f matthews dbos store y oturittg lor limited ljaienly v wjavioiihii- v tb owlihif3lipa01ivloww wwvtbuiiur mij jhs see ouhwittdo fco mtmmmr immm ml t rmfm mt iatforwsr 4 aerg mmutmmr mfjmrm imr maim mmmmpt dwmbimm mm mtkmt prmpmrtv av mil mmria etf tmf fears mm bmwm mmmrr tmmtutf tmr trmmsmmttmm mmr bmslmms tm ymmr mmmmimtm tmtutmmtlmm j jl wlllouqbbt latest hews about h01ej cimdu6iuii v waspajtoslteaft iv i i nv i 1- vrari4ujhtrajifc- we rrl to anooanqa hie ed now jjiedmu ol pie will fwlirtaa i 7rr ccwte wiclroerprrad fa ttlgfeta oa oct ueh tbeaywoellvr mlthfmmltot njtmtty tvecftmm a w taaquy la their ivmi wonwlh a trlouonoott tod ak aortal will b mtd lah mfumdw cboroh oosti- lrronlog ko 1mb oadav to aor- 4e ol tb bum rltrf cim bir taljalfat jbodtooaiooii owizsvudwrtop ha juh lie fronmda bwtooilpf keajl lilaiilh- louring kalhlooa wmufaa cwomilps afvatrarioai real estate 00kbult j h laae fieorgetowa if vtmi are deelrooa ol parthtdm borne lim ir any kind m rmi eatate lolbl eeetioa uom to loan on uaitftm phone iso ring 3 j cohdkhsedjbis items i hovwbwlibm vote forth woollen mill byu uood tmart boy wanted apply bwtld offlop w l hamilton bm meortd ihm s dolv oey in uwigmowb lor moi oitoeoulatl mr ifirry i11oky l now la ivmmm having lt bhorseila with tmloton- mmita lo lt lutt itomt vfilim wbllmm iaa iwt k or ajlawlog hi bora to inn urfv aid 4wtny prufmrtf utiiiuf a 0ub an parebulug all kladto cood aoun4 tppiaa at jaofg town t4atloit ba tbalr a1 ou matardav npv wh w l lha utoa alllava 10 par oot of lb daya rarpta n iba hd craaa f uat dflviflfcootatformu hortr bttfty luinn ut all in flrt lam oandlilon a van altn ooatown l tba vomiud p4irlotlo icn haw vacidvd tha olowlnrf doaallona dtuiaa ihakfebi mm lawu ulan10ji yv fadw ptiiloilc dadnttf iit0 a outline ol itu llrrtoa n tha eatmlnc attrleolloral ftoeuif will ta bau in u town hall ffaortfvtowt thla thnailay vauln nov 4ib aa s oclock mjor df nixon hiaqagcna f t- r nnlf ntwl- b u artknf 3aefclnrn ona ol uaorcatown bbjb ejaw olotblng and santa faraublnf tuer- ebanu ixytaia wardan oolamin ban pt hit bandaon tba partua wbo ar abooung btaek aqeiirau and pnrtridga in lbu aalgfabofhood thana fjolaf to ba n haap of iiwibla lor tbaem ii h mpaotad tbaa tba mtb bail lit paa tbrnnch ovornalown on hoo- daynfmontbalrwayinbarria uolilof wood and oilllli tba will traval on two paelal tralna from uaralltob mr hodflo itarnaa lothttb luw kmjaodnf will bold an aodioo aafa ol imrtm ett ihrop and plga on toaa- day nov 3srd waloh or bill nod nil liioilita oaat boo baaj polcb auolonaar tba annual plowing wateb la eon 0ctln wili tha halton plowwana aa- mlalloit wltrbab4nd wadoatday nov- arriur ltlb oo awlbo uarm naar mlllftu parilrouta in poatata wblob wlllbttihittnl imipaditm councillor jobn blnabajb praaanud tba llrrim lul wwk wllb a baak ot iba buml baihuiol nmtbartt hpy applaa wltvw a eharatilatuud ol mr bldkoi u ida lad iba ba alwaya grow ba bi of atarylblnif on bu amla youmtiaatlly ilutltigtiuh wy alio npalrugulltaaouflrau loeb lotttar unilar tlianbiltk wbleli piavanu lbni trout prlttltfobl bay km alw hal and u1 and wak walbing uy hoy boota aolad and baaltd oodl woinana 50c bmna 7os 3 boowy iba gold boot 0nalll bl6nbltp ballinafad tbo faiucm in ibli vicinity kf taking ailvfttitaawol tba una mkaibar logattbalr roota in mia iwgau baaiirad lo bar bota alter a wmk vuu llb bar kutar lit a u vnwutar mamia timuta and comfort ltoaal vbv luiil nnival lilaituaon