Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 29, 1917, p. 5

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tfle6e0rfiet0wnheiaib wkduuipjkv gvgqino w ibh a ftwtduman aodraa to kafar bid otrf of the biroocmt 11 no tb vary rtronfaat attack meda oo tha klr ataea tb opening- of iba world wir la ooatajoad in win llvaa balowt oar3 be yr ol proaaua fac wt o iba baman rrfeey boon may mom mlaall tnd your pse tuila ar and madden beoo tny yr hum and plane on eotn prtoch midden vof yax and yitm bn prs peria wo yar unholy mmdarln tta hot kw blfl yi t yy ulrtn mmitmdmlb aadjrlory wait tb laitbev bairn that atop yr baaatb 0b if boat ffeotcbman oodped boil wad la yer black beri and it wllei id li4 wi jay tlwt soot wd pallet in iwor ihm mm a id ilka imudtw hid and mil u j mi ilk bora tyaoaflrat y kaarcbad wl fiaa tudor wl yr buck knaaiaxha upward oorp wl million of man tea dib y horfd la yr mad campahbi ya would be lulecrohh world ym tnueb wh vain y want ta tulcua territory and killad weabeiro and tm boary and botcbarad woman ta i lory for yerain a yr palbway throob that land w yit tbaa halt ituarnalefund la human ralat y turely ot a peat fcarprl wbaa y m y couldnt kajeertx tha land o vranoa jmlaanlaaiolt between tba area b4opped year advaaoa twa yea ndmalr nfor yeatraati yr plan wra lala and a uraaea tea mim bra baode oa qlaml green or keninelu abd yar band flret taaa wad to bava wecbloo tbcoird tola pnaalaa program cam taa bit ol aa ear yr nam is kalaar bill tba hallaa piper aaraly wuj flay ia bevlifl ob holy willi owar tba rhine tntcb potenuu by blabt diwa llk hiaart klao aald laoa byoa yar gooa a eookad ab kawr ulil i o yr llaal yar doom la boekad wbd paaea will ootaa twill and yoor caila sad royal rdla uajott aa jbatla will awaap y oat aa waata yoa and ytttit braad bat yall b tba flrat oaa to b pld oo ralddaa bld riiu uka y kt foauat uaa wbaa tlilnk o a tba iii yva doaa ya thou i ba bliead bfora taa ami blawu taa 1111 for that aocbt alaa thai ottld ba daaa would mil u wain you aud your ptiatliag haafalloa ar black blot oo elvlliuilof yar itut tba worit abomluailoa llaatb tb ma tba vllatt tuuaa lu a eraauoa i vouri ya huh nt najhj tim4 tdbu polio wing i lha tlua tabi now la el- uttaa our uaw lcth rallwayt bally only goluflk going- wt flsolu 040 am s50pbl 736 pm 010 bu baturday allanioob flpadul 30t pka baaday oaly 1006 aia 10ssarn 11110 ab 41b pu 810 ptrj 610 ptd enlist f r training vor bolui la oa of bbawa rehoob toronto rail tana froat rapt 4tb vr oalaloaa avplalua writ or it w ii bbaw twdaat yeac st qw voters list 1917 municipality of the vftug gmvtftt6wii coonty op naltom not i ok la hottby blvea tbat i bavo tnuuiuiutodordatlvord to uia pcraoa ttieatloood la aoelioa 0 of tba oauwo votara lint act urn ooplaa nuiulrod by aald bootloaa to bo ao tranauilttod or d- livorodi of tbo hat tnada pumiuuit to aald act of all pcraoua apiwariuji by the but vevlaad aaaoumoai nill of tbo aald municipality to bo oautlotl to vol la tba aald municipality al oloclloaa for member of tbo fjoulubulve aaaeubly aad at mualoll kloclloua and tbat tbo aid ut waa brut uwtd up la my omoo ia oaonfoiowu oa uo ihlbday of au uat 1017 aud roiualua tbora for laupoo