Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1915, p. 3

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matthews dbog stobe welchs gfpjmcc rfe delicious sumlijer drink eeonr window 1wtbiws drug store llcr oaowdlaa liaifk qx mjdjn- wmfmnns rjompu atttnda to reat estate mimamy im imaa i tawaii rata ai tmtaraxi m laram marnbar at far tmf mala aaaapi omrmwaatf a aimaf pnpmrtr- 1 alt ytart tba imam wm bavw wwmrjf taatltty far traamamtlag mar bamtaams ta yaar mmmpjmtm mmtlmfamtton j m wlllouokav condensed news items 8 6 ikeqralou tomono w dmtnbun homk july 8031 t all our lodutlree continue boay hm yod purchaeed yoor bnack button ilarlevkay limited went machln lata at j union bauday school excursion to burlington beach tomorrow buy drommtn hoick button end help awell the canadian hoepllej fund tbe polee for ibe new hallway have been ttractatl on the right of way through town the new union jack waa boutad on the pabllo school hag pole on toeeday evening owing lo the heavy raine ob july lit lb milton ritot were postponed to the yll klr major jame uallanllne bu been promoted to lltut colonel more con- gratulallfine jlut borne of our bualnru man have re ceived cotnmunlralloue iota tbe local motel luforn league we are indebted u councillor gamble or a baaket of choice home grown loinalot many lliatika hilly the iuijiio bchoil hoard laai night moceplad iho application of mlw sylva arnold aa teacher for tha junior depart ment used ii i living-ton- edvt in thla ueue i- vary good houewlfa will ba inleraeud lu hie pialry pfciala for saturday chi i mcltouald picked upavalue on tha 7th lluenn titeaday containing eome underclothing etc and a balf bottle of poison m major jamee hallanflntaddreeeed a urge gathering at gardn patty oucur tha aoapltt of uajkd oram at wnu- doa but waak i j tba h b kalbltan barbarmumtvolinc cental bald by llourlfab wimv ta tb baptut banday school a kantan party will b bald at tb boma of oolonol nobla norval on v- day aujtut oui tba prooaada will ba dooatad to ilia uad groat qoto tba holiday bchool axctiraloti lo nurllnftuin luacb tttbumow and balp lvatlialildu an anjoyabla outing you wara one onea yotuwlf aunlla uld you avar t a propoa all oncadtfar a anuman aakad ta to marry him over the tawpbona but ba bad iha wrong nutnbar tba ituatuna altow audi a dupoal tlon to coma back and racaptota loal poalllonatbat wa wouldnt b a bit bur- prlaadlftbay rauka vodka afcalti 0lng to unfavorabla waatbar uis ralirtolia oarilau ivrty which have uau bald at umthoua on friday avaalng july 2nd bad to b poktpauad ro motor eyclutaaranolub lo gal amielvaa into a baap of irooblo iflli eoatlaua to ignore lha apaad limit in town thla la a final warning w bava bon aakad to iv roma aplaitdld faaturaa ara balng put on at tba ilax tbaaba juatnow ft la oca of the plaeaa you eat dapaud upon galling full valua in antarulumaal for ua amount lnwwd fire matlng and praellca will ba hald on tburaday avanlngjuly mo d in alaad ol thu tliuraday on aacouut nf s 8 facurslon all mambara ara re- quaatail lo ba prvmhb irlvatajobn hahlla who want from actau wlib il uiht conllngaut to vtiuor u raporiad wouudrd lie la making air prow toward laeovary ai on of l ha laadlag boapliau in kntlgnd tba naw uuburlun hallway tiaitoii liu baan cotnpuhl all but tha palntiits it la a una looking auuunlial bullung ami rllrta oiatlll on tba eonuactom uaaara walla 4jray nl toronto during the racanmliundtraformh ibrf baruaot alxtndtr joe lpuly itaava of kaquralng ware aimek by llglutilng asd damagrd although the ihilldlng tlltl not tike fire a fat but waa killed but oibtr anlmali lu