Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1911, p. 1

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o jytmy yiiciisijimikf bvkkum vt- i t juirt jwotu tv y juilyjritrtion iiatk 1ft it f uinw iluuilli- dttvnw in sulvafhw werlruii xi4rj tlie ulvutrnatlwj 1 c tyniimtififix aplirauoft v v and 1writli v mr ell obarr qttipitijimriliwut ui cjinwl tur tnnoxaufwimtmr tmmtwmilnmb wtpariu v- i- v jtifw will 1w m i until- ferhjj eiihi vifjtily v later hwmmiijf hitltihttimutantc t j climiuii for roiilrtitt hitvriuotturflu uomf 1w lh urn oiiiui lyuyvnlnf- j m xioona iublukfr directory l a cwtvukuu v meni londwlllo a uoodwime brruhr klultor notary iubll cori- vymuvr ar mnny to loan ore at mi flood willw old stand jearuvtowti tdual 01- dlt a w nixon pbyalcull kuruion bin i acaxiclter not hlll tvalluhcv liiorgowu phyaifbui and hiiryivm irir to ir hulhirlund olilco ami reetdene flrt1or south of luplut church iiiietit-ibledbe- ktw horses scw ris alid nil the latest iri vfchiplesfdr the- accommodation of tile pleasure seeking and travelling public bub to anillfvpiu oil trains terms moderate w fletcher proprietor ono 6 qiw clocks tyoulljo bui uwoiit aud oritauuiutal id any homo dont forest woearry atfuh lino of kmveb forks aud hpoon of all grades a bywillson gkougetown noyi ia mogibbou houao its of dil jutlkih mcasdkkw phyfcliaii rlr ojlua hourt h to 0m ftoi urnl 7 uih pm dit uot ihykliuii hinvium-ttiid-lcaitujiofa-s- 1u hurtftii ami mwllcal luthh flair rtlilrino uml olllco milrktrt hi iicur jiiutikutioim clmrcli coroner or county of 1 jul ton ilioiio s3 ihnilal ritask it watson dib dknt1ht oeoruiitowii o11l unurs h30 a in to olilr tiioiil ilnum h30 nil to lkntltry in all iu bmiuhe i rtuitios i u iibatii id9 udh wcntibt omui in iunu lllmk unu iloor north of owuium carrlauo factory houn 0 a in luj jmii vrttrluary it it nickkll vh huilviur to ii u iumhi vfl office uitl liillnimry mr itmmla old kbinil ualllo ilulioriiwl ilioiio 37 jiuruourtf j a bk1j llctiiuuil aiiltiummjr hal ton ivmi ami ivullliiutun itiiililuiiu churtli ulrvt jcoruiluu ll ttaktt cumluttcd at ruiiwjimiiiu tuui4 luul ltuui boubt aiij mill miiuifnttuii uiuimiiukuj uij viuivn liooiim a uiiiuitimir or llaltun ami vovl ulmiwliliuiiiti komt olllos bal txn- duuuil luitubuturily ami at ruawtubu rnuu unkru lull ut uiu ukuuuktoww it tiiaii nut will rvoolve pruwiki atuiiitluti orirtu5 iiumj ciitutb dntncli hull jutl tiuuy lit each goorottout liruncli no 01 uiihu hi tlio oiuliiiltuwi any ijiloriuuuun rwanlltia tint hiilty will lui lumuiliuu by uiu iollowliii j iliiui n ljm j alikh k mcwlliuyut tjarliws wm llututllion tvuuorlu aiuu mut untouaui aliav- iutf jwurlor hi town for na fatuy atuvi orit atylbth- ludrtut wt wtowl nutt dourio hwmltl otqos u k ilaltukil bu01 davlj guut clark i ulovk juorgbtowu cblluruitii liulrcutunib 10c a till holkltou a nkv1nu aoripjtowiloiulliiif birbur tli but workman aiul ul uiautrlaii uud main blnut uttirtowu illifluutju if lou are alive to the uccd of tlic moment build now j nd be happy the rest v of your life there is no satisfaction like that born of the knowledge that you have a home of your own and if you follow our advice and build now you will always be satisfied you have exer cised good judgment our stock o building materials in our yards is complete and prices right lets talk the matter over with you j b mokenzie acton gkohqktown scranton coal in all sizes w hav in itoev a large amount of blaba id ourfot unftiba aolubl or aamuar nal may coal at tht ollowlny dvia or cult 9aj30 obmlnui07s blova atiilkeald60 portland cement flour fad ud frovulotu john ballantitie gkordetown ont a gtnttoub plateful of tlio moat dolioloity rofrcsli- hm loo cream cvor tnnu- fuctuiod ifl ofluirod daily at tliiaatoro lmruntinurudiimth frtubout oritania iwut ilavur- intffi put togothur in npotloua- ly ulau uurrouudings for tlio null an unfailing delimit for tho invalid nnd urowiug child nouriuhing bubtaiuing wl hamilton qeolloetown thompson ideal home builder hf to-day- my buhmoba provca thia fltattmiont in iubb than two yoara i havo bprutig from ob- bisurity into foremoht placob amongflt my computitoys to do btlsillobb huc003b- fully with tho publie you luuat do right by thu pubho this iu my motto and whtm i quoto bpoclfieationa and malcrtiil my bpecificationo and mattiriaf aro on tpiottml if you intend to build lot mo know i may havo a building in your homp towu that would hfirvu im an ox amnio whoti you build builtl right and be biuo and got tho right man c thompson ingle wood out wm iiaiuiiiu uuoy