as pwfvkwt sg spigbijyyjgi the 6e0r6et0wn bebhj if ft bo for prlnos or peasant day it nowl bay it early in hoveaiber ortlutmmtmdt yen u be gled u jroa bat 11 now wbuo um oountoex ttreieb before you bay ii now while ura u no erowda to bora yoo day ii nowl day before lbs abr is bluffy bay before tha clerks ere toffy biwbijcunagb arc trash im way bay ii now znot until 1 ny it nowl though of eonree yoa must not bor row 1 buy l nowl beo ice- elerka don i have to abbor the christmas mi pat e eauoltdm if yoa bqy tl nowl wkstouaars uecohmwhd- atiom by 11 mil too wart in i have no bedtatlaq in rwoaflmodlnc to every om that el ueet portion ot bb and hs octd for tb perebese of cauda victory w lou bonds wbibrii be wooo tioaoo tiooaoo or- taon tost on be to band thara la no better way in ny opinion of onlag tbk money tban to nurahem viator now u tba uma to all l en b dapanda npon their mviags tor tbair llrallbood to loan them to can- da and at tba bum tbna balp tbamaalvaa many nl laeae bava bam enable to cadet tba various palriotla organ ettloat h el ibalr linutad i domic vow tbay may bylaw no tneraaa their tnooma and balp canada it u not oftan ibat ona an paraoaaily banflt b pauiotte set and aarelf now that tba occanion prawnta itaalt no ona aboald fail to tana advantage of l tba objective cm by tba bunieter ol vlsancabtlw 0000000a many 1 an twin meq aa to bow much will ba aabkrlpad cat every 00a balp whether tl ba lor bonda ol mell rseeecsleetioo lai every ona wbo baa tba power por- cbsm at bast a asooo bond and tbaraby aerut ha oontiaoiaf tba aaobaxweted oat ol lb blab aaaa ao thai tba prodoott of oar una miner and faetorms my ba carried to oorboys at tba fioatl bo ibat tba lannani may ba paid fortbau gralai so that avary man amuloved may lenetve bla nana no that canada may ba nubv tatoadlnin blab aaaem of all tba allies lat us abow what wa think of oar danmeratlo laatlintlene by baring oof own bonda and fcat bnl nut lea lain enow lbs enemy that wa ere lb this wet heart and aonlaodwul be aobbttu belt whereas tba said isaac stewart and leon cook bare entered into an aaroernertt with tbe corporation of the village of oeo dated tbe mtb nay of october ad 1it sub ject to tbe approval of the ouauflod ratepayers of the said village of georgetown a copy wbereof is aet forth in tba ecbadule hereunto an neaed and marked ta and whereas it la expedient to this uy law and submit tbe sen the electors pt the eald ni unlet pcllty to authorise the sold municipal cor porstion to guarantee the debentures of the said laeae btawart and leon cook to tbe a prladpaj amount of ten thousand dollars and interest thereon at the rate or at per cent per annum for tbe purpose of aiding the eald laeae stewart and leon cook in establishing a factory and raaaufaeturtbg buatness la eald village of georgetown as aet forth in the eald fore r to and wharees there is no industry of the same or ettnller kind ed in the said hunlelpallty and whereas tbe total amount of tbe dent or engagement wbleb this by law is intended to creels or autb ortse u the amount of the guarantee by the eald municipal corporation of the village of oeergetown of tba pay meet by the eald isaao stewart and leon cook of tba eald debeataree to tbe aggregate prbjetpej amount of ten thousand dollars and interest there on at the rale of atx per cent pv num payable aa hereinafter aat euk and whereas the amount of tbe whole rateable property of the amid municipality aooordtng to tbe teat re vised iniiimitil amounts to ii- 4ts and whereas the tl debenture debt of the eald municipality is iii stt si no part of the principal or interest of which u in arrear now therefore the municipal coun cil of the vtllscs of georgetown en acts as fouowal that the said agreement