eden mills bauinafad tha axlon fna press wednesday december 17 196v bj5 santas arrival caps ss concert wedding shower white gifts in news by mrs r wright a wedding of interest took place friday evening in a candle light service in eden mills presbyterian church when brenda daughter of mr and mrs clarence ramsey wat united in marriage lo sims mcphedran son of mr and mrs mcphedran spcyslde rev d r sinclair officiated the brides diets was beige lace and she carried yellow roses iter attendant brenda fisher was in mauve with led and while roses ben trun was william fisher the reception and dinner were held at the church those attending weie from hornby kitchener speyside and aelon on their lelum they will reside at speyside i he sympathy of the community is extended to mrs sinclair in the death of her mother mrs scott at kden house nursing home friday mr and mrs archie stanley leave by plane thursday for a three weeks stay with their son in california mr and mrs bui stanley mr and mrs jack greenlaw whitby weie sunday guests of mr and mis r wright mm mclean sr was in toronto for a few days visiting her sister mrs atliworth mrs g flewelling of llora spent a few days with her daughter mr and mrs ralph thompson members of the ladles aid enjoyed a pol luck dinner at their christmas meeting of lden mills presbyterian church at the lasby farm on monday a short business meeting followed with minutes and treasurers reports read the meditation was taken by mrs laiby the roll call was l m hi of the district ttehkm tew toafimuf ggorgltownrealbtlng a dream larry fletcher and his wife teresa of 1 36 maple avenue east have left on a two yeai lour all over canada the north west teniloiiei united slates and mexico in a house trailer which he built himself the young couple left november 1 7 and at last wold weie in calgary there they plan to woik lui spring then head for the noith west territories and veuowknlfe the length of their stay in any one spot depends on their mood and their finances says mrs ed scott teresas mother larry is the ton of mr and mrs lome fletcher r r 2 acton they both worked at northern electric where fellow employees gave litem a toyal tend off not content with this extended tour they plan to cycle thiough burope in another 4 or s years oppout bridt plemt e radii ciillteniiama fight is shaping up over a s3 million plant canada brick plans to buud near cheltenham on the ciedit river chiis yaneff who owns 140 acies next lo the proposed 2s4sicie site and a neighbor david buxton uy they are ready to fight chlnguacouty township whose planning board has already approved the project other residents aie complaining about possible pollution lo the credit river noise and dust and the cost of rebuilding roads its zoned agricultural and estate residential and on the official plan this area is designated rata bell said buxlon its inconceivable lite township would allow spot zoning for industry and that the withesof to many people can be ignored by council fetftioat apfwws nmd lmpnvmmt terra cottaterra cottaa nutlc beauty may yet be preserved despite plans by peel county to recanstiucl the winding paved load tliat meanders through the hamlet to highway specifications three hundred and three people signed a petition opposing any improvements which would spoil the beauty of the village or destroy its scenic approaches and old buildings visitors to terra cotta inn the country gallery ond aieltlnea general store letidents and people from as far away as calgary signed the petitions the petition was presented to peel county council where five of the six good nuds committee members and a council member from cliinguucousy denounced any innovations which would destioy the charm of terra cotta cedric greenhlll of the terra colta inn said part of the attraction here is the unspoiled nature of the surroundings however the proposed toad widening is expected lo skirt around the inn which stands just outside the road allowance mr greenhlll believes sunday traffic counts were used to detenninc he need for road widening but that this is not a true guide as the road is almost empty the rest of the week what weie frightened of is teeing all the old buildings disappear and money being spent on something thats inadequate from a scenic point of view he said his guest book shows that visitors come from across the world to visit the inn including europe the united stales and all parts of canada were not just a local attraction as our guest book plainly shows but a loutut mecca far persons from all over the world aritwered with christmas thoughts several donations weie received the ijdies weie reminded of the christinas dinner to be served after i lie service next sunday and santa claus will distribute gifts lo the children verses of scripture were read between the singing of carols aiound the christmas tiee an exchange of gifts was made and mil weale won the contest of making si words out of merry christmas mrs j gilbeitsnn courtesy convener thanked the hostess and all those taking pari for nuking it an uftemoon well spent lden mills united church was filled to capacity saturday evening when the sunday school children put on their