fajuir muuutulliirvni tluofbtitawn out liriulliiumitl wru on build uinl uitui lrlntliiiuntl wrumilnif lujuircotutaiiuy 1 uinl iiiuilu to urtlur c g murray convkyanleh offlou counuil cbumbar uiawarttowti uluaiul flru loiuraooe auj raal e- uta ays n u loitua oatfouauj on umi phdroaxam papll illinois oollemi ol ftmiaifiapby siuulo main a oeouulgtowii mmm arthur b castell tsp college of music london knf iuul cbniiiiiuiler fictbyteilau cbuick yaacbor ol 1iano oran oorut viollt quit hliijjmg okouoktown onf tuition fee tu any branch wpo pu urui of so iciiuim at my faldiaef o it pupil bouu fuao luud the central business col logo of toronto invito a you to write for a copy of itu oirriuu- luin if you aru in any way intortbtid in a training whiufi will lund you into a good buu- inoati npiioiiitiiujit at a good ulary rliu kail turni oinim on antr- 2hili adtlftsji ii hlmw irmiiiiunt ytnitfd larrajtl bia toronto anil uwutinu thia niur highclass shoe repairing 1 old shoes made as good as new work done neatly strong and promptly special attention paid to parmers rush jobs repairing done while you wait cash system j a ballantine uln 11 noal llnwlluf alky u0uuiu 10 7 pm oui wd no sh0vel1n6 required i standard anthracite scramon coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal and wood july coalattlialollowlagprlcm iaa 1476 obamqut 700j hlov ami kjbj pl 7o iteltttlu captor doumuoittdttiruh ing tvurpoau huillblnb ud cantul coal in aot 1 carty vrythliig to bi oaml ih an uptohu coal auj wood yard john mcdonald okoituktown ontai1io ykiikiuqnk ho u during tho past few wouka cirtain ulaumonu havo bon mado by the oppoailioit canvanbora ami from tho platform by opposition spoakord which havo boon bo contrary to tho faou of the cam that it would boom alnjont uoodloas to contradict them if tbay bad not penistod in as thoy havm aoootdiugly i am taking thu opportunity of hitting thoin in tlio hood ono report that has boon circulated in tliht district u that the bcciprbcity agrcomunt is on ironclad contract that cannot be terminated for twontyono years this is absolutely untrue the following nentenco u a quotation diroctly from tho terms of the agreement which taunt at onco sot at rct tho doubts any ono may havo as to this provision kevortholosss it is distinctly undttfttood that wo do not attempt to bind for tho future tho action of tho united statoa congress or tlio purliaraont of canada hut that each of those authorities oh all bo absolutely free to make any ehaojrftariff pojioy arrangement that may bo doomed noeoiibary anothor statement that is boing mado by certain canvas- bora who ore oppoucd to tho reciprocity agreement is that tho agreement allows american flbborraon practically freo fish ing in canadian waters this also is absolutely untrue tho only provision in tho agreement which deals in any way with tho fishing privileges is ono whioh allows united states fishermen who aro cubing outsldo tho throomilo limits to land on tho canadian shore for tho purpono of buying bait and drying tlioirjiets for this privilege tho nominal sum of ono dollar c100 per ojiuumtiin charged no other privileges aro allowod to tho united states fishermen thou thoy havo at tho probont timo mr henderson 1ms stated from tho platform that i am not entitled to voto in thia county how mr hendorson could moko such a statement without a careful investigation of tlio matter is more than i eon understand hut tho statement in untrue if mr hendorson had taken tho trotiblo to lookit up ho would have found my namo upon tho votoru lint of 1010 for tho polling suhdiviflion no 0 trafalgar township togo 23 no 140 en titled to voto at both municipal ol actions and elections for tho legislative assembly mr hendorson has also attempted at every moo tinging has hold to make light of and throw discredit upon tho price statistics whioh wo publiahod iu this paper sonio three weeks ago thuso figures wcro taken from tho government itoport brought down on july 26th 1011 beforo tho house of com mons was dissolvod and noither mr henderson nor any other member of the opposition dared question its reliability a striking example of mr humlorbons method is shown inpiis treatment of tho price quotations of hay our figures given in this paper thrao wooks ago show by quoting tho pricos for haled hay in toronto and itutfalo that tho buffalo prico averaged about fi00 per ton higher than tho toronto price mr hendorson quoted tho prico of looso hay in toronto and compared it vdth tho prico of baled hay in duffalo attempting to show by this absurd