1 the georgetown heiald wedkmay vt api ithb 1 ml matwied itjuch wim- li kmxcbnrrhonapil imb ly kfv it k cameron itobett buekland fault to uwlun mcmlib air rxt avovc 5w v kk rc kvtf v tl la bard in th world 0r eonl to had iwhi family april anditotxhtwcca attrmje rwue l fir t john mxidj eg d 7 4oblbjnftu7- f vii 4pbm vhi pba nop in mkkoriam brown in loving memory at oar deer taeh ifiea dlanka paee wcvjiim one vm to day in be jar tkethyeer la m herd l pert wi hcre oca f and ftdrfpromlnj bright ejftflodlp beracroan itaewlve i and gauju pure juid while sowentbjmmanneveo patient la pain oordtmrdaughtzut9beveoiopmi wfth oatqfe w itell end aiona ad h lod ij i on j- j tn ma wuo lute oply email mbot would like to grow more gardenbftif 1 be bad thi rlitopp alioou be eneourejnd fa every pawner poaelble by the owuere of vacant lot i fae that thetnej rtlr of thee letter would willingly mlov the iota to be tlllad if tw were ahd lb favor by aotuaooa whom they fait waa reliable biii would leave tiling la good abape tlte gain would be mutual lot dot only would the produce help the man who we willing to work but tba garden would nuke tit lot look big eight tnota a ur tut we than if it we over ran wlut umlghllyweedemtnoat iota ere and riftbi now lat it bar bopad that ihe ntboritua make nete lo gat titer tba waad grow re thi year a uula more attention on their pti in tbla tnattar would wake our lown much mora attratv tbra for tltara u not tatuu aoconpllahad by ancoumglfia du inprovamant tbroagb gatden and flower growing ao longaaavaiy itrt almoat baa lladlaof- nrlnc w only wawdfl and tin cana flooriab church news kxox citiwu eaaur mrvlcrri ttt nabbatb b knoi obnralij touipbg mud avaolng ulltirr tttrra will ba aprclal innalc and a apiul rnion bolit uiornlng and evan- in best fundy in kaapinc with eular ervrybody wlcoma- ukttloiuay onr piajar nrliig will ba bald aifl oclock thnrly owolng in llta thnrch par tor oar parltl ktr mrviom will bam iba fraalitt t lulaia lo all both in allrao tlvw aong t dm c and iba aobptu inrabnl m nlng thaflowanof iji evaniig iba naortrcfloa to ilia amdulhm barvlct on uood vtltuy awrlloio at ii am idtl imriraautiurli kakler pay avrtliva ntxt banday at i j a n aij wlluitir lu 1mj krulay ukopn on kavr iuy holy coinmudn at 0 a in hjmia at 3 itn hooday hchool uaataai 30iu limehouse ut tbunilav rxinlrg ibadulm livt iba pliuutt- tiiu u 1 1 a iiinirtiiiiin fiimuliml by ihi uoumtii mlnnnhiy unolily ii una ety cwd roin ufflti nlntf h rdil 1 1n i tin m tun uu a yuni imniiibiadial uu- cuililfil jtan wuklva tnllimimv wmlii ua enccmllngly wall a luttfa rrowd aiundid lie lucruitlng mmrtihu iii ttitluftuy ittlll ttlcw ml m in 6 cot lottn 1111 biid addrmmby th rlllcfin ami illurmuj iomuim itav dr iti ol tl o ihuululoa al- lunce blueid a very fnrcvful miohiii laat humify altarnonn tba aubjmt of iba million ava la tlm tialilo inti0rg dilnk tlilit in tbsaliiliinmiotl 1ta alv lllno wii borne on lut lav baforo going n vi itvu ua i- rl lay bar joa hliaw of iihlli jutl lurlin vlillad bla alaiur mia jj hhaw onhun- day ilr and mra wm uurtlialloltoronio war iiiioolr tlioa uaialiall who bill ian funilay wr ami mr- wm uowdy vialliul hiagain filmiu on sunday aa ilm luml u