tlou anil i boroby call upou all volant to talio imiucwuato proooodlufju u liavo auy errom or uiuliuiloua corrootod aooordluu to law dated ibbi ihtb day of auuuai 1017 v l iibatii c lor l vllutfo of oootitolowu insurance fire n and accident no nuii osa wiuittimultiawuiin ladles and fieatlemen i wawlllmaka yoar tall to ordarata uoturala prla- w also make tad trim lor aay oaa havlttf tha elotb ouaulna prluff and repairing dooa oa aborlmi nolle at raaaonabla prloai all work uaratiud ii btoukkohd gaorwflt gorglown ibooa ib uiiuf fj a traoyi ourh of juyusiuf towtuhij agaat lor vedaral 141 luuraau i oottiuada nallaaal vlra laaur j auoaoo trallr aookuut la f urauoa oo urat waat iarma uul iou uo lamarof uanlata uoauw ooioa miiiklraut wut uttor u my paper a few of the news and special feature exclus ive to the toronto dally star hlaka owa 1tt a my paper because it informs interests and entertains me my pnper becniisc it gives me the news encli hiy niul places it in such position that i can find it easily my paper hcrnue whether or not i agree will its cdtorial opinions i can respect the fairne and judgment of the men who write them- my paper because of its clean moral tone because it docs not pander to base morbid or neurotic passions my paper because i like its wit and fre quent flales of humor my paper because every member of my tamily may read it with interest my paper because i know it ranks high in comparison with the new york times chicago tribune london times i ondon daily telegraph and other great news papers of the world and consequently keeps me well informed in all lhoe things a good citizen and man of the world should know about the toror daily star if you will read the torono daily s ar you will thoroughly enjoy it jl order today tha price from your local news dealer is 2c per copy or 40e per j irtobuv delivered on the day of iaue or you may subscribe direct from this office for 100 for tree months szoo for vol months or 400 per year y pin your money r h half ml- rawnsstd uttl t swly cmi- tfc 04- twsjx ft rvtmlar jhr ii u ty ttilt prm ihms wif rftutlv th tl irtvtatf vnrll at4 ufluus nlhlii war at1 fv mtf t unl- lla4 war r at war inua lr la alt lha ulral 11 11 mtafa u rmlu ttm mtirinf and t art yrvflttsol awruii fwtv fhftvl atluiu rrssat tuel wrllara in iw wari tha rvelly wtar rrm ass cdtt- vlil rw- iva tat la tm of it ij ilnsw lu frm ul a tuiif matl mrl fkajla war ynilr1 orjlltl to tki coupon if you decide to subscribe direct pin your bills ml x t lnoload la for a month expru otr money order lo this coupon aiid mail i uyuu8k y b ecmmnlnr addraa eopl tba daily bur raoboa ooorflolown at 010 oclock ovary afternoon aud la promptly dollvorcd tbo following deal- ar can aupfjy you or will bo itotit illroct from tbo orneo of publloatlou vrhlohov ar you proiar t j ii jatvioa dj malibiw uvliauha a cm ir yu want in papr i jt your town juit crou out wirdn one waste of war tlrirr tfcfst larukd cl it ma4 j dara ta mturv tba waat of war to uot njrty t ba aaorad la tfellar and can la mini a ebarcbaa aod barran crop if may aoapt tba opinion of tba kaw yont trfboaa 1u craataat lo aa roa ba utfaoaa lbioc wblcb aavsnr war auowad o uvf bacaaa tlvif