tftt acton ftm pm winejy april 30 1969 second ctmt mail rettttntkm number os i s jl hhu anal hi coxhindley wedding tumra af hillsburg church mywlf lleitf ui lit prize wliiniiv recipes tip nil now ive itewr but a iiv in link iivluiim llial i havent tin- j lint inn im sure yivuil lititieivliiul uihh t uv ill rallier nut liy any itjti lor a year in u i iiici fui1 ml i llt uk ml viui all it imi biintraltiwouttt im if 2 htaiti i km iuu liuu txoun uiyai 2 lup twllti mp rvawaul milk hull dtr i iiumilit or to volt luill uaft ulun iritil in i ihiu- ti4tl ualcl ailil i up vanilla htral until in amy optional til ail1 tliopiuil iuiu ttr uumut t2t mull uttiu lor plain futlffr mr allunnr si kind phii mcmlilli t hi amy iiihoi all i him i up txill t omhliw i up or ut l 34 up niariianiu 21 cvapmaud milk ami bun to a ttoil sllr s mlnul nvtr nutliuiu ileal urmiw irani mal mul tilt in 2 f6 oil plat of tiuiuii ilimotjte tliipv add i ai maivtiniallim nunc i up ttioppttl nut i lip vanilla ileal unlil mimilli aiut pour into ltaird ii pan mil anil i ut tiiiki lluduin iwi mr auduy by wendy thomson about a month ago i was given the loveliest compliment i wit asked to judge a cooking canted in rockwood my first reaction was of irnmrnm delight that ihli column had become popular enough that i swmld be invited anywhere because of it the ncxl reaction waa ofdiunayhen i found it wat to be a fudgecooking contest i thought firrl of the result of all lire catwiylaitirig tlien of my own tialircatlona as a fudgejudger since my own fudge very rarely turns out i didnt know if i could ludge anyone elet lloyvever i was assured that it was all a fun u uttri ilfit it simulated agony and i fell thai thewaywuvlltvelltlletalk eiyed lliemielwi ooj amtemvlng to mm he time h tnjt instant panic i ladvl eiverf a little talk since second form in high school and that was about tea serpents i dont remember much of it and doubt if it would have been loo appropriate in thu case anyhow when cord came home dial night to my guess what he took one look at my glowing face and id hate to tell all thai he guetsed it wai wrong anyhow over the following few weeks i wandered around mumbling to myself trying to brew up something interesting one opening i discarded was any mention of the fudge itself i didnt want any reflections on those dial didnt win and maybe would have with someone else if tlie ladies thought i was an expert on fudge but if i brought out the fact that perhaps i wasnt llial good a judge ii wouldnt look too good for the winners so i decided to keep my mouth shut on that account the night of tlie do there was si ill no little talk prepared i had a tore throat and kept losing my voice and the carnally elegant i hoped outfit befitting a ijdy judge-journjliit- speech maker and whatnot was spoilt by the fact that i look olt one of my earrings handcarved to match my brooch to unvwer the phone forgot to pul it tuck on and started the evening loptided at far as the speech was concerned i figured tlut if i didnt have a flails of inspiration wlien hie time came i could plead an overdotcoffudge poisoning and leave the letting itself was great fun there were about 10 pieces of fudge set oul on a tray and i took a small corner off each one alternating thocolalii and maple so i wouldnt have the tame flavors overlapping actually it was quite easy at lint i had been given a small pile of awards and the hirst second and third there was no doubt about then came the most delicious tlie wondcrfulcst and the almost wonderfulcst please remember that this uat a i un thing the three pieces i had picked out for these in texture and flavor i had to taste two or three times before i got them arranged the slurpiesl was obviofcllt was sitting on top of a little mound of foil and vvas sagging down hie sides the most unusual tag went on a cherry divinity fudge mainly because it was the only we of the kind but also because i felt i couldnt judge its goodness fairly i had made myself sick on something like it years ago and saw spots in front of me every time i looked that way a piece of fudge with u lovely flavor but the wrong texture you had to tuck on it not bile it got the booby prize and i begged olf from tagging the werstest i had it all picked out but would have rather left u unlabcllcd the little talk it came without me having to beg oil in bake sale duke ot devonvliuc luptei ol the iodi lieldauetiilale ot baking