Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1892, p. 2

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ioof- oaun vooom wo loo mpu vy woo day vnla4 1ultora oarq ally w t jf wrjkiil loyw mio h o wriyli ixartnli bvil ilvawak i3 mini uod tu b ait of tb dlloa yro kfuv lbowt eruu lbl y- how tho lb1 dbll id- of l4 outd uid you rrjirtvt ilia lutauae bmicaaul u ibmuuu mot of lp imifr nm- trnf t ft i the township council biorci ii kcnajcoy if afpoioteo cuntf noiiuiuuii ii ifn rwj trammii yr tramud tim tys piuy u4 lhl it aaro baoow rd lb bm byilr jumi cfloi by mr hunrai uiac uif byla to appoint attrilt ua to mtdti tb ummwbt ol mm ut jobr jaarray tnum of bt5 f ortlnrf b bow iwmi aoood atj tblrd rijjfai ubtto itttfkrmjtrl ijooio ttkly ot dalbaooia mimurapiiu o6ofr wltb byor to touowuai jpnuomood a it i blo kb- be wnjthinnt wewu thursday apmt 1 lite rua buk1 rnln of eudbury km llluly to prova oua of ilia liiott important lada trlm of tho dominion tljy r ulna worked nowtotb fulut mostly- of lb incblury ottd km noabl to aapply utajbu wnd for ulekamnatu it would bo kraal adttinuga to canadian to bavp tb ttbikol tnatta rdiwd lit houm iid it i to t uoyd tbct tbc ddmloloa oovamnwnl ituty od it wy ia namrtg tbs taublbjb tiuut or fettcb an ludotry by rbt ol uuj dull upoa ok coil utlwcblowy lb lllfllll ira lib iii lnrwiu ootuou to ulo utilubluif of uidh a work ftdl of uwooiidlitllf ji jm oml vwi vyt aoo h- u ot fcteiv fcy fcihirtrm4of ioojvaoy ifcftmm mjivitii v j v uottl rmhiibil u otwutf ll w rjwrry for uor joobk cud wbo kcimt ofvojild jlayorfc wwtbymivi w bauorlboraotlui wluwlnla taidllarl u to kp lb ifbrftld vurindab from flloit louly tbd b vuntf bomo by tb town b11 to umi nurud by brj work- lnt ftbrr or prbp vd btolbar wo fml rnly0 inuomdmlr to m tbru op on boi nolo mlboy mz big sale of dress goods fyg tnii uuulclimlaot wlilelibttj bun iuuw iiimumioii in tlw ouurlo luuiar ml wlllt vary wafm trmlnuiii horn of lu uuuui wera wrm1y raivil hid nloud mul otliwf wm wrttily tvjmurd tit wibtr kjttabtbri vnry indljtuuiuy tmlcud b oliuu prolilllliutf tlimtrw tnd circus twrfarniwi ffotn poiiitiji plaluns of tiutl or half iiikio jwraotii alotia tlt ttrrmuofour eliuiftiil townn fluty alio ttanid to tdopt tb ektiw whloliwouijprvontforh tf tin runa itiji of jumby lft cir ht bill on thi wddt rolvtx1 uis qeiisral support of both fciilm of tb bous tim uflptutti tro warkinj the osuutinui yur of cttryi bsahuihi in iuju b boljlnti a number of mluloiury mmt- iuf in the prheljk efitri of faullim at uuiumtutliiijsihs niramru oouslsls of omrrihi uvoti tho mluloiury work of ttis iait mntiiry biij tlio eiwvniiiiiwtiu ami irtiiil uuku of tlw ftalih tltu fttofy f jwtt sucuguurii is of itutf a ufnclsitt refulatlftii ol thou cbroulo trubblernavhoaro ulwayssfrftld to ftlva a dollar to m unions on tlio urouud lht yry ihtti of it ovor holiu to support rati wimiob arlsii but ratlior 00 to fcj fst swtarus at hams etu kocutorprlsa luihsvsr sbowu betur rtitums for mouoy luvaitixl tlan mis loiinry wor b tub reports of tlw icovltieial h fl cou- vtutloii bm now belnii dlatrlbuudlli a lmt volunis sntltle our sumuy bclicolg asmljiht bo cipflctsu it is rolol with lu formation rt tbs habbath ydiool work ol tho 1roviuos tho adilrosaos sr all pub iiliwl in full doublloai many of tlious stova priparwl in