Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1915, p. 4

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mfirflexownjieeild iuiiw nuikmim iuiui w cnriunji try rfcrau kbpd itdl lu tvuull i i i i ii vlllorrtortujtruwonilr amv t a tn moderate ucuari of clo i th window ot iba bury 4wlosutufc drink ltlfekerji old itlmltu mbohl church eorr lmliitbutlin wmchpjorliri r or vub lr noil unixrl trijlhl8 kuo toot writ- mlnlilrr prik lb iwwwimnbrrlhoma mas properties l rnro simm 1 oparlwll u fall jlldliu ia inj iri rffvr 7 lioua or i rat doll yrni from 11 c limit now u iua owtnr tnlles ton lowd hi- r udcl ffi tww ai thai yonbat v ej d yoa ijiiituae woie wb artel jroor nsemt it you coot setose iv reeordven yoor marriage or aaqie otber important isddeat la yoor family or paoasl life tbeteervee la bring many reeojleciioue of the jiut aod those eeaodatod willi iv abut lbs nor records im none too djiiiv modi wtd olun all uj altogether tile bbtoriao i botntjlim corol u dry bat li tiu blrf itaporuot turt let lh eommdnlty vomt iuauimh rutl a jjoukmy that 4- vmluliitf hi itat brluf yod imilli id yattr lmttmllt held tlitli in error tint tamy itwrcuimt nuk wlun thy kwam tlivomiilvm uwt trulr tor loo wttllktwoti ih it dflmitt rtialr imw iwp ujvrtliitit lit tlx liftda will bfianlly drift tlialr wy nybow thr laota lqnkoywbraj lo u world tlil lia w twctirm foolloi bot m lflglo jot htitd you r not dolbrf btulo id uld but lltst your talniati be lncrmiod jby crful twwititir hdvcrililiig if till la nut iruv wliy la ft hut a ktiri ol tuaji ordof in eomurtlly boihb out ol yourtawiiln cliloiw lioiui and ajfl not ihimfl mim nikda by thw rilojii ltouwi ilt ft ii it nl krulnl tulvrlultft la llio wry tlild you cmi that yod biv tailtivflird io tha llmlit wbinvr you ttueli an lda hvl in your taltu and rmlly bxlluvu thil lliara nollilnf tnor toyniqur you w lmly tuniln ovir wmly moiipy to ilia nun uiadom ptim tb broailfrvliioti you rcdlag unt lory and tiuula to olhrt that earaful uwijkr dvmiltj0 would rlaln id your totiilon llwd trtto limw that uwlauktllr1v ttut aht to lbl by mtmboofta oo auiaij muaoiy lajmlmd tdav of ibv dint o on0do roadj ombjbi oq ib vucatrt fronk- cbqlcb mm ojoly occupud twenty jtittulaiioiia rwgardlntf flalilotf coulalnad la tin floyromnla circular will ba of tpacul inlarml io 1j hugum tlia ordaia probllill ilia taking ol baa from lak kris wl ol 1olnt 1dim btwau way t and july ik baari and uukl- tutiiffo rotu any lake iiwmd april ib odjunttlo piakar bidwaan april 15 and may j6 atwkud trout topt is and xtm u 4ltuon irout and wbluoah nov 1 and nov 30 afo cui i emplbwt llv kw horn inmiilia ujo tlie uraud trunk hallway ontilau rma to an aruent wbaioly altar april lu lb aaltrlaa ol nili would b rodueul owintf to bard lintm so far no action liu bun liken u die nullar andaa ilia man liava vcaivod ihtilr uaual ainatt euvalope for april it lu ujnaiiint lliai ilia cowntny twu iml lulvnd lo act al prtanl tlia eoiniuiiy aurud llila nionlli t uy tlulr tnill vii in uli lnituuil of ny clmhilkiil hlmt milllt lityl viltinjh tmo jti ur luui on i- criiv it la kiliiiiiul ilut din wr tiam wou d cttl tlio ioir4iny flwoou pr yar ii di in ploci tlia tor nut j tulfgratu ovldantlr ba luvua ilnt iho local iiuttananarliaaanlui pofiqiii iucd in iho roiuiiiuiihy it uya tito m4rkliam kconotulit foun dd in ihti da absorbed tlio uarkliam dun louudod in 1877 oni weakly jour nal will nu llourlili viliwra two llvfd ba- foffl mrklinin vlllogo owca uiucli to woklitii that bava apiarod or3hnd 0 yrarrf rmpwtlvfily tlia country wwkly and l bo attiall town dally mo a lablib tlia dignity and valua of lojj ufa tim viluifftf