bank of hiiniiltoii ilrad offlv gkffah li vt ussbvk vlwk j ruunaulu dinrctoiifl t j hamilton iiiooo ifioo lbtcmhut pws ofjhk week lalbered byjlerald reporter r beat by cerreepeadeat the higf school ureal at iwii roeauocefuiecoubtycoaecll eoownednleeuon weyaffeibbepeoty ersonal brnm ru bfltcokeunocve el hl ben tort wbieiiid jjacjua then oehjie hum ulillbm wp ifai jetjewa7jen eeetfees veaef pnglliw joliuuvriivriul tilwlit1oihll 1 isieffiilrrulrllvj v ywll a huiuiiiithiiy iswu nov m tlmnm lic buliiplluu wlfti iikt rohilllwioim riiilltr kjtkji h ihiii wll o lit luhi irnbtlbdayrcuokjiui 7 lett okuuiii conensednewsitems liok atjyour uu1 tit doctors ara on to tuu j il it bundsys wiowfllmjmitd 0 laches a bylw rtcinlly psd by tin coun cil annouricos tbst ill gau mmi swing to bellslfl ilcqj offering barctlns lu overcoatings ud suiting willi away down tha jlsplltt hundey bchool will hold an snurtalmiunt andsuppsrou tbuiadsy avtnlnif 29tli iuv h is bupuns ylll proacb a urn- 1 n sriron in tbs disciple ehureb on sunday tvtnlni 17th an optu mbflllng of lb womens jlis- kloo circle uill b held lb the bspllal w church tblsovflulng the turkuys lolls very sadbiclimicu very lira for if thanksgiving ltn liim illp our uirku ukublu id rtr molftnnftmumacw0yjj farmer comtttlluil sulciil luk tchunulty munlnfi by drowalhb itlmulf la clturo uoufr ciucui the moutlily mullaa will in held next ttwtjny avcnlpft alarfto ftttan jwc ui romvcrttmiimud i- tlie nnu tuolibu of kuituslne coo- urvaiv aiaaclalioti will b ulj la th townhtll fiiftwhiowr tomorroam3 oclock brvico mill ba heldja tho b of hi omrcti cbuyeb uixk bundftyi momina and uviulutf tha tudutieeitoott if bilng ptitittd dtwrutiiy dr urshlldmuiiwui mil u it bnnetti iioul ol mny dmelsth all work atrlclly flrtteliu and wurriutej roairowkd owiug ia lekaa tw thu ball uluif uuoishod tb imebuciu ilti iag annouticod for nut boadybir bmu 4imad cdukw ijtix 41m town ball will b yung durldtf uia winter at b p m aa a rtv mtndair that all paraona 15 and uadar mail b off tb itwou uuubi aeoamaanld by wtw avtm mrt vlilr ocorco town i e o ituiilaukfaifdule uokeclmie brawptoni t katoo co xlolllnrake kun a co v tbompiori a boti toroulo jolm laubirt ouolpbi ka thomtou korvtl vinrwhb fatm k wtfa radiwo cwnro jaijtf iii tlb r7ttllinrob im anottav a rumv lnrnfi j i f 1 rrrl wioll4 l boot txi btav hiciu waw110lwllhlltlliuh0111- ky lollllfilllllolulluuool- so turbr loollliniuoollllllioool button uoniiiiiiniioooiiiooio ih blarrat vlolutllloeooloololloolllg th tjub porpow havloif blj abjtahfl xtnm day if saflolcnt uva npurowti oan b prooord the uoykattheokd tlut luaffj aud wcli knndy liu ft fthoor trial on tbauytbmlitroobu beiag eruln tttidtnl of qunwltluxo n u- m- tontivvjmr am to bawgo tbwont of it la th mbfll thai hma wdmd tba inmbb ba h ooaw oat rujrvboj in tbtwtuta at uu trial tbarwuy mlno wu onad m and coat for aaaaolt u bfcvhag baan abown tba ba kuud lyoeawbti uetfuiar waa ogbtintt blm tbo ooaia to btouaaur who wai flnwl at tha arab utal will ba aboat 12 in npl of tb prouautloaa of our ublqbit- trlcit7tttpoenttotbo tfotxtyi tbira in popla boar baglublng to ana- poet tlt tbftrt ar bad boya la tn also another prohlblilod metlnf althoufib tbo avanlntf waavary aionny thara waa a very fair atunda at tha problbltioo biaatiuit in tha uatbodutebojrehi sunday avauidrt tha