berate annexed and marked affirmed- t that the debentures of the amid isaao stewart and leon cook to the amount of tan t dooare and totaraat thereon at the rate of abx per equipment eul table for the carrying on or the eald tibatnbsi at a eeet of ap proximately ftre rnonemnd nouara and of eoob a cha ranter and re peel ty thai worry en tbe eald baatneaa will re re the employment of at leest thtr 1 persons on an average for each working day of each year of the eald term ptff rrnltf t the said ataatifactnrere aball erect and romptete eald bu or pnr ehaes eald buudlngs and atte and hall ptaos tba eald machinery and plant tbaretn and beve the aejni oparatlota as a going eonoem on the flreudapf june a ills or wtth- ln such time ae may be allowed by the said corporation thirdly that they will earry on the b sees of lateb needle manufacturers in the eald village of georgetown in their said factory or other enisle building for a period of ten yearn the first day of june ad 111 a jes in oaae of ore accident to machinery strikes or for any ether eetwe eueh ae aball render an in ruption unavoidable and in any oaae opera aball be re ee soon ee paaaibla thereafter not ex ceeding twelve months in caeg of to ut laea by ore end in ease of any interruptions by total loes by fire ae aforesaid shall be for a longer period 1 three months in any year asid manufacturers business aboi continued and oarrjed on after tbe said term tor a period equal to tbe time of the said interruption oyer and above tbe eal4 three months and in oaae any eueh interruption from any cause aa aforesaid other than from total lees by ore aball be tor a longer period tban two months in any year the eald manufacturers fa coin me aball be continued and carried on after the amid term cor a period canal to the osvambg wnjo alwwdjiae to follow tbe adrfcaof tbe rood oontrooar to balp fleer b wilt fled tomv wheat boor bailee- a ba need loraon andbararyooalm uefc womauybmduarirtr of i ww utm mi ttw tn mntt sst amy ii ttmmtaa lit mimv at wml u k a mm ml h blab bat tte mr mil to uiklisbini ki ullllbi otvut a tb bmint mob tbsmiil loolarkbmobmwmlyti taony who egn award to so so anon hi obmuole in part otbai eveoutbeiwfeaoitba babigbar for meat bah k a paoaustrf mbeutttm braaasntbwksj i and the abeaonsl aacrem ot enaplr la the domtnlpttw ewang bar wsatty tb aama food vajoaa aa gaaat by a aamfgl aakfctloo ol other toods tit anawgrnptlaw ol meat mey ba enoajderebly aadi wbeigaane ai aaperialty by p edia heavy njannal w and remember um gnjrlag mvinf ol wheat boar beet and baooa e not eeoeomy in eoat bo that th eldlera may ba aepeltad with the i00j which tbay need obituary la tba 4mb ol lb aadiaw taottoa ibwhiir el bat wnknmojtblavlbat ntlvrtan l el aift ol kwialmr p aaay mr iopm wu la btoabln abb nui an linh ol all blt bkbukmaa abla o bsoot aatll wf abonlr bafcaabltdaaib ha ud raeihoa bb mmmd ahmjni eaak aatd ollboat nil mill i aaullbaabt jboraiod waatbaoaa ol tba lata aadia bai aaaaat bora o lot h aa tba tblfd lum wbaaabaatoiaarahbalralbai man id lot tr aa tba toanb uaa aa4 baialumuaaautbaiaalolbails ba ki bmdol fciamr auaoat tawteblr food enam aad bb aataluraaam aad fidr aanaaadlitai aat alaan arf- irad bo aaaa bootfaw load aal i mlorod tba m bb aartv ai awmbar ol kaoi to u ariaajtrr fcautd whoa blo baia aaa pat a bfbit jobnaar aaaaaawaibbllilo tarkonalthutbaa mr ami aai bhrrlod la latt la aalba daotbur el iba wa wlmaai l roajaaayoaafl tsrbtrurrpbk mmmmmommm oarcaat sanloiaaiorr h baboru aaraarbwoabotboatlaoalaa4i iroabla la bala lap oarloollo a- b tba doal la oao oar aool aoolor ba baa to pa iba oam xbaoaallabnaawaadutb rodtliuoaua otluoa atom to ba aetblavai ja ooalwal far oolumialo ii l artlluaj to par bosua rolou pdoaa- na ibara a iillioiai