s r i matthews drug store golds use syrup f tar and cod uvr qu for 5 coughs colds and bronical troubles docs not up- z set stomach like many cough medicines large bottle 35c wlllabdl onoooutm e gatuk a3to bcitumsr- w i jlfc battfbdtb djtvattheiat druod and stationery e botax fcarra bras bracuuna viorba benoana kd oaimriioxr si georges church aw warn bm t- bandar aarrtoa m folia atettaat uam bveuaaag7nm sejwlay sdiooi 10 holy oboimtwioo ant and srd beodaya of aarb nvmih at ii am g0idbi8bdief s itel bay victory fwfe fiaoekaaloe hotel mcolbboa ml vow for the bylaw and boild i ooofflrtawsv ootyoar oontr iwedytotba h ox and lbs boys wbo wist la bajfeaveo ud puiiad dni fa eboeld be aaedo pay let thorn bee dt oartaaa one of m powwd owy la nla ebqoojlac aubotoelt robert u brotd lot so con 6 will bold aa eaetloa aale oj ale fnrtlealara next fajoo oornrttoeait m be dr moooll wboiieaii1 at tbo praatoterjaa annlv eaaary mrrfeaa aad aot dr inidlaw aa neortorl lmt weak too huh glob will alto a pat riotic caabtw in tbo town hall oo tbonv day eveeloc mo 16 at s oclock abarn day evenles if o keep tbiadete c mb iulllm of id tbalr oootfo obaieb will bold aloof work aad boou made aotiklagcni tfaamday dot sib rtniealan telae tbo golden sbea mfcaaaa bead of kaoar cbeiwh win bold a own sadomw of worklotboaeboaj om of tba obcrab wbda oat bsatt jatfaa lo maotorjathttibabpiiabad tbo lawlnr taeoto ie iljiilly awbarat hla ripa tad lb ballot woat taioatb hla bit last tbovoaod hi fahag pmy aanllusaiff paub aatrataaavlor mr latest bbwsjlboot home kftttimttm bomnl vototv mhtfalloa boarda bare bora appointed lor ontario thaaa boarda ul bear appaala froej lb dactaloo of ooawfatoni halloa board la mapvwl of tbo followlne awoluaioa uoanty j w elliott mil loo local ir w j meclebaa mlltoa sb webeter hilton clrw cy tha peace w i dick union beanver of daada v obkboba hilton ifodoy mill drama ffe wadaaada 17 of liberty tboraday tbo floor woman wltb han holaraa boroloo of shoaa vrlday oriaa jootloi wltb rtorooea balarday tba maf proparodooai plo tan woaunbood or tho glory of a batloa a otqool to tbo bltla dry of poaea admbatoo 10 ft lse- jaaaj c ajr oar b tbo w p l aro ptrparlag boxaa to ba wot to tb ooonjatown boya wbo aro ovwnaaa tblauas tba town propl woold b p to bavo a abaro to lh striae a abowor will bo bald la tbo lib rary oa natarday aftorboea ifor lotb haay tblaaa ban alraady booa provld lilll eocoa eh rordloaa oxo wufbo ft personal mr watkorald atd hlaa wotbarald rw apaodlna a opapla of woaka wllb toroato f utuu- major flnibl and mra ii p lawaoo atlaodad thm oraot pmaar woddloc at lutowall lart wtk mra l k plaek wllliwealraob tat- lay nor lslb from to 7 pm aod not bmln ibuyaaf uim iflllbawratarood tobarbotooat lurrir alir apaodlrja a runnlvr bolldaya with bar atjnt hra ft j uocartaay ckmrdt nwtothhtl it hnbwf tavy of hamilton wfll bar charaa of tba otrtioai at qa ot ftaooay v prrr maotlar oa tharoda ovoalas at tba faioaca atke amntomorg vha annlwnary mftlcw o tbo aab- r hotbodut cfaueh will bo bold omit huoday nov 11th tbo bo lara f acton will jrrtoh al aiul 7 so t m oftofid la intarrabi of tbo treat board jvorrcr will panuuia aotitilridd tor hra 1 bowar of toremlo writo too addroaa mra in ilowor roar 1m ryeroob aro toronto for mmlc a itonj drlwtoa mar a yra old for l cbmpapply h hay ward trrra ooita lip mousl to rzht in aunwihum largo brick boaaomtd bfa 31 urm laod t aero of aood fntlt mmaduu poaaaaaloa kay at flkm wllllama foal offioa apply w h bald hrmmplon 11 7- sip for sale or rent w aolld brlok booaa oa ooorgo bi i to tbo