autbon4ob a bo fartbat than tb orat ua ajfjasiya trmirtia amartca at lima pta ptd to tba rouowta noublaa vnay war all at aoaaa tint duiiaar tba war b twaao tba atafaa of aa and yt for tuna raaaou or jotbr paa- bap ul baaitfa or frrvica- tor klada tbay oar war acttvaiy ajasad at tba front had lby fc fata baltl dor uictitara and pabua ufa mlcbt bar baaa pootw mfftahal by mm of tbaax drbp byub co n ar not otaay la agattj capital authftriud u mm0 capital paidup b10mu0oo aurplua moro0o opporttaiity do not oouia to you every day nfllhar oaii you oouat upoa ludlua it wbso you waut li it i tha patt ol wudoui to praptia for it and ha raady to ifiup it wbso licotnaa homa capital win probably bo miulrad opaoaaavingaacooudt in iho luank of ilamlltoa anil itaglo to aav uaw g cmackay mnimger georgetown liiuucli a wb dbuver die goods and your alwayg aiaurad tbalav ry hack nl hour w dllvr it th lwt uawh ol our uotir alwayr thank you comb again u tliayra oajrlala bvwant tb aaui klud affala whaa tliayt out our flour makes lovely brbad roboiri noble lalsuitoal if you are ready youll get the job the busiuess world requires the business college ouhlpii oni to thoroughly train loo young men and ladles for responsible positions fall term starts august 20 write today for particulars l l bouci madial mssi wasssmsisssmam arthur boastell tf oolaatdal e imlalo imjfl valiiaa vm laaay llitttmmmmn waas mark twain wltb tba mptioa oi m bbavt taaa of aarrk wlhlntb boa- dara of bta bom tawa waa la tb far waatdarlajf moat of tb war- aoapaj wtbaral for wbm praaaaca baa auea bad opportunity to ba mora o la tbaakful wra tbomaa dily aldrietx tirovar claralaal brat ii- rt john uay bayard taylor b wab alucbah artamua ward phil up brook wlulau wlolar and wullasa daaa bowalla tboma a edlaoa rtbpflstil a trala boy of tblrtaaa wbaa tba war lrofca out tolcbt wall bava baafl irooof lb iboaaaad of yaarold boy wtut war la bamilaaa jtrar bafora tba war aodad uad tbaa taaa jud to lb front tba law of avaraoa would bava baaa a kladaw to tbam tbaa to otbar uow toaay liarfc twain tlrai hart and fdltpf war tbar wbo did to aad who did aot com utkt climate a c0 ar awia dalnd ta bacaaaa m haa af vrtinattaaf tbat tb comma amarlcaa raca la daaunad to b a breaatta typa aad bot bacaoa of tb immlsratioai of dartt racm bot la obadbme to uataral law waa a pradletloa mad la oaa of ua raeaat oroabam uclar la loadoa by dr harry campball if polnlad out tbat aacb raa and aubraf lend to adapt itaalf to tbo particular raaioa of tba aahb wbleb it lulubll tbrouab bomaroua ajaaaratiouit dark aklooad paoplaa tbrlva la warm dlmata aad u oat la cold tba blood rat bad li oriftla la tba cold aortbwat of edrotw wbar a plaoufaj aupply of plttuaat la tb aaia 1 bot uaoaaaary to protact tb body from tba actinia ray of tba ana aud wbar wblt akb favor ruttuoj oi body bab tbla blond raca baa domleatad tba world aualv awanaa mlaratluu aoulbward aud ast ward aad taking a larc part lu found inat tb dvulaauoua of qrawca and borna india and i4rypb but owlajr ta tbalr inability to aurvlva la a latltuda far aoutb of tbalr natural turn tbay bar aradually dlad out aud laft ua rjaaoattdaubl teraa aflar ao abort a ftarlod aa tnlr taaa