Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1969, p. 18

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out of the kitchen and onto the alleys forty rockwowd and area ladlei hie the atnf every wednesday afternoon and head for the guelph sportsman bowling atleye when eight taanu participate in an aflemoorl of competition and aoclallilng tome of them the topranking bowler in the vicinity the kitchen bowlert at the club ii named ktaited up tut yeari ago with the original aim to get out of the kitchen and include ladlei from guelph eden miui biamou comer of no 24 highway and rockwood the president of the club ii gwen nelson fiom guelph tecietaiy mo leila peart r r guelph and the treasurer it mra ueanor jack ton alto of guelph the bowling program geaied towaidt better bowling holdt chrittmat and spring tournament with trophic preatnted at an annual banquet the top lady bowler u fran wilton with a high scoring average eramoaaa lust lady mra edna luah it alao rated high in the league aa no 2 competitor guelph claim the honor of the no 3 with mr audrey surmion from guelph millie smith of r r rockwood it another avid enthusiast along with marg somerviue myia benhant haxel hamilton ruth tale virena swanton joy law katy winter leila welt marg dulucld and other one thirty to true thirty in the afternoon it the time when the athletic udiet aie rocking the alleyi fo if youve a hankeiing for torn mean curvet dop in and give the ladlet a boon tho acton free praite wadnetdey december to 19a9 q six students attend banquet bureau presents fire poster trophies news and views honorable mention prizewinner in helton fire prevention bureau t 1000 potter contett receded certificate of merit and a silver dollar at the award dinner in milton latt week oakville fire otlf oouglat wilson oakville mayor maclean anderton milton fire chief babe clement and acton fire chlf m holmea are pictured with the wlnnert karln klaer of oakville jenlne stewart of acton kenneth haft of milton and dwayne hamilton of stmyilde staff photo by lorraine never before in the history of our chiutun aociely hit there been tuch background rumbling quettionlng out right to celebrate diritinut somehow in our concern about the terrors and tilbullont of which we are contttnlly being reminded we have forgotten what the actual reaton for ctuiitmai really it televition and radio have brouglil i lie leallttei of war poverty and death cloter to our visual door than ever before and people in thltgieat deluge of realization aie throwing up their hand i and laying how can i celebrate and enjoy what i have when oilier people aie starving and homeleu in actuality thit it true we ahould not be enjoying ourtelvei at the expense of other people but we ahould however be enjoying ourselves in tpile of and for other people becauu only if we ourtelvei aie happy can we reflect the love we feel from uich happlneta and in to doing promote benevolence and goodwill toward oliver human being it it tad to obterve the suffering of otheri but only if we ourselves know how to accept and be aware of tuch udneuei will we ever rite above them and do iomething constructive and preventative to curtail the pottlbihty of their continuance or reoccurence we mutt not forget why we celebrate chtlitmai oi that chriit wat born fo ut to take away all tin and suffering for thliwe muit join together not for ourtelvei ai individual but chrittmai day and all itijoyt ahould be continual reminder that cfultt it here on earth in ut and because thli ii to we can be better human beings capable of overcoming the iniquities capable of fighting for what ii good and right thut making out own liveipurpoteful in tpile of evil and udneta we muit hold on to our chriatian teaching and celebrate the annual fulfilment of ilia birth and in thli knowledge live our livei to the fuller by giving iharlng loving and believing at it ii only our congregated faith that will feed the starving million aave the dying victinu of out wai torn aociely and restore in them the knowledge that ouri it a world of humanitarian after all capable of peace abiolute and tcrtptuiiuy loving one another so let ui puichate our giftt for ihoie we want to remember and ipend our iheckeli on card which expreta joy and cheer to otheri ai only the barett reflection of the love and well wiihlng we would if we could ihare with the entire universe if chrittmai in your heart tell it to everyone chriit needi to be born nassagawoyas a gibson chairs cordc workshop old book yields poem on rockwood hy jai hough ji of guelph who mist llaima suspecti muit have been a private publidier samuel skiji ball lived on guelph street acrou from the original no school on properly now cnveied by hoinei of tumiliei biace dyer and shpp and wai it ii believed a member of the quaker teel lie woiked out among faitnen in the area and it ii funnel believed tlut the various poemi ill the book were of hii own composition when it ii known llut tine of our oldest resident mr chailet harm 3 of harris st iccalled and recited a portion of one of the poems which was dennitely a balls writing nauigaweya councillor art gibson who attended a recent meeting of the central ontario regional development commiuion chaired a workahop on urban and urbanizing problem during the afternoon