hwf r j- p the georgetown herald bo 8 anig n l i fiftyfirst year of publication georgetown wednesday evening january 2 9i8 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance georgetown herald ii nnrusno bvkby wedmksday eveniwg at th1 pdweb primtihg office gutobgetown out jbsoblptton rates ftthi airjwmoe iior ajvebti9iwq bates ceiibrper line bit first insertion fm trial pev hue or sack spbsj bjrtion be- ohiftd for ill 6vrtifnen ess s khjuiii- itttoui speoifltf dlrec- inserted ontfl- forbid and serauily dni will be changed once wither xtrchirg j wcoiaotdvertieinopt j ip the office by monday- erenlnj ivi vooke i r pobllehier rf no shovelling required stanpard anthracite a- iniijll 3 d v v v autooaatlcaliy screened and loaded 9tr ttntqbh loan ub 920 sm iujo- 1189 siu 846 pm 715 pm established 1864- vi ooura wsst aona noam 1280 am 800 a ro 1010 am 203 pm 681 pm 767 pm 820 am 682 pm- olmu aouin 1010 am 716 pm 1 fohohto suburban railway fi- daily tomubli f am p vat going burt s10 220 jf3l 8w 266 sunday timetabli i- sl em pm pm pm oping east 1020 1280 416 810 1040 810 seeoi lump lor domestic nod threshing puypoee hmitblng aod caonel coal in fact 1 carry everything to be found in v an uptodau opal and wood yfdr jomn mcdonald deorgetowo phone 13 tbc merchants bank taiairivcapifj4v y boservs paid and ciufflvlatfwifuft- 17421222 v total depowto ii 22102072 total amots i fv 121120682 j a g00 ct a hundidtoeon slhot do you teiow thatrneyer in the pst ainidred jeara navauie opppttaaiue6q0arcdtee eanef beeri so eqtlrolk fnlheir fayor ond do yon tortfjorluiott that jea boatiolher bojiared ye4ra be- wro81stcoddlionrwii r ilajtandreayearalsaiong tlmpooao wewlae mon or woman will take advantaflo of olo favorable buaoces wltbln tberr maolr to mnm etboprcbbn t joist xho- only wiyto do tbis ltrby put tlngaaiaein ujoawnga dank isniall portion of todaya goodloekv ilcinotoberthljj oannat lasfror pvee a fiobddbaneos are in the present ih08 foia depend upon- fiiturachaocoaartrbungaoalnat thornaelyebanaoirbla generally a very oad 00 i i v i 1 safety deposit boxes to rnt oi xvy qfsliidy manager georgetown branch ruealae parquetry floor moat floorldgput down infltiabla 1h tguetry and it ii mncrauy onk bjren in tbe unrrtiultmi8 huuaeft and flat bolldings tula furtiietry ih to lw tonnd id aome oich of coumo tbp lolib la not ko due in iiiht- and in onjipaw fyjjlllnio jo designs re tjojbtjlmvkrffijinoit notlltrbui xmafm sfvultvpta ip tnt vug riiiil ninvliro vara fwi jralj deooratlofa- idittiit j w ing loorpolwcfnt r tlrofrsalbnals jo hem rcgijliirly wipe tftrf ti or ten days is cofrrllrrnl a piirt at the regular routine of rirnnlng a boilae- vv4rijra vtyajt v cfojti jjeaiw iflviiji vevyviild ler treeji awv v ort- rbuhd la oquntry barciyards- bi truliiqiigtnnuy ttiow trees were planicto rihiytieji infil thibvytjofl j- fiwtt xawb totia lavlesstltnes it wns noon dixoocofed hat fbo joijly iih jfiierc freov jrould bd anfcjfyqnv ple1lillyumyiluilersif tbo cburchyurd alf the most bard ened tjilef dared bot vcuuirebetween iftrkneas and dawn oc 3d mac no j w kennedy pm 640 747 flolnf west hardware paints- stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement directory m- tqal hlfton wallbr1duea dale barristers solicitors elo tobohto ibd gaoaocrowii jfiws office kennedy block lioy dale in charge of georgetown bysi offlnn ififvi ifltdifal jpb joseph moamdrew 2ml f and sorgeon 85 or health yfe olstrictsorgeong t it sd7to-pin- is 68 iidenoe main st south goppgjlte presbyterian cbnroh shitaptactit 20 mnrltclne surgery or osteopathy 7s a m neilsbh do jiiflradnate of the palmer the original sr- school of chiropractic daren- port iowa usa jwi- p oter romfords shoe store moonsoitation and spinal analysis free jjjrfjithnrs and sat 2 to 6 a 7 to 8pjn pabns 160a tiiismitjiing and pjumbing hot air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkemiedy phone 25 georgetown ohi bracelet watches ssssssfevisssj vw our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 