lnuriia and amallar cilita ol ont ii in imvu not rewarded tlio work ol tbab own tiuwatapflfa omailo baj fall- ad io siickurugd lliti iidlion of local weuk lba uud ittllltm who jill aiiv thai can iwvur bu llliwl by eiiy uawspaur na k4clptocllu to lkdtau tho uiturlo motor uatftur which orvld tlw bltf dttjiulallooti wall upon thucinvromwil and aak for nclproclly id auloiuollltf lliiuw with ilia uuluwl muu ha iihmlvfd o raply from hqjl w h haartj couullllliff hfv dwliloh of tlio frivtirninotit not lo tnak any aucb lull till ytnr at laut- tlio ll ol tnatiy miu4miu for lavlpioclly waa uiada d unroll 2sn by a dopuullonhatlicrwl from all part of lb provlnea in lh homo hon w j iluima had tliada it flltuir tlini iho itovcrrtuiant waa not rady tofiruul iolroel y at tlia riroaauiuifa but lio iloituullon catua up navbitliel altar hailnif addiwua root aaveral pnkpbiiiuii for llio dcpuiatlnn lion mr v lluaral proinluinl fxnitldcrallnn but lib vouiaikbdldiiol ralae amoiuj tliouthar inn any apeclal hope dial iba apptal would utrantod vojui liaroahu ii coat oh an anitruun oil uotnianv bu bad lla ajeiil in una arllon ol uulkrln eouulv dtirinu tin it wnak omtfavorlnn total uat oil io iho laruirrj attfprcally fu ducrd irlr- ua luy tluliii nl lojoaoall en faya tltu omnuuvlilu hun liar ail ha iocmi oil iliuhiauin cliarulnil ikouftallou for a hijiiit uradu ol cual oil lukan al ural ulinoo it would bpiii iuj ii llila coin pany ia iluiini a rrui up to dale uraalu llut tlio luii thai they auu aml4mor to load fttrli purcliawr with a h galvinuuul tank lojiutliur with iliulr oil provaa lo bo llio hy in thunliilinunlthatouteuady ntlitciltil in pibo whlilt lliuy may ba ulhrliii in lliutr oil tho local daauira ru priiuml in wll uny pruapoollw if ciiiuit to in ruiiio iiiukool tank lor mod ltd win liu ii hh hluli uiiulii itoyalllf auiurlmn il ml lir in rcut u uallon it will lln-mfon- i viily uiuriit thul tho hiuutrd iiiimiiykahuu hjijlu la in iny ii u lliltuiiijiiuio uiki our lar- uiur will mil on jbiiimi iiimioy by ulio llfilihi lln- liuiiiii fluuliia lint will hoi lo kwiji lb inon ty in tlrculallnii whurelh will bj ol uiott boublli to tbanwlvelfc dlffarwnt becla tbo salrallon armya drum bcalt tbera for an inurval tha bajtloetod cburch lo lla elreu of ebaathut iraaa bl a irat pusalv xm rdiwyppui lla alt waa appar- nlly ao wl ehoaad and iu pral condition hyda only a email mpen- dllura to rndnt avrvltfmibla an old cltlxaa 4 mathodlal blmmlf ub uoaud iba olhur day that parbapa paoplo of bla faith era aupanlllloua i retttembar haarlna one tbat the conttragatlon abandouad it bacauie ll waa built in lb form of a croaa walk around toronto drive tlirousb the rauntry and you can a i way t tall wbal denomination wor- alilpa i hare by the alyle of a re b i lei lura tlie krtbllah chureb and ro man cl hoi lea are hi1 o tha naveahdlranaept plan out whoever beard kt a uethodlat gburcb in tbat form except the one at davenport roadt hnqulrlee elaewhere failed id ronuml up title old eltlitene aug- ballon it baa been learned bow- ever that the original primitive kpliwepallflna who built tha place warn an ottaboot from a little church on cumberland at r mil old yorkvllle under tbe rare of liev lobrl cade who waa aant out by tho london loreiirn mlaalon in 1863 such waa bla aufcei that an asllatlon for a largar plare of wtirahlp bogan the new alio waa clioaon by llobarl walker bead of tbe wellknown walker and bona or tho a old on lion on king alraol where ilia king kdward jiuuda john walker one of tha and bona further promlaad big aubacrlptlon and wauled iho w church oracled following the plan of one ba bad lakou a great fancy to