Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1968, p. 16

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b8 the aclon froo press monday decombor 23 1968 prince albert of germany introduces evergreen custom quebec is the plantationgrown sculch ptne while and black spruce are valued for their folugc and density and shape but have poorer needleholding qual it ict other frequently lived christmas irecs jrc lodge pole pine norway spruce and red spruce the average canadian will have little trouble distinguishing scotch pine ffoni lite lirs and spruces in my case this plantation sprues is usually marketed separately ihc difference between spruce and fir can be more diliicnlt io detect here is i sure and simple way ucinove one or two needles and examine he twig closely spruce needles lejve raised bumps on ihc twig fir needles leave a smooth iwig willi small white scan 1 he practice of bringing an evergreen tree nilo ihc home as part of ihc christmas celebration originated in cnmany a early il is believed as ihc eighth century prince albert introduced ihc custom to t nglaud shortly after luw rnirnigc lo queen victoria and ticrnijn immigrants arc credited with bringing il lo north ameirca the christmus ircc i a firmly established canadian tradition tilt most popular evergreen used are hulsam fir douglas hr white and black spruce and scotch ptne with the order of popularity varyjng from region lo region douglas fir is the trej in western canada while balsam ir is preferred m the i ast i as i rising in popularity in ontario and a joyous christmas in ill our fru n i wo end in f n wi i for yulotj i mr and mrs c k browne aft the tcison of good will comes to us once again we take the opportunity to hid our friends a merry chrlstmesl frank toth motors 13 guelph st acton ont may 1 iii star thit nuultil thr isr mrn mi tluiruiv tn thi milliner liul us toward jrimtrr u r prn f and f ulfillmrnt earl van norman electrician us main slu acton ont v bring good ticing and glad greetings 10 vou and sour kin with wisbe for happv holidavs and a mcrrs i hristmas yuletide beauty reflects in legends of flowers greens christmas seals began in denmark slightly hewer lluti the christmas card i ihc chrulmk seal the christmas seal was originated by a postal clerk iiiur llolhoell who ordcicd he first christmas seals printed and sold at regular post olficcs in denmark while stamping letters and christmas caids in in copenhagen the idea occurred lo him why not have a special stamp printed lor the many tuberculosis sufteiers whit need hospital treatment i he hrsl year moie than lour million stamps were sold yielding some si ft 000 the movement lor adopting he stamp in he tlmlcd slates was greatly strengthened through the elloits ot miss bmily hisseh ot wilmington delaware she designed the lust christmas scil morsel t it hul 1 lull wreath ol holly and a uoss itli merry christmas in the centre md llippy new veir at the hollom emperors dema christmas gifts civing gifts during ihc christmas lea ton u a custom thai mot ol u enjoy some of us even become reckless and spend more than we should for u particular gill merely because it seems the perlecl item lor a special individual in ancient times and place gift giving was sometime compulsory roman emperors demanded yuletide gifts ol clothing gold and xllver from their subjects so tl is said did the kings and queens of medieval 1 nglind i ong hefote the twill ol christ romans ckchauged gills nded if laurel olive and myrtle branches in conjunction with the suturiulij a pagan festival which occurred about the ume lllild lift the preuiiit date of cliristmil i he druids of hngland and northern i mope tied gift on trees during the feitival ohuiviti the winter lolitice ill kivciik today does not lake the form of appeasement- il reflects the spirit of kindheartcd kcnerosity ukiiiwiiihim always clear away discarded holiday kill wrappings promptly f flowers burst into bloom and irees and shrubs were green with new leaves cm ihc night ot the saviours birth so legend says down through mintages certain flowers and greens have held an honored place in the lore of christmas the holly and he ivy m 1 st lei tie rosemary