Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1968, p. 13

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g2 the acton free press wednesday december 11 1968 sttt jurrss y editorial page wame ojf talent one of the unfortunate sideeffects of an election is the amount of experience lost when incumbent candidates for office are defeated in acton for instance council will lose the knowledge of reeve hinton and councillors drinkwalter and williams their combirjed municipal experience cannot be easily duplicated much of it would be invaluable to the new council all three of course recognized the hazards of running for office and chose to take the risk of defeat it will be the municipality which loses their wealth of experience however one of the wise practices in acton has been to sec that those who ran for office and lost got the first chances to serve on appointed boards when vacancies occur wc hope council will continue to exercise this prerogative which may not give full scope to their abilities but certainly will help keep interest in municipal work alive at this writing thpru arc vacancies on planning hoard and the parks and recreation committee which require able rricn or women meanwhile schoorboird tmstoes will act in an advisory capacity to the new county board of iducation at icastuntil the board decides they can dissolve this is another case of waste- of iidminutril ive talent we would hope that when regional government conies into effect some effort will he made to recognie these abilities lets certainly hope their duties do not pass into the hands ol prolessionals who do not have to answer to the electorate xajt ccuhcil electhn perhaps the most controversial and talkcdabout election in actons history is over the successful candidates are busking in popularity while the losers arc wondering where they went wrong congratulations to those who will again sit in office for the next two years the public has entrusted them with running a million dollar business and expects their best effort at representing them the losers do not need our condolences they will escape the headaches lute nights and decisions which will afflict those in power they can sit buck relatively immune to municipal politics until the next election rolls around if there is another municipal election that is regional government with all its implications seems destined to land on us sometime around the 70s at least thats the wuy municipal rjfficiiils around here see it these views termed radical not too long ago now seem prophetic in the light of what the lion darcy mckeough minister ol municipal affuirs hud to say last week he stated speed il proposals on regional government lor the llalton area are expected within the net lew months the minister suggested that at this stage it was not clear whether there would be one or two regional governments in the llaltonleel area although he believed that in the long run one would prove lo be the best solution jim snow m p p lor llalton last thought the ministers statement indicated legislation to implement the proposals would appear imminent in the current session ol the legislature however it also appeared to him as il the earliest possible implementation ol the program in llalton would be in january i 71 so it is quite likely last weeks election will be the last municipal election as we know them in acton and the surrounding townships there will still he elections but on a smaller scale with perhaps one representative in the place ol the present council he will sit on a larger body and represent the entire municipality regional government has gone irom a remote possibility to an imminent lact in the last live years criteria httej it all good people were clever and all clever people were good the world would be nicer than ever we thought that it possibly could hut somehow tis seldom or never the two hit it oil as tlics should i he good are so harsh to the clccr i he clever so rude to the good pkrtta tfrw tke jtajt yhbf gaftty acton mmrmhttas posed for the late jacob bauer at least 65 vr ago back row left w d williams red bill robert scott roy mcintosh tom hurd william anderson fourth row william mall william war den isaac coon po h r l i robert mccartney newton hurst third row jacob bauer edward gamble peter masalet george soper henry grindell james cooney howard mas- ales james hall second row donald macgregor nelson moore unknown fred masales norman mcleod thomas gibbons j b mackenzie fred gamble front row j l moore thomas gamble fred gnhim dinil grihm as far one still living the print was made from an old rjlass negative measuring it inches by 14 inches herb ritchie made the identifications v first ice of the seanon on fairy uke is covered by i llrjht mnntle of snow broken onlyby the tracks of animals dredging this summer has deepened the lake making it dangerous for youngsters to venture onto areas which once reached only a depth of a few inches but now reach down overal feet staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley 1 love lo sing jusl as sonic crows do have you ever slopped and iclt a pang ot pity tor that crow who was trying lo gel a little vibrattu into ins caw iwaw i h ive 1 know exactly how lie leels there arc sirong rugged men throughout llie british commonwealth today wiio turn pale and shudder every tunc they remember my trying lo gel through such intricate melodies as knees up mother brown or there was an old monk of treat renown there ire lenors and altos ind sopranos and contraltos and all sorts ol other singers i sing h iss s a lover of singing and the possessor ol a h iss voice 1 mi p irticularly obnoxious al pree liristm is parties where everyone attei a lew belts ot orange juice or something starts warbling beautiful dese mis lo the c irols i jusl caw awas at them and they all come out sounding much the same fiood king wciicesl ms