i apaakura vtt ha ut dalmu and uolr tba add orr full of itlvrlni facta in wuiiop u ba doty j otbhouv tfitittjiddiaa during hla addrata rmarkd that ha bad travaliad through hiihc a rrhibiuod atala and aaw vary liuia of llauo or iu effacta jx ballavad 1rohlhiuon wu a aoouia tbira mr molr pointad out with forot tba avlla of tha unfile ahowing tha imlu thai oawa to tlioua who indulgid lu liquof tba only remady wawi ramova tho taupuuon and fcacounaattd to work knd vota with a vuw of thla about the kail way uonua at animllng of iha county coancil bld noantly tba following roaolutun wu naai dr hoborttfoa moved aaoondad by ur lawaoatliat it la tha opinion of thla council that a bylaw ahoutd ba lutroduoed and pusodbytbia council agraalngto tby fol lowing oompromtaa lu tha railway aolt no pundiog in- tba court lat thai tba auw of 805000 b tllatrlbuladproirau to tba manlolpalltlfta that paid tha tnotuy undar the nt n w railway bonua bylaw to ba by lliata dlitrlbnlad for publio tmirpoam to tha groupa or aoetlona or roturnad to tba raunayara in aald aaollona j 3nd that tba baltnoe of tba money ba allowed to remain as county foods for tbo gnral purposes of tba county and to cover all aipenm in ourrad in tba easa and to pay outstanding dsbentuna carried vt itobehsou moved seconded by mr laitit that tba railway doumilue baeoipowerad toearty out tha resolution pataed by tba cottuou in j xrnaa enle on bsturday bs lbir advrllaiuant in this luua it will poyjoa to call at their ttore 1u3 king streot cit tha tutt time you artf in toronto tha rirornrns annual uallwlll be imld oa vrtdav ih tlieeomnilttaahtvacont ailouoaa orehfmira of totonlo will furnish uvo rauslo fiupp be served at the us tint it uou0 tlarty in this locality have ucn attaok- d with la grippe during tbswlntr llutl ttasa men minitura tmohcre funnrrs ma- nhitnlas have had it in larce niimura tha pldamlo struck tho ilktuui oftlci last wssk so that for soroo dsys nono of bo hands ware welly fit to work but tbo duvil and tba editor aurau on uuuinu 1bolaulatuohsd to your ukiuu caoh week ulla you whether you ro paid up or not a numbsr of anb inrlbsra have already paiil fur 1ku bwae fiw havent paidfcr uj or m thaw ar r1ttud to lint in thatr aian at ont w would ilka to have every subicrlpllon on tha list psid in full before 1kh win artletlo placard in olers has just been isaucii from tbla ofuca far tha ilre lirlaada in us oxsaulion ibu ucautt ioa- slble fiaro and aiaolnon woro roiulred and tba worktuannhlp upon it will atand tha ktanaat criticism it ia tho mot creultabla spoidaeof colored poster work that has vs lanimie in tbo county mr jo uoorf lha ilkbitia ropiiur forcmao hat th credit mr and mrs iw cslu liave toon to colllnitwood wharo tliay intcud to reside doc has bean a- rlilant bcrr for the past tto years ho was tlwsyscnoti naturd and bavsrdld anyone any barm vtars sjto ha toads mdnoy in tha harbor kliop but later too tusuy of tha town toughu inrpoaod upon him and not holj lu vsricu ways of hi money about a year ao boo got mar- rud and hlsfxcallunt wlfout one rid tit hopuf the niluirahlo ultniiut tbst belpsd to ruin his huslncts tboy tivod happily togilbir but hvlm dcoliu that thra barbers wsra too many for aoritlow lhy went to colllnuwood wbsrs wo bop bay wsy bav meows suit carried ysa alton buck barber i eathsrston