7 a 18 jewela 2800 and upwards gold filled 7 ft 15 jewola 1000 solid gold 18 jewels 22000 solid tjoiaini 18 jowol n5ovomont 28800 soldiers watches with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with waltham or swiss movement x a small deposit will secure any article for later delivery j b wilson main street next ncglbbon hotel cure tor wlnmnfl pa at lanl ive ltiil n way to moke that young scamp of ours sto bis eyes ma really pa yea ill show him the articles in tbla aclence mnjpi7ine where it says that every time wo wink we give the ye a bath out of his clt m hear your new soninlaw has raln fever snld the curious man brnln fever did you say chuckled be fatherlnluw the poor booby rfijldnt hare any such sickness imagine a jellyfish having a backache puck uc jo tnti 1 fbaltk b watsoit dd8 md8 dentist oi ont honrs 880 am to 0 pm dentistry in all its branches over bank 61 hamilton v l heath ldb dds dentist inxanablock one door north of weills carriage factory hoars pi to 6 pm db l l bennett h dentist a offlce at residenbs main st north first inuyd ah iwhoiw waui uorui ant bqnse oyer gtr bridge phone 142 gsorgetown arthur b castell tef oolleae of musio london enolandz omoifmtaatttaj pafatvt2imam ohumcm 0aotowm teacher of piano organ cornel violin and singing tnltloo f fin any braocb teoo pr mrm of 90 leaaonsat my rejidepoe imain st geor ire town or at pnplli bomttf pianos tuned bpgfqggwzv etkmw w roneyarld son hla deotalen i have been in your trabi a long time now 1 cant mnrry yon said tbe girl all right heres where i change rare then the bund soldiers soliloquy no more bright cunrhine will i see nor tree in epringtim green the merry smile on childhoods lace by me no more is seen my feet jnnsi halt upon the way hbdjojint with fear v yhtojcmofosefftpaeir rcsnaojisveihetailivigfatai but leel iis gentle kiss the ilglit of fields of aijlderigrafii a pleajdro now i miss bnt ool has been mol wondreds kind wboglv4a ean take away athqnavnd bjeaslnnaof iherolnd v sbowerson nue each ijay andhhl v tbo ktedvofaii iimti 0 i kjer noufd kflwjefow bndfbweottreiinilulbttli aiiothrfuw eepund oen jansifereitivtlecauj tramnrileinetissn6brrd- bn sfght wssnot mys1 istihraijeara laerrjrlingh or vouwtliafsoealtli with cbberi- befyagrtnt prnme o ivf lower telle of a ipvethate near my mtunry rarest picturra paint whose colors rreer nihade thank thee god when hearts were faint tbon inadst me unafraid f o t coklly he snld gently but she did not kitlc at supper iliuo iho men came strag- gllrif in suuic wliiry nnri hopeless oth ers slnullik a ptiihelh- ii lc in the high blue sluidow uf llle inountnlns und troyrded to days story wttttttttttttttti the honor how he made good fjot llko- those otbers arid she kneyvtlon before her fn- ther stood at the cook stujek dodf and clleckod fhemb byudinbet nstbey filed in tp thoerehlhgmfnlieknot she dfdflot need tjiisiidden halt in thb6h atjmiiniivfiioifoj nina birj iwttbriitlefil revhn qiiiry iherneitl9pb to jell tierthai it bod uajiiienepi p v 1 tfbgr jjlns anildeix eouftthfoji 1be supfxjrsnt tuttdsu4 oin hei lable while ii sonrpb jvoaoindetftio tfenbjl r then terfc wfj ordoriihd squads- were obndo up and details given and she saw a gnn suddenly spring into sight on hei fin hera hip v inten uilnules the hnnoc cnmp wd out on tbe billables sthrrfug ubo first man bunt tor thla was the first time h llllltl had broken his parole tbo irlrl ran at ber fathers sldo lithe and strops in hor short skirt and trim mountain boots silent llatenlng to the buzz of conimeut and speculs- tlon like bloodhounds the squads went- flrst to the wasb helow the high arched culvert which carried off tbo most threatening of he big mountains rush- fng rivulets in iho rains here lay his toots but of himself or tbe way he hod gone there was n gn- long armj1f the law uotntkbpolicb ithouoht thb wurdkners rrom arctic i that listed for almost tbree vearsi i -iviv- what started the jar wife i wonder how you