v j t the georgetown herald t i metropolitan jafyfmr ntiftrtrt ria i- the bank of nov scotia s tbab 4 batkfnbcaduci9kkfaramrtr mid it swjtf ite tf itdvmmjl 1 efdar mub tncorneratad la ikr fcoilh talvtmlim dtttlbta nlroucbouccatmda kfrwfouodlaad nmj tha west lirltrti i jrvuup cipttal moojooq feurao toad 11900000 v total luvurcm m j30dmo v eaatta ovary daarrlntjuu of vow w will ull om1 jost bow ihy ran da u good tarn if thay will vow wht wa ask 1 lrnply this oooldnl joa tend la your raoawal a tltilaaarlurt this would blp as vry touch a hundatl of our aoba4ribllooa upi within lha baxt law wk and li wuold rsally dp you no hum thao tha job weald b don and w would avoid tha oitul andlag out of sofoarta- than u vou would bi your turlghborto mad in blf urlptifu nliing- with youm you would w dnliik him a uotid lorn and yonr action wxild atluulal lurtw afloruoojour bchall shooting a deer tl tvaplaal palwntd swa hun la blsojt 0ath hantldk witrr iii mrtirwi by tbnatltca of llrukil nntl uthar uupi ml anwrtcho wtilrta u tbu de scribed to n ru nun u nt ullua 10 lb ma uonl uaknihli- uxtoty t washlng bm by jpwj ainiltit cobb fo busline tit bftpwa il4eli or aptmd la p4tftf rojartku of a petal of tfti vto r othsja a ttfctt tutuy th fr or ataptpatyt wbba i ausvaffo tlutrtjjur 0om m l6jlk floo ttortk atrataht baoibia raw front it tokls fft hmalln dahi nl oo lid art v fvna hinat rffnkd to ottn tnoutb rtt mim tat prtd rw u prirtvdy lb maw u t jwbjbjy -n- tor owtt talta fau lb omirtugr f tbf oatlvr u mftvtwfl um cpltt aborfti of r tfm ti tht toikd n ora 4twt wofnrd nwtlo f m ll full brimmliild m w ftr ofo tblrif rvtwwnj onr bnslvr irrad to ahlmaj mtv kfit th u bf inf n tbhrrw on l ttnli rftd- tnrud rtartly kimiad mollt- tuff ib wtf sut wro obd tfolb4 roqrfrl p ii wnrrhlos or lblort rtwl bod blltfti him dttftis aa4b laj lw mimmi tlll and oanlandrd xt tbr vnd ol m mlnit of imi il bvwl dropped llttu mi if b w wpy tb bttolvf mrpiwd uut in pliila hlsbt n dr lonkrd t blm nod tnord forward bot uwny frnm him n few tm hod tnpni ii showed no bot iroptr ttirtoplty uy nnmbioii mod i rom int lh tfatwv of n wallid qiiltly wltbln raocb of bin ii nd bo qovbnl to mo mwtf toil wdfbd oa lototly od abirud hi itoalllun llllb- fit mototnoota orontnl rtffmly ikv nod batonilabmdr of fvov mmd tb fl dazbw hne hmtl at tbr ptnikm or riorvi tba bo mdntown o tonilry tlctoa lp rr ng bwi ray nnd of rd mioat yoo whoa tooea donations from the drummers to fwotk lia mad rij crousoday atersrtowo v at llo jwbi olb bmo tw uor k ciowdjfc torootrt on heabrth it wj irlilj to du- pmm with ib iwl uamut utd givo thuimhit iht would have ha u- pot fur iha aula to um lvtriu luaaul ud croat soeloty ol uooraj town tilr hoiuw town inarln6wlth twalutloti pmd ehoqua for 10 itia boaa roblvod by tbo trwurr oj tba lulnollo iiojtm ajo oooforks bythfl trtfutuar of lh 1uj vowborutv in addition lo ut kjbtba cub havo datitlod 110 toward jjt totttfortha uoy hmdij od bh of oorcltitani wo thank dm dratoimra hoatk club tooat bahuy fir tbir handaomvtlooituonji ta th abov dotnod loe hociaiim and moat tuy amwlmlel jikhid to liavoit body of tooa jowaj wilutowiol pottiouam which aoriillm all for tha baornt of othr rill iitw4ownihirhobmtown umxtf ihutka udtbttoar obituary m ilran the 6raat provincial charity cy daau ur editor ttuutku for tba nrlvltete of apooal itot tbrouiili your oolumna on bahtuf of tbo hohukial or ulck cblldrob tai hoapiul takes can of lek and