the georgetown herald gborgetown wednesday eveninc november 7 917 robbers for everybody theres nothing that so prolongs the life of a fair of shoes and keeps them looking well as good rubber piotelipb then think of the c every man and woman should provide him and herself with good robbers we have ever stick rubbers self acting rubbers toe rubbers half rubbers and 8torm rubbers we take special pains to fit each shoe with rubbers of the right model and else tbiutoa wallbbidus dale barrleoora sououob he ule ms is otar db joasth btoakdbbw etlpel1eb pad lliailh meiftnal fmaar nl iraatlh asdaadftolqhb il siito vtfjawyibbavbyejaaantjbt l l fuxt 00 oik 0 anadatowa oaan anal to library dwh us specialist in defective bybsioht orrtus bous wodooodiyo 1 l pav and tato am b 1 to rm aed s to pr local agent wanted i loroeoiieeowbabddietriottoeaulor taa ota boiima ramu kesna ckbfyraitb a it hbtranm da bore ware daai quito oi hobtoiaosboo store omslmln and tstoil anelrele ins last nan ass est a to t to spwa anvtospja rsaottll jtwrtlttftif sautoc hasa ijaokbon and jhb chrubnginaers surveyors twnpla bldg bnuitford kliass evowiaai urtwis waiu n tsisj jwb want nowl hf ajoamla apart la jufciinlto halua omrto cu roana krtop tiu imwwwm tat as nmmltobb- otoparaboaeraolder maw tohhrkna to phjlllrai5ey co vtownto ontario bburdware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and dement tinsmithing and plumbing hot air and hot water heating electrio wiring jwkennedy phonc as georgetown onl 5w 114 llmofmmlt bwjtall bprtoipluntloi lota tuladlat rwinw wlon wo aloooerjo- baod lor bow lilnetralad oualogoo also aaeela prapoauion hsodaotna irae qadtosulealmtafiiioiy uboial gov stoie ui weuliftoi throolllu banaarloa elabuebed us7 toronto ontario aaaa arthur boasteu tr oouao e mm j m buck butchbr aaitoawhaa tkriaiatwll msp porki sausage boumna- irra hommourio hams bacon lamb vial tnimmkmnollvu p at el n it uiv jtjfflc in8uranoe jfire ad accident irs mb 8kar lfrsl rumford the shoe torn the home of better shoe in a ymca dugout in the front line trench help to do your bit by contributing to the ymca fund cpoo and ban ruxm eu iwey be bod u yon bant areaadbru ruiitoi bist puxjk maoc mm olntu it mubrmn eoek ol doarald ban bedoooroanbebedwuboalee tea to lau ait7bto aat boa na happy ad ska ad buy our m flour robort iptiomfa tsmtojl itobtal oqsltcjajetveo bxu0tt tons and obarla sto toronto bm lamr bom ooked to all poruloee at from wo to 100 aonlb and mb- arepptosamperannaoa it fta elliott principal clifford linhant butcher mais strut the choicest pork urd vmi egga hah swifts noted premium hams and bacon deliveries dally to any pari of town linham oxx 17 a tbaoyf tomonlulouoai oatoo uuiiitmlwmt farmers buy your bsahvj plowo agent for jackaon wagon plow repairs always on hand tbosethewson nerval ontario hi mdwbb war uy tlm w uls37tm p uolotob mu u4 o tom- a 0ffsl4 htv t4t9 fmuto o work for m n wf mf0mtpm0 what will canadas answer be o ver in the sodden trenches amid the bursting shells and t ha roar of artillery where canadas boys are fighting and dying they are waiting for canadas answer when the sale of victory bonds begins canadas aoldiers expect that weathotnewillputupthemil- linns they need to keep on lighting millions they must have to win victory for freedom home and can what answer will canada makep what answer will voij maker shall it be said that canada spares not her sons from the sacri fice of battle yet withholds her doner to give them victory rather wittu be said that can ada once more for the fourth time in