Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 5, 1912, p. 2

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v j p w h wlllbon ifadimi vvwuah imukot ok am km1ia1 mfh o- i i uaoajokyo iud hlab ont imon a successful school concert itokpi i l i wl 1 mi x1x i i mr l i til m riauabli wu u umiiv m thi ijfmy utt 1 raws jdwoffeulj pit am lefvrjh iim cxrpm4t im ti brd tin- w4 tblaav j muaw u tu4y m lull uw1 i id vif waihd mlo vli lr 1 jjiiall btlhq1yravndth clvcn by child iartnu a r of lublk 8dojm id clihcnt atlcwl baptists in session curlpl auoculloo in viatl too- rporti u kneourtglntf banquet and pentatjabsoliitely pure t y that ii who llamlad tho 1 ut he k hool chi id ton- iit in 11m arm rla laat friday avntdug wire laaaod u pulling u mild rtiy imply uv tilled fba igurptlti uiany ufpy- aeaa jhjjf wtt4tltd children ee4d nntba lvad pullorin 4ha od 01 th 6e08ttet0 herald xux aliwiti cv -itimjjsbnrtiji- itht ihlldfrijportyuwljtt if byt oyf hi fatm hvry bt tt u a ily aohoilt work the stui4 lnakv ll up tuby wlj aoon lm imiiiiii and wanlbt alup ahioiintl fkulfwllh tlut u- it- y w u jrtftif iht wlvi nil uidtfmu thwiriil fr to hhuiui tuu llttji fcimlidui thrown into tlit nr 1 li by tho uaibhig of alnglng in our ublk hiliool i ixavm tin monotony of i wtiool rootluo and nutkfai llfo mwii lor lin lr and iwiur or lie liiim tin rtiat won 1 1 in w lony mid hit ru ii in mow tluuliitf uittii niiitliliiuiliw in in imii unywiij tilt- oiint iulii wltn hiiiltllm i lm illliirwncii on ihu check liuoontimn- diy i iitnliik ljut kliould im uliaiiibd t tin uiuilvm iii dtnitnt naldonbi oftlio cmiiinitiiilty lut4ori thu h uiat tliura hrx till miiki y on 1 1 if invii iti tliu ntflglilmir immhi who ni iflmilu l wtlch duermcv fid irtjriiiaiiix aru uii youofinoii awaw tliat tmnlteiitury l tli inty of hulii hii oihiiihi r lay hiul inunl wuum it nor li well of juiwiita wlio iau llilldriii aliilinif wliool in thu toun to uku i n threat cnaiitli in tlio mliwu mid lliflr rlilldron to vult uto wli mi nt i ut mo tlnia dtiriittf the u nn uu litur imrtnbi eomultilnio tin mlioolii ulm liawi no itiort know- uu1it f linu tlirty any bclnu coeitlocil tli on a rulint o clihm liu wu do knou that btmtiitiirw who iiavo vultwl our iool linvo koiio uwy bjui ulj hut houi ihu lnt mi100i4 of miy town hi tliu conn try tin ostaujo uammnumrr hu done uxkollout wifrk for lbs provlnoo in uu horlirib ovof thouaiud tifta uboror t tlidfiuinuiliiio it it uoll thai tli ur mm should ikixa that tin diy iibu ki mo by ulion uullko othir cijlum ol uinj nyu thvy call bird labor wbd thay wmt it nnd cut li adrift wbn thu work li done lly taking up mixed fanning it uhuiild lw quits wltila to fiicura labor or tho wholu year and tl tniieh lower coat than our fariuar nitn- fally huva to pay ihelr utnporary u tej tioauuu law it laid thai i ha holl jiroprutor tho bar lend or llu idad who tr4ta and tho tnan who la troatsd will be ntfardod ofnmdur and jiunlihsd accord lojly no doubt tho troailnp la a oollih habit nd ihould ba iopl llul it would tnuin to ho a remarablo iurluguiaut oh thu liberty of tho subject to hal a tnan biilore tho iolle court and fltw bltn lor unending bla own moimy ubsptaamd or dolns llio uia ihlng to man wlio nccfijtia a frleudi hoapltallty id cut biicu an oldnder miums or la unabls to 1 y tho one will ho ui uut to jail in dolaull wo nfl t4dr mtriyji paytotv uwugbta wndar jjhca toutlaa1ibt tttay too war aclioot clllir4v