabeth norrlngton on mini mum ullage and carl middle- brook talked about prosandcons of narrow row corn a question and discussion period was in turn followed by a quit the next item of tho mooting wsa the judging of a class of oats and a class of barley uurra brownridge advised first year members what to look for whon judging grain after fdging reasons were given by several senior clubmemborsand official reasons were given and discuss ed the clubs president elis abeth norrlngton then adjourned the meeting carl ulddlebrook thanked the hosts ur and mrs lawson for their hospitality halton 4h tractor club by john nurso ual phelps of milton implo- monts kindly allowod tho halton 4h tractor club to moot in his shop on may 23 club loaders bui alustsftdnr donbrandorand noil mclaughlin wore prosont tho topic of iho lughtsdlscusslon was oil for iho engine thu dif ferent grador ofollandtholrusos woro explained using a tractor in tho shop noll mclaughlin out lined tho path of oil circulations tho ongine halton 4h strawberry ouju by smart nurse with club loadors chuck war ner and pete mccarthy prosont tho may 22 mooting of iho halton 4h strawberry club was opened by president rosemary booth our hosts polor and john hughns of braeslde farms gavousatour of tholr farm inside iho several large greenhouses polar hughes grows roses and tomatoostho hosier rosy consumo 0000 gal lons of fuel in a eoldwlntorweuk outside tho farm is plantod in strawberry plants and chorry trees inside the barn momhors gave speeches on various aspects of strawberry growing bruce cor- man spoke on harvesting msry anderson on marketing and eliz abeth anderson onlrrlgatlon the mooting was closod with a quit boxed plants 4 1 ellesmere farm rr no 4 acton on no 25 hwy ivi mil south of traffic light in acton legume atnd immediately do bo in short inturvala gradually in- oressiug the period hwy are allowed 10 ual ft isweentulthat tattle bay abhw dry roughage hi the if atmanh supplementing pasi- itro with h4y tt a rrk lnhe barnyard or fieldwillhvlp mow ing a few strips nf thu pasture inside ttui gate will alao give hie rattle this dry feed prevention is still iho lust way to keep faille alive lilt- if ail animal has hlnalud farmers are ugd lo gel veterinary help i m mediatory drenching with mineral oil may provide tempor ary relief upline nlandh are lint hie only daiigernus pastures in the spring grass tetany is a cond ition which occurs ongrasspaat- ures usually when they have houn topdressed with fertiliser the symptoms are nnltnooasy to spot an siuinal suffering frnm grass tetany wlllnften stand alono and become extremely senslllve to noise muscle spasms and death may follow very quickly if the symptoms are nolleodavulorlnerlan should bo called tho condition could ho confus ed with rahlus magnesium can bo added fairly cheaply lo the grain ration in tho spring and during sudden weather changes consult your veterinarian l- foro the pasture sesson starts to gel specific advice on the problems of bloat and grsss tetany departure gift for ge6ff taylor by h j stanley on saturday owning following iho halton junior farmers mold day a dance was held in brook- vlllo hall to honor geoff taylor gooff was tho former exttuislon assistant with tho qutaricde- psrtmont of agriculture and food in halton he loft this spring to farm near gorrlo the junior farmorspresentiid geoff with a couple of lawn chairs and a couple of chalsottus a purse of money was also pre- senlud on behalf of tho 4h mem bers snd friends in sttendsnee gooff stated that it had boon a real pleasure to work with tho halton junior farmers and he had learned a great deal from them he aiggestod that his wife suo would have an opportunity to sit in tho lawn chairs but al present ho was too busy putting in the crops and getting the dairy farm into operation to relax townline mr and mra arnold walnnn and family cuelph visited with mra m jackson kron mrkliumii had as her guusts ou sunday mlaa llta and maitter regan co of ciinjlph mv cemewnv fraaer has the foundation nut- for a now honw on 28 highway twins the village from land purchased from david stewart sympathy is extended to the sujfly of tholai undsav gordon of oiiulph mr cordon operated he cultural store lliiho village from 1010 to 1023 friendil were shocked lo learn of the- serious accident to mr william llutleroiifiaturdsy after noon when the tractor lui wayop- aratlng in reiaovlug alarlsloiie fifth line arter selling their farm they rotlredlnforguamr illltler was the popular threaher for yiar mr duller waatakentofergua and later transferred lp tnronlo whore his cnuddion ja llatud aa pml mriind mrs rinhori jstrarvl- hull and family who recently wild their farm on the second line meved last week in cedar valley in the formef wnry wlieulerhouie mrs f ijisiio fdmontnn alberta mra f hllts toronto mrs n wirkaon detroit visited with their cnuiiln d 1 and mrs lhtrtsonotlir guests included mrs george young aclon ur and mra harold may mr and mra jack flick gualphi mra a dyer and mother mrs c smith nf fergus chokchill monday afternoon waa quite busy at tha local achool whan ireglatrauona were accepted for kindergarten olsaaanew feature for the fall term accidents visits meeting in news centennial anniversary dockwood united church la planning a centennial anniversary on sunday june s with services al 1 1 am and 1t0 pm thar will be a gueet epeakar and muaib by former members after the morning service lunch will be held in tha church hall a hletury of tha church with pliotna will lie available by mra f mcarthur mra isabel mrdonaldakerkled tho dinner meeting of iho train ed prat treat nurses held in st peters