comparison that tho toronto market was tho hlgherpricod markot such methods employed for tho distinct purpose f deceiving his bcarwii as to the true condi tions of tlio markets in canada and tho united states cannot long hoodwink tho public surely whon tho opposition to this agreement is forced to resort to dacoption and trickery its caso must be very hard proabcd indood i am endeavoring to uoouro as many copios as posslblo of tho actual reciprocity agroomoiit for distribution in halton county and a careful study of this will make such attotnpts to misrepresent its real naturo moro and in ore difiloult yours faithfully walter harland smith atumukuaiwaoj farm ynifdlffiirpooht today exciting struggle with a wild boar a soldu- ih india tall of his kkph- h whlla juoflfl li that country frivttd cufflln indjft ws the following description of a atruasl be bad with s wild boar wbll ut iunsjtusjklhls w tnonths ace id company with a chutd i bod rath- sn exciting axpahanes with a wild boar wa had bao out bvarl hours without matting any thins worth the ahocuag and war travaraldg a doep ravins or nullah ss thay ar eallad la indjs 1 on ens ids sud tdy cbuni on tbs isttwbsa the ahlkari who accompanied us aud- dsuly eallad my sttantlou to a large boar that was ac rambling up the side of the nullah about sco yards on uy ian front 1 tuitanuy rlrsd sad aught the hoar in his bind quarters tumbling him back into the nullah as iooa ss he dropped my chum put downhia rifle aud ran towardahlnj with a cump knife intending to put the tlnlahlng touch to htm ii had scarcely gone fifty yards when the boar ftuddealy jumped to its set turned and charged and caught my fehu mby bis legu throwing him to tbs around and commenced to worry hits with hie tuake liy chum who was an old band at jungllng had the pre sence of mind to lay flat upon bis stomach and thus escaped the serious injuries he would have austalned bad be attempted to rife to his feet and run away ss the formation of a pigs snout debars it from uilng its tuaks upon an object that la very close to the ground however all thia hap pened in the iptee of a very few secondi and thia old tinker succeed ed in intllctlig several bruises shout toy chume anna and shoulders before i was able m get near enough to be sure of au aim consistent with safety u my chum as aoon ss i got the boar in sn advantageous position 1 fired this time bitting htm elesn through the brain and he dropped like a log nut for my churns pre sence of mind in lying prone as soon as lie fell this incident might havo terminated with serious results but ss tho saylnic noes alls well that sruls well and ster all it la auch incidents aa thesu that do ao much to wards enlivening tho monotony of a aoldlarh ife in india a life which requires eullvenmont at times subduing a tiger it waa kindness that made the ant- mal tame illustrating that tt li nothing but 1dndns that makth wild aulmsls really lame i lorr hagonbeck be j rorldfanious animal trainer lolls tho olio win a story i rinombar a sav age itongal tiger whltb was sent to toe from calcutta aoino years ago whon it arrived it was in a state of fury and rage and for to vera days would fly at mo whomrvor i approach ed the cago i paid htm a dally visit urring as i approactud which was ike speaking in hla own language and ho gave up gradually his furious greeting alter swcok 1 took a piece of meat at each visit for the way to the heart la through tta stomach and that does not apply to tluors alone i at the ond of four works i could touch blui and threo monilu later ho had quite realised that no ono wanted to hurt him aiul usadto como quietly to the bars to bo strokod each day their gymnasium or have not the means to travel ao they sot to as as stewards contest to en ure the abuses and hardships of the life for the glimpses they gsfbt the various poriav one boy from uerlln whom a pas senger interviewed some tlm sgo had run away from home and cone into the service of the hamburgamerican line ao that hla parents might net know that he was doing menial labor ills family was one of arietocratle tendencies but too poor to send hltn on hla travels in the proper style had they known that he had adapted allfeaodcgradlnglldtlislr eyes it would have bfokvn their harurbe aajil but he was accompllahlng his purpose in two year he had served on six different branches of the hats burg lines aud had seen almost every port from tlio vr east to tho auantlo coast of america northern ontario y ilr nulou fi- wb4u fyarr dswai kmswaemr n i adattsli jal