da- ortnoj cbtldron not only in toronto btit to tha lrovluo oulalda of tha tily to oouiluh year of au tha yaatf i lluaullals itulory baa a morw jui outlook u rocarda luuda for inuuance ibau any vaar that haa pajimtd lift oauhdar ho many calls ara balnif mha on tb pttraai of tba uonaroua poopla of to ronto and outarlo to help tha aoldura of tbo lmtlr tbat aa 1 ualca uy daily round throuili tb warda of tha iloapltal rid aa tbo butfarlng ehll djraii in our ooti and boda tba tbouaht atrlkoi uia aa to wbolhar tha naopla will a of old with all tha dantand btado upon thara answer our appaal aud help to maintain tba institution that li flibtluh in tha navarandlojf battla with dlaaaaa and daatb la ita uduvor to nav tba itriakaa utua ottas id tha child ufa of ontario laat yor thora wora s04 hvpaltaau from 310 plaeoa oulalda of toronto and in tha pant twenty yaara lhar hav bou y000 from plaeaa la tha wovlnca oilier than toroulo it coats us 13 34 par pat ian t par day for umintounnofl tb wunlolpalllua way for lutlludtu l par patient par day tbo oovennnndt allowa so oaati rr pallpnt por day ao daduollua 1 10 fro ii 3 31 it laavoa- ths iloapltal with ii u to pay out of tubaorlpllona it raoalvo from the pooplo of toronto and iba irorlnra tba abohajta uat year ran to i1so00 blaco 18k0 about 1m0 eaaaa ol club fal bow leus and knock kuoaa bava baeu trriipil and of lho 600 had parfoct qorftlon naatly all thaaa ware from hffrnnt parta of lha pro vino out i r mw illy of toronto rienu iil r that ivary yar i a war yaar uitb itm iimpital ovary day li dn of us i he ovary minute tha ifoapllil ni fnta monny uol for it own ska but fur tb nlilldrana aaka tha qapllul is tho bittlshround wbaratha c arm tea of i ifo hav- wrabplad with th if oat nf daatb and tha ufa or daath of tbotmand of llttla ehlldran li tba laaoa thai is aalllad la that war will y ut tha ifoapllal ba drtvatt froal w nm of its battt to aava tha lira ft lliilo ohllilruh for tb imtk of tuooay you ran glv and ttavar tnlaat hry dollar may prova itaalf a dradnoiilil lu tha batlla ajinat daaib a mthlr tu lb nt that 0hu for tho hv of iihu ehlldran ilkrtiftnbar that lha door of lha hos pitals murir is tba door of bopa tad kar dollar bind raadar uay ba tha r it a i onam tba daaf for aoeaav bodv rhlld will you tond a dollar or mat if you can to iviuilas davidson tuta trytraorr nr j nohh nonmitflom c til tha hoard of truauaav tavoata uatjativllu cuwdoala lavaot rtr ilapworth it rt b ar lw fctia dd h duel jr twub wtitbaay lakfild tamhalar thorn bury tara hawmaract midland durham rwrey bballow laka ttapoitad stwtajray glenwilliam4 utor twmua bcmjol 1uw- fcl vl wuurju ailtolf m lmt w hhiuli mbojl made in canada made in canada f 1st ouu f i10 diaav lioos arm aarwrtinm i udiavad i w dot ltd uft tba 0ell olvan 74 aidn vry sri uarrtl kuby 66 lulu haolor third chuswal oordon uullan td klvaaor mabj urehtnaaud 0 v2 jbo uematr70 billy 6a kria uiuitiay u icaih qoraos ulfoll 4j junior third olaas oyi bl uttrbdbahu 76 uorialfbd bfomlf ell ucualar lkrjajmu with tuuukjol uanlor sacoedouar afartka uarolimant 90 vaaay waawar dxmla jaokaoo 7j baaala upaol jrutnlo aft wiuuball m mi y- baaamoot 53 btsphaa mai pin 45 5 joalor urmdmtsfio party b thhi una wm placad racing aacb outac k itol was stroa to aoch of tea 1 sua da tha alsnal feald u lao m aball count on t tfaraa itid tbtrn at tba word lira you irhj both ira antlarsn ar yoti raadyf wh tuab ooddod oo two thraav