ltbu not aanroundad r thavnajiy dvaut cm4braraftuoriud today a pt utuiri tbrratlo9 wj bj olfv brjgbf bpoy lutaupat tt boya and rl ttpqri wiiow xtiar kaure ol otv ooojliry 4oh4 ttirf piyamora tfli la wlnda wurooajo ufna otrtomadbr our taab d lni wbttblilnowioijaji la ulnilwtitted lluu neir bo 114 liia wbo waoll loiirttadlttn kiirjifunbit glny tlchuiada4 nndar toeh auaploh t many twluoa bfujrri bl piwunaly i bn pantvy tl ilf oflajbar and wdajcal inalructor jt il caatiill in prapy aalhin or his ovoot but tbay wr wall rapald or thelf affuru by tba abla uan itr in whlob ina clilldrao acqulttad tlittitiaalvia root tin iwulor pupil to tb little lot thu llud tho rout row of tha put6rm tb tnimarouacbordaa wara wull raudd and dupuywl tha advant auo to uj dorlviid by having blugltif la uuht in our public uhool tlia volca voluioo and harmony woa a pla4ttt aur i rl to many tho may poht by girl o tlutaaulor totut his rainbow drill by tlio juulor pupluitnl thu tuotlon pong by primary puplla wr aaturm of ut vmlng tim arcoitd part of lha program con utkl of hrlunulaa won a mar0 of umplr vltar tbw royal laluto britannia mla glady mcolbbon arrlvad fol lowad by utlora and aoldlara than cama nvpraaan tat i va from canada and liar piovlnea arid all tha othar urltub oolonua tlio arrival of each eonlligattt bltif marked by patriotic ehorum fill ftatiiro waa very litpo4ia and brought forth rapaated applaua a pretty flag drill by anuiututr ofglrlt well randarad aolo by a ii cull ihoaoundliik o tho ijui ioat allow- ad by tlioeveiilng hymn and ood uvo tha klu uy ht 20lh iufrt ilalid brouht to a oloaa ono o tba moat plaaaattt vattj wo bava bad tha pluuro ol allandlna conduolor ii cattail had eharga of tha program tho mcotapanul won ulia drluft ilourliou and tha 20th luet hand mr william tlamble chairman ol tba iubllo hchool ltoard ojmutd the pro- cmdlngri with k nt apli id whlob ha upraad ibe appreciation of tba hoard at tho atiaudancd ol paratiu aod clluaa rrluclpal a it mill ajaoaxpvaaaid hla appreciation o thi attondaitoa and urged iaruila to vlalt tho school and judgtt nrthomiiilvmol tbtt work balug ecomplulifed by tha loaebara too much reillt cannot he given tha mim l illegal to tlui i arrival in town j ni ij i i immti and mveiilliff iu ir lh floh klraltml modrrakr u p aiiil llav 1 j url juruari of lliur la mlohtflfrk btortiailiupf wa in piafrraa javrtn ylray wtp ul ulwav lcui iq tba oaptflk liurrb and ibf paatora uul diaoto cpptriir irv lit afbct djatction v timj p44ora axid ilaflcooa diaolaaad tho followlug aubjaa luiwrll nrwt 1 haf u luvuromingavul wrlm rjlilpil kp4mij7ioj t ww fay kv i l hirnfr jlofljubkln wlut ili isafpafjwtbkjvifku bmr a y tlim of tlahj rfvjrw oo lja well tipokpaf pf tho cha- kum k6af lif hnj a l of rnpp tgh vjw toauoiant charcji ttavaro- tk darpilooaf vatlaoa wairoj mluiaj by tlv w ii f6mk tiv 1 jitofpanum chalunjain jw j jt mucomipt mliu it vnlu ilia tlrat altaloil of fba iiteilitia uroltqr wa 0mld with da- ollniial tirewroudtkld by itev j mctfinlrktfjf illllwa ifil k 1 j e mortlaoaf honored laavtog claowuluam on prliay vvanlnf laai tba direwor nd riloy of lb hua woolut mill jftvm a lanqat and praaaotatlon u mr i mortimer who baa baan 11 intagaf tha mill of aoma yaara prior im bla javbij for klniltop ut lu cptad kit ihifwiantpoajluw h lra1 to a iuolucb id frpmd by mr j j jlbuaaocwirxafoao a ft railmicti oceoj uxl lhajebadf aadaaar fw inuododory rawarka bald bbjfa1 