teuton nearly 70 repietentativei of municipal government and corporation in peel halton bo1ms0 miarfailvm nport fo potto the rkirtg coat of living u reoecled in a new amendment to the ontario highway ttaf fk act which becoraet effective oa january i previously crjttltkuu fawoklng personal injury or property damage mrrrvding 100 hid to be reported fo the ruaweat provincial or municipal police officer thia property damage minimum will be inrnstted on jan 1 to 200 york and ontario counliea attended the daylong seminar and workahop at bayview secondary school in richmond hill nov 22 among the topic diicutud at the teminar were the proceu of regional development in ontario regional relatioiuhipt and the role of the municipality in regional government included in the panel diicuition wai profettor n pearson chairman of the center for resource development of the university of guelph and cordct president brian bailey gift tip for a new unique lady t gift buy large pintle covered dish and fill it with cotton powder puff decorate the cover of the djah with a pattern of tneut or flth acalet dyed paatel colors the following poem wji submitted by miu gladys minna main sued fiom a book of poemt which she lonnd in her attic and which molding to miu hanna has been in her famdy fin over ho yeais allhougli slie tried to find out fiom the publisher the dale of publication she lould not do ut at the only person in guelph who would have actual knowledge of the inhumation was not available miu llanna has this to say to readen who may be intcicsted in leading a poctital description of the eailiei days ot rockwood s sceneiy at taken fiom llic pioneei and loveis gem compiled by samuel s balls rockwood ontario and punted rockwood stlni rv would it weie granted us one brief and fleeting glance back through the dun misty mirage of time back oer the waters plane down through the gl icial icign wild and untenable then wus oui clime back where the bear ncci trod or the fierce woll abode fcrc the bold eagle swooped down from on high dreary and desolate void und inviolate viewed only by llic almightys own eye we need not go from home in foreign lands to num seeking the picturesque grandeur serene natuie stayed here uwlule and by many a wile perfecting plans for this weird looking tcene crag upon crag jnsc towering up toward the skies natures embankments lining the gorge peak upon peak extend found many u rocky bend surely a meet place for grim vulcans forge see yonder rippling rill keen to discli irge us fill plunging down wildly to the chasm below wlule its white tiny spiay wafted on airy way wings its flight towaids the regions of snow see where the waters twirled foaming and seething whirled fashioning out the huge cauldrons of tone caverns and devils well seem like some fairy talc of imagination and then it is gone down in the river bed rearing its lofty head scorning the thunderbolt down to earth driven stands out that ponderous rock seeming all things to mock natures huge stepping stone twixt earth and heaven surely this rugged art wakens the sluggish heart 1 brings to the memory scenes long long ago when the wild slogan cry rent the bright arure sky roderick vick alpine du lloireo visit bimsohs shoes far gifts in footwear forallaoes 080 for that hard to buy for friend or relative buy a gift chficate for any amount grand opening all this week erins house of music 1 23 main st erin ont u9500 ron hopkins manager featuring records mehllaft classical we5tesn instruments uvaraujy organs oimoncutrabs ttflrltwmuals tapes btsbeo taw havers stbheo tapes takkkxwdem crash landing for slcidoo a friday averting ekidoo mint erstud in duattar whan the machine on which ratatket of me and mra dannie croobea of mala street ware riding ran off the narrow 30 foot eabankmerit beyond th ate of what u tad to be the old rockwood dumping ground aa the trvowmobiie made ha harardaot plunge it broke through a heavy tree although the rider on the back of the vehicle waa badly bruited he suffered no major injury however irta young lady driver a smar of mr docket broke her am but la now recuperating after bar ralaaaf from the hotdltel winner at lol euchre winners of priret at the lo i eucliie at crewsons corners were ladies high i loience teneycke ladles low millie howies mens high ray harding mens low relet llargrave lone hands mary llntlon door prize may swackhammer ladies trav millie rowlei men trav dave swackhammer six piouj young halton tludenti weie guest of honor at a banquet in milton fire hall tuesday dec 2 wlien hilton county ilie prevention bureau honored the wimiert of lit 11th annual lire prevention poster contest receiving lite top awuidi for the co lonteil were susan mellor 10yeaiuld daughter of mr and mis m mellor of cteiveholm lr georgetown and mark bowen tune yearold son ol mr and mn douglai bowen of 4 is maple ave oakville iheir posters lopped an estimated l200entileiln lie competition and tlury weie each awaided a lerllficate of meiil plus an engraved desk pen set susans awards wat pietented on behalf of the buieau by halton waiden geoige cunle tueorge alexander thief of the i ire service division of the ontario i lie maidiala olflce nude the piesentation tu maik jim iiihei and t j biowiuldge of hilton mutual i ire iniuiance company presented