jtw wftibth yba op publication tb4e0met8wn hejuli i i arias b wsatnrowdpiiiirtuaprfwni lrffis bojbciuctio sins psift v foarolujt advwrrjmlia batb8 qeoroetown wednesday eveninc may 16 9i7 una lar aw r naj ibm dircgtory ktii aitiroa wallbbidubji dale tommo am ol ooaal xaaaad bloat i bay dak in cbarsa ol oaoraatawn pd sudtttl r if dr joseph mcamdrbw pbnwuud flopon medval outtr of rimhh ijielrtot augeoa g t b ottos houra itoaaad l topm phone m ossee and rmlfew mela booth oppoaila fnabytatfaa ebwtth ii i l l plant dl 0l a okoboetowb oaaaaasltaubraiy rboa ls specialist in defective bybsight ovv1uk houiw wadnaidjra 14 6 bh ands lo pta balardya11 to ft pu and 6 lo pbaoa loir an appolalmaa 1 cuwytartb ha ll bursary of twannaahy a k nallabm 0 1adaalolllirabaar iha oiwaal brboolol ubkopramlo daraa- port iowa dha orbororar hanlofda sboa btor onnaallhoa aad aptaal aaala ftaa taasiban aad bat slooatto apro flnui bams k waxbom djdjl suxa dkmt1ht o oat hoaja lm att lo spro pblhby la au l braaoba ow baak ol uamlllos v l ukath ua ddji uwfriot osta is la biota on daor aartb 6l chaw obit raavay hoar aa us pm db l l bbmbbxt 0kmt1st oavaatwahiim mala bb aorta ital boaaa ow uttk bids ibo mz utttamh bknj fetch laaaaad aacuoaaar lor uauaa aaa raal olaawlulaw pool oafaa balaa apa daaad aauabaiorlly aad at aaaniiihl turn ordwa ua at iba uaoaaaaaw haaatd omoa aill hmalva afoaiat dk j sovabd vb bvbo mouval oradaala oalarla vibilmry oallaja aad yaroau uaitanuy waillil ol all oodaaaloaud attlaul call hmbji lhi rla it otdaaaaaoaw ut rial u jackson ad lkb civil engineer surveyor temple bldg brarjtlord kaja uaakaoa bu u manlnaloal kauaa k- outub b o wyaaabobarta malar worka w 0 tuioyhastatand awuo je1l10w toavoixoi on ynaa tan oharua bali tamalo haa ahaooaal kaaamloa lor laor oagh anfoaaara aaa ai an uoaal aara taa haaa dtnaail lar oa aradaaka la ami laat ii w a orad oar aaboal xaax aajp haw oa wj buouwaow- waamft nmmmr14lai coal wood aiaallaara lar lai d taalila fill thallbiaa aa ckaaai joal u laatl aarrj avarytblaf to bateoadla aa ap la daal ooal aad wood tata john mcdonald taon ii jwkennedy hard p stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and dement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone 26 georgetown onl clifford lin ham butcher maim btbeet fob the choicest urd yaal e lamb fuh catlofdkaats nd suma swifts noted premium homa and bacon deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham j m buck butcher oaanfea atmya bar oo uaad uw vlaaa ol beef pork bausaqe boloana eto home ourbo ham8a baoon xaub t veal arllaaaa aiatw ouva haarrimlraav tnoalui in buim oraraloldwl alaneaamy lorraador brldaa m wlorjataaial orawol worii ranlcalaia iroal b l oraaloma u flaar faadaad fmlaltoa john ballantine obobobtowh oht first invest in a home it will pay a higher rate ol interest than any stock or bond tt will enanre yonr family from the ills physical and otherwise that come from overstrain from lack of a home it will rest yon restore yon and repay yon to get satisfaction buy your supplies from i- r mackenzie lumbar planing mills si acton and 0 i8bti8it sixty years or proukkas amd buoocbs w hm hlihrl uib mola- tloa for mr od ptjov dmllsj ud an now prhnd lo um wibitlo eoodttitw br otbtlntf yon hlgb rgrfi tiwa aad blanu dimot to c t book bot- tovt faiusa drja dtay to puatfiyj roll tth and puau m h im jhfif pan batur baod lor oar matualadair