tribtnafouiawortuuc tb iimtaftba u attaortngv j budbai hnbobataod 1 iaitmw bajaloaaafturi jand f worthy dapatt hov p tia aajar um ubid irini fky pmpahty u hl mr rpri vvc have just received genuine large mhipracnt of ii fan qtphtmi w ol twc4dai irplrraailbiaw whill of tba dlractoaa and amipoyaaa praajaetad mr svarrrn onuiiak of uzt laorgato cuoroh kpoka word o hearty walcotna to tho dplfgalai aaaamblad tlu modrl aloro tbo vaanclallon itov ir hu-h- aoii of hiratford addruaaud tha niaatlng ontha tnaatt and wwar of ibo pra- aant ilay pulpit fvury giiiaratloti baa had lla own uwaafltfu lnuaa tba church la ulving ibo nibaaaga iuntlad ita work la a allunt tha eaulral bualnaaa of tba pulpit i wliatlt haalkau alitoa tho lima of clirlai to tuclarw lod if a itiau can not pak in tlio tiaitio n llod ho hj 110 b ti lna in tba clirutun mini try ii la todmlartba will o uod aj to tba lallona ol man with man to plead fori mnlirwftb a kaqdaomjtltvar ui tud mfc morilohir thaokad tb dolipra u ttiaar roanw kltfu worda and handfotfaii prfaant afuf whlcb apaa chaat follortad by majof rmaiof qwywualowa maaar tlukfr wttw wm chrilus jo imabmoni and il j llyoda xbarfoljnarad proaraoi oi bauaumod lundog which waa oooiinoad bttlivu dawn nfabotliar day laneral ittrat i fait at mr and lira morlltnara removal not pnly by ma ellliana but by thalr many ruod in lorglown and tboy carry with tbatn tbo l wlahaa or aaeoao in lblruw mill maple syrup fotctsram khfe maker with a pitjvfefviarantk ji tor ifa purity jua 0uvor try a quaft jar at sample ute buy a gallon price 40 cent- per quart 8160 per gaufin l m l i 1 4 w hcelcry tomajooi jntapples rap- fruity t iiwcit possibji pctces mmh mmn mnn spring announcement from mens store new spring goods jnq mcdrmld owcaprikotuatetitwuhfihuaiat krnnahip uolllty atyla fie and ruw- our tfaatoz k connaliaayimycllcikaariy bam 4 will lj aniil fa itfwl jpo tlslif sl3 waaji 7camatw h aayjltssjl ofij tinea 1 j v ti i k 1 cikmot aea tho a mat improve tuuiilb which havii takun place in our town within tbo laat two year you aro blind and wlioayoaay improvement wu do not mean iti any ono paitlcular oil bur thora havo ucn anorinoua lm- pros utnuiita tnado in thu way of realdenoo building ond remodelling thero bav noun improvomonla in thu way of added huihie bout and in many other way thu town baa groatly improved a gen ami wavo of progrekalu ueaa and a eol tug or blghur moruln a pilars to hae labiii lilt o our innptn uud lioro aa tutuluro 1 iiblli wjiiilimntl regulalea public lomlucl lion j tiblla wutlment dui audi a higbiir inoriil ufa the teiult janl uayaa hotter plan and when tho publlo ogrtoa thai thoy live in tho very 1m ut auction of tho country than hnprovo muni brghia and this infection apreada tun to tho stranger that la within our lttitiu wo libie 0110 otbo very boat l iuiib ailualud iu thu vory uil mliiou ol thu 1 rovliiroand our own pooplo have awoluinid to thu fact tlioro la atlll a gualur nnd iwllur towu coming are you uldlng in tho forward movement stewawttown sjiaa uavloi ol foldena cornen li tba guit ol mr and mr manna mr o u murray waalu rorooiooot day during tha week air and ura walter iweon and mr and mr ilarrj ijtwaou atundad ilia funeral ol lliolr tuola itoborl callou ol tbiiiguaoouay on trlday mr luialtluand mre jul wllain spent tutwlay in tlio oily ilood luok to tho dilvor ol thu new riiblutr llru hnggy mr uud mia hliaw of fulluuiore apent a fi w day ul ihu ihutory 