in kuglatid hie otfar waa moat thankfully accepted and the place waa put up according lo the tlpulaled cruciform ahapa caaewltem fllrlu knpeheue ubu uargarot croaa tho talented canadian vlollulal la a muchlalked of personage juat now owing id bar recent eacapa from iba maelatrom of european military alrlfe vor monlba after tho war bogau aba waa iba cauje of anxleiy and apaeu- lallod among her many canadian frlenda and admlrera however af ter being detaiaod a full half year in aualru aba managed bar nlt from that country arriving in uonoa italy whence alio tailed to new york reaching homo a abort time ago uaruaret croaa la tbe daughter or albert j croaa of vanlook hill onl where aha wna born november 34 1103 aa a child sue waa pro- coclou to ft degreo thai waa un canny alartluk iho atudy of tha violin at tho ago of 7 at achool later aba waa ao far in advance or hor yearn that imr paronla aant her to remalu aomo m on ilia with rela- livuo that aba rulgbl bo bid tack u jtnr tin mmaioi hu tbo ambliloii and ilutcrmlnatloit that baa nlncu carried ifr through many dllilculilej tlho kept up her aludloa and waa homo in lima to pree iba hlgli school entrance- examination at tho huad of her clafii ml croa alien iled tbo canadian conaervalory of mimic ottawa from 1005 io 1011 atudylhg lbs violin under donald heine in june 1111 alio left for auatrla whoro alio waa under the tutoralilp of tbe colobratod 1rof hevclk who waa a teacher of kubellk mario hall koclnn and many other well known violin lata under bla direction alio made aucb progroaa thaj a tour of aouthorn kuropa including olclly waa ar ranged to begin at iba end of her atudlaa laat july thla concert tour bad to ba eancellod owing to tbo out break of war mute croaa baa a great admiration for the people of ho- baidla whom abo learned to lava and reaped during bar student daya there of we would im pkaaed toaupaljr implement yoa mejr f hustler wwwwwafvwwwww your old jewelry icdataiiiiiiiial harvestei and made uke nbvt our watch and clock repairing gives nai will find our utock complete and priced lo fost6r the 7rcitoli epeotll qtohoetowm onta anewstoctof choice groclries at reasonable pipes cauuulae ludtuirlte katoudd oen iluslioa inllmated a few daya ago thai ordore for alieua for iba all lea lo iho extent of 9176000000 are now being executed in canada lie gavo tbe further moat important information ihnt arraugemeuta at haul hie maria out and uydney cu were eo far forwarded tbat beueeforlh canada would re one bar own copper purify bar own ulna and manufacture bar owu braui for way muultloua imuce 1mwaril helping- altbouub irlnco udword laland ta tbo aualleat province in canada tbe cltlaona of that pari of the dominion are doing a great work for their country in ibu war only tbo other day tho woiuene patriotic league sent a donation ol 1100 for tbo cau- adieu ited croaa and they are work ing hard in many other wayi for tin oldlara at tha iroul a llubbern huaband my hiuhaml isunaol the mottttub- horti niau in the world he can i be uny mora stubborn that inlua ob yea im iuv lie uiuai bal tea if til it y i hnd no giiaaoeuiaul to meal iiliu nl ottock veer wfll ll wna nnirty 400 when i gol therf uuri lie won l ltd ml t yel hint ilia teal lie not while ho wna waiting die nlm euud- ha ma a oily titur made them oe prtty far willi wv thiiiiulil our ttttliu rflbl wue u uoml tmnlnim imin tuhniike ivaa uiwnye ittlklnu it bout mnkinu if iuihiii go no fur us noaalble tllllh lid he do ll wllllawa ihe irnie ilia doliiitvca unl nl liin iu- lil ttouilt auierlcotuwii fopliu lira ilnva you any rum coin a r ibu old ftiiiy- veu replied hid uroiirh if a