Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 22, 1917, p. 2

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w h wnjibogr lxadihq ftthkral dlltkotw ob ahd embalm kb nay ui ml otowoitoww qt pmowk ft j edforambetollowiagretem jblrtbawa raarrjaaaa toft deatba me zusi 1017 marl on tbafaday angoai 10 1017 sajufoa rodger wid oatof lb uta william jttckaon lo bar gird year tbefie0r6etownberlld wbijesday kive0 auo w hhf ramsji tuw tharalvoldvr had da- poaltotpar not logal any raluf utrtwsli tiovefutnatit lvguutlrtn tlw ailnftuno u ueut wee insde id tlitf houaeofcom won on thursday- tutum u wsunimo in tin attlontohlia aooldeet that oceur frequently parluu lulyt railway rotelng of the dan grroos ctomings there era safaril bad odm id hallon monty that really should not go unprotected if will awwouwckd it ulo urllub hoiiwi of commons that 070 uvea worn oti ttrathdt merchanluion from tlio opening of tho war to juuo bo 1017 an a roaultof enemy notion 0 theso oitj werw paabengors the remainder being etnoor or seamen tug utxiuiwo ol political party 11 mm to ba the order ol uie day tble i not lo b wondered at id a tlm wban world cbang ere id progreaa and whare man are thinking mora indapandaotly than ever before so fax u ohlario i concerned u 1 ma thai all the paopta daalra to make tba winning of tba war tba vary nral eoasldareilon finukixu oc tint erop proeped there will ba wlda epreed regret that there u bbi graat abortus id tba appla ylald tbl is pari loo larlytro of western oct- tario but east of toronto than i a greet falldra a wall oria apple ejaoelallon bearoahewa report proapaet for only 1000 barraltf where formerly tbeoolpol reached a high a 19000 and really there 1 no adequate aabelltnt for appla kvkw tiik iwnuwa of tba bohbarn part of urilub auicar giving tba ilk ti of qualiu uon lit patiloluui lay ally nj ilavatlou to tba molbar country id tba rlaoi mnflle tint ufltild and bar alllaa r now augagad lut wk ebj bond ft l induua from tba pauw itiv r dutrlot irrlvad at camp oordaa tml wlabad tou1irtln uta pomuh hittal lod tbay bad lo walk aavaral handrail mil baror tbay wara abla to aeb a railway and amiira irantpottalloh lo ibalr datilnillon fliey wara forwardad to toronto to ba ouillad captain uecar iby a toronto ltt latt waak for janwa bay tba lonllitro axtaailoo of lludaon bay to bring down anolhar party for ui votmlry draft iu haa a 114 of 7ft tnnu bara of ona trlba who ara auvlooj to jblu tba color it la taid that lb jamaa day indiana ara of flna phyalqua and vary alhlatle tba cblaf drawback mng that a kllght parranlaita tow a untlancy to tubarculotla thoa having aytup tobu of uiia will a aant back by tba biobllltatloj bmdlal board wumm you iiui a haw dlfeouuulad with tba world aour aiiprmalan on hla ut and a ganaral donlahi appaarattw you hu rly tlal hla wlfa u away frotti boma ily looking around you can tall at a glauo all uia man who hav mnt ibalr wlvaa away for a illiu outing vof tunataly tortbainta tba woman tutially takai iba baby wllhhar uafora alia eoaa away aba eooka a targ a quantity of lrt- hjj ao thai ba will bava no troubla in iba way of cooking hufllelant bread la uft and all ba haa to do la boll tba katila uaka bla laa and drink it tbla tnoeh ha ganarally aooomplubea but whan it eomaa lo wuhlng dlihu ba la ool hang uta duliaal a a cotuuion aiclama- uoa tbla taacup will do again and i dont tee tuuob wrong wltb tba plaloj tbavll do the aupprr anyway and whan auppar la ovar ba puu tbaui to one ida for a tnrpriaa parly for tba wifa whan abo raturnt he never thinks of making hla bad no uatler if aba la away a whole month and irua to parauade hluaalf uiat bo ja pertaelly oomforablo during the aral two or