homor coopfe married 50 years mllsburghover 300 gottte honored mr and mr edgar huxley al their soth wedding annivenary sunday afternoon at st andrew presbyterian church the popular couple were married in bora on february 26 1919 mr huxley was the second km of mr and un sam huxley seventh line who lived few mile ou of hobbunjh mm huxley wat the former marguerite johnson a daughter of mr and mm robert lohmon of eton mr and mm huxley fanned one of the fantuy ranra which ia now over 100 yean old and farmed by their only chud roa in 1946 they retired lo hbkjaursh where they live quietly in fahty good health mr and mr huxley have three granddxnghten marien qtn char mcmurchy- janice end brand and a irandart tyn tmy have a great grandchild brian charlc ton of mr end mr chart mr huxley ha been a welucnowrt ugure in erin towndun council being councillor and reeve he ha been an cider in st andrew presbyterian etuueh tine 1937 and for tome time a sunday achool tuoermfeodent mr huxley too hat been an active member of st andrew vatniwms v receiving their gueti or sunday the bride and groom of so year wen radiantly happy auisring them wet lister and ittertlnlew mr runnel mil slnchu mi walter huxley and other v v reports of death exaggerated miltona drumouln woman know what mark twain meant when he explained he report of my death are greatly exaggerated according to the people at hlrbontario health insurance regbtrallon boardmr leillla hughe if dead hirb wrote to cancel her omsip contract becauie of the delh of the abovementioned contract holder said un hughe it wx quite athock to me she wrote to inform hirb the wu mill alive and well e apply to remove ktffm agent miltonoppoeitlon to the current propoeal to remove the uent from the cpu station i expected to be advanced by milton council member reviewed the announced intention of the railroad to apply to the canadian trantpott committee for permission to operate with mobile supervisor rather than local agent in the london dlttrict under the plan at explained to council in material from the railroad the mobile supervisor serving the milton area would be retldent of brampton and he would daily travel from there to milton and slreettville it wa revealed the 1966 business of the milton uatlon had been s3i226s48 while the 1967 butlneu had been 20730013 in 1966 i ibs passenger bought ticket and in 1967 1004 in 1966 a total of 189 car of freight had been received and in 1967 a total of 167 gordon smtkk to open gomes it alway a question who lo aik to come to open ihe fergu jughlend game thi year the chamber of commerce decided to gel gordon sinclair and thiyisked me tb call htm up ivejust tone that and i got a cordial response sure hugh 111 do it for you he uld so that it that there arent many people better known in canada than gordon 111 grandfatheruse to be the foreman at wiliona mill in fergu in the day of long ago the family lived on st patrick street behind matt wilton houte and ihe father who wa quite a drinker uud to come home and turn hi wife and children out in the cold the lint highland game were opened by jim hunter who brought a member of the toronto board of control with him they were driving from the park to my old home at bijtrlea and jim nearly hit a provincial policeman coming out of the park but they made it to my houte firtt thing jim did when he got there wai to take out hi teeth and lay them on a table in the living room after upper he got up off the cheterfleld and went looking for tomething what did you lose i reauured him the new got out and all evening kid were coming to the door and aiklng if they could tee jim hunter teeth watnt that tomething jim daughter phoned cfrb and got the new for hl evening boradcatt from fergu jim mounted the ladder to a table on a truck and read off the new a it he hadnt had anything but coffee all afternoon i forgot to uy that gordon sinclair will wear hi kilt when he come here thi yearfrom moitly goulp in ihe fergu new record families flee bod fire georgetown two familie ion all their possession and three business place were wiped out in a fire that delroyed c v motor wallys auto body and tandem tire at ihe comer of guelph and mountainvlew road mr and mr bryan hancock and seven month daughter dune and mr and mr eric hancock tenant of the two apartment fled the fire with nothing but ihe clollie they were wearing even one of the women nurses went up in the flame c a v motor who had jutt recently moved there and were operating two butineuei one on ihe opposite comer of mountainview road and guelph lot all their equipment machinery two brand new car and a cuitomera car wally auto body owned by wally zuber wa burned out completely but mr zuber managed to gel three car out of hi thop tandem tire owned by a mr shannon loil a lock of tire but laved many that were piled outside auuinafap ahead dosing serviie of ashgrove church th acton ft prt wednesday march 5 196 7 district pag conservofion authority fo buy dam lands ted barden owner ol the historic eden mill tone mill i buy turning out vegetable crate in the pan of the building he ha renovated he intend to