1 3- hffflfbh1f1ffw11fwwinw1f1fflhiww11hfwflfflfittfe i matthews drug store 1 p royal purple calf meal the beat by test i tins cream equivalent surpassed all other calf meals tt is easily prepared tlie calved biwj for if f in doubt ask ttiosevbo baye fedit 3 v 5 while oar preseqt supply lasts ie are belling 3 s 25 bs i 116 solbs at 2251 i e matthews drug starts- aaaoy claaatuaa kodak 6a pavalopiad rrouaptoailly 3 personal sc ocorge church ttv- w bart u tv radar boaday aarviaa a foliowa matin ll m sunday itehoolloa m holy ooauaonloo 14 ud mrd monday of cohdmsbdiei items myeb wind tha april abowar our umommhmm boy oa thalr rounds a quantity of bagri wanted apply m cork 4 co ooorgoiowb woollaa villa tbmw will b a aula al oow 4 hotol mcqibboa oa march llb fir lloalar bass uaua ii yod oad anything la on us won to th ramoval aal and gat faargaloa- koala thawalr uutntf op btwleaat my ntlri lock mo b aold wlibln as so day alia at yoor own priea van lb yalw a shamrock taa nodr th aoaplom of th wmmoi patriot la l gna will ba bald in th f nbllo library on uaiarday march 17th a ommft ttudvr tb aoaptca ol lab grorholr will ba bald in tb motho dlat cbareb aahgrova friday march 18 faitkulaia bail weak tba slaoa gamma kappa poxpoa holding oancavl in aid of iba bad oram laiba town ball btawarttowa oa april istb particular latar mr nat ball baa pnrcbaaad tb out affabnaidaa from mr d a hatlay and took p ai on monday laat mr b mooartoay will oouunn on iba tig naaal 111 oddfallow atw raqaaatad to u praaaot at lodg nast monday aaaaiag latportaqt biwlnaaa and otbar apaeul at traction if roor an oditauow ba on band erari body eom to tba junior euilaf concert in untabooaa ball on tboraday ulghl mareh sib good program raabmanta and danelag attarward ad- mtntu soa tba monthly m anting of th bag tun ing womtoi xnautnto will bs bald at tba lome at mr john woaoo btowart town on ariday march mb all aw walooina at laat waatlnf ol tb oonnty coiln dl it wmi dwldad by a vouj ol7 to 6 to aik tit ontario govt to ttoa tba oaea ol lb ulaulot tupraantu rwn uatl ugiao to mlllon mr vrod maar ol ballinafad had narrow moapa rota aarloo injury waak by balng trnak with tba umba i s lulling uaa u baa almoat oompuuly raeowarad iron tba hrnlaaa and abook b raoaltad a box social will ba gia la tarn ootu ball by tbapaplki of momtaln vlaw behool on toaaday nalag march 19th oood profnub nl dialogaoa aonga racaiaboaa to rmeaada la aid ot bad onm adotmrti ua som paraoe timppad a akoak in tba vicinity of oaotgotown moaatly and al- utwod it to ntnain in tba trap aoawttth fov aavarml days oojf gam laapaotor aboold ba infonnad of aoob oraolty and no doubt wu1 b if it oorara again tbla wak 1 ua offering on vrlday ud haluiday boo iu of ebolmoda baaaa wblob yoa may bava at ue alda or hall id 200 lb btiaka of hud at 5 lb lor ii 16 or 10 iba lor tu w j fwuaraou um bmt toarkat mala bt uaoraaiowd latbst nkws about home to ownaw of aatdmoblhw or othar tttotor vabiblaa u it worn lira i go aninant uauar of motor vahiol uoaha s with authority to uk th oaoaaaairy daclarauana wuibatoondaa tha town nalli allium lioaoaas laaoad