three daye ha gala along in good alyle and for the life of hlut he cant tea that women need eomnlaln lite have aucb an eaay time tax rate 40 mills thar ttlnwaw tlmmlii amiilna ieet wtib itva ilaartwall in ilia cbalr and cotinclllore cook kuah buelay and hpaigbi prant altar golpg over tha eetlueiaa of azp- aaam aad twmlpta for uw premotw with tba aodltaaa 11 waa moved by flaaagbl rad arowdad by roab thai tba vllaga4atforibraidivba 83 ibub oo tba dollar with a tmlu for copnty rata tba oooocll lbd adjoornad equesihg council eaqtimdntf 00th angnat mil tbo council tot juraua4t to adjourn mont tba llooro in uto clij luomhonl lui prvaonl tho uilnutcmtif bul lnootliuf ivra toail mtit cofiflnimml ktaniluli euul that tho ity uw ui pcovldo fordntluttuh uork in tlui vil- utti of norval iimler tho minlluil lnilitjfl act imt tmw rciid ibotliltil tlurt and pmhuoil rurtud jllntllinin k1iimi that urnvjilm ijrnn ttu lo liitkuliitfl b lly imw to auuititi llio imvtrtil ucuut iurtluiiu und uulii uciuxa uctluiiu fur tlui yi nr 1017 atid thai tild lly uw u now rcai tbo llrut tltno uknioil huiiduh iiawiwhlhj that tlio lly tjiw tomiuiu tho mivoraluhoolwmt lone ho now inui tho uicund aiul third tluiom awl imuww tarrinl llaniimhlro itlnjihain that liiavo ixi llraulail lo iulrotluco a llyfaw to apor tlon tho inuihifat aivniluaon tlin hallway lhjuiia vutul and that wild ity uw now wad thn it rut lliuo cartliit htjukluh klllnll tlmt i itu lly h to apiuirtloii llio inluroitt aconiiiidnii tlio ltallwny llonuu ilind ik now rcuutlin uocoutl and thlnl llnioit and iaiuvl carrlbil maiiijwhlrofllandlidi tlial iho t anrr pay mlua may ttiouipwim thn i of ijj for kuuum1u womciih inulltuui carrtetl blanduh klllott that tho iroasurir nay tho follow inj njjoountai if olbbona for 4 yd uravol b4m john thouipwu p m no 10 10 for mutrto ulmr on mmi roaula lota nathan uradgw im no u btaauta uboc anil ropafrlngfll hdioaorijo yaalkuor lm no ta wututa labor mid eonj to atiitluo hujij w 1 hprowl lm mo n nomirtutatlon w au oier- atlnil ttradar ij total flij j atnuiy 10 for wotk inoonnoolfou villi drainago id norvaj carrlml uampablro ituloh that tho traa uror pay j k catnpball tba uam or laji for a yda uravol at le r yd uod by it llwaol 1 if alao 97 m for 10a yda on divuloti no 64 joaopb allan vu cartiod elliott huml ub that tha treasurer ikay tho followlnjj acoounta w o an thony for tllo niitllml mso0 j a brown for siipplloa for the rollaf of john maokio ho lutinu in uoed toronto qon oral houpltal for tho malnlananeo nf mary irwlu for 7j dayg iwocarrrlo kllniibaui ilauiiwlitro that tlio trra- jwir ttay tho following amlrow mo pouald fur hut yaaru btalulo labor wr formtmi till year nhovflllnu dravol ami gravel riippllod wlw janioa mulaaaa 07 yda gravol wm john ij llulo for tfradluil in different roail dlvuloau in warda tl ano n trtjs that mr iroolor bo tld ub alio imihig in inillcut cirquni atauoea carrlwl huuhllah llauipahlro that tho troa urar ikay tho following account ltlcb- ard mllu 07 yda uravol aiippllul to c j ltuawll lm 14 fo munlcwl world for aupplloe to11 chau monally lialauoo ou account vloocarrlrtl haiuiudil rokli lot t that tho trras- uror iay tho oanajla ingot iron co for tha following i annco iron culvert 13 in x 10 ft f 10 jo 1 do lj in it 14 ft 1100 total 131 10- carrlwl lllughani hlandluli that when thlu council ailjoiiruu it itaiidn ruljouruvd till j4ui botuibor carrlod our nightly task lly and bye however lie beglna lo inue utile uilnge hie wife waa wont to attend to and within a weak he wrilw for bar to come home a huihatul never real ise what an lmmeuw amount of labor la performed by bla wile until the leavaa the boure on bla handa for a law daye than he