iuduaur iliying uji the farmetaaiu in giiuilim ilulr briug work a apli ill i iiikaiiinw comulirif nl mov- ittd plcinrw r fl ail lytlor pritl by town council tb council tnt on llnmiay avanlng luv flrek in llmebalr and oonncillra nixio iwruy and itrtwal pit mloolaw of pravlimia mawtlfta wars raad and conatit ail coninidolcaiiotia war raad fraot w i tick on behalf of wf w j bald aaklog dacoagaa tar lajurlcw racajfad by allppbag od ililiic on o fltfat mfwriaok draaa co r uyabttqtoall i tannlaipal world ra watar paatam mr jtobn llallanuna aakad hat a watr nialn la tndd to afoidoct atraai t roalda adoalafjra prolactiocv ttia taallar waault imtba hamda of b wairoonbnjiltaa to laport aa nat wiaat ur aruutronf rampplaibad that tba drain crpwalng watar alrwt lnud and lm wa1y waa ooodlog lib oalurt ttxm htaata and wba mmblaa prhn- 4ad o lara tba dlalp njbd mr jcirkaaked lbattbb waiat ovta graapbooftaa ba nvtaaid tb m4tarwaa rafarrbl lo uja wlar cotqtnfuaa ur iccitl ol tba vavrwo bltntnfikkla iug oo add 4b cooadl faya log majnblraat tli walar ctnmlltaa war lnuntad to procavd whb tba jvyjor ofa watar uajn to tbft glahfuardaa unlldara pnt- party at collaga viow tba following aeooonhi wra r ifydroluelrl0 syatani libt ra cntitlng room 6i i j mai iw walarworka j oo hydro kla4triok ligbtoci uttolwsui 1015 4z30o hydro eiahriofcyabmu jan lat to uareh slal 1d1s 3u0 0 t j tipaigbt waterworka 7 90 jobu uallaulina coal foraoidura- b 26 carrlad spring show tba eaqoaaina agrtcoltand kodaty ltd llwdr spring show in uaorgatowa on friday laat bat u lb wratbtr waa anfavoiabla and iba roayla ajmoatiatpaa abla in paw toaog owner warw ralnct ant about brlngfsg vajobia boiata oat aod aonta of th elaaa mmtm boi aa wall it hail aa nanal tba attandanca wma air tba following prbtat hm awardad irat hlillmii lat jowpb talfr tud nu ft nixon 3rd nu tiiu- ft bona 1 1 takm in barttt lat aabanlinrat iii aahculipril irani 1st john trie wluuni ulllntan ainl rarrlaa bona in harma lat u v howard kadatar blalllon i i a vaorw kingla unadalar lat a lcbatnbarj2nd w a canning ham tlnljaa it itflaon roadatar tain in llarnoaa lat ilvaiaiti uroa snd itobart uekntrv t iboro brad aialllon lat jaa uovalfdled william ilovalrd glenvvilliam midi maujln tost baa alinoairotuptola ly racmi ltd linm ber ruceiu tuvrrufall tim mriiltiiiu miwtlntf on hunday sviniitf una lhr alutidid no f emit went forward but uviryont no ad it voiy mutli tha b ya of tlio 7fllli waie linuis ou but laava otrr ilia vvekaod iv an aorry to wj iba boya going and iba balty wuh ol all lor auccvw vid ufa raluru fl m tin in tba tbiicliua ant preparing apacul kitr irviaa oar riilfrprllng wamifatlorvr mr v v harrailmititi baa purrbatttl acliairo ui car li iu ill llisti nu in nur vtlufli mr d imil la improving vaiy ilaaty wa bojui id ich ber around ufraln aoon him alom a imtiio guard t ooutv olil and iibnu- oiir alulngnau lo uroucl our bomra ami fluablra we wi uld imi pb uud to ire tha council ukuiu a if ok at tba tliiiiaut dona by tbo tlooil if it nun urarerf laeilon lima uilulit st tbfin and utt a ugim luml kbkf utttil ailul vhldli iwlla ringliif or aiw ibr r out on paaluro bb1n ur lima mcmkatir w bo baa twan hi for m cooplu of wwiiii u arotiml