10 acton free press wednesday december 11 1968 no questions clskbcl ottawa branch ottawa ontario fckbrnk sbr guarantee card de cheques qarantis robert martin 3023 expires gchgance 0970 idbntiphoop no isnatunc u of curd govrnd by conditions on back hereof lmplol d cette carte doit e conformer ux conditions inscritos au verso the back of the card tells how the guarantee works the bank of nov a scotia introduces thechequeguaranteecard whats it good lor paying by cheque your own personal cheque even in places where youre a complete stranger cashing cheques with out question delay or embarrassment whats so different about this card i it carries your photograph in living colour this is prool positive that you are who you say you are 2 it is proof positive that the bank ol nova scotia guarantees payment ot your cheques anvtime anywhere its the photograph that does it your scotiabank cheque guarantee card introduces you with instant facetolace iden- titication so theres absolutely no risk to the person whos accepting your cheque another advantage 1 you should happen to u rile a cheque tor more than vou have in your account theres i uitomatic line ol credit built right in what does the card cost you tuo dollars and that s u there s no cost at all to the person who s accepting your cheque come into the bank ol nova scoiia well photograph youjxiih our special colour camera when you get vour c heque guarantee c ard carrv it at all times present it whenever ou write a cheque in a store in a restaurant anywhere no delay no embarrassment no questions asked chcquc guarantee conditions the bank of nova scotia guahan tets payment of cheques drawn on it ov its customer whose signature and photograph appear on the front of this capo on the following condi t ons 1 cheque doesnot exceed 100 cheque is printed with customer and branch names which appear hereon 3 cheque is signed in presence of pavee party to whom payable t by customer whose photograph and signature appear hereon 4 payee writes on back ctp cheque identlpftoof number which appears hereon 5 cheque is issued before the exptrv date shown hereon ano is de posited promptly by payee conditions visant les cheques car antis la banque de nouvclle ecosse garamit ie paiement des cheques hres sur cue par san client dont la signature et la photograph e pa- maissentau recto oe cet1e carte a4jx cofjhltions suivantcs 1 le chioue nexceoe pas si 00 3 les nous du client et dc la uc cubsaie paraisant au recto sont lupaluts sur le cheque j le cheque est siqne en presence du beneflclalfie la pf r sonne a qui le cheque 1st payable pan le client dont u photographic it la signature paftalssent au recto 4 le bcneficuurc inscblt a i enoos du cheque le nuui0 imnti- pnooz paka1s1ant au recto le cheque est cuis avant la oatc dechfancc ind4quee au recto et depose sans dclal par le benefi claire- scotiabank guarantees your cheques anywhere