ymvsmmatwxmmawzmv farm page feed grain exports reach lowest peak in 20 years by a j stanley over the bead of ail jvmat in canada haras the huaje surplut of western wheat thia amount to over one billion bushels in eitces of ttotrseatte lequlrestsenla caned exports of all feed trains during the past yea were the lowed in tome 20 years because of this situation western farmer are twitching to livestock production junior fanners dance santa makes big draw many halton junior farmer and friend danced to the mutlc of tlie youngbeata in broolcville school auditorium on saturday december 6 the hall wat jjy decorated by the dance committee and even included a alelgh similar to santas let reindeer or course county president carol swackhamw acted 11 matter of ceremonlet and fortunately the junior farmers were able to fret santa cuui to take time out from hit buty tchedule to visit brookviue and officially draw the winning ticket on the snowmobile raffled off by the county allocation at a fall project lucky winner of the draw wat un dorothy wright a former actonlan who now resides at 1 0 newieadstguelph the dance concluded with lunch served by the ladiet lets play bridge by bill coatt vide players are aiwtyt looking fee baadt that produce ubusyal plays or results one tueti kind occurred at the ontario imii otywlc trfcb bald ncenuy ta toronto this hand wu played ta various eonbacti wtth tmrel deferent results ooatldsriat that the hand wat played j9 dtftareai tanas thli u not turprtalfs south dealt with both ildii vulmfabk north sa hajo dkq4 104 j wartifed to take ten tricks weil had to follow tuu every lime and hai three ckibt left at thli point declarer is in his hand he leads till bit sosd and wesl u rmuied if he ruff with the queen or jack he has to lead a club into declarers tie nine if west ruffs wuh the elahl decurer over ruffs in dummy with the ten either way weu gets only one club trick last weeks winners at the acton bridge club were tied for fan betty ashley and kay csmpbiu wlih dick pnitt and tom wsrnes third jack coatsand bui coats west s43 m- dji0t cqjt hkq97 5 d7 31 cvoid vlrre- editor souni sq 7 5 s h104 da3 cak9s3 tka bidding soultl west north east jc rati tit is jfjt rati 3d rats snt rate 4c rail sc alirau operant badibtpf spades uost pairs ended up in 3 no trump this was made or failed depending ea ems play in spades the ureimal feature of this hand is that m tplle of wens four clubs to the queen lack declarer can make as entail tlam us clubs so far as i know an one bid si clubs left asy weal leads a spade daelaref wine and leads a club to test the ails natuiagy be eels a shock whin east thowi out probably liacardint a lane haari declarer wni and takai stock one thing not to do tstweup a low bade it led and ruffed in dummy a dauuaad to the ace and another spade it ud and ruffed the rl al king and queen are played declarer discarding a hurt now declarer ruffs a diamond a heart to the ace allows declarer to tuff a heart by this time declarer had r r 2 rockwood beware queens park dear sir local councillors across ontario should step very warily before giving queens park tale jurisdiction over local quarries we have teen the mithnuuh of ohsip that simple straightforward legislation that should have been medicare just think what queens park could do with cartebbnclic quarry legislation i e hut local quarry could wind up as a garbage dump for metro toronto hamilton or oihawa or even at a sewage lagoon with the local retidenti powerless to do anything about it w a johnson hark charles wesley brother of john wesley wrote the words to hark the herald armelt sing hi 1739 in hit first version the carol began hark how all the welkin nngs hssssssasshsssssssssssa mote of the feeder calves are being retained in the west and finished on the low cost grain this will mean a continuance of the high feeder cattle prices it it anticipated that finished cattle prices will remain fully stable although possibly not reaching the height of 1 969 prices hog prices have reached the changeover point and will toon twitch from urutori to export prices with lite us grading for the first six months in 1970 are expected to be some 10 per cent higher than for the same period in 1969 dairy cattle numbers have been decreasing slightly ui ontario however surpluses are accummulating in butter and slum milk powder 35 and 220 nullum pounds respectively the world market outlook is not encouraging to move tuiplus dairy products into world markets requires heavy subsidization per capita consumption of fluid milk and butler is declining while cheese and ice cream consumption is increasing some switch in production is required lo give future stability to the dairy industry marketings were down over 20 per cent for sheep and lambs in 1969 however domestic consumption was up about 7 per cent prices are expected to remain good for slaughter limbs next year high red meal prices helped poultry meat producers to substantially increased volume al slightly higher pnees during 1969 production of broilers has increased markedly with lower firices these low prices will ikely prevad for some time in 1970 bgg prices could drop considerably in the first half of 1970 because of the increased size of the laying flocks ontario farmers must realize that they are now on a north american economy producing food in competition with their western and southern neighbors as such they must realize that this is serious competition a business like approach must be used safe tree christmas trees add much to ihe holiday spirit and the older folks as well as the youngsters enjoy a brightly lit and decorated tree remember though that when trees are brought into a warm home thai they dry out rapidly and become a dangerous fire hazard so place your tree in a container of water to help keep it fresh for your family s sake name deputy ha iron clerk appointment of james gordon mcqueen 26 as the new deputy clerk of the county of llalton was approved by county council tuesday the new deputy clerk will begin on jan 12 lie comes to halton from pickering mr mcqueen succeeds clare mckay we serve ail dry cleaning needs store hours won to thurs 8 km to i tm fridays 8 am to 9 ml saturdays closed 6 ml specials every week holiday cleaners 14 mill stree1 acton ha11aoaw1ya 7svityr cmnd the acton free prase wednesday december 17 tv gy 1969 queens guinea winner the royal winter i air is