w h whason lkadilfo fuhrkal dibbot- ob amd embaimbb oo out halton candidates poothae at wr t rfln at ftotmbti blrtha mairlekcee aod d lor at um rolbmiof dai- lirfo makxizd vmnavwo hayrnf at swift oomst day ho lth by bt wm a ony john alee reign an of pennant seek to un bella nlafilo rf olffirwimaia atuakvr u ootetowi kovt71i 1m7 john aiaaeey to hu sstl year funeuali win take place from hie il reel4k nee qaees atveet on friday mot mui at sjo poo interment id in memorial aaawry ol ajrtd 2th svkeb wbo dud no zln ms tbe nildalibl atem weakening eae loaaly grave where atopla witboai drwiouitg um we eoald not aim xndreeina we om hw daerei kief bla eold cold bro aad wblaper aa m tovad bioitbea love bit m now- wila awl family i wi i i ft- una mtbartac at tbe r atltlffoo uat week je ponrinailona bald mi many woomo wpwi jlowiog import inm be gbenipion will bard tbe eteotora who war not pw doslmuoo aa oopoftaattv l awo op lb plauorflm ol tbe two ojundwete- tba nonlaallofw wera dr h c aoav mnom ol milton union qovnraneof mow d oracory o oekv1w lade pan wit ubarax at s p ak the um te botntaatioaa having exptfed a jourt mrrtlnt warn bald wllfa il l heateueet beturaing 0ear is tba chair bamatoaat aaaooacad that d aadafaob woold apamk flm for 45 telnstm louo- owd by lfr qrgory for an bov and woold nave ib mlaolee to wapv to the utav dr awwraaa bwi by pabia tribal to hon david headenoo farl bie from witley camp inuraatla1 latter from ftt- john bel- wulay gamp warrer ho sod 1017 dear jaa i have baaa reading tba herald aad had id iteeeae vary ubnat- log lettera iran tbo boys la fraam alao a nttmbar ol otbar llhwa even to tba advi i thooght l woold drop yon a itbajaattolotyoakdowboirwaaia i as bleaeed to aiy tbat tba boyaaroafl well tod aajoyjoc lua we all ex lo be over in ftaaoe baton tmab ere till bora doing wall aad i batlaaa ta laulaa watt awooifa aloaa tbaneoa ims- aar iba boy of tba imtb ra all amom aad wa ara wahlag pattaauy lor 6a tlma to eoaa lor oa to aj to f oaaada woold ba mora aosaptabu bat wh worry i haa bad a com ibne umw i landed la tfala oaottu bare mk- o la bmay tbtraaua ptaow oaa lav orb placa for tba boya of tbla ouap hi lilwford a ery praur plaeai la taot wty plaao yoo to to la ten f pretty i wl r toa ha ako axptaamd admtrauoa for blr wilfrid laorlar wbo ba bajiavad to to ba a loyal oaaad las aad britwbaab wet bol eoaread by hia qaabae eoajpat- rlota into taklag bu praamt safortaaa auitsde dr aodamab aetd tbat attar fab bomiaatioo ba bad oawed to wlib- draw and abide tba dedaton qf a aaios the halloa oaaaarraura ijift memory of ueot loalla aaooad and dearly loved of mr and mr jao it ijeaue qmortr town of tba bittb canadian bat tor- marly of tbo imtb bate wbo waa woundod daring tba attack on daatre trencb bonuno front on tba 1kb nov win and died of wonnda on tba 10th no 1b16 lu no- 1 bad crow olocrpltal booea france in bla attb year lie boned tbo call of country clear ho webjbed no eireaatatanea a far from iboeo wbo bald blm dear ho ilea tonjfbt in vranea family varycobmwtnjwwrbvbyjijritrhiitji in lamt heaven be thzooawd irltb jpey bearda bory ood wbo made bo for bla deugn stoop in a day of grief aad glory aad call tbeu in in from tba nlgnt4 when tboy ooroe trooping from the w oar aklea bare many a saw gojp at beavona thronged with gay and care- new waked from draama of d tblnge they walk in green and plaaaairt and by tbe oryatal water aprtnga wbo dreamt of dying and tba alala mtbliata eobfar