aaacaatiaajifllmilm f ladraalloaa ol tbe baa mlomaf alartraanaadkariaalhmol oar arlor aorla ol gialaaadp aaalo oohaa tba moral wtator aad oarla la ooaadlaa r tba auo auool ajala lor dbtrlboiloo will u alraruia wboat abaall ibo wajla oab avottlbo tauur oboat flaa aad paid wualot ibo tbaoa wlllba awl oat iron tbeooatial baoiiloaaalpl laravoltoaa by tba uoaila ooralw ba will laraarb uaaoawarraaalloa tfoalorao a daarlbatloa al aolaaao la rtril ulbaairrwiob haai amt ol tba fapirl ranaa iba oaalral larai eapalrioa oalr u aaarlam o oama all aaatpka will baaamjioa brlawll oalr oao auooia jjloadoaolaoaia bo mi aolboaofcloloarf oa adnaid la oaal btarkwl a bo aad laa aaooo ara baroby a by tbo aald oor por of tba tosuja of oao owo 9 wautbaoaldojabaataraaoratb yaar froei tbo dato obblob tla 1 law la trn aad aaarbaaraar wnbblaald roar aad aball ba fa kkaouddoaac kf la tba i lu aball bo panbla or follawfaa tbat prhmfjal l total i a aailoo aa mi 11 mo aa lm li 1111 11 fit mi i 1111 11 01 utt to 1111 11 wn 1111 m 1111 11 w u u mi ii t un ii mi ii to aa mi ii 1111 11 in at mi 40 1111 11 ft 1111 ft a tbat tbo aiioraauoialarnoh to bo alvwa aad borabr aatbortaod ta bo pfraa br tba oald oorporauoa oboll a aadonad oaaob of tba aud ilaioa tarao or otbor alalia aooarllr aad lat poor dad paar srd roar otbroar lb roar lb roar lib roar tbpoar tbpaar 1mb roar nfbm coraontton of tbo yutapo w oooi in tbo oooatr of hattoa honor uaoondluonaur auoraatao tb aarmoat of tbo wttbla aaboiitttro orttb lataroot tbarooa apoordlaa t tbla anaraatoo lo atraa la of bruv mo of laa vdjaaa of oooiajatown jtatr vll of bob waotboiowb a tba koaoa of tba oald tutoaa at n booabr aatliiman ta ompowarod ta olaji tba bald bwubbioo oa a oa babalf of tba aald maalolpal oorporatlob oad lb clark of tba oald maalolpal nnniiiolluii lo barabr aatbortaod aad laotrootad to attaob tba aaal ot tbo aald oaraara- dallirarad ta tba aaldcorparotloa a 1 awttaia apoa tbo toads bi i buob oad bloat olba aoaaafaataroia aa aat aat la tba aald la oaao of tbosmoara ot tba aald maaataotarora ta par tba aald dobaa- tana ao tbor r aad barabb aad la oaao tba tttlata o o 4a raloabla poopanp la tba mid p aada br oarpora- toataob aaob roar aador ita paor faallr pasatd to aa arolauttra aat ioiouaoaaruio ol all tbaauoa idaaq tpwaltv oonctmb of tbo towa ot varla la tba ooaatr at araa ooalf lautovoillod tbaataaal tb llr na aobfoautxion or viixaxu ov woltoatrawx bora taoltar eallad tba oaraorooaof tbo pjooand fart wboroao tbo oab baa doaldad bad roaolvad to laaau a felon aoodlo taotorr w tbo arid vt laao af ooorawtowa ptoo tbo aald to tba mioaon prlaolpal aawoat a neaagn agrnit to anhmhtor of the qualuud electors village of cmrwsetown and neam if approved by the vote cc the raid heats iw a by4aw f aniheatoa the aald creafattonr tanlktaatae tfea aald debeeturea u the aala wat mew thsrefore this iiid wa tote rit- nremisaa and the terae aghimanta walthiia and aupolaticae herelnaf- tar oootalnea the aa4 paniwibarets do hereby mutually covenant aad agree la and with each tdther aa fol lows thai la ta aayi the aald manttfaoturara agree i mratlyi that aa aoen aa poaribla attar tab agreement ta eaeeuted by the aald corporation to putwhant a aaltama ractcry atta iq th aald village ol georgetown and proceed with ail pro par milgeooe to erect or altar thorn on all am wry buildings car a anlu abe faotory for tba manafaatara of laleh needles at a onet of approximate ly five thoaaaad eiouara ad tta fee thenai provided if at ear ttaaa recyfrad by the aald cotvonttaa the eald mann facaarers aball eteonte and dattvar to the said aaewnty to the eald in mr thattkerwtll asalga itfeer overejatolhaaald tbe policy or poltctab of lamir the said bmlfrpgn plant m4 cbtaary ta ba held by tba exm