flvo dollar nold plitu in my i right bowutiklhaati liujubol luhloradocofffo ur lb vlnul vrwiirh hiijimi wahiula per lb catnptiella houai j line for a uhoi corn mve lomttoa wax beans or pump choir lnlmfere per tin uounle lirlght kitchen oleatier 0 tine for tlmouiy clover and orate alio field and garden oedi at prices 5 eliijjs nlssrtl- stfttssylw fiirafcr deans quick lundi parlors miooki oiociias bfohoetowh i wniri0vmi ioi w lb 4ub v a toll li ogrofcortt- wl- i tkiwll o icatioiimto be bttnlliltlr tone tint will deufm fie mea resnexotpt nd dtiictct n ibe hotfttri we you nmyirlhb yqu uvi vtfun end bouvr of wahio and ii the ptuter oratteeonte simply apply anotbar coat on nectone in ny ahada or tint deatrecl neutone i cheaper tu j v i tj eeooomical absolutely aaaitary cant lade ccajo or rub off and is washable soap and water clca a neu- tone wall and take away dual ataina and fajklvprinta marhultm floor flnwi will wiituod all tbe wear a- aboae to whieb a floor vamiah ta subjected u can be uaed cms brd or aoft wood floor overy can carries witb it money back guarantee made w canada webere fw yoi eetry ol eaeh of oat two boofca boeae deeereiloa heeaowy nwtoead mdcoaufum atk lt4 tltetd wbeei ytej imm lab t b crot bicooocr io u w keaaj v phone 75 eorgetown georgetown monday may 24th 62500 in purses fu cue trot or paoe mile beau 31n w7 isoo 00 ia ol troi or pace ulla beataslua 1176 00 isa olua trot or lm mite liraia uln6 11300 operthun mhesib8 usa 00 cnthaij clot hy 23rd kutry viroia and farther pailieuui irom utut ukauan 5erary oaorgeiown out rtthlag prhibtud any paiedn- fleblng oa wbtl l kpowu a barn atream will ba proeetdlad ilv oiinaa property for sale i ci h lane real estate agent haa sever al houses and farms to sell owners do not wish them to be advertised will be sold at lowest possi ble price also on reasonable terms for information ring up no 130 ring 3 j hlane real estate kuelph business college 1 cutlph omtmrt wk olveeprt lottiuciloti in ell ob- jaeia pertaining to lull fadiiatlng lldalnata ooome thtttt itulud bvk- keplng bank lag boiiis corf poa bdelneee papur uuinrf del arithmetic rapid ejhiiuiwm eomntetylal law koguli greminar and ompoeltlon pnmenabtp ntu hut tjp writing and thnog rphy i our upkofali eouram id ktvncli and german slve an abaohiu ltwr pro- hdimutloa and a practical command of either laagnagea ur huenoa par poaee tbeae conruei aru of grvet practical value in view of the ux panslan in tha beer future ol xin- adals forvlgn tnmle fcsteb now for any of tbtw oounea and follow the eauve under mit fv- orablecondltlone to a anrcuslal bv bo come direct tto tin collirg ome17 upper windham lri a tti addiwaa mmlcolm msmcohmafk ba vjjlipe1 choice ensilage corn for seep improved learning white cap longefellow iowa gold mine comptona wisconsin robert noble xaintlted kxaet coey of wrapw thirty ybars castoria um ermtl mjtv mmvwaanv a f the dayfoot boot all soudleather imiu among tltu uah lluua that we uuutufaolura wa reoouimaml tha ol fortlilalocillly ilyourdcalur dueauotkoep tlicin niulra ol im and wa all tall you wluiuwiie jlinni no l1 no kij ium j17 uul no ii7 no 1111 no 117 no jmi hon no 711 hli nu hid rjfllui n irta mi a u in heavy blwk brain bluoher tl in ian train lllucber ll in lllaok drain llhicher 11 in lllack tlralti ulucber 0 lu heavy oeflbhi hal 0 in- hoavy hiilll llluoher 0 in llrowiiuraln llluchertliin tl in lllaok drain uoadyear w lllucltwr ta tn- hoavy lllaru tliuln loodyaar welled hluabar llox jlunuui lllucbtir kcliool hhtxi nl hluo or larot ulrle il shuu itireiuuil olrlv 1 vl mi inn milafchioiiio him iter goodyear wulted c b dayf00t co georgetown j sf y a