iuihg the phj at acton bowling lanes b v hulford bkakuuoki sapl 15 shamrocks lamainad ort lb lop nine lib a iwo fend lotab wirt from the fklkas voi shamrock don ll 603 tad donna wcdowll 224 mm on tjw trips bid ditjk pastaau few fhlkas ii ai john daialb 471 aua wklla th slid lab vl da koov 309 wllh a tilpld wt from iha avangcfs wfa haa yal lo hit ihe wti rokimn lucky sbtka movadup for a abar of lop tpol lyla cylppa 673 skip vrwnhmk 629 at hoach 602 and dlaitn mallwua ion twptad and tinahd tew tba llkkw making with im iricounll aid solo or avariaart w whi latuaur 642 lawianta huh 21 and john onrfanlliu 200 soil i wonim fkal rtompoafrwho than took ihr bppar hand and wound up wllh tha mat iwo tama and lolalt tolha- crtdit tvlpbtl and ilnsw poilad by uppart- war t ranchy conway 7f llsbh uiuur 646 asd kay alklftton 210 in a ak win lor jptttuai wim tom vrownlni 624 tom shannon 604 and kan wllnr ijh laaaua tlartdlnj shamlockl 12 lucky sllllai 12 upprn 10 ltutti 4 hpitfbai 4 avaitaais 0 carolini gardtn itntrl sapl is shamrock ajn mad vary gam a winning one lo remain lop laam on ihe lolam pok salurni wr ihc onai lo take ihe tou al clouilm 662 i1jii jim kay 961 211 and lovoa adacm 541 233 parad iha win carl timbers 617 2ho murray fcatamafl 494 184 and slaw ktaikhard 4mh i 1 waia loo bio for iha totrrt carnation with a tripkt win fronl iha loavbuar moved up lo the second ilol willi cmce robertson 64k 2s2 lulri irlmara 616 ujs and ani lauden 4mlalhaadlnup the win ruby lautlun s6i 221 howie lank sje 202 and cut wadv 501 l0 were bail for the lovcboai after loiina the firil carilo to lleloei by iwo plrti aitronauli hll the win cokihtn for the nekf two anj total bart kobeilton 616 2121 lome notion 601 209 and pele houwmafl 601 paced the win oh yet uue defong came lo ufe in the ihlrd earn wllh a 74k wtlo meroe effort want headed ui by ihiniv liljteii lti 211 sally fcouwman 57 227 and wuy tjelonj 567 c224 leaeu standing shamrock b amalloni 6 ilwoei 4 aitronauli halurnt 2 lovebuai i hliii mwnlis nuiciky kept 16 mumi had no ifauhle ix winning ihe tint game from the sunflower who rallied lo euuskrr in ihe wiond by ihlee plai the ihlrd canto wai a teal bailie mumi taking ii by one pin uumi grabbed the ilnilelon ror total lauta ttthle 57 145 mary anderton 4401117 and poteen mitchell 4k6 i s3 headed up ihe mumi win topi for ihe bain survives large field to capture feature win by vman shaw action al actonoiprlnfee speedway sunday afternoon started even before the first face ken nldiollia newcomer lo ihe trick did a complete roll and hit car landed on in roof however ken wai able lo get hlicai back in ahape for lii firit heat on the firil lap of the late model feature larry bain tpun round and aix cara ran into him but all were able lo continue meanwhile ron overland tpun between number j and 4 lurni and daw cleland ran into him larry cox took ihe lead on the retlart only lo kite ii to chuck lawlot on the fifth lap seven laps later lawlot lost a wheel and ken nicholli held ihe lead until he was disqualified for blocking and cutting off olhci driven with only four lapi to jft larry bain who itarted the race in 15th poailion grabbed drat students compete in postathon two hundred and fifty m z bennett itudenta divided into teams of 10 competed in a poatathon yeiterduy studenti dropped tag bearing their team letters in four different boxes placed at the comers of the qujrtermile rectangular course students wete free lo run the coune from eight until nine m the morning at morning and afternoon recesses at noon hour and from four until five in the afternoon teacher id leathetljnd who organized the event iron an idea he received u his physical education summei course estimates the sludenia completed 1274 miles one boy peter pavh turned in is miles himscll students ftom grades lour to eight took part in the competitions place and held