three years cheerfully putawp her jniuloaa upo m for the cause of freedom rigut- ko j i and justice canadas rmustb that the canadian hand to the plow of victory holds stead fast and firm that canada ia indeadry earnest when she says the last man and the last dollar that is the answer canada will give to our boys in the trenches our kinsmen in britian and our allies everywhere v that is the answer we will give to the huns who thought and said that canada would desert the empire before she would fight or py- every bogd you buy ia an answer let the millions of an swers from canadas loyal men and women make a chorus of victory to ring around the world canadas victory loan campaign pjmvw on monday november 12 mmurs victory lpui auabotir nttettueofapairinual that ehould ba in the bands of every man and waeaaa la the i mall this coupon at one and gatyotw copy chairman provincial osebmltfaa canadas victory learn toronto aundlytondmoaoopyofpmiplootoiiuul canadas victory loan all about it norn atiwa or a po laawd by canada viator lean comamaa uoomuloawttbtlmufaikur ol maaaas oftha domialos ol canada 10 per annum or 25 if paid in advance rvfaomt mtocs upon door i oov oa iamhsas i sua a mauomtom mbmr a wlmrthlg runraw ho iimjoa or vwotop to i jfeto rtos o to oto booma rlnr bar m b woo bovrrror yoons jbr totoiluiplr wmurttk tborojal of rboio wbo ramortritoarl wllblolbooa tblawo bbsys oov te ebwt tor ym ooa n wblto nun oor uvo m mm plab ruvro park ottb bml la rtovi oosi tomdissd lb isibpmr ofl tbtanlo villtor rm raar oboes wbo oa iht torn 1 m lb ma i arf onto omto po odoor or tbo topolm botbtod rorjbtotomlj bow alot otar btoraulspnnri i n wbar awdfla rtoto to days story beskdetoi intte onset j thereby hangs a tate by p a mrrchel lb ear or itov tort a tbo oovibaranorl potot btosbu- to utoal or bm pn to tor not wud utor 14 omrtorl ap broklwoj rad tb tot oato h it to adtos ml i rtotomm bm ml rtor lb bo stoalai ot n o tbo atototot roalilioin woe to tbo aalsbbctbora of tbo beat rlror ion ton o wcrbron luwl to 1st sows u ml rwoirm wor iaautoarauota wblcb wublortoo iom spee a etotal botlt lo wall to wmr wao ri bow h pot wltktofototbkkwonr tbo hon wu roroctofl to uouoltol oorirw wbleb oppototorl bouonr borahm os- imttor lot taport b mtowlop i trod whua roar totu mil lo autlp ood ojtorod oorlw tbo but ootaso of tbo otsbttoalb oootor orjd tb will vbonto vutbodorrtotbaeloootw modo wboto tbo pwd0l tootaoorl wao at oocb too th1 womroro woold oaooinmrllp bar moo wbol it ooof tojmd oopoctollp oo tboro woro oo wibdowa to odout itobt bat port of bolna opeb eioaoc ol 11 lb otorjr oowtortol wltb ii lo a wr osptoiwttob to tb opaalas wblcb w wallod wao doood br oudlas poaol wbot ba dot booo rat- lofaatorur taptorood lo tbo or tor wbkb tbo olooot woo rlorlimod at tbo urao tbo boom woo built oorb w crot obobbor woro oot aoooaol oop dally la tb boojoo of tbooo wbo vw lb oobotant doasto rrora ooaao waanp bat la amorlca whoa tbo roaatrp wmo srot otlod aronoao or oaeop wara rotbor tanoobj toroora wblcb um mo hot onabt aaro tbonaolto fron bo- do it aaodm probobto tbal tb dodo in pradhlta odtre m tba protldod by tta batloar holabow vaa vnabaa olmplp boeaooa bo tad otaularctooot lo bl rwddooeo to rot tordato tor ii vpoar tbot ahi odrap tor ww prottlooat oocbi la tb matbartoaso aorta tbot aartot wboa tb bkndtblratp dak o alra tald tb mutrp la bb irtp bat to tbo otorp bn i nilialilm tb obakjbra foaml tbo ploraboar vaa vtaaboa odh to atoorle to l brlaslaa wubbba wbot m to una dap a foaa sooo otur laodlao bo tool to hollaad