the acton free press wednesday december 18 1968 caroline nurseries opened a new addition fo their flower shop on no 7 highway two mile west of acton which doubled the size of facilities the bright attractive addition is full of flbwors for christmas being admired m b jim snow by proprietors mr and mrs john rol and cleric mrs grace robertson the rols hav boon in business at their present location for nine years staff photo modular system urged for construction work llulton eas1 m p p jim snow introduced a resolution in the ontario legislature recently lhil would standardize and simphly the manufacture ol timldm equipment he asked the firovmce to adopt the modular llmenuonul system this system would simplify the manufacture ol liiiildnu equipment accessories materials and the assembly of these lor the construction of timldinc mr snow said the systimii along with a motion he made earlier in the year calling for the adoption of a standard lluilding code would provide an excellent base for improvements in construction efficiency and productivity accessories and materials among the advantages affilllted with the adoption ol the lystcm arc it would eliminate need tor stocking more than one standard range in sizes of components and reduce inventory costs time for architectural and engineering drawing is shortened and more readily understood resulting economics in time and cost can enable the design profession to deal with a greater volume ol work estimating and pricing ol work is easier and more accurate supervision ot construction is more efficient workmen undeisiaud their assignments belter and work is perlormed with greater ease waste ot materials is minimised atb and site cutting is wtfuced or eliminated during his speech in the legislature mr snow discussed the beam program which was inaugurated in l7 to assist in achieving greater productivity and efficiency in the manufacture and use ol building equipment accessories and materials mr snow said the objectives ol the plan were to establish a comprehensive construction information system to have the modular o i m e n s i o n a i coordination system adopted to industrialize the building process to adopt tie uniform building rcgtililions and standards and tit establish a design awards program to improve the design and development ol construction materials and processes 1 lie program was the result ol the eltorts ol three advisory committees and si conferences across the country in lo7 over 1 200 senior executives ol a nada s manufacturing contracting architecture and engineering firms were invited to the one day conferences it was the opinion ot the malum last m p p that if all work on buildings constructed by the various departments ol government as well as those subsidized by the province were ol modular design along with those firms already using it it would be sufficient to convert the whole industry to the system he said the remaining volume would not be enough to maintain the uncoordinatcd use of nonmodular components and in a short time the modular system would be adopted throughout the industry cars collide one minor accident was investigated this week by acton op p the cars involved were driven by jacob van der brink 277 main st acton and i nimerson anderson k r acton 1 he van der brink car travelling wesi on mill was struck by the anderson car making a turn onto mill irom wilbur the accident occurred saturday at 0 pm and cons mcarthur investigated damage amounted to about s acton citizens band present their annual christmas concert music for all tastes v v featuring also 5 the acton legion choraliers j and joe petric accordionist i s b band selections wilt include christmas round the world w o holy night carol of the drum fantasia on lady of v y spam czech suite love is blue dont sleep in the y y subway jj v v s dote sunday december 22 i e v s time 800 pm v w place acton high school auditorium w v admission free refreshments sfrved v y merry christmas and a happy new year to au bililiiniiiiiifcifcfci fcfcfcfcfcfcjs lllilihvwitlcvvlcicitvlttctcicvllcvwicicviictclclcicsxicvcviclcicicicvllcicicixictcictcicicicicicicvzicicicicitlcicicvicickvim merry christmas happy new year to all our friendly all customers for your patronage candy for the past year rosemarie coniguo of milady hairstyling 8530290 town hire fufffime engineer increasing cost of engaging engineers and the large works program anticipated in acton over the next few years prompted a resolution from councillors tyler and drinkwalter that no i committee consider engaging a fulltime prolessionil engineer councillor tyler said there was tidy sum going out oj acton tor engineers js much as 50 an hour and s0 an hour for draftsmen many o the projects could be handled by a town enginecr who could draw up plans and supervise projects and the town would still he ahead its i point in the right direction hut its going too lar observed reeve beit llmton mr minion said it wjs a good idea to lure in engineer as the head of the works department bul the town would still have to citgage consulting engineers on major projects a piolessional engineer could not do the work a lirm can do 1 he reeve thought the time was coming to take on un engineer al skooo to 10000 a year and he would earn his money other councillors argued that the price ol engineers came much h ighe r and they accumulated experience and wige hikes together however it was agreed the suggestion was annual christmas banquet enjoyed by golden age club on lues dec 3 the golden age club enjoyed their annual christmas banquet which was catered to by thj- anglican church women in 1 union hall 1 hey served a bountiful and delicious urkey dinner with lots ol trimmings mr davidson donated the ice cream lor desseft and the club provided wenetou imotmt t white und chocolate cakes mr davidson president called the executive and their belter halves to the bead fable at 6 jo p m all joined in singing the theme song and grace a toast was drunk to the queen almost every member had turned out except a very lew sick or ailing and were given a snoopy red baron winners in parade hearty welcome mrs irycr on bchall of the tlub thanked the hardworking caterers lor the wouderlyl dinner t i be head table was inlorduced by the president mrs ossar uave a reading appropiate to the christmas season an orchestra consisting of mr i idler violin mi win ton piano and mr davidson gave lively music throughout the evening and mrs milne gave several hunmuhu readings in her very talented and wonderful manner m r i icaley showed ionic beautiful pictures lie bad captured of various heauty spots seen in their travel- mrs hcaley gave a running commentary i hen the crowd limbered up for a few games waltcg dosidoes ind grand changes i he oldest member present was k browne but when up waltiug with im wife he looked one of the youngest all voted the evening an enoyable occasion another lughlighl in the clula history snoopy and the ked baron wont gunning for their thud lust prize saturday lkc m in the hramalea christinas parade the snoopy hjiit designed and built by commercial art students ol shcrukin college has already won two trophies and skw or its student creators it look lust pi ice honois in the oakvitle christmas parade and omed santas entourage in worth while depiityueeve i oakes said it was a matter lor no i committee to study and break costs down so council could make a decision based on knowledge the matter was let t with the committee ieorgetulwu ihe same day lo lakcrtesl float trophy lloth parades were held saturday dec 7 illteen enthusiasts siieni three we e k s building the float participating were dave cox and i rme i hoiuseu o dcorgelouu penny houston ol drariialea pal calvert and dave campbell o jjamplon hob new ol oakville hope osborne ol cooksville mary douglas ol malton dailene mc leary and hob ii opp i or on i o i y inla hraustou i ondon til oelho itielph peter hrunnuig niagara and john heny and hob wilson dunnvilte s i udeiill acuity coordiuatoi on the pioect was i arry weissmann e 7rfifty tfhitecf ckutch welcomes you and your family to participate in their christmas services sunday docsmlior 2 10 00 n rn christmas service oi praisf and thanksgiving tuosdny december 2t chntimnt cvo 0 00 p m christmas cve servicr of lessons and carols wild flic trimly cholrv 1 i 00 p m christmas evr watchnite service of holy communion tse motorola solid state tvis here m an electronic triumph in color tv engineers and servicemen from coast to coast acclaim it as a major breakthrough cool transistors now take the place of tubes if tubes burn out like light bulbs buy transistor color tv only your motorola dealer has them ryders tv s 49 main street north georgetown where quality counts 0779796 10 sftbd mato hutfln mini ortufe wmt 3 yaar raglilartti quaranta prntlm you a langar ufa of iroub fr anjoym s