in simpson lit i riday home made tv at in the r l resource centra wa operated during open houm by susan ancker and donna darby it was a color set too and turned permanently to the educational chamvallistaff photo while gladioli and yellow muiut aiidwliite satin pew hows with yellow roses decorated llilldiurgh lljpliil cliunli on i liiuy evening t ebruary 21 for the marriage ol jeuelle marie llindley aiui lawy douglas cox the bride is the dauglier of mr and mrs dan llindley r k r 2 milkburgli the grooms patents are mr and mrs percy toxof h r 2 acton rev iolin lekx adficiated for the double ring leretnony mrs donald malhesou al the organ iivu in marriage by het father ihe bride wore a graielul floor length gown n while valm brocade accented with silver with allne skirt and bow trim at tlie txtdne her nylon illusion veil was held by a crown of pearls and drop crystals and she carried a bouquet of yellow rikfs hie bride wore cultured pearl earrings the gift of the groom ihe bndev dres was nude by the vrooms mother miis marilyn klrkwood of alton loiiuii ol the bride wa maid ol honor wearing j floor tenjth gnwu of tade uireu velvet wilh while brocade luxlue tier braiulreiv wa a nuh jade vyil lauylil with malihiny fjlwie mtpii i liul tin jnn and lit iii llaolid ornlilne 2 up tinmn uipjr 21 up null and iliain i linn oin yrup i lip vanilla i hop liuttii and coot ovi r milium lujl ipr 211 nilnali or until mi tun lonuneuill hall in iiild ualil hi 11101 and tool silently ihji until 11 loiploi look and pout into luitniid pan mom 111 iii lllls habit ills ullmol all i hihi a dinirint land ol t litmilali ludoe cut 7 tatei inarilitiiahoui in iualtirt tpnad on lia aiul inii until rirm plan uualituil tuit ilioiolati tor 6 ti plv i and i tup tmttcr in taret inlini limil tnot plain and ul audi i nullum tup uiair 10 larei iiijitlitnalloiv 21 tup cvaporattd mill 111 uutipan llrsnit in a boll tliinni ctintuntlt pour ovu iliumtalc and tiutlcr tnr until inituri it mil tilendid and thtiin to lliulin add i tup chopped ualnut t lip vanilla and from martliinaltou pour into llphtl tiu hi nil k pan lull unlit firm lut into upiant mori icwerrit in a tool plan mjlt ahuut ili wx-x- windsor guides to visit here cton citl iutdes will be playing host to a toiipot nuidc coining here liniuuindnoroii the holiday weekend ot may 17 the vuiling guides uill be billeted with alton giru in their lioines and a lull program is being planned lor them mrs hall a leader heie who comes trom vmdoi c uukini arrangement v badminton cluo pmktent hufjh patterson prthfintt mananno linduy with a iiiikwi doutilov trophy at tho chamber of commerce dinner saturday ntqht marianne foamed up with george williams to take the toafluo champiomhip mrt wins medals al festival at the peel musuc felivj karen okourkc won a bronc medal in the under- 1 7 violin jaw playing ilourrcc and a gold medal in ihe undcrl ilavi playing llertcuve all the string tlaviei were adjuditatcd hy l dundyk from toronto all the gold medal winner flied at iiate united churtli liampton in the final concert there were competitor from i or nc par k 11 inglon scarborough and toronto al the 4jnd annual festival held in he navaho room of huron centre cookwillc karen is the daughter ol mr and mr james okourkc r r 4 acton huoh patter ton it among the firtt to congratulate mrs lindsay don price won the munt tingles in tho weekly competition at the hiqh school stuff photo knox groups visit manor members ol knox alert tvening auxiliary and the daughters of knox took an entertaining program to hal ton manor monday evening les ouhy played his guitar and sang colleen dchruyn played the accordion and several young girls daiued refreshments weic taken and served to the residents the alert auxiliary nukes an annual visit tothemanoi baking goodies at the robert little open house wore junior chefs carol jones marg frizell louise harmimo and christine forbes they passed out samples to the large crowd staff photo lf lehurd t inhiaili is in lithpital in tiiioiiiiciuwrrjhng from j kntc operation mis h price i a palunl in immpitjimtlainilton mr w owdy ul madismi wivcinvin it viminig fnendv in aliimi mrs am wiuu is a patient m due i pi i rnera1 hospital and friends hope she will he home again umiii mr and mis imu walton have returned alter a two week trip to ihe manllmcs where ihty visited relatives jud friends 1 netitls are veiy sorry to earn that mr c k