pgalu ntrt wsttftj y oooil hnraa won tail apply tojl ilaauurrll clooruiiiown wsteb rb fit on vtly arll nib a waicb i ii ttluiuaaiiuriiitbiiiaudinllliilij a v tbplliiili uiiiphahi oiiitiiiinlcato wllli hrrild olllit iimiiutdwn ii township of esquefling sanitary notice noiku u bur i- by alum tint all roiliuiiih til ihu tuwmhlp of nubninu aia rfqulrvd forihaltb ti rlflin ilulr tthaia ilruin vanta ply ilyif wulnrclowiaaiid iitlirronlbillldli gi and pitiiiilmu anil iriunvn iturur in ml dill ilhli uiiii nn r tbtr aiilataucia whbb limy tiilutit r piiblle lieullli and b bau lint uii u complutwl by tbo ifilb of may mil on ubihiduy lb hamur iiujmtitir utll tiuiiinuiuo a umnial in hptt lion all rbb ni am rarnmtly trrjurtitotl to kit i ii rlr iimuia t n manilv i liau ami iii tliiiliinylily uiliiluty combtlnii nod -n- i tu aty la lo vhtiki williln flo itut of any dualllug iuiumi ioami tuttor lauo jamkh hood hanltajry iuuor g4uali april ithl 1u15 from salonika loianaung lalur lo w o mckay from vi hugh hblalda ttb canadian ivnarsl ifopiut uritlah mwtitmnan hxpadlllonary forcau yoloiika uraof march loth 1018 mr o 0 mckay drarttfiyoarlothsrnf rbbraarfbth hand tbanba awfully for your tronbla 1 guraa yoo arw lgliinlog t look forward lo aiiinwar waaihur now aa tha wlnlar ia naarlv gon tlif waatlier haia lor our arrival in novvoibar haa boan both log but rain apd wlt llm fajmaravary tuodaya follow ad br atoinia which or two ocratlotui ntarlv wlpd ourraiuponl mud la our luxury and lira htta for inniitba wo are to wtll uavd t it now u are lint happy uulfai up lo our knraa in it i hve lo wair rubier hocis itar ly all ilia tin a i bail ihfm wut if m ijihjoo and wlutn my they hiubiu avtr riiu loan if haunlka ibwll u a rat hi r od and uncii nl plao tba proper liamo h thw lima vililcb you bspou of in tbo llihuit waa barabtlaulw itrfiua iriilnj tl rough to alhana wi it u qtilla a biiloiio plat alihougb at tba i rtmiil ilmu ii badly in imd of ranalr tba population u a tuixrd np of luuooo cammtej of tooou jaaa tha ramaludar bliirf thaaka turku ltuaiuut urrba mid all um i ui ri liplarc wajtrurly turkish liu liken from tiia turka by iba uivaks in iba luuau war ol loli tlia poiild bera loot idas ant about half civlllid thy wrar vary ilula ol auv cloiliv and aat aluiotl aiivtlili g they nick up but iiihw iba allifil coiow cauia iieiclbeyaw uglniiiiiu lo baa what ilia la tba town ia t hauled 7 inllaa from our ramp an i it u out of bounda lo iroopa axoept by pm ao i dunt ba vtry oluo in it it la prwtlcaliy uudar mtnlal law pairoud bi a irrab vrvnch and kngliah pltjiiil of couiaa iba lirvakaitra iwmral yh iia hard oay wbun tliay wilt cahi in our rauipir lowpilal rallmr it aim ald lutwtrwn sal nika and monrtllron jliiiigjllr ltd muititr jherbun lown now 1 o tl by tba hnariana takan from tbo hi u lb and raiion troojia in i ha ra- titai utt ihwuilwr wl en tba a iliad ionia bufiuiuil aoali grat hardablpa we uudail hr in notamhar in a down pour of tain whleii bapt up fortbrtadiyi or in fact avar hum aher unloading boat we marebad to what wi warabolttg loaneauip- it waa a 30 am whan w aflvad at our dihlliuillon io hit tha giound for thi nmaliidrr ol that nigbl altar gaillug clown to real inanual