the building ware unln jod isr j il dun haa leourail the gganey for he tnmau utoaro tauaiou tdavar davloa which uiakaa uie ford car btaar like a hlg bin and glvea tha ier- fng oaar iho utue action aa ibe woroi type found on high priced car trice oulylouo our nmt mja rvmt tba druuituaia will be with us again orthalr auttual rutting on july ao3lal poalara ami programa bava baau uauad aud a big twoiuyn la looked forward to latest neis about home qoaloun high uchool and unrd and ifarvy wllaott baaci procnotad from tha lower achool to tha 14lddl mboob tbo pmmolloo lat ofthbaa w1o wrote on tb tuiwar acbool tttfbep lo norwwr jmaiulatlonwni ba annoaruwd ir tfhl that 1o4loh apjmw tu tufmhty ivtbea proftnm ytho iwj atla al- pthai weakly and w rtdorfd ajor oamadv haiurdaythokl gurloalir bbofrj 4iepwctbli aa imbtorv allied by cacuu ouksoc by be fmoopuyerv t oeorfcttoirn palrllfk taagof forward- 1am waalb ta tk hi oraa fioefaiiy ai tawow two bjuef wotaipiotalolkiw- ug boioay j 4 b win p4uojlpaei p bad k 4j haadkarabfav waall trlotba j night abirta ad3ud jsckatg i oramqgmtn at braptpiom thj mambcje of l o l io84k waoraton itmdma by lh solb rcftf bto4 tdrohdto tba ataalon on uonday morning and ntralod for bramplon wbara they apant lb day at ibe big ontnga damooalnuion bald tbare tba erowd la raportad lo kara baan tba urg act wmt aaaamblad lo sratnptoa all bad a aplaodld outing and ratomad bdaw by a apadal train about 8 p- bo conua party at twrot cqtia a brand gardaa party under tba rto- pleaa ol tb method ut choreb terra oulla will be bald at the homa of w o uarahall terra ooua on friday joly is an axeallant program will be landertd by will j wblta eomadlait julaa urazll plaaut asd aotartajaar oar i w adamr uiaa jran adama and giro wluume clluna band tas will be aarrad from 0 to 8 oclock adffllealon j6a- children loo purdumeuetrujtoad a report bu gained circnlatlou to tba effect that the bydroalectrle power com- mlaalon had pureblaad tba eteetrtallne known aa uta toronto aubutbau railway w i tit tha grading all done between tor onlo and ouelpb and ibat tba una would be dnlahed without delay and ba in oper ation thla fall when apoken to on the bttbjaet ai toronto tflr adam iutk eald ibat the purehaaa waa under eonaldera- tlon but that nothing daunltebu yet been donw stra0i cutkm diuau a blrange dueaae baa recently beau uollod by eome of the cblcken under at clinton chlckaua aaem to bewail and hearty and acralcldng around than iuafew momaula fill dead or aeem to loee i ha uaa ol thalr llmbc at lent belore expiring oaa man hae loal eighteen una bird another eeven and anotliar nine they cannot fathom tblaalrauge malaily all tha cblekeua tbua dying bava reached tha alia whep they would drut at about one and a half pound earning s s no is 1ollowluglaibb reatilia of tba promc- uona made to javlv dvmiuoga loulaa whitney norman item kanntth davldaos jr iii willie townaend karl mckay jr 11fiunley uarth cecil bank tir 1ulv tonie ku1 blndalr arrbte mckiy frlmar beolor uargaret toweeeod leehe iram b charlea tonga gordon turlnger idelloa burgem normn devldeon b ulnnla teaobar the toronto oil agent lllggina cbarg edaaraportail but week wlib bvlng un der ibe indoenoa of liquor wbn driving bia motor truek in ulltan on 37 nil with ekceedlug tba apwd limit and with uilug bad language on main atreel dul not wait for triil nextbatwday ifa came to town on monday called on polloa ilagl atrata dice and puedad guilty to all of uta charge lie wea bned 0 ih mln intuin on the brat 16 on tha aeoond and ii on third total wlib eceta about wl at that ba got off about aa eaally aa poaeu