Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1969, p. 10

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12 thr acton fn ivws wednesday february 19 969 debate regional government at urban board gathering osprinoe district pag ed stewart takes first in snowmobile races ragioaa government figured heavily in discussions at the north halloo urban board hut eek but members found it a difficult subject to ungle with the trltown board members from acton milton and ceorgerwoo all indicated they had not yet had detailed council drirtttfcios on the subject board chairman sandy mackenzie of georgetown suggested conmentj on wndajwt propcted in the minister of municipal affairs plans might be a luting point mayor brian best of milton treated the bnoortance of keeping burlington jn thejuiton naaoawiva mbnrs during the february meeting of niuafiweya council monday evening the council referred to planning board number of applications for rezoning including one from george goldstraw on behalf of ok van sickle in the wen half or lot 6 conceuion 4 and one from j c contractor on behalf of ontario pintles in the wen half of lot 32 concession fv received notification from james robertson of r r 6 miyon that he didnt with to continue duties as a fence inspector heard from councillor james wationabout the obstruction of vision caused by town of buillngton signs at the base llneguelph line intersection requested a grant under the highway improvements act from the minister of highways for niiugaweyas expenditures hut year of si0406s62 on roads received an invitation for tuevow a hooy to participate in a snowmobile race from the mayor of north bay the reeve declined lawson heads region study trustee william lawson was named by the county board of education to chair a committee studying the implications of regional government on the newlyformed county board of education during thursdays meeting mr lawson noted recent propoiala for regional government made no reference to education he expressed concern that there seemed no relationship between llallon education and the regional development of the county the possibility of hie million board having to deal with three regional governments if current plans are flnaliied was raised by the etqueslng trustee ares and urged other councils to appeal to the steele commission reviewing local government in the hamilton area to leave burlington with halton he noted milton is currently serving a major portion of the north burlington area with fire protection hull service fend telephone service two milton municipal wells are kltolocated in north burlington deputy reeve t- tyler of acton noted his towns preference for a hjlton regional unit rather thin hartoh andpecl a gradual transition and change in boundaries was proposed rather than a sudden upheaval deputy reeve a speight georgetown said his council wet awaiting discussions at a joint meeting with etqueslng and acton but would prefer ylalton to remain as a separate unit councillor mackenzie suggested georgetown- liked highway 401 as its south boundary rather than the aiherove slderoad ai proposed by live minuter mayor best criticized county council for not having shown more leadership in adoption of county welfare and county assessment which would have indicated county willingness to enter into more regionaltype prpjects which might have made ihe move jo regional government unnecessary turning to subdivision agreements councillor mackenzie sought dlscuulonon the topic he noted georgetown had grown about 1 5 per cent in the liit year and its percentage of induitrial auesimeni to residential wsidropping dally members tackled the tuhjecl of capital leviei or lot levies and learned georgetown did not have one actons was discussed at 500 and miltons at s6s0 consultants are currently adviilng georgetown on the content of subdivision agreements il was repotted because a further major residential development has been proposed which would accommodate 1 1000 people ballinafad scouts camp out in snow trace eaiiy history roszels hymis bkhoilill tye are sorry lo hear mr liar j tick von mr marlene dfysuulet mother fell and aujiftfred a wiy had wrlil fracture the cub mid stouts with lurir fedm iutd uwite of their parents had a trip to toronto to tie i he ttvapade our stout group under llie laadersliip ufvrmt mi kim is having un interetlirit lime hit winter last weekend they enjoyed u winter emmout they went on saturday and with tend deeping hags lent healer and tlept out saturday night returning sunday- the wene recommend expanding von service to five north haiton municipalities members of live north halton urban board will urge their municipal councils of north llallon to give serloua consideration to the establishment of victorian order of nursing service in the area the resolution of recommendation came after representatives of the von outlined the service an estimate of the costs and the pouiblity of the present oakville branch extending to cover additional areas in the county l l skuce a director of the oakville branch explained to the representatives of georgetown acton and milton