-3- the georgetown herald bjmpth year op publication v gboroetown wefjnes0ay even1nq march 7 1917 1 so per annum or 1 25 if paid in advance ibeie0btt0wnbeiulb 4 kvkby wdmrkday avkxiho a to baxu rowu piuirruk orricts ubqboetow v on oapcatinioy ban ooarsuer advqsmsuta lutn aa par uh tor oral i i ua tab uaa lor aa aaha- iwill bi rfiaraa bfll w wfit aa ii mil il wfahoat atoeraa olrac- atoaa vlll mlaaarlad m0 bwj ri nawrawa lluia 7saak odit 6 81 pn ui j wkennedy 8 up uoim eeorat fienrteldwd comgyatif e amuci mmu tha last ruasday of mob month b yodno wh abmold president baeniaiy directory gl hiltoh wallbb10uk daijl barristm hollailon bi toaooto aaa qa osjorl kmmdj bloc la soy dala la dura ol uaarcaioaa dr lostru ataandrkw rilrsmso oflle uoolloutn to and 7 lo s pm k l punt do oil d okottlttown ooo ml lo library rluiaa iso specialist in defective eyesight okhuk ikiuull waduomlrs lo 6 thai tad 11 la u pm olbrdy hilfu abd d to 9pa fbomf lor ml abpolotamot tfhlmynrib mo martlotaq bursary or onta am tmuluiui 10 undamoottbawloiw th orislaal sabooloi ublroprahh doraa aorl low u hi obatoror rolafoldsbaolllora oaasnlllloii aad selaal aulyala vimi ha ttmra aad sal lot t lo ho la paosa uoa ruamk u watso 1 db al ub ukbtlal iliuiariuaoai unal wultl pm daatmfy la all iu ombaskollifislua r l heath ld u ud b dawtlbt oshalalaaobloav oaa door aorta ol mains dura laolory hoan ajaaeaa drl h obhmstt dentist obesaa taaldaaoa mala hc borts list boaaaonrutk btldfo rfaoaolu uaotaaloaa aarttmurrs jwj nrroa uosaaad aaouoaaar tor halloa and raal ulaawlulaau tat oeba bala ooa- daolad aihalnnrur aad at minnhlr ratal max larlalttauaoasarowa rjaotu ornn wiu malta lnossat ii no aaovalllal laalfor m standard anfhracite 9cranton coal baaaataoa coal wood tji lamp for llotbmtlo moa tbimklimf porpmtm hmltfaum aany writing lo fa u bptotul ooj i john mcdonald tovi 13 in all sizes portland cement hoar ri aaa hotialoaa john ballantine hardware painth stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wirinj jwkennedy phone 26 georgetown out a rauabfe afnit wantotl la tnrmjr food town od hattic in oo li lo wb4r mm itot rprmot4hi trfrilory mrv or tint riirbi un innut catotailaam ptvld atlndlv dvmtlaliitimlur i nilvnwt litof npw hpuotal tiimf r hkiho 10101917 laeoaiag ill nwtf uvrbmrn luabwry kifla tnsumnoe 3 fire lite and accident umarafmanlaia luiaua j clark talrd dlvuloa court ggrob farm gates the frmer time never ww no valuable save time by having galea at the en trance to field instead of put ting up bara wooden galea laat much longer and look better than wire gates all made of white fine and are bolted together price for i a ft oatea lj jo painted 4 hay rack and water tank j b mackenzie iitunbw waning aluuiat afltaot wad ofxirtjetowii bcranton 1 stone and wellla jm tb vaolblll no 1 eililubod 1bs7 toronto ontario i 18sti8i7 sixty years of iiuwjulrath amd huooelw tm liftvti fmumuhd uung mpot won lot ut ktul qiuv dmllag uad 1 w rxvjurtml la u ulttltaf ttooditiob f offilig vod tt4fb p4 trw- n4 p mid dlrjc lu eolonwn nt rook bot vow fill oem uoni d it plututic islt tfn tux iu tw itura u taotbio ky btmf hfoi or tjof llloawmtorf tit ciiuiaf ol hhmy rlll whlofa foa ovn itnlfr tllrwl tut i gt tha bmfl wttgmmm om tniklim out urio will bmi la it uimi you rir cmjiir mmormemm ea mi oulmri ltd muhmtnvukm fatentbi b unlvmlty ft maliil shoes below cost thta j the time