numfmtwh m ft 1 tt- v iiy vx linmrcwb v4dlltt- 4eb to mrand mrtj jetfe bm tbeieo86t0wjsjelild v witontbaoa v evo juia j rfos father traynor is promoted w taeparu print atkeaawortn a oboea binl dkmcl peaaea ulwn v mi duatet jabnftworiji ew treiiwj invooruieilj nwioo oil twitafuvblbcsulykblat aatenjjnllae iroauejoojit ptfeet tlilie 4 bonidooe bon tbe aborente wniniodloor yoeubttut etrnln end tig etnctad aiionl yean njev lei webrljctlve tberjeejeoe how about yours y v 4drbtnieel nietwllb xready tefpiinae iron man ad wt beertlly ibeak ibem than am eull qqjl a ew odd dollaxe coming to tai wnleb aranioit barn befora tbe slat bdwabent yoonft ii it la paid ibenk ii dot plaaaa forward li at odea tne label on your bapar ulla yea wban yoor enbnerlotlon eaplred en u yon tm eat vena ten eaderj lnamawwno wrote if yea bare baav baoogbt op to anab jpoor ik bydtaalnaat nansy bowl lasur atatid a aj toad irat la a aalgiiay taaajli aaa lavliiitinwiilllli wttb fan tnldnaj otlhe aaaaaifieam va voald bedotaaioer 4 frm lajaatice aneae ana aot elatee very ninaa pee ndetfre rawtjd ajhlobrlboaatbhlaa ewtenarataev aa reanllaafan h ija eppolataaenl ioima bapprtant jdwze for ida lonrwnd n itajl latra-a1iavra- bee fjnebrn of joeelnve ctiorrti braee waltaaaitbabbdtcbaa ai oeorretown nnd oaetle t lie baa bean- ladebllaable in bla forte in iaball of tba three eoaaavejallooe the ahujreh proparitaa bavasaktb baan eaatatwir pvoaad aa vaantt ol bla aulvura alt jcaapba aapaebhy una aatdasea ol tbla botb in ita azaajior improaaaaaat and bi tbaehaau abaaotllnl daeoaatlooa a- tataad la tba inlarioa fatbff taayporaaaraa imaj irlaafllibi aaotim aaar aoaaaj tba aaaaabadol ibl loaavbaolanfc b tbmajboattba llilatall lir til baatartabaa ol ah0 norval capl caadoa banana to saaaaruaaaaaa mr lotb haarfaaadi a r4baiwnik9daiihi aathluinllamnnldtfflhaaaaajor apllomi aluan aopolatlaai ofu sot f aaa oat altar all ajaan yaai vm m raona an aaudnttaaajaf thai la abla to ana tba wt band aa raadl tt aant aklually an lb ritm aaanarka tgajtht obaapanlon bat tbaa la a may of an jriabnaaji who aa caralal lo i anjtlata l at ba ba waa alanine n auja boaaa dtr ba ban nlwayn anajtaodpopalan ajd k a jroona aanl loaaabafaaanaav ba oaaiaaanwla mary haaaonada9ajnihobord dnaaay vara raoantkm by tbaaqaj rc7 twouacrrjtoam ten dtb lilllas la natlonln rranmr nblu aaaalnat king and ooantiry tbn fouoarlnai o ban mil ill bynar and hav fmnota liana uaadaalbaluabanni uilam muaaa lomvtlat li man baroaaa rrajaua oantbaanwn ont daar ladbjihltgrlama m aaty daapty to inlntb yon n tba daatb of yoer aon pla w franda on jannt7tb- ha flari a pobtle naamitas ol rl on batnidajr nlghtto anaan lot nteacalan m ja in tboalla lorbanannar kbu skia wl tbokon ib tnnijnlacwinaan- nt tnanad a lot w sornllaai alrlonn tannlinjbajai ai aaal nanunln on bin kt qaolall lnlllbajlldniinatbn mr janaw broam aria band tba bona on onalpb i iitabaaar la aaaldna i jnanyu ihla btu m 1 the ivhens store tktrljwjj w finhorjrtibnt of imporiod- priok nuitingidyetndil ol tho tndat tigluniviialtomi mtlnfinrd nolfijrt mb tba imi laainr in tba priaalbood batn inj nav j v flabanb faibar vkbnna t i j hl h ua i wan hllad to n oaf man nlnrt i a aat at talrtaa uborth uasotoa aatiua ilwda yon bawnay ki imm 4tv ha baa alwan baenlryntpmby la tbla yoar araatlaat pla rtaajala anjaa ftnn yaajax aoldjar nbndu ant alart aid dlaalnllnnd ona bona i oonld ul afload to loaa hay oodrl yoa el bkoraeaaa aaablayeaitabaarl ibrntbaboaoriaba nrttbblaakbi band and loan to ihawt band and jo yoa aaa nrita arttb vrlor to aatbar tmynora laaaofalba annitbn fadaaaat ol aompuaaataty ad- diaaaaaaad aabnnmllaj pnraaa of moony ifaam bla ibiaa conaraaalloaa at oaonjn- lawa