can look me in the face hiiulmnd ob a mail rin rttt used to anythlnc mail contract healed 1 tendcri nddreaied tbe potmaiitr general will be received at ottawa until noun on friday the 11th january 1018 for the con veyance of hie mnjetyn mails on a nmponcil contract for four year a x time pur week the loute ftroute kural itoutevla llertonj rom the potm after oeaerale ileaeure printed riotlren euntaliilnii further informa tion as to conditions of jtrooosrid contract m be seen and blank forms of tendor m tainedotthe inist offices of bronte merton tendor muy le ob jf bronte merton mid at tbe office of the post office inspector turonto a sutherland post i hftce tiiinoctor pont office inspectors oitle toronto nov ember mh isneci h7 mail contract of the gold boot smtntvum benj petoh iucened auctioneer for halton and peel w- 0iehwuuuns post office sales con- ddcted eatbifactorlly and at reasonable rates orders left at tbe oaobomow hiouid omol wyi reoelve attenllon prompt tagkson and lee civil engineers surveyors temple bldg brantford litaj a ii jackson r m iiee if echanical engineer eto olsdib 0 wynneroberts water works engineer yfo tuley beglsterefl arohlte tantno wl nt in halloa oodnly to ukss fsdit and osma- ring fall and winter ly exclnalre territory iinir hnloatt nnrtery mas controlled to selling canadian wears ivi bt2or sealed tenders addressed to the postmaster general will be received at ottawa until hoot- on friday tbe 18th january 1618 for tbe con veyance of his majestys malls od a proposed oontraut for four yean six times per week ot the ropte hornby rural route no s from the poetinrster lenerala pleasure printed notices aon tain log further informa tlon as tt conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob talned at tbe post offlces of hornby and at tbe offloe of the post ofboe i upeotor toronto a sutherland poet office inspector post office inspector offloe toronto deo ember 4th 1017 j m buck butcher oeorgetown always has on hand the finest ol beef pork 8ausage bologna ietc hqme cured hams bacon lamb veal ib ssasosl tup io plain olivu hiintz awglt ploklie in bulk winter term from jan 2nd eiai0tt xqbonto am yonge and charles fits toronto points with pride to its long list of suooessfnl graduates a high stan dard is always maintained here write for orir oatologao keen de mand for students qq t wawwi iijl extend best wishes to everybody for a happy and prosperous new year mail contract sealed tenders addressed to the posttrmiter ijoneral will bo received at ottawa until noon on friday the 18th january 1018 for the con veyanco of ills majestys malls on a proposed contract for four yesrs six times per week on the route hornby llural route no 1 from tbe postmaster generals pleasuro printed notices containing further informs tloo as to condition of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob tained at the post offices uf hornby and at tbe office of tbe post office inspector toronto a hutherund post office inspector post offloe inspectors offloe toronto decem ber uh 1017 utail contract sealed tenders addressed to tbe postmaster general will be received at ottawa until noon on friday the kstli januaiv 1818 for the con veyance of his mejeiye malls on a proposfd contract for four year times per week oti the route oakvllle itk no- ijvia trafalgar rom the posttpairefoenerals pleasure printed notices eontlnmr further informat ion as to conditions f proposed contract may be seen and blank forms or tender may be ob tained at the post onlces of onkvllle trafalgar and at the offloe of tbe post office inspector a hiithorland post office inspector pott office inspectors office toronto deo i8hj0l7 bead to be a successful stenographer a thor onghjtrainlng lsneoossary in the follow ing sijbjeots i j sbx tl a d typovrlung spllli g business bettor ibjftm calculation wrijlng offloo training ujl fennunfupv oounsg wmprisjrttowa tbp bijragasww pnsnb by vinqie e roe coprrlsht by frank a muney co i i i j wvjf