mrmeawttb wblcb to onttd bbl raa sotoisdplrud ii la totit attar rjtboavi la botttrdma totkomorrtdotot n- oobdiatod tba doom oa tb saool la uvsttwbb wto tboa a jtotok tow now u wi to ism ttat a m eaptarod bp lb bjbjiba datokstoa roraatas to maao oa afloat b wbo maaapod wltb b oadawm bp at mabmaa tbal tbap wara aa arrant tot af ou aa woctbpottbop saint tiaa onoaao in tb bwvoobdmoi was aloo a uuar pill tor molnbior vaa vntoaao to wallow wo dotob tno tbo crown ot at bood to tb mom o rrto foot and unamuro who bad boon oallon bod lonibt tbo boprlob wboa tbo notborlaodo won powar oa tbo oaa mow taotabaor bad a nop pretty dottibtor aaaoaa by auto wb bnob toro roodlly adoptra tanou bo tba ar country loan bor old totbar wbo bookl ba oootant la it only oa tons no it wao dotcb wboa tbo bnvjuoh wndod nonr or iba inaobltadta of maw anmtardoni waat down to tbo btttary wbrro tbo oqoorlau now atando to arc tbam ootoo nobota among loan waa annoka vna vvankaa bqions and wltb ayao aa blu no tbo baavoaa aboro and two ropaa of salsa balrbaailap dowa narback on of tba beat wblcb brooaht onpv pllao uabr wao oojmandod by balpb baothatlon a mldabltuaaa n yoar dd uuv yaaro aaoolion aantor tbooab atl toot la bla otocaloaa ba wore tbo iaraot of biddy nooorafaid wub braao bottona tbot knon ra optaadobt la tbo ana and added to lie ahnctloaoof babandaonmboraon bio op ilpbled epoo fanaaa aba aktod ouoos uwoa lenaras on and aanoaay vauaatodoaktao tola ujta paua ha 3hit ardoro toa aoaratouwatt tooawb obapad bla ollsbtaor aoo aadatp and bar- bb bant art oat for bk awaatwmllwuo fbapanmawaa viaabaa aa as las atonea and to at want waa to bor a btoreoip rbdon it ajpjrtat a raw dapa eftar rble tbar arbsa walattt eador tbo pnao or tb fort wboroon tba bxisnab bad rrpiaoad oot tto arid- i op enor barn aotbavoaver rol barosooolrod la an prnahntnr- between nolpb and taorae imii lw ii woe broapbt abans lo bo4 aneam not apt to be kept apart 1 waat of ao latfooaeltob i may tba two lo tbo aoutberonwot petttt of tb bnnad ind poaoed tbo time tboro tin eaneot wben tba ooldaolpbaaa leer ootnd riosnm on a rock naalng lore wttb rbat nuallty wbleb can only ba i by pwaeoal oteetoo wlabed t bar borne bat r earnt of an bnatl waa aoapaa to tbrow bar fatber lato a st and u h know tbot obe bad nade tbo monaunv ooeo of one of umbo wbo bad tabaa tbo dty and changed ita nato riwa new anwtardab to mow pork bd wanld all back lo holland win bar by tba drat vaoael vanp tbrra tborafora mt data able to meet tbo alrl wbo bad enarumd bias la bor own boaoe b roeolbaroanv 1 fk d nukliv lor wttb tlrt tan oolf b itol l ttmlrtmtm- tahwa to trftlc ataaos- i t ktetold fatm that ctw j mmmoe ao appototmmt to n tb mrt tnmunc ui tkw m- llsainab ad ttw dateb girt wao to tola wtaai aomim waa tmodum oa tla aljora of ihcaott rifar imroerwht the wmll lb i kb lb pnraent uabia to w btivnrt uui uiora than lira or ala mltmtoj walk frani br bom a boat pntud by r jnglat oanitiian waa coaalog roaod tb houtbmti od of tba lalaod nod aptuxwrblua lbbor wbaaa suiitaka rtooit wtnt down to tba wataa dgm tba boat ataro vra awarribil to tb abwrvr aba blptd la aad tba boat tontiaimd ita rotiraa to iba tufactlon of tba talanda tylo to tba boalwanl it la raaacaaaarjr to maottoo tbat tba aatwoaawaaltalpb kiottaatoo wbo bad pouod anioad frmn tba qbdaaa rtfaa to naat bla ofw fotaad avaattnoit to utw bar tor a rlda oo tbajtaw- wbtri tbajr eoald mnkmjowe wttbemt bato ibtarraptarl faataad of iniaa uraaa tba tltar and tbaoco aootb oa tba oppodta abora aad yatsmtaa bar ooramora lalaod tba raty teobaalr