tuoh a form that tlly will lotavory littlo of their wwer by not bavlrtl ilio luirtonallty of tho siuakor pre en biitlluiadjrcsmsof mr d v jaoobs of ohlcauo can not bo prluu1 tluir merit ami atlraollon wero ns much in 41m man thlitwliallw 4hl hlsvorilit wlisn urlpt ih tbouyh tilill warm tra not throbliluy palpltttlufl with ilia ufi of live spoabsr and hoiios loo viuoh of their power w would advlss every 8 h worker to net a copy aitiiuutiii liufllnnil in a nation of folltb clans tho usii not brain to show as nuiflh real aoiuhu parly polillos to tlia squaro inch as ws can in ostuila au iiulupooilont spsouitor would ah most luppoao hint tlio walk over wblob tbs tcotnwrwtitttrirtyrtftjyi by alactiuns would put thaui lua potiitioo in whluh thoy couht afford to bo tfoiuurom and ob ths ooiitrary would uu humlllato um op position that lhay would bavu u6 boairi to tight dulbiioomsawuisonlytobavo wlistt- ej ths tory appalitoondslirrduisqrltblo frab ffort ko that tlioie is overy pro- spool of ioiiio very luttrottiiiij snuaiii6iu baf oro tho oloau of tho pre w lit aouion at otlaau tlta tncklotatu uplrlt of hrltuh wjlltlca shown by tlio fact that llis hposlur hi iho drilluli llouno of commons isuotguabfiad whan chauijo u litis puos lu ths gown luetit lortl jjamidou wba was au an itohtioa of clliuhttmiu uovurnimnii had held ths oiihj fur tutlvu y carii his iiiotleratiou and junlko huvo tutml tho houwover many dlititillleg ills death will 1m deeply retiiuttul by polltioians on both sldas of the iiouiw cau wu not import a llttls drltlali miutsratloii iuto our canadian politleriuj w lltsllrltltdiloyalt h- u yr hniihn usulls bprlna wlien lbs brsalb ol us frou poud is abiotd in tbs land and tbs air is rwlolsnt with hprln lamb tud what w cak tmj w kuu tautb umy wbll tba bjrttt slblt luv wm patursoa of cooks eburcb toronto p m rnosi lostrtietlva mddrm oodr tbs aoplos of tb y p 8 ob in tb prsbyuhati obbreb oa utuuf tbs stodufaoswostoiwoi tb urcttt butnber of ysars tjlbotijdi tbs isctars wis not tbs only atlraolloi fotr tbc obolr aud mr prank jlarur nv cnnwuf of suetiotis of tnusla in a lilgblysnurtalnltik biannsr uv u f pkturtujos tibjmt wm jvhafc ws ean do ws con lb uciun aablt ttu or abuss sav or dsslroy uis taunts and appstltss qaa bas kivsq us bodmilmis ws sptoj tmi la tryiutf u do hl l i ittipoailblaforuijto doamtf0it4jiat is poatlbl we atnt mtk tbvtwrlas and at but we can main hay whit tbs sop diinw lfaoisll mubl mtio ouvulvss urjier but wsean uw svsry neb that god bos given us lis would ratliaf bavs is llttls mnbfrbrliiiwihbirrwgiiitrbo was no food we eaniiot cbangs our oow plfuloui but hseanberkyrmabls dlslonos lunds snelitutmsnt to ih view in tb oaf of some popu w ean nub otirotlvtfl attrootivs or repulsive w eont add to our talents but ws can develop what god hosalvenus tbs v p b ok was la uituted for ths purpou of developing th faculties ot ths younjj peopu 11s bad heard of a men who bad been a cbrututt fay twenty yars off and on our spiritual nature is developod by praetulug and itaep- intf at il we cannot all be like bbaks- pearo or gladetontvqod wdbls torn of us llttl mortals to fill ths little plows talk op your aoelfity and your ehureli if your oliuroh isoool jo lulolt and help beak it no man lias rluht to run down tils church until hs has dons all he can for