mdceough report the acton free press wednesday september 17 1949 uavor les duby and councillor g w mckenji macla the official prxantation of a ceftlfieat to actont daouty dark iraasurcr grant usher certifying ha had graduated from the final vf of tha association of municipal clarkl and treauiran of ontario training court mr uiher may now uw tha initial amct after hit nam pretantation took ptac at tha uit council nesting stall photo nassagaweya neighbors object to plastic plant expansion plant for a new industrial tlant for ontario putlici imited in northern nauagiweya township met with ttlff oppotitlon at a ipecul hearing of the townships planning board on wednesday evening of lait week about 25 ratepayer from the area of highway 7 and the fifth line attended the hearing to prole it an amendment to the townthipt official plan to deiignate 25 acrei at thu interaction for industrial use written objections are still being received by the board within 14 days or wednesdays meeting and a hearing or the ontario municipal board may have to be called before the matter can be finalized planning board chairman william coulter explained ontario plastics had been operating in a converted chicken coop in this area for several years and in 1966 bought 10 acres to expand and build a new plant the firm did not apply for a rezoning when the zoning bylaw was first drafted to it was not necessary to amend the official plan to deiignate the area as industrial it is presently zoned agricultural while the board is nuking the amendment mr coulter explained it was decided to allow 25 acres of industrial use at this intersection the remaining i s acres would not be rezoned immediately only when needed but it would at least be allowed in the official plan the firms solicitor aldo bralda acton explained the new plant would be 40 by 1 20 feel of packaged preengjneered steel and fully insulated a certificate of approval has been recelvettfrom the department of health also the air pollution control branch of the department of energy and resources management the ontario water resources commission has tested tha firms present discharge of water used as a coolant and found it acceptable he stressed that the water it used only at a coolant the department or highways has also approved the sue and waste drainage of the new plant mr braida and owner j c marcoux explained it was a plastic extruding operation manufacturing tubms for lawn chairs and furniture there would be no melting or moulding of plastics they explained letters from two raw materials suppliers u dicated there would be no noxious odor letter said any odort would be rather than y bond offering night classes here this week acton y is offering 1 3 course which will operate as a night school if enough interested people register promptly llalton county board of education is offering classes in milton and georgetown only for this area last year the y classes were very successful and the board is looking lurwutd to larger registration this year an ad and application form arc m this weeks free press also in todays paper acton citizens band is advertising a new type night school count lor interested adults in instrumental music after the intensive six month course bandmaster george elliott feels the adults would be able to play an instrument tanly well this type ot course lus operated very successfully in oakville the usual junior program ol training u also being planned by the band di does well in vermont di duncan of the rockwood trail riders did very well in a competition in vermont usa di and her horse maverick were third in the division and first in the unregistered trail horie class riders hid a 100 mile to complete in three dayt divided into mileage of 40 40 and 20 per day tills course would be held in the music centre the y hopes to start as many classes as possible very soon likely 10 classes could be held before christmas the cbsses arent necessarily in the y but will use school facilities for such classes as sewing cooking woodworking and gym cbsses classes being ottered are last years popular slim and trim group sewing and upholstering classes plus woodworking looking sports club lor men contract bridge lor beginners art investments public speaking elementary law conversational french and bnghsh as a second language for new canadians no accidents there were no reportable accidents in town during the past week according to police free coke joox disposable bottle with every s3 worth of gas friday saturday only the management rtmrvn tha right to limit ouamlt w highway garage main st n acton halton would benefit in merger with peel one of the earliest forest fire disasters took place in 1825 in the valley of the mlramichi kiver in new brunswick ttwe fire killed 160 people destroy eo several towns and villages and devastated over 1600 square miles of forest major financial implications on merging llalton and peel counties were revealed to representatives of the two county councils in a meeting with minister of municipal affairs darcy mckeougli in toronto thursday the meeting cloud to the press reviewed the results of a financial study mr mckeoughs staff had prepared showing how the mill rates of each municipality