wltb another iron tba ubarala to arrange lor the propod eonrentlmi bat both propoaali bad baaa rejected oaaada bad eeet 400000 mes tbey bad loogbt bravely for uberty and bad atoppad tba waytooakda and to canada canada meat not detect tboa men now bat moat reinforce ibeea tbli eoald be dove only by a union government and erleetl draft it waa tree tbat tbe military service act waa masted by and on baball of eueketa bet tbe apaaker war bappy toamy tbat be bad fceelved lettera from all parte of tbe country from ubarala wbo prom bed blm tbelr eopport dr anderaon die- mini tbe military berrloactaodbe beeaanty for u he ekwad byceaapu- mantiog tbe work in ceenaetl wilb tbe wbub bad been done by tba womes anada work taeood only tothatof aaodleettbefroat mr oregoiy like dr7 asdaraoa bejrao by eapteaapa naatfty and adaalratipn for hoa davkl hendanoa wbobeaald bonld have bean appointed to tttfctih ba aanooaoad blmaalf aa indapaadant liberal tbe new ooverameol waa not really uoioouc maam oatfarie and mewborn were not uberabj no bad mr howell bean ehoatn by uberw tbe mmeblee act waa moat obfocteble tba dwiancblamftant of german aad aaa- triaaa kmg rvaldaata of oaaada aad good ruuenr waaeraalandosjaatjrbaohb and tba atrong pals andtbe oereetl dnoaaooy tbey run and lamp by tbo clear river juktor oieiryobili tberjuvvgnat ood who made boya ao olaaa and good f fatnathonfl ftmumwlibtbeaywlol mew heaven la by tha yoang tavaded tbelr laugbtara la tba hop of god hemadelt of the boy mv aiid slnspu aa be made it iba baart oodkaepauw flawed tba old wlaa aaista look aa aad anoa tbey are ao yooagaad wltkoef gsua oh if tbo inn liaa motbeaa wewptng and widowed glria ooald m fsak the glory uuu hath tbem la kaapfag wbo want to iba great war and dmd they would rlae aad put tt aad aayt thank ood ba has ifleieometownhoui wsdmudat bwo mov m id tij nm of wmflathtoo bwoltb js oolidlortu lb mpltmi m oosbiy towa ol awny boolill ol popol and iwdi on lb bukj f um rim wf a uttmbuy of tbm riytbmiim boot so mlm 6oa loodoo ii oem pim yvy bmotllol otouloo i up lo lb hortb dowm thfoaib wbleb ibf rtrbomldortl7ilocllo tbo um ub iu old tmbfcimd bolldlow i1m ntta mwmd by lb mbm ot bllbmototlbriot tbahkhmram abkbrimootollbowdloyol um e sod nu op lb bill m id bo lb qnlolmtottmtliiuiooooui of tjmlmil fl mil ba old bolldlac ollb obbjd reofa projmtuw uttlo wbdowk old b bsooaf dom tbo qoildboll or tow imii u nd brleb boildbm ub a opm eloak dod 16a wbleb nadianot lb airoo la ctrlkla auawr tbla bollrflo wbleb 10 oa two boodrad old hoao ball in iba tan mid lo boa sa lothoa help vi0toby loan by paying youb bills tbraan ihamatm el iwwl nmrehnj uinnujbaa oada mdmuut in lb nulla town asd toucm wbo would gjail rawib or nbmrib man tor vietorjr bond u ii wa not tor lb amount of moo ibwj aa oarrrto on uuir book and lb miawtamtra lo wlun moth of hwfllb paid tbaiatmtawbo daal with tbaw local manbant an not tb itaat h in thla moaet tor thqr an ant tqlot ibair e ran nalil son- taniaiit to paj tlawn wftflaibaroareliairt nltimawylowruiourmwtmnttoprwthani ltwrarjona dormg tbalaat mk omb eampalin would maka anforttopybibtothlooal dmtobant tb lauar would b glad lo inaraaa hb victory loan oberiptlon tbonaand of tarmara bay rantnd nbrt aarna cmonrj tor than erop andara abla- to pay that aaoo bator jlatwmbarlnjawa wall aa atawarda ii yon an can of them aae that yon pn to dnring tb laat waak m eonmbar and urn glryomr matehant tba pitiiiuty b no doowdaain to ojeri toau