the christmas rose the thorn iree ancient peoples believed lhit mistletoe has powers lo ward oft evil or cure a variety ol illnesses druid priests ol britain long ago believed thai mistletoe should be cut with a golden kmle then hung ovei dooiways as a piotcction tiom the evil the greeks too used it lo ward oil evil saint nick pirates pal practically everyone knows thai jolly old si nick was a reallife bishop in ancient turkey the original santa claus who liked lo distribute anonymous gills yel it is not so well recorded thai he was also the patron saint ol pickpockets robbers and pirates the oddity came about when si nicholas intervened lo persuade a inhber band lo return stolen treasure pirates looked to st nick lor accurate tips on the weather even flew ins supposed likeness tm flags ot then ships in laler years swindlers in prance were popularly leterred lo as the knights ol st nicholas st nicholas was apparently very wealthy and exceedingly generous 1 he bestknown gillgiving tale concerning this tirst santa claus bags ol gold secretly thrown into a house lo provide three luckless daughters with do wr tes is todas symholied b the signs ol the pawnbroker three gold balls 1 he good bishop supposedh possessed tun acinous powers while on a vovage to the hols laud he calmed the walet ol the sea to save a drowning sailoi sailois and pirates adopted linn as hen patron saint pirates even stole some ot his relics i torn a iiukish church and took them lo han itals wheic a church was built tor linn in i os bom in southern lurkes ol wealths greek patents nicholas loined the church and became bishop ot ms ia ii is said ih tl lie w e n 1 011 a pilgumaec to j er 11 sale 111 and was then 1 111 pi iso ned b 1 mpet 01 diocletian loi his taith 1 atei 1 elcased b the l hi mian 1 mpei ot onsia n 1 tic lu returned to ms ia when he died on december oth 42 one ot many legends surrounding the pmnsetiia tells ot a poor meicii girl who having no gift ol value hurnbls placed some loidsitle weeds at the toot ol a slalue representing ihc virgin and hild instantly the weetls became starlet blossoms and thus so the legend says the poinscttia was cieaicd rosemary the symbol ol constancy was it one lime widely used in i njluul is a christmas decoiat ion during the viclon111 era it lost popularity and is now seldom it evei seen as p 11 1 ol the riletule gieeucis an old story vis s that tin fragrance ot losenurv was given to it when muv placid the bust childs gaiimnts on this shrub like m 1 s 1 e 1 01 1 he hrightlvbeiiied holly was earls credited with magical and medical powers it could even legend said tell guls the name ot heir itilure husbands midnight feast french tradition in preiichcan idian homes one ol the highlights ol christmas is the reveillon a uiiddleolthemght tamilv least toi adults the meal is served alter the icliirn tiom midnight mass hut he prepaiations stall many weeks ahead much of the lood loi the least nowadays centies aiound luikey and trimmings hut the t radit tonal dishes including goose w 1 1 ti mil smiling and such specialties as tourheres or spicy poik pies 11 e still prepaied tor the reveillon mi poinm rria iii auk leas traditional in 1st mas decoiat ion he pnutseltm is also popular 111 mad 1 llie sliiub which has il muiig ictl bracts is named lor loil r poinett an ameiican s 1 a 1 esni a n a nd i o r me 1 aruh issidoi lo mexico use of holly once verboten i ove the poets say is like the wild lose hilar and friendship like the hollv doc i he similar ilv ol love and wild iosi hriary mas need proving but history records the use ol holh as a symbol ot goodwill ah friendship even hefoie the 1 1 r isltiii eia llollv wreaths sprays and twigs weie used loo in various 1 ties t hiotigh ml much ot i mope in those earlv days and liree quanlities ol the slimy green foliage and red berries were brought indoors to htighien the scene during diab winter davs hut even before die romans set fool on i ughsh shores the druids were usang liollv 111 their own paan files due lo this pagan association eul hristian leaders opposed use of hollv during he litistinas season in fact the hristiaus were torhidden to deeoiate their homes with luisimas gteenery