ii speak infl of womans intluenee the speaker re- tiiarked that if a women were fit to rula an euplm upon wbteh hi ami never sell why liouldnj tho have rlht to volet kloati was s ureal msu but woman had a flreall lual to do wllh him its never found a man yet who bad dous anvtblntf for cod or humanity but looked back to a mothers influsnof boms peopu are always waiting to do jreat things but never do great tilings daniel never did anything that any of us tan not do cur whole suooew depends on dalnawbat wo can if ws oould realire fiat all fetanu to cod it would kuooli tlis pildo riubtoutof ns i very one has torn influrno are wo unlua ll for cod and this hqpnration 7 ti10 world is almoii killed with sympathy its help that men and wo- manwsut the speaker oloeed life praotl atl and pithy sddrosa with an ippoal to 0 lurch worker to do what lay within their raaolt in advance tli oaute uf olirut the fallow 1 nfl tnuelo was rendrdi anthem i will extol tlite choir halo kitrnal iteet 1 ilarbsr uaett and chorus lead rueueully lioais choir halo have us o lord v ilarur- holb and chorus tho ulnuer and ths bona choir j at tho olosoof tho icatura hearty vols o thanks moved by llv o a love lm- bonded by uev w li norton wea tendered tbs siwakejr 0 clxmptihaimof tbrt hw pltcti twawid to uis why iktod w tbfiui wiu k eitto6itww mns huo uww talosvtb um4m saposa tb vjusctvil tfem ibbwfa fmnniitjjpirtbf oosw viiitsm terte temfta- pf neinj m wtaltotwiooj bqt dollk tbs otailiu iirkooileypte in iyt v aluil moinbrwr pvcwnl wtttb ilmv id tboicbalr tt wm decided to divide tli omew of curb mud trmarmg and afur aom dlectimloii tb appolntswtit of a trwirr was uft open untilth nst metlns to allow th aooouut of tb labt trveiorer to b audjud uu wikkkm i think it beeobim tli ltd- prtivdoiy at this cottdou tppoint at leaeiacurk today audgooa wltbbtulueeet it was tbsn moved bymr wrigalwoiii moobdej by mr warrn tbt a bylaw ut appoint a curk bs introduood anj wad a prt time carried uer another otmuci presented itself rqtidlau tbe aalery to b paid the tbooght i wo fofcurb and 1100 nr orw quit aafflebmt mr wamn eooi4 not joe 01 thu nheuisw imjiiwbi mi lowerlan of salarua xast year wbs b advooaud a radciotlod i was strtnuooaly opposed by those bow advooauag4t who avejureoeived ths tppointtiunt now muit do th work aud do jtjght and why abotild be- not bs paid the sitae salary as tb let clerk mr laweou thought much could b eald both ways but a man occupying botb otto should b all to do th work for leae than if ths offloos were divided ii did not think ft right to offer so httuuiata good man would be forced to dwlliiatliacnie ou motion by mr lawson seconded by mr warren tb salary blank in lb by- lew was fltled up with 1325 carried then cam th fan mr wrlmjiwworth smiitja usatisjaemr stttflvr7iff t ltmak r4lowjr lr f ooulm liarfui vvvt uovbyifrt wirrvil wobil by lit wrlwwii tfu lbclcji brlnj udl ib wporlmdrtoumtoibfib kudltor of tb trnnm koeoaou dad u otufutory lod umd ud tltmt lb curk ittwohoadrml tod fifty oopuo priuud tor duribtlocrrua k uujukjing d lu94ouwny i iii rmrl for uroli i v cimriiarsitoiiii iv oimiauii uliorllll kiu uckw utllo uliortlll iilllo uoku miaul uo- kao lllla ualibli manaauli oampball iii hou olauwlllla uliortlll oulli uu uimpp nattlo gaubau iii jr jlaiafroil dluubam llulrloj hilt