valanof bafdv vuutim whkb fob oh iff prioto wulba a roa aaa tofasaata our tan shops wa an aarknalf abaawsaaam airuralailr abaloa atrka la mavf taa fu lar aa s aad w r tba bair mabasaap taaa will b nrr popeur aad ttay oosbi ba larllsibaanawalwarbtoaarroobabrublaaadaartooiialor wa anaxabnrra apaau lor iba bajal aboa rumford the sh0emkn the home of better shoes it will cost you nothing to get prices from us on the following bash doaaa window jramca uusg and sheeting cypress and pine trim silos water troughs and cisterns everything in iron work greenhouses conservatories garden furniture btc glass garden builders limited oeoxraretoxnrxa rr carasr maonau eo mt oalarw irat muhmtmrmtm cauwwa oaf atent5 iieriiiiviwiijij aumojr a kabioir arthur b gastell r jn oousaa an huaw 4 plana lauasdt do you know of a better asset than a practical education iiu a tupplas ttooa lo l hum aad wblla blaor liara wwonjad la iba put wub uttla or aa adaahloa y4 sotb abuiry euapvutloa aad aabir ptua raqalrai tha bnalapai maa ol iba lulura to ba tbaraaawv oamalad lor bla work tub csarxxoxldlx businesscollege auktfll out ud omual ol tlddy laal aollad to tba wtida ol tba anbluoar boy or sui wapbtadennliililaladpaihoaax lad bad ana m mi albw talh lavaaupau bad yaa waj aran l l ma priadaal lee sing liaundby tba old 1 iiaadij mratclaaa nriinauoa at rna lowbbt fuga pattersons meat market choicest fresh and salt meats butter eggs canned goods etc watch our window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays cboias bast aou by quartar also hogrwhols or half at mark prlooa any peraod having veal calve for sale please phone or write us we carry a full line of all kind of fresh pish w j patterson phone i georgetown a shoe repairing p mb good leatuhb low vbuuui amd stjpbuob womkahbnip t bars bo allal unbaoourr i mead all lands of boots shoes an rubbers ba abof aouas bapalria doaa wblla you walk baboadbaad booblbcklauaadaold laolaababbar baalaaaulrpatoalorlas ir- 3eobrbmr taa cold boat rytuankxll caohgetown out plaaa doa laava yoar boobal boob oa tba plaao established 1004- the merchants bank of canada capital paid up 7000000 reserve fund t 74sooo deposit 67000000 total asset 93000000 j aiijfa jaaol rooo aabooab blar who u not ibd abao aual roa uaar aadblat wmlrom tbaboatb lbaiaaptaa aprlasratema alnb w ololbjd wlllj nrdor ur aadaaa t bib ddl qoa wbo vub nalarrflng 7trvr v- aa iba praaaataa m ulr dan raora br faaaa ki aoldao glotj ubis wsk bor laila bbj baarl wab bapplaaal fcaal mfk borbbbold ibaoib aiowbla map bapr baa who aadr a taaipja la aarb atatalr tratl wbo aal rfjou la kba jeaalad p9t wllb bird aad ooaar aad boaay aw aim bra ba la not yoaas wbo aaa la aartb bahod oalr a alaaa wbrra ba wins plan aad aoldf bat ba wbo ma ma woodar da by r- wbawarbbmanba aanraubaald hloattak loalar labt aaa to days story my rjtaadtunilitatr uarlan wu lay favorite of all i ddmeaodaata of bar rpanitlon wliut wai tba oatta of toy teltig tat lur u bard to wttdtf bu wu uarun whluack and that w hot otw urun whit lock it wu ltot that aba wo a tiroug charactat tot aba wu no hba waa not onl baadtom but bllod to tu moult of bar hmdltftmatm dot aba waa lorabla liv daad bba wu lovad ummjb bar ratttu ratbar uwn bar sood aautlaa at iaaat i bat aabdautbar lovad bar oo that aceouot marian uad to tall b- atatkdasoilv w taoro about wbat wa colng oo bav an bar attd bar young baa