comes roaring out on a silent nigln decks the herald angels with bows ol holly and goes back in tor another bash il tin u ianl howl a map last sunday was bible sunday so wh it i hi bibk makes sou til ink ol a large musts book written in archaic language truing ancient customs and oulilitid behcls it is an anachronism todav ii tl its tin was youre thinking you are nor with it man i lungs ban iliineid 1 r iiislatiirs ban takm tin sciipluiis ivui that word repels sou doesnt it and made them relevant to the modern age s a result the new list iinent in todays inglish irsion outsold all in iss distributed p iperbacks in l it topped the best seller lists with slles ol sis 04 n on d hi siirplisid al the siimlinti bitweeii tlultroubles those seiierahle prophets esvnenced and the pick we arc liaimg now when the words voiik out in modern idiom there s almost an uncanny resemblance nd whs shouldnt there he limes mas base changed but man hasnt i here were just as many hypocrites phansees violent and peacelul men around then as there are now the bible is a book which speaks about man and specifically the perlecl man it portrjys the infinite possibilities of lile for man if he lives in a night relationship with ins creator the bible is like a map to a rich and lull lite after a lot ol thought ive decided that its the words thai are wrong not my voice i know the lirst line of all the great carols and c hnstmas songs bill after thut i just sing ho ho ho and yah yah yah and something nice and something i ise new words thats what wc need we must remember that these lovely carols were written for the most part hy people who didnt reahe thai christmas was going lo turn into the higgesl casliregisterringing season of the year they were monks and priests and reverends and musicians who thought that christmas was a time ot joy they werent with it they didnt even know that the turkey was a sacred bird they didnt know that an atombomb toy was just the thing lo make sparkle the eyes of your little boy or that a necklace of real pearl was just the thing to make sparkle the eyes ol your big girl and thats why i decided our carols and christmas ditties have to be brought up lo date with words that relate to the ijdos thus well remember the words heller and wont have lo fill in with stulf like li do dee dili dee hum dum these songs are bulb sacred and siciiiar but enter inlu the spirit and youll see how important the updating is now i havent the linn mergy or talent lo write complete versions ill jusl give you the first verse then youre on your own and the wholi laniily ian join in the game all together now the first is lo the tune ot jingle bells i rum there on i wont give y ou a clue nd dont mind the odd spol where the stana iias a few extra words thats halt the fun jungle war jungle war jungle all the way oh what fun il is to shop on a mad december day god resi ye merry gentlemen 1 el nothing you dismay ou ii have your luisiinas bills all paid by tin 24tli ol may dood old stanislaus looked oul al the eelis all bielin lld the russ stood all aboill deep and c risp and even a little ashamed ot themselves hark the herald s jds all sing big lal gills are all the dung don i be scared to ask tor lois c lieapei junk will please ihe tots oil lome ail ye tailhless hopelevs and on acid oh come ye to yorkville and worship he grass id deck the dolls with poison ivy then you wont be tempted to gel all warm and sort of livey and end up in a cold domestic stew see what can be done we tluee kings of orient are what rhymes with are thats right scar not came co to it- back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the i rce press thursday december 16 lmh children have had their first skating on the ponds litis week it can be recorded that the first real winter snow storm came this fall on wednesday december i s a christmas gift we would appreciate is the levelling of sonic of those holes between milton and aclon we have had them all summer wllhoul any effort to improve them various merchants and ihe theatre nunager are planning a c llrlstmas paity for the children in the koxy theatre december 24 movies will start at 10 a m and santa clam is scheduled lo appear around 2 p mi t here is no charge the plan for the new wartuiie housing subdivision has been presented mo council for approval there will be a municipal hoard hearing in january for the annexation of three parcels of land to be used for the project warden george cleave was host in georgetown legion hall on tuesday evening for the annual wardens dinner guests came from all over the coiintv a new 2000 kva transformer station will he erected in the eastern section of town it is expected it will he in operation by july ll because of the hydro shortage christmas decorative lighting will he allowed only between december 24 and january 2 inclusive 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday december 14 1893 a big shooting match is announced to lake place in the park christmas day ranges for rifles shotguns and revolvers will be fixed and attractive prizes are offered mr jolii c nelson who has been ill ihe uortliwesl for some months has t disposed of his business here to his sisters who will continue it under the firm name of i i nelson and co mr nelson has purchased a boof and shoe business in woodstock william gurncy hunks he has the best cow in these parts she commenced giving milk may 14 arid last week madell pounds prime butter and the week previous i0w pounds this high standard is maintained every week a number opthe employees of acton tanning co werlald off this week till after new years wood cutters are in demand the large ujlilily of fallen timber is being cut into tircworid si i 00 was raised here for the salvation army last week capt m rees desires to thank everyone for their generosity the provincial fat slock show at guelph closed i riday with a sale of the