cor- poratioa aa ionaae atcy satrttaa d tha money eacwred br tha aald twortgage maajof actsrera in tha event ee age by lira iba eaobxay absn br the aald co bwmvmmta awatcr tag the baiidttc at eamsw ataat ar machinery aa dsanaawd aa aeid by the eeld corpavattcai ta pay tha paid or iinmatmeg anlaei by tbe rale a w tha aaid ccrpoatton ehali nay nay praaalgaaa or aaaaa wf money or inenranea an tha aald pre mises plant or ma or any parr thereof tha ansa meats with interest rate of eta par oent par ajunm from erection by the eald jcuiathaxnrari tha aam factory inrihasaga aad woa tha aald maaoxaatarers ajp i ihaenanil danara tt their awn aeejrip r ttetr neachlnery for their eald factory being no dana ehargaa or aa brances against tha enm land btattd- taga piinitlnery and piest and awafl adrnaee the rsmalntag ova uwuaaad datura whan the aald inacblnerr and plant ara installed tw tha aald teaigay and tba aald factory la la apatntlos jta going ooueera there being no liana the liability of the aald corporation aa gnannters of- t ef tfea aald mem until tha aam awbwaxurea shall be fully paid and eajuaflsd by theaau vradooad by the aam atnuixeturers tf reautred pythe aam caeinuan tbe aald five thousand dollars aat paid over to the- aald manajadttnyars by tfea aald corporation to ba eawd aotety aad eciireirby tfeaanld afama- faataxwra to pdrahaahor nxafca hddl- uanej machinery lb br need la the aaid lutein am hi aald factory and gar working oapltal le ba aaed and it le further nnderetood and agreed by and between tba parttea barato that if tha qaaejaraftnn ahaold aabmlt such by law and if such br ibe uma at waah aaymanta aball ba jdaaialpal act then the aaid two months the aald menu faoturers to have the right to shut down the eeld factory during two weeks in each yaar during the eald period of tan years for the purpose of taking stock or maki repalre which aald two waafca nav counts as part of tha aaid tan yeara aad tbe tnees shall ba dmni to be to op eration for tha fourthly that they ahalt daring tha aaid per- d of ten years accept the first year or tbe eald term employ in the eald factory and intneaa in the aald vtl lege of georgetown not laea tban thlr ty en daily oa an average for each working day of each year of the aald term and aball pay in wages a aum averaging not leas than three vanted by fire atrifcea or other avoidable aa aad tha calculation aa to the number af ajwploysaa am ployed and tha amount of eragea paid to ba marl a ae la terelaaftar provided an tha aald amglnym ara ta ba reel dents of tha aald tiling of george town aad tba aald maaeterefb ara aat to count la tfea aald comptttatlon na gwnia ta ba aaaplnyea who la aat a brttmh or axaerioaa nfdaat jtmhlyi that they aball aanaany dattngtaa aald mam tga yaan it required ta doaa autrmlt to the eald rjorperauon a a aa ta wages paid aad pas- anna amnlored by tba aaid menafeo- bsram fooh atatamaat to ba pvapared and alg fey a regalar eamriered ae ccuatawt eailafaatery to tha aald cor- poratton aad if veenred elu verified bjrtha aald bmunttpvetttrara aad if h shall anpaar at any uma that the asjaraga w af emp la of the aald maaalnnttgare baa bean law than thirty oa an average for each wtwfclng day dttttnar any yaar of the aald teres utle ta realise from the aald mann taatarara aa uuldafed daatagea fat eueh default ai tha rate af tan dol lars par annum for each employee abort of the average number of thirty to ba ae amployed aa hereby maulr d aad further if it aball appear thai the avenge- weakly amount paid for wages daring the year by the amid three hundred douara then the enm corporation shall be entitled to real- las from tba aald mantuactuters aa at tha rata of tan dollars far each t jeuara abort of tha aam weakly average of