of jear to lfatwittjd jtn of pi and winter good eo order to tnok main caroar spring tock we have abbot 300 pairs of ladles and mena odd linea flo hockey and felt boota to clear below coat rumford the shoe mrn the home of better shoes oc 30 wc sell only reliable goods fine jewelry watches clocks silverware etc repairing a specialty main street tcillaon next heolbhen houl z3t ho arthur bcabteu j t l i4 y ijti m ul kol lajjtja my ri uatah uaxmnuiaftl w piano tumfd individual instruction voitrtama 1b j b0va1u vb bvbj souvil loatarlo voterlaary oolw aadl ibnaio uiufaiaiiy 1 1 at all nnumflialal aalalalj traamd ca tba bmm houatlad imaolalaa j oallwobjllulrlaall objaoaaaaaay mt rlag ii r j a teaoy 1 aqohorladaralulil 11n11 v 0o70uada lallaaalrlra lataf aaarooh trarallay aasd la- aaulaia jo biawat acraw fg given at ca1rclext3lx auulml ont which is in session the entire tear students may en ter any time thin is your opportunity the business world is calling you j m buck butchbr i aaartau alwayo bat on llaud uw vtoml ol aeer porki eaiaaaoe boloqn a s bto home oured mams bacon xamb av veal m hauml numo main ouvtu utmtts wftnmr tkmlu w buut wbi you look atthoblmulto ynu r rim to lht tw ut doit tn ttltwly tbay bv t lul twatililul mowy ittulor uw utbaitwtiltol tmtuct flour ouh vlovu ulo wlihcwtunlt in uaklm wily poo4ei to liui hiartai o7 um brmd uul ixulry eook tb bmt floor datortoly ttttdm 6ul bmt lu tba uklb robeiri noble uhlinlted attkhavakofl and laauab path t 1 whacfcaarthli 4ii tpaoi br hjuneaaw rih mttrtbdmljttoli ttltft hllvliji al ihiii 111 th lyd and hawaat 4 1 btgmtllpl ujoff ifttttudanmra mom otj7aali rar1uitatt tfillba blaab oillatar hulaim in ttva brt of tha aooqoarls day au lhaflt tlort aod tha iatqojt 4 cocfllrt at pat from a whirlwind ol dual ttball tba rat dawn brak ol aa lofinlta boat aod lb- war aball ba nmblaff at uat dotagllftaalaauar lovalmpaarud by aarrow and aaerlflea uft oo lha atuiul aca ol uw world albartd diuipv t6fatmji ttmtbdiata3i loramaklna wflll as axfbaaa pladum ibai ba would potf f f a jtaaa eooirriu of tba tart o bar ww iwluiuitabu vldaoca that b had that o ntbvr a jete i woit erat arait bfawda sa as ba eoaldmoatl tbann faai bad- omm dyfaia4barraiia witbtklc tmnh qot flf jmhitb ai ambiradiy party anbra ajooat oml to days story an exchange of tokens ilwaanadeoonew yearaeve br r a mitchtx ihll roall that lau pfloail oulttcmttii o ma rammraa ata aau1a aaitcrmta st3tt oil mfllldalvlft any p havlu v calven for ale pleooe a l bouck principal waka4aaaawalwwj 3 lee sing laundry 8 tao old iwiaal laaaary i mrallamwaraaaraaaaada i thsxryavbatpucb e aos laa ii mom etfi fish special pattersons meat market for 10 days only fresh salmon whole fish 13c per lb sliced 15c per lb watch our wlridoiv for extra good values on fridays and saturdays obelmlioaf sold by quaitar also hogs whole or half at uitket rrioss phone or write- us we carry a full hue of all kinds of fresh fish w j patterson phone i qboroctown a eonvlrtal party bad aammblad to tba old yar t tit ami tba uaw al io atooojr ibfm wora lana waov worth nnd vrttt andrew tba eottv pany had not yrl jutad into tba aop- tf room nod iuva two wara alttlhaf opart from tba otbara com lana ulil praok yodbmra put wa off toaf aooitsb olva to my aiiawar you kbow rary wall why i hava xtt yotl off vnnk you ara raptlmtad by arary pratty hrl you utaet if ijtald yaa