thar acton free prase wedrvesday novarnbar 12 1969 9 accident free week hpc pleases opp office predict changes for ohsip fopofufm 2 to rsovernber 9 the n the actaa detachment while mtiu total of 196 hours patrolled 505 mgei of the town roads occurences irnrastigsted were t of theft which are ftid ffndrr lnjstigatioa on caaa of assault and one am of petty trapto two person were chaiged under the liquor control act for having liquor other than id residence on the traffic aceae a total of six charges ha- been laid against motoristi is the past week arid seven more haw lets play bridge by bill coal i had use l of dbmibaj at tuuuih d kail taaaphoa arias cwfc la taatmss keceedv al 8 director ye dost av ekaafa u m 11 at i wl mouth east south wet jm rus nt ah tan kaap yom re m m ii bmn troeaii here b aw fcaad wmi rserta emakr tad aeidwr aid vaaawable qi4 mj7s9 wttt 1vou ha 10 3 csj east 1ttlu dj3 1 hi4 caoi04 2 ci tovth lk 10 3 3 hk daq4 j ck tit iv leual notice to creditors la rjwj awattar of wujuau hanley leu of taw yowsv hip of ifiiiinitaat aa taw cpiowy of hattcw ajx pan la having claims a- alait the aforementioned estate of wlujtammanley who died on or afcout the mih day of april 19tf are required to file proof thereof with the under signed solicitor for the admin istratrix with will annexed on or before the mat day of nov ember 1969 after which date the estate will be distributed having tegard only to the claims then hied gated at acton this 5th day of november lftea bsaroa valbauottl 3 paisley st guelph ontario solicitor for the adminis tratrix with will annexed 1920 opaafcaj laadlcwl 6f tib4 i lux m ouml with norths eswalaf ms l tact the tmd today sajifljty al dinlicau bue h k saanl wtea aasvat say ae card sit ma taawa uibiit moat soutki last eefaual mu deevj tiwurhliw wed triad 3 as triieas neetk anl u tb fual cmbact up to sewth oace yee hae bsad a p s ud yea he daaeribad your haed you pattiiar kei what you haw yea do set aacaatarliy loiow wfcsl year pehwi has ahy north who rataftat to four haarfs u due to go dowa st ueit two oa a cbib lead settttt b6er has a rtlj chajace at tkfa ao bvasp the ftpawlng ckib bad b woe by ewltsart lack dacurw u meat torbussi to nad loaaa spade aed diwaaad beauts la norths fcaad if east ha both major lult ares decbwr b ukaly is go down ifwju kss both scas dadaraf wid btobabty sake his contfact the cely laal eeecera tkea b divided aces rvklafaf bads ik haart king which tkedfaasoromrwblivln now u eaat has tki speds ace dacbmr kwst bad a diaasoad bi oidsr to laack daasbty if however kast kei ike keait ace decuier mutt bad a declarer saould try tka spada but aot for tka obvious reasoa if eatt wias aad seturas a ckib decursr bttlu duck if watt does not ovartaks tkea dacbier is safs for east kas boots clubs if wsu ovesukss sad dears the club suit declarer forasu an about hearts lis bow has three aade bicfcs uues dlanioed tricks two clubs and one heart for als eoatrsct wait stay wall duck east club bapbat tkal both eau aad dedshr have tkfea dubs la this case declarer pmceedi with the eitabutkieeet of us been suit concedlaj at the ami two dubs sad two ataiorult aces lsu itaks wwnes si lbs acton baide club were fual baoa dkkton and gloria coals second iob dlcktoa and kaikeriae coati tied for third kay campbell and ivan hams with dick riusi and tom and we are happy to report it was an accident free week keep ii up acton drivers your police office just love to report an accident free week the acton public safety shield was won by the robert little school for the month of october the presentation was made at the school by mayor l duhy to the principal g w it is with sorrow that the men of the detachment mark the passing of mr ab robinson who died suddenly at home on novembers mr kofeinaoo who had been the caretaker at the police office for a good nunibec of years was a man whom everyone liked and admired those sire ten shoes will be hard to fill blasts too big totuidl to ask qtfony manager etqueting township council agreed to go and have a heart to heart talk with the manager of indutmln quarries about the site of usui after wilfrid portowtky a resident of the area complained that vibrations from blasts have not lessened any in recent months mr fortowtky told council that a recent visitor al his home from south africa had said that vibrations from quarry mails were much greater than those he had experienced back home in mining areas he wenl on to say he fell it was councils retponubility to check into this and possibly hire somebody with selsmogriphic equipment to check the sue of blasts reeve george cunie admitted he thinks certain waits are too big himself i dont disbelieve your slory he told mr fortowtky deputyreeve torn hill tsld he thought it was up to the department of mines to control this but did suggest that council talk with the quarry manager lusihlua molssiohil sokkoiit 20 auction sales 20 auction sales auction sale for