the acton rra preta wednesday march 1ti969 council brief tells mckeough keep halton as regional unit firemen were powerless to halt 8 bias in an empty barn oi churchill road last monday tha large bam baionajng to mit r n brtmn bumad to the around in tmt than an hourisuh photo fire destroys barn a large amply bun on churchill toad wd eomrjelfly deitroyed by fire at high noon tail monday the roof and four willi were consumed by the time firemen arrived on the scene within lets than an hour only the ttone foundation and a heap of charred rubble remained fire chief mick llolmet taid he suspect children of ttartlng the blaie although there u no way of knowing for sure a beagle dog chained intlde perithed in the blue the bam wai owned by mrs r n brown the lnuirance had elapied tome time ago open meet tonight- to name french advisory committee ing interne and voluminous discussion thiough council meeting on the awning of march 3 and 4 nassagmveya council completed a ubmwoa representing the towmhlpl view on regional government it was included in the brief submitted to minister of municipal affairs darcy mckeough by a committee of halton county council friday following t trie complete content ofthe brltf the huugaweya towruhlp council submit the following recjommendatloni re he tentative proposal for regional government m feeujallon by the hon w dilcy mckcouajt minister of municipal attalni 1 the present county government of ittlton ihould be retained the townthlc of nastagtweya b ttiongly opposed to an amalgamation with the county ofpeel 2 the township of nabagaweya ihould be retained aa a local municipal unit within halton county frenchspeaking reildenti of halton will meet tonight wednesday in the martin st school in milton to elect four members to an adviiory committee to the county board of education trutteei tom walton of acton john noble of milton and fred bldwell of burlington have been named ai the board members of the committee and the citizen membert are to be appointed tonight at the h p m meeting the committee will itudy frenchlanguage initruction in halton schools and iii eitabllthnunt follow a requett from initialled citizens on which the board muit act lilim moiihohil dlmitoi dental dr leonard eaabrack denial surgeon suite no j hlnlon bldg i7a mill st p acton oat for appointments phone usimf chiropractic 20 auction salfes 30 auction sales clearing auct sale of cattle hog tractor luplataanta marallanaom liodtur omsty akjuipeaaat truck peed the underelgned liai received instructions from ceokce e hanna to aell by auction at farm lot 10 con 6 nlchol twp on no 6 hwy at ennotvtlle 7 miles north of guejph 1 mile south of fergua satukdav alabch tb commencing at ii 0 ajn cattle 9 holsleln cows 2 bale elevator and w hf mot- of which are registered milking uhli 1st calves several will be close springers exact breeding date given sale day j holsteln heifers bred 6 i4ute faced steer and hesfer 500 to 100 tbs 71 western steer purchas ed last sept at an overage it of 480 km these are a group to be sold in iota elaht choke of 10 hogs londrace boar ii mo registered paper avail able qualified tor premium bred by ken jesaop of orton 4 sows londrace and york due sale time or soon after tractors im7 ac trac tor power steering cptjo complete hydraulic 200 hourar d17 ac tractor lpto oom- blete hydraulic 370 hours case 0 tractor lpto case d tractor ajc b tractor with henderson loader the above iraotora were oil purchased new by mr manna and are in the best df condition dairy equitment i sure units ihc vacuum pump and pipe gem milk coaler portable 12con viking electric cream separator never never used dairy sink strain er palls etc truck 1950 forgo it ton pickup with racks pod run ning order implements case 600 s p combine 10 header 1967 mo del lea than 200 acre cock- ehutt 50 sp swasher with hay conditioner 1968 10 cut done 70 acres ax forage horvedter with com head kool forage blower ptxx near new 50 of 9 pipe 2 grove aejf-urjoad- injt bane on case wagon n1h 261 baler with km bale thrower used 2 seasons 2 wait- on with high rack for bale thrower 1 case wagon with flat rack near new 2 gravity bolus oil 2wheel trailer new grain thrower belt driven mi c horse mower a cide mounted mower v out v ijric aide rake swath turner new farmhand srnooker or 2row mounted com scuf- tler nji tractor manure spreader spreadmaster man ure spreader pto ontario grain and fertilizer drill 