ooatla and aotio 8l joarpba eobaragatlon mada tbalr praaaatatloii bat prlday avaalaa at tba euaing aarvka bald la aeton by br ratbar traynor bm daaply appraalalad t toaaaa oa loan and aalaaaa ol ihaaanabaajof bla tkok adon vranpraaa aaabadpat wbaolwaa raia bla aaad aloaja arala adpaatav ifr aanaa day ya lijaiamoliaaaasilaya ab ba la hat tart 4 that toranaratlanlai laotad aa u i ranald ladaaahiuaryat tbalmn- tw a b ik aaaonmwaia inalnadaary iaaooat barabaaaqtlm laj ta ibalajbbb- aaaaawaanmaajirtaja life cimvfiomddrabltlmiluai ol abrokmi tod orrokd wllviuw woiba wommn wbo u urwl all tba tbroocb ii lb work of umi bftombaltl eaodot b eoiitptbd bf ordw ijiiiw wd motlenill work wlihool th ty of wlnf bamiibrmliln toil taill uiai u tmvi thf an wltbubt taakltttf 111 tlmrj mill of ubor tjtn for htw hk of btuumity ut the work tsa illurllv lu hi ttiltutoi lianur uun thlordr iljoald bo purelikud t a blb prtu lb eaitol iwaltli ilfhgui usppliam 4iwl kii that taibw llf onduru tlia woman llitt itvutdj liar lib la an motwary ulior u until for ll ltalit ilollaiol iioiii tb wife atid tuoutar uliould to hi liaveti of icat to wlildi both liiialafnd and chlljru turn for nae and rfloamhu she aliould h lb cuv lttl i ntall tint idvlwr and rald ol tlia on ua br biimpt ml italiwtt fe v iv serfcfe t0ttai fer stflre t mflublv luawatiinf v 7l v ithia aonlion plrcbari wor w j a eekm aleale lo ba bald on prlday ntl olba wblta baana lor monra aualfor a lanncbniibnjanplori ffpaelunapeanlopae lor ainenajkwnbloa lor i an t- qmaa waadlw hnb ylmrasah aaattanbtbniaannlnkeaa1nn fhl a tyuyy jrlah maaai ol all hlnda inntba grannulad wnfnr par ant iton boyar parent v 2 afi 710 ifl7fi 1iiosk iii r 33 laora haywood baaaaaa tba bride of mr anno vofftama tlw by ibe inxaar bar a bv tba it frlaada ja town wbo year obedlaot aarraal awftnaldooonrar uanl sermon to orangemen off fatty onaqnam w pahuol wmfav toomloa m hoi sad vtnrvnw 6a d tb kjaoloetf ttmttm wmftala hiliall lam dotiuttltmi alas raai mb and from tb rlftr onto tba ad of uta aartb- a tfoaapailaoa ww mada b tba toyi oammame atka- aail tba aboveb of obrfil baih tad 3m oh bath toatolab anw aatd atafkjtaam fcaipoabt batt ajahm anniriamm kad atanaviiisliaiii ja aaadyaaaibare a anajaanaa jana lbb 1qu daar mr and af ra franda it la wlli daap raerat ibat i nrue to lalorm yon of yon aon haarya daatb it bapnaaad yaatarday eoorninaj aboat 7 oelacb aiban a anlnar- thrd him ibroaab tba band aad ba died abortty i wbbobi raaal i i bare laatoaa of tbe bmtebanja laaarbad haaadl wan alwaya l aad wan olun caka tba twine bill bml laaue bradley and aayaall aaada a ereaa and araatadttorarbia arara baatbaj tbatbv aahptleav la aaaaaaryaf pla h fraa- aja uin uoed in aetleo jaaa 171b b ban canadian b l p yean la ympalby jack paaca la paacaa lallarwaaaaotbar inaaafia pm beat esttraaanf ataaara ayaapaiby ha waa alandlng batl pla tbagraamwbo baa eaaa ua lln ajail playnf ay o anthony lor ikeaaai yeera waaoa taaajday pr aad mr aatbooy wbka larroetar and by bu wtowyaaji wubacomplala blletanoatdjmbi jawraaa r attaa avaamfft v tba kttten room of tba i aaerowded laat prlday baarallaa jaaa araaldl andar tbaa iximlnioa onl nacuonwlih tbe cnnadlaaaoldlaia field oomlorte onaualarloa ibat aba and una plnniaiar bad been aani by tbe bed croat noawy to vat aanleraban ibe flral tvt waaaj inadtbara to aaa by naa anl ol tbe many paraeafaod bawl that bad baan aaat la iba ataaaraad baea ireelaed tbey raaaat i- iliad nlth dtraala wblab tba no time todaaribaaa thay abaajrl inatr aarriceatoaaaktla ibe dwrleaaloa aad james lohgo proprietor ijfumidiila jirra witiiuioanawfowkviawj t ilwiliiinjv v v v fv new iiivaliii t- m taring ckp tlwvlttalb