chester allan of mlstllln beef cattfjtt tractob combine ulttlemklnts peed tnnuttttjtte ev antiques at the farm lot 7 con 3 on the third una of erin twpv 5 miles north of acton at 12 noon on saturday november 15 1969 rocker wicker seat and back ood pine flat back cupboard toilet sets 1 real good color butter print churn clothe rack 3 old fancy lamps cop per boiler picture frames floor coverings various sizes ge frig with freeger domin ion cook stove quebec beater 2 box stoves good ones green and gold fruit dish quills blankets etc taactor and uutplbm ents ajc m combine mo tor driven 6 ft cut ford n tractor pulley ferguson 2fur- row plow 3 pji ferguson cul tivator stiff tooth 13 teem 3 pji cockshutt double disc 4- sectkut harrows near new 3- drum steel roller otaco tractor spreader mji mower cock shutt aide rake 4ar dump rake wagon and tat rack small farm trailer circular law 30 blade atone boat aftscetlaneous home- lite chain saw 21 blade cock- shutt grain grinder 75 ft drive belt leg vise and work bench anvil aluminum wtecifearrow 3 ft extension ladder set of scales champion oat roller and 1 bp motor like new de lmvaj milkirso macbirie 1 unjt de laval electric cream separa tor pump jack and motor 16s ft of new m draw rope emery and motor tarp 9x9 lap pnlls spiles and pan hbfid 17 tons of garry oats 200 bales of good hay 1969 mo bales of straw mow of loose hay part beeves of molasses dental dp leonard embback dental surgeon suite no 3 hlnton bldg 17a mill st e acton on for appointments phone 1s3i3m architect cattle 5 holsteln cows 2 are due sale time 3 are bred april june and sept hereford cow bred june aug and oct 2 hereford heifers due sale time and in dec 2 angus cows bred aug 2 hereford heifer about 700 tbe 6 beef steer from 700 to 1000 lbs 4 calves 400 lbs 1 veal cah 300 lbs 2 pall carves about 300 lbs stoclcfifts and ffcfiobnk from gordon leslie acton 7 hereford shorthorn steers 00 lb t hereford shortboro hesfers 7400 lbs 3 smaller lookers 3 shorthorn cows bred due to freshen early spring a choice group of cat tle hens 50 kja laying hens 1 year so ttjjr puuets starting to lay lumber and wood ab- w 1000 ft of pine and spruce 1 100 cedar posts good one 20 anchor post good 5 cedar pole 30 ft 35 single cords of mixed wood dry good wood 1 single cord of cedar ihwnittktb and arttlou- bs extension table band made kitchen table band made 6 pressed back ohairs 6 kitchen chair type of fan back cbeaieriseld and 2 oratlrt odcaikinal chair 2 leather cov ered chairs dill piano and stool good one iron bad spring and mattress 2 ilnae era and 2 wash stands cheat of draw large 2 malt iron pots high bed drasser wash stand matohwl good aot desk nursing rocker old dorjald e skinner barch iulaijc i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 1534740 office hour by appointment or 20 stavabank rcl port credit 274342i optometrists arthur a johnson od milton is4 main st 87m972 tuesdays and fridays acton 54 mill st b 8532520 wednesday a and saturday residence phone 87d967s funeral director terms cash day of sale rfo reserve farm aold owner or wkhlooeer not reioralble for sudsiest max storby fcockwood ocmakcr utiltia phone 8534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr appraisin6 and insurance f l wsrsrit 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 554710 appraiser and itnsaifaskoe over 50 year in acton m tha mutual ufa ahimiifig aomwm or muu roftert s rlaiw 341 orrule road acton bus 4164514440 u 51b4b34527 ohsip the provinces controveriial new health plan cornmanded a good share of attention at the halloo federal and hilton east provincial progressive conservative associations annual meeting wednesday night in oakvdl mp jim snow association president john kilmer and minister of lands and forests rene brunette agreed that although there was a communication system let up to explain the new program it was not satisfactory mr brunette told the group both he and mr snow as well as others from queens park have had groups of people in their offices protesting the plan without indicating what the changes were he said he thought there would be some changes to improve the plan soon mr snow explained the plan would colt tome 5494 million dollars in the first year with an anticipated 5401 million in claims 528 million in administration and 565 million for nurses schools doctor training and health resources funds for the plan come from various sources of which 5296 million is from premiums 5176 million from ottawa and 540 million left from omsif funds totalling 5512 million dollars for a balance of j 1 8 million mr brunette spoke of his departments work and answered questions from the floor he said ontario told 800000 licenses for hunting last year of which 75 per cent were told in the southern portion of the province ontario has 96 provincial farki providing camping acilitlct and recreation for 10400000 people last year he noted the parks are now being