it the rest of the way to win his first feature of the seaion ait somerville finished second and jetty blakney third eddy stewart had lo retire on the ninth lap with a flat lite in the mini slox feature al conboy who had won two heats earlier look the checkered flag with gene dionne aecond and ralph ftecher third art somerville started in the outside pole position in the semifinal and went on to take first place dan kociuk sped past larry majuery on the lllh lap to finish second majuery settled for third results of the individual races follow iii c heat larry cot sieve ikillo ron oveeland b heal ail somerville barify or4aakajiarum bailey f a heal larry bain goid llayward larry mauery lit mini al cunhoy ken shaw ralph i lecher slow conile ken nicholli chuck lawlor tom nell i ail conale geotpe nicholli al peterson carry thornc 2nd mini al conhoy ralph i lecher rou curron lu semi art somerville dan koctuk larry majuery lait chance id stewart jerry bbkney no ih mini i cature larry bain art somerville jerry blakney larry majuery cuii i aryon powder puff donne doc manna cleland betty sauve invest bequest councillor mckcnzie old council thut he s 14000 beetles lefi lo the town of acton by the mabel sandmen ettute had been inveited in iliort term notes until the committee decides the best thing to do with it mr mckenzie aid the committee decided the might us well get u better rate ot interest until they decide what fairview cemetery needs in the way ol improvements sajnfldwel wacttf iylvli uaafl 57 20lsndy ucgikw imfunj httiy uani 4k2 i7s tdoi u in itwtrf for khtusi of th tup ai vsyiih i two btti totili via from snowtbortl who wot lh tnljdu ciilo ikfuit kincub 604 220 afciwi ukiinrt sns 155 fefkhvfi wtllcft 5is 191 wr op bio in th wli tlcsdifu uf snokotvt tkojtt wrf hth wljiii ih c1v 244 ikj ijmunlwri 5s0 197 bid i iur wfctt 49x227 jsunlrsc took tubh in ih tint ifhirt ihn go i lottwrdd trt ibn wfofid txjl ihuiini to uihit the ihitl fciitwr hy 17 piat but oil our on toub for im uftkklon mmy mrde 3hh i9n atkk wourt 7a2mjijwifnciu nmtlh 551 206 ut on ulo foi tukp jiubler kimw 79 133 mtulythr iwiylr vh 22 inj vrtia tttlnrt ii 37 uir lvl fof ltt4ilrwt lftfuc tlnsiing mumi 5 uauvw 1 tuefh 4 liiivt 1snwfl4iufi 7 srwwtiuft 2 sports tkwni r vpl ift lutlunt m fhiillfinir rwiuft fend pttihtii lltrmtlvct on kst tatp rung i or itfeiunt joan icrtluhl 674 fejwt hiu omn hi bkounud baft in rtour cffomi wa utu muwulrtn m3 iwbts2 2 tfilit for i allojji and alkortt i ittoult winning ihr firil two mt whik alkortt look the uti imt todlt on ihc ulpu tnd unylr pldtcauj for lilloui wrrc llntcr wfilir 69 bob wooiktuv ft2iikn tvtoretl 212 301 mnd ah nuhct 213 219 lor aluwl il wit ft wood 670 annfllf si piffrr fjw boh situ if i 22 nd smlliy hilrink 707 ouufeut litl ihc ful lo uoon bug then latlrd avlov i he if inhlltlliont tnd wnl on to win lltr nevt two tntl loliu i or til count and fentot i rank st plme 6h9 john ilmiiuowiy 6ss mill llamlllon 640 mid muy stufffu 216 hul cm uuiy moytf 70h 109 mtnln 0huuh t2 and john dunn 66 tricounud for ih hue uftfue ilandlng luihlnt 7 moon bug 5 ouiliii 4 rioter 3 lallouti 3 allwrlt 7 irjoustrlalcommi rcial st 17 thw wami lied for flni and three team led for vcond that u if you with to lake a iharitablc vtew of ihe induttrial omnwniali flftl night of howling came about hut johnt tekaco vervke took em all from a b supeimuket pete turbrr shop tuppeu tybr tranipoit for ihe woibi and beardmore co helled jon huxtt i kuric into ilale or thmk when they handed ihe i wtnclant rero iouni trink for the rughlt howling wvre johnt teasto scrvke trny mautet 771 320 wayne maton 627 pm1 leliueur 6in and john lloarc 617 a b supermaiknl trle mlddlelon 6s4 petei barber shop jim buuough 7h7 302 ilniie shuttu 12i and i link mfu 601 tyler trail www t keith andrew 646 and bob woodcock 62h beardmore vu ray atklnutn 6k2 llee