Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1915, p. 3

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if f h- matthews mug 8iqbe a freeh supply of ffillrd5siwjptersov chocolates la neawria uquanra and sellrl tjentw hatthkws drdg stobk real estate arama ml aae aw imwfhst m imrgm mmmbmr aw taml far nj dmmwm mn4 mthmr prapmrlf la mil jrtfj oara w r avary tmmlutp tmt u m wiixovommt sriei iiitesrlews about home lb ill chorcb uago pmi at lb 1 ak op ha altavnooa laat lb lata dlatad tli praatbytaruna by 0t2otajl3 i gun ttiwwujn twrw rn amtafvjrti vta to wlitaa iaa prtday and tasfurr b4uw ium la lb mlllon apiafehit bowling aaaoculion ub lb jm in in eobnt- loaw both flrtoc rink wajra op ooa 9ipout ukmb our jubilee with tw lut- wa oeubral oargold an jnula w and our iniiliniinn hava lwn trying to ootlaet tha now o thla district and hand it to yon waakly fori hut half qfotury and w beltava yott hava appnttlatad oar effort now wmueuray uambar bav paid tiialr tutrlllon n advance ibar r many wl o hava orailookador naglaefad for oris rimlorothr to rowud bv ulfaju bhad to eelebmt oar lytfmriaulm w ar going lo ak tbon in rr to kindly mail 4roaod mv tu tha addition upnn ol frfaf la an mmotml irdy ovardo th ulwl oti your ptprr tell when yon ar paid up to la tmurtottart the beginning oj lb but halfofourcntary wlutaimaanebeat w hava datidad tliat all back anhacrtp tlnna uirt u pah hot uur than jaly so anynntpahlby ibattlme wlubapat la or eiluctlon- w- will ilul- lo 0 all baal mix torlptlpn j i during the mobili of jnly wlilla tli lut laid our ova band to tla lud cm pund condensed news items dominion day lo morrow diutiimid snack july 30 and 91 tha faat dayi of pompeii frl- day night ban lay- flchool vxttutuu to tli iwaah july iblh our icihl r1oid on prlday for tba turn mar vactuou ba oavll copirflald at ui iux ttiicron raluidy ullil ofibhmna fardau parly al ua park loawiitow avttibtf july lal ood avdtiltia do yon wlih you ar a yoingiuir now with vacation tha 1dulnlla tjud at tba lablla library litra uu dlaeonuouad for tba mmutir umtiiha tlibwoiuahaclvla amacuuau will matt in hi publlr library ou lloodav vanttijf al 8 o elork llava you alaribd your cbrutua bboiiplnff yal lu than alv taontba from now and it will ba loo lata a boo l ih haitial part of tooat 1iaai hard dilnkara u thai lby flod tt hard lo gt nouf h to drluk a tpaelal puktlo tarvlea la wltleli tli huiiday khool fllilldraa took part wu iml i in knox cliureb but ouoday uornlns hear am rigotl tl oalabratad eouvajlan l the orueuna prdau parly at the park thla tbunday ftvblnc july lit yhe apaad limit in flottown ic flf uh mile an hour and ii auto and motor eyel drlvtra woo t obiarva ulbay ahould bffrt53 o paddias vra wj tohafal wprktajb najwjwjthooi lloiffau sittborftjaa battfoa far am nod ooonty t liqtehaop qaa iaaoad an tiiiaaa imilw of lleaoaw la crort altoraav 1uh baa ina to prapw m by uw tba utum paawofln jfloynj uaidtobuailbbb to pratapt omwlod babetantly p- tactlngilaitotliaanibaauj anwr jwv ainmiukt woratfuu sbo0 antonojll laaam kara bam laao2l by capt artbdr vaa bltba iodoand vfmlm molqrx0 or aula owner in thacdtalrlct ajntw jaaoary 1 10l of tfalanitimbar ally lo pr uai bav goo lo armara and paraona living in roral dblricla ii la pactad tbai tbw ntuabar of aatotnobllaa porebaaad by armar a tba bmxl law yam will b in atlll traatar proportion to tha bunbar boosht la tba elty tba eonlraet for tb balldlna of tba na basutry offlca at ulllon