councils that the oakville branch was not pressing to extend the service but was willing to cooperate in meeting the needs of the area miu lean cllne representing the von outlined that the order carries on skilled nursing care in the home on a visit hosts the availability of the service frequently permitted patients to be discharged from hospital sooner for home convalescence periods the service it available regardless of ability to pay on a 24 hour seven days a week basis von is not in conflict with rirograms carried on through lealth units where the emphasis is on preventative work the work of the von is carried on under local boards who are responsible for obtaining the h s holden otvoumm m cert sl baal ciklm ya 1tim it- it- is is- and thriving plants open 7 days a wee- am tlu 7 pw msorw u32m ay a two jtillk wist n acton south mm of hwv i awyjsvir j for the finest in fresh fiowers av a icaroboe flower garden shop operating fundi the cott per visit li calculated each year and it waived or reduced where patients cannot meet it projecting the coitt of extending von service to north halton municipalities miwclirve fuggetted a budget or 5000 would cover operation from april to december if the plan wai inaugurated she suggested thi might be broken down at 10 cent i per capita for participating municipal il lei a car ii often provided by a local service club the noted a tuboffice would posubly be required in milton or georgetown with a main office in oakville miuciine tuggettcd tiillmated coitt to municipalities would be acton 460 uiquesing j km georgetown 1 4 5 1 natugaweya 304 and milton 672 it would he possible lo offer the service in the injun nunicipa1itte only if the townships did not care to participate mm line viiil in reply lo a question asked to define the diffeicucc hjtween von and moiuemakei service miss line noted von members- arc qualified registered nurses many with public health qualifications a llomemaker is one who comes into he home often while lie father works and caics for ihc home until ihe father returns hoard members later agreed lo have a representative of the department of welfare speak lo the board on establishment of llomemaker services but in the meantime lo recommend to each council serious consideration to the adoption of the von service look place in minis vellis hush a winter camp out earns ihe hoyt it badge the five scouts who took part weie gordon mihh john snow gregory snow randy wilson and donnie matthews fhey enjoyed every minule of this winter camp with leader mckun mrs alharme matthews is now assmiafcd with don hold i re j i i si j it- td hanover we wish her every success mr and mrs jensen i or ue and david moved to aclon on saluidjy i hey have wren living in llie snider aparimenl new tenants are coming litis week it u difficult lo keep up with names ol people living here ilu week we were lejtjmg aclon news ard saw the names of jveople in lljlhnalad we were unawaic dwell here i he delayed meeting of the wi was held on tuesday feb ii at lie home of mis william mel can there were ik piesent lt members and s visitors mrs smith ihc president conducted he meeting roll call was answered by naming something new on the market alter hearing the minutes read by secrelarylreasuret mrs mclean several items of business were discussed a euchre and penny sale lo lie held in march mrs jesse mcfncry was appointed to go to the officers conference at guelph university in the spring mis mclean spoke for he cemetery committee and read a teller sent out regarding more infoimation on cemetery plaques a letter was read from hon kud whiting mp regarding estate tax in which he lhanked wi for the letter sent him and invited future comments on current issues the fanadlun industry ciuiviifr wiumfred siiiilh imilc over thr ijieellntf tailing on mrs adj k irk wi kd loi curreiil events and mrs jaimeum for ihc topic mrs jess mcfnery gave a liquid emluoidery deuiontrattou giving each one s quill block tolry iter skill a valentine conies closed the program duong lunch hour which was in charge of mrs ajtgw mcfnery and mrs i- smith und exchangjr of home- made vuleutluet conirihuled u meny note on lliursday night the scout mothers held a euchre in the community centre thirteen ladles weie played ladies first and second prizes went lo mrs teneychi anu mrs freeman mans lirsl and second j i ainell and i i wood snow travelling pries wenl to mis swilci and mrs win mcdonald the door prize was won by mrs russ snider il was interesting to hejr that the wee hockey players who wenl lo ihornbiiry won their game but tost at llillshiirg to ihomhury on friday night playing the third game at llillshiirg saturday night the llrowriic fack met in he church basement wednesday nigjit with mrs hihhcrl in charge the 411 club met in he omnium ly centre saturday morning with all members present- it is with interest we note lhal our newty appointed warden of wellington county norman rosell is one of a pioneer family 6th generation who first settled here in llallinafad the following is an excerpt taken from an early history of linn township written and hy mn di robertson murray