the most beautiful and durable finisly for your interior walls is rsjt at lie ffemss tut it is the only true meuotone the beautiftd flat finish that iii replacing wall paper and kalsomine for interiors v meuotone is washable fadeless and not easily scratched pr marred it is more desirable and economical than either paper or water colors it comes in white black and 14 colors soft as the rainbow tints meuotone produces the soft pleasing effects tliat arc required in artistic decoration and is well adapted to stenciling and freehand decor ation it is the most sanitary finish for your walls come to our store and let us show you the beautiful meuotone tints together with sug gested combinations for your home thmn i a jleuw btathmn paint vambh eitanul or stain for eoory piapoo w c amhony georgetown fluis uyoutf gumifauue of quttllty atul do you intend buijdjnfl wpaurintxyonr brum of oiii- btiildtpgi ibu yonr ws harp 1x10x12 geornia riiw ixlot 19 whito pino and anoolal 1x10 british columbitt cedur rhufa u very much the boat for thb parpoad na tbero i no vorplnfl or apliitiiiu io tbo atne all droaaod oiio aido barn rasrijj if your borna- want raising up wo bftvfl jaok bcrowa to rent or wo will vftla tbo samo for you oti our priooa cm tbeao ltorafl i r mackeftbt acton mnd georfjtown h0meseekeh3 excursions to western canada partlaiiur attenllon lidirerled to tlio remarkably low koundtrlpkareeliionn- bectlou with uomweekera ktor4iotia to weatem canada via canadian iaoila ball way tlokel are on aata each tnwday until octobersoth intlmwe and aw 4j0nl to retura within two moiiilm liomdeuof la theo v u- offsirs tho flnett powlblo eqnlpiiint and thuduitl train uuivue via one ol the tnmt actjuo rautiuqw tlie woild t it la the only lino operathitf tlironiili standard and tnurut blroplinj iuw aio dmltmtrara to wliinlptg and vaticuvtr all equipment la ownwl and innaltl by tbeo kk atfoidlug the hlubvtt lorm of ettlelaney if aueh a trip la uutler itniiildomilnn apply to any o 1 it air- lit lor full par- ucuuii or write mu mnrphv 1 1 a toronto corner ul klnpaiid voihiihim j ii jaokhon locil auotit notice to creditors apu1w1utuatuuu amd utiikuu tm tht ktlali jha c umakmy dsmtmd the c1ue ol john v uruay ul- neweftuwa lu tlia uutiiy l 1 1 alio o km lufeud wk- died yl ymuiiubit all ihtiei iliu tbe aaltl euale r lurly by p vd to mud by basil iweyatd oryhunvi iujf uue uitdeilmd auuiurilst lemeritm aala uima uf ur ulute tb nli u imay lau jbubeltlau ami untautm letllamaadewlhlui 11 ud iiiu ntibalr l- jifi tebi b 1 i ur u tbe 4 by b rublka atrlirlor- 5 ad all uhii abell iw aarlutlcu trum ilia imim tuueallavrelawu title iuit day t airlt ibu- w h uakay iaoninliwit aud ii itu- uhy waiurtli twmil auuihlhiaiui w a uuphkllutwirjotnwti lullautr lucaaid adwtiltiraima notice to creditors rslmi uoom m wtrtim aetmey elxkfille ii wulju ul nj thf vllullm 1 tioaiwe la ike tluiiuiy ot imumi wlilow dewfaaadwuuduil e ila tmy ulitllt tuv td e lie t alauad amrtiur li jateb tall umiefelat ewlluakm ulu mil uaiuitvi 1 altrd ttt 1 ri 7lfbjn the kietfulue will duirtl t- reeaid niiijr 10 1 ifhtweiiyaldliiia ealttvahh raaiidnuly vlbuu t it hilar uin iba id suu vullimm umaraiww air wta v- oal canadian pacific for winnipeg and vancouver leave toronto 1020 p u dally atltao tlvo touts to 1aoifio cxaht rointh jertlculara iroin o 1 it auenlh or illle m u murphy 0 i a tntonto loruar ol klug and yuugo hirotitu j ii jackhon icul auout iiafcwsiwiaktwav lee sing i launduyj the old we i labia laundry 3 1 plratcuss work guars meed at q thu lowubl iwicii hbuttf tic koa ulock ukuaotmnik fi iif

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