a judgkig ground for cattle bui il is also a testing ground for members of use 411 clubs those who are most uiccetsful often have beaten ihe most difficult situations in order to be the proud showmen of calves an instance in 1969 was the determination of keith olivet of shelburne winner of the reserve champion aberdeenangus steer in the 1969 queens guineas since september keith has been driving home from ridgetown every weekend lo groom hit calf lie is a student in agricultural technology there and the week of ihe royal he wrote four examinations on wednesday in order to be able losliow his calf on friday ills months of grooming and preparing for ihe show ring since he got his calf from a farm in kotemont and hit determination to do so won a reserve ribbon in i96h john curtis of belwood with another craganrock calf won ihe queens guineas over all breeds in i96s lite honors went lo duvld gordon of rockwood whose craganrock calf won champion angua and reserve grand champion queens guineas steer bid latby of r r 2 rockwood won the queens guineas in 1967 willi his prize shorthorn from scotsdale farm stock for the second year running uufferin county 411 club members saw three of their group win ihe beit group of three 411 aberdeen angus steers from one county or district in ontario council reaffirms stand on regional government in a resolution passed monday night nassagaweya council rcaffumed its earlier stand on regional government stressing regional government for tlie halton area only council members also agreed to endorse three other pouits in the resolution which included the adoption of the boundary areas proposed in the map which halton reeves recently drew up the stipulation that representation on regional government be determined by population area and equalized assessment and that ihe representatives on ihe regional council be elected directly at monday evenings tcpilar meeting nasiapweya township council started to make plant for a meeting between townships in halton and responsible rod and gun clubs in ihe county to discuss the hunting problem received several petitions from campbellville area residents asking council lo keep clover leaf quarries from starling quarry operations in that area council members were reminded of a special ontario municipal board hearing scheduled for today wednesday lo decide on tlie final rezoning of ihe land owned by ctoveileaf received another petition from township residents asking tliem lo help cleat up ihe dangerous iiilertecltun al the fifth line and county road is the matter was to be brought up a i the first county roads committee meeting he aid councillor allan ackman express concern at the county road committees decision lo make a speed study of tlie whole cuetph line ratlier than on the short stretch through the middle of the township wliere he claimed hie rrublem of speeders is greatest le said the larger study would take too much time to complete council members agreed to keep pressing the matter with the roads committee township permits building permits for hie month of november in tlie township of nasugaweya were slightly down compared to permits for other months building inspector syd savage reports there were just two residential extensions al a total coil of 7000 tils brings lite years total to 11028000 ddt a ben will be placed on ihe use of ddt after january 1 1070 wentt onsi permit basis in tobacco and apple production persona with ddt in their potwsion mutt not discard it with the tegular garbage and unow no circumstances should ddt be poured down drains or hushed down toilets a dlhtal program has been enengad by ihe municipality ol reettweweye in coopreton with the halton county health unit and tlie ontario dafwtntent of health persona whowish lo dispose ol d dt may take it to natsegeweve township office at r h 1 campbellville during hie hours ol 0 00 a in lo 6 00 pin on december 10 33 and 73 1060 burlington mayors claim raises nass reeves ire councillor james watson told members of nassagaweya council at monday nights meeting of a recent newspaper story in which burlington mayor george harringtorr claimed the northern municipalities which will come into ihe proposed area of regional government couldnt look after their own bailiwick reeve mrs anne macarthur bristled at the statement and said she wished mayor harrington to know nassagaweya council has handled lis own affairs very well ff she wondered out loud why she had always received good cooperation frum burlingtons reeve gordon gallagher and yet ihe mayor had came out with such a statement referring to the recent vote in which burlington resdents overwhelmingly showed they want to remain with the haltonpeel regional complex y councillor watson queried with that type of statement i p dont see why he should be with pollock camp ill a mtoerialt a i rlav no isfsie i boxy show tires tfcjure t ims kleklsst 7 mh rjtl wid thuif ki sat 4 deyt qic 1 1i 19 30 those daring young men in their jaunty jalopies unco buzzanco pcfep cook tonv cubtis coioh balmy night cartoon sun mon yum wid bic 31 33 33 34 cpw hammerhead adult vincent edwards judy geeson color the big gundown aduh yhuw nm sat dic 38 3 3 my side of the mountain color winning strain tedov eccies thfadore bikel i want my mummy cartoon sun mon tub 3 tiays dk 31 so color ftow to commit marriage adult emperors penguins winter storage cartoon jdilu stationery is mill st bsi 7010 salt 1 great for the highway but hot for your cam come in and see us at our new sofspra car wash at the corner of queen stbeetv churchill road acton for your convenience one fully automatic unit two hand wash units shell gas bar see our selection of gift wrap bows seals ribbons taos fow for ckrlitmtl attache s895io castt m995 brief cases m50 to 5995 scm deluxe adding machine electric an cxccllcnt oift su00e8tion only jelama portable typewriters manual electric uooels to choose from onlv 56995 and up personal diaries with locks 1 year 225 s mm ball pen v pencil set j7 j ball pen si ink pen set u 495 ball pens 98 fo ea dom rokttl pocket diaries daily journals calendar pads for 1970 boxed stationery hash notes new styles patterns 69 to 150 papermate ballpens 98 to nsets- to 1000 solid pack 2scards boxed gsb ty assorted boxes 89 lo m50 an excellent selection photo albums set vehal styles to choose from 175 to 695 stttstsstjsiasssataaaasmiejm r0tex label makes special 5795