xngllcau chilrchttaros- to ojithuraday may z3 mr and mra unbkerr attend ed the ftdad united churciamil- v raary service jwld in stillna m ttinday may hc it being mrs kerrs home glvirrh ihey also visim her parents while there several inalltute members from this dlatrlcl attended the dtsfrlcl annual lield in st georges creirchceorgutownop wedneaday ma ill mr and mra glllandfamllyof uxbrldgit were cleats on ftunday wllhmra verna rupheh mr don mccnh and daughters liviha am susie of msple vlalted on mtmjav with mr and mrs archlu hrr sorry to rephrj thai mr hill butler now of fergua melwllh- an accident on saturday while iwlplng his soililsw on ihelr farm near ferguk he waarush- ud lo fergus hospital and later transferred lo toronto hospital mr and mya 1raukcoiuielyis victoria harbor vial led oil wed nesday nf last week with her sister and hrotherlulaw mr and mrs frank freeman wtvnff mswf hln ait weeks rliolos from the ieat picture there wasap- parenhy a tftlslske in idanllflra- lltsn koiieimw railed tosaviha man naniedaa h 0llhrwlfwa aclulllya plant lnaiiairgeorga kohl mr and mrs noroian turtkjr jullatui and david vlaltedtxi sun day with mr airt mra halptimcj keown fhui wllllains mr and mrs bd fruen toronto visited on sunday with her brother and alalerlnlaw mr and mrs fred mscarthur lush sming pasture can hold hazards for cattle lush legume stands in mid may and early june ore succulont and low in fibre con tent cattle qorqe themielves after tho long winter inside bloat trouble can soon start stall photo heres why its so good each pmco of pipmghol chickon is in- vitwoly crisp on tho outsido full ot luicy mouthwntoring flavor on tho in- sida thats why wo call it flavor- crisp its doopfttod under pressure so all ot tho natural goodnoss ot tho chicken is scaled in rather than cookod out flavorcrisp chickon is never dry always delicious navorcrrspsr i fihmh njf teal mcyl 79c chicken in a box 1 pi fifi f hitkrn trent h i rle cole slaw hutlervd bun lloruv lvt phone 8531201 2 plci irrmh pries special pak h pieces of plavor a crisp thllken 7 19 ready lo serve r family pak 14 pieces of efcea aaieh thllken rolls s399 llnnrv party pak 20 pieces of chicken 525 opin 7 da vi a whk b 6l m hood drivein ay cewter atian ilvd ane ouaen si in asian council wont hack down enforce twp building bylaw pass exams or off to jail hamilton cup theres one teenager in hamilton who is pro bably trying a bit harder than most to pass his final exams the grade eleven student was given the option of passing the grade or going to jail for stealing a motorcycle the student has a 486 per cunt average and magistrate wal ter tuchtie said he felt the tail threat might be an incentive to boost his efforts there was no mention of how long the jail term would be the boys mother was crit icised for working when there was no need to norval bull gold medallist tho jersey bull brsmpton crotlan rsdar very good s superior sire lias ust been designated a gold medal bull by the canadian jersey cattle club he now has 37 tested daughters that sversge 9918 lbs milk 50c lbs fst 510 por cent and 39 classified that average 8561 por cent this bull was bred by b h bull fi son norvsl and owned snd tested in the herd of stewart mellow fi sons bolton a mistake in builders plsnn which left a house being erected on lot 3 concession 0 over 100 squsre feet short of the minimum 1550 squsre feet required in es- quoglng township was eyed sym pathetically by council howovur they made no uxceptlon for ii and l de mann the owners when they appeared at the last meeting of council with builder e devogel the bylaw says a house must be 1500 square feet your house is short 7g feet on each floor the next guy may only be 50 feet but we must abide by the bylaw reeve george currle told the builder and owner where did the mlstske occur neither builder owner or council could traci fault the owner doesnt deny applying for a 150q square feet permit the house has the frame up roof on doors and windows in you could build a porch suggosted clerk kc lindsay to add the extra necessary feet it would spoil tho looks replied the owner council stood by the bylaw and advised both owner and build er lo work something out with hullding inspector tom mclean so the house would come up to standard i hop you dont think me too young for marriage wllh your daughter said the young man anxiously thats all right my boy was the cheerful reply youll age fast enough best values ever singer straight stitch sewing machines pfmmm ms- 11 72 360 kerr st oakvilu singer company of canada ltd 845112 if youre planning to modernize your home heres the place to begin modernizing your home can be a delightful experience home improvements can do a lot to help make your way of living better than ever but before you start to modernize you should take care of one thing first your household wiring if you begin your modernization programme by re wiring almost everything about your homo will suddenly seem better youll have all the electrical outlets you need your appliances will perform better and you can add all the new ones you re ever likely to need without the annoyance of overloaded circuits or blown fuses re- wiring will let you take advantage of the new ideas in household lighting with decorative exterior lighting you ii be able o enjoy patio living on pleasant summer evenings you will in fact be opening the doors to the oys of all electric living including the quiet comfort of electric hasting stan modernizing your home by rewiring the hvdro finance plan will let you re- wire your home right now call a quahfiod electrical contractor for details or ask your hydro uauriwur v v