Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 26, 1968, p. 10

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staked ft deeumet esqueslng councils recent amend ment to the land separation bylaw making it mandatory for owners to have legal title to land for five years before they can separate has a two pronged obective first of all it is an attempt to put the brakes on land speculation which has sparked unparalleled expansion in the township over the past few years second objective of the bylaw is to try and preserve tbe rural character of the township which has become wreak- ingly urban in areas where new hou- ing is being erected af an unprecedent ed rate council does not necessailty take the view that expansion is something to be avoided however the rapid rise of the public school mill rat this ynar made them realize that the assessment ratio could be belter the township could use more industrial assessment to balance the large residential and farm percentage of the tax roll there is some ustlf ication for the reeves and councillor pattersons gloo my prediction that any industrial as sessment the township does get will be speedily swallowed up by municipali ties in the township milton for in stance ust annexed two new industries located in esqueslng and it wasnt many years ago that acton look the assess ment from beardmoe and co which had been in the township industry of course is anxious to locate close to towns and village ser ine labdr pool will be handy even if they dont need the service perhaps the answer so the tawrj- jhlpt dllecflma would be the establish- ment of n industrial park in an area of esqueslng where industry would be well out of if services were supplied and uncluttered sites available it could be very attractive for industry to locate jn esqueslng prefer houjej to catiea statistics from the canadian builder indicate canada is rapidly becoming a society of cliff dwellers although it may not be as apparent in acton and district as it is in larger centres the percentage of single de tached dwellings in canada decreased from 65 to 62 per cent of all occupied dwellings in the five year period from 1961 to 1966 the same set of figures supplied by the dominion bureau of statistics showed apartments or flats increasing from 25 to 29 per cent cities of over 500000 population accounted for much of the change in montreal toronto winnipeg and van couver apartments or flats make up 48 per cent of occupied dwellings while single detached dwellings are 42 per cent probably many of the people who reside in the apartments would rather have their own house especially those with young families economic and geographical factors prohibit them from presently owning or renting homes often too a young family is forced to live in an apartment because of a short age of housing in the area where the bread winner is employed there are others of course who prefer living in apartments houses for the epartmentlovers are only a drag the upkeep of which empties their purses of money they would rather spend on something else but it seems to me the great major ity of canadians would prefer to own and live in a detached house with ample space for a lawn and small flow er garden perhaps it is an anachron ism for anyone to cherish this hope in an age whan everything points in the opposite direction as land is swallowed up the dream of owning a house in heavily develop ed areas recedes past the realm of pos sibility unless you are wellheeled it is almost like asking for the moon but this own little plot with your own little castle on it theory dies hard in acton we are afflicted both ways we have neither housing nor apart ments available for would be residents the situation is serious we personally know of families and individuals who have been searching for a place to live for several months without any success housing being built here is beyond the reach of the average wage earner apartments r are vsny rarely vacated when they are someone snaps them up quickly what this area could use right now is decent housing which the average person can afford apartments at reas onable cost for those who want them until they are available the town and district will not develop along lines designed to do the maximum good for the greatest number of people punch card generation among other things ours is the punchcard generation those admonitions about not fold ing mutilating or destroying really mean what they say as the holder of one gasoline credit card recently dis covered her damaged card was returned to head office by the local service station for replacement with the notation bad ly bent in due course the replace ment was duly received by the lady in the name of mrs badley bent it doesnt do to get on the wrong side of those computers cditcrial notes a veteran politician it one that can behind every successful man stands luggle a hot potato until it cools off a surprised motherin law jf photos from the pam theres nothing ii ke a cold shower after a hard day on the track peggy mcdonald right and kathy brown only wanted a drink but neither complained about the surprise bath in the high- powered drinking fountain at george town park the two limehouse girls competed in the esquoslng township field day last wednesday staff photo editorial page sugar and spice by bill smiley at thb m of on of torontos ear liest car js c k browne the picture was taken in 1698 sometimes the world seems a pretty rotten place to live and one of them was during the period of shock and horror fol lowing the assassination of senator