oe orrii 6hl bab turvoi 64h and john dunn ms jon him l lleitrk don hani 716 leairue ttandinp ivlet lather shop 4 beardmore co 4 john tetuuo service 4 tylert tranpotl 0 jon iilui rlcvtru 0 a supermarket 0 acton ladus sept 17 bcckert milk creamed 1 ga in che flftt iwo garnet hut tpill the milk in the third and willed tor a two and to tilt win anna spear 643 296 title syme 590 210 and bev hartnga 574 246 headed up betkera win tuntng up the lop trlcounlt for the 1 1 a ure nan hurt 549 245 mary papillon si3 211 and ina mellon 1hi a two and total wm from ihe i amity store glvet n tclie n clothing a thare of trcond puae marion hunter 5h7 231 donna manet 511 193 and grate rohrrtton 500 20h ton trio for ihe family store wrrc kilty allen 627 301 mary sktrrou 0 176 avtui malheuin 4 20h annette si pierre ulio wat nointf nowhere in ihe firt two garnet finally figured thingt out and hll for a 206 in the third omteot won ihe firt ianio ironi entiil uriuc by w pint lovt tlie trcond h 26 then houmed tuti with a big win in the third lor a luo and touh deution lnnf banett 522 210 uca anderuin 21 thd and mae swuilhimcr 447 214 pjved tht win marion storey 712 274 donru krapek hl 212 ami donru stave 50a 221 were he it lor central cartjy league t tan ding reiaer milk 12 niclmrnt clothing 71 ci a 7 lamily sluoif 6 cameo boutique 5 central ckrifeg 5 major kept 18 aclon mcidowa tupl up they wrtnirtg tiitik when they nwt rehabu tfekt ttwy won vm all with jim ttmwk mi wayne una 766 feitd jim buttugh 699 hlghbghdng topi ror 1h winjeu rruble tiki were muj lohnttoiw 694 bui wuiiamt 670 fend tom bfowitn 604 alioh l4ri hi the win cokimi wtih a two fend tot alt win ffom spoilt comer iju- mtddeot 710 iwlwlntvu 671 and dennucrooki 61 2 wvre on ihe hlpw puieau for that lanet k or spou 0hi ii wai hruiv shuliu di 3341 don luiltl 710 fcrtd boh wmwkock 600 tvenk su who ac ivitalfdj not that p4jruwert i my wvi utl watod made with a iwo and toiau win from mintont slore jeff kyi 692 id muljldway 656 and tvw waliur 62 rvaovd up the witi hlntodt hati rffmli cam from milshaniwaf 646 i lenthy conway 631 fend boh lurkivu 619 league tunding ailon meadow 8 vivnit ftvolt 7 illntona st or 5 alton jnt 3 pti coathm 1 reltahulaitlo acton i rll nds sept ih in the atton i riendi league kukofl team one and team two each won a game and tied the olhrr team one had the edg for totali howvver lo lake the big thar of 4 3 point tplii i or 1 earn on i d kim 695 274 mik noble mu 230 iv u- bouwman 462 207 were loo trlplert team twnit liett were charbe milne 592 225 bob snyder 536 202 ami alma sthnildl 44h trn h wat two and total win tor tam sin when they met up wllh team i iw i loyd schmidt 714 322 john chapman 456 258 double and ken thornton 431 155 pared ihr win beti for team i iw uie martin rowv 552 209 and marie while 449 151 team th made every game a winning oite from team i our who dropped tough middle game by 23 pin craig peiktni 74 h 30h ray hunter 616 227 and gary hluhw 499 203 hlhllmed the win jim milne 536 207 sauy bouwmirt s3s 258 and ron white 484 208 lopped team i oura trundling league handing team tftme 7 team su 5 team one 4 team two 3 team i ive 2 team lour 0 acton mix d sept 19 happy gang are hiu the happy onet a triple win from the saint give them nice hold on flit rilare the saints made a ttrong bid or the second game but miuedlt by iu pint artie white 669 2s3 id browne 574 240 and biyon billing 509 191 were topi for triple to the win bob pfic 554 229 gloria browne 514 203 and dan porty 4h7 187 were betl for the sainlt highly qualified gpnasts would like to teach in acton bernd and annemane knidwig known tulkinwiik as top canadian txymnaid aie ready to imparl some or their knowtedgtf of trier tport to ax ton and dltl let peofi who rrjgjit b luleletted the tktudwig luw moved into a nw lunw at k h 2 acton in tun towntiilp and heyd like to ttirt cuuat