uunilay wd h plraaad lo ma mr a mckay ab1 lo l araontl bgalm mla vlottuhi blaflulr vullad at ur allan laftt uumlay ilia ii llsrth ol tarra ftilla waa oaluv in oila hvlgbbnrbtiod uw day lutl wtvlu uitm uinui hnd ahula wataoa at tbitlauiolbt irgrji5f on oet mrmlaamvrlla r dangbtar ol mr andalr ttobart mamaoatnr ol olanwllllanw and winala on 0t htmnot ersonal- r im o j camming lt my of ur ndun a e ousmlms uvotcftown wttm qnitml ib lh bond of bq maaf bv hv ur meanbar of uqivnutrt br hv- ur meanbartuto of en tbobrlovt m unovd b mlo xhjw cwk wtotmlo ifvwujn tvv xb ao1 au if oioto wfhllfl rljkllli li- r v v l w dopmm of brapiptan vliruoi owiii hw hv- mb iky aot tbrpiv tw- bit i tkwukill trtirtd a- w w rxw pnft prvlvioojj j j- bftlorlw owb- ktoaaw 0jra- mnt4pf bstrl mm rirer 1u pd eklili1elv akuooiiw iwl wyolt ptaiio boomof di wofjod v m j hotf tff jvowoii oiki j lbr wllluln of toramo mkrvk od wuhlfn jobo bulr oolwo vim hi ctfeaaogb bbomnrllhtpimtor- dor ol bl homo bar prior lo having tor dajtoo oblo to iijm m arlollon mm- new advertisements siiiaiitiil- i groom was b a cum praatnl root tor- hbblur o toronto and tba amutfad by hu brottar mr mloaa fhanaawara onto and 0otwavn 5nadtt mthim v -va- i tha ttrmparano and motal bajortn i laagna ol tnwrt hava bn ortnnata in aaearink mr wt cuik ol tba lalar- national portly aaaonwloato bold mat laga daring nxt wrab urn eaosaa lo oa wllb iba baat poaubla fjradaotlabi aa an afpartln halplng yooef paopla to rrajlaa ibajr idaala a gradoata o dr hall aeboo oblaago and wub widt axpari net in thla vary importaat work yoa mirhu bbninlbo matbodka cbartb on bandar asoralog andatslboloek lattbamam tnaaungol all tba chorcbm in tba town hall it u olapaaul lolar- aat to know that bla work u andoraad by iba eborcbaa and laadam ol tba oonilnant lothgrau carnw it la bopad tbaiall ibapvanbj will haartllv lotaraat tbaw- aalvmlatbu mttori to alavftl iba boma i tha dtlawn and tba antira donmunlly tmbnul4u8jamicmm that djua- lor iba lonrtb tnbarcnloau monday in tba ebnrcbaa throogboat on tario baa barn tat tar sunday nov i4lb tba movamant baa again baan andoraad by twpntaantativa bodlaa ol oungynian ol all danomlaalunai anglituna mat bo dial 0ibollca praabrtarlaaa bapbata and congrrgkllonaluta jawub ooufrw gatlona bava arranged to obsanra sattir- day nov lath tlmtalnutanlbiongb not tba provlnre will bampplud wllb an i outline ol llarxnau or lactara abowlng what tubvkaloaoi doaa wbat it ul wbat fbepraaldlag oioaaa af tba imnadlala eaoara lh aooinun4 aavly armptoma ll01rdaaiwmaybajtadao etua bow prorantxli eoggvating waya la which parrau eblttiran chdrebra working paopla aod avary ono may help la eom balling iba draad dttaata and uatly i gulug paitlaolara ol iba hiaal work don by iba national manluriam aaaocuuon obituary william dicttaom at tbo age o h yaara wlhutn lucb- aon one ol ueorgatowtie moat highly raapoetad raaldanta pamad away at nil home oa obailaa 8t on laonday last tbo old grnuamun bad bean in lmlng i baajlb lor boom waoaa and death wi 1 not nnaxpeeted daoaaeed waa born la bowdaod near edlnboroogb bootiaod and wa tbo tblrtl aon ol iba uiajamaa niefcaonol oall ha waa man- tad to mbe afarlon bofara ol port ubweow wbo aorvlvm bint lo 1b6ii hoaotara iba barrios o iba oaladoaia railway in hcotlaad in tbos eame to hamilton ont in 1mb and lo litobe antaradtbo mrrloanf tha ortat waatani by lnoa which lima he haa beea ooonoclad with rail way onlll hie