robert kennedy but theres always something to redeem us from bitterness and hopelessness for mo it was the magnuicont display of cour age and dignity presented by the kennedy family tbe irish are often presented as over- dramatic and oversentimental in thopres- ence of death this family with its irish roots gave the ue to that picture no tears no hysteria but an almost classical acceptance of tragedy down to the littlest ones there seems uttle evidence that the appalling record of violence in the united states will be halted or even slowed down by the recent assassinations of kennedy and king the footawraw about tho sale of guns is merely locking the door after the beast is loose there are so many guns floating around in the states that it would take 10 years and the cooperation of the entire populace to round them up and get rid of them and youd still have an underground market for the nuts americans claim they are a peaceloving people and they mean it but the tradition of violence as a means of solving things is woven deeply into the fabric of their his tory and its going to be hard to pluck out they fought the british in 1776 and again in 1812 they fought each other in a civil war of unparalleled ferocity they fought the spanish and mexicans and took texas they attacked spain again on flimsy grounds and wound up with a number of colonies they killed passenger pigeons and buf falo and indians to the point of extinction pile on top of that two massive world wars the korean war and the present undeclared war in vietnam and its a pretty impres- site record for a peaceloving people im not being sardonic i believe the americans are a great people and basic ally a peaceloving people they dont want to rule tbe world as other great nations have done and still do but the evidence of violence as a means to an end is unavoid able politically there is a history of assassi nation and attempts at it that would make a balkan state green with envy american folkheroes were men of vio lence billy the kid jesse james murd- erera both gangsters have rultd cities like kings there was a deep fascination with the careers of murderers like pretty boy floyd and john dilunger and whats tbe latest craze in every thing from fashions to advertising a sick movie about a couplo of sick killers bon nie and clyde and whats ahead more of tbe same tbe american negro after a century of subservience has caught the sickness and hes going to get what he wants by violence if necessary vandalism hoodlumlsm beatings knif ings are part of dally life in big cities student power and black powor we for headlines and get them the vast body of americans tbe good people the decent people must be alck at heart and bewildered the american dream is turning into a nightmare but you cannot indict a nation on the performance of a lunatic fringe ameri cans are a peoplo of goodwill of boldness and of great ingenuity surely they will find a way to purge tho sickness we have nothing to be smug about there is a growing lawlessness and violence creeping into our canadian society the only reason its comparatively mild is that we have a small population in a big country we can only wish our good neighbors our sympathy and the fervent hope that solu tions will be found and soon to the prob lems that beset them the acton free press phone 853 2010 bui nesv and editor l office fou j- j ii ditj pub i ihij ttrry 4iwujy ji w u k luo ufl ii j lkn b id itu auj i buuu uj i uljluw iks cvk nj oua 4 i- nj lid un rrtjual aubkrip- iwn patjbl n jj jiu u00 n c4iutu v 00 n 4 t uun ifwr tij ciutli s fijl cutw 1 4 au fw j j aunj cuo ui i fiml oflw dpjiinhn oi juj adtfrt iwj it awtrpuj oa h unj i m ihji n she rnl ul ivpuff jpjut ill ihj puilkmi if tu tjtrtiiiaj 14ul us upj ti iiw iiiwwuui itn tuft- hit thtih jkuiub iiliutuf tw tijauiuv uill not bd uiu i bu lh tujjmtf til itw jlvhiurwttl utlj tk uij fu i ik amouabu u la ikr tvnl e j lipotiphual tinif dtmltulj ajtajl of tfttkfk i uiuaj gtrur fouje or uitkm mji nui lac tutd adiailiaum it- iiwivlk ujfr to wll j nut tv wilhtlftun at uv linw btiu histajgaj uj kambudt c uj dtul daju puuiajktr hiiwy ctklm ht4av ctafrfcfltfltl 1147 ut lauuttr sttt tt 20 years ago taken from the issue of tbe free press ot thursday jane 24 1mb the highway department sends out many safety bulletins for motorists and we get reams of material urging that mechanical defects be corrected we doot recall however seeing any items urdus a cor rection of defects in the human frailties and that drivers should not patronise gov ernment liquor outlets for amfaty sake it is almost remarkable bow the treasury and the highway departments stay clear of each other mrs c e davenport was hosteasforthe june meeting of the bday beeswx mrs mclean the president was ip charge messrs warren wood and fred hill who have spent the past ten months in australia returned home during the past week mr and mrs harry mainprise who have bean visiting the past six weeks in western canada and at vancouver bc returned home this week mr and mrs lochia mckersle motored- to detroit on saturday lo attend the wedding of mr ken mckersle misses eleanor cook limehouse jean lindsay and joyce smith of georgetown graduated from tbe guelph general hospit al school of nursing at the annual gradua tion exercises at memorial hall oac guelph on june 18 the new air conditioning system is being installed in the boxy theatre this week 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 27 1918 when king alfred tbe great was reigning over england a thousand years ago achool children pondered over problems in