1 lm liooillutna who croatad thodlaturt once dtpuu theou lino on rtiurailay nluht aro ol ihu clowi wheriln you und tho niioiiyiik ua lulier writer tin lucond lury uu i llm midnight ajuajuht coward ii ayilghovk lia hi wti 11 ol 111 g at lu in mo uitiignllu bimimil mr h dill mn ihnry wllion hoa rttttirmd b iik it 111 a vlilt ulth irli nda in waltr down u urn ii rry tu lioar 1 hat it llnberp win haa ra luiu 1 her position ua ttaohtu in our kcliixii u i tu mi i 1 lorntmiol lominln ull d liii mu in tbla vh ujliy uai ww k wo in ur that our ntwwaidowii filuiidi ari r oh inplulliig a garden party in tbo iifur itnii but about a all grove bv liitr imiii ui hopii that mil llomtrlro lliitua who t aw hcfii iii may aoon bu ahlo to loauiun her ilutuii rujbtoottinaaj and charity or jtuucaj artftj lmollfa homo poopfa honor in all rvgrol tba i old tlniepaatn i tba authority f ilia ya a re authority 1 not lh authority o bla ofll r iw a day a mlnlalara mi urn tniiat ba a mio who can ba n hjhxslod inataad ol authority ba haa ln fluunoa thu la not to i coufluod to hla own congregation it la 10 eharw wlili bla brother mluuure in tho roapoo- albllity or tho moral wellara of tho eom tuunlly and join with them in tba effort to solvu tho probluma of tbo community kov t t hhuhu paator of jarvu hi eburcb toronto gva an lutplrlug ad drfijon the luptlbl mluion hi nold tho tandenry in modern individual and rollgloua llfuio mergo the individual in tin niaa and claimed thai in it ampha au on tl 0 value of the individual tuere lay thejnaiillcaiioii of thoaoparita axial a lieu of tba ilapllat douoniliiallon tho ladlo kaatlnn waa well altaitdad and moat intoroaihig and prnllublo tbrotighoul tho raaldoiit u mr r d ungof ilorlln and mia dayfootol tleorgai wn la woreiary tho report financial and uumerlcal showed good advancoinnnt tho mliblun llatula and lirilo indicating a doop intertat in tlio ft rk mr moiihennlek wolromed tho dele- atialnaoiuo iluielv romarba attd ad rraeaoltowed on our work in india among tha voreignorir in toronto ili a icimoffon homo miwlou by vr ilolmnit rhla morning tho eoaion opened bv j w moni not cr gelling i ha puplla or tlio xoelleiitoutorlaluniaut provided umehousk tha flret bataball game of tho acajou waa played in high lark haturday even ing bolweon norval and tba ulg nino tbo fornwr w lowing by a acote ol b to 7 our boy a bad tbo guim on ica until hit tovonlb inuldga whoo mao wont up a lllllt alao the umpire and tba vlillora put wu men over tho plata tbla gave them 050 run to tbo good and enough in in the game in the laat ball of tba eve 11 lb the boya got a lltllo excited and tried to tie the mora but wera eaugbl ou ibe line tbo game waa full of cltamoiu all through and whan the urn- jtlro inado iomo poor declalona in tho eovenlb ho ajwclalor went wild and it lookeil rather bad for hhn but bo mm agad to get away aafoly the tile nino li luii ready jr a gooil game ilmebouioo 1 j 0 1 j 07 norval 0 i j 1 ooovn mr wra double and frlwnd ipenl hun day with bla parent here mlaa ixilla uwaikhammor waa home over fiutiduy mlu margarolhwalkhammermat with a very painful aiuldont on trl lay laat wlutiahu waa mriuk in tha faco bolow tho loll 1 yu u h b a aiotut rain the tpiarry tbo out hud to be alllrhod rho telephone width la halngputln inakcathe town iq k luory buhltifiullku rim rainy weathor i mi mado thing rather alack at the kilua for tbla lima ol year n tbrra cotta mr aud mra a i