uivllort bowutbatbpoailblycanaoddonctformlotobaoriuyoinu to tbntmot of toot power patriotlam damanda it and ao doaa alf tnlanat for only by a baary orarnbaaripuon of tb ory bond laaaisan tb proapwrity of tb tarmara tba rwtaoat and all otbar elatwe of oanadlana popolation b aarand castor i a hltwrtrowmy tflnnaa school fplotoa or oeruaeato none too high for oar mdo of work freetaualokne en tor any tlma w h bbaw free f mult- prln head oflloee tonga at oeevard bta toronto mousm to mtmt bolaawullaaaa bwga brick hooe- and laowlaad innbannito f aere of aoot rait i and n badbkioalyi to win tb war owwcubb tberpekar i el tbe iront aad wasted vtmtobtaaring failed la ibfoogh tbe faelt ol tba govarn a it bad failed is qnebee ti r bad not been pet on a proper baavi tbebooblelo qaabao waa dan to the al liance la 1911 of oonaarvauva and nauoaajltam tba tpaaker eomparod the diatlodoliitrool cmted ftatoija the sir wilfrid laorlar ad that u ha aboald amy ihaalaa tha mutary barvioa act woald ba aa- enandedbmll aftara mlrendim oo ooo- however tbara woold ha no with tba tsaa abwidy drah anldleia pbonld be cheeked oanadlan larmera wen anttlng i too mocb adviea irom nonfaintaml ponfania uuaaoa nildenta at canada dtbewebeal jn bit abort and there aboakl be no ntotoolii abhota botpttal a una old baildlajr waa fonadadby georga abbot atafuboo of clantarbary in jamaa i rebm and malatalne a naaibar of aaiawmed end women over the age of 00 wbo am ara netias of the town lalldlord oh lie waa bollt in norman tlmaa and from itapoaiuooltweaodoobt utended tba valley of tba way ltow aow remalec aaap a bold boa keep or ego- taw er which ataada on tba aide ot a inoand aad ie raironnded b a dttth the keep nnoalan of three itorlaa tbe teennd of which te e chapel tbe north dowaa from hamntblra near the l farabam from fambam tbey form a remarkable rldg on the top of which there tea good road fralaht nan a a aad onbrofcaa tbe mala root to oanterbory from tba north of fraaca and the wat onantry of england paawd ibrooan rkmtbamptea aad tbe day ol wlnebaeier la baaipablr and ebteriag earray atfnrnbam paaiidtbwoghonikl- ord and vwaatadad to dorking aad pata- inrfalbtutotbejfortbol ftnaata entor- ed i kant tbu raota wbleb ean etfll ba traced la ama plaaw eaate to be known aa and at a tlma beani name of tba pilgrim way it along ibm traek that henry la 117 nude bla barried jonroar aleag tk amyojplkjrlam wbo lot m you eownoatuy inaplas ifom abrlm jbm allthwowwmwrahatowi mm la haory till abaa tbooab tbla etdrowmwwjbayeandoobttb balh by wbtsb lb oaabwbonr pllatlob loarway- wt miewj baffoy it m qom akar umi ihl old pmb wbleb lomlrwl u bww oodio jmmng xi mamm itwoold baldlloaayllialwryl who opoooaa lb uajaw flimmma i aaloyat ii lojomoa widow ummw to dto ibm mil ipmnat ba i liberal to bmooj m m tb o rttoihr- let la umawltwrwhaioppll canwalo4enoao wbobmsaoeuai fm i bwaebbw itoid eooatry torwbkb m wen be wllll tooebl halo tad rath an k manor br nadaa- tb prrmaa opoabar olttoawmldif m000600 horn lb laarhwownni be nde to oewwilea ol us polilkal per- mawjrn to miaol duty crw fa tbmonmatead reamnabwr tbawmdeof agraumaltwaanlhalil tlwiiwlij wnw aothlai eu oulura wbm in u twoallolleklhtwiliwnm ihaorha tnjbelr plooa or to ekmt a lahor abla ewreaaibateutbelroabaaooraay dtointoereah at dtubalkw fare bomulty to bla whim noboa rlbl with ratlbt oad dwboy tba vary biuv dplmololiruuaollyr 1 waa a mam ama iba ohlcewa liiiiaa baphwl ap far ih wlatar aad lb ootato anp