vtt wt tw f itltimf t the grenl plno shaggy shouldera of the cascades retired iiktiliwt tho tur oelse summer aky rmr- downhelt the turbulent wiilte wutcrs of t rogue river fonntcd in their wild ben and their murmur rose to the mountain crests hnlfwny between lit- two extremes a fine roadway cllmlud by stoady grades along the glum lillln along this rond for n matter of a mile wcro scntterid little groups of men still at work upon lt they wore overnlla and sateen shirts- mid there was nothing in their uppctiriince to dif ferentiate theui from other men yet ihey were convicts farther on tho pine nhnntles nnd tents of the honor enmp straggled along the rond hugtrlng it close by rea son of tbo steepness of th hills here there whh il cook shack where tbo llfo of the camp ccntcrid there was no sign of authority anywhere and mcconnel the superintendent wont about unarmed as far as any one knew a quarter mile from tho enmp just below the rondbed n single man work ed nlone with pick nnd shovel deepen ing n wash from n culvert pipe he was about thirty dark eyed and haired though the bhort curls at bis temples were dusted with gray he was slim imd ngllo with the sugges tion of football and the truck meet in every lino of bis body he looked out of place as be la bored stopping from time to timo to gaze off over tbe feathery whispering slopes dropping so swiftly to tbe river below heavens be said aloud the good green enrth presently ns he worked holding bis eyes to the prosaic task under ills hand wltb an effort a girl came along around the bond on the road ubove blm hello impostor she called in a strong contralto volco that carried splendidly in the clear ulr he straightened nnd looked up wltb a smile not on your life bo snld havent i told you ftowlierelberong nix snld tho girl shortly nnd slt- tldg down on the all she dropped her length to the sloping surface a uttlo above blm where she sat down drew op ber knees clasped them in her arms and smiled at blm with clear womanly gray eyes youre an impostor youre not one of the boys at bonrt no he sold courteously at this bloat opening of tbe tacitly shnnned utihject of the camp youre wide istray she shook ber brown hend i know- a man she said simply from a criminal he smiled a trifle grimly not in this enso be said tod dont know wbnts in my heart slio did not speak but nnder her breath she said to herself sharply t pity i dontl sbe was mccomiols daughter and ber parole was more important than tbe governors in the honor camp i might be meditating escape right now bo said dlcltlng bis eyes up ward at ber fuce us bo bent to bis in terrupted work again if i mighty call a mighty call- that f tbo open wood and tbo streams he stopped again nnd looked down oyer the whispering pine tops tptn rearing river to you mors than to thosa other sbe said noddlnghor liehatownnj the bend obeag jvblch jbiq jboj scattered at6udsnda amnion man might iter it lot am uf bait r abort 0hy both cop silent tvhuo tho rjysr xvma sqq ft iitu ma4nipuirfflii culamfa skipped said her father disdain fully nnd blm a trustythe first man to play the infernal fool for itll mono a long addition to his term when hes caught and hell bo cnught now well spread out from here dut here the girl pushed through and stood just over the long crack in the slanting rock she lenned forward a bit ns if slto wished her ringing young voico to carry downward youro wroug dud sbe cried strongly i tell yo youre wrong vtm annrv bech a uiiutor a flsber hes the puttecd gnuntlcted tailored khaki kind nnd the pull of tho hills and woods has been too strong hes gouo for a time hut hull come hack tbe freedom and the wild linvo waked the old longings in liiin nnd hes thing out to the woods but hell como buck i know for my rifle mid my bteel fly rod are gone rosle snld hor father gravely youve nover boen a foel- bofore go on back to your mother obediently having fn hon contentedly silent sbe went nnd tho squads spread up nud down the great