to paaaona in any part of ontario mo nnarga for laaulntf lloonao or taking daolaratioa sip in 0dar thai in popb of uaorga- town and vloinliy may atlll ha tha baoant of oar quality and ptotapuwaf in watch nkpajrlng hart amngad with url v mottrlgantoaetaalooml agatil dont oat oor eloaug data mar 10 ii you tutv rapalra bat pusaa bilu riswthajawwuar mr marry ulddlnga ol oakvllla bu wftuaa to mayor ohorth toronto ul log that b baa on lb uk baom koad two fcttd a hall tnlla aaat ol oaktiiu a aavaatyr imnrovad larm alsty aofmi ol wblch ara wall adaptod lor potato mautog and plaolug it at lib dupoaal for iba yaar 101t for pablotla parpoaaa i im of ranlt uxaa and all otbar ehargaa ghlai modooald h bis roalgna uoa to town clark ilaath last waak tha aaaw taking affaot march ua mr mo- donald was a faithful aaiployaa of tha oorporauoa for tnany yaar sad bis knowladga of tba waaavworks ayatsu was a vnhuhuafc to tha town lists snonoaflail by mr king ooopar of aotou who u highly apokott of by all who know kuuj mr jobn ootnub has raoalrad word thaihb brotbar pu e oornub who war fraportad mladna vpt 7 b daad d iuniofoudwllllamaaad want otcimm with to 70th bait u laava a wlfa in kuglaad cmtcmiml umlotcjmrtk bodar lb aoapkir ol tba union and tana cotu bad 0ro holuty will ba bald la union obnreb on thara day march tth a feood prograni will bivo oooataung ol a dramatla radial ol jaan valjaan by bar howard dalwr b a aoloa doata and raritationa by mr and mr liooa ubaltannami mra b cation mt puomwi mih mcolora hornby and amoaleal dialoana by ut flaamnt tilaa olob uafrbamala wn- ad altar th program adulation sand ud 5 no 18 tb lollowlag b tba raport ol bb mo is lor tha nkonlbof fabioary tha natnaa balag arrangad in ordar of tnatit bat wbar thara u only on in a elaar thalr paroaataga ij givan jr ive ueltay w townaand br mia omar fll jr ill a bsrut b barth v handr ml br 11 m townaand k blnelalr bandaraon a mekay j darldaon b i n oavtdaon q btrlagar br ivff hincur w btrlngar jr prj melcay taacbar b blnnl si caeraas wa tha luth annual baatlng of tb wo- msna aoalllary wa bald la lhaaebao rooai of bt itaorb ohnrtb on tba altar- ol paby 37th a larga al tniaiot of mamibar balag prant a raor fnl tttaauag waa bald baoaipta for tit yaar i 45 pandltara 179 m offl ora olaotad for lbs yaar 1017 waral hoopra mr bart ivmuuhi mr branmoalf 8a mra o u h- traaa mia oaaull boy balaa branolt mr j annandaul awpaao mra wlllooghby cy tbsbkonating mia nvaat vy k0d fund mra maklai dtugalaa uii uaatall mra frioa itartaawrw wajtwadiy kpuoda ib ol tit iron claw thursday marl doro lo oomuon orouhd priday bliublr1 utgbt awn oluta irnuorlals wlh j wariau karrlgau flaiofday ttllki and aatlua with iba adorabki manuorlts curk tdu li a ptolur of youtb lovs borrow sod laugh 1st tboraday uamb loth- atnauur con taat ao glvan sway in prtaaii vlrat oris 19 3ft haeond 1 76 third i 00 any paraon can aaur tba eoulaat juu gltrs tb managar your bsn bimiclfsgloaw t 11 moorahaad of brauptoh haa ptirchaaad w l hatnutona eoubauoti- ary buluai in uaoraatown sod will vtiu it ineonnaotuu with i eoulaetlouary atot 111 brampton t ii ill