bu ilia raae ahould baa warning to molorula to beware of booia when driv ing ullton ohaupun wrth noma on lur to souut tha poiloffloe departmantcallaalten lion lo ihe aet that lattere addreaaad to aitldteie aa ii the writer in full where letlere tlgued by cbrlitlan namu only cannot bade llvered owing lo tit addrenea being mlatlug wounded or dead ulilmpowl bia for uio canadian poatal aarvue lo return them lo the aeodefm in vlewoj ututha public la urged to folly algn all uuere addreiaed to soldlara atiba frottt and in addition lo thb to indicate uie name and gddreaa of the temur on lite upper left band corner ol uie anveloita in ibif way tha return of lei tare ahould naceeilty arlac will be abaolutjy laaur- ed rtmmmlattam ml mama on monday eveolug a urge number of people mat lu uie hcbool room ol the ilatliat utureb tlte oocaalon waa the presentation of a new piano by mle katbuan bather lo lb huuday ucltool and ii y i u mr barber made the preaantatlon on behalf ol both orgaul aatlona mr waltar ivck taautnded wlut wtfllclioeen word and ptwaentad mua birbar with a allver pickle lork u a token of the appreciation wuh which bar many arrvlcca are iaralvel a wall rehdired program ol mualo waa much enjoyed by all it aao waa iflae jeula alladaapundld loading tj tma cejfeif the tlano conical put on by mr l hourigan drugglat came to au end tail saturday evening oonalderabla ex flltouiant piavallsd during uie closing hour and a largo crowd congregated at lilt ttore where thoy remained uulll uie namea of the winners in ute ooobtil were announced about 13 p ui u followi flrtrriia uo wright lhauo ulai uaihleen uarbor 31004 fto becond irlie talking machine and mra annie fofey of toronta aperit fwnday wfth urwv wm mrn i mr caiby arran- of toronp apeetf furbtfay wttb uvfnowp frledev i mbfloraocvlfavlav ol tleuevue i i velung at hereout mra 5 qmily m lea jean lfu tit goelpb waaa guaet ab borne pi mr bajpb bote lea weak rf j- re mwray tu miat mwrwyofto pmo apent tb atjdm wroberv bw a i hi jwwoodj wife mod fafly pi ifniaborg war um gnapta of lief add mnhwjo tbeaday u y ura wm jwdowell br pf toronldapenl uat week vtatunp frwpda at uovbajr ovarupn j gjrga6wn savnd um a a welkec ma ttlu daughter of iarw motwed to bwoand rpaptbunday and monday with frtanale dr and mm v ft vton v and mi v j turber aad family and mue mary wuiaoo mt on tuday for a boll day lu muakoka corp bt kaonedy aon ol afr jamea kennedy formerly of georgetown bow a despatch rider wlib the canedlaa troop- in frmncbatf been awarded tbe dlalbigulabed conduct medal for bravery ueot murray moklnuy who with hie alatar ula wn moklouy have u tbe traeata ol mr and mm- il o adama for aeveral daya made the herald a pleaaantealloa mowlay murray ura covering nicely from bla torero weond and expect to rtqni to ibe front in two weeke- mr w j uckeebule of indiana waa a ulur in town but saturday mr john i- vane and mlea bvane of california are litig in town mod vlebal ty umyot and mr afeoouof xullon vial- ted rieode in iowa on teeeday uiea etefebel ofllew yorktaytalt uu ufflw of ifamlltnn v rwdrrgln top f uw htma hoberfara u hudalne wlui rlaoda al iluieybory i lrv and aire mcauuler bare refom- d from uvlr bouoav i ujee m wewla tttue m vontr and ihehlaaaa adkma me ratiir bed- boroe alter wrxjing iemaaot ejreiendlaf 8abroe8icoit0kuw mjailramh wwimao juav icr add mr and jaa jnev l wtioasra asd bwy drm tabu at wflber pak rheumatism arftbted uahypcoplaaffrth tartnreaogjjrnw viukc leeniii aliavtod infnta hw ol hv purltlcalit the loootl mta eecb moceedlng attnjk fnia more acnte nntllepenmatlam haalnvitded tbe whole ayatam