unnual concert caiol singing was led by ralph thompson accompanied by ld watuin organist rev russell i inlay acted us chairman and welcomed everyone the kindergarten clau with teachers ann vot and baibaia maislull were gowned in white carrying lighted candles and entered singing awjy in a mjnger ami o come little children a piano solo was played by marie parker and kalhy thomlfntons class ung little children awake and listen the christmas story was read from the bible by michelle bould k i m t t 1 1 o n s solo hi ho iii hay was followed by a reading by pauline maude und judy boulds class piesented a play written hy patricia mitchell eseneze8 greetings were expressed by the superintendent mrs r thompson with a dosing poem by janel adair santa claus played by randy bould arrived lo give out the gifts a family gathering took place this past weekend at the home of mr and mrs vincent montgomery on indian trail in the form of a baby shower for daughter molly of mr and mrs r mccartney of ariss mr and mrs montgomery were surprised when they piesented them with gifts for the addition of a new family loom those present were mr and mrs jack ostrandei palgrave mr and mrs ben vincent toronto mr and mrs dick montgomery and clifford woodstock mr and mrs charles montgomery and chuck i ergus aimer and uirne montgomery i ergus mr and mrs r mccartney and daughter r r 2 ariss communion service was held sunday in the united church mr wm boyd student minister assisted rev i inley the third candle for advent was lighted by ann maum und a poem recited an inspiring address was given by rev r finley on gift giving the greatest gift is love wliile gift sunday was held sunday at lden mills presbyterian church rev d r sinclair spoke on the gift that endures during the singing of a childrens hymn the little ones came forward with parcels from the congelation and laid them at the ultur they will be given to a worthy cause scout mothers banquet white gifts in report by mrs r short ill tuesday evening the final share the wealth euchre was held the final prizes of s2s each went to mrs mcpherson and to duncan mcmillan twentyfour tables were played and ladies prizes for live evening wenl lo mrs irene watson and mrs trank petch with gentlemens lo mr bert davidson and mr willard brltlon lunch with sandwiches and dessert squares and cookies was served by the committee on thursday evening the scout mothers held their christmas party in the church basement a tatty pot luck banquet with turkey was enjoyed by about i s ladies gifts were exchanged and a sing song of chnstmas songs lent a joyful note ii was hoped hut more of the molliers would attend as the scouts and cubs number nearly 30 while gift sunday service was litis week proceeds are for overseas relief the junior choir ung accompanied by miss anne shortlll school choirs will he singing in rockwood on thursday niglil mrs i ileen mclnery is preparing a christmas concert in the hall for i rlday nigh tuesday evening the u c w will have their christmas parly in the church the 4 ii achievement day was held in the community centre on saturday this event will likely be reported in full elsewhere in the paper one sometimes wonders jusl what time our young girls gel lo study and jusl to jreanrwilli so much going un they certainly gel very little home lime which is regrettable all sunday concert musical treat btpuitlati la jhmml miltona resounding yes vote on liquor lounges and liquor with meals in miltons dec i plebiscite will toon bring about expansion of two local business firms and a change in policy at a third the management of charles hotel mdton inn hotel and the caravan restaurant at milton plaza were the three sponsors of the towns vote on liquor by the glass and all three firms plan to take advantage of the licences which are now available to them i biggest change is taking place at the charles hotel where one of the proprietors nick chuchnuch reports a 100000 addition to the existuig facilities u hearing completion the addition includes a dinuig lounge seating ss or 60 a cocktail lounge that will teat i so a new kitchen and a downstairs banquet hall hmt mmf fa flttfts fergusaccording to the fergus newsrecord fergus has been placed on the list of communities which are scheduled to get home delivery postal service marvin howe wellitigtongrey mj aid fergus was put on the list because the potential number of calls which would be made if a delivery system was instituted would exceed 2000 at present the fergus post office has 1350 boxes 1100 of which are rented general delivery customers plus a certain number from the rural routes would make the remainder of the 2000 harry mutm fergus postmaster said he has received no otticurl word about delivery and was doubtful any moves would be atartedv until the current postal austerity program was discontinued the free press asked acton postmaster cord mckeown if he had any word about acton being on the list since numbers hen were similar to fergus mr mckown said he had received no notice and doubted very much if fergus would be getting it also since there tycre other communities with more calls who were waiting he said that the number of calls