n jtivuaa trtmk rallwaf iihxu rx t aila wrr lrsiroviuwn8c lul iur lyiixliii tliti lloul to etmjn lejiruvvil illil ilp vt- fmmd lufy4 itiiiwri4li ikihv1 a5 jdeaaetay hf d biitaop unit t bear carters eeakerilnxiiaiis romltlu faithful iifviiui jo vdui difctkiul j jniwl mivlla- whit women ithlo 14 nltiut aljlaitrliliul i doll hn nilkluo cjji mi tv v rs sarsapartlla- mxnxxo tit dr j o aycr tt co uwull matfe r hclll fopirrtturiti olfpjfor vv- ihhalvvlaebor jhpiicwiigwr emailed tioiui maduluui him llko ulm wd rlir ouw the cretin thexreve tha aklee koiio ov the iatiklon cmltmifil front fint p0 atp- twam rvae who iiuy ttwwiuitad fltliuijruiiujiowrrthi i oqal buklib flow soma qiiildrcti qroiehig too flint becoroo lulloic fretful wluiout onr- thin ond vlik fortify irid build thwit up by the uw of i of cure cd lives oil and f vemo uuil itotln frdluu if hilk 11 1 ruilvlmivii oil cnxur coning uu enmn m h0ih nuoldiho viiuhoit is uufqualul flmmlm wail 1y scoll g dsuno bllaui- fitawl wrapper ol bl uruqdrl bnd ioa conso mftion e tlio mcfnst i icit coifii cure ti tellhoul a iiij ii lltr liilory if medicine all liuin i- rinirci to wit il on a vu- lilvc pmfncf atr- ilit no other euro rati teulully lii tlil it iny lciinc knovvf tltls lmprico cl rw rivmii tltirr tin plarhij itlryr inli every lnm lit live ill f i ail cniiitti ii ycuiliavfl tcmtt trc tir3tor llitmcjiitl uic ilfor iltu ture yr- if ymr cliilil hr tle croup atvtumjiiii lvjhiic rtnitiily anrreliil u unj if yni iltcad lliat irmliniw ducsm cnniurnrtlii nc i vk ymir lnitt hhilolls clliiv vicc loci i us and l i h ytii lm- ri lr r in die aim sliltoli ui iliur itui 35 tlu cumuiriuj 4iui an old phynician rctlrca from irutt kj hmvlnh luui ilacvd in hlu liniulu l nu lal idtlu missionary tlio formula or a uimpu vkublavomivjy for tlio spttdy and por- uauank ouro tcqnhiuiiptloii uroncliitid uturilt auttuim and all uiroat ami lump aflftwllonb alo a pouitivo mid radical cure iojt nrvotib iulility anil all norvuiiucom- plainu ltor liaviiid itmud itu wundtrfu euratlvo power a in tliouuutulu cauinlia it hitt duty to malic it known to his uilwinif follow actuatod by tlilo motive aud ft deairo to rollnvu lininan uufftrini i will mod froa of cliarcu to all wlio driro it thin maine in ocrmnn lronli or iidiiiibii with fulfdlrcchonit for prunariiitt anil nuiuu heul by mail by add renal uu willi rlamp bamlou this iwr v a novta tilo rowlv block hoc i mi tor n v hprinu witli itu rapid uihilu and wot waalliar la tlu jiiout tryimi iicn in our cauadian clhnatr tnjvlli i muiivllanat uy oilier timudu tlm rnvai of uvturrb taakelliomhlc f at un itntiiltllato ro ll for cold in tlio head mid u tlorouuli ear or catarrh nolliiii yi iiiiuvrd juale naual halm it in oey to uae plaaudl aad uftrciutil hilil by ill i dualuri or mm polptildcm unipl of juid oiitu for small bollb r 4 forjiro lotlli- tlt fttlford v co llnwiivhi know pw acin i could not roly llitr waa ho oobaola lion or ine p jffur biuno- rjllgridur- broluro vo by tboiuljti thundif aj il tlitted above our headi tliaw painful re tltctlodi wiiro bfoktrftipoo by lite entrance of a vrtnerable man who eanuauy craved ail audience of pontine throwing bimaelf opon uu kneeavj exolaimefl i ara joeepb of arlroatlui and i corns to ak yoo rnlaaloii to remove the tody of tteena of nauritli from be crom ioutiua ruplloj wltboot raiiinj hie beid llo do as tbou wouldat tbo old man baitlly wltbdnw jie wae joined in ilia outer court by tome wormso tilokly vclloj tbu uiuiluaud thii ful diy jcuiiu wai lutunod id a epulcbrj tliat wai bowii out of a rock and lontlue placed j tardu at hiu tomb on lie tliird day ho uour in iio bod forotold ulorloui and trj imiplunt over death and tliuaaliowd ilihi ifif to a nmnlw1 of ilia friend a bucli la tbo tolituony which ihu followers give of jliin a tcallnuuiy which many of tliem lno iwelud with tlicir blood uut what la hihiikjre wonderful ilia doclriio confided to tow flalionutmi la already spread through out tlio empire tleee aame bumble men are iitranlyklowlwitli both virtu and courage tbia now faith