during the mid december sjturnalian revelries ol the roman i nipire i veriiually however holly decora lions became so well established and so popular they weie given hrislian acceptance merry sounds at christmas among the meiry sights and sounds ot christmas none is meiiier than the ringing of bells since the earliest limes he peahug ot bells has announced important events both happy and sad i he hist use of belts lo call hristiaus to worship look place its believed at christmas in italy about 100 a i i radihon once lietd thai tirisl was born exactly al midnight on christmas i ve on he stroke ol 1 a joyous pealing announced lie miracle ol christmas cmwf wf impr 1 1 ii i sinl 1- liimpnn piuil tiling- miii acton fabric centre owen and ruth fl owers to f o re buy within budget evergreen rope a ropo of evergreens is easy enough lo make say the experts and might go well over your dooi frame mantle 01 along a stair rail materials rope long enough for your needs short lengths ol wire is to ih inches short sprays ot evergreen cedar is especially good balls bows red berries or bells place a bunch of evergreen against ihc rope and fasten tn place with wire repeal length o rope drape as desired locale places where additional decoration berries balls bells would he elleclive and wire on i jsten decorated rope in place wilh lape tacks corsage puis or small nails wire lengths ol evergreen together as a spray and decorate with hells balls or ribbon remember to replenish your christmas tree water regularly throughout the hristmas season you may need lo add more than a pml a day to oininq santa and his reindeer in sonding warmost wishos for a joyous holiday rich in many blessings do have a wonderful christmas eileen beauty salon at christmastime iii 1st 111 is is tile time ol si 01 v book e iic h 1 11 1 nu 11 1 1 hohiliv liji 111 lahles uul i nicks toi llie voting- it he ut i lie i nniliil luistni 1- tiu gleamme with uslive tinsel mil hun is 1 centime old liolul is delight ctoidinn lo legend 1 kuulk uoiniu oiki decorated 1 ttee iu hi istni is lee 1 ml dm me the uililii pule is spun webs 011 ihc tin s btaiicl lie ton 1111m n in j in illeel ch incd the wch- to spnklin silui i veilicen tree pi mt 1 1 flowers lie 1 1 uhlide it idlll i 1 his e 11 trim 1 l il 1 tut u ii hiuht hnstmas otn mu is 1 win t ivorite flower k v i llotlst i pi k0 f ses ilm ill r p illp 1 i tl l e ite t i ull es p mk till c u 1 t i service station and acton automat car wash e sinti puu hold- a peciil menaie fioni u- to ou irood ishe- lor 1 uondeiful holidi meir chritma johns texaco service uul tu them with hows on die hi nuhe s it s out tree i he season s greeners a smiibol ol everlasting life and led blossoms loi ov and i induct make holidav bright h o u i u e 1 s lor n u i e tide dicoi tl me ir festive greetings toi i an lib and friends an uk lent tale sav s that the red luistnus rose sprang from the go und at an angels bidding and ecntuiics igo the flowers were placeel it the entrances ot homes i keep the occupants from 1 11 tn 1 d iv tloial experts suggest led 1 es in help set a cheers hd i i ink m ike 1 merry inxtuic ot ifses and dark green i v 1 1 str iw basket lot the 1 1 1 1 e nu r t ve ith immature t deil puic ernes and sprinkle will pnklin snow hie it the oldest n uletide 1 il s m n il it in the titst 1 h is mas the lowers and t lee s ir st nto 1 vim ml spite of win e i we- ithci i ins hristmas ties tit wets in test ve in hdjs ut o s w 11 nuke v out home hossom with the wartutti and imicu i tile se isoll ot iv ho ho says san tan in hong kong santa laus gives bv the name of san tan oti lin ftie hong kong department stores ernplov elderk men who are specially costumed tor the season just like santa laus san tan n oil lin is present for the purpose ot holding he youngsters on his knee and listening 10 their requests for gifts vitjitrr murr llir mrohugf of jtatt nub loy nraounbo ttrroufi llir lutib ijrralijtiiij tjjal first ifali ntgltt itiltrtt llfr brautiful xliriblmau ulory mas brgutt 0ur aturrrr nnbijru to all for a hrrry cciirtatmau jerry skirrow your imperial esso and home heat service dealer i 3s3340

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