iesttvlrrawt s kvsm tyiaoirxai it g v itaijitl i uffli fle fmtntf r lntvo ststfdt and a maple iref ahow i irtafiwfsdhiosirmtlrtn ifllmt djpsflmmumlfg llw dlgn we 1 ci h4 fnr clari am fcve rraer winnipeg having ya mater nf cremoolm tlwafbets pramnt in a few wall l words if tbs lienor ahown bin sllr d j- preeertopro- flo tbs king and qoeati ttf mspotided ut by all esuem sjbtbem anwog v v established 1864- the merchants bank of canada capital paid up reserve fundi deposits total assets 6000000 4i999i 55 73600000 15b branches iu cauada special attention given to sav ings accounts g o lawrence manager georgetown hranch ares 140000 squsre miles klorthom bouudsry tho arctic gloni eastern boundary the provincvof quebec western boundary the province of uanltobs aud the territory of kee- watln southern boundary la practically the canadian laclflo hallway direct line from montreal to winnipeg which runs across ontario for a dis tance of 1285 miles telegraph and telephone connec tions are spreading with amasing rapidity all over the land u literals aro round sxtsnslvelyand in splendid paying quauutles espe cially gold allver nickel copper and iron game is plentiful igcludlng moose caribou red deer bear beaver otter wild duck partridge and ruffed grouse the country is divided into slxgrest divisions known ss nlpiaelng bud- bury algoms thunder day naley hjver snd ueuors there aro now s number of villages and towns scattered over the country whose population runs from fifty up to sovaral thousands tho parka and fcfest reserves aro large algonquin park covers an ansa of 1310000 atftfls temagaml forest ileservo covers 3sbs600 acres snd contain an estimate of from thre to four billion feet of timber tbs nepl- gan itoaorvo covors 4s70obo acrest the allsalssags ileserve covers 1980- soo acres with several smaller re serves thb ohapes of k008 a mathematical discussion has taken place before the zoological so ciety as u the differences iu the shapes of eggs a few eggs like those of th- owl and the tortoise are spherical or nsarly so a few like the grebes or the cormorants are elliptical with symmetrical ends the great majority llko the bens are ovoid or blunter at one end than the ether the bons egg is always laid blunt end foremost iggs that are the most uqsymraairlcal are also eggs of largo also relatively to the parent bird tho yolks of oggs are apbsri- eel whatever tho form of the entire egg may bo this has been shown to be due to their being enclosed in a fluid tho while which makes tbs pressure everywhere on the surface of tho yolk practically constsntr science bluings where time ib money tho para- of tho the colon lafosme guay abovo anuncl most curloua in tho world- tho mombora of tho w or grow everything they want ana import nothing tim workmen have aevsn hours work a day and earn not money but time thwr wages are sirs bind halfhours those they mm up iu they havo a week in hand ind then they go off on an j if a mail wants a chair or a table ho i pays for it in hours of work whudi irvdoductod from tho balance to his credit- cooking o a la boale the oovornmont is bolllbb su is- diau vlllago tu wyoming k wvsrvtlthib about the mlusmea that can bo houudlepees clothing blsnkets harness otcls being sub- tsetsd to tliat trsatmsnt to das roy he traces of sniallpni this vlllsgo la where a huedrsd indlanu were quar- auuuud wullo thoy sufd from wallpoii in mild form piers were be desths and the quaiaudiis is prao- tlcallr lifted this hotwator dlilnfeclion wss reaortsd to as the indians more readily un ltl antsretle esal presented by the king anlsrcllc lloas bosi has recently ar rivod at the zooloiirnl lardnus and li imhevd to h me first of iu klud what t rubl want hiss succeeded hiss doo succeeded boo the audience showered their hostile verdict at the stage in the form of such useful commodities as carrots eggs and onions thoy callod for the author dut be did not appear he stood shaking in the wings watchiug the wblulng vogoishlos with tearful eyes listen to them nowt he said as s loud roar arose intermingled with abrlll whistling and catcalls h turned to tho manager threw up his hands despairingly and sitolalmedi you give them tragedy and they want comedy you give them comedy and thoy want tragody its hard to find out what they do went on tho contrary its painfully easy replied tho manager they j want ihelr money back c walked 800 miles 0 t pheenls cam prom br i da port to montrssl on pool ijtlon with s lottor from mayor h t lluckiugham of 11 ridge port conn for tho mayor of uoutreaj charles t