flnda out and eeoda tor her to ooma home obituary una um pit know attbeagaol uj yrare marlnn itndger widow ol llie lata wllllem dickson we ed gwey at tba home of bur daughter mrs c 0 una on thuriuley augiikt h ilecaamd waa born lo uluguw and oaina lo uaorgetown irom the okl land about ift yeeie ago with tha exmipilon of aomeyaaieapant in hlayner be luu re elded lieie oonllnuoualy her hie hue band pmlefeeeed bar 1h mouihe agolouetloui the lata uredukoiwua true chrlmuu woman belovod by all wbo knew tier and ever ready to lulnleler to the comfort end happinie of ntheie- her bright cheery dbpotlilod made hertnauy frlenila who uiepiy ugtet her dilutee a family of three daughleia and four none remain via jaioaa m fjliicimiall ublai wui it loinavlilv out i llobt it cheyenne wyojjtoger w vorgel haiki ura uooollum wlnulpegi kih jaa kerr oobourg and mre hoe ueorgelown the funeral took place ou monday if- tareooa touieanwood remelery theaer- vloe being conducted by itev h v oani ron aetbled by itev- i inmln the pallbeareie were lea henderson ma jor irani jna ucdermld f u llarrln- ou k w dole and j m moore among tboaa preaent at the fuueral were ura fcunllb midland ura ueoru ulbeoii toronto aad mlaa kinuia 11jk on haailllou castoria vof xoiaatai aad cfaitdmu lit u mm por ovr so yemr a wat meter from iba proot ily ite mnnugue merrytlay no 77floa canadian ooriw balvage co ii y v vranaa the night air blew soli and warm aaroee tlie trench und here and tin re were group oftneu crouching the vigi lant eilhouetle of a aantry broke at inter vale the long rnonolonoue line of para pet tho man ihunod in monon to the nouee of the night tho q making ol rata ibe whin of llaree the etaady crunch of pick and shovel the duunt boom and aliow crercendo of an ocoaalonal abell like a phantom oapreae eureeoblug aoroaa the heaveiie end in a lonely traverse rapped in a shroud of khaki isy a huddled figure there crept around the bend a little body of men lilonuy they raised the tho dead body of thulr comradr crou ching low uie oorloge moved ilowly a- cross tho lolltorn ground behind the parados while tha thunder of hie guoa a uioiigh stilled by the band of vet dlod away into alienee a yawning abell hole hail been fashion ed into a rough gyave the body of the dead man was laid bwlda the upturned earth two men jumped into tba cavity vat an instant iho remainder of the jiarly lav prone on tho ground as a yellow hare traced an arc ol light scrota tha sky glint- 1 ing on steel heltuote and jisle hue when tho ghostly radlsnoo hid given place mi obscurlly limy lowered the body into it resting place the two man in iho grave guided it into position the white faoaol the dead nun wlui the pathetically bandaged bead blared up at tbora ho eoemud to be mutoly eg pressing his thank a iloverenily tlisv aided his arma across hlu boily hi at tlludo betokened praro the lllllt party gathered round rtmov- ing their steel holidsle tbay atond with bowed heada tho smell cl frrahly turn- ad up eol and the unmulakable otlour of decay walled acroae their leneee through each mane mind flashed bo unajmki my turn neat in that bilul rrhsuut all tlia aliame and natty dooelta of lllia llvee were turn irout their oyee they were fare t lace with eternity they saw tho unseen a noo muttered u law wontauf pray er foreign to hla lips ho mentluiimllliulr coinraiieh name rim famlllsr apiwila- lion of wbsta few hour a ago was living presentation to pastor ffew mt and mr rmautmand aw ukefri on vrlday arenlng leat tba congrega tion and friaada of boatoo riwebytertan cfauroi roatal tba homo of h well olllloa m gredt tbeir paeioc bav w 0 koui na upon bla rvtoro rrom vaoa ikwj and capoeially to wolooma mr