mowed way 1 a pnaailtbatona wladowb on end too ymrotoliwahlwak- od away i learae aad tb h oil tboreroadeh and iba aowhaadlapatew ibaeab auur aad aoople ol old ablrta wrmppfd aroaad ibeoatalda water lip wall ibare not mocb la da aanl lb new needle factory the by law voted on by oaf ratapay- anoa moaday lal far tba eitabliablag of a neadle faetoty in oewgetown waa earrwd by a large nwjority work ao the m lor tha aannac4aie ol tha bfodact bw already baaa otmtna aadllefouireojtbenatw ladanwy laoka vary bright the veto en the bylaw waa at louowai for the bylaw 107 agalaavt si total 10 milltarynotes word h bean rroalmd that uoat j uodaay hdlborlaml ol tb brulab taab octwaoo ol dr j oettbaruaa br fltlharliift bed nealw a mm bw- ebol wooed la in help on hoy sim aod be alboa bee admktod to ha 1 bad oraa hofpttel b lanh ofllelal word ber boeo rooalvwd to toem tbel bit gilbert orear billed la oatloa la fretooa oa oat vmu bat oiantwr worked fa mr w w bredey when llvlof bar aad wa oaa ol oar iaom blably ewj yoaaa raaa ii wm a toeuoar ol ih bapuat oboreb aad en eellv worker la the yoaag poplao goowytill aaay buod la pteeou ttahjialm eoa el mr aad hre bou heuaaur oloauuewa w bowlahocalah borpltol tflwunil orlag from waaad la hi loft arm alellertohl pamal ha otata h i improaln uleely ud eapaowd to kmr tbbopluu eboot flhlmtmaa pie xliia modooojd eoa ol mr and ii ronald modoruld kaqmalm u ooully reporlwl wooadad bat attll oa daly looorp uordoa thoratoai ttephw ol mr d un jobb lealle kjoalelelly m- ported wotuded i um koto wool hm been meelmd ibataepper w w koetoe rom aoa ol prioclpej bom ol ibe ulh hekool bea bora n called irom free to eeeleed to work aader iba admlielly board ol lamatloa aadnototroh heletob odapoa d vo pt aliw aadlwomplimmla iwlmia puooedetl ahra ol dlaorde ihreoah aorwmwltberepoakw botb ware ylaprooaly ep- mr omrr beetle aloeonjwmn bat f rktay nahw w1errly aiwaded s botb ladlm end aatlemea mr b o eoouoewb oeeopfid tb obalr end tbe opaakanol tlwwmleawmrabiory aslll uertley dewert kixmf t mr oratory epefc ahm tb auaa ibm muul reported at aomlaeuoa mr rart dwu urmia wmb orilalahw the ol lb bimiel rmranunme h dewert bb c- atoral 1 brltlibwiritalaildml to wuudaatb war m aayt belmred that lie end maid be oonpllabod wlthoat eoamrlptkm he did aot bellay tb tjaloa ooiar aw der hlr bobarl borden woald aomatplleb tbedeolmd eod bol mooted lie elector ii tbey aoud tor mr onery and pal laartor la power all aoald be welii rbm woald abj bwramalhboyei rroat woald ba look after moay refarm woold ba mode aad all pomlbki doa far ih wbulag ol laf war tber awr a aombol ol q mkad by thee u the eeeac ood oa ahwtor took tba ptallorm wbeamkadto plainly upr j eceoraed mi oflh md hi tie tbeqowhlonee to whether be wm oodoraod by air wotrad laarln or sir robert aordheu myqii ii- piled ttmllmanulwifapaaowatcwku dale end woald ilk to bveadomd by both air wlllred end m bcbort tb mmtlna deed y elmjln tba ifatloael jtethem end nbaet far lb klag and mr qreffory norval tba taomhar ol ibe w he i bar nmambaa boya wbo bava opmrlo theltorem boya wbo bava aoaa ii vy werdla tbom ma aamberlae mva mbateaual zau boa and tekalhk pmtaalty ol ibebklaa umm wbo ana wootod to the boiee tbu le apaelal eflort ad mfarnl irom ih nattier track ol the ueiroteod baa born aoaomplleba lbnwbtbeuerwuy ollha eabaortban imnam whon faey be moatloaad tba eobokua ol tha mortal foulo aahool wbo coautbatod the cam oj ta ao and wbleb we kaow will ba appreciated