ajad aocna uua ago 10 p it flaeord it boo lid atalotw baa baan aitvad by tba cardan and clark aaltf lb oootradora work will bjn aaaooa m poaalbla uolaawortb waat anhltacm of tor onioj aabtnluad plana or tba aracuon of at raaldane for uta govarnor of tba udl approximate w 3100 tbay w appidvrd and tba clark loatmctad advartlaa for landara agnrca tobaqoot d or both atona nod brkk rt tktahw thttraday july let whan w war youoa a wamar vaatnr- vrtday july sod tba lnat ilaya of fompail ntnaatarpuoa rom lord bolwar lytlooa book saturday oaald oopparflald i bat wall known atory by dlikaoa in au parta ttuwday july fttu wbo fay a tkuuhrut of twain vital qttaailoo o ufa tba flai la tba rt of pama thla will b contlnnad or twalva waaka ooa aarlaa avaay tody untb bolau i and llanry klag arc mart in tbla pmlat patba karlaa on saturday laat uaava obas ud bd of kalaon lowoahlp attutlaload the mamban of lb council and lbir wlvaa and lb oftulala and ibalr wlvaa 10 a joy rtda lo nuiaani valla four aulotnobllaa wara raquliad to convoy tba party which uft ha al 10 am tba drat atop waa mad at bl oatharlnai wltara lha parly bad dlunaatlba laaj lagbolal aflardlnnar tbay proowdad nliipua palu wltara tba allarnoon wu pnt in ishtaaalbk on lha latum jourtiay tba pri fctoppad at orawforda hamlliob orauppar all wbo aajoyad tlia trip rapojt a jolly flna oullngr and anaak in tba hlihaat urma of tlia itaavaa ii 1 t personal bmmptex itovaanal tba amwlilm ol tba aavantb annual plenl of tba mortb torouto vlra bapart- uaal on 81 uf day altamaoa and ataaluff autlad in a and fluub david maury a vulllng flraoian fotn brampton btn atruok by a uatropolitah ear whan r luiulnji noma at mop iv and raalvd in jttiuawhleb haulud in lila daalb at bt ulehaal moapltaj mtuuuy uomutit llamy wbo waa 83 ym old earna wltb a patty to tba pkuld and wu waltlnf for aearwhanalruek nobody aawtbaaotu laat not avao tba wolornian ol tba oar andtnoflrat thai waa known eju waa tba udlbf nl tba body a law ulnulaa latar in tba tall fiw baalda tba traoka a rartiurad akull and fraotnrad ug cauad lha daalb mr llanry waa an o d ymldattt ol llrampton w44j4 ow vamiloi what uadoubudly oonatllolm taan- aoa to all who ara uaklu an hanaat atfort to kaap tlialr propartlwelwn u lb t lira a w nuon and ulu lawaoa will b at tho iulillfl library on saturday altrnoou liomsloo toraealvaand fttva out walk ti10 oakvlllo raoord raportj eaw pouiotaon june 17ib wa bav not baanlfany grown in tbla locality thla taaannyul tt tiara u an tbundabl harvait of ia yaaawaadil nn aouta ol our town itraala tha efcboul i ita ipuharad balora it u injur- id by the uol about tavanty young paopla iron oaoigatown and vloliilty atijoyad a pie bio abd tlaiuo al ktanlay park krln on tuaaday aflentoou a 1rovlikiul plowing bialdh will b balilluth bit work o novambarat oualpb on tlia ground ol tbaontaito agrlcullual collrtte tha ngulai monthly nwatlng oltha oaorgbtown hruetl of tba woman in aultito will ba lild in tba publls library 6uvdnalay july 7lb an invitation uaiteudad load bolantuu ihuilara thara ar a mil i loo karinauuuvarj llya heal after look- lug at lha ilia ola uva haad and than ooutilluj to a million wa lea hut the neletttlat pravarloalort tha torouto hlar rafara to war taxtaaiid othor taxia iwhana tba laltaruiayba taken toralarln around about way to lha niana poekal wimb be i raquaaud to oota on in and bat aotntahlnjf uarbaa pour kddla plgoll harold klch and thu jotli lugl hand ahould drawu uu erowd