mlum boy who ran a aocoatalul eonuoliouary bar baloraaallltig out ami wov- ins to braupton and ngijrjiig in tba ljns lin of bualnaml tb paupl ovar lhar thoogbswo muab of bla ability aa boila man that lhay alaolad blni to a tssi at lbs eoundl board wbar w an daratand b wowklaggoad uistnonui pal isaulslor tonnuya mauy ullton iriaads ara glad to notloa th avldanaaa ol a auaoaaklsl bualnaaa oarasr mllum ualorinsy r t tj wyluof toroairr w in town oototay hi pribju ol twooto is 4iaulag with uol in town llr lurimrt lrlo of aornu albarta in0r1nidwicslworth la vialt- loglrupd in tbroatoi mr wltrwroraoalpbapadth wrk kial a mm homtm hat few vntt t totonh apaat a wak and with iriand bar j mm knt3bambriajo of anapa apant llawaakaud wlltt frffead m sowa hi b j maub bay baao eoa tot boataforaoawday with a aai oid i couvetllor jmdpk uokf ba iwaaalaailarhaiagoobiaia to klfl botiw far aooa day r mahld imnaanv of yahowgraal moh 4pnt a uw day wubtrupdrla iowa tbwwsak mj bart baman waa eallad ao bla honiaal wolbrldaoo maody owing to tb death l bla toolbar mr win henry of choltonbatt who tmdarwant an operation ai toranu boa pital laat wmk la progroaauig favorably mr 1l d watron who waa takan and donly ill at bla bom in toronto yaatar day wa raporiad aomawbaa baitorto- day tba roroalns of tba lata alaxaadw ms- koebola wlm paaawl away at bla bom bar on monday will b takan to wbutos lor inlarmaal tb raaios of lb ubj wuibwt bar capri who pawad away at bla bom la torooto on monday mar fib war in- mnor town thla altaraoon tba oooral wblab waa prirala look pao from tb bom of bla faihar mr a w papal obatlo at tha mr vie waa ootid actad by ba a caraaron high school report th folloalng obulnad bonor and par wlaadlng at tb aaamlnallona raoantly id i honor edn paaran tyla kaonady doria muhw pa uimrl mckay mary paaibar tftna murui halnar carl adam 0ur io hnnur vorm iii honoramaiaaiwt wllaon oaph laaly jao wataoa pwmbmi uanllaar dora harray uarold mowat porn ii normal olaat pwj doro- ihy polhlnabnraa aiia moqoarria margat kr ii em laird ansa moon mlldrad baaaay bralyu wlkla km ina campball anol meoibboo baaulr aomoot ploranoa olnvo ihwl krly poru ii mairlaslatlou oumv maa lain poru lb pa bart bailtharauui mary stnltbanuan nalll richmond vatto la llonora jack byan alloa oraalman oladya morgan biahard maw at rw uargirat anaanuw haua mnilaori lla moran bata van allan mrgari lawaon harold bmaiba prank wl u uartullmar nmvwwmwwwvwwwmmwvvwwrtvmmamwmm iarnhiil1 fkgi ftjfo uultora bjhojix stukk bornhius irgaiuj nycra mnt payla m m vbulmmima al will mtu o tll bra ui idm by lb 1 dou t- 1 vhm lll m td ua mum i u l oib tow u tti bswamnl loo a ite raa to j -a- ff 7ioiiorito ii ji- llcbokoooklrw lot tevjsjjl 60 i km- efcoto iw ai luuta lo 1 lpmuludbmtor p v i a boots ad ktps wi ban adl m ll lo k uj llkob tlm babmoabapaiimusreawmlsod ofaotiam ibwii bomj- barnh1ls norval r saw dust for sale any quantity of good glean sawdust may be had at my mills d a henderson phone 25 main street acton church news matuodtal our prii mrvler cama to a ebia on aon4iy aw nliig a profound and laating luftraal a waa wmi upon all