by ih boya tbo oieeilna ot ih laaaae will lie bald til week inortdeymth al boma ol mra john mofbonoe i ooloak ballinafad mrollrerhlllebold a mci of larm atocb impleaaaau eta kwl wed mra wtepbaa boaml hm oee to terre mia bin ebe will epead iba wlntor wilh bordaatbur mm 8 berth awatlimwillhaheldln tbe ball oa mcadayjdm ird to iraale tba lu- w u liil and mr i horabr ol owanmtowa epmt baadey with of mr wlluam and jomph aalhoaj flaiahnam peat studey at mr will llraml a bmi oram aoaoert wm bald la bell imt prlaey veolaa nnder the eae pine ol the ledlw inullnle a pto- mn coaelalln ol mim by mr joba mlckall of uamhaoam end urloeerd bubard hboruul n- janal bomal ead btoart uwrtel adxeae by bm m wed mmllv onmr ihaobelr memlreeol latoadauy cwsm laoway vary ablyaiwd a ml naklnnm ol ibam ol peat eeuauby tbbf terra hall oa uerkm pjam 11 u tbo ben at obat- inwram u ol mat intend it looulnlna o emondld o3lewjow alaato arepbe olnol ee pletoamad heoaae selaao btrde of anal bruala aad eajo brbjtol motbe nod batwwwa aad na- meroo otbar tommaua inbaia hlad- beml emthwr ptem ont loar ana bom brnw i oaa el tb bajbaat point la horth down aad ibihliw point at h led head le arbaly kaawa m otbbert hill toonltod t apr mm tad oa tba boajbtoa wbleb tome metdwr- am warn benaad a tnmlte orom now crown uwaemmit d ibb mil a awn ilka hollow knoo m ine doril faaah tf bm a petauar moo mooted to fclboammroftbamaraor of me wa mllor la ibm aad ii wo far h drwediaioaedtlmi iti dial deed mm tha maa war baafed mid tbam m baa tama aw tbn you ull tbey rolled aaay i boat ni mllm irem a emanja buwm laa aanat lb akjbt m the jmnl ad bm pamnam ehaf ma vary pratty ad to ha takaa irom una old bat baaa die ilaaiaa elan- tbo be uethnrbeac to lihtoad farfc wbn la naanal yaara mmalm al the t badnj f it i r g wmlba road aioo which i the wslnm ol dcon pneent tin wm wm coaw trem tba mibm ol dovoa ehln end cornwall loth a kol britain ow mrlkhnt fcelon el iho mote i iba aambm ol yew tr which may be aeon bm aad tbrra 1 oag lb roesaatta way it i mid yewa won plaated to mark ont iho palb ao to provld wean- om ii tbey an ivwdrf t dvlend ibma- mlm atlalhermra cliel aow u ralaa mcuda oa a etoep eleodeleaa kaoll abnv lb rlvm wm tfonta mil oat ol golldkwd aa older church bj mid to bevo boon mooted bam bat iho promnt ofaapol le laaewbt lo bare been act ep lor lb am of too oaalerbnrv pharline ilea tbl bill may ba ama a mm vtow ol onlldlord which eppeara la 9 amuag ol awnp chalk dowi the loot of tbla huloerman bomb in iho mtamnr of inn st chape atao ataada on a bill adoat two mlu from oaudlerd ii le o atrlklag leawmarfc aad from all ports olw barmy and horn thai little grey ehtuab la tbn wladowepl bill may be onaotiba ifard aul mlka frnrnjoolid- amstw ehamb wub atocaa nllhaablraamtothaeherebyttfd whan wb had doaa wraaf wen pat ba etll mejbluoib at them h torlacahareh olawhmmomtoei bemwn wbleb le d ummnt bmn a hoeplml to which purrlna who foil iii darbarlbewioaraay warn takea to onmptoa abootl mum from ualldlord ic ebehaiad oa tbe north by iba bkh ohelbad rldaa named jba ho back end to tbe eofctb then rlam tbe bill wbavaoa iba tona lorm a hmofl well kaowa to tbn weal o tba warn barrey bale a nrv old tem omll til- iept aimklto bava boon ol importance mbr bank mkderd dm c a irlaad ol bla otbo bad hi ow mo mm livlaala oomptoa meaar ii i in to ibe oeatorhary flbjimnma t tha eaofaat want ewaatrr read ao bind ih puarlme way nod oomptoa onareb ll ojled iba pllejlnrf onarab