jl th acton fnm prata wednesday may 38 1969 umbkmisf presentations made after church service by mrt a benton mix daibon who formerly lived hert and her friend mr ken- of toronto cmlled on several old friend here one day last week the wms met t the home of mr criehton last thursday evening nine attending urt crichlort read scripture fiont mark landmn kukpetrklw in tyc urt sanfod read krtldei written by williim lloyd for ttudy text word worthy wat iruwyed in a vers of scripture a wai the toll call a tpecul collection will be taken for i ins bale rrt june the hostess erved dessert and tea afterwudi nine wi ladies from our branch attended the diunct annual at boston church ou wed sunday school disbanded for the summer months tut sunday mr crichton superintendent chilled a thort program when mrt gisby read scripture laura stevens played an organ solo mrt a benton impressed on the children gods beauties in nature and linda linliim was orginiu for several wellknown hymns a pleasant lime was spent when sunday school children and congregation had a picnic lunch indoors on account of weather after church lut sunday rev f n young said grace before all ate from a welmaderi buffet table mrs crichton made a presentation to mrs guby for her long and untiring efforts in sunday school work and kev young presented it gift to bill and joy tleruy wlio are moving to midland both have been good workers in live church but we hope ip jiave them tick often congratulations to mr jiid mrs glen scoll i five arrival of their foutth little son on the weekend l6clcup charges are clarified acton council wjs brought up io date on the charges levied gainst a municipality for lockup of prisoners by a letter from the department of collection services as lockup prisoner must be brought before a magistrate within 24 linuis of anesl the municipality is charged only for one days incarceration charges ate only nude for lockup services from arrests within the municipalitys policing responsibilities there are no charges io the town for arretls nude by cn police or driving offences on highways council was previously unsure of the amount they could he charged swims in ocean dressed in sealskin parka with a wolviiine trim andy anderson iioints lo a station on ilalfin tslarul where ho manmtl a kst on the dew lino ho also spent several years at a post on the mickeniuflolla stall photo a display of eskimo sculpture and tool was hiqhltohted by a laroe polar bear rua which allitened under a blue flosdlioht students and adult at the lecture showed o keen interest in the arcticistaff photo andy anderson oxplalns the uso ol on eskimo utensil for skinning animals to bob frankistolf photo change esquesing kindergartens all children milst attend each day kindergarten pupils iuiucunf mill attend on a half day basis in september rather than on the full day alternate day schedule presently in operation the decision was made by the hilton count hand ot lducation thuisday despite objections fioni tmstee lauum who maintained the full day attendance of the pupils on an every other da basis eliminated considerable transportation cost in presenting the recommendation fot the half day kindergarten in rsciueiiug assistant director d s lawless noted rsqueung tounslup was the only aiea wheie the full day attendance was being operated lie suggested tlut operating the classes on the half day basis would eliminate one teacher and tlie additional tratupoitalion costs of s 10100 were almost comparable with the staff reduction mr lawless pointed out tural schools in nassagawcyj burlington and oakville currently operate on the half day basis acknowledging tlut in this instance it might be possible to operate with one lets teacher trustee lawson suggested this would not always be the case and the transportation costs could be a total addition questioned on the enrolment of pupil in kindergarten classes mr lawless noted there were 10 to 12 kindergatteru in the county with 30 to 35 pupils he admitted this was too