Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1969, p. 11

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minister of citizenship and immigration hot r walth mttajmct apeakse at the inaugural meating ol acton yrlangl ciob head tab rnernfaare wr mil don linaaav rw harry dawson bui buchanan juyo las duby hon r watch rev gordon turner chairman bob hart lloyd hufman vic brwow and tad pritisilt photo 74 attend inaugural triangl club dinner hear hon r welch on love and citizenship hon robert welch ulnliur of citizenship tad itnnugritlon wai gueit sneaker it the niuguril meeting of actont trlangl mens club uil thursday night hit speech entitled love end citizenship teemed appropriate fix the first combined gathering of 74 members from trinity united iitd st albans anglicin churchei mr welch stressed that the concept of citltenthlp for ill utd love for ill ue much more recent thin christianity in the west the tradition of loving ill minkiruj teems to be the product of leu thin 2000 vein hemming to tome extent from the teaching or christ we u christians mutt iccept the reility uut tuch philosophy of love for ill hu not yet been ictuillied in our world i would uy thit univerul dtlzenihip u very much the product of the lul 20 vein but once more this u philosophy or idestwhlch hu not yet been ictuiliied ii it surprising to find out how miny people still tee citi enthip i merely flagwaving it oaly in identification with ones country utd hive overlooked the feci thit citizenship u ilto in identification with ones wiy of life with ones feuowmin citizenship involves the realization thit the ttite exists within the individuil lust as the individual exists within the ttite mr welch tummuized by tilting the world bued oa love and understanding brotherhood utd tolerance which ill of us look forward to u still long wty off utd no doubt it ww be a long ind uduout journey before the tort of citizenship i hive tried to portray to you will become a reility we cut all tike a step forward toward this goil however the meeting hid been cilled to order by chairman bob hut and grace conducted by rev kiny diwton miyor let duby introduced mr welch following hit addrett the minuter wis presented with gift by wilier focht in appreciation future plint for the new dub were discussed over a buffet chinese dinner thit yeut executives ue chilmun bob hut sec vic briitow treat don lindiiy membership bui buchinin dinner convener ted pratt publicity uoyd hufmtn rev lurry diwton and rev cordon turner me honorary members robert winters former cindldile for liberal prime minister it to be speiker it the next dinner scheduled for miy 22 assisting with the lunch were mrs vic britlow mrs ted pratt and mrs wm denny lets play bridge by bill coils just as declarer mutt mike a pun to decide how to puy hind so mutt the defenders mike a pun its much huder for the defenders since declirer is on his own but eich defender must depend on the other to help out here is a hind from the acton bridge club where two defenders did not ptin at ill or did not pun well west dealt with both sides vulnerable north s9 110 10 9 dq7 4 ca k 10 7 4 2 church notices m west sk 10 3 iik874 da9 8 cq8 east sq8 7 53 116 16 di12 ci5 3 uttut christian wouuo cmukm minister rev p brouwer bjl bd aoton ontario cmuaottu community cmurch churchill road horth minister mr robert g w hyde ba phone i5u299 s sunday march ind 1969 10 06 am english service 11 10 jn sundiy school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and english service saturdiy bible cbvuee 10 12 sun everyone welcome thi church of st allan thi martyr ancucan corner willow st and st albans drive rev h j dawson ba bth 1969 sunday march 2nd until 900 jn holy euchirlit i0j0 mm churoh school and nursery 10jo aw choral eucharist 1st jrd and 5th sunday mattlne 2nd and 41b sunday 2j0 pro confirmation cvus or young people 700 pro cotsitrrnatioa cuia tor aduki trinity untttt oturcm minister the rev gordon b turner ba bjd director of music dr gear elliott ma wu0 sunday march 2nd im9 1000 aw morning worship 1100 m talk back cadult fat dialogue on the sermon and related kubjecti sunday school 1000 am nursery to grade 4 1100 am grades 5 to t we welcome you and your fault to take part in the life and worship of trlnltyl mapu avsnui rapttst church si maple ave georgetown pastor ttevltobert c lotuses sunday march 2nd 1969 ii 00 am morning worship and sunday school all are welcome at the v church on the hill acton raptrst church founded 1142 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave phone 1u161j sunday march 2nd 1969 94s am church school and adult