mrlan and mr and mra j mcuan spent the 24th with mr and mra 1 towuwnd and family mra il v uibeon and daughter mlu lma apont ilia 24lh with mr and mra jamea mckaua ol the oth una mra morrow of uualph la vltlllng wllb bar aulor mra o uralnoalpraaenl while mr john mcdonald and jainoi molaod whom mr mcdonald bad en gaged to help curb a woll ware making tbo deaoant down ibey loel tbalr batanoa aud fell adlilanco of flfeot into a forty foot well voriunatoly the pipe lelow waa only alx inchoein clrcuiufereiioa aud mr u eland and mr modonald being nun of a large cullhro tboy did not go through doth oacapad uninjured atlboughtholr cfacae waa indeed a tulr aculoue one mr urn cilo baa aoll hlabomealead to a gontloman from 1- ngland for to boo mr cole leavoo the arm in a month thuy luvu won living tor a number of yoaie in our hamlul un i we are worry to loaeaucb kind and eatlmablo ualgbbora from our mldat iho now hoi in r for tho torra colta uric k co hoaarrlvtil mil la now being inaltlled they alao urpowi putting in another prsm an i lmp aoon to run aa nana thry ore ulao 1 reeling aome new kllua mr john townii nd apont uumlay wllb ida brother mr liihiigo towuaand olchelleiibain a g4ig ol ouib bon uu n wore hero laat weak making m mi neceaary roialro in thau r it iuiuibphii mr ii irlnglo iaaugagod altbeivut tug mill at tiourttalowu at prul tatr xctjl siiojv 1 millar co urclttita led by itav following ilovotlonal l mllrox ol tulurinn following wlili h itev w l hindaou preached tha an nual farinnn 1 hi aawiclallon conllnuea in elon thu alemnnt and in morrow tbo pub inwav t rt wa taat fwnmji tha lieptlat ebnlr will have aoma apeclal miialo to lntoraiarao tlio addrtaaea i tio dt legal aro being entertained in ibo home of tba people dinner and tea being uirved in tho church the audience room la beautifully dao orated with flower vmra itobt molmaa haa returned lome 15111 owan hound mr maraball toronto i panding a wek at w o backa tr harold ijoltnaa of owen hound waa iu town laat pilday mr cavabaugh somervllle ol toroulo wbji homo over ftunday mia moore o i toronto apon i sunday lib mli ollllw our elllkana are pleated to aae dr lloa able to be oh ilia atroata again mr j a gfau of durham vulled at dr wauono during ota week mr no wrlgglaaworib of ailigrova li a pond lug a lew daya in oajadon mr howard llodglna of worth apont hunday with frlanda in town mr o oumujell of uualph waa tba gueatof dr tl llannelt on monday mr u o hooper and mia hooper of mamlllniiepeiit hunday at w a kraaera mr htanuy crotf of oravenburat vlaltail at william mcuoita during tba week dr walton u atlendlng ilia dominion denial con vein ion al hamilton tbla weok mra aloxjtndar ol ulltou tpeotalow daya during ilia waek with mr john uedornild mra l u uanneltia a dalagate to tba woinona mlaalonary convention hamilton tbla week mijjaua mhanrakhfejtuu a day in town laal woek v ufe p n vh j y reia4yto ear clotwg i a flttai avteclion mtiik m yoamha cwbirur well tailirvi uprlaacttnatylfll ytwlvfliwl ow aaalon in uib dtjjarimmnt umer batur and ovv utht data than ak tol tiw miw11 kiwlly rwpmwt oo uoiake yoor hnif ptirthaca htr wwroj6aiuva wtftvoglvu yoo thvltaai vnjua tot ymifjuat ctaa tjilk tblngaox f wc art tic local agcuth for the ensign cameras aistd sittpfilaxesfil in buying a camera remember the most important feature about it is the lense used we invite comparison between the nign cameras and any other make sold in canada