mckiltrlck was a member of the jury for he spring assiei of the court al guelpfi lasl week congrululiilinni lo mr and mia rxeilh sinclair on lha arrival of a daughter on feb si gimlph hospital congratulation to fj stewajt who received u trophy for firl ilauc jii i he snowmobile rates at hillshurgji onsuiidjy a iiwnher from tiere attended and parttefpaled hi ilu eveoti syntpaihy i extended stuart mtkinuiin in ihiv passtug of his niothff mrs a iiuhtlslutf icm y the late- f imilhii nathaniel rosy he titt while settler came in he year iho and settled on lot i ri he svenlh fine llie first white child itorn in fnn tuwnihip was llenjaimin rosel- father of john and charles rowel of ihltihurg nathaniel rosel who was determined to do hit share in populating ihe land of his adoptinn was the proud fallirr of 17 children hey were all hardworking frugal and friendly and did their utmost to assist ihote who desired to make fnn their future home william howe came in ihi on reaching lot i con 7 he niel mr rowel who entertained linn for the night ihwi mr rowel accompanied mr and m lluwe who had he deed fur lot m con 7 to lind their properly he iheu helped them build a shanty completed in three days before returning home mr rowel saw ihe i hi we s settled in their crude home i his same lot i con 7 forms lhal corner ol llallinafad whereon ihe cemetery has il place he donated llus land for church cemetery and other facilities here on this same corner are a score of dwellings as well as a lovely new community centre which situation replaces the old temperance hall and ihe former methodist church in view of all this read with interest ihc story in ihe acton free press sent in by another descendant of the wo we i patriarch mckfmion or llllltburgh following a lenglhy illncii mr c pinuwi 3rd line u expected home monday following a vacation in mexico mn gotding brian and friend of toronto visited on sunday with the formeri daughter and soninlaw aleck and mr stewart mr and mn wm mann trenton are 1uty renovating their home on the second li prior to moving inloij jwcnd of ihe inonth mrs it coy it toronto sthit ihe week rna with her mmdparrnft mr and mri ifiiu newnufk mrs myron uiucf was hmti for the hireling of ihe ladie aldmrs i fisher prjdedand mrs ii finkral read i fie mintilrs subject for ihe devotional was a good samaritan given by mn gordon ailkrn a solo by mrs h hiuce accouipjiiied hy her daughter hienda was well received mn ijnkrai conducted a ton ten iv nersonalilies won by mrs s i uller and mrs h larke during ihe business portion a hot lierf dinner prepared by the mm n he congregation was jiiriiiunifil for early in march i iilliiwing the benediction relrrslimenls were served by ihe hostess assisted hy mrs j ailkrn and mrs it larke discount centre i3msiii as3ite suppllfo for uoadtoom tluh wahfanm 0u0din caimt ihiiflmiihio hvwooth ftsee deuvftv own at to sjo vm 85m 190 l acton natural gas is if you are locotod on tho tamo sido of tho strool as a gas lino which waj installed prior to april 1 1967 rounuor qustavymra 25 tt ht wlndior reoiwey icsii ath thi iitittiih puinr ihrimiph thrir pu rthsmiat tlhw hidsm lliouis whit ith thr i lh rnltmll i ik ri itanrnt iiii ni i ins il htsi oilirtil that nii si is riutiplilils iimliii tahli- itul snii tin thrssi pun out of thtir as lmrnuri smu ntinfurt siiili r or hinonui and tlnsm dune it ssith natural jias lmm lhi 1i1111 inhh air sou inialhi in thr puuliin uii suur dinner lalite natural pm behind the lucueh i qiiieth ionlributiiitr to sour cinulotl in fiel the thtnp that pis hi diinj at the wiiubuir itneevsuy can be nt exiitiiij tu a houietiuner at the race ilsulf loh b4g 0vmitisd wlisdowai nalural pn kfep the bij bollll teal iirautbataiiil uiirniid uiththan filtered fresih air the window put it lo the test they hi as tlean and dry whuttvir ihe ueather ihrause the pis lieiitinj kisktem thutiiit allow toot or frost buildup no amdeiiauitiou tun tuke pliuv ihautu pisheated uurm uir literally urulw it off if you chango to automatic jaswator heating now or you may faakarttamedarrtmikksiil ihtxrt- ftill ituiipil uitli nuturul jhh aipliiiu t fa prrr tlirm fur blxikl pririfciuu ikiiiiiiiiy must iliifa ilu u ii iiialtrr ur fut think uf it this uu pmriiiit iniau an- rikiit in niuli- uitli natural pii fur miking olanca at th yaasi krom kriiniutunil tu btahlrs to puddiick ilutilral iiii iiititra inaintain un un- limitihl biipply of piping hat uatir gullun uftir gullun uf il vuur liuim- nils fur only u fruiiiun us niuili nf tuurac but kus uill give yim the same spmi and diiujdjiliiliiy windaor maceway like so many liig compleiea in southweatera ontario choae natural gaa because only natural gaa data so many tilings so well efficiently economically dependably and natural gas can do as much for you look into it talk to your con tractor or united gas united gas total enarey lor total comfort unilali of up to 50 if you convert to a natural gat central heating system al the soma time you convert to automatic gas water heating see your plumblngcontrac- lor department store or coil united gaiji

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