woo at laudaj th aoul of tba aoipal tna waa ivnld in atiuiln laaguam and ulna raiuttt wit hi wad it ntort int btaaalv prayer wu todn til on wbol wo u vplillual ufa and ilia daapar things of prlait uwwa kiadlr praarnlad ii li la a joyotta tollguwi many will follow mr otwunb with ilpat gralitnd and pray ar itir uta tru and laailog work doa bais twautydr unlud with tha ehurrb lw sunday and aauanyuor will and thalr apliltual bom wllh oods paopla ah paator i may say that i nv- r workad with a uohur chrutlaa kvat uuoday aublaeu will ba morsblgt prvparathin and powar olio wad by s ramptlao aarvlea for now tnarnbar coma wltbui our baartssr warm with walcoms eranlng how ood laala toward man furrta nst runday unntlng tha pastor will atwab of th fitb on dallvard uuto tltdtllnir and in thsavaalugbuthams will lw hold btgluulngs lltmncat and vuloh alwayi walentn marmalade imad it with my mama old recipe botlnaod lantic sugar oaamoostet it tfaie gymif atlmi li cbawirea kmaathnaeei a claar jeuy iff 2a5ncartona1020100niacka glenvviliiams tba lolbwlb i tha hboal tapwt to pxaary dr ut1 hi iv jua uolluur 03 bmiuwul b3 hlllyuj oihij r ii tubal iu4uiru 71 tllrhj lur mammoth house georgetown choice goods at biqht prices rfaj wttrd ummml kalr puo tnr oku mib ua ifaa piimii mt dubtlaliy mabroiwn4 by bwil oa as lrkjb uo tl ijtlm uaafcnbm eibrtjuj aoa puia wlam 3a afta 60s ladlhd tl uaaabla futtx qoftun lop b0- 0j iio woduij l5 j i7i gis i k ij uu 110 ojtlts lll wbllu4iujhl hiulw udlw whu o j bitot 8uk lor 7 lo tl upw wblm oduka akm w awl ii ezta bioaoodosjolomcr wmmtf ceumm uum frneytiouaia 111 valu aotfu octp uxlcdsu ebla mc 74 1 offtolth bimmtm nw ioom la volla cwm d obloa and uotl otwt in hfc hw uul willi bill ut woin 1300 aaio ud u00 1 jurwa of tjwm uagtb milubu tot nloa t ittm imo 00 oolont umim eraaiplnk sky bfl p pfloo oa4 am we have the largeat uaortment of dry goqda a visit and be convinced that we have the of wbbaaa bill or tm in odloniueto 60a rmbr klbbohbo lo fro waob blbbooa a rtlao jblwrnaohlb8ln wool- i woottoqom bofit wwmtwn liuw ww bora and lbv wool oofw lolrt band efocbtadojtt aod soolae 0oiid 08 aih fukynmitx cakatny aamal w olaar olfalol inwd too rjamaroaa 14 oiam fa ma s wabaaaajpueruiaotlld aodmaeba naaadjauall 001o4l7s mi clo 76o at maaauaaa haadtb bm lo 3s0 uaa lawn lluha 10 lo iso mm an flwvlkl ss eod ml 76 uo obdloy wura um onl rap jt ever ahowiliri seoretown pay u right good 4t the right prices mcbean go- sterling value fortlfie it bmauiy look aiaa nwwt told good motor car wfalto t b gray dort eould bardiy b improvad for baauiy nor for a paraooallty a fuiu av aieganc that malt it welcom on axchtaiv thorooghfarea anywbera in man who wanla ttrvits la tb mart for whom it waa oriainally built it aylitidwa or coolad ladapcadeblin it la tba only ctr in it prleachu carrying tbo wcftthigboiulmth0iyattcmclutcbaridbral arw combloed in a ting it footpedal tb cray dor craoanhaft and rear bat ar oxtrabaavvj fandar and boonat axa aqoaskproof i and la aqulpment h u eomplat to tb fait daiall valaa uk tw wbl a un liwtsuawltmwal rimimhjlllill i uw m 885 special for georgetown