three hundred del- tare any ad all dtanataa arising tan ner tfeta ateuee aball ba aatoad by a beard af three arbtlratora ona of whom sbalt ba eel acted by the aam ceaparatlea another by tba aald man- uiaatnrara and tfea third ta ba ehoaea by tha other two hatxthly that they win ex a fa ly tfea aam af to tenoeand oclwra af their own m ay in ecdltien to awi freca tha aala af ehtnery oarpoeejien ta purcnaae the ma- ary and plant aad eeataexeai so la eald faotory the aam wa plant and agiilimtaat ta ba pujro or xeede aad ready far in ataulagla tha aaid factory before the moniea raa from tfea aala of tha aam deewatarea guaranteed by the eam coraarattas or any paction thereof are nam over to the aam mantttaotv- that they ehaw at had deliver to the aam oorycratioa a first mort- age far tha aaaa of tan thouaaad 1mh dollare upon tha bmwa boihnag aad preaalaatt pi aad aaaehianry aaal cm an ether tbu had bjaablaanr ta be aab ehmarr ana immni gman nr jug a get fjf thafaam m b tw- aar4ed a pgttaf the fata traat all aomhaas charaes and eaaame af awary raalaaw oaaladv and tfea aaaaa to be ii a total val naaf snavaa xaeand tire auadred del- lara i1mhh as a awanavaa af good gvltfe aad jar the mthmnev formatibi af all tfea m teia meat watu tfea jla of tha aam miits as h to ramttt ana aam qbmlgim af sami i af the aam hull tfea uma afean ba praagrail jiinnaana of the i rornu af morlbigm act a waaal etatntcr ta anefe ewtsapes aad a aa tfea oorpereilea ahau am eanrtsahla tor tta aaaartty there by bttaadad right to convey awjat further no act has baa daaa to aaa the their fall laen valae la dauara aarrency of tha lawful maaay af can ada oc the bottding plant od ta the ex and at alt tbaes teal af the bonds from unpaid a rateae tram all elelma sub ject to pravtaa bar raenmatant a-pow- r af aalg an default jbrwan akoath fauhthe ikr nctlea and eatb ff par tofcara a bbertgager a vide that nil ttwtaremvejatwm vlaeea af this ag ninthly tbat in the event of default being made doxiagrthe iwireaay of tha- aam mortgage in any of tha esmdhaersh terms covenants and agi aeaaanbr eat out to be o and pa by corporation ehali haew the sight s aaveral soma aat la this agraeatant la reference to attch dofanu aad tar aagfe au thetr rights and it is further understood and agreed by aad between the partita hereto that wherever either of th parties hereto are referred to such a shall w tha con eoaafe w dasnied to include and extend tvandbe htadtas on tha helm ebdwl- adwitelatmore aoeeeaaare f aat each of tha aam parties wi mtss whmmmwr tfea ner nreto oftherflret part hava feeyw from prcaiadlng to real laa tha aam doe the aam alam aailli if at any uma tha aam cor poration ahau be muled upon to pay any of the aaid debeataree af tba aam awry atmh ease l ba made by any maa in which poreuof ehali hare thatthrat toa- oover as uettwatad amagaa aaah earn or aama with intoraat at tha rate of abx per oent par aaawom h that say joint eta ah may be inaoraoratad take ever pa iff dtdaai ness aad tahiry aad any firm evar- aona axceeeding iht raid mniixftitfar to thaaame pilamasaa aa thaaam maabehitarma ara neatness to any eons daring- the- aam without abtabtmt for lbs aaid oar poratlou tba covenant f waah era while this agreement la la fares accept any ind to aaaaa oar- rying tinmane la thetr faotory la tha aam village of oeergetown as- through any aaaaa whatever thay mhould cease carrying aa aam uav daring the eaiieaoy- af table tbay vtu nay to tha aam m lw uaa fraaa tfea aam felaaaxhatarern aa ilqamaled damagee aad m airy aad tfete afean bata ta bnhexlt a bylaw to tfea laleaay era aatuled t vpwa 1 jb tsaj eaausaam bywaaftwaiaa awexs7 elent to carry a aaaaa aryee as areytded by tfea ptoeutoan at ahatt be null and void and of no feet aad the