bmean ol tba mark inam taavalnwa baakm ebrtnm left apoo ibe plllan ii ladloealltoeumbowom utbehcrohla bat than wm n oharch ta bdward ih nunlemini tune end be died la lofti prahably pan ol thu ih baton bnlm naenra tha ilninmii ooacmmt midway betweoa tha tukm aad ibe aatnd platan diary whom ptet war painted by ih uto q km mead lb niunlily ohepel amt eketob ol tb cbenal wm mad by um walla aad m m decided tbm tb deoori unwatkehaald ba mad in tana noua mtbeaollol- leat barray ooald aapnly ail alny a hlla waa bolllc bla ear- aadlha brick aad aatli mark waa doaa by tba vlllam people thaarueo obloarug i very beach ihatol ilallaa work a ehorl daaeam nam thla la lb plctore eallerr botb porutjl lh llbetoa benenet to mvm ahoat a ball mu from tha ill which era mile lnleovlh eeld tc bava baaa a arah help to thaa whoa hldbnahelr booty anotha dsm i hav vwbjdlalha jolly pennon laa peueebeaa loot nlom la oomptoa ahem tba rtkjriioo pair wm hwld oa ihalr loaraey to 0b lerbary ii baa noted ball ueka end whoa qaana vlotarla wm aa them la itla viealat tnene aba aeld i hadl idm that i poaanaad a lovely a loot my klnaj i worde itodahalaa eaathar pkw abaat t mllea nnanbera whma tin bay pa by tba beadrode la batwaaa loojoa eed p aboat thirty loar bulm la laadoa it lajliimatiy artnatedra 1 laltoy ol tba way aad tba nuraaadla lofty hill wbleb am b wooded wilh rick clmlen al oak eioje lr and idih vtow naswhloh am m aateaelv nador the fall ol ahreotlona tb aoeali tba imin art work le ulnae wk modelln ead dnlaalba work all klade al work irootiewmm to acntllvnm maybp all mat oa ibe pn l mndaballmu eta i mile la worth aeld to eeijbborboodh ranlaet uad ol lb towa ic abledy meuulaad by lb leetber mill nndp par mllla at aa period conaid arable on la the inuoonlleo towa and u aaweomhrt l una ol tba king ol denwiark or two peealca ol ttbelnd ii wbleb wen odn ed to oodebalag la ihanlabolqaeea anna ibar warn aaay emtaead ba ky wdrka omahllnlmd end the menabe- aroaad ol umim wm tbrcawh thla park la w lato atoettadlaa pltnl tfafawbnivatrdbomlllebd s auaa joe oooa bat belvahaana wjtaraa to ca oa ajaaa pnmtnj perk ana hat ihnbwmtlmlvmwwl the powaaiahan tba noma pmby en bald oatnamlwmufhparlnh al aaoarbaa to prnur wabntbet kr ncmtieally i town bavtaa bava boa thm maimer bat i io will b toad rmdlaa by thla l wbm i alerted to write i didnt towa m bmbwt towa bavlaji tanmmwary idwb la wawa yean ths towa ban baaa vmlled by gormen alrremam bat ibay doa little itomata btow wa then era ptocm i tlma bet tf wtitlaa ooaatry la eo tmennunf wbcrnvm yea pa and tbn onedlaaa analwayaa s aad ebowa a jmd nm ida boo thla utter roc rein yoo ell right m i bava wrirlea many i not boenrecelved bat 11 mall aad pomelo on nam oeaa it eommakatleaiiliabatltterb toa amy ihlnk thai kuetnany an tba aawa wornhromthedrtrerhn hm montly alway eomm from oam- m tba people to oeaad kaow aa ehom what olaa on am in fn tba wado itbtok by um way tbham an ehaplna wa will be to ponona lo know avnra haw ara tha pnc amvtoa aloag poor boya rmmtobty lad rant la tb tern whaa i did bat tbam to obaor wp m thla baarae omoa apply key el gun rwad for f w ii reld clifford linham butcher the mens store fall announcement nww fall ooodsvoo hook oj 8ojti0tftoiu troawring eto joat anrjd tor fali onnsia au tb ut- act in atyle and ootouriag speoiaiwalutvanlnw toek of gtiaantatl blank mrce vary aoana good baring pnrohaead tbem lb blganorjnd wifl csaj aa fw took of gturantaetl fdtia aad long before