wo- elataoj thatl any oo el why aba did thu i dont know nnlaaa it wu tw a x roauaad qui tbatafora aympa tbuad with tba coodltloua nndar which aba laborad candor oomtmul tna toad- mlt that aba i tmlta which had abowu tbanudraa in ma whan i wu bar aaa and it hi mora than frobabla that aba inbarltad t froon ma wblto i tmdmvored to culda bar out of tha ottaeta of he ludlarrtrllooa i borar laetnrwl bar for tiarlntf ixmhi indlaoraat x naltaad that odlacratloa waa a trait born in bar and waa not llkaly to ba acsdleatad till aba had frown beyond tha ago whan it would laad bar into mnhta marun uaad to coma to ma in a light baartad way with bar panrfaxtia but on day ah gara arldaooa that what iha had to tall wu of a aartaoa batnra u aba aatdp 1 bara cooa tod dooa u towand no mtouha wbat u it cblldr i aakad too know billot walkarr ttaa wic billot atid i wara in tba mo- aa rootu i at tba thuo ba tnrolna arar tba abaohi sha trauaad 1 ga bar time aollot bent lowar and lowar or toy abouldar 1 buiipota i ahoold bar morad bet x didnt waur lli klaaad ma x rafralnad from mwtuant on thhl fend valtad for tba danouamant dont kti6w wbat it wu that aconiptad ma to art mi i did i wu tartalnly not otfaituvd bail aipaetad whan 1 didnt mora tbat ba would kba and abould hot have thought tnncb of him i ba hadnt it woo not tbat t wu nrtjdulu it wawll i dont know wbat it wu uulanw it waa old mick got into wa hot i aroaa from tha tlano lookad daguara at htm and turning atahed in lv tna room wbat wu my aurrtriaa to a llorwrt kauwohhy atandlug in tha door of tba tnuald roum klllot aud i bad not baan awara of bu attnroacb and ba bad ww tba wbola wtyorniaut wbat did you do uutv 1 aakad anxloualy why yon wa i eauldut vary wall bay tbat i hid aucouraaad blunt to kiw ma could if oo ou and i eouldnt any that x wag not raally otfeudad u did you dor why 1 want ou out of tha wool and dldut tp bafkr iaa a fur a faw minulaa and what did yod auyr not hlu about wbat had bwannil x baavu to bat wllb ururt wblla billot ut looking vary miwb amhtr- ob uartanr x wu awara tbat tbaaa two yauug tnan warn hvala for uariana fayor wa www aouibarn paraouu aud in tha south mir lufeu era but bloodad liar bot kou worthy had wau bluot wal ko give kluruti wbht ainvrartid to ba an uult wblcb tibo could uuly raaaut a m wouxau if troubt batwaan iba young man did uot raault tbau i wu no jodga of human uaiura at tbu llakbad tbrough ay brain and i twltl to uarlam dld your two vultor abow aay anltnotlty toward aacb othar v nona wbatavr but grandma i have beard aium tbat which uade me to fer whatv u havo batn told that tble morultig they were luaylag bullihhj togtuor at tba club aud ulllot rburitwl lutbek wltb nbo vim up iioljith that ba bud not ttiaue ilarbett rallad klllot a uar aud billot struck bin i did net auk to uoat any more 1 knew well that iba young mwi would not luty ml i urdu loutjlltor titter vtlwt bad occurrdakttit fur a iiiiriuwu tlut hurtukw bulug to maka it uiufur ilutt a illtfeiwut caiwa fwim tliu nut oitti bad wfb wtfgd jij50 per annuiii ori5if ptulfamvnncv y- awwcall aia ta tnitabm olijlaaliqio uw ii rfbuct btm w toft mgjtavmf frowst tog tavoltwdjn tha atwr what ht yen baa atneal- 1 gait ats aiixfttvjaly otmanmn ntown idoobted u maitan cofgagay wtnit would h a probaola mnn of eij tkmaaianmutmabkrnmr taalaag tr aba m not prarant a a lag batwaaj tllea two yoca eand atsmkiilutbothmrkmulaa