spreaxla iteelf aslbo brauclira of the treea under wltoee liadow tbo wbolo world will alt tilnca tlicua fuurful oveirta dear put via trytliinft ioe wroorj with pontlua illamid for ida conduct by the ltoman beuato ho has become an object of liatrtd to tbo jews tbou vory jowa for whom lie tuicri ficed hiu twniw of jaalice ml d lra on in obrrow and in blltcrnea whuet am tpt alone utterly along halo mo and 8 ft media are seized with horror at my approach and i wonder not for am i not the ipoiibe of tbo murderer of tlielr god and thmijih thoy alill a l m kindly i perceive thai my prenoe la pain- fill und lherijhro i vlalt thorn uo more uy ufa ia pabucd in tolltudo i inaitute fin the dectriuo nt thia jeaua obt fulvla whit in tbo uiii ticienoa of thin world in cauiimriuon with it mono but a god could hnc brought such a faith upon tho oartii a fiw inoiilha after tbo oiccutlon of jojiif lil ate uau dofirlvod of hia ioaition and rixnlud to kuropo undyinifwmorae followed ida footaupj old my friend what a life i lead contidenoa and affection aro blrantjcra toua uoaeeyittme but a wil- nt hi of hia eriinc nco 1 apoke to hiu of repentance and never can i format the look ho nut on monnd tho despairing buheiiy ioa that hrkticd from hu lipt it wao now that my darlinu my only child expired in my nnnu and would youbellova it vol via 1 did not weep happy i thought ia my child in iicaiiilj tlio minte that follow uw llofoio bupuratini to preach tin doctrine of 3cuuu tho apoaluu drow up a uyinbolo thdr fuith in which they placet tlio aventf- inu ho aiiltcntl umlur iuntlbh iilate adieu ruhii imio pity uu my hioakiuif hmvt cllhia illct iu uthm bane trf w hwk our irrml boaac our pilia cur u whiu buw aa bal ciarvaa ltrrtm fjvnt ritiearavtftimitll wrry nuy tn uk on nr iwo totlfat riaku a dint tbiy ant atrirtl tmuist awl tlt ao crip or tvb but by rur bit tilt pum is lx4a thai livlacateii- uxtm kunem cc ju vk icuil bmaj pott tbuhpna j t p w intanf om ohtldren rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrli vt v- at omiivirtu uerbi rible will yoa haa tbe welmw the altpta urbapeortbaaare approach of thai tejf- ble diaa conauptloo abk yonraclvee ui 4 iv- ulu nt aavlnt lod k of mvlntf 100 we th quloltt tiftmody tni uhriiriu uftribb3 suiv i itfctoitsahniii jml c- bruhwuij liiii- croup co to fl drt taallrfitlvcr ii kiht nl bent 1 tthltul- iirt all 1 1 sllv lllj i i- of iar 10 iritfr- 1 ojfjr that rlalmad th- ljeanti ii ibvnii wprv tharm done and yod reel i bod the wrapper to hie banllflbt boat i r i office 43 boots btr toronto toiltr ilimt allk dru mort iliad and eoufnaed he iprank from hia tied kn cap in band eontmaneed an apolejjj i be your pardon mani im vary tot ry navor mind uurta no great worae about ik than i do but your drai ia rulnad i thought you would bo angry with me for being to carcbm- oh no ahe ti plied belter to have a alld draia than a ruffled temper oh whuvtalylvxciainitd tlielad aa i lie lady pitied on who that lady returned his comrade if you call bir a beauty youahanteliooae for m why tbo la old aud her face la wrinkle i dontaro if bar face ia wrinkled re plied the ollur her aoul la hartdiorae any haw a about of uujjhtar followed from which be waa alad to cicipe ilelatlntf tbe inci dent to hia mot iter ho said o molbar that lady did ma good i shall nevar for- ret it and when i am ufnpled to fiat anjpry i willthluk of what aha aald beuarlo have a aoilod dreaa than a ru filed temper i cu advocatk iaat year i her eyae were rhaumy and waakand red ller breath jon eould antell it ff 0ho had idfil and dlitxlneia oft in bar jicad and tho cause of it all waa catarrh thia year her breath ia aa soft aa tbe new rniodow bay her ejee are aa bright aa a tar and the came of bar cbana the u ready to y waa tho dr hagtia cure for catarrh dr bauoa catarrh ilemcdy will poaitiv- ely core catarrh in the head n6mattar how bad or of how lung tainllnc fifty eente by all drumilblo luilbhkmkkjev tie plcatant flavor gentle action and aoolhirikfffictb of hyrifj of ljg whan in rwad of a laxative and if the father