bafora thrtta nxmtba bad alapaad yod would wub lo ba ralaaaod i bva bo fuuey for audi an anaeainaot try toe ulaa wadawortb toyad with aflowaf aba bald la bor hand and reoialnad atlanb ploally aba aaldl j h will bot omumtt to an ansae- taeot but i will nay ihu if otta yaar from toalftht you can auura toa that you have tiot mnda lovo to uuotbar girt yotl can ruk uta atfalu to ba yoaf wl and i will ttrceit you tbat aijuwlatf all tba conitanjy la 00 your hlda i think it u tba parry wau aa gay aa tba cudpaf waa axcallant tha auaata aat dowit at tha labia at 10 o clock and laft it at a in a vreat dal of win waa drunk oavdoubllw a ereat many tblnca werw aald tbat war not wall otaaldartl baforo tba aaylotf tb party broka up hluclnir auld tan byna and ball an hour uur lb ban float ball daaartad beapoko tba avana- muh of all worldly tlura atlt o clock luauutinaraltiifpratik ahdrewa awoka on a labia baalda bla bad war bla ayaslauaa hi watch and a sold lockat lu iba abapa of a baart tba ayaicutiaai bad tb watch wara familiar ohjacta lu faullur puea uut tha old baart prank lookad at u aanimtly than thoughtful ly how it bad coma to ba wltb tba olhai artklm ba could not ituadna that which bid daapatit root within him brat ahowad itaair abor a eaafd alott of baptatilata prtabln 0 laat dchta eotlvullty ha ramambarad tma tbifl tarfctly ita bad parauad- ad laa wadaworth to ba bla wtf oa eoudluou that ba ramalnad troa to baf for on yr but ba bad ho ratnam- lyaboa of br kiviatf blot thla bmubla la tokaa of tba airaaraant wbaam than had it eomat had 6om oo droppd it aud bad ha foand lt bad noma ooa stvan tt to him aa i lota of aomathln uflt sllsl t mad- happy arary kaw art inornloa ta twa way i croat j ahah aa my aartblrua on tba hat of 4a wmbarost vbatv war two bovnvto tba ooabia dna waa a umr that lana woold laaza thai ba bad fallen from gnem wtthta a fawtaura aftav ua bad aaadrad bar of hla codslsucy iba otbac bla bmor ajuo aa lo who waa tba gbrl ba bad a cbansad pladgaa wltb oatllnaf oat of bad ba took up hla draaa vaat and felt la tba pocket wbetwha rarrlad bu kbro psracll it waa gona oh bow ba triad to ramambat wbtrra it bad gonal of all bla borrlbu antanilamanla and b bad paaaad tbrotlsb a bunbat of tbanj thla waa tba wort k thara would bava been aomalblbfr uka comfort id bla bot ramotnlwrintf tba irl ba bad mada lorn to bad it bot baau tbat ba ahrauk from dolrttf a du bonorabla act tba giri bot ralvlntf vlalt from blm would auppoaa that ba utandad io jilt bar aud would ba too proud to troubla him again but from aocb a uoaltlon ba abrank and would aba not tall mum friend who woold tall another ami tba matter dually cat to lena that war ao many awful thing that might btow out of bla relapaa that ba leeaed to benlab tbant nil wltb oaa kick ba removed tbo bed dotbaa and lu a faw minute waa drl in tba blood ont of hla bead wltb abower bath then when draaid be aaluad forth tor braakfaat tltae wa when kew year day waa devoted to call thl cuetoaj having paaaad away it la a holiday without any eepecia object andrew wubed that ba could rellev hi mind by w rk during tba afternooa be received by maee a note trou lena a uaw hock greeted him wbeu ba read it mr ahdrawejut what eeeorred laat ictit i do not eenaldei it tiit to beep rati waiting a year to an aaewef wbleb may m well be giram bow la tbe neaatlve 1 am aware at what pistil bay