ico of n ohbapimion- t jiovt nt ttu jurico jmr butter paper 41 aaajaaaaa by wuiuot ja 11a aid oa oaa wcaatooj i look op tha came ojtbaop- piatad ohriatlaim in tba mmliahatuba 1 had antarad loto aloaa atliaiioa wltlt tba king ol mot hud i bmly iavliuawl that all ahmt ibalr tiualll ihm will be hawad by hlaalmluty batta k of ilia olbar how la ll ioiba for a wouiij axliftiuud in body aodajbiiv turil eontquantv in mind auo to par- form tlllter ol ucm omt ho it u wot poialbla tba eonttanl itraln u too grt nalura alvrt way bnatb il uialotarii liaallii aud bptillaaud hop- ftilnmh and mora than all hr youlbi tba latoiliif a woman altould allow to allp rota bar for no nulla r bow old la la yaar aba hould ba young in heart aitd fawliiiff for tlia youth ol atotiu uiiim la mora allracllv than youth llwlf to ilia overworked womiu iiiubtmu old i aja u out of tha lyullon old agoeotui on bafora ll in lima liar dlapoalliau u miliwd liar uuiiwr uiourd bar very juluf lcbiiid by ibe burden which too baavy lo rarry ia druad alana aa laiiltaa wiarlad fret and llrd baotla can dolltalr part kveu her auatctloua ara blunted rbaliuio tluioto train and ftulda liarclilhlrau uotily atuolbarcan a wlla without i ha time lo ytaiatbla wllband cheer hrhu band a womati ao ovarworktd during ilia day whan night eonuabar aula oioiigbtu hkt audalaap that probably will unl cow and ovaa ii uabould that fcba la loo lliotl lo filay batter by fatr ut tmme ttilnga go uohuub- ail than itava audi a cut drought on aalland family glenwllliams uany oranganiaa oolehraled iba atort oualkth lo liiaiuiilou whlla otbaiaaiaftul uia day lu torontu tbe olau cltiaoua lund lad a north toroolo amv lu lb piocwatlon in that ellyonlho ljtb ur klrby ot loroa iark wu tulown forth ik aitd ulaauyrtlauooltla vu1uii fruuda in braiupton lira krtiaal dradga and uiauir waub ata tuala ol ur and ura f ispuun hj uuauriirdiia or iireaupaaa parpaak voo oulonr tadlibw lounw aidiuush bfirla ami cariolo pr biuieh bo wa bava ilu wui cjualtty arid uive ihu raalaat nmillly you ran got lor tlia uouay imfuwj mdir uarly uhoii hitler unva artt nvuli glvti atvhill oflarllaw xjiiiiu1iuii liollaulhu eauaa hold only by f v ilombjui jb ktl blow loo lotkoo boit terra cotta wa eougrildula tha herald on ita koth annlvrary it la a wloofa weakly vulloc in car hiiulat a nnnibar olour culteua ittamlad tha oraugo lwmobatrillou at llratuptoa on monday and report a good lime itlawltb alncaro rgetwe lh weak tbrutilela tlia iuldeu daatb ol mtti ww hunter ol tbe fill una who pamad paaaa- ully away to bar inng- homa on haiurday morning july 3rd uaoaawd waa in bar mt l llaia rraaa btary ktnt tba i tattarjtee4mvaw- hntffii ivy baiarfe w bavtaaioar nambar deem day by day ootll now there era only faor left in your borrow it moat ba aetoa eooaou uon to know tbat henry died doing bla doly ha waa dallvarleg a tnmaagi tbe tnen along tba he and whan pea log a low parapet a wiper go blu ha tottered bo pain and ha got aaoldura burial on ibe beltlaueld bla fa lowarda tbaanauy with daepaat aytapatliy in your tad bareavainattt tunotihly youra ala- dunbar but bora liar alcknua vrltb cliruiun for- tlludo alia wu of a cliourliil ulapoaluou and loved by all whom ahe umi in eon tact dlatuad waa daughlar ol ur and ura john towniend ol ihu plaoa and baahlfaa builtand laavaaa family of three children wuma norinaand willie to mourn br la aleo two rlttaraaud ona brollier mia uckeown acton ura 0 htrlegarand kdwerdtowuiand terra oolla tbe luoeral waa lartfoly attended tba earvlce bolnu rouduoled by have aarguaon and hunt ol norval tha re ualna were iutinrnd lu aieowllllawa oeuwlery tha pallbearcra ueie j uonally ihiekeilnu a uolouild