flraf hid both our putola want off moaawfh nid bn doos lla tbuunbl ii wus ull ovar whan ida mvmihiiit hlopidtttt up ramarltad that he auptoaad ba ought to allow hfan nod abot but abould botmatf oeam f lu h would not touant to a third imuctuully on tlio part of unh partid pauth a aacoiul abot wuh flr4 and thy iudb mlaasdir liwlwj elllur bad alov daawu ttxti f tlkhktwra bomiy d loaudad a tldrd abot thaaaootidaroitsiilal liwrhhar vof a tuotsant i fwiivd lht vvrv utdag to uraut biy rqut uurl 1 was fraatly ratlavad wbo tlioj lurnriunt wa tby oaatdarad lhal two nlwi hft itnply aumcuob i wus ibllrbiid imt i poa taodad to ba txkut uuhiiiy mid fcpctu tha fare of balua utj ucurtaved par- aoa wa whole affair wn- vrtulaly far ctmli but iba fun iuhwihi uiwu tlw laadhut actom uwlnu uollt tory had tnarkaaiaa excbunuu i it la ihdmtt la thaaa day ol liio ujuh foal nt urlu tha followlutt arv u tux wllby mtt at daddad poiul tba taaebar or noiry thus wa trytatt u ahow tba htildrvi w dlffor a batwaau uaiund and iap mad racwurs aad was llmlinu ic nurd what aha aukihi do you iblhw u tha nvoit wowwrful tklrur a man rarkudar a llttla kirt wboaa parwala wra ob vfottady hamtaad by the qitwllou of way and ntaaua vpiud na aouualy aa tha provarbui judw a uruuf for hla faully wouana ttotaa ootttpartloa umruhy and the human audy a aarlari of a8prlinnu uu tba varia tion of akin muutwa to tba pa ants of alorttw- cumjuu throuah tba buoua otkly hsa bmu carrlwl out by proraaaof voo ifuuucu or vhuus tba aapart- uittit- tuxtvwl that bablta of atriat ao- rlity upprvcliibly lawaiiad tha datttav of fntat lujury from uu alamrie hujmt kervouu n n uwui ur any klhd ww arrd th proiwtlvr ktwar of tbkla lu a rwmarkaliw vmi tba nnin anbta war nmda by trtraba of m aaoat- llva bmlvhuiniuier lha carraot paaduy through lbs body t hut aubjart frota oua baud tu ihu uthr vtluau hu in ihikhsru wlwtv the hoaat abd nw rosily muuuhlr abawla ara aaarla iba miukl sra wairbad wblla tha una bslr ou lbt uudarpart of tbatr bodlpa i sntwlnti it is tu earwfully cut tbat twi u bslr i toat aod tt is hlorml uutll kiiuutlu has baan srraaq istsd lu aiiiu 1 tu yam mada fw th hair is of miifidariliiu ofluoaa aud la djad nil aorta of lovaly colora- 1m f l v vythvstaaii thesoldiersaresinging f i excmafvelj- of columbia patriotic records ot tbey baob tbe fouowim mice- ftc- oocii ai 09c gbcn fit any maatmne escb 85c 85c 85c your km and country nsed yoa i boyi in khald boy in blue j bravol territoiuul soldier of the kin i sane of the seal tommy atldne hertothe dmy were got med fittoo the trumpet voice of the motherland b cauinc boyaoftheoldbrisadel qri veteran song o 85c god sere the kin i lord god protect the tear i 85c 85c la marwitlai i french regimental march and all the national hymns of the allies if you dont know the quality of columbia keoorar w will for adverliibjg jmrp oiuy npaly yon with our dmoiutiatlou doobl4io neord for thirty ouu nitre- duclng l maplo leaf for ewr and 1 f home sweet home i ow vou can obtain theee and all other patriotic and popular colurtbia double disc kec0u05 from jwkennedy seasojiamafioods niokoll tea lota at boo 00c ubo to 2 00 each tea kotilea ninli tulod on copper ai f 125 and 900 caob a ltl4orlike lua tiuiwn of blorea fwn m0 out 0ooo h eoidtagv maipmotik i i n artrnolcrownpripooilaiiiiomrtotr7iimi k aamo-carhponbm6ila0i-lavandlj- r tfot pointblaotrld iro6 4mjpid tjlo t i canadianbeauty eleotoo iron gnaranuxj 