tween yen oj my new rival 1 rat tbal i am bot imllllereat aa lo year tiett but tt la beller that 1 ahoaltl auffer bow uia a your wife trttetlag ibal yew bay be hepfly wltb tbe drl wltb whom yea eeaheriaeil tekeaa 1 an ymtf weuwtaber lena prank reeled hi elbow ou hi knee and bla bead in hi palm aud brouied ha aaw no hop anywhere tba bight before on account of bl conatltutlonal falling ba had been required to wait a year before wing accepted hy tba girl tt loved t bow ba bad to walt for ever id hla poeltlon willi regard to lena be forgot bl poaltlon to thl owau whoever aba tnlgbt be what abould ba do to ialllala bl otfeua to lena re did uot aa tbat ba could do anything it u quratloitahld if there waa ever lover who wa without bop till tha lady of bl lovo bad paaaed to nn other and trauk andrew waa bo ex ception about h a clock in the even ing ho called ten oa tbo telethon will you bo at hom thl evening he naked yea may 1 calir t a hall b plcaied io be you there waa nothing lu tb repllea ea the tone of voice in which they war apokeu either to miuur or dlacourag him uu to n ulllmalo forglvaueaa ii would go to lena and aa what he could do laua kth hint walling a fw min ute tbeu autered tba room wber b waa with ualtlier vludlctlveuea nor aurouragement ita judged that tt waa indltfaranc u 1 received jahr noia b aald gloomily u thought i would com to at leant nay good by m bemtn your trial at to oclock ou dec 81 and proved your luconatau- cy at 1 oclock od ju 1 of tba bxt year you war true to mo just three hour you twmembtr bow much cbam paguv you cant plead that you didnt know what you were doing you did not drink win enmiub to mar your memory of lu uaalde if true tbat would b no esciia driven from thl kpedlett prabh concluded to try another well lor a- io twtaln artlejaa boi a awoanljy high rat le lor all food ttoffa it i iptaa wall to lppcdat oqodiiloae an that tbe prow aoeaag utuiidocwbaxatar popomg aar adftabte awortdwlda war i cblefly taepaaaabl for vb attaatlo lupy map wwrk prodacet bev npy beeom oaoettoeja and ddd totbebortaa df ajalirayow tng tbna hrooabi aimar there hu 1om a alaortag to the world efopa th wonda reaarre ot grolir live vtoob aad other toeda bare beeo out to mp avlaumlog extent krn aid pproalmailrin lo ml bra in agrlcalloraj pvodnctioii title yaar would bring moat of mankind perilooaly near to atorvwlioa la many eouiiirlea tba farmer oaa aefely depend noon good prim for aom time alter tbe war eada- no metier bow large hla cropa price ar bound td keep up for aom rear to nam- oa thl point fremler lloyd 4riadeclrea i do not agra myeelf thai price ar going down immediately after lb war i think th tanner la overlooking two or tbn a period 6 high friers rrodooar aad b u eaajaviot paribap tha important faoa uarmany after tba war wilt be a greater pur ebaer than ever becavtae hef land baa been let ma down end that u tm ol i he whole n turope ttte c ij ralelng land ol aaoiopa will not rehw a much bar acre a it til i before lb war tha land baa been impovenehed and be efmd bdsuean u will take yaara to make it aa good a barveat- ralelng aojj a it wee betre it aaa davartated by war ho that tb demand for foreign food will be greaier than aver immed laiely altar tb war thle la a reaao auppoeitlon and u ilea all oaoadlaaa food lor tbooght evwo if it doe not aaeore abeaper food uood price era earued for lha temere