iinsbaudlawaott mortimer ieltlt llobsruon webstar warra 11 uayllutobson maedonsld msnxlos pear son 4 tuo bible society tlta nul tvisatlno tli 0aaatot bsnoh was hald in tb inabyufisn otaucb on tneaday avouing itev josijpri fannoll presiding thp atcntary mr it h llsrrlaoo prossotsd his report showing that the following amount luut been eol laoud by tha psraooi named misses thornton and tlndel 113 b uradlay and ltustoo 11 0 uodfrtty and uunie tio jackson and hammond 1100 llndaay and kennedy lj w cook and niclull if ub uogullouuh and ijiiuv 0 7fi lllaok and llobsrlson 4 ob johnston and thompson a 70 a uocandissa and muon 10 05 collscllon 3 bo jlr cbarli wlon lttj jurnd horn 1h milwsijk mi- har u buplxoia arrived in town on tttesdty m btibdsbving k untfah to mat bar iit riare ftppjlbo has rslurtifd to two ffyiirt a fttrfgt yt th divpu s lines o lw jtlrlt fa w tblsuv aniomj v rfanljfioahboosxlaby ibaprcvoh tv r jsiiiig v ntm pvptlogib ii ko v oa jtmhw a 1 iwun54 wuar bj ctindcs lo ttsdur irjxocra- ktantm- atuiooglidlmrpointdsotniwht that hi- iinartvocjusbd ails young tccompanit could not bo prasuit on ao- eount jit tb grip tha- opinion pravallsd tbst mtmfi baksr and fieldings tluu in their rospcalv department of att iiad not bast at all exaganud by tb imposing hills wblcb announeed tbalr oonwng whll misstsylor of toronto nd alls balum tyne of llramtoo provod tn tha margsnoy ialrly ttcod ubtltatc miss taylor was also mfferiuif from a alight oold and not in iofbotiur wese a taking a hi songs and lifibwl up tb vvtuiiug with sparluof gaiety vitkwun yoong man of promlas uu awasjjtsv- and ltb daatt otth color war peeully taking dr webster wa ehiraian and on rfjuest mads a very good impromptu addrssa on tb beotflt and lims of uio socloty a bos bodsl will ba huld in uio new vmivaioniiiaajimondmy evtal tig letb kaehlady isavpcelvd lobrlngabojt of refrsahmsnti for two good programme admission gentleman 25 cstd ladle is osuu e a thornton our rncrcbtt is doing an skoollsnt hualnssa lie la to tho front with a i0 days salo aiiani- hi nw4 rfrfoy ivuofjwil tbajtryai ccovfnic mc 1 i tw1- lh tbflpfmlubiivx- ibotowwto tlwbiuavbrkdlagusi- hornuv umbju correapondftnce on account of lha almost impassible atala of the read a tho concert held ia th tarn potauce hull last friday svoniug dec 1st wa not the success financially that lb eouosria in unsrs bsvabofn mr 0 b mussen comic sioer toronto who appear ed in full dress stnfl som aplendul sls uons wblcb ycro heartily enboved by tha audlancf mr 0 iiui burlington gavo several wellchosen recitations which wsra certainly tha treat of tho evening and last btltnotlssst uornbyorcliealr rendered good service towards furniahlng tbs musical pjioltliflproiira m jasm ps- ton discharged tbo uuilto of cbalrmau irtet vary able manner while uro ben perform ed tho duties of alage manager etc mr j o brooks o w p toronto vlltd jas coqlton last week mr o u hill jburllngton was o guest of joseph copslsnd last bsturday mr fred douulaa returned from uonl- lob a week ago ut tuesday fred dot not give a very encouraging report of tba wt and although wheat is so cheap at pribt we think ontario holds u own with any part of tbla fair dominion tba small voka of tha snow bird wblspera to mayflower tberaa bhank and man tbyr both cstcliing on and thayr all stttlng married but mo and