watershed in grim and orderly fashion when tho midnight stnrs stood ovor- bead there win u tiny whispering sound at fhe culvcrl nnrl u imin enuio crawling cautiously out of it having merely raised the mat of drooping ferns that concealed the mouth of ns fine a natural underground envern thnt gave at tbo uppor end as one might need for such u purpose ns his now be straightened cautiously and listened par up on the rldgo he could hear occnslonal scattered shouts whore his fellows searched for him he smiled grimly his dark eyes wore full of tiro and glim determination nnd tho exctto- ment of great hazard marked bis clean lined fnce ho was starting for free dom but the first enreful step ap palled him by its consequence be put bis foot on something thnt rolled and sent blm rattling down tbe wnsb whllo tbo object of tbo disaster slid wltb blm wltb his heart stopped still be put ont bis bands nnd felt of it it was a steel fishing rod its joints tied to gether dangling from it ho found as bis fingers slipped along it a reel full of line nnd a tly hook it had boon placed directly across the culverts mouth with bis fnco n study in tbe dark ness be crept slowly back reaching with bis sonsltlvo bands along tbe rocky bed they enmo upon the cold metal of a gun a neat light riflo lord he bald under ills broath then he sat back up on bis bools mo tlonless in tbo darkness the men came straggling back at dawn for food ato talked compared notes and went out again all day they bunted tbe hills and tbe gorges slept a bit by turns and returned to tbo scarcfi mcconnel was grim and angry he bated to send word to the authorities until bo had satisfied himself that be could do nothing hlmsalf tbo girl watched slyly from ber gray eyes and said nothing though sbe was as tense as a drawn string tbo next morning they were a hag gard hunch that clustered around tho long tables in tbo cook shack and mc- connol stood nt the telophono calling for tho valloy town ho was sendlnc for holp tho voices of tbo men were hushed for bis benefit and there was only tbo clatter of knives ngalttst heavy plates suddenly there was an exclamation tbo rasp of a chair pushed back on the rough floor and a mhu sprang up wltb a tragic linger pointed to a window that commanded tbe road heavens be cried shrilly tbero he corneal in ono band bo carried tho lengths ot o steel rod and a string of trout fresh from tbe cool shadows ot the spray dashed rocks in the other bs born a light bunting rifle while on bis brick properly slung wltb tbe trick of tho true banter its slendor foot tied on his broastand its wolgut on bis ahoul- derstberp rode a young spika buck r be smiled by aoaras lm b ngrjl fei jtfccvnnl wn bed op to hlmjtjfifftor n the record of the- bojrol north west mounted priiioii ttjerb is no rmoro vronderfuy story tfifcpuiihejr v ta tueji- flnlsflwa tiie4 v ndraiconirtrfpmtlji ojr dskctwc- jjsxjraev svsiaktajfiti vwksjilt murdered two padilo urivsta ifafhors fcorilrx nid- jourtir v f near on ftba copped a nfio hlvtirrir an tiro arcttecfrcle f r hj ins afferavfuriuh tbar loatftd or mure than tireo years and- all- to tided over floooi miles the mnr- dorers were brought to edmonton byisrgtjrpahnyxonouso md con stables wright and withers they were convlctfld v hy fra d i v confessed their crimo and were ben- tonced to death but on the btrong ndvlco of tho jury nnd tho judge it was decided that it would be a crime to execute inou who understood so uttlo tbe nature of tholr offence and who at tlie time it was committed foared that the priests were about to shoot them so the kskimos will be sent back to their ley homos tbere to spread among their fellows this wonderful story of tbo long arm of british justice tb miuftfu l hsblm6s begaat 1916 whon sergt irishman with the iflpbifl 2df the two dm irjwifca cio7bm i uluffmidfnirp bet rcon tbe ojrfi wtb i na steal id m on may 1 danny the fronch name took ills two mon and left edmonton for peace river hero tho party lttedout