400 t- ilotloigt kl aioitoro ff v jfa orillo w tt eiatrurnahlijhtiwahd hm tatnrvanttraoodtaallty ataoo jack kniroa and piriknlrefro63 do tol00 carruig aetapmdraoliuaryflf obod quality d k w mb nnels pntatm 3 gonxtomrn- watoh sab bar ti pow of oeav las aod awtauntal aaek dowawardf iu dmauar pnipwtt to in m ealf or iba aloom and to uaom m antod faaultoa of trepleal oalna vueh m popoartj- aaawaaa av- ola irtia ojooaoart a f tba- coaata of ooniwall aad inlaad tka duottr la do u ibatael tbat iba aua on tba abdiaaaa ibaa nabaa la laaoea msw tbanjal a oat ibaaaeyabl taw butter paper we take this opportunity to notify the farmera of georgetown and vicin ity in regard to butter paper the herald ofpice offers you the beat parchment paper neatly printed and at a price that is bound to suit you 53marm ttalaaafw tt naba aaiatawae cewim la batianl tbat wbaa bhwa owwa jt eaald awns aa m owaaadfoarwta eottamae ataa and prerad ttaotbtf aoaujtartm bath- enwart baebv art utua doautoa kiereaoiradawaoweja abta and tbat otaaal jrritdftlm paeagar dmium etm aaatj4aai uaa boaiaoe ta ara kbw tearlbi for a nrt liriltiiamrelomea uav bobiaoa bjt nwanaewar fan of tb tine ul tauaod bof tknagk air enedal a aaeb tte awneab t jabxroa- tba ja havbara ibajal dr haatan o waa tar- aaartr a ariaaaaurr ocantae cua reward brad la barieler oal oh maa aad falloaf bjsl choice dairy butter l thu lable is only different designs satisfy our many may have any color without any k one of the many we are using to customers you design in any extra cost give ub a trial and youll be one of our customers in the t future j m- moore printer georgetown ont paetad to antra to baa itvapclaco oa a eartala day dr mastara lt d tba hay to tba dtj ba ataast to maat tit boooa and ida party nod aftar apaod- tag tba day 1b atsht to tab than to dlnnar at a wall known taatatf taet tba ataamaf boravr bad raacbad pott aaruar thab had baaa oapactod aod wtwo 1 uastara sot to tba doe hla friaoda had wft u txwda bv ajalrtaa at tha prtavrlpal batata bat aajbjm dot bod tbatn id cedar to ootuy bto fbnllv la bartatay of tba oaeaa- mn chaos lo piaiw ur uasfar aaat chtaja- lattscam uefa la iba wa ttat oatitecad mm i that m witt farmers wife almost a wreck restoml to health bylydia e pinkhams vegetable compound het v own story v- jpowk batviiaaniavrlff- alawaaeaajmah tm9wn pti rtr badl aobai utalx eoald not tt upji atbloywllb eat oto ij pavwl war palfff m bw uejhiwsoojaw iofa5aii- waeara foraw u oaii-bjhd- ilttlard0 aood- of rrt tflw mo jo of wpia it- ruulhim ygfoa coopauld aaaw bad lt baltied britl i tekaa taktoy it-ao- hoo rot watt anmi frjm daloralicalo bine tboot b bad parfmtbaaltb iartlaiwlt cwelltemylk trl e plpkhao a vaatabucoropooadu baadleina raaar wooaao oaad if youdaiix uua uttar will balp otber woown plaaa b- uab if mra k g youaa tmblliie comer loedoo ontario canada woomwtoeosrfeomthdulrea lac ilia paeollar to their v ahould not doubt tb abllltr of lydla e ptnkbame vecatabu compoupd to raalara tiwlr bealtb if yow have tba elifbteet doobi tbat lrdu e plnkhama veaata- blacoaaponnd will belp jroovwrite toadubplakbanimodleuaco eonwaentlal ljaamaaaforad rioa your letter wol be opened read aad answered by a woman a held la strict ronfldeore i-v- va ovmia afruo4 1 try 3yli oairt i wha-ursa- does brdbably th aarilarf f da- taadcatad anlntslal wtwd irtrwafta to a tropkal couulry ocb a cratral ifriea loaa in a brlhb rooat of tba eharaetarhttka llwy