fbatba act baa- ufa would fyev mnat atnat to biharkasworthy anr tea atotba u wu your fault that bloot luawedyoor r olvaveqdma i diatf- thlo atuarraj baa nothing to dovltb bbuard it u nboot you uarbtrrt bu ceoajmltulad blmaalf yofir cltarov blon nnturatandlpg that klllot lawnhv ad yon i baf ibonaht that myaalf aald marian paling m duel will aoraly follow uarun looked at ma wltb a fright ened eipreaslon that excited my pity but 1 knew that it wu bo time to ln- drjlse in anything but aotlon i lsa- proaaed upon her the n of bar pravantlag any fartbar trouble be tween bar two aahora during oar rooveraatloa it came out that iba bad made a cbohe between all bar anttera including tltartwo dn qoeetloo tata aba rerealed to aia though i wu tba only pemon aba nmflded it to aba pored tbllot wajker thinking aba needed my rapport i told bar tbat 1 would go with bar to aaa herbert sea worthy ite made no reply for awhile to thie propoaitlon i could aaa that a etruggle wu golnc on within birr but i waa hrnorant u to joat what tt waa piwoantly aha roam that are you tolng to dor x aaataot 1ajn acungtoam haijiere do yets wuh ma to so with yoott wo btaadma thu wu tba drat in of trancth x hw in bar and it wu noma relief sbe left tor and later i beard bar pony phaeton on the gravel walk i waited anxlooaly for bar retorn when aba came i uw by tba axtwaav on her faca that aba bad not ano- reeded in ber objavc wlir 1 uld tuurrocatirely l went to ttertoerte tiouae aba aid called blm out and wa had a rooferenca up the vera ode i told him i bad beard that be and elliot bad bad altercation 1 inferred that ha bad n billot mae ma and mo reeeat tha act x iwsged that ba would not eon- ttltute blmeelf my defender ha re plied that be bad not dona no but ad mitted that be attd klllot had got tnto a nuarrol from worde tbat bad paaaad between them relative to blllofa act i tfaeu admitted that i had encouraged klllot to ktu tna lie looked very mucb eurprteed and pained at tbbi i knew tbat hla con tempt had patwed from elliot to ma i told blm tbat elnce 1 had eiooefated billot i abotitd oipect him to apologiaa lo billot for anything ba might have uld nndar a inlatinderutmndlng after kome thought ba told ma that any wo man in bucb a caoo in prevtmt trouble between two of her men friend would awume tbe blame there waa no gin in my doing eo tba affair had gone too far to be emootbed over i argued with him for noma lima but could gat nothing oat of blm then x came away too mnat eee elliot tba on who bu given the cballensa u tha one to offer tha olive branch 1 bav aeen billot tba cbalienga id com from herbert billot having ntrocbt him klllot epoloffued to ma humbly for having kluoed me lie ad mitted that tba arena in tba billiard room had been itmcocled to keep tny name out of tbe quarrel he would gladly on my actfouut put a atop to tt hot could not rafuee a cbalienga with out being diagramed attd aa tbe matter aland tha two ren will meet tomorrow moralngtr 1 ruppoe eo tba cam wu a knotty one tha only way i could bee out of it wu for marian to chooaa between tba two men aha mubt tell uerbert tbat aba loved elliot but i doubted if tble would pre vent meeting that tied uoome pub- tid matter and wltb whlou alia wu not known to ba eounerlod it would probably save billot from injury but thia would not be fair to herurt tbe only bona i to pravent thla mmlug uk a i aald