again whos tb young gentleman who curd4ie hair to attend a concert a few tvenlugs ago 7 tho hoys hailed tho beautiful snow as it fell a weak ago wcdoesdsy in the after noon a splendidly matched span and on of latest improved cuttora wont travelling up and down tbo ttb line bui alas lb msiiu of tha warn raded into dim twilight when wo notiotd tba drivers frhsbmilatwm in bosb on tho 8th oplhsjt to grief benaath th sturdy tiroko of two such nobl woodout urs aa will wlllson and jack couleou la is tha report having bun adapted aa in elrubltve address upon tbs work tlb so cley was dellvortd by itsv mruartln lie vi molr am 0l dalms followed brist ly commending tbo addrts of mr uarllu and tb society for tb axooluttl work it had in hand tbaaks were undsrsd to th oollcclorathoobolraudlhaapsakar owlug to the prvalliuasiokuea tbaaudieaoa was not as isra a usual and the contribution felt onia abort of former years x merry christine to ail mow i tba time to look around and gel your oholo of a wonderful alodk of xma good of all klnda beforo thay ar culled out aud prices that surprise tha people call and as them at morrows drug btora ltuukunxu tiii datk tha qaorgalowo dramatic club will render th apsrkllng comedy tha circuit ludsr or love wins in the town bajl on tusadaytb 10th luit as tho prooied will ba appllsd to paylug for tha stag iteusioo a new dwp curtalu and soenf ry now ia oour of pre parallon an overflowing bouse tt ooafldsnt- lyupacud osorgstcwn orchsslr la as- tsudsnea admhttlou 8ft osnti rarvd sima4 toronto tisauii corrtapoudanoa rieotood sislghiug now for tha snow bylsw and tit- plumber bill and i luting on lb bay aud tbo coal maichauls smilsu warring kennedy ufa suooessrul mor- cbsnt ii out for mayor mayor ruming has uot aald rot what ha will do tbo nuujdbo aldermen ara busy ahsking handsvcif with poor wan th w 0 t ujudles ara right fit the prohibition flubt tbeaulvotiooarmy to ba command d fui tiirir aelf denial weeks afforu in tho city thiy mtan busluossr thuhiw la aiposlbg th sweating cultlnu irioo by the wadymade ololblng ui blilrtear mdo for tenants per doxsn aid pants st ob oanu p p ftnd flnl your own ibrsed boorj you may tigvo to tin i dot u well victoria unlvortdtya annual convert mionowilibehsldoo friday daoember ir kdwsrd farewell tho canadian ti nceucinwr audita j u ueolosj tba btsck knight r hero addresiiuft rasu naeutlnjij tbu wtrd have 6paned prohibklon coyi- mitisu rtuis aud ar1n tba flghl lostiiy tba utlp is brx tud although it is illglit form of tb ofttfe it is able to keep lis f rhnds on their uok lor wek or tin daieutlasst our m ie ar in tbo oetar huiy lumping for their frundn tf tlirr baa been som talk ofslpblb troluya i cixy tb mail tw bowtvar would intduollwit- bufibjistvh wa ibiuk u u ft statuviliii whiw jltit ualhun l tht i u iftuiln linn jl tit younttiuopl- ttoodgraw uuo- dmcburclabuysulgforgilg good frco dlntwr to lb l wr fccality lieutcc pka limii tnm commmd of tbjloyaki blraakund murf uw hssucedd do 1roblbltiod rally uunalua ara ulog bld in each ward tatoa di co iup illr slore opu battardiytilgblsfor tbls uioath thoassua viseud twiti usi balurdsy ulglit bvwsi of the minister prtcbd tern- prne sarmoo fast bunuy tb anllprohibltloquu bsva organlasd alraady tbay have a uw sals on amohg tbemselveji where tbais drink tbeswa danger thorntons