ltullaulpt- t andeihoii and fulward utile the eynipalhyof inauy irlanda la evtandid lo tha family in their aid be navenuul ur jameu carrol ol hamilton epent dominion day with tone cotln friend ha noted uuuieraiu changah aluos bla lt aigit- hoinu yea efto ua oarrol lout hie eoji in the war lait ajilif mr it 0 olbeon ol uenilllon pent a few day with her pereute ur and ur jaa- uouane ol iha sib line ur and ura arnulrong of oeorga- lown ettant dotnlttlon day wltli ur and ura u 1err of tbla place entrance exams out of 84 candidate at tba junior high wiool kfltreae axauluallonaat aeorgetnwn in june the following were kuenmmlul lolhalr arnold uargarat ulaek web tor llttmh jaa har otrnpuii m40t try tba ooanoet to tiaoomptif li flrai cootiiwan aad aomteas mr mfkl owdlabotiawaaaoac lb riibeilap i i dbaart tbalawd tbj ij j tlataa ware tbe aaaaae of t iarallnlobabaada waaas nanrbaaa raa tbalraborietba meal hi bla at iba h2 oaaar laftttenaj j dnarl- 3 leeauayllatwjfflgbsaaaaa mm choice pastry specials for saturday besides our usual linen of highclass cakbs we will have the following specials for saturday gream puffs with delicious whipped greain a rare treat at this season so do tiot nlss jjettlnit some also delicious angelx gakes if you have uot tried our bread get a loaf and it will convince you we produce the best our many customers have proved it the quality speaks for itself don forget the saturday specials readytowear clothing a ilno uilootton in youth a rbid mods sulla odd pautg ote wo iiivuo you lo call and inspect our atook whiob ia tbo laxg- ofltantl mojielect of any in tbla sootioa of tbla eounbry millar co j flme hiqh class tailorlna and mens furnishings t 1 vjc- m the star grocery tor good goods at right prices ix tt to to our moitoqulck service and oood grocerie at ught pricess pplleeand eonfotttlawt oooatnlatioa aeltuly raahiad tbdiw war totddd lor tbaa anaaltfwlac iba rapohuut bad oroaa rabplieb mawhto were rmmeauma mlmppntaptiamd 8ba paid a vary high tribute to tba heretani eflb atodlan eodlen nod aaid ebe wa proad to be a qanafhaa c astoria vat inigabj atttl chlufta laumrorovarsovi alwaya baara tba flltnetuia tf oampbeli alfred oole bon vlorenoa 11 ollfen win huniiihreyohhw grace herrlnglon annie ua hilla jean lie james uollean hon anal ua hilda edward ucqrath opal uowhtr- ur itobert 11 ullur llachael 1 moore agar oatrahder uabal tlaed ulchard hhohiii uwranoe blnelalr hon- kv alyn bmllh hon irene thoupaon frank wlleoa the hlgbat mark in the county at this eianilnation wu uada by a w uluer ioartapupllof ulw helen iatuniou at b u 1 nebai townehlp at ooorga- town the three rand id au ibtudlug hlgbet in order were kvelyn liullli of oaorgetown l h- ijiwnuoj hltielalr of u y no 10 kmiuhius and jaiuee lie luan of georgetown i h uarkaof uiuucoeeelul candidate will he mailed to then atouoe and r rtlscalva will be bialled to the euflcaetlul one early in augtud- t1iank9 1 hereby oaprcia my thanka to all who gave int llttiir voha unl lotlifuswho worked lr mo in the cotitoe recuntly bald by ur llnurltau- akmiu w itain church news luitlfft the kifctor will rocli at both aervlcea neit hunday in tbu uvtilug the tljlrd teiniilallon ol jreua id the wilder uw will oa uiueubject phult bulletin tury boiihiiullii run iiit down u goiul uiy riiihluii luluirud tbu vn ftallll nuchiii ivllkllllu gpatll ihauk uriuiim ntc ido iiiur i ibulr ikvoi or uiiiiluu miiiiiiiintiimy ibu- ileu iiiiuig lat tlu4i ymir yuuxir unler at unci- recruits wanted itotporunt aiib6nnewal with hgiwdi to hacrullkg u tbla nlarbfwiwfl on aooount of tha abort uollo which raeldenta in thli loealliy hid ol the raeaot vlaltot tl raernlung onlcen of tlia 04b uuauuuge