needed now for home delivery was 2500 by mrs r mclean on sunday evening the junior and senior choirs gave their candlelight service which was u musical treat much credit is due to the organist mrs john kitching the choir leader john kitching and the jumur choir leader mrs wm larly among the many lovely selections wc mention the piano und oigan duct by sue ward and audrey kitching and the solo in the original german by mrs hans heist stille nacht jane munro was soloist ut the morning service next sunday night the young people put on their christmas play ut eden mills community hall while the sunday school concert is to he dec 22 mr und mrs archie stanley leave thursday to spend the holidays with then son and his wife in redwood city near san francisco in california communion was observed with mr finley referring to the old legend of the king who wanted to sec how much ins subjects liked him many brought costly gifts either to show oil or to get something from him in return a small boy gave hi most treasured change principals esquesing sckbols john lcnz was named acting principal of the stewarttown senior school by the malum board of lducation thursday mr lcnz term will run hum january to june the present principal run chuttcu will move to pineview us principal and alex dickson presently principal there will return to classroom teaching in georgetown due to ill health board officials explained rheumatic pain get fast relief the very first day runibcapt ok pc ally tormu la tod to oivo vou jii fdiolthe very first rfjvom nooning rhuumaiic pains and aches alto provon effictivi or relit vinrj lum boo tcidiicti hojdacho and ncuntic pains ask for new rumacapii distinctive blue and mhito capsule of soothing comfort at your local diuaoit s rumaeaps ar capiulet of soothing comfort poueuion a white marble which had no intrinsic value but was his most vjlucd possession jesus never said give me this or that he said come follow me the wanting to do something for others makes any gift perfect when you tell people about something theyve done well they lire overwhelmed appreciation is a rare thing a guelph policeman used to go in to say hello to an old lady who lived alone when she died he was much surprised to be left valuable property in her will you may not get a reward for doing a kindness but it will give you wjrmth inside at christmas time many are lonely it makes a big difference to tell people we are thinking about them a little girl who wanted to give her big sister a present gave her two slips of paper on which she had written good for 2 dish washings and good for 2 bedmakings the church has inspired people to give to others as for example biafra when we think of giving we must bo back to gods gift of his son jetus christ and how jcsks gave his life bloodnd- huvbody for ui vow toadytowear christmas gifts for ladles bonmf lor christmas glulrvj slips and pantia shi oa tha wmk pantlat bikini briefs handkarchiattand aprons nylon sheer gowns babv oollpvjamas 3 place bikini pvjama sets priced from 3 jo to 1607 housecoatsbnitnad nylon or uutltad lounging pyjamas flannelette pyjamas a gowns fashionable skirts twaedt woollens priced from ties to tssb slims and flare pants nylon hosiery pantv hose ladie s sweaters pultowt ft cardigans acrylic and bulky knits snorted sum and ookyt or lead from s3 47 tots jib wool hats fur hall starves wool li vinyl olouae j mitts slippars show winter boots loo toon they are grown and away front us we had hoped to have uaulnalad lit up with sheet lights for christmas but il seems not lo be lvcrythlng was supposed lo be in order mr paul mtcill who has completed his plumbing course at hamilton has returned lo hit gisllion with moillll sheet etal mr wayne i ranch has been serving a two week apprenticeship with gairals tlodyihop heie in uauinsfad llils is in connection with his schooling at college heights school in ciuelph aofmraunfawi umacads beautifui lingerie slips full ikdlm boxed baskets selection of pentlae hail skaasiarfla walurs sawing tvasaarsati hlntons 5 to 1 store doityourself craie reached christmas trees and this father and dauohtar combination spent pat ol sunday afternoon in a local bush searching for utt tha perfect treo harris elliott of r r 1 omptotlvilla and daughter gwan had dog cindy along on the expedition jim jennings photo si i our louhliti si i iction i mmsonal uihistuas lahus at our cmhcl sft tm nation a i unt acton mimeograph service 41 tlluucii st acton ks1 2417 stop and think do you want drag strip do you value your property if the proposed drag strip develops lot concession 6 esouesing your property will devaluate up to now you have enjoyed peaceful surroundings respectable neighbors if can happhi air pollution traffic increase congestion vandalism noise pollution crowd increase action is needed now telephone an esquesing council member and voice 0 your objections as well as completing and mailing coupon i the undersigned wish to object to the development of a drag strip on lot 20 concession 8 in the township op esouesing county of halton 14 mile north of hwv 7 between kth 8th lines esouesing twsp i name address phone no- mail to box 486 acton free press