ulli hill ullton illnubain ii claaafrad mokw jo yauion aaorfto ililla fllun blnubaiu lrl ii lurwiulo iiiiu latsr 3ola johnuy oanipbrll kjuar llanipaoa ilaaalo yemti iarl ilnil uliorllll llobarl uokay loltla itirtiuaoul at liauw laaobor wuria of wlud tj10 iilo blnwiiitftumday oarvlad lu ilia lajrsa plaluulaaa in tl- qlark unuao ra oualy ilamaod by lira ii waa laid oql in plaoaa naambllnit allvor tlollara tba irou roof on a aiolloii ol ilia iapar utlla alio mat wlui pralty aavava dantaua a oanalj arabla pjrtioo waa ralatd and rouulily uaad by ilia bmiletoua el meiil 1ba tin lull of clio roof of mm a itoa liouaa waa alto blown off with oanaldrabla damaia tba raport la algp iii dial mr leo lyona loak tha roof of bla barn many olbar aaauailuai ot a tdluor nataya ara ulkad of momd by mr suwiri aaoondad lawo ibal laava b eranud to iouodi s dykwal 1l junl nuatln ol tba ci tobaluldtto uoodayuia 18b april to appoint patbuaatara for tba yaar lm alao a -townblpraclaatr- and traaaorar oarrlrdl uoad by ill warms a by mr eawaoo junlttj tbal tblacoondl daalra lo pli oa raoord tbalr ragrat at tba graat loa a talnad by ibla loooou and tba maololpalty daatrol tbair lata a- irarlcol jobn aottoalon for tbuhyowf w with oradll to blta mlf and to tba towbjlijp and would axprwaa tbvlr alnoa aytapatby io tba banavad famll7olbitaivartiirjty4rrihlaikal uraarauot aod hut ih ulark b loatroot ad to fonraw a oopy of tbla raaolotloo to tba baraavad widow aud foully carrlad tba count tban adjoamad ttaatb lr col dao li onlbrl 4uriiiiiibouyuiodiclqthng rbbtotii shoe s mkr tt w v f t 0 mg t s li bl- w 1 sivi 4 at alio woliavj dour mind w liavo iir ulo of daa good ilia vtlctt of uald aooja ira from bs ou lo os ct and uiay aliall ha aold all ilib ola rjarj como aarjy and aoouro firat olioiu big bvguaa doot muu itl r qui- miltinni y isyniilnir whfljniiiiintinnittiiiniiftjf wirimivttvltfrifl fliali i laa t fflilliln in f to bait ua wo luvo n tig crioioi awok pricoa riebt aul w ajraoaiiott to dolmlioa fauonig reajuclollr aolioiuja wm ttcleon tirca the mammoth d u w amt bargains spoke highly of mr kennedy as a man el business and a township ratepayer and re- isrring to the petition asking for mr mur ray appointment said that many who names were on it wer uot ratepayer and lis bod alio been told by other signers that they hardly knew what they wsrstalgnlng mr murray claimed that no utidub press urhad been used and no mlrp4otahoa fitj ileeve bad nothing to say against mr kennedy but for mr murray li claim- ad that it might bs said hs had been bora and rahud in the oflie mr lawson oould aay- nothing against slllur applicant but lis did uot afs cm what grounds ths ilatve held that ft msu should have an ofiio simply beoauas his father held it befor him this aga was too dm- ooratlo for that sentiment ths resvs denied having said what was imputed it was then moved that ths other blank in ths il law bs filled with the uaus of mr ktnnidy and this was earrlsd tbs leeve alone voting my lir kimnedy waa at one installed in ths duties of oftloe with ft warning- from ths lusve in termsfollowing jhat is to say mow mr kennedy you wlfl pkas re- member you or not ths heave of kujus log you are merely clerk bare and if we require any information from you w will ask it we do not know if thib s tho usual in alallallon