pulling my about bar ia to tall them both that yod love klllot that would i think dtapoaa of tint matter herbert would withdraw hut challenge i vould feel ber ablvw lu my anai at thla ajieroailva but aha uld noth ing though later aba told m that bi llot bad nude ber m propoaal tbo day wu uow ended and uoth- lug bad been uccomuliabed x datar- mlned to laava uarun free to act for baraelf uu tba uat minute than if aha did not act i would endeavor to fere ber to do ao wa remalbed in tha tame room through tha night without uuruhliitf after 1 j oclock i fall iwleep ou a lounga i wu erouaed at dawa by marian couiv abo uld without asking bar wbera wa wera to go i weut with bar x knew feba knew wbera tbe meeting would tak ltace aud io proceeded there ttttoa billot bad hot propoaed to bar x could uol oa wbat aba would do wa walt ml au buur a abort dutauca from tba ufld aud anally aaw one party com on to it tbtm tba other tba aeoonda re ouguued at tba prallmlnariu wbon uarian advanoed x foilawlnd iter wlmt wlu tot thu affaur aba uaked tlioro wu bo reply from either mm i ii naked all to withdraw except lli principal 1 cuu tbluk of only one way to top it aba uld i love one or you iruiitlouirtu will you both agree to iliauo hand if i tutu the una i lover at thla ibey wrw all alteutloo then herbert uoddod an uaaant and bluot roilowod tito one wbo kbwed u aald muriaii uud covared bar faea wltb bag liuud klllot ataried for bar but i waa tod iiilik for tilm uud rarrted bar away ilio duel did liot take place thara a 6iiil to tble atory but u la a hf umt billot wu u hug wbila lo inlnu lariaua eoneeut tougrry him iait kbj kept him fyogg taaotbag ay aura than yaaj of ibe retml artnjaj iu iba grot ol aopply utl hpya bet the agaa of ia god 19 yean ea the oecotvl aenrea tbe organ of reaoureav reowvad today a report from the ym0a boy seavuriea who have bean appealing lor tba commlltaa to the hlgb rabool boys to eater farm eerviee they report that lit oollegiata itwutntaa blgfa ehoola baala- eaa pb oaoimim mal eeboote von vleltad and tba appeal m to eollet older boye for eerviea oo the arm alenmayott poai boarda of trade and in faot mwrf laadlng dfiaaa egjeed to give tble com alt la their hearty and eameot eoopavatiom ataevarayava par cant of tba boys who war bras at at these msetfags asgalaed tbetr intaatloo to devote ijr llaae aad saargy to mora toad prodooooa 161a la tba eetinaled total o tboea alisady a- liafasd wblab cooetitaui u per east of tba anrelaaaot of the eeboote rkatad rtbair oat in tba fampalga pttat that n tha boys bad already ananged it ova eaaptoyroeot and aaooadly i tbo ghis ware just aa aainaat to do their obere to tiptoe cane the boye wbo eollet la this farm eav vias will rocelre a brotue eenrlae bottoa whieh i oval in ahape taltb tha words farm service oorpe 1917 promlaant it dloplayed and the coetrifartne of on tario a typtiml boy the maple leaf and a wheat abaal rake and boa appear aw i pabhotia feeling has baaa ar- the young men of the province aad they are neeoedlng nobly to tba cenee giving up their ejnmtional work batter paying pooltloim and their earn maw awcreationa you kn th chap there i one chap that i dont ilka nor km dont ilka him too hes jot u raep- on my nerves a be would be to yoa bat ba la every plaeu yon go be eam- plag oa tba job oh bos a ahyetar ehap bole this bleierln eilly elop tbe inan wo mean i woadrone