to lb omngaman wudan pally atthapark lobtorrowwva toiai jly t mr p j uarber will ba bbabrotan j4 uoorna llratn ol uaadowval bai porflhaaud 0 knr laat ol norval bf loaadnm t ur john taylor ualawa aaad by j a wtliougbby oaorgatowa aj9uuyanwbolkayladiwy vonoaj 1 j a uf ajutn icay of datlja awilna a bia ttoma bar mr co koowuotuanjntoa waafn towomitriaaflay f oapt uoar batbar waa boaa roan nugva 0ap oar baaky tk kan jfriw wv hotn 4tco wamratatl honflay i mu i1mi uawtaoiuut owhatoadar uatloratrlpthroltba waac mtsv japma llatar of oakula waaja yfamr u ywp dnrihg u waak mn joaapb wllllama q toronla vbd- tdaw ii wuuaaxrtrbor4y utta wmsnaimlabr ojttrwoato apaoi a eoao 0t day in iowa dsrloa fba aak w and mra jack dob and cbudra ara vualltig irlaod in harriaton and wlartoo vf and mra 11 u harrlaon ol ox bnrgaod uit j 1 wilton of uoillnar ton wra vlattor ol ww uouolla but waak illaaaa jfrmniaa afelfay and umj langv aaajw apaajrllogaooapla of waaka wltb lllaa kjtb bmllb tobori port hop at tb vaotat namlnatlona bald at tba toronto oonaarvatory ol untie waaur jin afenw papll of uua uathawa waa among tba aneoaaalol randidaiaa lor tba primary piano examination tba angagaovaat la annoanoad of uary edna aaoood danabtar of ura robt y laabaa cis hnron stiaatjtoaanto to kraaat andraw wamneoa of ur and tlra it d warras tba marrlaga will taka pue tarly in baptambar mua ollva laird of vorval baa baan aucxawfal in paanoa ibaflrw yajwrluan harmony and huiory aximlnauod with ural elaat bonora and piano harmony wltb bonora al toronto collaga of unale mia laird u now antlllad totbdgr atom aflar glrlug a graduating f etial b and lira jodaoa troax arrlvrd tn town on toreday mn main of wlnnlpjattrluog al lb botna of bar atbar mr john bajlafh una barv plek ura ktack and aon pan ua liita araplaaj ior a viatt with raja- ma4uteanaafa indiana j l j it jadiaaria bai mo io totavaml ktvr fltiavla bwbaada mwbnaloott wmittaafc drandv kcailaar anttbabajarl thla mornln lor a twojwaakavvtaita irlattd in iltwlwnd vudttuy mr a lina mr -aahfekoltor- ontn ntotovad to town oo sunday and apaptlhalayat mr t w oewk utfathatttaow ptamibadk bva- 4tarnmtbaa l tb baat atlabaw of wmny rrlaoa p owogatown vul tmpr aur traaaar ut few mrrbarca amonefba aoeocpafol candldataa- wbo baa paat ibajr nnal axamlaatfoaol tbaooluaol yoyaldov ani ttatfaaoa olootarlo and ara now uaanted ip pf- uoa la roloa john wbltby torooha ol oaorghowm ooncratawloa jaek bavaad wrw uoadbdaa and amity laft today for ibalr naw bom 4a pootb- ampton tbay bava baan vmldanla of oar town tor tba paat foor yaara dorlna wblcb una i bay bar mada many blanda wbo ar ladaad aorry to loa tbam tba baatwlahaaolall follow ibam to ibalr naw bom castoria vof tf and tta in um for ovr 30 ym atway baart bapaatujataf wool wanted ny qoanllty of wool atwd lo pajr blgfaaat an aihom saturday or laaraatmrw c abtbonyamain at phor alwajraatbonmbatarday iur w aaotbonyamain laati ontario st oaorgatown oal trntumlm 4aeranfland eontalnlnga honaa bod a good orchard on lot 7 waat ball ol eon 10 townahlp ol erqoaalng vor tarma apply 10 mr ilugb mma ly glea- wllltama 1 o t wfrvvymwvmwlwvkwvniwwwvvwvwww a n 3r 3i n 3r pxbl 4xd uultomb barqjw btors rcdpathsist lawrence best granulated sugar st 15 pan 100 ioxrittn barnhils nerval uwwvwvwvvwwwwvwvwvwvwwaaarmaaaaaa 4wvj thcjdayfoot boot all solid leather wa poblwli putlil lut ol bnoi ullluk um of our um la omrlown mii vklolly aumtontj ii jukion t ii orollimt t ii lumloj