huge liophlei tu llie winners piinclnali ivter oprlca or paik public school georgetown and lloyd i ulfoid of new central sclsool oakville the school will retain use trophiei for one year alio hunored duilng the banuuel weie foui lionorable mention priewlnneii karln kleer of si jamei school in oakville janme stewart of robert little school in acton dwayne tlatnllloii of speyilae putillc school in iliiuetlng township and kenneth luit of bruce st scliool in muton ucli received a certificate plui a silver dollar halton last mpp jim snow was gueil speaker and in a brief address dkectullo the children suggested their victory in thii yejri conleil sjuiuld nuke them aware of fire prevention for llie rest of their lives through your participation in thit contett you have been introduced to a subject tlut will have a great meaning tlvoughou yuur livet he said he called the ttudentt good cltlunt and hoped they would grow up to be productive rnembere of their coinmunltlet in many wayt lite inembeii of peilianwul malted the fire prevention uuieau on ill effort not only in tpunioring hie couulywlde competition but also for it yeairound program of flie prevention education the bureau ii well known acruti canada for ha fire safely programs and he congratulated llie memoir ol halton a live lire department for their dedication to duly quutlng statistics from the ontario file marshali repoit for imh mr snow suggested lire caused terloui suffering death injuiiet and pinpeily losua in the space of 12 months theie weie fuel in ovei 140011 houses for a lou of shou0 000 while j 700 farm lues brouglil another j 1 1000000 damage of these lues 1w were attributed to cureless smoking ontarios imih flrei caused 225 deaths and liuurtei to 6h7 ieople and live of these death were in halton county the liguiei aie dtatuibuig lie concluded oakville i lie chief douglas wilson intioduced the speaker and jim coultun ol milton i ire department expressed the gioupi thanki for hli llnvely talk iiie chief i a johnston beltj lines by l g denby your telephone manager looking for chrittmai gift ideal may i auggatt a few telephone kama that could aolve the puiile of what to gat for whom and make your chrlhmae shopping that much easier extension teiaohanaa available in rang of colore and modala are ahveyi a hit and offer convenience ait year round or for gift to please the whole family and aolve the problem of the aisvayi busy phone why not a eacond telephone with eeparat una and a different number additional directory utting make good teenage mocking fulara and ilk utaniloni and eecond llnet can be enjoyed throughout the year another idea that could be jutt the thing for tomaon on your lltte long dltursc gift eartiflcat made out for whatever amount you wlrft to gaa on of the great thing about thete kami it they can be ordered today and you wont have to tramp through crowded ttor looking for them juat pick up the ohors and earl our bualnau offlc our representative will be glad to help you in yean pan telephone switchboard often war located right in the home of the operator when you rang up central to place a chrittmai call in thoa dayt chance were the operator would leave the turkey connect your call and be back working on the dreuing before you could lay merry chrittmai of oourte tsvitchboardi today are far removed from th domettic acena but even though you wont hear gravy liuling id th background youll find therele full uaff of operetortonoeckonchrlstmaiand new year to make ture your long distance callt gat through and dont forget you can avoid th chrittmat and new year calling rush by placing your callt in th sveefc between the two big daya low long distance rates are in effect weekday i after 6pm and all day sunday and if you are calling from an area with direct distance dialing you can save yourself time by placing your own callt and to all our aitlomert best withe t for the holiday teuton may 1070 be a year of happiness for you all cxt yl of kitchener whose fire wovoiilio1 staff had judged lis llalton potter eiiltbi brought greetings to the dinner from the ontario association of fir chiefs of which he la firaj vltetieidenl mr alexander congratulated the w ulnar i on behalf of the ontario fire marshal georgetown fire chief john cunningham diakman of llie buieau uuled use dinner and urogram among the gueilt were the six children parenlt and mayor i m anderton of oakville mayor wheldon imnierion of leorgelowii mayor lei duby of adon reeve mis a macailrasu of nasugaweyu w k airrtsfroiig representing the helton county board ol liducatlon and inemheia of halton fir department ilrellghter glenn stringer of milton wai in charge ol aiiangemeiili for the dinner which wat served by ladlei of the milton i ire department auxdury tlie winning posieii will be entered in an all ontario potter coinpellluin oiganued by ilia ontario attucullun ol file chlelt susans poller emphasized the fire lujrardi of an untidy basement while maika showed liow to uisotlsti a frying pan fire new bingo sactto maui hill m ouclph street 0eor0etown 2000 games early biro regular special late bird jack pot barrel qameb ivny juisday mm at 8pju dollar daddy christmas specials toys na gao fun wi w f games galore mo 49 obr wts at

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