and the ooneamer muet either pay tha bill or redone bla demand by adopting a aeal ol living mora in aooordance with th higher ratio ol price caned ua who owno get to tbe front can beat anpport their repreeentallve in tba trenches by bearing the kigh cftat of liv ing wltb the beet giace poeible and by incraaaing prodneli m 1 oil tig tbe o mlng eeaaon to the tttmuet lltuu of thehr capacity norval tba following i the acbool report for february 8r iv- an tile u meek lu albert hntv tar walter flddur oeell eaily arnou early int lvmary oampball allcu whl held uaael hngbaa howard wbunald j lvwinnle knlgbt ullao ojwan heott faigttumt heart early ethel louih iuatmui mclanablb donald raaaalltuarv mameakln 0 bat lie bonk- le murray laird jr illmarion jfoble marbm oo- ob harrieou wlleon oliver hauler karl moolore oeora moore ueorge loath henry wbliaeui junior department inl ll evaoieeu merta-etmnueak- in dorothy wiud willie hjdlr six on llunur jr ii ihiie kanklb lumrd icalght gordftn laaeley jolm uolton willie unit janet kl cdotigtil i hr 1 margaret wlleon vthel noble lha oempbell ueely lnotlt lteael hunter urgi uull llewle uemtbau jeeete hnieuu llaw1 mrl itlie jr imlnhu luglli full a kurr td- ward uenaou jhitoltr utlmwood br llu jmu luglt willie inglu jamea ha neon jr vrlmdomlby uulli margaret mooouoall a ulaeiulvli wbllheld llarland if dalle iftrilmi kltitumi lola 10 lh ueorgte ingli lullllt tuftawy amott nobli if yotj have anyttiag to sell cadtium uuithahaicatoawyoiat wi rwulu i ttaraaaaejw vp tt th preaent moment hi eoooo tioo with it wa a bunk toahing jt alactito button b oaued tbabotlar m b aald when yea wr her but did yod ktotlo that- that gold locket t no alri i didnt aa it air did you ohaerv thla ubu pa- cullyy yea airi i did thar wj gbu ti it and 1 removed it air m nothing atoar ko air rrank thought tor wbu tba butur waiting wnally efank kdl any mall thl morulugv ye air on delivery about half ou hour ttgo to tbar were avral utdoaure of btli nd kaaatlled miaelv odded in a dalloat faminln baud vrauk odhl it and readl dearwai eknnot aleep wltheut aaylag t yu ibal you have made ma un aver ao baty and 1 am bolng to alep ul to tba letter be rlattt before the deer bad beet thla aa thrl yeull get it tomorrow tttaratur and have a pleaeaitt new year ay attrfwasa how aah i wait tm 1 ae cm agalnt catue a hooii aa you eatn and ii ma aaahl tell we a tbauwaj utnea ibat you love uul 1 liuve vuur geu ba etl aad you have my heart uny tha pledge they hlatul ter be eeereaiy btul your lavlug uwklh e hx inluloa kbw ob my good ernk duuhad tb eiclauullou with groatl u muut have yallau ggaui aud thla waa lb inuimet fall ua had aver mad who waa owau moetuf tit girl praaeut at lit new yaara party bo kuew by their family uaiuaa but uot tbelr chrteluu lutma ther wer uu willi mu bvertiatt and ulaa wortltliietuu wuuiu ba knew qull woll hul vuiuli one if auy of them ua flwuiir lis looked for a liiwilltig to the nut but thai wa uot vii u data tin utmark waa ho guldt at all iwt tleetkuil the matery waa tbat mate wbeu w war cblldreu i to carry bar book to aud from acbool 1 had bo idea tbeu and have uevar bad albo that ah thought ahy mor of m than any ether fella i preatim aomethlng 1 bald laat bight bounded to bar uk lovamaklng and aba watt ah thinkliif tbat t of caora 1 couldnt turn bar dowtt la brutal faablop yod know- laoa bunt lalo a laugh vtauk