cnaaralbiiia tba luliubllaula of tba aoulbarti aula of america a re darkar tbaa tboa of lh northern alalaa la procaaa of tlma tb bloiul typa will di eat la tb uulled ulalsa what kaab wauu yaha two oolcara on board a voaaal ba craw of wblcb war tart kuallab aud part irlab bad a tlliipula raapactuig tbalr capacltlaat tb ortier wbo fa vorad tba laltar coilhlry uaaortad that tba lowar claaa or tha icimlub did not tubarlt that qulckuea of uullact wblcb tb irlab poaaautad a luil bav la tabaa plara oa tha aubjfret it waa to ba dddd by tba aaawar which aaeb oouatrymau bav to a certain tuaa thirst tha uusllah aallor waa aakad what ba would tab to ho aloft blindfolded la a bard sat would taka a moutba pay rpu4 ka aad you faddy aakad tba qu uoaar what would you ukar baajona aald 1addy i would lake aat bold to ba ur uauld kir tba fjratk or llgulj flr mod la as rdaot tlmaa waa inarj prluil pally frota naphtha or liquid bltuaiau muad wita aom sulphur aud plleb avtractad froat itrami or watar inataad of antlo bjuunbif qukkauad tbla powerful leant of dcatrueliou wbleb uoihlok but aand wlua or vluajtar could eback vor 400 yar tha oraaka leapt tba a erat of li umpoaltlofl bat tba uo hammadaaa at laaotb dlacovarad atul uaad it tenia flr la not in uaa today tatiaa oawahar tb camphor producuou of iba talaad of yormoaa la on of jlapatt tuouopas uaa tba pfaaaiit ara of camphor afr coraauuoti la 10000 acna abd soma a tb traw ar frou coo ta 1000 yaara aid durlnji tb aaxt faw yaara tb fama will wobably b ruy tjajrliil avajhaus hi urat sawbacki auppoaa you h iaur your judatnaiit far aupahor tat a llr jawbaekno uiydaaf w bcvvad tba eoatrary wbaa w cjm t bnaary aacb otbar okaarlna him up d mkuo tba ullur eallad ajtaba wiib bla blut did you say i was outv hu laaa yaa sir ami i told him tbal i tboatbt b was too tb bt subuma pulm ibaj ea ba batud oa this mrtb la tb uapbu f ta btuoajt iool froat m uuft i quubmav the dl at wrb 00 b scran ton coal tba burjard anuuselu bs dl a w berantob in al slsss is ill only hard aoal ws eatiy a large slaak now oa baaa also uthshuki and inilng esal deal bins epposlts norval tailou phone 6sri4 bell line j wmins narral nursing nuralag or liotua work by tba day or aak apply to boil 407 gabwh s tm ratsttrmpkr lw vt ibaa uii catlhl i huuiiu4 aadr tkt tti txus imu usj h la omitti uaiaai vals 1040 wa w to a as a 4s la ush enter the bread making contests fal rural school fair in ontario tb cajbpball flow will cotnpany peat ottrt ol 4b u otiahaadtadjidflftjrdcllr riba pbmft u fl of tbem i and otbar valuable prliea for tba um loav of brsad babad wltb cieam of tha wt floors l i tlnblaj np fa inlnw all orr ontario many mrla ar ajtaadyboay a bm praciialoa wiib craam of tha waatfloar taatytraiany fbdcwoi ulhaj ottly praetlaad imaar i postd ba wool dont wu btaotbcr day dadd rlt oowl praetita practw vracuawub cream t west flour aaf aaajtaflaaf otto a ra ar avaasf ry ttrna yoa bk wub if yon find pat aw qtullilaf ba tht floar that wiafciaachplanold bla loaaa ofdaikloaa llfbtliraad pmctiaal la fiv dltirlcta aacb cotnnljni aarend amnuasi aa will ira away fn to tba wlnnar of tha aral dlsirut pli largaabloat pboaoarapb at aacb fair ibaravwui ba m as bat of local