labtmr iu pitcblng our bruplul lauls in 06 itoura wo worw rol vliig palluiiiaat tboauud rclrrai bad atailodi and in leu than t a k i ad ron llltbti tml woik waa on ly a arllng tbv dawn of ihtcrinuvr atl in nd for tl days txiimibiiily night and day iri cartird aiilobt r albr irtchr wlih ut auy rial up tn our knava in mud i ii i wuiur vu we were vltliwl by a ftael ofofimau aaroplunaa or lauba aa limy aranllod ibry matlol in to bomb our oauipaiiil iluvm around wall we bad ifimu rutlunfih or a tune ibatlautln tbo hartu or murbil to llr nntliaaaro- i 4iica ui d thova lln in i u onu or two wore kllbd bdlo dan ami was dona on julinaiy 7ili wo wi ro ajuln vliliod by ui ftiriula ihullinti tliuv hid a largar in ber i boy iliopprd lotmint ami our ciip oris going tbn ugh ti o illnlug taut my t bum who waa tunding with ma ot hllou i ho hvail wlih rlirupnrl oua ich that allvd to go off wui plckud up light took plara hi uio air belaovn a oncb awfiijilano aid a iiimutn llie krencli drove blm t ff tba 1nncb alr- cralt guiia yavu ihrm a hot tlm on 1ebniary jml at it ud a in a arnplln visit id ii iiro ilin o iiunihrr ollomlaml fiftynine years ago vollowlng la a llat of pnalonal and boainaaamanef oaorgatoonand oua ii- luma in 1u7 tbay will ho doubt prove interacting to many of our roadeia oaoaoerroww andaraon klijab waggon and card maker andankmi xvlulani boo and abo aakarj bajiley- klljab grocer and prodorw daajar r ualuyjobp tailor bartaar wluutn a hrlhera pa par makeraand macmnbta hklay fraada atoidkoapar hcactm- inaarwnea company jarnta voung pgaoi brjtlab aaaarlea aararuifa ootnpany jirnra yoang aant oatnpbaxl ahptantler iatdcpvf canada ulk aaibrmnae ooy ajuaw robbrfsjiv wluhim btucber urowuy patrlak wafgoanialilrr pay fool i w co lannwrw oteb rw a atx lupilai jtlaj- jobb rarpaou v eoljuanlaloaonuacacdoapany wlllun riaritwv ep5opecilhodut fraaar t it bookaalw and aullooaf flalbfaiih alfral waldintakar ootw mainal lokwanoa coy jamaa voung agant- i fenhurefjoh haitian atmaniakar jfaratd t o dealer in boou add tboee lllgglna john batal and livery atable- l william loon ka per d wlllum inukeapor joimw ttobert kannady ueorge a hon iron found era aaw mill owner and genaral coal rait ore laavene elijah prod ue deader maw robert woflan factor alccnllongb robeit m v mekenaie george iron found r ami tnaeblniat ukkeaak oeorge unemllb uclcenale re s ti v 11 a gaorge town and norvel momaaler william grocer and pro- dare dealer mo vicar rev w dapuet moore jamae atorekeaper mor jatneeo rboreh of fieoiland philip rev memoel a uealeyan pblllpf bauoal land inaoracoa and caeraj agrnt commlaalonar ba qlena neh eonaevenoer ft provincial inanranca conipany janui young agnl qoliiurs john rarpenlr hte william w wbolmau dalr in grorwiua and llauora auliloueer and agenl for kqaltable inanrance company kuiharn bllaa draler in tinware ato vaa ate humpler john potrolr taylor rv u kpucoal tnelboillat tbommkh uctijtmia tibloel end chair maker tiavli klljab ethinyl and chair makrr unewohb rwv j oongrvallonallit van allen wlluoi leiloi- vyi jamta bakar vveleon si tfuaton drogglabj and atat lonera wataon jaraej tinrer wrigbt hrory phyalclinandanrgeon yoiina jainea wbotla and ruiali dealer in dry