norval wa offsrior dime bat mid for dollars irul 30 days ortwutir oi hii bkiitalns uiall and wlntwr drss good e lading our capa o much larger thaniitoulat tit a b deelswlto start a grtsl lolcarlugcosh sol rvduciog every priorct tethbbwkod colored drdii goods fjb to kl nr cent bal ooutluu for 30 days thirl la an oppor tunlty to bnycbaap drea ccpds uevsr be fore offered to th poopl cl ud county- as every on knows our aatorttucnt is second to non ootaide tb city do iitt nils this sal of dras goods kurythlng in sbap of drew goods must it turned into cash during tbla ho dsjs uu tailoring una suitings trouseriugs ovttcoatltigs tc comprising tha lalatt nofollies in the selection of tbla msgalfhvdl stock our aim has been to get goods to mut the want of oil s100 1400 aud mb0 ulng tba popular price for pant bootaaudtbocsmt auction price a full lino of frith and canned fruit groceries a largeaudfrtuhatock at reduced pilot e a tbomton korral on market dyvry thursday w will jisvn siweislssle ooctls at slaughter price at jacksons book hlore mens alhwool cardlgin jacket 9100 oaob knitted shirts boa each linstl kid glovos and buckskin glovai arid mitt at trebles corner king and jam alrsata mmllton a nowaviliiams sewlo roicbine nsw latisl improved for uie cheap will en ebanga for wood bay or farm produo jsckuinjlookbtore bcrofula aradiosud and all blndrwddii- casta cored by hoods baraaparills whloli by its vltallidngaud alterotivo efrcta makes pur blood clothing clothing oicithing skle tit a mtp olsttajlilo brkvtl ave a full btot of ill tfce be w himblndee88 gopejbt mninqs ond teimm1n0s it- will pay you to ran down and bee tlieir immoiibo stock do yoii ivaitt liicejxacket ulster lonigapet ou will find thoir stock vory lurgo aud complete over coo man tles and 140 diffcrout stylos if you want a fashionable jacket at a reasonable prico tben niako up your mind to sob our creht big stock 3kt jadwtbstttubtt seitvanljvanted iiiitidlnloly a bwu iktilml vonuul apply c jib wnti liiiriwtowil stor to max a tuirotiml dwelling lu hinlllnui-urijiuo- liousc rowvloo iitvoiinii lit jnuuury yot furttier psrtjtulur upiy 1 sheel astkay mlruyotl lntotlioiirouiltttjrliini wulltlni tot iii roii u cliliittubmhittv nbtxil llitt uuii navwiutmr ik hiwi tlie owner uiuy uavo them ty provltid liroporiy aud paying ox- iaiitan john watk1sb norval io 310ney to l0a3s a row tuotieunil dollar ot trlvato fumlu on flrtt iuortaju tin real eitsuljlt curoiit rmlsh ahtyt v lajalcuroi h0sest kent tho iimttriluiigtl lia two iioiiuh l rout on matiiktniiuiu0lmllir rout on uupowst tlmliillbr may imj imil rooms mrnlihou or uuairul aluuoj ktuhlo loreut lunt rcuuiniillp for part icularnitrinly l til nah lulmv ncartl t it utatlou notice alliutrllru liavliiuolutiiimuuuitiit i in linn ol unii jl miktiialu nrti in rivby iihllllsj lo iirdwjnt tlie miinu not lultr ilisu 10- hlli hsu ariorllut tlato all antmiutu in will tw imlil atitl tho itrm will not l roihiiilblo fur ultv cliunftrnmiiuihl llnririlit all ur rminth iruu llin llriu nml im- mttt l h- culji atoiicnor thoy wultwiilnni in oilier luiuu rur colloctlun llcitlp imcidu rullntl lrtn ho builnou itwill uu rurrltu on lionulhr liyjll uo koiulo iiiulur thoolil iirm namu of lutl iioorauiuwii ov l7ii imti nall mice to creditors lu tbo ify0r urtti vt of itovldt an ilkjswuu late of ilia township