and feel sure that for the money rttey cannot be equalled let us show you how you can make enlargements to the post card size with the the smallest perfect camera made tjiis little camera is in a class all by itself itk imitations shou just how popularjt has become among amateurs e j scott phm b druoolbt and optician georgetown ontario iliono liti iii guollgkiown obituary likil jdlln ukivih another ol our blitbly rapiilod ciu una uued auay on hunday hut in the porwon of mrs john meliln doooaaod had btiffortd from a paralullr atroko for boiiio monllu kho wou 07 year of ago aud a trno clirutlnri woman tbo funeral took place cntortlay of u moon to soral cvnieliry tbo ucrvlw in ing ooudiutoi by hor paator it h m itoadhouui tin aytiiiathy of ihu lommuiilly la ox- undi i to tho lnmawd hualund and family uoul11t catiow mr llobert callon 3rd una wot died on tiiotdoy morning may jktb mr tellnn had been 111 wllb pleurlay alnea the preceding friday he waa 7ft year ol age and unmarried a itleoe keeping h uao or him ho wu a brother ol miai mailer and win callon and mra david lawann linorgatown and had lived ou iho third lln nearly nil ida lllu tbo i moral took tare to llrumj ton cemolory on thuiidn uat imports iho linloi f ml ihuialty 1 1 11 iii vjritld lowt an i ucrii dslial f llouhg u- tin 1 rpluwi 11 k llirbor t if rook a h j iljrber w s mckay akj7 j ntli im 1 1 lla4pl a j mclvlnih 11 a j uoiiiianak 10 lihmaii 0 0 1 i 1 1 0 l 0 ii i 0 0 0 i doujuoiii mikay 1 j 0 00 0 1 i uoi 3034 j iillj mt ltan 1 mrktiy j lliihiua ii v w i hindhoo 1 llyula l i awn nra u luuldek j i 1 inlay ak ill oouldjol luujbonjtil iijdoji i jo v inlay 0 i 00 1 u0 0 i 0 t t 0 i u 00011 lioargolown 10 ahou up i until uorgilown lull rlna provud thulr ability by i iiilng mullliialud ft goal lo i on huturduy last a uood umu waa pluytd by ik tli aid a 11 ui ut 1 1 in ibe tflmiriui1 htlurday iho u a ibo- dul iluttuttd iho llu uala by a aroro ol 17 toil si it huinrduy tl 1 i riubyleriaiie aud anullian will lay castor i a for inuti uid clilldjtn tfia kind you hava always uouckt look look look sec our display of cutlery itogow wttllaeog tthd hmtrral othor food mtikcfl bknlcu and y hockey rtleka poekut ntid pen knives cafvitifi rutu hiktr knivobt and vorkii luoru boliuiora and bhoayg carpet hwoop- crt bloith bells and tlioiihitntla of other good linou at tho right prico right placo and right trnio ss4j 20 loo jao d mr and mraat ulvena of faakaloon iponkoveral day vulllng tvlallvaaaod filenda in tbla vicinity during thapaat week mra mckinnon ol toronto mra hunter of u itittlpeg aud mr m ilea of ottawa vulled joorgalown frlanda laat week mr aud mra ii i laweou and mr david iawon allendeil thu una ml of iho late itobt callon at ilramploh on thuraday councillor wrlgglmworlh and eon clarence of vma apnt hunday at the home ol hla father mr lmo wrlgglea worth aabgrova we are pleaiid to know mr wrlgglaaworib la regaining hla bealih v nn lei wedding look plica laat friday evening at ihu home of mr henry jack eon when mr henry jeffrey waa united in marriage to mlaa barab ann dennett lato of kent i- ngland tho ceremony waa performed by kov w k hlndaon toilet preparations wu ouaraiitm tin in to tho twwt ol thfclr kind hold today vadru co curuiiilmr ami witch hanoi cn uin per bottle ltuby iloio cohl crvaui per jar camphor iiv par box orwun halm jiorboulo nyaj 0 fait cniii wr jar boclya anuhliig crvam per jtir jdvery ay necessities