the wm v a in nyiiuiikiki intlrucloii al iftc lurtrtonie club in toronto lie kail york th acton fr pr wedrwidey 5pombf 24 1 pucci bot feel they ihould flrat offer iheu ulenta lo acton and dbtilct where tlhey have choeen o liw the krudwigg have 12 acrea on tlwlr r it 2 lot and new brick houtw which they af atul flniahlng ort their own bemd b a detagrwr al uaaaey ppuwa in toronto whlu annemauie tuy horn now to mind a baby gym hub and he tuyview ciynt lub timing iketr iay in the qun ctly dheyve devilopid 0ernd krudwig cfamonttrath hit ability on the long horu hit tpacially m 2 bennett tchool studantadrop thou- tags in chool hour ywtorday studenta travailed a total a box during the poatathon held before end ftar of mlestaff photo spollera polled road runnert hope of winning the flni game when they look it by 15 pint they did il again in the triond canto which they won by the lunowett of margin one pin road runnert kept trying however and made the grade in ihe finale by enough pint not only for the win but alio the tin ale ion for totalt top ulo in ihe spoilert trundling were ron sheppard 528 211 hill manto 54 200 and ua btaur 504 1h4 lor road runner it wat chei lewandowtki 589 245 wilo near 572 202 and don laile 517 195 a 25 pin edge in the flrtt gave slowpocct ihe win but then it wat oirtaint mitfilt bouncing back to grab the next iwo and totali with hrure sagatkie 698 292 hec dalgle 583 225 una wellwood 575 255 and lew reld 532 207 heading up the win betl in live slowpoke effort wre td buter 566 210 john park 564 204 and george triuncr 543219 league ttanding happy gang 17 spoiler 13 mufltt 12 slowpoke 9 road runnen 7 saint 5 big i our scpi 19 alley katt broke ihe ont place tic with sock it tomet when they met up with them they won ill garnet to take top tpot all by ihemiclvn solo etforlt predominated their win sid hofttede 236 mars van arragon 226 otiar leemlra 241 and joe hofttede 213 rud cm siilot wrrc alto the soikcn forte john vliclttra 224 jennie kuikcn 219 ann hofttede 251 chalked them un wllh dilf van airauon 674 jane van socle n 617 charlie doom bot 213 john ducnk 254 harry hntinp 213 and harry hofttede 211 tripling and tingling duiteit put on a power ditpuy lo whneuavh the hcjdptn big jake vjn der kooy 221 and harry borent 261 uilot wat hcadpint betl effort lcjluc handing alley katt 16 dultert 12 sthklttomtt ikadpint 5 ill adihn 1iiliti s thit pjtt week uu all league underbuy and umc of ihc tcoret luvc been amuinjl lugh for the vtart ol tltc teaton theyre not all contincd to the male e culver tome ol the itih have made uith the biv tinlcand triplet mat tlvet tontinuc tluu tikhj bovtling hejrd the odd crouw jnd jrumblc in ome ol the icaiyuct uould tike lo point out thai the league caciutivc do the bcl for all konicrncd and uhilc their cflorit rru not p leave ihe odd individual remember a i oid they do what thev ihtnk u hett lor the league at the old jini in boulin goct it you cant hoott yiur league dont lnotk iiyouth boubng tarlt thit saturday and supcrvitor ivy martin it uill tvoueuint all potential youth boukrrt to p leave rtgutrr in advance thing artf net tic enough on ihe flrtt day ol bowling without a lavt minute ruth of youngttert uanting to ugn up lor ihe lt record vbc howling wat ttaried trven year ago by the bou ling proprietor aktajtialton and lati teaont membenhip acroti cauda reached a record high of 38325 youngttertquite a few new face in ye olde bou una alley thit teaion we bid them welcome and uncerely hope hey enjoy their boubng and new compiniomhip jutt remember when you tttrt punching headpim and leaving corner doni bbme it on the machine dont blame it on the ball dont count the pins that wobbki jut count the onei thit fall- 1 hat it for now my frfendlie to adloi atnjgoi and goodnite concord city annemarie krudwig imtructed several qvm clmtes in toronto before moving to the