prioea puoe tottr ordet tmoa flamtt rotji-oi- towh flogtcimmta majv btuekt the choicest pork vm1 lard eat ftah bemembm ma to um p ol my dear aid town twer old irkmd aajlja balkmun lmchm lalbeh wmeyoimni cmlni mtmtto swifts noted premium ham and bacon delivctiea daily to any part of town clifford linham iam seasonable i groceries mens furnibhings joat arriwd nw nmdnraar now bhlrta ooiimr oovm thouuat atylmhatoap of au tb loading rbonof7tbmgairinawar yon equal it in any otbar tor in town ud it hoainy eto nutkaa wo tbow a annarb oannot find anything to i eioraaa vary few oil y a fin btlwdjon of afon and tontba rootowa toll overooala odd panto otoaua alow ahraya on band w inrit yon lo ah and impoet omr toek- millar co rin htimtcuun tailoaaito amo mora oeorqetown phone is8 purmwhimoa l ml jtmll nwiilnaia ttii itrmrt tarooto buy yictory bonds the following it lltt of a few of tbe many line of fi groceries which we have to offer i i oanacrnllaaoarmntanar ll omtlnli oamampar snallad elmcad perlb sailed welaata pm lb ryrbaweaevpieilrmtku park a been wwtamalaam is 1 a 0o partia l01moeakiperlln aanamld aad prima bkotloy o i id banana mwataedaad bantnald m icoana mlaad peel dm lb ibttznszzzz tocppk etc kaf i aaehor brand datm par peg dromedary dntaapar pneknar bell in u lb bam per be lie aad woo oar xiom chin bmpmt mrived nn m am what wa beve to aru that una lm a ban year order a m grandy the pure fitad store fbone to iawaiec3r3ebwabarz3r3ebnwa i saturday treat ulavary aanalag will bcbbtojaaa toaala pi htm aa owidy w w ee aaah ik 10c weekend 0ho0olate8 xwamaaa wbywaaaoiuaobeendabomilmmmmaprimuw eke bmmo tbam oarmlvn mbtal whaanhmw rag 3a pw tb wmfeamilpai fnum anttcr prtonb b victory bonds ro1ort n ollt iljnlted lllii ll lillillnimllllll iimanwwawmnmaewmammmm rcnk0n obobob babnbb8 kk01ha pneumatic far btmud at 1 dollar ptr da a stood aorlmant oj mnms amd vatiasjs ami or thg fmot bspa1sino prompo olono iraors harb5s n- ptbpaut shop n georgetown creamery we wiulit your cream and will pay yon cash arrync potatoes we will pay rof po any quantity the highest market price for outoe dellved at georgetown i ii oa poultry aod eggs we will pay yon the highest market price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs 1111ml tea til llih ana l rn tt w baddaul i kdktvts ts co t aaaaaaaeaaaaaaae 1 notice b on and after december the first our imstaesssmvn be ctty cash oar friends all nnderstand conditions to- and any lengthy explanation of our new policy u un- necaary we shall at once proceed to balance on books and will thank all owing us for prompt payment this courtesy will repay us now for any favor we have extended we will have the best display of christmas require ments lor cash ever shown in this store special this week a a j a a r cot phtnm to clear the balance of our stock quickly we are making bio cuts while the goods remain imtttttv and fllibbb pleated dresses coau and salts at very sn redactions to clear quickly ihartett comlwaam oilcloths and all home pttrnlahlogs at less tbsn whole- sale cost today get some while they last hem pammtafcimga a very big cuts to dear our stock and to make more room on oar main floor we are offering very special values in all lines to make room oivoarv dopeutrtveni come to us for your christmas order we have tbe best lines on the market at closest pbicbs fn foot wk start touty to select your purchases adais a coy georgetown main mil strcwts a a a a a a a a a a a a a