boa 11101 nlnlaiere btlda tba reoep- tjoo wae bold on tin lawn ho 11 v mbioronot oeorgatown uitboelialr and addrwaaaa ol welc ware gives by nimeelf botf me martin of uw tfr cbttrob wh uisnipablro iraad all a into these wore tntpewl with matlul banbera ty mr utui h nick el and voeaj wuotlooe by mlae vlobat itimldy ml nmcbir0l mk palai fibiwr at thn cloao of tho program mr ami mm loao wero callod forward and iu iho namo of tba ooogxngation mr karri ttutbii tokil tho foilowluif add ma and 1v htuart murray pftftant4d tcll rtlhul punto to the llov w o hul mnrbloo wo tlio tiuuihorh ami uhrronte of lbudou church 1 kn luring liavo toot tolhur tonight for tlui purioe of wol- fouling you beck from your hormiyinooa wo could not allow tide occaelon top without ehowliigiuur anproclatlod you mr boui ae our tulnlator during tlio four year you havo itooa wltii ua wo iiavo loarueil to trust ami love yoti frou have faithfully proediod to ua ui ivlug truth which baa enoouragod and utrunttlhenod ua and your titlnutratlon in our hotiioh fit thiimi of troubla and borrow bavo liocn fraught wltli ayttia- thy ami htdpfuluous wo cannot ow imtli your u unci oimii none aiul klndrume and urn ifowi this gathering la ovun uioro lulciulrul for you- yon ara com ing into a blrengo land and among a utraugu people our purjmwui la to wel- ooiuo you to vuiuttitnt and if poaalbla to tako away iho felling of klrangottc wo niipraclate tha great change in suv foutiilliiu to you but wo oaroeauy iiopo i list llin uliango may not iur your ooni- futt but that tlio now rolatlonahlp may im rouganui and profit wo botb to your- no if autl to us wo ougralulata yon both upon tba vii lit which baa juat traneplrod ami our iirujurlu that you tuay long ha m pared to ho a bulp and a bloaalug to each oilier ami now wo ask you to aceept this pnrw as a alight token of our appreeu- uou of you and aak you to think not ao much of iu materia value but rather or the spirit which prompted it and which wo believe to be touch mora valuable than money blguod ou behalf of tho congregation- alfred sherrington jaiuoa murray wilfred mcdonald addle ami mr hose on behalf of himself ami hla bride thanked the congregation ami ex pnifcuod tho liopo that they might bo worthy of tlio ooiitldeuoa placed them military news lieut il t uelllah it v a who we severely injured while making a flight at tba tuntaoolf grounds on clvla umi day leconvsimring at the boma of hi uncle lit elmer 0 thompson maple ave tie ilwerd pi tier who was invalided home from the frort rmlvad id lown oh lrlday evenlmr l en i was given a liearty wetrvinu by a uuuiber of ralauve and friends ite harry lewie of the kbth iuu we doing np i ltt jidv sah as tba fol lowing una taead to re ceive from him hiduutue hello ur uoow just up in thl tow u seeing tla sight after seventeen months up the line and it goea pretty good loo thl 1 a flee elty there are quite a numur of canadian here and we are all enjoying ooraelve harry lewis the islth llatb hand u making quite a name lor llaelf in the old land the boys hsd lb bono of balng cbuaen lo nsw kajw tims taej following le the lima table now in ef fect on our new electrle railway t dally only doing kut coins west h20nm 040 am sftopm 735 pm 010 pm baturday af teraoon bpoelal 307 pnj bundsy only lu0oani iaaftani uo0am 415 p in 010 pm fllopua eouuded grotesquely out ol plane a piled lathed the burial over the body ip the burial parly shovelled ihsoirlh till ilia grave was lilted nu on theuiound itjey placed a lillle wood eu oroeemade irom llitltd of a ration ban li recorded simply the number rank name and regiment ol uia dead aa though lo remind them of iba stern reallllea nfthe pnsonl a distant gnu