back is sues 20 years ago 75 years ago yiaervxcjimji a whitt stillness broken only bv tjwtrtobll trtk erwlos fairy uk in this 6a telian from th toe ol smaltwvood aoh by jim jertniray ol eden milk on th iti than ater whit birch have msd partial ptak ntoverneflt rfst fw vw twice within a week acton firefighters have been summoned to combat fire in the rural areas in both cues they were able to do little or nothing to save a house and a urge barn in that order although they arrived promptly on the scene hindered by the jarge fall of mow which made fighting flames difficult at both blazes it was the uck of water which hampered them most once the supply from the rural fire pumper has been used firefighters must rely on finding toine other source of supply when a farm pond is available it nuke conditions more favorable for fighting fires the first call contained an unfortunate set of circumstances where the owner of the house had just returned from vacation the laneway was plugged with snow there was no time to clear it before fire struck the fire truck was unable to get to the house until smnowplow had cleared the laneway by that time it was too late to save anything last sundays blaze which destroyed 100000 in farm building foul and equipment could possibly have been contained if an adequate source of water supply had been nearby firefighters had to locate a source almost a halfmile away where they set up a portable pump and pumped water to a truck on the road which in turn relayed it to the other pumper at the scene this took up prime rime the fire was beyond control when hoses were able to direct quantities of water on the bam we sympathize with owners of the destroyed porperty loss of personal property and the time and effort which went into it can never be measured in dollars and cents fires in the rural districts have always had tragic overtones in pioneer days it usually meant complete disaster techniques for fighting rural fires have improved immensely in the last few years but distance time uck of water and the weather still conspire against effective control although they may seem like a huge expense when installed the farm pond can go a long way towards providing fire protection for rural houses and building one located close to them could very well be instrumental in saving the lives of stock and preventing severe financial losses editorial page iet it jhm let it jim these new fanglcd winters with accompanying tons upon tons of snow bear a decided resemblance to the old fashioned fellows which so many of us fondly recall the snows about as high as an elephants eye and has created a state of perpetual digging out for people in the town and district many of them resent having to spend so much time disposing of the white stuff in spite of modern gadgets like snow blowers weve got these days town and township employees fighting the avalanche which has created near chaotic conditions for vehicles and pedestrians alike have frazzled nerves first of all they are logging long hours at all hours of the day trying to keep roads and thoroughfares open they just about succeed in achieving routine conditions when down comes another fall of snow accompanying winds blow it into all the wrong places if that isnt enough to shove into a craw theres always the witticisms of employers to grate the side of nerves not already raw employers in this case refers to everyone who has ever thrown a nickel into the tax pot scathing criticisms and sarcastic comments can often bite more than the weather cheer up fellas the almanac says theres only about another six weeks of winter springs just around the corner rumors spread by a friend that his next door neighbor has a giant snowmobile in his back yard and is accepting animals in pairs are merely meant to scare you its surely just a coincidence hit- neighbors name is noah jf pfotcj from ike pam taken from the bsue of th flee vita thunday january 20 1949 on tuetday hilton counly council unanlntoudy chow mil mary s pcllil it warden tor 194 jtn ptllrl was be fin woman 1n hjllonlo be elected to county council and ao hat the now added diitincllon of being the tint woman to occupy tle pott of warden of hilton one of the bl pines at ihe school pburtdi wj blown over in wednetdayt gale and fell onth building hum on smuiday january i at guelpli general hospital to kalph and fkunor mckcown a ton william kenneth taken from the bale of the free press thursday january is 1894 court star aof patted ill fin mile pott and celebrated ill anniversary with tilting ceremonies newlyelectedoltlcert t cs lawion it crlndell w stark 4 e nkkliflra e wright john clark i lt h v worden dr j urea chai jennerw maton at lb bl bridge silt stands leksvltw subdlvtalbci white forth back th outlines ot micro plastics twin toners can b dlttlnouhhad th promontory on th horiion u churchill what tall steal towers tree eoalnti winter tliy sugar and spice by bill tmiley m bridgeport velt weie defeated by the tjuinert k3 here thursday to win their flit fame in two starlt but it wet the wont hockey brawl in yean 3b penitenti trooped to the tinbin in whit admittedly wit one of the cruder affair ever teen in acton thiee of the penalties were majors as the retult of flghti council at their meeting thlt week informally ditcutted the sewerage dupoul tyttem and when work thould be halted alto ditcutted wat the adviubilily of incorporating acton at a town the presbyterian minitter from bracebridge rev r ii armttrong mrt armstrong and family will be moving to knox church here in the near future a fire it the tesldertee of mrs c8 smith causid considerable damage this it now the tloee school it was oily by energetic and coutageout efforts the frames were tubdtied mrt clililet faulkner had a tevere cold which settled la her lungt from which geneumonli developed and the died on utday morning