for a three- year trip tbon procvedlng down the ponce hlvor to lake alhabaska then down the slave river across the groat slave luke and into and down the mackenzie itlver as far ns fort norman hero they picked up an kskinio interpreter who with his wife nnd daughter was attached to the nnrty ai thin pnln t pity- othor constahlo joined tho party tlwy reichcd item- bake on august 4 after a hnrd jouinuy hero they found old irit iinnkjln still stand ing and in kooi i- iir u is named after th- ari-tu- x i o r who once npent a winter on the spot then they started across llreat bear lake u huge body of waler nnd it took thorn from augusl 12 lo september 8 to mako tho dlstunoi of 400 miles all wore seaflclt iho party had a dozen husky logs with thorn and had to 11- h dally for their food the next slop wan nt deaso bay where they exported to cojno across the cabin of the priests it was at this spot thai slffansiion found the first evidences of n blonde eskimo in liill when llioy enmo across tbe cabin thvy knew at onee that tbe priests hul been murdered for it waa looted but sllll hero was no thing to rlvv a el no lo tho nrder- crs up to this lime it ought to be remarked tho oftleers were only working on n iporl tlmt tbe priests had been killed unknown eski mos and until tlioy i nchod the ran sacked cabin they had not even pre sumptive evidence thnt a crimo had heon committed they romalned here through tbe winter going into the barrons to 1111 meut ly tho middle of march nil was ready for thodoab into the arctic it was march 20 1916 when they began tho inst stage of tholr journey n 200mllo trok to tho worlds rim in a month of sled ding nnd traveling by foot tbey had roochod the coppermlno river here they foil in with isskimo bands and tbe real hunt begun they woro nrniod with automatic pistols nnd rifles for they did not know what son of reception they inlilil tnpot but iho eskimos though somctliiios sullen woif nevor hostile and not once did iho ofllcers havo to uso tholr weapons ii would have been useless to do ro in any evont for had tho eskimos meant mischief they woro numerous enough to over whelm tho while men what gave them tholr wonderful authority waa not their sunn bin tho knowlodge that they reprosented tho north west mounted police men who nover let go of a man oner- they had solzed him und would follow u murderer to tho ends of the enrlh the eskimos bowovor wore comparatively friend ly though nt llrsl huas difficult to get much information from them tho pollco i raveled hero nnd there and finally drifted out to capo lam bert in the dolphin kirults it was here tboy learned i be story of the uiurdor and hut ho murderers were in trtto neighborhood it appears ibat tho two murderers had boon practically expelled by their trlbo nnd woro living like outcasts at a point nonr hie odge of vlotorta land tho oqlcers found slnnlslak la on ico hut when they walked in on him ho merely glanced up though a big gun lay near his hand the in- lorproler told him ihal ho vvnn undor arrest ho lnimerlluiel told all the details of tho crime and offered not tho slightest objerilom li rolng with sorgt lnnouzo some weoltslnlor tboy picked up ulukmilt who was with a number of companions he quiolly submitted and presently tbe oulflt started on the return jnnrnsy in fact nil the wnv haekllie ksklmos worked 1 1 ho iho whllo men and were nevor undor guard the vlntor was spent on ilursrhel island and in the spring tbo back i rail iija taken ono of tho moo gruosomo features of tbo story nnd at ho anmo tliuo one of the most interesting to thosq wbo havo studied tho linblin of kuklmns was tbo ndmlsslon of the inurdor- ers that thoy hud onlcn i lio livers of tholr victims thus establishing what t long boon susponted- nnirmly ttuu- illialibm is practised among some tho denhttns of tho inr north- since the boglnnlnn of the war germany has built about two hun- drod and fifty ubtnarlnoo w tytiinqafqiii quilt loohqatf v iisjiff- dak bet 1 j