to arrcat vlieomatlam h fa vptite at ii- poruuttolrnproireyntnravnrral bcelwiea tn mlrlfy youf blood and tb cod liver oil in hcfttta rmuleloa fa natnrwa great axm mnkrr whllo tie medicinal naarlab- ment atrcttuthnna tbe organa to expel uie lairilue aifl upbuild uw mrtmstli hootta nmulafon la helping tlioaeaoda very day wlto could not find other relief ftefuae the w tiifhirt tuk ideal vacation route tha canadian pacini convanlenuy reechee 1olnl au baril french and pick- are river j severn river mutjcoka lake k war tha lakaa itldeau lakea lake ontario keeorta ui if you cootemp late a trip of any nature commit canadian pa- cilia ticket agenta or write m o mur phy dutrict patweoger agenl toronto j ii jacksow loeaiagenl pxxl jvd uultoxs nakojtlff stojut gem jars we have a large and well as sorted stock of imperial and wine measures pints quarts and balf gallons get our prices be fore buying elsewhere barnhils norval l war or no w canada muat do buainaaa and wa mtut have well trained young people to carry on thla great work shaws business schools are performing an lmportaitek la uila regard in supplying tba demand for competent recruit for buainaaa office you can save time and money by graduating from oua of our high grade bcboob and quickly qualify for earning a good aelary autumn term opens on auc 30lh write- for deaeripuve catalogue and plan lo gel a good atari w ii an aw thdxoirat yooge ti garrard bta toronto p h r w s for sale and aurrouhdlug country tba big ivi riotlc parade will ba a wlnr and will lu llaalf be worth the price of a button tba urutumeih have alweva enjoyed a large patroiiigetin account of tba excel lent piograui and large aiuouut of fun furnlibed for tba amall utin of ailmlaalun thu yrar they aiuduuhly dwwrvlog att uvoty caul uf iurplua rum uia ouuug on julydoui will be donated lnthucaua- duu lloaiiltal vmid u on hand enjoy be dah and uulp a good cauw 100 areaurla village b miua 6fi aorci workablo 1 acroa paaturo balanoo hardwood liualt 1 uyoa eood oyobaird boil day loam largo stoao hougo 10 hmu arco bank barn good btabluir boliool 1 mile oburoh fgtfifuin 0 iuilflfl kural mail vfirma arrauyod pnoo w 8 acre bmmau twp uockwood mum 70acrog workable balanoo bard wood and awamn boll gravelly loam pro mo iioubs 0 rooms frame barn boxufl sublo fl0bl sloro and post odloo 1 milo otiolpli 7 tnuoa torma arranged ffcftfla 100 aereaurla vlluge 3 fllug 70 aoroa workablo balanoo buuli good orohard of 40 iraeg boll kood ojay kramo hnubo v2 rooms darn uflxfio ilous foundu tlon good ulablmg ilnving iiouuo now bon lonao and pig ctkii pon tormb arrangod pnoo wu 100 acrwa aetna 3 mllea 00 aorob workablo balanoo pasture u aereu orohard boll ftrawolly loam log houno framo barn gootl stabling pig pen driving houuo and uilo church g railu guolpb 10 tnlluii itural mail and tolpphono torms iirrungod prioo ilacords with racelpl or 1100 on price of u itaeorda miui raeeipi lor giou on price oi by ute urummare and eltlnanaof town wrlgut piano mue annie bead 1sh3i ao third lrlte camera wlui receipt or 176 on price ol wright plauo mua ivy uoaa 4u1h fourth trite camera with receipt for 145 mi price of wright piano mua liud- eay u uouxtld filth 1flae gamer with recall lor fouii price ol wiltlit piano mra lardy hjoi oikio mr millar rcelva receipt tor 10 on pibw of wright piano with 4816 o aiul mr llayeaaatutt amount with 8827 618 votag 3600 mammoth house georgetown new goods u i l jnst atriwed a large hssortmerit of drcsngooda wull muslin organdies ofl- orf4 piualins cheotmuslmi lawns naiftisooka wkite and colored crepes pltie creiaj bid navi sjtrgfe t s tsujm