in halton and peel would he affected if lite counties amalgamated or became separate units of regional government ibllon delegates the seven yeeves returned from ihe meeting with a variety of impressions but most of ihem indicated there were only slight differences in mill rates shown in mr mckeoughs tables it was generally agreed llalton would benefit financially from a merger with peel the halton reeves told mckeough they pieferred to remain as a ungle county unit of and one noticeable 1 tweet obnoxious mr marcoux said complaints from nearby residents about noise stem from the fact their present operation is not insulated the grinders make a noise but they only operate occasionally for half an hour at a time the new budding will be insulated and practically all of the noise will be cut out mr braida added neighbor e w newman said i moved out from toronto to get away from fjctones and now they are trying to put one in my back yard he said a sweet odor might be very offensive to some people and answered with a iyet definitely when mr braida asked if the present operation was obnoxious to him mr newman asked for an unconditional written indefinite guarantee that there would be no pollution from the plant there is a plastic factory 13 miles away and it has obnoxious fumes he added mrs ii moss another neighbor objected to the firms proposed septic tank waste system abutting her property she also asked for a guarantee there would be no air pollution she expressed fears her property would be devaluated and that it would be taken over for industrial use but mr coulter assured her even an industrial designation on the official plan did not mean industry had to use it another objector is cameron kitching a member ol the planning board and the nun who sold the 10 acres to ontario plastics he suggested once jn industry gets its foot in the door it would be difficult to stop others from coming in mr braida answered that mr kitching had sold his land to the firm and knew then they planned to build a new plant on the property deputyreeve gordon agnew told the ratepayers the new plant would be much better lor them than the present operation the firms present plant continues to operate as a legal nonconlorming use as it uas in operation before the townships zoning bylaw was dratted we can clear up the operation and make it even better with a new plant he said but ue cannot stop the business i rom operating where it is now regional government- poiubly broken into five local areas or boroughs the minister acknowledged their stand and seemed pleased with the idea of lumping a large portion of nassagaweya township with the town of acton o form a secondary level of government peel county officials generally support the amalgamation a lot depends on whether or not burlington remains with llalton in a regional government or joins up with hamilton miu wenworth county the steele cumnmsion report on ihe hirnillonwentworth area is due in late october and mr sony mm in i j it weeks slory of the legion m j t c r golf tourrumcnt the i ice prcs reported that phil scolty mccmull lud won the jward fur be u lefthander the award actually was uured by stony and dill taylor mckeough liai indicated he wont ruth any dvcuiotu on the ha it on to el arei until he hear the reuiltt of the steele study there t general agreement oraneville lhould remain in duffer in county and not torn peel in any amalgamation it u the county teat in duffer in the minister ttudy was bated on county provided wrvicet tuch at roadi garbage ductal general administration fire firolection comer vat ion ibranet and recreation hguret were from iwjih and indicated halton would be in a dihlly belter financial position than peel if ihe two countict had magedlast year if they had merged lut yea and provided the same services liuuc ting und nasugiweya would have teen higher mill rates georgetowns would have been the ume and milton acton hurling on and oakville would have been down thghtly if the two counties had been operated as separate regional units all llalton municipalities except burlington would have had a thghtly higher mill rate jrpxy 3am mattnii ivrt 30 walt disney program of short subjects color thuwdav 7 days urt u 34 bullitt aduft colo steve mcquten lighthouse mouse cartoon thuh ml 4ay urt 1i 11 if ring of bright water color wllllam travers vioginia mekenna life with tom cartoon sun mom tlils wio sirt ai oct 1 the sergeant atluh color rod steiger mutiny on bunny andrew murray motors limited pvl jp on a sparkling array of new 1970 models from chevrolet and oldsmobile again the pace and value setters for the new model year putting you first keeps us first everv resident of acton and vicinity whether interested in purchasing a car or not is cordially invited to visit our showroom this weekend were raising the curtain on the finest display of new cars in our 7 years as your chev olds dealer opbn house mid first showing thursday sept is also friday and saturday sept 19th 20th open 0 am to 10 pm roses for the ladies andrew murray and staff w2i chev fhcberaifflay motors ous free balloons for the s kiddies by tiff water tower gooraetown mountainview ad south w phone 8778944 b door prizes refreshments for all 1