waart illractly put anaofcafla boaaa toa tba boaaa waa aana tllataoaa fwortbo abora aad paftu pa aba ihemgat tbat aba nucm not ba aaaa fron tbara bo did not laekao ao ttaa fart tbat tba boaaa waa ao a bdr aad ttt bar catbar bad ttwtgot t axemltm tba ai7 apyauaa wttb wbleb tab tatbar orfptala vaa traakaa bad matarnwi a srftlab ablp tbat ba bad attaokad aad aoak matabaar bappawd at tba ttoa oft beat rida to ba a abovt ida kftruiida oafortabataly fat tbo lovara tba aaalizbt waa miad fron tba aold mrirmlaia of tba lmbwi balfora malabaar ao vraakao wva dartag what oaa of tbaaa batad aaal toon waa datoi oat oo ttw watar wttb a womao wao aiaat ba d waajt to tba booaa took down captate tas vraakaaa aprftaaa baooabt it to baas oa tba oeaopaata of tba boat aad to bla terror oaeorarad ida aaosmat tbara la eoaapaay wltb a srwab a oeor i know aot wbot innadlatal m lowatftboivvalatloa tbo boat malt to tbo chain ot tba atory la tbat btatotiaw van vnmkm dataratlaad to ababw ota daat of uaabaltaa lalaad off ble aboaa atoea itbad baeomo bnauab oonaaj ao back to llmtacdaoi wltb bb tmatbir by tfala mora ba totaodad4o aapaiabl anaaka tvom tba bacllab nildihlptnaa wbo bad oropt lato bar allbctfoaa wbfla bar fatbar waa driaklag daa to tba bagllab boat lo drafta ot aobaapm aaoaka waa pot aadar a atrtet watch dnrlog vm qbho6 to wblcb tba praparatlooa wara balsa aaade for tbt ratan to tbo ifotbarlaada for tbata wf noofa to ba aooomplmbad tbo baavy foar peat badataada ra jialfad tbo atroacoat baraaa on tbo b nad to drag tbav to tbo- taodlaf aat a llgbtar off astro ataa la tako tboat to tbo atdpa aaaabo waa to ebara ol katriaa iroaka aa old maid wbo bad ithjr far yowif braia aad bob tarapaf i tbabt totaaadatombarrbaratwmt alflbt lor a ata otocoaat aad alaaa tbo cttbar faarad tba youac mldabb nwa adgbt oadai prataoao of aaatea las tba boaaa for anaa bataa putf of asao to tako away bla awaalbaait a ats pottad caaooo waa awwatad at tba oaly goto to tba bleb wau aairooadlaa tboplaea tba day tba raauly wara to aall faa bovlaad katriaa lanka aad aaaoaa wara toft to tba boaaa till tbo but nte- oto wboo uatabaar vaa vrankaa ao- portatoadad tbo hantlag of tba last ot tbo haanhnld gooda to tba uwuag ba bad flnlabad bla taab hml aaaa bio family aad gooda tmt tbo ablp bo ratoraad for hkt ha tooad tba booaa vaeaol rroa thla polat tba atory la vaifoa it doaa aat appaar tbat katriaa lamho waa avar found ttw aait hoard ot aneaka vaa vnakao aba waa utag la sagtaimi tba wlfa or capbila bit balpb aaxlaatob of tba tiritiab navy tba laaa of tbajud td tb opo h bar cbatva ara to ba accouuud tc4 only br ooajaototo tbougb tbara la aa baaabataatlaud ttadltloa that it waa ftrftl by tady kuloatoa tbla aa plaaaooa acootda wlb tba rkdtl tu- aaoaty of tba akalaleo la tbo oloaat tba bradltlao b tbat wblla tba two waaaao wara alom toaatbar id tba aa vraakaa bama aanak brnim away tnta hr jallar aad bid la ba uwh tbo dooeoa followad bar and aalarad tba oloaat and aunako altpad out aad abat tba door aoaaka tblottlita twly of flight wt tba ttani and rannnuni- catad wltb bar lovor whu ratoa aiotura aaantad bar and took bwr to bi nhlji aaoaka did not know what i now aoppaaa to bav baaa tba caaa4bat la obsatac tba doar of tba cloaat it had baaa bald by a aptng lock th itanal ojoaad antomatloally wltb tba rlumlng of tba door my tbaory la thai katrr a loaaka waa cauabt to tba rloaat eoald aot ralaaaa baraalf aad pmrlabad oaa tbo eketo0iaiambrad itura waa bata tbla tbaory la borar nat by tbo foot that it 1 tbo ekalttoo of a i fen ojf ityw- tisxu13xsa