restore the mill with it original wall tl nee they ere till tound in tplte ol the fire which destroyed ihe mill photo by jim jennings petition from nasgaflowwyq the grand river conservation authority l now it a poeitlod to ttiit buying land for darn and reservoir tiled in lb 130 million fivedim project one of the dam i in ihe evasion area however intliad ofbelng able to spend 2000000 on buying tile lite authority will be only able lo spend 1 oqojtoo thu retull from the general meeting of ihe authority in kitchener oh thurtdty feb 27 when ihe ss86s874 budget wai reduced by 1000000 the authority had budgeted 2000000 to begin the land buying program for the dam and reservoir tiler thi amount would have been eligible for a 65 per cent provincial grantlhe province would pay si 300000 and lite 74 municipalise in ihe waterhed the remaining 700000 thli reduction will retull in the provincial grant being reduced from 6s to 60 per cent now the province will pay 600000 and ihe 74 municipalise will pay lite oilier 400000 the reduction in the budget alto meant that ihe other item in the remainder of ihe budget are eligible for a 60 per cent provincial grant inttead of a 65 1100 protest mckeough plan concern over the impending regional government it to great in nattigiweya towntflip a group of dissenter had little trouble getting over 1100 name affixed lo a petition of protest during the past week the petition gained the bleulng of the township council at a meeting monday and hi organizer hope to present it to ontario imuniclpal affair minuter darky mckeough later thi week pat redgrave who chaired the ratepayer osfbingi committee uf about 30 men jnd women report 98 per cent of those contacted readily signed ihe appeal vtcccluimun of the committee wai j lloyd chi holm and about 30 volunteer quickly circulated coplc of the brief to most ratepayers of the township mckeouglis proposal tor j regional government area covering the entire counties of llallon and peel is not only quite unnecessary hul also entirely unacceptable to us the petition reports the objectors protest ihe possibility of some remute body completely ignorant of and unfamiliar with the problems peculiar to the township having a ruling hand over u community steeped in local pride the proposed fragmentation of nassagaweya robs these voter of their balc right and is tantamount to disenfranchlscment it says experience shows that rural 4h homemaking club demonstrate pattern sizes mrs d g robertson the second meeting of the otpringe 411 homemaking club wa held at the home of helen johnston on february 24 the meeting opened with ihe 411 pledge followed by the roll call antwercd by one point to consider when buying cotton for summer separates patti ellis read the minute of ihe previous meeting which were approved it wa decided the record books will be white folders with navy blue lettering name for ihe club will be decided on at ihe next meeting mrs r vlietstra discussed pattern selections and how to tudy the pattern and intruction sheet and ihe checking of pattern pieces mr r ellis discussed willi ihe group how to make pattern alterations and how lo prepare material for cutting the girls look pari in the demonstrations of meauremenl and finding the right pattern size the meeting closed with ihe tinging of the 411 grace refreshments were prepared and served by mrs william johnston and her daughter helen little kim ballcnlync daughter of mr and mrs djllentyne 2nd line wjs able to come home on saturday from ihe sick childrens hospital toronto where she lud been for treatment for the past couple of weeks mr and mrs r auld 2nd line spent the weekend with relatives in toronto mr and mrs word bruce were sunday visitor with their son and daughterinlaw garnet and mrs bruce toronto linda ferguson nurscintraining kitchener was home on saturday with her parents mr and mrs ross erguson mrs etta harden of eden mills was a visitor on thursday with mrs m jackson mrs c ileimlcr guelph visited on sunday with her sister and hrullierinlaw d g and mrs robertson area taxes increae diuilrously when ihey are amalgamated with urban areas and the twocounty merger proposed by ihe minister would ring the deathknell of the farming community uy the petition il also object to ihe firoposed appointment of a ilgh cost bureaucrat to replace locally elected representative the petition point out natagaweya 1 in sound financial tale arid hae practically no debt and expresses concern the ratepayer will have to abtoib huge debt compiled by surrounding municipalities nassagaweya alto fear a lack of local representation on a regional council a happened with ihe llallon board of education the benefit of regionallzallon of government are outweighed by the liabilities a until predominantly rural township would have lo accept ihe document warns it calls regional government an encroachment on civil liberties and the antithesis of democracy and progress towmhip council alto got a look at a second smaller petition at their meeting on monday basil macdonald r r 6 milton ha circulated a petition which mainly protetta mckeouglis proposal