retirement abont 10 yaara ago baeldaa hie widow bimily ol aavao eblldran aorvlve via imtr o- o hoe and mm kerr town mm mcoau torn wlnnlprg 1 jatma oluahantlt i itobart obayanna wyo j rodger vb iniy haak l and william l woodbildita oneamm mm aim kaatland ol ohat- ham and two brother m r jobn dlcbton oloallaodur m c dlekaon ol ham- llton aiao itu vi lomndwaa member ol the pre byleriao obarcb tb itlnafal took plao to uraenwood 0nury thla nbaroooa tbeaervlm being oondnelad by her b v cameron- tbo pall heerare were l heat ii p lawtoo major tliaut u mouattbab john ueuarmld jobn ualunlltm and altka llobtrlaou uauuu mcolumu attallwr ol tba old realdeitl o kiln ih iba paiiaii ol6mol mrolure iaaaatl i away tntblanly at h bonaa lot 1 eon 0 on monday nov ul ttead weal iboinln qltlnguaomiay hft aw ago and wnoaa maiden nana wmmerlon mclean died about i me a umlly ol two aoor aoneaoikanlnl bar bi mr and mr b hoy vl a u- yanauara on bubday mtt roy vulud at ur rp church news bt oeonoaa oo wdd today nov srd lb sb conranllon or the deanery ol halton wilt be bold rn bl ueoripv flondaj habool room thar will baa eervleeoa wedoetday avonlag at s oclock at wblab tb van archdeaooo oavtdeon ol ooafph will praktb on tboraday nor 4th the w a cooteraoo take puoa tbi bbbop ol mujapan will bo pau to addrtm tb maatlog tbaae rneetfrlg era open to alt wbo wlab to attend and jroo an oapecully in vbedtolho wadnaohay evening avrrlos oo baaday aveniag next nor 7ib the aobliara will attend avrviea at st ueorgae baernltlng eannoo and paolal motto bamttbv 1 the canada tvmperaooa act will be ibe eobiet nndar eonaldentuon at tbo ccidweak beotlagtomorrow thoreday eraolng evarybody will be welooma land will be given opportonliyto taka i part in tbo dianstalon snnday morning re r r mckay baoltoroolo field beeratary tor tb roralga mualoo board will aprak he hagn iiitaaaaa w ell worth yont bearing bonday avoolng the paator dr ollnn will peak on kntaoe into tba clru lao lke tbw will ba a thoroughly evtutgellene addrtaa tbara may ba n word in ii or yoo dont mb lb naat week wedoetday and tbnraday iba woosan uapuat llama and foreign mbalonary boeietbw ol ootailo wam wml baya tbalrannaai coovaolkia jo i bo oeoti bttwet baptut gbarab st tbomt mb oertrad dtyloot end mr dr oubo and parbapa boom oloora will it- tend a ranraaenutiv nl theqorgiown aborcb the bew antefpruaa o the laagna promlte to give it grip and iralh tba majmbarahip and atle oompa- tllion will give good reanlta oo tbo raday evening wo wapeot all la tatmtad lo tbo snnday school to bo pres ent lor tbo report o tbo jabllee ooovso- tlon bald last weak in toronto w ax peel to reopen ibeohoreb on tbo i third booday in novomber oomman j ion and reception eervloa next honday morning mr w l cwka will breach let every tnetntvr be praetnt evening tarvloe by tbo potior aobjeet 4 ol deception tbew mb will hold tbalr regnlar monthly meeting on tburtday ajuroooo nov 4tb at 8 oclock at tb homo ol mr dr uennett boajmbal lw wf rau wood liilil bwo aainaa w kinhrlr if niuun rok tsix abool 100 bikli ol bwada taralpa applr to t h tbocopioo br o t oioqoiowrj lotli ttb coo- bqo ibik potatoes car load of new dioiu delaware gnaranteed jjpi fias per bag at car door ti35 delivered in george town a maulnaon wanted two winder one lobper two menders good wagea and steady work through winter apply to melrose knitting glcnwultam ont i administration sale iejtiati -or- hastataj latbaoalur ol tha