16- run on rubber power lift near new ihc 44urrow 14 fur rows trip beams wide bottoms hydraulic control near new a c double acting hydraulic cyl inder keewanee double disc 12 hydraulic or manual con trol near new ihc jlurrow trail plow ihc cultivat or power lift ac cultivator 12 j ph ac harrows 12 4tectian harrows fertilizer upreoder jdrum steel land roll er papec hammer mill 60 w drive beh miscellaneous grain aerator 200 gal oil tank drum of shell atraoil lincoln arc welder belt driven snow plow lightning rod coble 40 extens ion ladder 2 steel water troughs jamesway feed cart hoof trimmer large iron su gar kethe farrowing crate fence etre lctoettsieclroj 40 rod roll of wire fence cedar posts cement mixer homellte chain saw c51 20 blade steel stone boat 15 chicken crate 20 egg crates wooden extra wagon wheel new tire 67015 quantity of used pipe brooder house 10 x 12 13 bag 52030 fertilizer 16 baas of baler twine hog farrowing crate 2 automatic pig feeder lumber 40 hemlock joist 3 x 10 12 to it ft long new spruce planks 2 x 12 various lengths 16 plank j about 15 long quantity of used lumber 1 and 2 quantity of 2 t g lumber peed 25 ton mixed grain wheat oat and barley grown from registered seed 25 ton muted grain oat and barley about 10000 bales choice mixed hay about 2000 bale straw all feed must bv removed by april 10 no reserve farm are for sale ill hearth of owner necessit ated tale terms cash on day of sals owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents note this i our largest and beat tale of the season equip ment nearly all as good as new please come early donald j araastrong d c chiropractor x roy us woolwich street phon cuelph 227721 architect donald e skinner barch mjlaic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 0532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 274m2 optometrists alff hub a johnson o d milton 184 main st s789972 tuesdays and fridays acton 54 mill st e 532520 wednesdays and saturdays residence phone 8709676 funeral director phone 85j0js0 night or day bruce e sluxmikcr mgr appraising and insurance 3 burlington should definitely- remain as a local municipality within the county of halton 4 a two tier system of county government b essentia 5 the head of the county council should be elected not appointed appointed officials are not dueclly responsible to the people 6 kepreienlallon on county council should be determined by areaatieiiraent and populaliontsoud of by poauutlon only s 7 the township of nauagaweya uitxjilli that local hydro commluloim should be retained thetbove submiulon favoring the retention of the county syitem at opposed to kegionil government is presented for die following reasons i the township of nauagaweya have an offkul plan and zoning byuw which coil approximately j 10000 00 alto a new municipal building our riadirs writ fttrwright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 5m720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton mj the if utturi life ajajmjrjtmrif cu1muy nr lamjuu robert s hart agent 341 orvllle road acton but 4164514460 res 5194531527 mud swinging dear sir upon reading a story in the free pfeti last week i am convinced that actona now defunct public school board it suffering from an overly inflated ego the grape vine has it that before christmas when they heard about the twitch to a county level the cry was a sorrowful no more money were broke hence there were to be no clats trips no special firolects and no school skating nine arena yet suddenly lut week they have a spare 5800 to spend on a painting for the wall outside the resource centre to stand as a monument to their past efforts fellows really in the first place 800 appears to be an excessively large figure for a mural of that size surely a protect organized through the art department in the school would be far lest expensive and much more meaningful to the students and what about m z bennett school do they get a mural too if the money must be spent on a gift to posterity i would suggest reference books for those vacant shelves mind you they wouldnt stand out in living color for all to see one would have to look inside the cover to tee the donors name not really that glamorous a reminder of that dedicated group who did after all invent school in acton t didnt they sarcastically yours mud why walk larder lake ont march 5 q6 the acton free press acton ont sir in a local paper the article