llrowne isapaliinl in iiulph dcueial i ospittl at i ons oldest merchant was takun toliospilal on sunday ih s k years old andrew drenfers sculpture show andrew drcntcrs currently has an exhihil ol uulplure at the pollock gallery in loronto lies well known heie and was a former figure skating teacher his sculpture is fashioned of iron some ol the components discarded farm items ho brother yosef is salso a tculptor and exhihits his work occasionally at the fomicr rockwood academy mrs lantz 90th birthday mrs i h ljiii a former long hmc resident ol acton and presently residing at halton manor in milton will he celebrating her 0th birthday on may 10 her family will be holding a reception in her honor in the mary i hen anderson room ol knox church acton on sunday may 1 1 iron 2 m to 4 m p in and extend an invitation to old friends of mrs lant to join with them on ins happy occasion miss m lleniull hid ihuil 10 victims i kiii ailiin wli4 n i tt j wishitduydiusdiy 1 int wik al paikvitw muimf in uattilmi other callus duiini lli diy included th riv and mis hney anil mis i i i nl nut 1 v ut ailnn mi and mis mini iy smith mi mini iy sniilh if nul mns i mda smith td umdsil ittouhd llu uutmlhiiiii t oitis widding at st augustiix u intt ilxiiy aniluan imiih luiiiiiln mi i inlay i vi nnif i uiiiu i ac imu insli nit vimtiiif luciids wtie mr jih mis allan i jink i and diuihtus mi uid mis lnidci live in imtae la piame and mi linder is cnuyuig his wuik with in idi in i ndi ins duiglihi niuty is c xpecliug to hit ml the imiviisity ut m mi luh i in xt yc ir daughler w n it is iist cumplclcd her coins it rymson hislilult in lumniii m my i r it ruts tlulttij with ihe i null is at tin unity umtid lunch sunday inmumt lea safe heftf scout and uide mothers assisted bv scouts guides and rangers held a sale ol baking and rummage saturday in the parish lull afternoon lea was seised as well eeetebeesqoqqeqoqqoeooooe i t3ooog0 mlhan thiareic 878 3272 show times sun thru thuri 8 pm fn a sit 7 4tpm st m i nm t2pm thumnil4at may ljs far from the madding crowd color julia chrltlla alan bataa jerrygoround cartoon say- may 3 matinee 3 pm tike and the shark color sun mon ttlk wed may 4 s 6 guns for san sebastian color rutomntanttud li adult ettlartalnmanl anthony quinn cats meouch cartoon thuhs ml sav may v 10 ycllow submarine- color trxlumki chuka- color rod taylor tw make the meal pitom lovell bros modern moot markttt maple leaf sp vi cryovac cottage rolls 69 fresh small link sausage 59 red brand beef choice boneless prime rib roast 99 lean shoulder and chuck roast 75h lean ucv1 ssfjjaa ground chuck691 lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill t humm is3334d da11y deuvnv rowi and ihe tarikd u bouquet of yellow and while chryuntlcmuiiii rvit ilrlinblecomb ofcuipli u frintd of the niwun w bel nun und ltdl cow of millori wa lulwr f lie receplumi and datic ffdlowed al the ukjoii ilii m inn the wedding cake was nude hy mrs jesse mel nery ilu brides mul he received her tiuetlt wealing a cofal deu jf fmlrcl while and f accesuirie and a l4irvjl if white hks flie iwiios uwither assuled wesumg a pale liliw dreu of diiuhle knit criiuplciie idak and white accessories 01 jttijge ol pink roses i or tiavelhuir the hnde donned a mul yieen drew with daik riivn velvet irini brown toil with luijit mink fur colljr gud numiiny utiiik hat and cnisav ol yellow roso urstv atteidrd ihe wedding and dance limn hramploit ailnn armgrttiwu ciall toulpli hamilton kitchrnrr u it c k wood liar rut on llilhhuiyli im i i igm nn jni llalhuafad ihe yiiuny couple are imduig at i mcmurchy ave hi itnplon inm in lie i marriage ihe bride was fin si ul hmim at several shout is mis ijiruce llealty and mm itdtiscn held a iniscellaneoiu shoaii i marvey kirkwood and daughters of acton were hostesses at a shower attended hy nliiivcs and friends ihe ollm stall of ihe ik pi or ihalth iarluuicnt ihuldmtu i oronlo where jeauettc worked piesented her wilh a coiiilete set of slamlest tteel cihikwaie miss mamie huck held a unwell menu shower at htr home mrs jesse mel nery was hostess at a shower alter ihe winding attended hy neiyhhois and sciiimii liiiiiiis iii weekend special wool hlindtl viscosi coordinate fabric 20 off at these savings you cant afford not to slw for yourself acton fabric centre city pants partners si200 to si900 the shoe house trtui smariasrt vwt en any strsvat soobtrom luramnnbix ntuw iguelphl