gooda grovrua and bard waie aganl for lutaeou llrlllh aniethi canatl til goto mutual and provin cial inaiirenceoouipenlr gumwilluuil alnandr tbomu blacktimlih alandr william hvbe bllaa edge tool tuakf r llmau holwil pnmpniakfr obapcnaiithomaa iininakar cook john jr lnnkep oooper arohibeld aaw mill owner cielne tbomib ibmiuakbr lurllng joahua jitlnar eila uonatl lalor vormr jatua hraur m njlll owner and alilnulr jrbr lriutar mptaln j h tllll uiliutti liinkeaiar grundy andeablackauillh llaidy cbafl hniur ifrrald jobu tailor lliluw j h gnaral dta ar i lut haul john mclean john tlor murray john joiner ktawurl jatoee niaon bliui captalh john thompfoh jamit m millwright tweadu joaeph law mill owuar uebtur a holellp ganaral daalart willhuua oharlm itoalmaaier n owner and wollen factor furxli 11 u light tronch ling urn llu unlit i kiabikoloi ika t iirniil tlm 1 b ik h lunik u kl bur mil inji m u r i 0 nry day oreo m nn ii iu rr but liin i urn so w il ii rtillcil low limy got dr vtlll if 3 ihruiau at- ru ian a have been rought down bfiv ao that frighten tbin a lb tin riilnga my prlly qubit uu milatniit j tat now i ut tbo big laltj li ikttlfdlo ibku puru ibla monlb a low of u tlillod ihu trenrhrae fuw daya ugo iia a tljbi t tlm tbuguna eld it la linixinlblii lo uet tbroiigb liure and iba inn a will hid ibal out whan the flro- worka bvgin wb itll 1 i npo wont ho very long ia li hill tlm irnlli wo are all tick f it b ng aitn tbl uu bavu bn ho alow ro tbla laai two uu tuba i the par i j nn- nt l iiillitiuii wire bimiid llitm in ro uoik inhe 1 unw i na tinar tck ltilholi and a iu moiu law j iliiiwl uiernlumi will lie rlwaurd out i tbla latla n urb li uyi r i llillik mtwlf im ul blotir mt will no tbo tlulili iixl itml will ink but- luiu well 1 i uu 1 will limn to iliuw toaclotefor iii iu duly i alia mi i am on night duly ao i qiual bo off give toy ivganla lo- all ibu boja 1 rauiiiu oura napictfully lla iluub bbtulilaioao obituary jouu llgmhirrr john ihtnnil fnrmtrly proprietor ol tba alexander lintel died ktorartgeilllt nt hnnday mr itennatt wai a proiwl nant flgtirw in tba orange ordar under whoieauipue ihe funeral waa held larday mr llaiinell who wai alily- nlua i ana old lahnrvivad by hi wlil w nneaon gapt it j ihrnneil of thulfunl uglmanl and two luujhlwnj mre i it oaniibalt hlfaot mayor oampbell aud uu lunneu drceuedwaaa brolharofur fiobart fiibnett gaofgetowb willuu ilkuaramrr v m ileintlrmt died ou uouday room lug april 10ih al the homa ol bla on j t iiemalreoltoroalo lla waa ftb yaaia of age uu hid bu a wjiiark- ably alrong mm dp to two year ago when ha bad a piraljtidatroke waa boro on iba family hniuaeluid in trufal ar for a numlwr of yeara he ownnl and managyd a urinary at owwaona cornaia on being biirnrd nut about 40 yaaia ago ha rainovwl to aelou wbero ha wu an aucllonr and ulvtal m oouit lulbll he went lo mlum after bla baabb imvh to fall rumalnad a rhurl time at the homr of bla lauubbr mm j w llewa aud then wenttntomiiio lli aljea hie aon and a daughter abovw men llouad ha left two anuu atida dauubtr ir allrad lutnttroat lion valla n y kdwiii hemalreel ay i mar and mra itauiaay lloveravilla ny the futicral look plac wednesday irotn turouto lo card op