tftmmt bstillka mtlh tot wlrti nt iptliimym in uovh mmiuwji i uiibiwioorri ta ku44- v l laches mttk c11uiljbl oubmbs tokiod iailmqsfunl u ami u not ctalriokoakol ol chlwren bni nctdv t i v j r 7wvilllnfery v mhjinery show rooms open for inspection a large seleclion of tbe latent styles in hats mgbean act j a willottgrhby ileal estate georgetown buy the wa tch herb tvhautarltbeladyaoreutiaboyacurglrra lu watobtw we kxokl dura give uta vury im aautilacllun from uie lugeraoll at 11 00 lo uie blehm prieed wehava aalaauwt tha watch wluoh wllialwo you uta uoet urvloa for ihe money invented uou i huy a poor watch whan a dollar or two mora will gel you to itood one bae oiira bef ire you buy ii you have oue needing repair we can llx it and do ll quickly at a able price the fost9r utomqttown sntahio uni9n sunday school excursion to butlingtonxeach on thurs july 15th train leaves georgetown at 830 em return fare adulu 80c children 40c the following event will take place during the afternoon 1 ctrl luoe 8 year and under 115 yarde prlaeel let qnd and ard 8 uoya tlaoe a olrta haoe 8 a boyn raoo olrla luoe 9 m yarda lai and flnd feoye iuoe olrtat 80 yarda fiaon 11 yearn boya aoe glrla ban is dayahaon 0rta baee open day baa open tfajen iftgjafl bane bora 0 airialhrowlmaebejl vjump 16 and under giruaayaga it yarda 100 yarda tr9in leaves burlington at 7 pm sharp to- water users notice la hereby ejtet that all lawn eerriom moat be dlaoooilnued from july 7dssintu fortber notloe any uaina aame will have water at by order wltb cowjsuttmal y pera off moomtuottdam j valber bad iho rinky jink oraoma dl- aaelikelhal be eeld u inado him leel al tbnea aa dippy aa a btl he eoaldot ped up with bla work he couldnt r uiiokln leal hla whole an vaawoohrwhat on lbebjink the doe iad iftkl hint eq dfepell unto eome measulnetnwun wbemdkp oooh empfce hie tjaoklgam jud medltata and dream- tio innuiee paeked a trumk ejdo4ar add wflb wlty to h4 al bade aheefw larewell s the slobby of bar ebofajp tken uary ejten bad lhenompe abe eoqtdnt get bo bleep ah eared ene might if any ume oollapev lotoabeafv tbe eoefal aaaaon wea egrmdt hod oo grand elaakj it jeft wmth a bkea beejtanda awdifbrw a aiaidantioeeaeiooked intaber ay and ioldiiettf vmasupn at ontfi tor agayat hope nd- die 8o mary i0etf bejdtqbaeeatrdtik cetwof frpek ba adonde by u4 aa4 aea- wtwea pgaqoai upba uwnckao molfaar bad ajjotbetc epeiu h laeted qnlu awiiuev andemetad mary fienoa in toennalneatatyle than tbomaa henry bad a kldk be wen the eon and belr end aawbonef told bbn to depart km qalt bla week and darel ula eommar raga werefuted off bla ereem pmnla creaeea juet edfend biouwjioatlad round llkeln tomaka him 01 to go at laet he went to aoma bat ooat three booee a day and mother hoped thai be would be much atrengtbened by bla atay and uien t to motber turn when all the rent led aba didnt go away at all bat etayedat borne inatead bbe tended to the garden plot aprayed water on tbe lawn abe worked unul uie eon went oat and wae up again at dawn hho canned n hundred jara of frull made fifteen klndaof pleklea while thoea of poorar grit umn abe blew in um family nlokebv ark five saiukgb weekxy post m0 miooltto 8adlt 8tk marie- and fobt wiltl am tenders waiited otohotrowm mom mcnool tender are invited for ajterationg to uie third door of ute georgetown high school plan and epedncbtlona may be obtained from the ondenigaed tender ehoold be enbmllted not later thaojuly ithh the toweet or any tend ev not naeeaaarlly aooepted by order of tbe georgetown hlcb school board o st davtoot secretary protern spence dexter oootracton and boikun