andrew you ar th big gaat humbug i bav avn known lit th what couree of my ufel w awear- dont commit perjury tbeu you will uot permit m to a nuir thar i no bead of an uputtatioa from you it uiuat roma from ma fvaiik looked at her lu bawudarawat tberu 1 mo aurb paraou aa owen laat iilgbt it occurred to tu lo play joka ou you 1 have for year worn a tort of giuulet around my neck- gold lockat 1 aaw chatlto hart well aak yotl for a lvenrll aud you handed blm your cold ivetidl cat i took it from dm r ho and dl int ttv it back to hint lillhlltl rolleved aoili btgau to hraak oat ou frank a face handing charlie my gold baart v avud him lo allp it lulu your vaat pock t it did ao while you war engaaud lu un animal wj dtieuiutlou with alma uurditoll you forgot your imucu uml dl i imt know about tho heart ba ll a lut lu ytmr potkot tba rat tg tan for yuu to underetaud wtthout my uultg iiuythliitf more imiik madtt una bound for bar lud ibat tha end of the vtury it tun lo a bluff hliuunlf later ou tailing i jim hint alio should aliher marry him tie i onu a nil could get bar trouaaaaii kguiliur or alt could uot marry him tat all tbe matter waa compromlaad by a all mouth trial beriod during which vrank uhavad almaalf vry well aud th auiptiabt war iaiy aajav wlo4 j stewarttown th following i tba acbool leport or rehyt hr ivkdlth dllltou jwla lllll earl thlrebtu flura uurriy loaity ratihldra jr ivabnl fccftlly tltonvae tlltfeu nora wluou joaepu htandiau ueatrio hiabdub tit hi uvrtl wrluleewokb alueu uuua kdward lully jr iii tlordou ullu evi ullu boa- tile hndgo hr i fred bouathati noiuuu idcal- pine wrey lully jr ileabl wlun uargaret tmhed uorithomiwou llotdoo uialum willi vaulkitar ueltaabetli vaulknbr uaru huu a- hill uouailuii dleb buudub john icelly albert faulk uer ss no it beputtorbehyolliu na lo keuuea- lagt 8- tvimna hlocltlrnl ntewartuii ur6 uert uuduy 7j mabel uiiur0 jr lvuetrudu br hi tleoigw uun 76 chaa hla- alalr 71 jr lllutrdle hrlt 71 frel tlamp bell os kbiietu nluboll 67 llowatd htulloa jr ujiu nortou bj hr wlm hlboott7tl huuley nor- touur jr 1rlmattliurrlcaitol hjutauv hospital lantfifin suoes an onuilo wlniiier thu othar day imiieiu ilde what une nit at tb tvtinmlelnu a oet thaw hlhtu th w hcvtplial ami ani hi iw aonimblna nt bow mir liijnraul aold un ar hell if rclnm ti i wlth aud to tvower for aell h tori b iwuvnr wruii ibulr injuiu iuv he lliu nilnla4r ag blblleil ilia iwit at llitvn itiuutiy uhurtltee u br iu charge lu ruluru ing tbo tail lif wrlihi my rvonrllnu altwaid win i aleo the ptvt ma ter ant thtlruittu of lha livcal retrtihuiu iwauuu uayx ii uy phould he hnwn in vi rv fniuiiuiiilly they uiwit i bit unreht in iitattv unilile who bev itarfd that llio mahiiiwl who return will he loiu 1 1 aoll 14 1 iwnclie ur men ii ti v hal 1 lb on bl have tit in wua lo uk or tl em i r a i u r inilxl u ul ut ilititi un lu vwry uu io tli irth in ibujillsurlu a uimit ulih a mull j httar el leculie ml a lew total nil ltw it nld leutur a valuab u tvl m tin touiilry bnllt hi alia in tliuuiiiihlhlmt rafleiiotl in aud u ifuttvbij llio rfpi lion in u me lamlllv into wtiuh hhiuiih ii uibt it mcured tlte bllilm with enptaiiat irv iiale may ba borrowed by miiiuturu ami other reatunall le veravini ret t c barge applltitllt it ultitul i i f mail lllii mklit ary lltwtilml ujuiutbulou jj vutorla straet uuw yr ha u v 2 ua uat tlniimn