thanks i wball of i end family i here no v my airo lba in frueda in igbh ra c ilrcir- muiiy nind jiittttliy xifidrd b ue on the tmcra liareavemetrt of my beloved bowi tl by d i if lamr molkwll kew i in j 41 ciitmut tt re raeommend htrily aa wh te for ihffr i bud rfenointaided bjnaili it tfl i ua nfvrevr v hojiflgsn tehfjers wanted tb inaulling f walai iriiil all in nf jkhri j id will u tendetahoi vlmln tl or iba year i otarfc of tb- paftlea terulerlna raralvfl ly lb ailnn up in may in ibla julred lo ule pi iff r fit ol ail lid rwmputa wltb lltf varpl ion of ii voting and luiuy in wbhh will h do by th irpoatin ut unui ot lu as nndr and ha row prloe nr rach am i uotiai oh w livre eervtrt mitl im h u lapgtb i wahr nkaooroirui fresh ksherjrtiuw x day morning iiiiimi ii lb 4- v ft jo lo mi wmtviihftb 31 ll prcti lurring br dh s jl almon in lb isij in ullulor lltrin in plrkl py lb u 10c frnll vi1ui parlb 16 lard prices ilirulardlnsolbpalle per pail ww 1urar fjird in bulk per lb 17e inslbpaila perpail koc fthorlenlng par lb ltia extra clioicc smoked rolls 19c lb lettuce celery f reuli every week watch our window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays clioioolwf hold by qaauw also hog whole or half nt uurkut pricm f itenf oardon lo rant or wrk on abarea ply in mr j lb oayfoot john ht aaaiwuia taiaalw waiaai ptam tm kmrnl on tbaileaalrret imroadlata potaae lion apply in ttww ualllvanit i 1916 spring 19161 jf0j tar smlm 7 yorkahlra pig 3 month old apply lo prank peneun olnwiihama lip f oftmvxl gon mmlz lrat gravel in ote townablp of kwua log apply fcf paitirajarait i qreal- miiii lioaailowti it 70 ul 11 and 1 lnehahafilna7boa iinra and i ante pf gwarioga i polliy ft wflb 6 inrh ifm z pjoe eilcfae of limber 10 in 13ia 2ft feet prtuorvn aab grove tbepibuc hllk ouantr an ft to caafly ww in n ho juc h realdeota of georgetown are ff jplrad tofurwith to ckaan uetr pltara dralna varde pig at ye water cloeala ootbnudloca ana otber preaieea and rvrnove tnerehoca all dirt manqe endanger r the earne compuud by the tenth day id may beat on which day ibautanllerr inapector will oonintenoa geoeial ibepaelion and fuilber take notlee that tle action nf the public health act problblling the keeping of ho blween the bfieenth nf may and iba flrttof novamber except in pane at leaat 70 feet from any dwmng bonae and fid ft- from any etreet or lane wltli flnont kept clear from any blending water and regularly cleaned will be etrlctly en ortvd all elthwna are earneatly requeated to keep llleir premiere eonauntly clean ana tiialnfected l e rtkoic keeve of the monldpeluy readyforuse paint voo pyinj your painter to x faint not to mix paint science and experience have demonttrated thatllacbiftea can do the mixinff more thoroughly than the hand and the maker name on the can ii aafer than the uae ol unknown ingredient and vuying skill j liquid paints hmchlm mjh tlunpnnia tctuitolfwf a bl a ccntuiyofpiintkddtf bow tb hula blua fuc oa tha can ttnj ur tulky la aa edlln liu ol paint ptot- ittcr lor mof burpou floor plnt calaj enaraeu vamlihei mellotoita iorlxtlcrjoraurfafcs aik about them new spring suiting and furnishings at the hens store our now hlrir amtinga juai arnrfd