bible class 1u am morning worship spiritual maturity 700 pm evening service slides shown by mr and mrs hugh reld of guelph beauty spots of 0u rprovlncejueryonawevooiiie monday pm mission circle wednesday 6j0 explorers sxi0 prayer and bible study ttsuraday s pm choir practice friday 700 pm hf all welcome tvanott tyntfcostal tarttnaqli paoc u churchill road rev s m thomin paitor 4jm7is sunday march 2nd 1969 1000 am sundiy school iijoo am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday i pm prayer service and bible study ttsuraday 00 ojb ohrims ambassadors friday 645 pm crusader rev 22 14 blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of hie and may eater in through the gates into the city mhrvtbtlan church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mcketude bjl minister mr b a hansen bjl organist and choir master d sunday march 2nd 1969 hera is our atncera invitation to the whole family to attend church 94s sun sunday school am age 1100 sun morning service 7joo tunbvetung bvansjal georgetown 77405 sunday march 2nd 1969 945 ajnchurdh school for age 3 to is year 943 ajnv ministers church member ship class for teenager 1100 tunvdlvine wbrabip sermon theme in everything god works for goodl 7j0 pjnaduk study group everyone most weleoaaa r report from ottawa by rud whilino the acton fr press wadnatcuy rabruary 26 1969 a3 in this weeks column i would like to deal briefly with the task force report on housing- it is s stimulating report which pinpoints the problems and offers solutions to one of our major domestic problems facing canada today its suggestions call for the cutting off of ted tape the citation of government inltlalivei and incentives plot a bit of prodding uut challenges and eacouragct the private sector togetonwiththejob a job it is capable of doing in many cites the private lector was piepued to do this buf wis hampered by outmoded regulations it slmeal ecry turn it will hopefully cmb the speculators ami ptoflllers and allow responsible bullderi and developer to perform as i know they are cipible of doing the report is not one tlut will immediately ue lower cost mbutr being built in luitoo over night it will tske lime possibly a yeu of two to see the crux of the problem broken the long range upectt of the repoit should minimize the problems in the predictable growth yean ahead in this report we have teen tome action i hope the provinces and the municipalities will join in making our hopes become realities it will require implemention by the federal government and cooperation of all levels of government there ue two areas which were left for further study they ue public houiing and student housing the members of the task force felt that these two ueas called for further detiiled study but at the same time fell it unwise to hold up the main report in summary the highlights are as follows improvements in the terms and conditions of mortgages with eventual nodown payment purchases for some extension of full benefits of nha new home mortgiget to purchasers of existing homes income tax on all landtale profits plus a paaible special tags where ownership js t r a ttsferred without improvlmenl removal of tales lax on budding materials for residential construction postlbly starting with tut labales for materials used in lowcost housing a hall to construction of large public housing projects pending study to determine whether tliey ue economically worthwhile and meet human needs direct federal loans to municipalities to assemble end develop land for housmg- an orgintud tyttem of periodic constitutions with private lending institutions to make sure enough funds ue being channelled into houiing esublnhment or federal department of houiing and urban affairs and provincial formation of regional governments with effective powers over housing and development an investigation into charges of price restraint and unfair labor practices in the building industry voluntary reduction of feet by lawyers utd reil estate agents reduction of the insurance premium required on nha mortgiget to one per cent of the amount loaned from two per cent study of a new dry of 100000000 to serve as a planning pattern for the future emphasis on renovation and maintenance of existing buildings as the owners responsibility instead of wholesale rebuilding in urban renewal projects although thit was not mentioned in the task force report on housing i am happy to announce the approval oiji 243062 federal loan for a sewage treatment project in oakvole the lata provided under the national flouting act u for a term of 20 years with internal at 6 78 percent