hunger matchers plan walk for needy in may while acton was not listed in the towns and cities no doubt acton will be takring part in the demonstration as in former years however i would much rather see the energy and effort put to tome worthwhile project where it would be of tome benefit to the municipalities as a whole there must be tome kind of a project that could be undertaken by the people to work at instead of walking the highway which is dangerous being on a weekend and a headache to the motorist and i might mention blistered feet for a great many walkers is there no room for improving the psrk or school grounds tree planting or juit a clean up job of course hie above is only my opinion belter sutgeilions may pop up later in this connection no doubt there li tome ipot in town that could be brightened up to some degree perhaps i ihould make my point clear as i tee it if i have a sum of money to donate to a cause be what it may i dont see why another person ihould have to walk for miles in order that i donate the money if there was anything accomplidied by walking i would be all for it yourt truly b f laronde 20bj7 max storey auctioneer rockwcod phone 9569755 new or reiailt pianos uictrohome or0ans nvnuittiu at oy bstabliubd isti cokneb wvndttam ba macdonnbtx which cost approximately s52doooo the department of municipal affair encouraged the municipality to prepare an official plan and implementing zoning bylaw the ontario municipal board rejected citizens objections to the actions of council with regard to the oonitructlod of the municipal huudmg the ontario- government had lull knowledge of regional proposal when they sanctioned the above actions 2 the debenture debt of hit municipality it- mgllgible we ictiiltr strong oppoilllou to the acceptance by a rural municipality or urban debenture debt in practically all cases this debentufe debt has been accumulated for municipal services that rural people have already provided for themselves 3 the minister lias indicated the didrahillly of joining feel and hilton and so alleviate the possibility of mlsaltsauga dominating tlie region of peel why join nauagaweya with milton we would be dominated by milton the municipality of niunpwrya ww one of the first townihlpt to initltute an area school board and we deplore tlie fact that we do not have a representative from nauagaweya on lite county school hoard it li our opinion that if we were attached to an urban municipality we would again experience tlie same tense of f initiation 4 two groups of ratepayers of the townuilp of nattagaweya liave circulated a petition lo approximately 1200 ratepayers and have acquired signatures from approximately tt per cent uf lie persons contacted all in fuvor of the present county government and opposing kegional government as proposed by the minister of municipal aitairi and have indicated their intention to submit the ume briefs to the minister on every level of government in a democracy the minority is represented if the plan of the minister were lo be implemented it would mean thai all rural municipalities in the area would be technically disenfranchised euchre fops lol euchre winners following last saturdays game at crewson coiner are ladles high augusta stlckland low yvonne dewar mens high w brliton low- lames jesttman lone hand florence leneycka door prize m m mane ladies trmllinc doris tcentnermcp travelling jam lesseman dollar daddy vos rait 1h vsu l tjeaj ml s hair spray 5svr 239 r t 1 jt0msre 1 hand lotion 145 antootmt tatj st denture cleaner 29c frucm ft 110 mouth wash 85c math mfj com w me brylcreem 74c mrrirri kan 1 shampoo 89c labv salt 4 hv blended wool 3m1 mm cam work socks 49c all giftware and houseware at discount prices we have the labgest display of greeting and skoal occasion cards bows ribbons wrapping paper lowest price ever on this 1969 model refrigerator itca th ttllable one 289 with trade it ill you my htt till rqa rtrioemttmirulxll wfratfa yaattttttvft atwftattttttsttvatttwh alatvtttwrwuralal i witt tnlluu root ttitmtav4 titttdw twmt am tdjotruu utftb wiili tight tw feuwon bltai blasm aswu tkrt am urt u wret kw tu bui avtokallh mo wuh fchiitj m tf tl tutf hauutjrd tnlu rartflv butuolprtf ul itm m lmasti xwtlhwibw awrwfittl drtab tattle it i im tftfj uuul nut mmirriwn- mm to tvy mu ftttd ah wlv ftf ulmtosrtrid wrafit t you itattavitiml tor tii umu established in 1s7t cor wyndham macdomeu iguelphi