large for a beginning kindergarten teacher trustee lawson in supporting the full day program for part of each week said it wai possible for the teacher to gear the program to tuit all day attendance he agreed that the success depended on the attitude of teachers pupil and parent but noted the reaction in esquesing had been favorable he observed the pupils spend only half as much lime tin the bus disadvantages of continuity were recognted and a tiredness of pupils in early months was evident but the hoards concern should also in clinic the addilional costs inolvcd the trustee suggested the lull day piogiam should be considered in olhei aieis ol the county wheie nioie than so per cent ot the pupiu are unspotted the eosl benefit is uoitlnvhile looking at mr livtsim concluded ssistini oiicetor lawless pointed out he mallei had heeu ihsmisscil with piuicipils and leulieis and th reaction indicated a pielerenee lor the hall di program he acknowledged the patents seemed happy with the piesent iningeineiil and it the cost dilleieiue helvseen lull and hall das had been giealei ihe inattci would liise been leeonsideied mi 1 mless cited the ediicalionil advanlage lot the pupils in the hall dav piogiam suggest me lie lull das is too long met lei conlinuitc m piogiam is also possible lie suggesied the lenelh ol llie bus tide is biokeu at noon xcknowledgiug lhil he could not dociinieni the case loi i lull d is piogiam mi lawless in iinl lined that loi the ediiciliimiil piogiam il is pieteiable to base ihe cluldien on a hall das attendance riustec lawson concluded theie would piobabk he no arctic not desolate place dew line veteran asserts pjreiitjl opposition io he half day program in luiuemnt but as i trustee i have to look at he co i the hoard approved introduction of the program in september additional kindergarten clitie will not be proceeded wth at huewlav lblic school until the needs are proven the hoard agreed reviewing enrolment and proccted enrolments the llojrd agreed the additional facilities on id not be ret ui red immediately the decision will not attect current vonairuction at the school houndatv change- recent i approved have resulted in a decrease at limehoiue while eniol menu at tmeview spcvsidc limehouse and glen williams will be approximately e iii a i to ihe present kindeigartcn entolmenl i uncut ktatt tor kindergailen in i squesitig is tour teachers but the september io0 proiections indicate a ned lor only three teachers limehouse and glen williams would lure one teacher the cuiudlih arctic u imi kucli a ikuilak iji at ittmt pvopu vuiiahtf ii lltr avriuit miuwi would lw fjuirulfd by i lie kljjit utid uiinul ilw vvunnlh of l lie wnple lliuli what a ndy aiidiruui a lv year vrlrun mi the dutdtii i ally wjrriin yutjil dl u liner told a tmatl but jttfiilivc judifimr j i thr luii vtliihtl lavt wedneidjy niyjii il the lirti of a irriev tit tint- tethiret on the iudun atu ttrr xpyed by iie ttiimt ueotuaphy teparlinrnl lnjil paul murlhidalr mini penplt- wiiuttl lv ullljcd at i fie llillif up ihrrr dnjjifd mr andfiwn ihr devnlalu ihu is mily j mvlh an iinprrtsinn kiplc luvr inl and mily a irlative imimiiui luve julujlly wen line tu ilispmvr ii i lieu mr audcrujii pronidcd in piuvr tu mints with nmviii pulurrs ciilnrril slides and an jwifltuent ol ait ic us and prints lir illeitrd in the antn liuludiii a pried hiiji cji mr t vkiiiin tar vhis anil miciimk mr ilmvvcd wnus j tie suaui iii the ad tit ocean winch is nut iiiiiih colder ill in i jlsr jntjlin modem slupyaid invtallahoiis ti pl o dale m ihmiis and iiicuiiipirable sctnery uitli i viuattetiiig ol ihe irtifjlnni availahle kepi the unlieiiie very i ii i e r es led i hey siiyed ultcrwards in ask questions ubinil the arctic and the hunting utid fishing i he steaker also recounted unite of the liuuiomus episodes he encountered hi the ninth mil gave ihe audience an idea ol the diflcreut alliiudes ot tin- native peoples ihe i skjiuo system ol values differs from ihe hoplc in the inure southern