leaving her hutband and three tmill children all the guelph tchool children have been vaccinated the skating rink on hendersons pond will be open monday wednesday friday and saturday night of each week the concert of the priceraymond operatic co in the town hall monday had a tllm audience rockwood had the tint carnival of the season fred jago won the egg and barrel race and tom canting captured the one mile race the majority of thote on the tick hit aie recovering 50 years ago 100 years ago j snowy roadway pictured yean ago may be the tint line near town this is a postcard now owned by herb ritchie hope you gor through 1he trying holiday season at well at we did all you flu vlctimt have my sympathy i tottered about for ten dayt a tot here and a tot theie not quite detperately ill enough to tlay in bed and theiefoie getting little tympalhy kim tpenl the fettlve teaton going to bed at 2 am and getting up at 2 pm mottly becaute of a new boy friend who it out on bait thats right hei out on bail my wife did her belt to let fire to the house one sunday night when i wat at chuich for yean ive been telling her to bum junk in the fireplace paper and wrappings and boxes and tuch she finally caught on so did the evergreens with which the annually decks the mantel when the thiew into the fire a cardboard box about 2 feet by four she ttood there paralyzed watching the joint go up in flames the only muscle working wat her tongue when that ttopt working tliell be ready for the cold cold ground she tcrcamed kim kim and kim responded nobly to the emit upttain the came down like a bomb wired a batin of water from the kitchen tink and hulled it with unerring aim all over the fire her mother the rug and the hifi did the trick though speaking of kim and fires the had a new yeart eve party which cauted more turmoil than the battle of the boyne did in ireland it wasnt that the demanded a big spiead or a hired orchettra or anything like that she had only one requett that we get out before the guests arrived and ttay out until they weie gone the normal response of a father to such a stipulation is to tmack hit hand on the table and roar ok no parents no party which he did about eight timet 4itmal nctea a coasttocoast survey made by the assistant managing editor of the montreal gazette shows that 63 per cent of those interviewed say their newspapers would be less satisfying without advertising only 20 per cent make the same statement about television and so per cent say they would prefer their tv without any commercial advertising at all snyders survey shows that ncvspaper circulation has been booming in north america all during the postwar period- fewer than so million copies daily in 1945 up 30 per cent to 65 to 70 million at present well done is better than well said every woman needs a strong man who will steady the step ladder while she paints the kitchen ceiling son did edison make the first talking machine dad no son he made the first one you could turn off you cannot put the same shoe on every foot finally by tome ciicuilout loute kmwn only t famlllet we anlved at a- compiomiie of toils theie would be no diluting undetliables would be teveiely policed by kim and two of her largest girl friendi and two boyt who would be penonally ictponuble to me by george or cite there would be no galecradiert see policing above gatecnihing it a norm at a party in a una 1 1 town wheie everybody in ihe teen world knows everybody elte and after all what do you tay dad when tomebody arrives at the door with a big silly grin on hit big silly face and atks can i come lo your party kim it wat resolved that ihe food would consul of potato chips and pop how can you be to tquaie mom kidt dont eat at paitiet later kim graciously allowed her mother to make about 480 sandwiches it was agreed afler a motion by me that went something like if yuu hunk im going lo walk ihe stieels in a blizzard on new yeart eve just becaute tlubbom brrt like you doesnt want hei paients around just because shes having a paily for a gang of degenerate teenagen then youve got another think coming young lady that the party would end at 1 30 its a long story but die finally kicked us into ihe snowdrifts at 9 pm il wat too eaily lo go anywheie we drove around the block a few times my wife peering desperately towatd the house on each circuit we dropped in on sick friends lo gel warm or sick and guess who ran straight to the phone and called home the response was chilly yes mother no nobodys drunk wdl you please stop bugging me theres somebody at the door the old lady called four mare timet from as many different places responses grew even chillier we arrived home ot 3 am ready to face the debacle a wasteland of broken dishes and tiompled grapes and silling theie wuh her oulonbail friend listening lo iccords was the chcshltc cat hciself the house was clean as a funcial parlor theyd been working like dog- for an hour no burns no broken dishes no scutches un the gland piano nothing including ihe 1h0 sandwiches about 12 pounds of fruit and all the bicad and nuts in the house the acton free press phone 8533010 bunnell and editorial orfic rauaeu la ll u piisihsu aaaty wiaiiilar 41 m wulm st acuu cmum aili i ol cikalaiaai n owns adtahuma raua a h lis atu uiaetaaar last la caaee ve la all coualiu msh le imf kfaieti aaatja iac aullautma a sinii cleu alau 9mi on twauiauai tm llniililaa to irruli ea ikr cuadiilm llul 4a ifea aml at haeartaekaj anar llul puhlaa al s liiirthamj leeai ae cualid a itw iwaiiim lata ahaaaw aaak m allrtaaa iw itjillnie mm ha ihiiml lar sal iw talaabt af uhl eesmrtliaam ulu w aaii lar al a iiifirr taej la tiaal ol a haiajaafclfil ana linililea aeaaa or tanlw al a iiiaj attm ae a iiiihw aut aoi a lale iriliaaj la a aa attar m wll aad laav aa ullifcli a al ear- dato natal ll dim raulaw hlhuv caka dal uw taken from ihe issue