bad p flni alm wank st modwit prkfc hosl u mtuibboo uwpton fishing prohibited anjpmwia ssblas or oiwwbtm iismiiii ml lull ihmiilt u will b m a muk a a honarir o0 k far brtmr miji tl almd i w sm gutam iimtv j bllioo m- scsttu yoas st yoo ud obukahh tjhcksonst monarch brandon and dr brandons tsftoeshulsalej buy our stoons styush shoes and hose for all the family jo have earned y their jtvle tit and quality a reputa- orl that is lajtinfl every shoe lopkjf dood and 3 good flood in every ounce or material and in every detail or workmanship the leather which fioes into these shoes is so tanned that it not only teels comrortale but gives satisraction in wear our hose will stand the strain or busy teet try it once and you will buy it afiain cbiudun hds pjtl1 imlua rimnwhlp ba port mcnieoll uo din tlia wadnmdajr tbondajra and batonlar w smll sli hull port albor and poll william buunhip kxpram making diraot oonumtloa ua toronto ixio pariiealar flora oaaadlan padfl uok i aatxil or writ ii o morpby dkh triet n jtnot toronto j h aokson local ami new advertisements machinists wanted a number of men at once time and a quarter paid for overtime hafleykay limited georgetown wanted fm knhtlng factory ooaetaai employment and cheep rent joe beaumont olenwullama u mammaumamt on union bl roon wakaratdoor oad garden nm gallon immedlatelr apply john ballantlne cor fungasd oil 1 1 oeoiwatewavtl v king college view or i auasa ta heart on john bl flrooma oonvenlenoaa apply b foater john atteet town 41 fmr tala two grade cowa for aale one due to ealvwoujuly let and the outer due to ealvwon ueoamber let apply lojobn tbompaon paper mille up if nonet berry plckete hunlera or other ue netware n lota lfland u otu a haquee- log will be proaaculed according to law wttl wlnfield mmtua ta ttat central and favorably altualad apply to oreelman urea ttmcmih wmhtzo vm 0 b no 16 kaquealng duum to eemtneoce bent apply ataung quallfl- eauona and anlary gpated to geo a hendeiwftwlsvareuryi ttw uko i georgetown if acksons georgetown wool wanted i will nnirehaei any quantity ol wool for which i am repareil to pay hlgluttt market price alwaya at home katurday or leave at mr w c antbooya main at a lean on bt oaorg onu mmtpahmai ttmito wuare having an axpatt piano tuner and repairer coming to do aoma work for ua about the end of h mouth leatve your ordara here and we wilt give them prompt attention w uolaa laita lllock oeorgalown- if matw ttmat on oharlte itreet 7 roomg newly painted and papered good garden apply wm rlkirrow uathtck uilry phone 103 r oeo lit p rmrmal aducke j ducklluga 1 ban wlib ii eblckena d i uutlili church bt lip maga dtaaf turayed ih near qporuelown an july 6th bay mate yearn old wiih uim while hlud lt anl ear ut fort hud any pruu kuolughur whuivathiula pluiw notlly w j paluiaut butcher oeorge- towu if lost laituoek on market or church uta a gold bmoch in centre bird nut with paarla finder rewarded by returning to herald oluce it guelph business college euuph oatarlm auuukhtkuuudluajui tviuuuiiitiirut4iuh 1 1 vfu rm mltr i w willi urtyl i vihjsoii ilii lot lar wukld tiulll 4ui i ttlrmllium olul auuuu tiny auvaulsh ruuuvr maul tu ihrtlltvdr uihhi puwiilui lr yim uh iwir murl r ruroi ill uutlii maltiliiif lmii t u i lyr iluiua umii 1 a rai actual llual tluuim ikyuui lialtir lliuullla alvs t imit au iiiui it luiu il ai sv i u i id ry uuukinukuriuiiteuaiimkonti liiunr vvyuittiitihuimi or wins luiuy tur lull luiduiiuie umlcolu umc0umcx ba mum i pal wl joseph coulter issuer of marnugo licenses guihhia h i t i uu i i t f

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