or mother ho cottlvo or billoua the moat grat ifylnfj reiulta follow its use so that it ti the btat family remedy known and every family ahould havo a uoltle whan italy woutlrk woaialtorcojtlorijl wiiau ruin v aa a clilll altu crliil fur caatorley wlin ah bcema ulaa alia oluuo to cauorl wlicn alto had cuiuran ahe ga o uuuu caalorta milt q k vim yiliaua uuhwilow byuiillloubofiuothenforthalrclilldrenwhue to run the riak and do nothing for it know from experience that bhllohe core will eare your eoab it nevar falla metttkiy alae uoya uj ghu the bunlubt boap co toronto offer the following priaee ovary month till further notice to boy a and glrla undr 10 realdlng id the rorfnee of ontario who tend the treauat number of fcanlltht wrapper at uo sod u 8rd134uil cthto 14th a i ttendaotne ftookand a pretty plctora to office 43 boots btr toronto ooitater than sttli of each rnooth and marked competi tion ahto nlve fall name tddreaaflted number of tpper wlnneratuumewlll be bublfaliad in the toronto mail on flrat halurday in each month wiisiss9rf brs jewelers tholargebttitockin tliecmmfcy toehooao fromr a if anukoub soul onp dty a boy who uaa taking hia flrtt ituaon in tho art of sliding tlown hill found ila fnut in too close contact with n lajvj t flower tor dyepopslo a ikuaiikcr propr stove pouu- ilry montiirhy qucijcc writes i have tisctt aliguiit ilower for tys- pepsiit it khvc me urent relief i recom meiid it to all dyjtpepticu as a very good remedy kd kcrceroti general dealer lnuon levis quebec writea i liuve used august flower with the bent possible rctmlu for dyspepalo c a- unrriugton nuglneer and general smith sydney australia writes augutit flower 1ms effected a complete cure in tny coac it act ed like u miracle geo gates corinth mian writes i contiider your august flower the ikst remetty in the world for dyu- ieiiu i wnsi utmost deud with that disease but used several bottles of august flower and now m- sider myself n well man i sjneerely recommend this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over i g g uiln sole mfiuufjcturcr woodbury new jctacy u 8 jl teelliing if djaturbed at nluiit and broken of your real by a aick child buffering aud orylng with pain of cultlnjt tuetli aeud at once and get a bottlo of mra wlnlowe bootliing hyrup for children teeuilug it will relievo the poor little aufferer immidl ately depend upon it mother there la no mlatako about it itourea dlarrhou regtt liu the btoniach and bowela cure vikd collo aoftena the ouma reduoea inflaimua lion and tilvce tonoaou energy to uiewhola ay item mra wlnlowa boolliliig hyrup for ohildren ueuiiivg ia pleasant to the taate and ia uie preacrinuon of one of the oldeer and heat female puyaloliua and nuraee in the united statea and ia for tale by all druggluta throughout the world lrloe twentydvo cenu a bottle bo aure and ask for ouaa wimexowa bootliiuo uvaur imk foh bwakcetua aa le well known uila iroubieeome com plaint arlaea from overeating the nee of too much rich food neglected eonauptiofl lack of axereiw bad air otc tlie food ebaald be thoughly ohwd and navar bolted or awallowcd in ha if atlniulanta muat lie avoided and exerciae taken if poatdbla a ramtdy which haa rarely fallid to give prompt rtjllaf and ffel parmaatnt curei avan in the moat obatlmtla eaata ia bur dock blood bilura it aeta by regulating and touca the dlge organ removing eoetlveneae and lereaalbg the appetite aud reetorintf btallh and vigor to the ayatem aa a tsearln point we quote from a utter siooo cull and 8co our 3ox hilvoropoii cnbo blom wind ucrow back mid kcol with a patent 1 btillanoiljmmilnndllttmadmljljsoniy amorican liiajc jowolod aovomont for tlio low bum of 1000 agontb for tbo godorich organ co organs sold at hard timo prices call and inspoct and got prices for yourself watch hefaihikg oue bpeoialt willson bros burdock pgulotc the stomaahi liver- itnd3owlo unlock thcseortlonvurlrlethe blood ond rmov all lm purwm from m tlmlei to theworaitsoroluiouaisorew blood -5- cures -c- dyspepsia bil constipation hcadaohc salt rheum