atlomw wlllunu nuvmle ii birablll hiumivuw 1 ii oopiund iuuiubjh a ruull otnwuuuuj whwlor nrif i m d v6i e mutohk e yui lou uti lodl m nl nioood oor tgsbbinatmiullktt ctijtm party al llmukouu a urumroad will attaud tba patrlouo gardan illy al ihu fith una prbylrun ebunh i itiiahtmai thla 1rlday ovanlua jy ititd aulon uichatia and otbar uladt will rati lar an axoallaut pmaraui ol vocal and inai ruutunlal tnualtf ttajnv llallaailn ol uaunjatown and ii p mnoia aalon will talk ou tba war loa craaw and rlahuvnla un tlia ground tbaaiitlf prooaad will b donatad lo natrlotla loada tawniandeltucaudon tnapublui bhjh way tba vacant lot ara blun notblug mora than nuraarui and braadlug plara for all kind of waada thla l ea patully truaof town tb daar oltaoallowad to grow unwouated tbtaa pioduo eounlua nuoibara ol aaad to ba blown and aeauaiad by tb wlodaovar arm and g4idaa bo far buluuna ar uau and advlo paitaluinf to wad eon irol bar baan dlraetad al tba armar a glanoa at ll eoudlilod found 1b moat oloortuu and town will provaeou vlnolnli i hat the larmar 1 not tb only on to ulni lo uia matter ol wj atad prodiuuou and dutrlbutlou fwiornf 0 wrt- it laos the fauaialol mr j ii lao which look plaoe to llmaboum uury on vrlday lat wa laigaly attaoded the mrvlca waa eonductad by bar puior uav b id uoadbotu aialatad by uav mr drapar of acton tba pall brarara wriw lit uola j a rath ja cimvb arch maun ilumall bomarvllla ami jam withb among llioaa irooi out of town who altandad the funeral warat mr and ur w prnly mu llalaa pmuy un w p urowna ut atai malhew tor ouloi mr kdwardllyd ulatbwanalou tlualphi mi u bwantlon uockwoodt mr luchud homer wllla iudoui mr john lbiio mr klilir oieetuut mr and um jama urowu mr thurull uiowa ltlcliard urown mr and mr j d urown mr and mra u t caldwall mra- wui william mr john uolm mr vuabouaivltla mr lluawll bouur villa mia u inula batnarvtlla mra prankllu lunton mr and lira john nauou acton avru itit owart thai y p u ol lha uaptut ghuwh bald it eloalug aocul uat hoiuuy evan- lagat tba bom ol mr w wallaud tlia programma oottaiaud ol raufelo gamaa ratraahmatu and euctlon ol ott- oaialoriha yar tba kkocuuv ooia- mutaa conaut ot llou lraa llav 0 m molina pr mr w look lal vurflr ma i wauottml vlo- praa mua jeaaia allau bm th mr v9 lalrd tha itaeiamiy ooui- mlttaaa war alo aptolntad tli aboi yw jul attoutaa wmaoua work wul rtadowvaj a b lamb a bon cauuaahamj l uanl if you want any ol our 11 earrlad by that daalari tha pfoeura ibam iron u far you cbdayfo0tco man moth hi w new jat arnvtd r large usortment of drew good mi litd nuiin cheek tnujlm lpt7 nainudojca whib cfcam a4 jmyy ctg j lausscatlars lurin mil u- araat mtjum inp p4 u 7iuliie millinery abovp rooms opeii for inspectipis in bau alan -7- ten days u and votes are going fast some 6tte will receive the beau tiful 1 350 00 parlor grand piano absolutely pros on saturday july 10th special cut oat thu coupon and use this week coupon goad tarthuvmktmly tbi eoabott ouum tha kouw to teh frlamo votes lor maty coat ol tbalr btuobaaa ol anytnliui in oar alar brhtttus wttbyvti l iv houriaan ceorgetown fjhcksonst moftarch brandon and dr brandons tshqesjqrmel xoaoaxo oax dom oot mk lar a mtuf rmutloa 1 thao it already uo wa rat poauloaa lor nwuir alodanla aaeh yaar i calabaraa iraa w j e1iuu prla a representative waisted iwum old mad reliable fonthill nurseries to kali id gaontatown and dlalrlel a ehanea ol a lllatlma to d a big irada a wong faruara in