housewives cooking onions 9c per lb lexnonsl 5c doz 2doz for 26c oranges 20c 25c 0c 50c doz grape fruit 5 for 25c figs 3 lbs for r 25c all otberaood hot ranllonml id th dmtumnt will ba old at brlom ex apuoaally low a restivo fruit specialist kloiu street georgetown t j speight flerreetowo flange lefreseatative s riceman tb bnwaun man living in oaorgatown will pay tba blgrtaat mark prhw for raga rabbara mat junkt aua or draatad poultry pura hklna hldaa old otoib eta- lira kwm 30a par lb dock i so par lb alao bt prlr lor gaaaa dock and ehiekan iratiwr u yoo hava anything to aall l m know by mall and i will call h biaaman mill t uaorg town aaonnd raatdrar irani ball imp rnant roooia old lat bo itld a tb fat cbleaan to s lb plain ban ito lira lgbls21 tip saturday treat eaeb batnrday hod our boalnoal larpar thank thulaao ol flon town aadtbaaarroondlugaouatiy and nodoabtoar ualarday trutita aomalblng to do with il our aim la lo glv you touch omndy a po idbl for your monay thla hatontay w will pot on aal 100 poonds of our hotaamad bottaontb a pur elaar tlntiaraaulcb iba baat bot- tar and sugar ara ud lugd sr too par lb sfgtttinuy treat price 19c lb neilsons ohooolates llavavoaavarbuda boa olmiuob hoiaa had obooolauaf tba aastueiayoaamlaaulaamadooiidboa al mlboaa oboeolau t 600 r xx 3kdcooroxot3la phone bb mm ttmttr atomstrowm c astoria iwifjaaa aa4cuuram latlaalarovarso walk my ladlos look bar 1 bav hoasbt alaia mook ol tba bait nbba baal wd 1 lil bat yoo a jit ao badly jyiwlllallaalbivtola stm yoa aalla to bat ifaao aa with i raaay tba iu hlllyanl oihij iru 71 tlrhj lun olougb 70 ula hubuy tkl hu lie tliur bh uilliuon uuiiy 4u nortou iu uordaa uarolilanl us it lvulpbao hlplilu m uaillia uttobuaal ao itadama u11ii0 fro iwal votifvau wilil hill rauny waavai a ida kioauaatay aa ur ill wii1u ibaoaioat ao euma bauauat it kudu uoklulu vl tow a wattato 7s uolaud italam us llr old wbmuitf 00 ub ilmtau u0 hairy truy mohaa uomoauy ia morula ulltaan 4s nanaa hortou 41 mrv wbaalaru jr ill jack aildy 89 alua horlou m auula uoklmwuiy b6 uvula klrtiy ai alban kamwood b viola logau a kublaaa norioo s7 willi hwui 10 avaraa alliiillur u jr o0i saaoad olau ioailbb soo uurla urabaai- too hua uliuiuo w7 krawl votgrava itao myrlla uouiwiaud tuttvy lluatuy tsh wli lull ajl rbona llaloaa bit uuai m luaw iso hay morlaa iso willi hum 141 irlralolaa tviaalbla sis kumh ajant im jmw baihorlaad 14 uiook baaataaal loa aaaa uoouar its lujit uambeual m kmuury poadhla luknllv nortau iu willi alloa 101 willi ohaaaua 101 wllbalialba llyud uo uruw ue ataaauy 8suorl uubuiu 87 donald apajayard so vrubllu laui 7s a obaauamb llalulu 140 wluloa wbaalar iso ivy llaluv 1ss twirrf uoaoar ilia jack norlau iu wlllnd umuoa iu3 kuulay loau no alkart traoym b olaat loaijbl luolloluitt llru- atoat b0 bobi buuaaoa w ivy inw wood 71 willi iloara si vnaklla uii- naa w allrad hii is avaras atlaadaao 80 illcoariu m k kaiuo eye strain oblldraa ar fraumt aotfafats bofeg lyhiralu arlalag iron wholly unaa paeuddrlwuof vulon bqmnt orcroaa my ladua to datwtiv vutoe and on rtingly indlealaa kyshtrsln tb tight glamaa worn