wise mora ao than all below be la tba ehap tbat spring tbat gag boat bow 1 told yoa so nplu oaldb yearn told yon old hle oboe would go and with it old hi too be warned moat aw illy happy bu doptnga has come una od when uld jewuna elated his bank and vaoiebed la the nlfbtea a doson local wade far hlgbar u i always eed thu here would c id i when old hi jlak went npli wtah hie old unheretora ba aald i ed tor4bat ffuw for boot a year or amv beysolds i3amhtoi a oidord mjaasrdja pllott qau tstwd f if already aesavuag to oeeding and nhu oo do a to tba kmji of their ahuhy tbey euo wlleve that u are saaay ocberawb sbeaid be srooasr to tba gaed 0wmaaou food codootloo aadihaivaacb retired farinar ahoahllm pstwbtauty appealed toih aacfaoaig towa and rillagaof the iorloea lb low in- this oooiwctaon b la of intaaakjt to not that cwroilh vrooman diastaaaakt of arieltate el the united htate in ltancbisihie ioputn to aa liat 7mo0d mw workere lor faf a aklu omavl it doasai seam to make no odd how alg the thing that bnautrom paaaat rnaater to a wok or aoute blgi naafoee uneu a honk of gntelpe jom uhtaame be b joy or woehva olway reedy with bu blu ae there 1 told yon as it eeeme to ma that i would like ii twssat lar the law to plant mv mighty noray bet rigbt slam npou bu jaw and wnaek blm hard npou the nose with ouch a aonelobin blow bvd neer again unloose bis trap to lisp 1 told yon eo ark x40mg34ta tba annual ncauuel will ba held at georgetown on tfinroday hay 94th when the followlbgerent will uk plan 10 dee trot ol pace mlu beet a in 8 purer 900 xhh cum irot or paoe mil beaj 8 la 8 putt 1178 ttsclata trot or pec mil bal 3 in o pone vuft oenarllsn amooeitou unu lo govern knuuf positively elooe may 9rd 1017 w oleavo pieeuianti t x hill urterl bert bwnun omfeury exzema wash a touch 1 0 d 0 lo any eeatna aore or ltd b lug eruption and youll be able to rest and aleep onoe woie- think- joat a louchl is it worth trying cjet a trial bottle today your tuooey bask u tha aret bottle doe not reluve you tctmi u v uuubitlan oeorgetown bkall coiitraot alyfhuvmltta i iart wlltw varalvml bumw wo vflevy the jutm ittl 1u the ea vvhahwof illauij y mail u a pm uaarirm tuut jrif u ru m vat bat ikdj vhtlal ahhi u h wu fvi uauti hal imhi 11 hldlxdv lwal lttftuu at ran u4 tjiiat t- tin t tilr wk j j hi uhi uaiva aiii klage luoiattwil ilu ili iimtiu ttti olmtulm ktilbalul ibfhm ibabsbilmr tmitp may lib in iu the suyroratc coityiv the comity of hultou ouh nitllco u lieteuv glvtml ttumuaat to ravlwj huluthi of oiiurlo ubapler 111 miction ftu that all imiatth having elalm alnattheuuieul uuiy ulihljkwbo d ltfllt april 1117 at uaitueelng la the aald oouniv are rruulrett to aettd by tuiblor to deliver lo the undesigned oo lit beloie tha luilt day of may 1017 thair uamw aildtaaoo lull pahloutaisol ibalr ulauua aiul thatialure ultbeaecur- iiy ii auy livid by utom all duly verlned by ataiuiory deuulatlau alur the aald ilaia hiovkicutnik will proceed todlatri tvuie tits kubwl t din uooreeed amisttsj tltu parti uulliltkl uiutttui utivlng regera only to the ulalut ol wltloli they anall llteu bave uutliw and tiivy aliall uotb liable lor ilia hsmtleorany utl ul them to auy peieouol wine ulaiui uakhahall not have boat rertlvtl by tuattt avlba time ol anult dulrlbutioii lvmid at ullton thu tolb day ol april 1117 william i 1ji0k ulluin onurlo t aolloltor lor tumoioirsi rov mm jasjnmi