mlt atoak aa wall u good omamaoul bualu in tha town kulotlv tarrllory handtom fra ootfil ulgbaatoonlmualonapald write for larma stoae and wellington patriotic outing under the aiupicts of the drummer sna club phiday july 30th uowlinil touusaubnt ouisaaa ol oaorglowu a tiavauara owh aib oonoiiit in loa park illpu uau ol tahftl baud ill altamlanc n virewoukh taaalfloaot luuuo ikalio boy 0ub siftong stylish shoes and hose for all the family small properties for sale v amatcsakavllu i mum 3 aoroi ia rospkarrloa a patch of ourranl inuheu a fow applo troo of naai fruit autl a fow bmallor onos sot out about u voava a uloe patab of auparagus juul ooiumg into boarlug good land to work home luxil plasurod outside uara lsni wltb ban tttflfl bouao oltaabod tortm amugod irloo aaww 6 acroa at cawaballa creaa dtlhtuscouay two 0 aaraa workablo 1 ooro orobird boll day loam rough out bouao 7 rooms good collar vroma bom 24x19 driving shod and ban bouao dixit school 1 milo oliunb 1 4 inllo 1200 forms orraugod 3 acras baauaalaig ywo prioo liaaabowia 3 aauaa choice land clood sandy soil plonty of fruit promo house 7 rooms good collar qood woll and good finises forms jtfiftn lut arrangod irloo aouwwp i acre la village el goalsrev iromu hottso 7 rooms iloughcast stalilo small orcluud anil small 1000 port ol th p yaar work auooaaalul yaar tb otnoar having dona iow a vary vary lallbful work oa baplaubar tub fruit hott and iiard watof c v 11 buuod 14 milo school 1 milo tofwb akraurod trleo n georgetown ontario j a wilisottghby real estate georgetown have eauned 5y their style tit and quality a reputa tion thlat 1 latino every shoe lookji good and s dood qooilnkvery ounce or material and in every detail or workmanship the leather which 10eas into these shots s sotannep thaflt not only reelj comrortale butdlves satisr action in wear llose will stand the straimor misy reet try i oncea iyou will buy it adaln jacksons georgetown sairtsbattocsstii uasenalloaue lotliararkatloara onal0i triml- lara vs bouk yravallaia adutuatoa proa patwotlo viloovjifllon hnadmds ol slaw ol allud nalloos evary boy and drltuarcblms sa a flag oaukh in uia park alj p in all aloila el ooa- uau- prlraasalora naod lu allaudaooa rbducbp railway fare admission toooooakadullajso oh ran 15c to oauaa adulu la oklldraa loo a uuouioiis oujkot kvavy dolur ol anrolor this nor sea is tballjadl0 llaapllal pmw bora al uia liout by your tiraaasoa j a wilutuoiiily homo uaoiaury oeouab oauiuki i pnaldasl georgetown friday and saturday july 30th 31st tub latttftf wiom lilb promt a itlatmtmutaa dally and your pavaitu local pap at bpacul clubbing uat hlno tba opening ol lha tin at l-urop- tu war laat aiitfuit tho rahl wrimi ol ilia uloba toritiito ha allraulad atlan lion f r un on and uf uaiuul to l ha other owing to ii oouiptelanom an i pliability evaryday tha cabla nowa u odivdauwd and uiievprated on tba imnt paaa undt- tba lul ol tha w u- mmtw thla vaalur makaa plald ud utalhalhla what would otliarww ha uouluung lo tha cauail national naweiuitur irovauhy thouit tliut ll edvulauon of hrooou muru largur titan that of other mortil 4 uwr in ihu i nlnlon hi t piuwhan veiiuttuvaiitnl fhi any i p4n an ad llolw i haii tug tl a itiermhi to any addict in oauada or lociul i lnhhlng odar ttiul hi luraldoua hit llallyillnll- yoar u u u now uimlu tutu alitor- lugiiialtttt nitivi htaii dally and tba baat local papar at a tut lau

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