arith metic much as our boys and girls do bow here is a problem taken word for word from the lesson book of that day an old man met a child good day my son he said may you live as long as you have uved and as much more and twice as much as all this and if god give you one year in addition to tbe others you win be a century old what was the boys age monday will be dominion day canadas natal day a broken main shaft caused part of tbe works of the acton tanning co to be shut down for a couple of days last week our merchants and shopkeepers are un able to get out of their places of business before 12 oclock on saturday evenings so great is tbe throng of customers milton reformer busy milton what were these crowds of customers doing all evening mr readheads proposed wide tire by law was rejected at last weeks meeting of county council it appears that there was strong opposition from farmers and others on account of the expense of the substitu tion ot their old narrow tires with new broad ones mr readhead said he would not give up the wide tire idea and hoped to see halloa in line with other counties in the matter sooner or later 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 29 1893 after july 1st the new criminal code comes into force under it an accused person may be compelled to convict him self or commitperjury the experiment of making a defendant a compellable witness was tried under the scott act and in many instances proved pf thie in securing coot- victiotuv tbe british cobtmoos have sev eral times voted to make the change but tbe lords have always killed the bio a bui is now being put through the commons however which is likely to be accepted by the lords the experiment will he watched with interest id canada by the oar and bench mr john warren deputy reeve of esqu eslng ly moving into his new residence on mill st a couple of peripatetic foreigners with a arisxly bear did the town on tuesday their profits were meagre the new twofootfour sidewalk from young steasiward has already benchrla tened the lovers walk1 the new building at the tannery of the canada glove works is up and enclosed when completed- it will give nearly double the capacity of the present buildings moocton nb june z6 1893 there is an old gentleman living at amherst shore who has 25 children the eldest is ss years of age and the youngest three months mr and mrs john cameron returned from their bridal tour last wednesday evening too years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion june 25 1888 we understand that the government will organise a savings bank in milton oo the 1st of july next we trust that it will be extensively patronised let young men instead ot spending their quarters at the bar deposit them with mr loaue and they wlu be surprised how in a very short time they will have accumulated to a con siderable amount allow me through your column to ex pose the stupidity of our township council and also the contrariness of some of our neighbors you are doubtless aware of the parties that have set nassagaweya oo are about the lines between lots 10 and 11 in the first concession tbe only dif ficulty seems to be where tbe bearing una should be taken from and to satisfy some of the parties that council had the liberal ity to hand seven dollars from the public funds to get legal advice on tbe matter now the council must have known they were doing wrong when they handed public money to private parties and the road is in a worse state than ever as stump fences are being built close to tbe waggon track so that ladles cannot travel without tearing their dresses on the fence and the road instead of 66 feet is only 20 feet wide in some places the church of st a1ban the mahtyd anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev h j dawson ba bth acton auwist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday june 30th 1968 trinity iii 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 1030 a m church school 10 30 am mattins uthai christian reformio church minister rev p brouwer ba b d acton ontario sunday june 30lh 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 a m everyone welcome evanon pentkostal tarrnacu paoc 33 churchill read rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday june 30th 1968 9 45 a m church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 a m morning worship no evening service wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8pm choir practice he that hath the son hath life and hi that hath not the son of god hath nut lite i john 5 12 maple avenue raititt church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday june 30lh 1968 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8pm christ ambassadors john 3 3 jesus answered and said unto him verily verily 1 say unto thee lxcept a man be bom again he cannot see the kingdom of god trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bj director of music organist mr george elliott ua phd sunday june 30th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 a m sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday pray er meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8774665 this is an invitation to ermnd the church of you choice on sunday miuvtuian church in canada knox chuhch acton rev andrew h mckerude ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sixth season combined summer services in knox presbyterian church preacher rev andrew h mckenxie sunday june 30th 1968 1000 am divine worship sermon theme striving for tbe unahalnahfr

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