pertlee hereto ralaaeed from ail uability or oulaa- k4 ttaevav k8 owpanby awi aad the- heads ef the beeve aad ctavk of the ahld mualcinellty r ggnii siiud aad palrrared by iaaaa art aad leon oook bt tag nsjaa of lm rot dafdbt zjcom a cook bacilli dattwered anl ccuntcrnlgn- ad by r h heartweu beeraan4 f l heath clark la tta- m af lm bot daub vlifel wmuulwkll hmatb r u tad aoyvnl eteydtfea tfjuio tonssiii polaaal oarpaustobs wala blokllojablea uboo tba qmbbw mrhaini aot ba ara labial abiili lull lioli la aa ba oaaalad or ta wbaob tbaaaaaar la bo mood bxobo baboaadbbnilo papama okoar at to poara aad obal bo b br tbol iswolwl awaujnestion for you ta oonaider to iba adrbabulfr ol paaaauf a ibs ibmbw wboa ui o damaitoarbfaarfy pattersons meat market silver bullets are as essential as high explosive shells buy victory bonds w j patterson i obmaarown f far i bwlolbatlam ta lol naatabloo lor ibo the wlrtw loarow iba wlator wo i oaf mialllr of barav oaloao aad toralaf al cobbaai tqaalltr pore bred cochtrd baoavabo feoaila a aadrbn of obolf borrod pfnaoatb look coekoroi atob o a a btod tolor otrala ell butt sons attain oardna mitt oauoiaeoindbalaratabj orimt7pia notice to creditors fwf4ao mnmm bmmmm hotloouhctbrcttoo tbat all tliind harbjaoauaiaaavoallbaoa islbovioaawafmst of baujoai awal omoborabaatrtbaanbdaroljairiz d itlj ara rairalrad lo aoad waalwat fan poajlaalara ot tba aaroo ro ototatorr doeioio lion bo tba iiadormpal aauottor haaltroarlar h sobtoaaabr row b daiabin axaootora ol iba baa wdl at tba oald doooaaad oa brpatara ibo mtb dap ol koroobor ad mil aad aouoo i fartbar lraa ll tba oakt loot owaiioaaor data tba aald aaoootoro win pndood to dlatrfbata tba of ibo oald aotataattwd tbo part- loo obtltlod tbotwto barlog raraod oblr lo tbbolabao of wbleb tbor tboaohau bora raoolirad aouoo aod tbor win i tora lo tbbolabao of wbleb tbor tba uoo aod tbor 1 bo llabla for ibo oajd ooaota or toraay part tboraot to aer ol wbooo oloua aotioo bao bol boao roeolted 04 ibo now of db daood ibloiotb dar of oatobar aj u1t a o davtbv 1 iroostn drcpursw itrbga sons andoaflgh- jtovof p taitd tftke tho bonfls of t ianada vfctery lmt boy tlbspi till the pinch tit1rirhaortbae ntoiijpue heart the glow of kgaafijasiitt- meiit made and a good deed done it j yoor patriotic dnty to buy victory bonds a m grane h the pore food stars 1 w isbs qlbooooaio flu nit hn etsjln wrrwfjpwojbwow f iabwajwf vail tbor obam paaobaloa ifavlwm doboatatoa at tbaiaam blaaaraatararo to tbo ipjuooala yotanlpal aatoou of loibuolvublaaon lad dotbuilwultlboaro jowl iwl baatarao u br um aald blbaaatvbooawulniba tbarodlt at tba aald oaamasobtla iba harababh baakral oaaja at oooiwotowm oaaaita aad ik oab oorporatloo obattdvaaaa ta iba a otaaaaoalaaoai rawlaaabad thta tbj lukcb bjslqr special netkel ed a very fine aa i aa able to obet f rarbi6 a tbssagrowy t l l ataaasawaaawijxarapt awarp ssszz bayajwe r bowjwllau awaapfsvallt ltat mfsmavlsna jlllaansaafa sitiftir bti ilgantatalis a a sod obaneaa are ta tha afawsssi dwdaaataia oae heawa asabl it mr wlri taatl iba taraaabla abi 8afety depoait boxaa to bast tfjwgrandy tasmehaae the dx wka 0c8 scraoton coal the atdalarf aalraaaba 1bdjikw bojraaten ta tfi daaa la tha oat taaid waljn aany alartaatookbdwraihaaav ktmtk 4 aalilna aad fihbiwy aaal ooal wa opoaitobtirfboiika phoaa63ra4ball una j imnis nnl oovdtx irirxr porttatid cement svataai psgeiaaal aayssasa joiinbsjlsatitts lv tsebw bbwf wawbwbwbwbwbbwibwablawrwrbbbbw atiaaataws 0x1 fflcst illyast in a xcd78ffc5 jjftu pay wgierjmajpf imlbwbvt fjleto ewfvetjcfebpd hcadm ifoab wuff lmmtmmmaiflmmwm1mwkm dwawarawaawaiwbwb9 aaaawabbtwwaabwawawaaw a wa taw i ljje sing iljaundbll aaaa- bbl aaaasawslw stjbfd tejxsjjcfpsj xtjsssitsrtiisgt iwisfssbeaisahis