nara a qotrad la boropm and rrt tton od aora to tba typa of tba jarkal nod tha wolf thoo tbatr war wrwtar uwtr braad uod to bacoow iwilalrd thaw roata toro aaody or rufoua nod tbatr barb bacotta bttwl oiua altmip has baao tuda lo sbatw thai this u tba raaolt of dtaaaa abd rtwotblaa tba attaet of owlarts tb bamas eoasutothmi vat tb kayptlaa dotf of pharaoolo tlmaa oatmwml as w aaaw by tha btononavnbi thasa vary bar mtarlstka and h rvnalat doaattoatad bafor thv kanpaa aov bmtl u la probabla ihul hw ur oriav ol fw rmvkaw vorh ho kind voa slave jajray boucltt and which ho 1 in tue tor over so ycwia iicji lkraoto alcnatom of iwd sut liooii matlo tinder hla kss- uontil tupcivtldoi blnstw lt bitauwr jow no ono to dtolvci yon in tltu jj r is naiii ontl uiatt s niaioon hmj batli atrunmu wttlt and wndancer tna lbwiltl of nrit suml chudnrai4rlonod ualnsa fixpiarinchtt what is castoria fjoatoha la n bannlraa aabultoto for castor ou ayaarla ttaoaai sina bftaatlilnsr bjniw it la lloaaont it oontsaiua kmlthor optani kcoruxsa nor other mtuooud aobatnxumi iu two id ita aronnuttaa it destroy woritu uad allaya pvrrafaneaa 1oa more tliatt thirty yeaxra tt hit hoen lu ooitatout na for ths ratlof of oonipaulotdu anoiuldney wlnd oollr all rrthlntf troablea avni aunriboao it remlas tho btomaelt and bmbi aaalniltatoa tba pood evintf hfalthy and natortu irlitf tb tuldrn gnnaeoatfa6 oloumr ahndv genuine castoria always rbeara the signature of in use for over 30 years ths kind you hav always bought turn mm mv www v wivv ta pattersons meat market prices this week for cash only oo hmohad ham wuhlawtiaj lltaslitt luvcoa vuboruu iwk llapna i vatst 1u1i u lb aaeh imiuw khi lloaat lual itouad haul lual chuck lltul ut sou lli imialud vrrth ium wbouor hall vtfh loins viwah halibut frlload nr lb jui rulmuu ilo lb 12j all4vd w j patterson y pellows who play hockey ahould use automobile skates nearly all the amateurs and prochamps use them reason they are the lightest swilt- eststrongtstmostcomfortableslcates on the ice the perfectly balanced aluminum tops and hard tempered nickel steel blades allow you to skim alone like the wind call in ask io see automobile fikatea and well rive you a dandy hockey guide or tkeseaaoololilt jff u w 0 anthony georgetown umm- warm and strong ii you want a pair ol glove car tnitts in horaehide calf or buckskin sheep or muleakin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you net equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt aay the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horaehide wsderrjrooland fireproof just tha thing- for warmlh and comfort sold at all store every mitt is tagged storey in on storeys w h storey son umttaa jwttbh o 1 haughty dusky royalty wbaa tue ku wend hla tem tba lean has oueet sud st tb anieaa tlafe eearb aara jeba o weak la bte book abaoas tba prbalaea baaoaeo- mo ea aparaaeb- aa blb wabaarnaral aaa bai pae m sae la aunired to aa oa pnaaaeea eaeepl hb aoaa hmvoyou i named brmatfting impaired doe wottr faroaf get tmmhjt or dojrr that thaaa armptorna to- ali ftromnmdowohaalth saasos and apors ara url- tatlncand uaolosa tha qlmood in bootta efnohooti 1 will anrlch and enuvcn thd bood aid aotritloa and ncdat natura to cbach tha inluounatlon nnd baaithaaaaslureraofahraisaa m scott s 3st3tw sste oidbiary awn apneoacbbis tba bias bad to fcaael tare tirooe luat uv aua tba but eooanee to tba kliura bl elaaiuw ibm near tba door of