lo split nassagaweya in two and loin one part lo a miltoncentred borough with the upper portion possibly going to wellington county mr macdonald reported he has 60 names to date and hoped to reach 100 before submitting il bymrrshortulsr mr and mr douglas kirkwood spent the weekend with mr and mr delbert unstead 6th line mr and mr philip have moved into the snider apartment i mi betty cunningham and janelle cunningham visited with mr and mr morgan madill over the weekend our sympathy it extended to the family or the late mr cohoon who patted away in georgetown hopital on saturday we are tony ruttell snider it ul in guelph homlul mr edythe smith and mil lome jamieson of gait vlilted mr and mr frank smith on sunday they all attended the doting aervlce al ashgrove church thu had been the church they all had attended in their girlhood dayt at they lived in the ashgrove community in the hittory or this little church it it recorded the firtt wedding wai tolemnlted in the year 1924 the marriage of mitt wiiuufred hull and mr frank smith in the course of the afternoon many old acquaintance were renewed for the hull and smith families the meeting of the recreation committee of the community centre took place on monday night obituattv daniel mclntyre dies of 87 a retired campbellville farmer daniel mclntyre died at llallon centennial manor on february 27 after a ninemonth illness lie was a bachelor in ins 88th year mr mclntyre wa born may 27 1881 lo donald and agnes mclntyre of r r i moffat he farmed at r r 1 campbellville before coming to live at the home of hit nephew calvin mclntyre of r r i acton he wat a member of st davids presbyterian church in campbellville he it survived by hit brother w j mclntyre of acton and kedeceated by brother alex oy jack and mark the funeral service was held march i in rumleyshoemaker funeral home acton rev d nicholson officiated former neighbor charles thornton donald mcdonald william may roy warminton bruce small and jack mcphail acted at pallbearers interment wat in st davids cemetery campbellville 3liu stationery 56 mill st acton 809 deluxe for heme rams and small utweties oih deluxk uohtweioht adding machine lists columns totals 9 columns new motorized repeat key for fast repeat entries valuable aid in multiplication higher speed snapon cover pull out handle quick change ribbon car tridge colourt white for low price of 10995 853 2030 ledger sheets post binders filing cabinets acco fastners ball pens rubber stamps made to order stamp pads and ink file folders index index cards ledger cards rubber bands cash boxes per cent grant this reduction in the grant from 65 lo 60 percent on the remainder of thebudget amount to s90jj4x the budget i jj65874 the jevy against the munlcipalitie for buying dam tilt will now be reduced by little jet than half because of the reduction foo1 s700000 to s400000 however the normal levies against munlcipalltirt will have to be increased lo make up for the five per cent lot in grant on the rest of the budget municipalities were informed in december of what their levies would be if the budget had been approved withlng the next few days they will be receiving revised sbeumentt in keeping with the new budget at the meeting kitchener led ihe opposition to including 1700000 from the munidpalitle for buying land for the dam and reservoir site in other businet the general meeting voted to have all executive committee meeting open to the new media up to now only general meeting of the wlhoritybout two a yaarjkopen to the new media hydro operate a hall of memory at niagara fell which leu much of the history of the municipal utifitie in ontario x i ajtthuft ev johnsofrt ojft omoutreitv omn iviav wednesday and saturday s4 isti march honey month spread it around use honey for health buy it epf aries fresh mb container 40c 2lb container 75c 4lb container 135 8lb container 250 available in liquid creamed or solid roclchaven apiaries no 35 skhread off 25 hvw waul fee our tlona acton ont 8530266 h k boom huht the halton county board of education irivitsm application from unlvtinity graduate who with to b comtclarwj fort the internship pun for elementary school teachers i amiaum must hav thi fouowuno quail hcaytonst an acceptable unlvertltv detjrea plut 1 year of pott aaduete study such at bachelor of lib rary science graduation from the institute of child study arct or an acceptable university decjree and be at least 25 veart of oe at of september 19o9 a eonomons or inhrnshi iinciuotti 1 initial orientation of 20 day in may endor june 2 a weak summer courte july 2 to auflust 8 1969 0 practical classroom experience under ujpetvltlon september to december 1969 and aulcjnad nae pontlbllltlat from january to junet 1970 4 a second summer eoune in july and autjutt of 1970 written aptcatiort should b tvant to neetb itbcarim cwiv waal ievjhtttn centra e s lavender 59 baxwev drive geonjtatown ontario j a bell 3050 gueloh una burilnaton ontario kenneth o carson 2324 trafalgar road north oakvllle ontario application will bo rtmaknad until march 15 f armitage chairman j w singleton director of education