lleglmenl u la poaalble uiu a nuuibarof pereaoa whodeelr toenlltt were unaware that recruiting wa being carried oh hi thu uaighborbood and coiiiahiuently faiuil to gel in touch wllh tlia recrulllugoftloere all web pereona aud any othera who dealre toanlltor who dealre any information upon the avubiect are rtwjumi d lo aptily to ur c o lioe tieoriatowii who la in touch with tha out utielauuga uagltnaut in toronto and will be able to lurouh full paitlculari tbe avglwant lu queallon la one ol the duett oorr in toronto aud volunlaareffoni ihla uelgblibrhoo1 who oouia forward and albuh thetttflveeio ibe new inlaulrv lutallon wblnh labehut raited by tlia uth uuliiga hoitw will hud lliauiulvimi enrolled 111 una ol tho lafat imiallone whlnh have yet been orgaulxed or ovurwaa torvlou nh uian i an dntmerllvu wiirk ilcoji- alliaud kuihm onlurlini am an flfct- tvti uxiivw bold only by i v iluuri- uau the it nail blora loo hoc 600 boateo patriotic ptsfiig h a livingstone jairaatiirbtfat sssowo t a m grandy phone 26 georjletovvn haberdashery that exclusive and different summer furnishings here u where iba nun wbo a vary pahiouur about bla haberdaahery can at 11 b bl ucewy lor rnen and woman way get bblrta nkar underwear uoalery col law soapahdem hall ac wekbave a ery tlnemlaetlon ol amnmar outing ehlrta we carry liole abave a ver dneinlaetion of hinmaroullttg a n tell headlight overall union uada ourfitteb to mbn amd bovi lavw norvat hardware pure manilla rope pulleys hay forks scythes scythe stones boat castor and machine oils mowinej machine oilers sections and section files qur motta is undcf the ausplori ol the drummer sna club friday july 30u uowlikq touunauent oluiaaa ol ueorgalowa va traveller 01kn air o0n0kht in uie itli at pm heal ol taubl llaiul in alubdano pillkwailku uainluoinl iaulotloomlan georgetown ontario aiaajnaaataeealtaawea saturday july 3irt uabkihiloaub in ikoitk al 10 a m nnelpb trtaal- lara va baaek travaluia adi free iatihotio puookssiom llonjr1 ol vlaaa elaaiiud k kvery boy and 8 nurcblntf aaui qauo lu ibe park at 9 pm all kladl teeljj prlaaaltalora band in alf reduced railway fabb admission to concert adull use oblldrea lee to uenue adulu i6 oblldren los a ol01u0u8 o1uu0t uvery dollar ol aurplot tbla year tola ibe canadian hoenual pond ilelp ibe bove al iba iront by your braaanea 3 a willuuouiiy lloua baeralary gkoi10k caulllkll pruldaat georgetown friday aud salardiy july 30th 3lst ssye money i annual july clearing ji 1 1 1 1 v i half price we offer the balance of our trimmed millinery at half price as we ivl kj will not carry goods from one seanou to auothcr special orders iveu prompt attention 7 lligint xxbi2i 1 rt vj 1 our election of dreaaco waists and wash skirts is coiupiete t u oa ctlslispf jivj1 tcs nice new fresh roods in the best styles these will j go in our july clearing now is the time for these liucb save money liiif lesjwlii we have a few lines of beautiful suits in serrcs and fancy weaves also wash avjulljaj tuclia suits and coats allof the beat style and finish july clearing prices ivratllc onrihi we are hu reliable in mens iood puriiishings have stood the test of years xvi m a vfruus am customers come to ua ajraiu mid again as our lines are perfectly satisfactory h olivet ia1liilllin5tt rugs jap mnttiura roller bliuda draperies oilcloths linole- pif3ai40c t cloe prlee berries cherries sugar and jara arc now in ibnuaud you know us w -v-a- ava we uave tue k f at t c price wait for our prime cherries 0 0 0 0 a a- 0 0 we pay highest price ibr butter e mid nil farm produce flour bran shorts salt etc it very close prices a da a s c o y photic 43 main mil streets 0 0 0 georgetown