acton district nuny fine nynuutli uinw uf wlwurt youll id in cuvijui olympic ifjm al tin next ajnwi tltdyve txjlh fttil a lit ol cftdvniiau luid hnplilei hit priwerbial mjte tung hutlhcir fnthutiisni fur gynunvtica ui tvevvf waned fjtio they flrtt slurtfd interinatiy iternd wai econd lit the nntlh anwiican cttmplliumit and a ktld mtdillit ui the canadian taftimm h clunipuxiuilpi this alhlelit ytwjtig nun miiud out ixi heing a tnetnber nf the canadian olympic tram at the latt turn in mkicu becaui lie was three months sjioii of acquiring his canadian citientjilp hul lies been all over ihe slates and canada with im lithe wile competing in cmnpeiliinns and coaching ynungstcis tm ihe way up mis krudwig was doing a similar inn wllh lite gjils their love fur i lie disciplines figure skating dub to hold registrations rfonliolion fix membaialilp in ihe alton iijtuie skating club will he held uii satuidiy oilnlxi 4 and again saluiday ottoher 1 1 ii was deculad al an executive and diieclnia meeting 1iesident gary debmyn anniunced llul ihe club would again be fortunate in liavlng mis nancy skuce and mia sally lealhertand as instructor mr debruyn was again returned u ptesldent for the l670 season with ron pickles 1st vicepresident mario bagmski 2nd vicepresident jean mcphall treasurer marie shadboll secretary dolls townoey test chairman peggy ikllruyn carnival chairman the following commitlees have been formed from the executive and board members test committee mis i townoey mis wcldon carnival committee mrs p debiuyn mrs jackson mil schupp social committee mrs b tioltermrs brilton ice committee mr p mctvnsmll mr k kearns property commltlee mr ii towntley mr j buckman mr m bjginski grievance committee mr r pickles mr p mccnstall mrs mcphail publicity committee mr g debruyn of tymrusllei apea back iu liaiaainfeld geimany city of 6ojq00 near duueldoif whne they both shared mutual inteiests in track tnd field aniveiturie voal who inter married uernd krudwig after they emigrated lo canada in iv4i wat track and field champ of her liome town in ijjv and iw ttiay are much sought aiier to leach gymnastics in uveral acton figure skating club registration to be held at the acton arena saturday october 4 and saturday october 11 from 1030 am to 1330 pm 24 week skating tetl carnival croup and private inttruetien please complete this form for reoistravion junior up to 8 year 1500 intermediate 9 to 12 y 2200 i senior and adult 2500 i family 3 member 4700 each uuuisnal family month 500 married couples 3500 sok fm payable en rotjlatraridn balanco wttmn 3 waalta j name i address a phone i ao parents signature mambars will nntv a copy of ih club bylaw en reglalrallon j daualiler bom un may 16 she ahked al the toronto cliy hail prior to ihe birth of iha baby what isagymiualt tttf krudwigi have an answer taken from an old gcmis plilloiopher malo somaorm wlyi is inleinled in deraloplflg his mind uld his body ttiey liopo tbaia ue rnauiy fiom acton inuitiltd in that type of paogram wlothutsfri ay i itt uiihtt lit marvin 11i dirty doxn adult 1nlerliilrthwhi plus jamts garntr in grand prix iun mon iuii tin itwio gina ioiioiimigida jmtllly winiers phil siivirs pitir lawfokll in buena sra mrs cttrnphmw a jul i i iiirnlniitnl plus b michait cainf m in play dirty usmvr drive theatre adult ihlarimbimamt pliaii noyi show syaftyi ay y30 pm for best choice skidoo 1970 iii our dispiay at milton fall fair sfptembbt 2627 murt allisons sales hwv no 7 between acton oeorqetown phone 8775259 or 8775250 prom lovell bros meat market colemans crvovac sp cottage rolls 69 i red brand beef lean shoulder roast 75 choice sirloin tip roast 1 10 tenoer rump roast 99 choice bpneless prime rib roast 99 1 fresh ground chuck 79 c wit your mam red brand beir s 67 ffiows 56 hmtt 7 lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill t attsmi dajiv dujvuy pham u33140