rev erberated deeply machine gun splutter ed out a ahsrp rat tat 1st auuflba funeral rile uriutuated ahrtitly juiokly the burial party uieuibled back to iba shelter of tbslr trench it we tell to the hunting shall lo uid the rciuluiu the tlnnuaii bullela orooimd e moiiroful fuuaral song over tha last reeling plsieol lim uhaiiiau foi nivu kffeetlve danger big a contractor wh line olwrrvnl hint nedstrlarui pay utile attention to eigne evolved a now plan to guard ngatnat aecidonta to innocent hyatandera a m above working many toat lielow tlui eurforo of tlio street attract score af iwraona dally they utop lean owr tba board rolling around tho oicava- tlon and stare kouiollmrii tlio crowd get so largo mutt llwro u dnuger of the rauing giving way and plunging them into tlio okoavulloii imiigur signs dont worry thorn honco the new liloa of tlio contractor ho line smeared the top of tho railing with tnr nod grease now persona who novor shudder nt llie dungcr sign flee front iho grease rueiiaco ae if it were poleoukblladel phi north amor lean italy appeals to canada durxdxbiossxalmpalgn- new advertisements yete fa etaof oo ijoaaorlt bllooflnunt hi goal of 100000 set for south and western ontario dutrict cheralier l zunioi royal itadijui coosnl- generaly to handle tmi jreataa tm aaof on ueiooht esl gadan weuf in honaa nwaaaalon at ini apply to jnq bauantlae blfth dg wmmitd joai oolu dog awt t h nwillii old applyat llarald old it wasted to buy a jiraiy oow give full partlculare to it w- voaam e o uuolpli oatpe mule co ud aiulpljh m italy kaacnlaewatt egfet to the alpine tacmntaaui of aoetria fa coeiing- bondrad of uioseaada of brave italtoa eoldie uvea aa appeal im saw batoat made by iba oostpaukb fiu burukv boyaj ualiaa cojisnloaaaiml to oovermnent of italy to tba mftple of canada tbroub cbetvajler u xunlal royal italian ooaaol oe- ral latmtraal for tba llallaa b4 croea and orphan af bar fotlesi bareaav eg ua by yytbfal crew rtae umberta atftoeala u eaaat wreaatoet need la ajtewata tbla ajrvaat boatb- em and wmtim oataxto bam ftaad a saat of 140000 to be raieed by typaur mkawlpuam aortast anjput 1 saatamber royal uauaa cotv aa iiaat olenaal zbuaoraro at wellaiavbaa baas amolatad affldal twyraawstatlw af tba ualiaa b4 groaai to tbla dmslaa l p sbaatv way and i parter kaor of tba army aad may f it a a of u uoltad btataaand eea vttb tba war coanctl i bed oroaa durtagr it recant a see f drive for 100000000 la tba uojtad staiaa oftulally l tba itallas bad oroaa aa dlvlaloaal dlraetara and eanpalgs orgulaars tbeir haadqnartera ux at braat- tbtoagb oolouel meal marahalt ebalrmaa of uia caataad mvtuuim commlttaav tba qas bad oroaa baa pld urn nroattfrbel tbat af ail local uajta t aakadvtor tba ua laa bed oroea caalfb- seit dauar tbat u given wtfl make ite bond between itmtr bad oasada lai oa abow oar itallas friend within oar border tbat wa bold la grateful regard tba lead tbat kara taem birlbj tbat we appfaaiata bar tra- nsaadaa aaerloaea la tba great eauea for whleb w flabt and tbat waeaaaot ncardyaiui indlateremo bar bodlaaeeurtiatiaa to tha ao- eamuanatreitobaoveaadbera la a raeast aditartal oembeant tba italia re4 oaaab ma t tha balloy hatate ooiimuiiiil of j booaaw aad a vlllaslo lole on ll kt georgetown apply to 1 it ilalloy muniooontu 4it 4 wjyftkd day aod nlbt yiparalarv utf fhxarlo oovaromaet tractor worling in hautn coaoty applr aiatltiw kprhirir ill caedllaa and ktwoane nglnnili w t- huno ontari uapt of ag korllng- bc1i groceries special hoen bti riih 3 pufauid t6r hie mm clmloiy rzlxxil im ii in i mil uum p bolll oo unaroli ptmoa 4 lla far tl 00 corn twrtln h 1 iltilk lllk tm 40a 0a ihd me lb hulkjmutmt 0a mj ww lb vtiau wlu