bited on in estimated total cost of 1364593 the loan wui audi ui the construction of 6680 hnev feet of 20 inch diameur forcemain and a sewage pumping itatkxi for work completed on or before much 31 1970 cmiic may forgive repayment of 25 per cent of the principal amount of the nha loan and 25 per cent of the biurett thit has accrued in respect to the loin as of the date of completion of the project recently i wis contacted by the canadian transport commission regarding the cnr application for removal of their sution agent it acton the commission proposes to hold public heuing to deal with the whole nutter of the guelph mailer agency plan of which acton is a put no date for thit hearing his been set but the canadian transport commission ue to idvlse me of the exact time date and puce of tills heiring- i want to assure the people of the acton uei of my continued efforts on their behalf to keep thit ttatlon open go here not soon says mgr though go commuter train officials have been under pressure to extend the rapid transit service in the northern parts of hilton and peel including georgetown acton brampton and milton the ontuto government will not expand the go tyslem untd all aspects of the preient operation have been studied go general manager william howard told the canadian urban transportation conference that the government hu itepped up research into- further expansions but he declined to uy wheie and when new commuter lines will be opened go transit operates under a contract with cnr and receives a j2000000 a yeu subsidy fiocit titer government it curies 17000 commuters day along the lakeshore from othaws to hamilton the go train service wu ttuted along the taketbore about two years ago as an experiment in rapid transit for commuters among the areas served are the southern towns helton and peel counties including oakville afsamtust av i johnavoh grift otfousraitr cn ivttv wednesday and saturday gmsiso ui jtlwaml ab supermarket south saj64 lla s 3 dk 10 6 j c9 6 the bidding west north east south 111 2c rut int ran 3 n t all rass the bidding could take different routes but ill declarer ended up in three no trump played by south wett led a low heart usually the 4 which wu his fourth best declarer can count on one spade two hearts and five clubs with any sort of a split he will need one diamond trick each declirer won and led a club ducking in dummy east won and relumed a heart which wett won another heart put the lead in dummy and alto set up two more heuts in wests hand west should be looking ahead and miking his plan declirer is obviously going to work on the club suit west will hive to make four discudt two diamonds and a tpade are obvious but where will the fourth discard come from west mutt plan on diicirding two spades he cannot afford to put with a heart just like declarer wett mutt mike his plan euly in the play he cannot stop to think when the time comes decurer may hive the tpide queen and might figure that west hat the bare king when decurer runs the club wett cm discard naturally without undue hesitation did you see how decurer can always make three no trump all he has to do it lead a diamond it trick two if weil ducks he hit hit ninth trick and if wett wins he may even take ten tricks if east has the diamond ace he could win and return a heart however when he regains the lead in clubs he will have no more hearts and so is rendered harmless last weeks winners at the acton bridge club wen tied for first bev pattullo and gloria coau with cam sinclair and ivan harris third frank and midge hampshire camp fire rules to prevent forest fire build a camp ire only on rock and or mineral toil where it is protected against the wind and where it cannot be spread in grass or fallen leaves keep it mull make sure it it out drowned out before you break camp 9 mill st raidh juify acton 8530075 red brand beef prime rib roast vvtu twmmb rib steaks han braising ribs swifts mim1um 1 2431 pko bologna 39 niwna 14ojl tins lav 85 amf ok uvw dog food 10s1 monarch 141 hunt java 4k margarine 51 ctafkhuk 1voz tins lav vh ami pie filler 3 1 bh monti 44voz tins ttav 33e rhnutmhmrlaptttjuit drinks 3s1 dh monti ifroz tins saw we cream svy1e corn 711 oar 10ox tins av sit tomato el soup 9 si ntsttk 144u tins mladyto stfevf puddings 4 i 1 chocotatf umon mci tapioca riaavm 6015 ma oj sv ask tea bags men efrktrv feb 26 v 28 mirth 1 oiam a mlfnum eggs 49c dox kasvvoff 1442 tins sava me cleaner 89c uy oni oat oni um tbn2 moz jars lav 10c sweet mixed pickles 49c 59c frozen pood sunshtnl mfe rao french fries 39c f

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