of tsjlbaliiir tn tbe county of halloo wviubk uebsu hint ill tiotllluriiil illm uusluot liiuintnlo tr uio m mlllihouiu4l wllo llllll l juy uriitttiilior a- i hit mild liy luval iiriiiaul ur ili- lkmalillnwililuiitloki tnrritii lutwllluitjnmi ilwtauul onorbodiro hit a ihih ilitlr iuihuno nil latumetilor ihilr in ul iui lutturouf tlio htn liy tlion is lllaviiraudiir- irutiuiil mto till iro riioillto ivr lojuiiii ic- nilirrtwba ondtt llill binluooollllu iiiiti ifitny ikjld ylt uluiritiuio ilia mutual uio lr iwiuif bod only ihuymtrwhiolrilihv llvsii blwvsulwlaml tbu m tikwmlw will not im hsw far tbu tnuw- dutrlbulnt or dy iiuy ial tiurmfiunnv hjrotts lurwliuwulu iii ihitli- i oi liavo ben rvrolvcifut thuumofifmirii timirlhtiltoh mtkuhnii tllohtrbrimbimiitor e pay upociul attention to carpets floor oilclotbs curtains cur- tain polos and window shados dou you want to furnish your house this fall it will pay you to koo jour goods a grand stock of suitings trouseringa aud ovorcoatings forourorderod clothing depnrtinont fit- cliiss cuttor good fit guaranteed no doubt you have hoard of our groat success in ordored clothing wo havo also a big stock of koadymado clothing which wo are offering at spe- ciarprieos- our stock ii vory largo our storo tho largest and host lighted wom of toronto wp givo you a cordial welcome to como and see our grand establishment no trouble tb ahowyoutlicgoods you soowltnt jailjyiintj g r anderson bro great bargain sale a d thomson dry imlltr georgetown will commence a groat clearing salo of tho whole of his htock of dry goods readyrnade clothing stylish millinery on th ib november all kiudu of go1 will imi uiteuei veiry low phoo the nlo will oouliuuo uulif uu iei of jeuumry wo will uotmakoauyiineai ligiii jy bei 1u give lmigttu cvry dny ui uio week oar object la having thlmulo is to roilueo our stocli o dry oooil to mtko rudy for tuotbtr unuob wo iutwit to go into u oooa poetililo wo oxtond a cordial invita to com and examine for yuurnolvos w uratock au tho pricos lit adthomsons cor moluft mill ste georgetown 1s0d8 ri georgetown ii av market day s evciy j ptiursduy openiiiii day thdisday nov 30th 1893 1dst all tho olush and pariulo of tho big bargains and long advertisements and word twiming some businoiu pluces apparontly kuopu word twister und thoir bargaiiib are nil iu the papers iiud nowhorc elso wo aro wtill giving gouuinu burgaiub and wo havo deeiilod to cut j tho stock and tho pricob to movo thorn out tjuick wo will givo such bargains in urcnn goods that you uovor honrd of before 0 will iiiv4 vou luou wuk wu w6 jru will uu urty vummuu l7 j v vt j two mutlo wo will hivo you lbr8 iiimillliiory lurssiu inblmwl lrjiu8 ho wovoy u4 im uudorololliiug bargain in carpt rfiu ia ollolotl bargniiin in furs aua llobfi j wj ofifyti otoui- inianlordoraovorooat a ploudiil nuit forsooo mrtu 8jo0o nbloudj overooal tor sb00 regular prim 1000 if lenuld irih frioro ovorooau ipiia aud larg p r f oluluil rortlosomgulariria vouu- aud boyi lloadymado clouilug and ovctooau onuauv tiiu uaali in ladlei aud ooalu poolww colorod coltou vara 100 borlmndlo rogulor lirico 1 ijeib lu oottipih aud bblrtluu bivloadid 0y 1 luuuel for luo mid luio suaucr flouucl00 ir yard all wool twotd hoe wnrili iwo our paiccbvlilknocktlic spots off tljcliuitl times vvm mcleoo co gooraotbwn