alteied to serve winter campers and for lnowrriobtling si well the government has been planting sptake a cross between specklfd and rainbow trout and has uccnlly embarked on a projedt tp plant echo salmon while coho have been planted in some areas his department was reluctant to go too far on the project until they understood the nature of the fnh belter department of lands and forest mil has doubti as to the amount of reproduction of the fnh the coit of the hatchery would run from 15 million to 510 million he noted that as a service to campers showers were being installed at major parks near the highways this would allow campers to shower where beach facilities were not suitable noting ontario was the only province without a major national park peter mcwiuiams asked if there were plans underway with ottawa to produce one mr bruiulle explained that other provinces had gone to the federal level to have this done and ontario had negotiated for this two years ago but the conditions insisted upon by ottawa discouraged any further talks ottawa nulled that if ontario was to develop a major park the land had to be donated to the federal government and among other ttlbulatloni were the banning of hunting and logging we believe in multiple use parks and suffer from a shortsge of crown land in the southern portion of our province he explained in general the uiputationt could not be agreed upon by the two levels in a brief address mc snow reviewed his first two years in office he made special note of the fact no helton towns weie lilted among those receiving the moil welfare oakville he uid has the lowest amount in the province he spoke in detail about the problem of communication from government to people listing the opposition as a hazard and explaining there was much competition for the publics attention terry oconnor ares president for oakville west presented a new constitution and explained the associations problems in launching an efficient campaign coordination of areas and lack of funds were problems pointed out to him by recent candidates jim snow and peter mcwilllams a treasury balance of 56 75 bore out the complaint of lack of fundi re elected president john kilmer said unity coupled with organization was the seciet to tucceii for the association and the party he urged members not to say yei when aikcd to help if they didnt intend to do the job also elected to office were first vicepresident bob reed of milton second vicepreudent mrs rita mackinnon of oakville third vicepretldenl norm hixon of erin liesiuier john depew of oskville secretary william humphreys of oakville and vicepresident of finance kelly new area presidents for the year are roy brown erin bnaoa cargill acton jack armstrong georgetown david thorn paon milton archie donaghey oakvule north terry oconnor oakville west don halford oakville central and robert freeman qc oakvule east no nominee was challenged srtt jjnrss briefs christmas seals are in the mail this week golden age club members will be attending a zone rally in builington thursday travailing bybui high school students are planning another winter carnival tub youth bowlers are telling candy to raise fundi es0uire mens wear had an attractive remembrance day window no elections for acton this year due to the two year term for present offlciali and teem o ii d son ltd bob reed was elected as milton area president at the hilton prograsslv conservative associations annual masting hare ha chats with minister of lands and forest rene brunelle centre and mpp jim snow mr brunelle was trvaouest speaker at th annual masting in oakville staff photo now ohm fch business blue water nursery greenhouse ifonuentv blue springs nursery on hleaswav 7 3 miles watt ol acton 8m4712 spec1auz1ngin shrubs trees evergreens perennials fresh nomas l potttd punts mom the guttnhousi consult us for vour garden and flower needs your satisfaction is our reward 0k rent or buy cor wyndham macdonniu jts gouelpru introducing all new 1969 rglhttl- compact bigscreen 55 portable color t v featuring a big 148 8q in picture 42 biggtr than h color tv mao- 141 blggar than 10 color tv chao bio enough to enjoy anywhere in the room vet snall enough to fit anywhere v549 wt full zenith handcrafted quality ik ultftam ajt1 all nrw elfrjnlly mvmj coftifuci bir tcrrtn poiliblr ojrti brown color jrul white oktr m710m or ojtk beige color ml iirm brigr color a i71ul all nrw tepjulr oidi control f r hur color jfwl votumr on lop ol trl s i twin con ipjker worlds finest performance features niw zinith hanootaftid kmyagle coicmi tv chassis tor ihe utmott in depcndsbililv and superior pcrlornunce years tongert ww fxctusrvf zinith chiomayic glain sotldstait cotok otmooulayot or ihe truest hues in color tv advancfd zinith suht vumo kancf aichannl tuning svstfm for ultra sensitive reception why not get we best zenith the handcrafted portable color tv see it now of 11 wyndham st n 6u0ph 8226041