ceremony but it was very prettily tllvirhj and very graoioualy received then followed the usual busiusas of the council thecounoll met in thscounollchatnber tbs ilflevs in tha chair members all pre sent tits sleeve called on mr c o murrey to road tlio minutes of last masting of ths council th minutes of last meeting wore than read and confirmed there worn four applications for clerks ofiloe via ch kennedy georgetown wm jnhuion milton c o murray ks- qoeiing anil wm thoiupfton norvsl moved by mrwrlggleeworlh aeoouded by mr warren that leave bo granted to intro- duos a bylaw to appoint a clerk wor ths township of kmuosiag and that ths said bylaw bo read s ural time oarvlad moved by mr lawson seoondad by mr warren that ths salary blank in the my- uwbijllliilupw4lh the sum of twa hund red and t wen lyn carried vcas msoars wsrreo laweon wriggles- worth and btewtib tmaydr webelsr moved by mr tltawart seconded by mr wrlitglmworth that tlio ily law to appoint itfjleik to fix hs salary and to deflns bis duties bo read a sioond and third timsand passed and that tho blanks be filled with thsnams uf ocorgo 11 ktmnody of the the village ot deoruolown and that ths taury bs two hundred twantyflvo dollars per annum payable quarterly yeaswarrar lawton wriggles worth and fluwart maydr wsutar moved by mr wfjggue worth aeoouded by mr warren that the heeve pay to john walters lubeing valuejlfoue sheep killed by dogs the owners therdbf belngunknownf carried a palltlon was pvesenlod by john kvarhi algnsd by htmtelf and twenty others ask ing that grants being made to itobert cook of ounwllllams bs dlaoonlluuad uousider- atloa of petition was laid over till uext meeting of ih council moved by mr tftawarl aaoondsd by mr warren that leave bs granted to lutrodum a ilylaw appolullng auditorto audit ths aooouuli of lbs xraasuror of this uuttlol ths funeral of col ceo l oulbrl brother of mr- james guthrie of goergf town took puos at tbs family reeldenw 17fi hast 111th st new york on aoili march u was a member of tb veteran association durye knaves iftb itojri- meut infanuy v yfluu voudurt thsrti64 war conduced by iv jlobn l campbell pastor of lbs lexingtouave baptist church wall papers bought from tbat urgu ad well wlaeud stock at jackaoa book glue will bs trimmed free of any cbaige t eaton co limited iik vou toronto aurintb 1 0i it linn boon our miiuion to put dow notioni into ninny trado ways n i notliing raoro than into liouboiurniyhr ing fctpvu uacd to think thnt anything vtnu good onoiigh for tho homo providing it cost lit tlo vifonoy inferior carpotu uccond rntv cuitninu pioture daiibb and ujiiiih worthlofui goods brought trado to oxclu- divo gtoroa and eatisficd thono who know nf notliinp bottor conditioiih liuvu changed wo ntiirted out by educating uliop- poru to gut tho best dry gooda and pay canh lor thoiu ill on wo turned nnr attontion to enrpotu mid upholntcrio ijit- terly wo inctjtiled wall papers and mftehuf everything noed- oilin tho home people have como avowedly to boo whothor thoue thingh aro iih tliutiii- guiyhed as wo huvo advortinod and nobody idihappointod cumulative interoat will bo tho daily rule in enrpotu au thin month ptoplo will bo buy ing jllpntieljatlon of coining nocdn thecollconolnofhuw and choico douigne wukt our trade position tho btrongnut tho trouble