criiihriln all tlio irttorvl uov 1 ti ti ii fftlioy ulitl ataplo jiif j im m i tx aliwuif t wi hvo tiyr lioil tbo lebitt0 of rthcltiff wor iu a lorp tixjt of id un aiutwifb tuuttvui harco rooda oirrniock irf jaith- lnui id littyltf jinrchaaarti tliian apnto tintf k vi yw o hifi advance ill prlcn arid will lo omb to tlo tljm ut irl tljo old iiriroi now iu tbo tmio tr lnc vour oinlnr if yu mini a c lilfio or liluckjw vou will fmy onotbird rooro iwf wiutiidd for tittup ofhta z htylo fitmnd rofrj uiloiriob hi iiirwloritl jirittamg ofir tuotisf ifaoovouiyrinrt onjibr now bfirj tbo rindi monaoy ami u t tlihvwi witii prdiopt iloltvory tfaitqlt- ill ho furuub- l4 out oi town camumora oil rwjtipat i r r 4 nowbprinff twekwear aeleouosfrdtn otcluivo oettenik oatljc arid tunjo oxprcaaly idr uav- tio dipfcokt goodit od tlio market a now up to jafo aiiaortmtjnt of cotlnrn e jinlf fiotwt udflorwer and abirta oiinriaidc tbofamotut ilaol ahlyta mtdo from tbo vry ftojft of rpaurttl atad oboiotnaturiiii iwolry atiri guariinioorvid tlm utdti oi thonjconoiipdaooly ia ija hi tvij hmtmu cap etc in th irfnest mke0 wo do not eonfino our tini aollinc tainny ono lino but hnf rcpfeaotltutjiyu abowitiffti from tllu forcmoat liptiiiakiit a of ilmvorlj thin civen variotv utioiitallvd jtrul porniitu tkation of juat tbo gbapo and bekt tmtod to tbo indtviduo lot tur vw you i your bprintf bat and havn the beat a fine bvleetlon of raaoaand yootba rwulytowear clothing odd paiitaelo wotyh overalla and work clothe agenoy or utockwellyjuentleraoci a go dyera and olannra toronto georgetown phone 120 millar co- pinb hloh class tailofttno amd mtins fuhniflhinqs agaota for fltock wall ifaodaraon a oo v dyera and cleaner toronto awviva w o anthony georgetown itauiaay iloveravil ilacfl wedubrdav i ftlrvlow oemetary acton j d matiik4j1m john ualflhlth ualbaaon died audden ly itai ftlday of heart falluraal hla hnuie at lllllinga montana agud baventy r tin wu bom al himrmi andotme tn mil ton in 1wl5 to hilly law in tbo nlnyo ol him lain t uaiutln crown alioniny in tba anting ol iruld when tlm mllb n foiiiutiy nl iba 20th llalton illflfa waj nrgaulied hare iboilly balon iho ktulab raid ba wav given a commit inn aa luut nant having quallflttl mini ilmo hfnr at iho military hchool toronto ami be waa lla drill inilrueior a litllu ulor ho bought out bla brother itobort publlhor of tbo cluililpion uinl ha waa it publlah ar until 1u74 wiibh ha told out in the lalf george wlunn ol port iloju ho then want lo toronto where ha com litoltid hlbhuil ii ml 16 tuir whhh im lubcticatl at ntioniolnwu aud laler born lla waa major ol milton ur a ftir lln waa a proiulutuit uaaon a pail mmtxr nf ht lair lodwo hare and a rbariur iiieiu liar of tlio illlunw lodgji durli g bu later eam ha waa tu auoroulnn ln lute julua clly albimey chy clerk uiilud utahn couiiiilloiir and dually poliw jiulgii a pnailiau lu whhh bo waa in- eleciad aaveral umoa and whb b ho luld unbfthstiiuaof hladaalh tm of ur malheaoue brolbeia aurviva blui itibeit f chleagd and walter of vaniomer ull wd obajdplop the highest market price rags rubbers horse huir scrap iron all kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbenmur yon hava any ol tha