of the fim preu thursday january 23 1919 januarys mild weather hit been a rest coal saver the prospect of a bumper ice crop li not encouraging however the weather it in direct contrail to ihf 20 below zero temperatures of a year ago reeve baiber received a painful injury to hit right eye last thursday whet- cutting wood a sliver flew into his face and struck the eye it is nearly well again farmers who contemplate towing clover tills year will have heavy expenditure for teed it it now quoted at j 28 to j30 per bushel r m macdonald was engaged as secretarytreasurer of the baud of school trutteet at their meeting wednesday evening at a salary of s75 per year d c russell was elected chairman for 1919 j new wateileu closets sre to be placed j in the tchool and every method it to be investigated immediately basement excavations will have to be made or a new lavatory building erected rev r e jones hat retkned as pastor of the local baptist church lie and his wife will be sorely missed at they were both indefatiglble woiken the fine new cement bridge on the highway at bionle hat been completed salt and pepper the flu bug invaded your family journal over the past week cutting a twath through the composing room and advertising offices large enough to leave the news staff quivering with fright fortunately by the time it penetrated our thick hides tome of the eatly afflicted had tumbled out of bed wended their way through ihe driftt back to the drawing boards asked how they had beaten the virus which is variously described as the hong kong flu intestinal complaint and a variety of unprintable adjectives most of them recited the litsny which came out of the big eye in the parlor 1 rett in bed 2 drink plenty of fluids 3 take aspirin although number one was populsr with most of those taken ill number two found the greatest following one sufferer said his only complaint was the lack of concern by fellow members of his family over the lack of fluids in the house several trips to use jolly box were necessary to remedy the deficiency another complained about his inability to swallow the aspirins lie merely took another pull of the fluid in lieu of a tablet this created a scene when the doctor came to diagnose the case the sufferer kept tniutlng ha never felt better in his life this information led to an intellectual discussion in the back shop one day last week over the efficacy of the old fashioned cures which medical science says ate about u useless u a cake of soap in the slnae desert a few poohpoohed the antibiotics and miracle drugs available at the drug store they plumped for a large order of goose grease over wheezy chests and a good dose of cod liver oil to cute anything short of tb the latter would require two applications of goose then there is the mustard platter applied at the right moment it on draw everything out oil your system including skin which eomes olt in large patches when you ire overdone tcken from ihe issue of the canadian champion milton january 14 irc9 a man named james buzzard died suddenly in stieettvllle on ihe hih intl at the investigation conducted by dr wood coroner tor the counly of peel it transpired that the deceased wat of intemperate habitt and that hit death had been caused by delirium tremens we aie happy to learn that notwithstanding ihe lull in ihe volunteer movement ihe oakville rifle company are resolved to maintain their efficiency unimpaired on ihe 29th ull a general muster wat convened and of 47 men ihe number present all without exception cheeifully leenluted for ihe three years term four new recruits were added and 1 1 more of ihe old members hsve since signified their willingness to follow suit captain chisholm it deservedly popular with hit men which accounts for their enthusiasm in reenlisling on chrlilmas eve last the pupils of the senior depanment of the milton common school pietenled their teacher mr campbell with two beautifully bound volumes of poetry we aie always plessed to chronicle tuch affain at they show that a proper feeling of affection and retpecl existi in the hearts of the pupils by hertiay colas if it werent for ihe fact most of ut survived the cures and lived on into this enlightened age youd almost be tempted toquettlon their merits but who can argue with success mothers at the first tign of a sniffle bundled their progeny into bed after soaking feet in a tub containing hot steaming water and epsom sails that look the badness out of the lower extremities camphorated oil goose grease and mustard plasters looks after the other end it wat when the cod liver oil wat administered in large tabletpoonfuls that you knew you were in for a marathon run which could nuke the olympics look like five yearolds doing the 100 yard dash in those dayt unlets your father owned the neighborhood plumbing shop there wst only one relief station ii was located in the back yard sometimes only a few feet from the door othen depending on the familys lutes were stationed in the farthest reaches of the property when the cod liver oil started to release its stored up energy few bothered to stand on ceremony you simply applied a geometry theorem the shortest distance to the nearest point needless to tay some lost the race but mothers were understanding in those days they wouldnt hold it against you they believed there wu nothing like another dose of cod liver oil to clear up any malfunctions since the sufferer soon became aware especially in the tubzero winter weather 6 that the cure was worse than the disease it didnt take long for him to regain his feet and trudge back to his books nowadays with all our creature comforts it a difficult to reconstruct the days of outside plumbing without a treat deal of snickering we would gather from this that inside plumbing has made a hit and will likely be around until they can and something more advanced