la urn will eon both willi ii brauejad th iqointiag a grailoally iom it soataaaaa of vialon tui u italy only sn optrtlla will mill u4i ibaavll uvary child ayaaaho aid b xiiulntl dr plant optometrist uorttowa oibo tuut library phaaa 1h rtoiir notice to creditors jtauoncohmiiohstys- nuiitw u boiaby glvan that puraoant to v ofi ubap 13 bu 0 1wh ibat ail krtnub bavliiualkluunrdamsaxlilkgslaal a mtata l tha ubl willlatn jl lfawll- ton d0aajmhl whodlad onor about th latvahy 1u17 si rjulid to mat by mat prf ld nr tlallrairod to lh uadar hutml hollo liar for jamw hamilton tba auuiluuliaurtiilltatald uaoaaaad on or 1917 ford touringcar 495 v o b ford ont the c that will give you everything you cm i uk of a motor car in the way of service its i youro for laoo less than any other car can be i bought for aud it has the lowest maintenance cost per mile for gasoline aud general upkeep buy a ford and save money j n oneilli georgetown sells tbem please call aud see the new model a full aback of repair parts always on haud jackson s 1 1 j big special values dont miss them biiittt tit iuui uay 01 apni iuit thalr elirullau ami uiroauurs sad sddrwhaa with lull iiartloulara la writing of thalr ciloordtiwudsadtbbataiw of tba imorltlm if any bald by tbamduly vari- ul by aialutorydmuration auj lak notim that altar lb aald 10th dayolamll 1u17 thamdd admlnutmtor til tha ulj tlooaautd willproeaadtodutri buiathauasu ithaaalddaoaaaad among i tha ulj tlooaaukl willproeaadtodutri uiathauasu ol tha aalddaoaaaad among tl a mtrautt autiluid thatata having v aaid ouly to tha eialua ol whloli ha ahall than hava bad uotloa and ths mid ad- balnutralnr will bt b llshls or tbaaald awu or any ptt thar6l to any paraon or paiwua ol wbiielajmtwtloblltui4 hav itaaii raoilwd by him or his ollcl lor al tha ulna of tueli ulatributloa daiod at mouhl korwa tbl rtb day of mtrob al1017 w u 1euky uolloitor lor adnlalathlar it metuuvoitra it will cost y0u1 nothing to get prices from us ou the following slash doors window prallieu siilillr aiu slieellng cypress and pine trim silos water trougija aud cisterns everything in mill work greenhouses conservatories gurileii furniture etc glass garden builders limited hall luekikitrs valua in tolld oak- ura ftltaaomlal tulv daalgntwo upaclala ubo and f 0 90 parlor tabbrpwul qujutarut oak sd in vountl top baavy dk l ifafa uiuara vadaatisl lg atf aou with csfvlugi tar vawiraaiwr hig valua in mhrajrygp- tablaasrt a 4 qurwr uiv4 oak tluult lor- jmjv a itlg alar lu kiuhn aafc cabluau agoodtlcalil afflll ui lor wm riilou1lil valua lu hmiioiui lloob gasa j f oait lmuolliuliil itook i u aactioiij toil and ba ww a dig rookar lor utlur a rf motvay oak tram ltiiw- wit and baok lor rfr anumbarof blgooucli j s w valuta among wlilch zm 1 i hasvyiuog valour wf a good allowing of uaulludaat ss 90 aud up sotusajfoipilotagj vauaiu llrsi uada a lraa nviniv hid al jr lhirdoakaiialt1tf 1 41 iii auap at w a nsw vloor oovarhig oougolsum ah uui watf0ol waaliabla mnttary waar lingar than iirlnlad iihouhiuu mad lu all autm in m nuiulwr ol rloli du- nlgu a hiludld valua in aptiairy uttuaras 1000