above llnee of gnoda pi diapoje of fldiar in lard or email lop you will get the ileal ilico for mine from 4 tlmkm tb omrpiwti junk and ustst damlmr tar tha latl fauriaam yaara prompt altealion boiioal aright and hwn cam mlllamfnt lor all ordara alwaya proved my dualluga aallabtctory to all ouatouan illgbtet market prlee for ltva ioullry in any rpiantiiy a eien junk and mcul dealer phone 6 write to po box lis or georgetown j i andthrift hpo win the war with the dcclalvnwj which will eruure lasting peace the empire wui require to put forth ita full collective power in men and in money prom tbla viewpoint k la our true policy toaugmnt our financial atreneth by multiplying otr productive esertlona and by ewrcialng rigid reotwxny which vedweca to tha minimum all toipendlturee upon luaurice and noaeacntiala only tn thi wey abell we be able to make good the loaa cauaed by the wrlthdawal ot ao nuuty of ou worker a rrom indue triad actlvttlaa vepeh the waatega of the we a fi the funde cor ita conti it be too frequently or too eerncetly unpceecd upon our people that the heaviest a of the conflict rtlll 1w before ua and that iwdustry and thrift are for tboee who retnaln at bom tuprvrne patriotic dutlea upon whoa faithful fulfllmcat ou buccal and oooaamumtly ou national eeety may ultlmauly sir tuouab wujts minhur pf yiianti produce m6re save more make labour efficient save materials from waste spend money wisely let us produce and save- tbd wat la now turnln of all force call toall lain produce mora and nrnrt it may be neceaidry to work hardw the piico of tboio who enlist tnuat be taken by tboeo nt honw men and women old and youag tha mora we produce the more we can aave product more on the farm and in the garden save more and help to win the war let u9 not waste our labour in thi wartime all labour abuuld he directly pro ductive or ahould u aulatlng in production mule it aaelrklentaapoaalble if your taliour iaon bomethlng tktttan be postponed put it off till after the war nnd wake your labour tell now making war la the first builaee of all canadian kfflclancy in labour u aa important u tjochwcy id fighting let us not waste materials ihgln at home tlm lamer portion of ularlea and wage u tient on tbo home foot fuil light rlotblng arw any of thcao tliluji laln watcit 1 20 00 a year tavrd front waho in eery bonin in laiuiu will more than pay tlio interest on aardjbl of tjwo dot 000 let us spend our money wisely aw you tperidlng your money to lite bt aihan toget what do you think of vktravanjiuu in war tlmot tuna of thouund of canadluna arc iblly ruklng their live foruaat home tail not our duly to b careful and economical t canadian dollar ant an important part of the war equipment muluihrm ttll have a war saving account uuy a war uond the government or canada the bepatrrment op agriculture the department op finance w w w hdh7ts s co aeeeeeaaae a our millinery parlors abe now open we extend a cordial invitation to all to visit us ladies readytowear garments we will have a nice showing of ladies suits skirts coats dresses and blouses for your inspection on the above date and will be pleased to show the goods adaas dt coy georgetowrt main mil street phone 43 a a a a f