ooorgotowb hlgb bobeol aoo bath all ooavanleaooa oao famaotii lot 50 foot root 100 too book ssioo tlooo down bajaaoa oa taort ttt boatal u0 por nonth bff ueoao la paper mill bow to mbt aaataj t por tnontb a wuloughby oeoboetowk out an ar la ebaraa of pllsbt ix ttaoaa laaoodoa mr wflllam onanlag bama farm at tbo odga of tbo town oa monday oroolag aboot 610 pm and owtag to darkaaaa raaulaod ontil tnaa- day botalag in ordor tbat lb aviator aufbt bore oaao raw tbo plane war goard mbfaw loeml boy adoaki dartastb abjbt hoadfada of dtnnwa wms oa bawd tooaday amralac to eat tbo plana t op wbleb it dfil aboot 9 oetoek and attar olrdiaf tba town a faw umao do- partad on lta toofnay u tlaoaa was a awaat at tbo bomo of mr h a ourb s to who smt wllb idgdcsllhefay sale a patriot ocahl bammlatlm miiirnkt boi h snp hbtiflgpfntiva pnemda toto olsbn omnomrmnteltnd tip lo 4 obumlto to lb nuion mm tb am ntdblu if oalklr uum ol th bgmihlrt latfltou iulb but tkn wllur lunoft baa oa rrifer o mats sib all an ilm will ab anl likrii aba ban atartaabatamaoaolakav mab ptaua brtaa or aaad ulaaa aa pa a ibal itamybaaam aajr mr daaw bueklaaaa al taa s ocllua la kaaaialaa toaatblp bchuajtag to haarr oola ftim ta aaaoa dij a willnmh- oanrsaloaa aad olmahmaaai pabbw bebqpl rtpolla alllaaaav la aav aaat obiott ttouon or 40 head of cattle sheep and piira aavfalsbatl baa ramivaa laatfaa- bkd wbiaolnwobth lo oil by fablk aaloaatlott7tblki iqajlna i alb north ol uorab oa rsioat aovbllbeb isra 1s17 al 1 odoeh tbarp tba lallawlafi oattlxsft fnab lorward iriaaabi aad bail is ataon bit s eoa ba iso alaiffa abort kaap1 so alaan adar so ataara yaarltaca sbbbp is aad bnadu aaaa oa foraal is aaad braaalaf awaa lalaaataraf omfcmd rank rlos 1 basbtorad tamarortbaoaaad 10 aba b wka aldi s pafo brad imaiworlb aaasyaaa eld tbo cattb ar all wall brad aad bar laa oa anaa baea two aad a ball btootlia aad ara la aaaalbat oaab to atari wlater adlaa tsbiiaall aama ol s10 aad oojr it 10 taoniba oiw if eaol tab ara aaaa m adrartlaadattlba aad awa aala at r j biewa town council jdar aaaant wllb sum haanwall la tba ebalr aad ooaa alllafataaajpt baralar oaak aad oh oai baralaraad ooak a by mv aaa raad tba aaaaajary aaaabar al aadaaaailautiilnllai klaaoaaa 4 tasaalor tba aaat iu7 1 d tba 1 artbaaaar 1u7 onatotlaaof baab aad oook a br ua arr aaaiaorel tlaiaa uaadv aalberratag tba barrelas i oauajawr aa a aa balhllaa naml ahatralhlar paaaat iba raar 1si7 maaadbroaaayai oj apaajht tbattbrtjfalauaflaaiiltsimbs pildl bjdro klaoirla irataai uabb tsaahall 77l iso brjra naatrb spaaaa ibjbm ton hall 1 so ball tabpbaaa oa toa hall so ball tababoaa oa tan hall library m joba madoaald aoaj hi mr 4 k adaaai abapooarial lor mr bridfa rr i at aaaara fc 00 abartt u llbajauaartaabaallasssslaaaa at wm lead mnnn ilasi malnliaaaal atnata a aafaasls7swalaramfciis0s n is baarr aabtaarba 10 ooatraau aala s7j0 17 m b r7atoora taliinaaimual b anotaal aat sos makaj bras sroeatb lor mr aacatoibvabmwmtia 17 ss 1 harbart jehaataa eoa aalaa is 00 ateoadad br oaaav laatainaea akauas aataaspa h p la tbrngaa dttoaappravrdlolalbolaa sparc aaaaaioaioraaab raltut a wilson olark bkn petou aawl ailiiotloii sale i of i choice cattle and sheep tbo andoalffdotl baa boon inatrootod by u o oliiik to 00u by pnbllo aaotloa attbo bolol hoaibbuo oooraotown baturdat november lmfa a o abarp tbo touawiup cattle w ooira aprfnaare ai taallkor 9 yoona cattle atoare aa beuera 1 pore bred oolatom boll 4 too e10ttle tor reejatntlon x para bred nafiftti tmii 11 trkhauia t4a elullalo foa iwadatratlon 8hbep 7 pore bred oxford