pla prizes worth trying hard for lat al wrfai olru 0auiihl fcr w ulllsllr unjt wultu leak willi 0 m lsl4 abuul yt ulatal i giirtbitt ihsl tsrluulsrly f llfdliy atari 4 aaa artii4 abuul p4tt aulatala usaf iy nlareas thu i a i cam trauur tut yui trusltiolf of kws um o4 wy as baavlly ilafb luwj willt ii lills many bu til ftularsa in islal smrmiuk ilia ilurls ol fmn ijtllojsls on imrhng i luia uasdtuslj jsouy lua tim talei ya vl4liui acj ou4h- ira laeal bm4itrllila ortrtdf a u haaa- mwly twnad txmli wllb unr olrrj tiilurss lb u alia loru4 a4flpllfn4 of ll touuula tttj lb pua el luiulaa wasld wld khr u lea wu ta qn olfl itmb bk ol lrln ttulur ibj srlsi srlls j uu4la b4 vnlosl ka pn4ta tutut ilia als nf tbu xv 4 lb wal f dusbuj oljir in luglnj ma4a ifauaa lb ulrl nomwr i i rara wly rirsl aaj m4 ia mill ba asrjl talm tb trie a asbaa j atarv tmtih prlta mill ba i kmaaati vlaxr w t laatily t atrw vbasiilfm 1 ta lj fair fauawlaa imari i diaaltei ttimtu fat hnlt 4m 14 u frit u tb u makaaaay frmarapsi w tfr i ifa artaa it will r slfusis ta aidali hsaavl far a ufadasav ii it pul rtdar alub m aa aa aaklla m u bjay all blajs t at 414 af a saail- mbat ails tb vaiaxbun 4aa kaaa waal araiwatsi waal a n aad laaay plssa arftlr llb a a af u tasbaaa vaib swai tatal vala tuom tai biatrial 1m a4 w pfekaaa watt 1s aaba uly aaul vaja wilk away inaalrall aatt lb bb is tm stl h ollar taut aai ou carihlly abaa tb ar iw l tb meat aatrasato almua wtltua artl ita aad mb rbcuak bni wlrt 111 btajala fat wail taaa aakl uk lb bar mm al bra laalaal uaarlaaa haaaalas a lb u kafea1 yaa al at ta t lalal lara tb baaala aa4 taa a fa tfcaraaaaly a4 ijy read carefully conditions of contest ry ait auy rmp4l at tb uiat abal fal 1 vt jislrlfl mbsibr or win tb alutij srbool brvumlas tba bar 19lh hrlbjsy crura i fr ootiubir ul id if r lr tblb ltlljy aos u rur f wm 1 lb it la loaf of trjj muil h s taktj lu iaa bl illij4 lata lla l tl ale tha i tf tu waal rl on half al lha ural cll 1 k s latbs and a i 14 a ibil ibsy m uaf bsaat w bika wil bal mill t lujd al lb fair lb tirli tuf will u tul to ontario luslbb to uwa lu lite diilrirl ck is iw ig will v ami by uui li a 1ujr el lb uihumot 3 11mdmauur atul llir tttliib vl ixl uaitsl ai tha lf kill l oaaiii4 uojr nun rula aj all tba olkar ruir mi4j at your fl the usaur by wbua traad will ia jaatai will b aa fulemai i jtpauiaaf af laaf lllaalk l 0 viiu lat i m jai calar 1 hftecol uraaj fal tl uaar tsatar al rrutl btatfta ka xcaaatla af 0taray uaaaaaal daa jaa osaavtu laaaa rraiuui laaaaa aa la4iam caiut laaark juafraw matria v tcall af haubca uaata ll4bta maatkasabaiuad vl4ta unrbaai matrm tfa hcaalla al yab oauila taal hal- taa waalmarth ofrd llraat wauila arllb a tr lalt la waluastaa aaa paslbj watrtat bra 4lu af wshsbj naulaiaa ka- kal r a ft m taa uislrlau al uaakaha parry bwnnj aeaaa maailaalli tlts ukidtttj af ik al4a al ik air wltt ba htaaa atr la l taaaal way a la tb taa w all lb mb raaalat aaataata tba uutrut waalla will b an baufm aa aa balbl afkc tba tmtaataa i tba karal uaaaaj air la tba lrtaae do mot mia tlfi ohaur ofrortthmr vry airl bflwa ib aa i ar abaali aaaiavta wbal a apuau way la mtr a laaraaa lur4 in bnaiaaakla lit i a