animals on exhibition nearly all were sold at fair prices the dairy business is improving and butter is down to 20 cents 50 years ago 100 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday december i 1 9 ik among the workers who have done splendid service in the preparation of supplies for soldiers on the field and in the hospitals is mrs james henderson maria street mother of actingreeve henderson she has knitted ho pairs of socks 19 pairs ofunstlcts made 101 hospial suits and 17 pairs of bed socks t a king hornby breeder of siberian hares sold a doc to a cobalt man at the guelph winter i air for 100 and refused s500 for a buck it is announced that torontos new union station will he ready for occupation by may i 1919 miss jennie whitley is home from mcdonald hall guelph for the christmas holidays mrs w a stewart and her son pie robert w stewart who recently returned from trance spent saturday with georgetown friends canada may well be proud of her soldiers general curric says that the canadian army in the last two years of strenuous fighting has never lost a gun has never failed to take an objective and has never been driven from an inch of ground once consolidated taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton december 10 lhfih we would direct the attention of the authorities interested to the unsatisfactory manner in which juries are selected in our county a case is called and ballots are all taken oul of a tin cup and the juries selected from the names successively called out if the ballot is not intended to be a mere sham let a proper revolving ballot box he at once procured and the names drawn therefrom jurors names like medicine should be well shaken before taken 1riciids and neighbors i am informed that our present mayor mr smith has his card distributed among you asking to be a third time elected mayor of this town now i riends can you give your support to one for your chief magistrate who sells intoxicating drink who can sell a bottle or 3uart of grog tonight and sit as judge next ay on the poor creature who buys and drinks thai grog dealt out by his hands who can tell what crime can be committed under the influence of that grog go ask lie inmates at present in the jail especially that poor buy butler who sold him the drink that caused him to raise his hand against ins mother awake to a sense of your duty ratepayers of milton and free yourselves from this awful responsibility salt and pepper by harttoy colas when you gel on the long side of 40 the subject ot htir is taboo for many males too touchy when the subject is broached we reach autom i tic illy tor the scalp to reassure ourselves here s still something there mutlcrmt trite phrases such as crass never grows on i busy street lleh lleh il s not dilticiilt tor the delighted passers ot smart icmirks to see that where once thick luxuriant luir nestled defying the strongest ot combs there are now a few grinds artlully conceding the scalp despite use ol all the popul ir nostrums guaranteed to grow h nr and attr let women to boot he shiny pile peeks through these bald spots it which some triends point derisively as the lint in the sun seem to become larjjer as ihecirsgo by sometimes they cause ego shattering moments ol doubt that torment the oser10 male and make more hair tall out some ol them actually lose taith in heir hair tonic how ever most normal males bounce back trom minor setbacks with strongly worded rebukes lo enquiring iriends and relatives thin hair me who wauls tat hair anyway lleh lleh this kind ot answer is guaranteed lo shut the nosy tormenters up lor at least two shakes of a mongrels tail and give you time to think up something objectionable about them something like me bald uetl you are just plain tat that retort not only changes the subject but is guaranteed to lose you iriends galore your relations youre stuck with them anyway insufferable egotists though we males be the loss of hair precipitates a major crisis it is useless to argue that people completely devoid of hair live normal lives but it ts true some of them even look handsome theyve managed to preserve their sanity even if they couldnt save their hair most frequent complaint of the bald ones concerns their barber he still charges full price for a haircut when all he has to do is make one pass with the clippers click the scissors and rub your scalp treatment like that is enough to make a man switch to a hair dresser after all you dont see many bald women innumerable trips to the salon where hair is tombed set rolled pinned sinned dyed baked washed and curled dont seem to bother it a bit sometimes the unkindest cuts of all come from the women who feel secure about their own mops youll remember back in biblical days simple sampson was taken m by daring delilah she clipped his hair while be was sleeping one off this drained old sampson s strength and his enemies took over theres been a running feud between men and women ever since modern delilahs draining old sampsons strength by demanding frequent trips to the barber the men are liually starting lo wise up sometimes you can t tell the fellas from the gats the problem will iron itself out hut m the meantime barbers reacting to styles are starting to call themselves hair stylists me shows you a series of pictures and asks how you want to took depending on taste it will be cither like rock hudson or dregory peck lew choose yu brynner it is surprising what a hair trim and a bit of rearranging will do anxious to experiment i took a different lack in lieu of looking at someone elses picture i took one of my own and with an art pencil rearranged hair and added a beard complete with sideburns the effect pleased me so much i showed it to the other half of the marriige contract she uttered five words you look idee the devil bade to the hair tonic

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