part n the country but they ii ive adapted to most difticull lircunistaiices he pointed out mr anderson resides on i liunrc drive in acton alter leaving the 11 v hue a year ago he divided his tunc in the arctic between llatfin island in he east u nd i uk loyal it k on the mackenzie delta in the west after spending ten years in the air force in electronics signing up for the five year stmt on the dfw line lie manned the intricate instruments designed to warn ihe continent of a possible air strike from the ussr was the 01 u line obsolete he was aked a criticism often levelled at it as a means of defence no he replied without hesitation it has a useful place in the continents defence and keeps the russians guessing about the sophistication ol the warning system originally from ihe west from a small own named lihau north of winnipeg he attributes his desire to roam to his viking ancestors my father was icelandic he explains would he like to return to the arctic yes but ive got a few tics now he indicated gesturing with a smile at his wife the former mary ma of alton tpenl three umimr in ii 7 h ti arctic the final vionil in ihf veiiewd letllre uritijuhuhi of mberij with the will ik piiru by ijkj u tuiudiaii linfl wl i fcv bv vieprincpj j n witlt mr martlndale v 1289016 georgetown addition wj iiiiiiiully iiljiintj by ihe- ihtlrul lliuril and in f tirtiinat ihe nif mm to tht tnuuty lliild sluniirs wiie mjiu o ilrilkil llur cchlxj lor pllpil ilar rathfi than the nrliuiul lll whin leiulfi c im ln rsirn ti i t aliluleil and low lnulti werr jtrd in rrsitsv thr h lllialiniis llllilion limn rlir- ilnnt iinludiil a iclraiiiblr tijee and rsltnisr mj liidttsais vlliyr lih iii iiiridnis on hir ukiiiii iiikii was inlhtiliiliil iih icrrun ami larihiui u i tu iilidiiiir aira ihr liinlecl mi thr irnjct was jipiijvriij lltkltum niil a mimyi spful v injiil aiiluil i rcdmr the aiuoiilil lilie ilrliriiturcil ihe leuilri ot minallyr 4 ii m i i hr was jiicplrd by ihe llallnii ihuid ol i diiijliiiii ihilivilay ill an addition to thr tiorpiliwo dislnil lliuji siol id dm unix nl m kl weir it vii u il l thr itmid illn it wjrhplniii the uhiiimi lindii had null in al mll dim wlio ii i m nun nl un- ml1t- i lllti i w j iliiituei iiiliiialulalid tin ad irilijmi si ill tin lu uiilil iim iiiiiiii it ni nl ih imni i ram p i piiiil pljie in mo jliu is one pint adiniliislijtiiii lus ieill ivul tins inuiily culile iiiiiih v he ih4fw il ii was uviiwid the pmjeil levell bros modem mctf mark fhou maple leaf 1 lb pko side bacon 79 fresh pork shoulders55 red brand beef lean shoulder chuck lean rdasi85l lb blade steaks 99 fresh w lb ground chuck 85 lb fresh small link sausage 69 n lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e aln mssrsa i53h40 daily otuvirv while the artist had a little fun with this cartoon the dewaterlng ol the american falls in mldjuni affords niagara visitors a twinbill spectacle theyll find horseshoe falls as spectacular es ever and the other famous cataract bone dry os it undergoes an overdue facelifting can you help although childrens aid uk has liaswd the need of children continue the childrens aid society of the county of iialton needs foster and adoptive homes for teenagers so you have patience understanding tolerance and concern for young people if u hvnrnl you hor further infiinualioh contact the childrens aid society of the county of halton 48 hugh street milton ontario call today 878237s orcoktftvwith lifetime guaranteed circuits for about 4991 01 hf miiiflit buhmcw wtj lw0si vahmam ma i m uwa hca tmhmmd taiui cat cueuit lor mmcrtk whf ik r6ewh cm1 l6t m ttnbbih ymmubd cueuttt htmuut ftboul wo bflublwn m yeur coiw y v m t tf twoi sjjl isfces ouiitiv w coitv tv tuetumfxiusmo imtfcvaum ol um utmum ww vu hulh hca automaiu f yuaio- oaad a o ui mttk udmibj wnvfca bm th fultabi un vuf hca tlmltv a wort isiatfc ftariteor iswtofel itv lm coswv veti rmau hca nm vw yumf pun i ikmu ukwal c pkif fkiem ijwtrie oimmi m wmm4 oim titemwwstmpmcsr manning electric