itorax luklng hola croam of tartar hope uuietta lyo waur luimw hlorldo of llmo diamond and dyola dyoa ihiw caatlla boap lsirfumoil iolktboarm wool boap boap hark halbi o loinou ijatorlm ijnuid ammonia lowderod alnmonu in paxkagew tarlwllc acid ulyeer- ino and ltoao wator farmers needs 1uri iiim i loutlur 6tnuniui cnuilln llfm huulit lotua killer onulo cumic a1i1i vnmiluyl miimkih iimi uul quu h1u hill iwni hwict nllm hullr color sanr ol inul halkr ol anumony zinc hulliu kulilmr luhen bliwl lli kr- dip hemhioiii voal illlll lloyal iniri1o h pod ik wo artiagoiibi or miml and nadru co taaloloaa cod ijver oh hut great spring louu deiidid for oil eongli t0a and vi 00 r7h nixon phm b main st georgetown j friday and saturday specials boy scouts suits stockings and hats a cotnplotti boy scout uniform blurt hmcwu stoilungh and hat batnrdny only 91 uu see this low- down demookat just what you have been looking for kauy riillng wmy riiiinina ami will carry a komi wolrht wuon ou want it to prico right a full lmo of auto boat lluuuicg utuil anil rulibor tiro liimluir wagons mill wngoun coikblmtt ploun nnd riiuiru front k waml llurvcutlng miiohlnory hiiiilor lttino all kiiiclu of carrinbi roialriue donu iiromptly anil iioutlj lliilibur tirwi put on st jst oweill cieoireetoxxnt3l ltoaru i lie tlltfuatuxo of many exclus features one of which tit air blast a la- betilobi device by which a continuous current of ir 1 brought into the combusv tlott thatmber mbted with the frasca liberated from the bumtatf coal eauauuf utah utaputa eetnbuuoai tuid onvialol tatdkaax tbaaa kaaaa id awuury furoacaa kttup utatuaaatay ajawrtauo0rladau3 otoaaali tkt qujtiu f hating s easebuilpjyjc011euiy c tomonto onv jr v w c anthony aent georgetown w c anthony phone 48 main st qeorqen adams j co breokgbtown i corner mainland mill btreeth ladies fanqy parasols in rinku fawn qmyu tun ilrowiia irtwiui llna iuri h ltoal ulna aud othor ahiuloo rvg 00 rhurufay aud d aa ulue la battinlay misses fancy parasols a igwht iholro in itrplly vaiiir 1ouuhl iiaiiwil lor iumm riu ii tlmw ami ill tots lurgi uk thu i holro iluir d tarn tnu and ht paraeolb llinwoln or llttu tot 75c 25c silks v niiinlw iil i bun tiloln und uuturdi ultbiut all ltigular m ml mid tl j hr unl tjuku tq v r tholili hu trliiiuhxl ulrtliuj and allh ale irlu tr il waists linn 1 1 mull and lawn uuubi lltgalar iruvatl 7o w 0 j ml ntith muih tin i 100 loi tho wtuk km iuu our now millnuij nhidtilu woaroikilitihi auintmdtr tho w a r shirts and collars iii thu i kllty tiny nn llm bl mmhwln vuuila imnu mi tho tnarkut und aro found only in tbo bt urn billing hoikc in the vlnnwu 4 i7 nil 100 to 300 a vey special wg r solt collar all sizes 2sc 1500 dont forgot u ir suits and overcoats miuto toineoj itf or 1b 00 tho lal in thu traiu fax hon guarunttihl wu havu n tufy htyhuh uhuwmg of spuulal nouluuui capo tana mum iiiid nohhy hniloni for thu wtiek nd our clothing popartmuut olveru u fow vir uthuh hum ut big cutu for thu wuuk ond house furnishings try lam lintuf hirln italoucrlm 1 uli not floor cuvi rlnw ituga cniot hmuirtw iti vlalt to thu htoru will wvo jhui i lim uiul moiuiy grocery department thursday and saturday this week 1iiosi 1israitll s don t uilhi tllu uluu thin wta huoalt oiu ii moro wo ulttr llodputlm griuiulutoil ut snlll makou r is in kill hi hiu k lllghout iriolu foi lroiltluo illllh iok oo georgetown

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