down nunai s laaobe and l abaaiilng nuaa i t pore irerl l ram lamboj 40 b loewelamba tbbmji 10 montba credit on appfota od noaoa 6 par oani per anaon oat lor hbmj fbtos inemwiaiiff notice to creditors tbtmtm wf jm wwm dmmm4 notioe la bereby atroa tiuu all poraona baaiaj olalnta anujiat tbo eetato of joa f 4iii sbati avarjolrad w psbu fall partlonlara of tbo mum verified atatatory doolaiatloa to too dnderafbkvu aouoltor foaloaandor l nobtoaadbre rett b barabul oxotnttere of the laat wtu of tbo mid deoeaaed on or before tbo mtb day of november a d 1917 and notice la further given tan after tbe aald laat mootlotwd date tbe aaid ekeoatora win proceed to dlatribata tbe tniflt of tbo aald oatato aamm part- lee entitled thereto havtatf twrard only to tbe olalma of whlob they ibon aball bave reoalvod aolieo and tbey will bob bo liable for tbo aald aaaeta or for any not boon received at uio umo of die trl button dated thu both day of october ad 1017 a o davis irampaoa oat solicitor for tho aald bxaoatera faraokwaod baela aitbnt tabbwr or bnabor i ajava uolofa to do ud that everywhere in wwltfbtady or play wrigley5 nw aasss w esaoawi bl tamstlat awwatn attpsk tttaa digeatioi apirita ara babsn tar for it wmnorafwa aaaasmt tba next pipe or clew taste better it ple and aoottacemoaf and throat jfcl lasting put less tea in the pot because it chiefly consist of the assam teas of northern india tbe s and riches in the world less red rose is required in the tea pot where four or five spaoniulaof ordinary tea are required just use three of red rose and red rose tastes water kept good by tbe sealed package i mm we specialize in goods that everybody needs all the time and all we ask j o opportunity to lower your cost of living groceries lb gold dnatootn hem none better for tw a ita pltvaat qealuy boiled oeta for fee ft lb baefoon bka far 36a s bottle atttreat any barer mo t lb black ffaea or mixed taa pre ooe par lb for- i so 4 pbftj i an ul ksttataa t it aoa omb atartb par pfca lliti 111jm qc lone leoadbtiueb par lb so praam of irtimiprrpvi sse oboiea ptak salmoo oaaoade brand par up- lite see what we are showing in mens sweater coats yon get supreme value everytime you buy rroni tut barnhils nerval arewaaarevaaiaanre this week specials 4 bora boabior halaafoi 4paskaaas aaadad bawaa lor ip n 47a uo 10 old aauasbartaelaarasorslb aalia par lb aoaae so par bar or boa of 100 far n 6 75 itbwebraad pera baaple tynip qaart bottle 46e iat bottle sso pearl bannd nvnl eyittp qtnvrt bottle are black e rare or aslant tea twanlar 00a per lb or s lb far 146 gtutattoa orawiaa oakao la 46 sao and too pacaagm ready far afalnplaw ooaoenanl muk boidmo begle brand por in ib mirer oow brand par tie 17a bordmbicartae ttlai for ho oraam of wbaat par packaco s4a bhiedded wbeetsacaavwfor s6c obeoae b7o per lb or 4 lb for 100 ti oor baklan powder laiwe tto loo tobacco mcdonald anjoklag or ebewlaes plot 17a blag black wateb or bbamfock s ploc ssd caren lot barfttmv tuld egs j j gibbens lane block phonb 160 georgetown wasted at once by glen woollen mills ltd spinners by piece or day work steady bmployment weavers winders spoolers and warpers are jpeadlcl by knitting factory jenokes knitters can earn 8260 to 98 per day lumbermens box knitters winders and menders best sagas throughout apply- to e y barraclough managing director glenwilllanm out prtlih for tie filter mow la be time to tore yooiooppiy vewjfa for tba wtnlor weean tba baat qaalur ivira bred cockerels luvaabaloraalaaqbmbarolabotab banal nnoatb book aoabartb al tba o a a brad lou abalo