aubpiy al craaas f tba waal riuur at y ad twaallaa walfa ii allaa a4 aaaatbla ta li i tlauaataaslaa al- tataartiat- kab laal mhi ht tfaaipaalaj by tka aarl al lb ar baa r b fat f if uij ulllr aai an aalry lara fa i l iiii hf lb fcltl au4 vataata ar tuaiduit sis i is dl el llrilt 1 o ajds 4 j twad writ 14 w wul bla i daalaral raa lb raatiaa tolas n aa ansa 4 aaaaibia ta araa ik a al wlaaiaa u yaar datur aaaa s it t b i tba catwl vur dill c ulali aaj 11 taatauy tail a lha aas4 alaaa la it in hi fiinusllllaa tms nf in j fair j dalrlraw wbo hi liijui uf tit waal riuur waa krbaaj ttt farm will hji ibai iba t tualiy ka iba loal aalaij will ba arbia al tb a tba jojfvt saal ki j ly 4fb ll aud awaidaj i tba asm uu ur wau olatrlh la ycural vku ii 4 1 abawa yaa wkltk fayallaa you fbbipl sfilukl ii yau bittm a aaihar lar tba puiilal tiuaai ba am4itl uaral avbaai valrf ara b aiaaal ttf ul4rlia al llalay uirar ksaar aaal taunjr lay tkta dlalriala ar tba parte al jha pravlaaa wbar 4 usui la ira ar bm ly huhl aaly parte al tba pralm- it aa 1 wlstrla tbla aalllui a thm4 tbaa are aa uihfmaautla pariambi af ajfrlsaliara la lb uaaaiua 0 nad 1 ifl inbarlaa iraf4l ilaa- 1 bla in ikaaa a ar bw iaha isub al ibapbarimb af avrlsaliara cry uar vartb waltlaalua ii tall af uaaau aad a rural tsbaal falra are bl caaatlaa by iba ua4 al aailaallarf tba ayar a raw fair bald by 141 aiala la wlliat liar aad l aa tbaaa taa usladad u lilaa the campbell flour mills company laimited wett ttwdtito put4oco pickering cream of the went flour is sold by the following dealers- a m graiidy georffetowa d c russell actou p h vvilsou biirlluctod w i moore campbellville blaiii hea- tutut miltou horry smith oakville a wales oakville a corpetiter oakville it wel cost you nothing to get prices from us ou the followlug sash doors wiudow framca siding aud sheetiuc cypress aud piue trim siloa water troughs and cinterus everything in iron work greenhouses conservatories garden furniture etc glass garden builders limited rjrirt 1917 oaormatowu ootobar bid and atb aetcwiuptmbarub bnl wth aaeaatarhapumbar isui and ithb baamtlllaraplaiabr slat aad nd baatoo olobr wb and loth bolton october lat aad 3rwl rratttplau aablimbar 3ltt and kind bttrllaaloa tbaakaf l day oaladouoelobar 8rd and 4lh tuudonla october lllh and 131b cookavllla october bid krfn oatobar 11th and 13th london uplmbr yb to ifilh union oriobardthand 10th urkhaiuoolobr3rd tofttli nawmsikslbaplatnbar salb lo satb oak villa hpu ra bar ulh aad iwb otuwabaplattbar btb in 17th uockwood ottobar 4ib ami fui bouboroartnooamhapl itstosd adboubaraootobar lllh ami 18tb kt rat villa oclobar luli aud lllb toronto aug vfilb to hapt lotlt wmloubaplaubai itllt and ikui any program of any sort by any artists you chooaa ia your the in stant you want it if you own a columbia graf onola the artists famsema absolutely to the last intimate touch aud inflection al- a there la panonaluy though they may be absent in fmrson the rich round full tone of tha grafoaola is reality itself hearing la believing hear the graf- onola today wa bav many styles from 21 to 476 on easy term ii desired l v uourkun geargetawn

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