scrofula heartburn sourstohach dizzikitss dropsyf rheumatism skim diseases bxtters wrltun by uua l a kuhn of uamlltou ont two yeara ago life leetned a bur- dan i could notet tlie ilmpuat food with out being in a dreadful rnlaery in my atom- ach under my aboulderaaeroaa the back oi uy neck ucdlcal advice failed to procure j relieraad aiding btbtcadveruaedrtlooat two ixattmuolvlt and have been entirely free from any aymplomi of my complaint alcee thla givaa vary conclusive proof of the affmenoy of this wonderful ramidy tlio wall known atwuftlhenlng prop alae oiihom eomblnad wllli other tonioa and a moet perfect uervinr are found in carter iron tills which itrenfttlien the uervea and body and improve tho blood and complai- ion e thaw unhappy persona who auffar frofi nervouanetf and dyapapala ahould uae carure litlla liver lil i which ara tnade expreaely for aleepleaa nervoua ilybpepllo ufferere price 3a eenta 4u whlivmkji vatlaul dwb biu thla fall and winter i auffar- td from nouralgla in my faoa and had the beat medical abl without avail 1 at but thouubt of trying b b b and after ln one bottle have not fall any aymptottu of neuralgia alnce i regard it aa a line family medio no j t ditour ilaaallp alan timiri weed and belladonna oouihliied with uiaothar ingiedlentauaeu in tlie beat poroua plaoera make carteru ti w a b backache ploilere tha bait in the market frtpfl j5 otata ttuoutlvu auutflu- riiyaiolana travel ler pionaera aettwaf lovallda and allclaaaea of people of every ab gree teatify to the m td leal and ton la vt tnea of burdock blood dittcra tb aa popular and effective mad id no eitaut h ouree all duaaaea of tha ilomaeli ii v bow ela and blood what a ilabt of gratltuda tbo vorld owe to lacli men aa dre ayr and jeunor the latter for tha qreatdhummr of vaocl nation aud tha former for the katraci of soraap trlllauie beat of blood purifier who cau eatlmtte how muoli thaaa dlaooveriee have benefited tha raoa 4fj e bsalzt st belislr5 georgetown new trouserings rrr nnittianr duwaklk turk ah dyem apeak for themiclvea wa ara not compelled to dltpairge other dye to boom our own m rutbrohrrlra v yuam4u bt r sduuito ahruyftr patents l new worsted coatings new suitings spring overcoatings dfttttfif tttruqtt call and examine my new spring stock ir- j e belisle merchant tailor f ico to-o- til r anhn liuu loo lr ik uwi ea ui until mil tiu lt erlun u ti iil 0x1 oil it uhthw uuy uttfttitu l 1 1 1 i ff spring circular e- tmoknton br0s a general merchants l norval ont vvi lrrrliullv tllllllu olir piltlohh for tll3 rjoy patroic u- during tho jm year iiaiiuor hi which ir hiihinonh has r iiv wo dotiro to umito tho voluiiio of tailoring i uriliiliou to tbu doiwirtaiout wjivo iit wooivid w f ittllhi rf ctoiw woj tood for k suits fboww2 pants from w 11 arlaiu of totduto lin bul a icnguiy ami lucooiaruj fix aivou ua at h t und b omiu ilbdld valua c irrv oh00btr- oen tb x uu hl0t 0 aud oouiiiloto w t hobnton de08 noevat to ialce iho place of the oldfashcwed corded corset try the b c corset this is just whatyou do you can tryitand cv wear- it for two w threo- weelcs if you wish then if ypure not satisfied you call return it and get your money win tr mr mrn it tr all iirn taul h4 atal ill all ua iaomlmi liriillil lniir rtrvm niul ar uilntta otur irvutuiht limliaa ab lil it tlio liiri lirtuta htm nijruwimti itllljmj lpriaaiiirlhlutf uutl ivigortjilea u tttully utiuttlh lrriiiinullyvtiai fit uuuu jna imirilnn of lli li floi1 ullilmif licihucititiaico rvn yairuiatultuc k4cliuaaawf ixrijuar ouia iaaa tt ol lirvr suiw lil 1 1 nlrriiiulli davalai ukwn li oivrv jruii a ifr uliiiilaliaturjinirlbftd ctunl buaii wliiirx iw i4 vient iltt4lallt4 aiianae mjlfaio nva 5 bheadmakths i sslajaw 1 never full u tv aatutactlmb aoi0 nv all o i u atlisa kuujy lf uj aulillhau wua uu iluuubu ut tin il ik iurt hluj auj iim4 ilaaolui hx wa tiuij inlnl u uju t tav hum iu taluy lui i 1u imj two uortlu nuul kliha viluaulu tiuuttau tat uu iuuu u wa tu4 wka tu uuj im ivu ajuukaa wj tjj aaamw 8 ajfllooum m o 108 adu1m t wut tonomto oht