isnt to sell them 1 ho trouble ih to handle tlio biihinoss witli usual prompt- nus iiiul nceiiruoy novorthelch wo can nian- ngo nil tho itrado that conios our wby vo novor yet had occasion to think otlierwiso mid you know how aetivo things aro at times lm t eatoh entikit i co liuirno uukkv ar ihih liiaaiwjaaliajm taraulo all tlilraiaa maar debss ocxd rmt tstirrcijsi oxjohb1 oie jaotchrre call and see bs hav4yiuuiidoupyour mind to buy a carpot bo suro and oo our immonso stock b- foro you buy wortythillkingrmafrtirbrsui1rore i tho lnrgost our prieob tho choapost our cuttor tho host 5fou alwayn get a good fittina biiitwhon you buy from us a fit guarimteod if you havo novor trioovuii do so now nud prove what wo wa in tr oubm y kpahtment -adii4- floiihshos this boiiboh hotter than ovor wd itlwnys thivo tho vory latostrbtylot consult your own interests by trying uh for a now hat or bomiot thin booboiv wo aro soiling oiir beadymado overcoatb and suits both mens and boyfl at wholesale prices wu clearod out a stock nnd got a reduction of 25 por cont you can havo tho ad vantage if you buy from us wo havo spoeiar bargains to offer you in furs this sonson hcket goats capos storm collars muffs and caps all kinds wo will offor at spooial pricos flannels and illnnkot at cloaring prices look at them whon you oro in tho store if you havo not already paid us a visit it will bo to your ndvautago to do so pooplo who buy from usknow that our goods aro firstclass wo koop no trash wo bcii at tho very lowest price for cash or produce g r anderson aro srampton gentlemen farmers -op- f halton 1 tbsnk j on for tin- lltjiifilulrmnuok tnuilod loin jurliib the last vlglit yasru i auu itwrri- tnlflnit n fnuli marl liavlim eoltl out nil my oljuliwu tiruiuillup liurueae- 1 linve lalil hi u uruo uiucli of ilrut elsu lealberantl hnvu niilyml u llnlclaitjimi i nm now propatcd u y a hrt clou johntthp hmittt llvliiupnm all kinds of jobbing ivintj mi fchurl nnlltv lining collars a specialty i rlclm that i will mnuit yim a licllor juli imn ytui im ct iilwivlnh fnr two rakiu twmiui i lm i m tlniii i hi die hirita iweta miciuiu 1 hinli ilium wilhl iiuo n now itlltar jouuixjiuiiilty tlity tin nut uut out or hiihiw tu i tow tlijw llvu idii ii trliil mid buuouvhicd whips jcliunr hum wit youiis llksikctpimy j fmccann dknnuna 1uock okoiiodtown the 5r0geryo a wm teeth 90 9u poi8er iuulod- lug extracting ouaranlaad partaot in ovavy rapaal m d of allty llty vullnii oarafally at undad lo will vllt baatflui adlo w oaortowii cveky thorsday it oaupaelxa uoi1x d stihton h os flradiiat of toronto hohoo of tuutfelry and ltoyal college of uontal huruaoua 1ikai kjiain ie fits i dosiro to aunounco that i have in slock tho flnost sortmont of pr0vis1ons fruits g ever soon in georgetown also a full lino of fine glasswaie crockery k i havo a omnlotu utock of ovorvthing in the line of grocotioh and provisions which will bo sold at the lowest possible prim rv cli a call irtvobpectfully roquostod j wicderlvnirdretow ifyouvytnta piano organ skwing macutno ob gljothes vrinsee cau atxt-i- giibeiiman bros auo tuivhct th knitting maghine itootnes noxt to tho sowing maohluo as bor uw liiwii mowers ropuired and ground to out ai gatar oa new sowing muchjuoe ropuired ito -t-

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