h t hott sons llublrtaardaaa watss oalblaratadbafaa7aba orartar7abi par karad e ipaybur rbaabd walaaa o ooaaaabatlp baabd apply dr p b lb atta oaad baalaaaoalaad la 1 1 m oooopiad b l v uotubaa poaaaaaaa abaal blor lit sbplrlij w kattaadr a ifatatm1m aady special choice fruit peaches grapes bananas etc all kinds fresh vege tables at the lowest prices oalliaod aas u tola aaek aad aaoora aaua ol our onolaa oooda a resttvo fruit specialist main 8tmt gaorgetowu mammoth house georgetown 1917 fall 1917 new goods dry goods haw arrlrab la gwral rw oooda oraaa oooda hilt t 111 it vol dias lrataett lawblaj a al 16c if c sor and sae uaaa tabla daraaak 76c 1 aad si j5 cabbaobad tabb oaaiaak kb a ladies and child rens underwear tarabolla tjadarwaar lor ladlaa mlaaaa aad child fl iloolmur la oottoa tjaloa or all wool ll om 40o lo ss i a oanaaot ladlaa aad obudraaa wool miu s6o aad sib new goods hosiery indies mleaat and child mocklna a latga took oa band la oottoa dnloa and all wool boya heavy bibbed stoeklnn cotton union or wool miiilnery 1917 fteulx 1917 oor sbow booma ar now ooan wltb tba now baaaona ready towear and patts hat too araxordlallr lovltad to loapact oar jfew btoefc euylaatnolavteet prioaaabeidieapaat mcbean co georgetown the military service act 1917 dont delay do it today rthe military service act is passed the proda- mation issued october 13th it is now the bounden duty of every man in class one to report lor service or claim exemption this includes all bachelors and widowers without cliildren not otherwise excepted who were 20 years old on the 13th october 1917 and whose 34th birthday did not occur before january 1st 1917 what to do go to your post office and ask or the form tor reporting- for serrleo m or claiming exemption ilia form containa clear instiiactkms for fffllag in do this not later than november 10th beware of the last minute rush with so many thousands of reports and claims to be dealt with the rush oi class one men will grow heavier day by day you will waste leas of your time and serve your own best interests if you avoid the inevitable rush on the last days the law is being enforced with the government and the people finnhp behind it obey the law do it today thm military saroasa commfll complete service to forl owners everywhere courteous attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate and betas a ford owner you can get it you are al ways among mends there are more than 700 ford dealer service stations through out canada these are always within easy reach of ford owners t6r gasoline oil harervwpaaceeaaorievexp motor adjustments the cost of ford service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself nineteen of the most called for parts cost only 640 just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other ears and you will realize the advantage of owning a ford runabout 478 touring 498 tub universal cab t ob foxdont j n onehjii dealer georgetown por sale or to heut flood num loo acrea lu uatioealag lowaabln good barn and abod frame bonne tarso otebard and wood land never taluns ueanj convenient to railway cbonb aad acbool vor par- uoolem apply uareld ohim uoorga- houtk to t t toomed frame hoow n obnrue bt neaaaloa nov ltb apply to w bui i wan i i rmmmmt t5 acre farat la bmoeabis townabln 4 milaa rnuu aotou apply to j a vi to tnht in iu luu nr ihj luoacrag apply to jatiipv hburii oliultanlmtn tp custom tcmlttiho i km prttnd in do 4tsrtnm wahtloa kttllultg ol all lilml- il tuvalnrv satulao lftniiiwiaiiltavl all imtrona hra t 3 rbber halo ueotsvkwu019 iip