jfata af baakat m buumlbb lauolthavlllaaaeiaaara swo la tb0oomrol hahaa ataalar tbanarfll ba ofbndfor all br laa adialalalrvlrlx of tha raid aafata by aab uiomloii to bo b14 oa ifca mniwia uoufd la iba vulafa oloorilowa tha coaaty olhlloic oa naalar tba isth jar af haaaaaar utb attbraaoeloeh lb lolloviae paobartai lot mimbor a oa iba monbwam ma ol ghana tmiwm la iba aid villa qaoraatown on iba pramlam la a aottlartabla tjb torty booaa ooatalala rbw faana tm lot i oo of ibo oat valaabla la loan- toiomi 10 of iba borebaa awoar lo bopalddowaatlh tlahi of ail bal no to b p44 hht futaaa oof afb iba aala tbldproortrwb aold wbt loa for lortbor pattlealar aad ootftltlona ol ak ipplr lo oaorgtaa k thn lb admlabtimtrlaor sblltoo wollbrldf a dala aououfm lotbobld eauta t bsij mstch a litatiaoduay bo 1mm alio and janacaymt tnowd lo kija wbw hot mkud m lao lib oil our eye glass service the bqutekaad raolrjkfa wo repair any btak or etyle ol wbetber they need new lena frame vlnger moant or almply llghbtenlog save time by getting your specially tiroond leoaea bare post6r viteirtob oaoroitown pm30 qmtab1q j and two dtngbtet ramain lo moorn tba lot o kind and loving parebl they are ann jaa lluie thomaa and bam irt add im wmw 1iiubm- wn own- ul h all bt boitte la mligioo deeaate1 watt b proibytarlal and lb bolllbw b oatt aervatlve tba luuehtl look place utlrl afternoon lo ualllnaud cmeury the mivtce ttelng eootlutll by luv u waddall one brother andrew mefllure norval and twtl kuuta mr jaivu htlu lrand valley and mr alu moklnuey bramplotb alaoborvlv terra cotta oor ulllaao ware hhockaj to bear ol tba death of lte will bebdentou who u killed wlill bjbung lor hi king and country in prance lie bbbderaon waa n eon ol mr and mr john haivler on ol ih in pbuw they bktft the polity ol ibe mum moimnaliy in luelr aid tafieevemant uuihi u4uttumtaad oarvlo ol olatf wlllanw were guu bl the bow ol mr j rotledgabet week vail plowing la bow beeping tba taro wabuay mr bod mr berry o obeitnnhern bav moued to oar vlllago mr bawryi antpbyed on tbe 0t1l aectlotl w bjenxjlm i beta b castor1ia tat infant aad chilijrtn in um for ovr so yars glanauiia ot g ttlaoatiua f jil a iblloa u ooalwd is bar bmalbnaab llloaai- haator willi tbwawod who baa baoa qalta iii h laabwtl it i traaa ol fjaaiealawa aoola i aluuquaitaily aanujafaau bota ual aaadajr aid tj a rara aua av ltaltowralotravtatlf 4iic notice to creditors hum a ab jaa avif tmaaajaaf mot iluitltvaltll mavwd w tuabrkvy im te tail urutfiuksuikt wurbtutf tbeai uiavta bavlag t w xf cauviuutb earms for sail uo acfbrf vwaataal 2 mbta ibs aoren worltablo baliiwa blub and paalura 1 aara ortbard boq gravelly loam frama booae 1 roonia ilank barn 0a6t barn no a 40x114 good tabling school 1 mllo bnralgdiwaaj mall tomil arraniiail pbicub ajmipuw tnail tomil arrangoj pbioa ii 90 aaraa-briatwf- to aowa workable bnlanoo banlwood buab oood onbard 6v4 oi an uw fmme boom frrooma barn 8tg0 on alone fogndatum good aubllng uajorqeatb btraw abed bobool and ebowh tulle kural uall and talapbone tanna arranind moh m atatnjalr ywamata ii ivam all workabla 8 urea orebard soil clay loam bolld brink rooma aramo barn borio boraa ausleg mving ahod and ban home bobool and oburob 14 mil fbiob tormaanaugad joseph coulter uiifftfltrrliiilloatti l0 jua- twaata mala 78 anraa workabla balansa bnah and matuty ilea boll aandy loam frame hooas 6 rooms ham atable 78iao bobool 1 muaa oborahmmlls mail tarma