phoeulx popularly known as nig slim arrived in montreal having completed his 100 miles journey from urldge port couu in a utile over a month lltoenl is slstyfour yssrs of age wo lull sib pounds and is feet tour mhos in height ho is au oldurns i dm rlrcus biislmss having msu- severs of tlm urgtit shows elan was the mbet iniereel loe la reepeodlng u it mr clark fraaerof hsmlota said in pert aa fol low l the erst records are of blmotj dm vreeer who went from normanby to kogland with willuti mia conqueror and wbeee deaotndanta gradually drilled to the highlands of scotland where they became poemd ol lirge tracts of lenil- n4ng ardent supnorter n he llllaled btnarta their polon wero taken from them these were in a um reeiored however after the lallure orboonlatriflce cbsrlls to tuaks good when tbs prtsers seeing the uuer futility of the jacobite rialugtf look tbs oath of ejlacunee to kngund that branch of tbs family to which ihe present history relates being pious- lasts were invited to ireland in crom wells urns when ihs puritan general was attempting to establish protwtsnt- um la what bad always been a itomau oslholle country they wtrejflvea ex tensive states in tho county tyrone part of which they still hold although b- ing of wandering and adventurous dlt- poaluon the new world held far thsiu irreslsuble suractlons and most ol tliam have found a home in america although they are scattered from t lis atlsnllo to the pacific always interested in mill tary operations ths crasers wero novsr sdvsrsslo taking part in a ughl and ths prater elsn sent booomsn snd of ficer to aid the british army in the wsr of 1811 our common ancestor jsmee krsser whose memory we honor in this ihe great family reunlon came to america at the sgs of is settling first in the hut ol new york from thonee he want to uu la now whitby and then pawing by- toronto which waa at that lime a more handful of houses finally ujttled on ihe banks of the river credit halton county where he hswsd nut s home or himself aud reared his family to become as be himself was a poser for good in ths community when lit died on tho filh of november 1b4b at a ripo otil age a hrolhsr elder in tho union church whvcli he hsd founded aud supuirhtd anid ol him he was ono of a tliouitnd and the sense of his loss was so deep in the congregation of which ho hsd uu long been ths head thai it could only he uisnlfssledsllsntly snd tsarlully another inlsresung toast was that to the presbyterian church of which the prasers had alwaja been staunch sup- porters and spmal man lion was mads of ths work of the latu it v alosttiuur rveeeraljjule urllalu and high ulufi n ths early pioneer days and also of the tnteilonsry work so ably carried on by the iter j iraser ila at hheho tuik and thsl of the itev j rniser kvsna ma in drlllsh columbu both ol ths latter iwlng grandsons ol lames lraur and the former s son whose family is largely instrument si in uphohlliig the presbytrrlsn church at luulsh absent members were uoi forgotten snd on motion of j i kvau a rcaotu tlon 61 sympathy wss iasmul on behalf of miss f j vraser llamiols when au unfortunsie accident prevent ed her from being present honor was also paswd toihe twosur vlvlng mnnbers ol the second generation mr dsvld rrsser the imitoss and juo evans victoria 1 j the latter was preeeot and gave soma in tercel i tig ram lulscenco ol his late isthsrlulaw jamoa trawr to whom he paid vory high iributa it was sgreed that as the liral family teunlon had been so pleasant au auocl allon should be for mod ami that a meet ing be hold nuce s year in iho future ths lullottingolhcura wore ehttrd uev j fraaur hheho haiu cluflic nuwr of ilainliita lvtly tiii mm muijaret kvsus vlcturis u j- corrripuuilliig luicrsury and lllilurlan mimi may fraser usuilota llucorillitj kucuiary and ulss f c framr mtiilolu troah the associsikmi will adi ihu liuwr motto 1 am ready the war cry iho large field ihu crwl a hlage hind tbs badge a sprig ol yuw the lollowlng were pruwtn mrs wcisikfrauir mr u o fraser miss maty tlrare and mrs mi fratur mtr mus may rraur and l fraser liaiulou mi m fraser wiuultwg mr- ami mrs j whtuialvr roiilm hliuj lr and mis frster llu muiguioi riawr t ranuu hind mr mid 1 mi j iili mr liavld f mil ouj mr ami mrs j- i mtt ler wsluirk lrar mi iuj1 mis ii and mwsw atai v mr end mrs wajisi vhv lllailashslriaasr fjklmiu mr i lor iswrsudm miijiiaiius mill ills mi j i mr huirv i ratir vhiuohi mr john kvaiw uil ll- mis- miuuuiid hsu hli vcu1 ucmlulo utiisid 1

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