viatel wr kailotl 40 ckmt vltmr ttr clail 45d ust uuwrt bobw fu lb kkxy xts3l 1 y iced in the pickling line let us lmve your order uow sausheuon uuutmul d i i a m grandy the pur food store 11x0300 t t i penny crosbys mstmsry tlio idlnd liniii rllir tunny croa by who luiiiiorlnllicd heruuir with ttafo in tlm aruie of jmim wue ca pnliln of tho inout nmaahig exhibition of inability to fonwt on one iwrnahm alio icnlrnrloil to supply a puhllnlur willi ninety hymna hlu rompiuiiml furt tllo of thoc ulm j lotlur thimu in tur iniiuury with out iuniuilttlniiu urd topnior wliou ho i id lint lut tho furl llflli alio lu luti tu illi tutu tliu ui going right ibrougli without u paiui- uho then did the uiiiuuwlih the other forty flv ttudat uuvvoni qulle psaaltile iliine an uitmunl id u uione nuatb whltli mild ha won hi kitel heallb a fiw luluutea before bo oiplred now lhale ridiculous not at all ho might have t uear a uasollne tauk nursing nil wwek oul ilng or iioumi work hr tlm ihy nr apply w box 407 uhiuilwu valued testimony ip ulidriiisduea this hat uak mo opjujor ounger uuryr tba uald voa mum when we went to market luiiolhcr jcatorday tbay took ou foe iuy daughter tu kmlureaea pa your j wire always inalst oa lavint ilia tun wnrdr vm und it usl all right too ihliimoro aiuurtcin one grulu dues not oil tba granary nt ll in ip it coujah aorts gueaa alayutf this week specials orenulstad hugar par owt mfto or ii iba or 100 oboloe fresh ootfaa par lb bid icing rugar s iba for me hhradded wheat 9 pkga lor a tirapenuu s pkg lor vie hun maid baulae par pkg iflo orlftlna heedlsee bauln per pkg n 14a monarch ueiinon tall uui xtto oboloe huk halmoa la halve ifto uop all binds 17 bat for 1 00 heltons vlavorlng hiuecu bottle sto welehe o rape juice large else trie keens mustard lb tin 8to i lb una 170 diuntodery pals per pkg lie canada corn march par pkg 10c leee uweat heklaa par battle lao best oldsr vuiagar par as ace babbetle lye ollua ttfla old dulcli cleanser u tins lor he kellnue corn etakas 8 for site usee canadian ohajw 4 iba for 100 voters list 1017 uanldllly of tha village el georgetown county op iulton te spring announcement i now spring goods oov ctoek ol boltlns ovorcoalitiiu troiiscrlnga eta j oat arritad tor bpritig comprialng all tbo lit- oaf a aivtd and oolotiriag 8pk01ax wobato aearge aioek of guoxanicej dluo mul j eilnok aarroa vary aaarco goorli oarins porckaatid tham lotto uu luu bla adrauca am will oa abla ip aatf iliom ai practically tlio old vices flpo your ordar su oocol ljont walt i hatnplea tiow 1 ready for opaotoira oogtoojera j mens furnishings jusl arruad now naakwear now t collara iihvdii hoeiury iito the laiaat atyla in lints capri of alt the iiiwunk iiittko8 wo abow aaaperb aiook of cvorytulnk a luan weur vim oatmot lliiil anythiugto oqoal li in any oilier aloro en town and i very fow oily atoroa eorpaaa it a vino salaeuon of afend and vouiba ready- low6ar suits ovureoaua odd pania oraralij eto alwayai on band wa inriia yotj lo call and inapaat ou aiook hottcb la hereby given that i bavo traaarolued or ilellvuruil to tho fwnumit rnaatlotted in sootlon 0 of tbo ontario voters list act tho copies required by aald aeotionm lo ln so intiimiilllod or dti llwred of uui lut tiisjlo pursuant iji biild act of all persons appearing ly iho luot reviaod aaaoaaiiiont mil of tho halt municipality to ho autl i led to voto in be aald liuijlofpajlty at oloctjourf ox x rubers of tbo loglalatlvo ammjiubly i at sfunloipal iflocuoiie and that tlio aald lias waa drat poetcd up in ruy otneo tnaaorgetownod tbo imtbilay of aug it 1911 and rnmaine tbera for lnmpoo- an and hereby ealflipon all 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