arrangail ffi yslbfajhir j a wlxjitot beal estate vg 1 siwwl malvilvioth hod georoetown from the firing jjne meraua h soaajbt ka ottk tka fatl aotoa j vmiv mi to ikpaam mmfmrtminwgfgf h oojlbpotbljooo mfumgm nmaraaptaavartr faoailaijgk ahaad of o uiaroolirtbdiitj uttil fei dablta4a tafi v toatmvbfdtb fcii-alafiadj- wfpl roadaavsmd hatafoj bdoto t ritiiaivyaswaowfiawrv imtjcmpui itiintmbtbi rwoiirwam wk fo4oo sola prii jtjtfifttefjs- noumobbi miim uik ladle boaaa diaaaoi lo phot aadohalbaai tul aad ladta wbila pioasalita la hooa aa bapp bjs lor itmforwo iiml ilorj nbroldorv draw d uv lor raa mcbean go- h cxxaxj psel jjfd iuatoxs battoatm storg when buying your fall and winter supply in flannel flannelette wrapperettes shirtings tickings towelling ladles and cnildrens underwear mens and boys underwear blankets and yarns woollen hosiery hats caps mitts etc come tothis storej examine qualities com- pareoar values and you will readily admit there iie money saved buying here deans quick lunch parlors brooks block oiokovpowm ujsgb bebvkd at all botjrsxl mboaa io oiaaai lo balk tbadlah alalllloool lobmeoo oltarauaaod pffoaapa iodlioa and aotmaoaa boatmaat follow tba erewd dsbabijrr ailroad aod tklorapbr o of ibj moot ojoiplala aad awdaro blod taofbt at joor own boaaa or bbtwatalofiaob aad baunad i sobool owrnwdst baal tbooo lo writ lor panloiilarad auaplo laa frlaalpat apples wanted satk totbiktmoiwenbar w egalo anautroogb eome way or iwott moaioltbo dmeww were 60wn ta dljtband tboratailb time w ware naanibabg into bavwrabaportaj nw npmbettt waalnky darkoeaaao yoaetn readily ifnagtna wbat it mean to drive a oar pot wllhoat ugbla and in tba dark it waa oomiag back however when a 11uu more axdting lima ctmo we bid lo come ironnd a eorner that tbo oar manaajwlo tbo hawlof firing at with macblno gone praatiealli aji iba time wall oo coming aroond i did not notioa a large traaoport oo tb oppoalta aldo o the eorner till i was ajmoet on him when i ewoiig bard lo my right aod my root wheal dropped into an old trench we got oor patient oat and mad tbom a oomtortabl a we eootd and tbaoaat to wor to get tbe ear oat for tb hwicbbk ten light one- and nry truuiloa weblrpoglauow wa aooohadoorear oa tbo road again and onvpoor woondod paluata ba and bad joat ttunat tb ooroor and war joet over tbebfxwoltboblubmablaurbell tell joat wore bad been eloppad bat aw eeoonde betore it lit the wboto plaee op uko day another rataatn do- lay and thai would not likely bava been written driving op tbaraai ajghtbi bard attain on a fellow wheat wa ro not working ww oertalaly do ga ktaeaoom and long lor tbe letler and papenf irom borne we ere itlil etailonedatnllulo belgun vlllago aod i eroai tb boundary una wrmry day b twaeav franoe and belgiam it la gnat oa aaalog tbeo aboot at tb aaroplaaaa ibavaatwattwo oorman ptanoa broogbt down alnos i have boan- bare tha wmtbar bi tavaiog vary mmti and wa have ml j of rain how la dear old oeorgetown anyway kind rrgada to every oo who loqnlret ailar m norman u bptignt8aki sod can divtaion ufa plaid ambaunoa franoe in a letter marred by hie mother on mood adlar bpsrlg bl ay tbe pareal caowlbroogh anrltiiaov bellavema it u on- bwa apnaaalbaaj penal 1 haw atoo woetvajeieial a irom frtonwwnjade wbliobogbibd wo ateep in oar ear here and oook nmat tj ol oor own food w oook potatdfl met ry onion which we toottia root b dear by oaldt bo make ooona oh we i ki asai c i aaj-t-i-jj- ol