tba -pel- bala uur m rroet of aad tbalaat now lb uealbar rubbed tbeb- ttto tba dut aad tbsa traaatarrad tb dbrt neea tbelr llttla bafera ta tbabr toea- baada ee taatplaa aod euppad umho- tbbi earaaaoor ibay mpaabid uuaa omee at iba but saeaoag plaea and tb ktns anawarad by potnas tb balm of ble baade aereaa aacb otbar wub tb flasere of iba rlsbt band wah aboe tba uarab and tadas baser of tba url bead aad walas tbaaa u lb bias did not suave tboe or u be threat oat fata root and waved bte toee wbkb was as laault tb eoeaar tb mao ntraaud tb taetter tor blm tf a touts omitted to 130 or tab lb khts a abara of but tradlas prodoeta be arould not b favorably nclad aod mlsbt arpaet to a bu btajaatra toaa mtr loataad of bta baaan wah lo do eblefa wbo ratios to artd blm oeea etoaal praaanbt war alaa eoldlr r edved and tb wavtas loaa ramudad tbata of tbab dauaooaoelaa no writ be aooaaat wa kapl bat tba bias hi ai aauraa ud a moiaraabl tiwwitw for wbat was owing bio aad sew forsot bae a dau mi u ba paid or a present was sua cblafa and boblemed bad ta ruder somas to iba alas iba aatue aa ordtaanr man but not erary urn ibay trut tola bis peas aaeawaablasloe loat a laikam pudse tbar uaad lo be 10 albaur ss ka- trie ebaraelar uausad im wbo plads- ad buaaalf to b ultbar abavd nor aboia uaul btapbaa a dousla earn to tb phaldeaer b did not keep bl laaiilithoit bowerar oua day jobs uonjuta a basvo wbo bad etted a barber for many borernont and wn daatribii bluuelf oa a also or bl bbop door ta own klnat as s touee rial opamlor aod capillary sbridear bad a allp peatad ee tb mirror lu rrobl of bl oparanus ebalr ee wbleb be bad writtaa ooosla eat elected but pet blbta off ajaeutauaa th aat tkus m retra ouaalaudai mat oa ta atrtel oa of tbem aaldl walt i undents lid that our old friend arigs has son sad married wuv tr not tnm- i w tutblns oflbaatirt wbtr wall wbal did ou bear about itr- w undahjland tbat b widow ba sou and niarrm our friend orittscr lead rtalu dla ikmis rutleae oata vol what af your opluloa of our foealss hbtuonsl sabad tb polrtouo ettaaea rbay doat da yoa say rood- ra phad tb loeal aohnhan trial yoa wast la a lot of talatlaus ksbt bar la your ewe eosatry tbam vote tba way yea tall aes to waailnsbm ataa uu artuarmr paautbeusm d yoa ibub nutrias b a tanarel mrdaae ibousbt- wott tb brio barer eta to beat umbjas laeawtaaiuaslhla1aasljl billiard paiiors are now open maw kqulpnteoaibabel aeoom madalloa ooared patron ol iba cmrlll block bay 4cbrchbr m arthur bcftbtell irb40o4jji wl irnjor amaio as ttachsr of lno oram tmtuaa r ta aay brnb fcobpw 4kftrwitasaabiny iiniimm hal ai oo aaiuwu w u vwatslbaajm planot ttimd a position for fall winter ovkh 400 mckm a fruit atbd ramul4l ilau vvrmililrusautursvwatati i iba aambiisrrabii tjuaiaaim daltvrj ul lubaradtl a h bv auaiaaataf labet mr us w afl vul viril ptlmmh mummy co rfwaiwof puwuaiadmetaculaatiauii qui hi- ip winter term opens jan a dacua now to batar tba paatotta uxxoty tfcu bol auml wllbout a mimrur la uuiii writ lor caluu w j kulitu prlavalbll iu yftmata at trttu great value in mens clothing we can b y h voi6oal muli lo otday lor 1b 00 hiilwulul wlnur aulls fir at 17 w ltoynftrwhhuorovanxau lor 1000 and up chllduoou6 00 apaclal una ul ladlm cofcuuits at itaoo wa4 to ordar osuaodhooloryours h qtbokford cersebbmt ceohcittown racaraa v apteb the wab 7 llttltloahjill ttuui yls v itumnlmh itllh im laiisja m ti tuuiu v w lleiuaw ltljui m n