v w h wellsqn leading funeral dirbox- ok and kmbalmeb baaldeoeaa offlocobp marobanta bank opig mj aad arfant oeobagtoww out phomsjs 1 marriages ud deaths are cbarg- 26c birth ed for t the following rates birth marriages 60c deauib 60c rtfa born mi i in- a in at limehouse on deo 22nd 1117 10 mr and mrs angus modonald a won hector 8oott married hintnii miiicumknt on monday dec 3iet hut by key drjordon o jhoefpu jmalreittllfsbeuiivejdeet -uvbwtmanamrbebmitfoi- jma georgetown to jolin rjerinetb hunter df njlryaj v v- the georgetown herald military uicyrll barber killed in france odwordi lor col ballantlne dso sgt polkinhoroe won medal wie8dbe 4an sthafliff b35ici f tworrfsrjrssband mttytbonjjgna toil- wpt w iwfa vio- ttet were aitovereea- f jijs p- general ejection- lb north am- t v i 1 adavjfvdniiiwjrrttejotared 1 v pfojniiielyiftliooa allocation ofhe owr8eri well inhahd votee q- rbeedrppap continent areaj 1 loyateaip oountfdal the office of 4h canadian eomrsieatoner to farts those pastio cireatrbiitato at the office of the wh comnl6iober n lqndori allocat- ion of the north american military vote begins tbia weekln ottawa the sad news of the death of lieut cyril barber of the royal naval air ser vice mi received by hia parents mr and mrs r b barber of port credit monday no details were riven deceased was a native of georgetown aod bis many frieoda here deeply regret hia death brownie as he was familiarly known waa liked by all who knew blm hia cheerful diapoaition won for him a host of frlenda who lookedmorward to hie safe re torn alter bavins done hia bit bat it was not to be and another of oar native born haa made the supreme sacrifice ip his noble ejfort to rtct jjome and jj ta pir mr shdjrtbkrber wndetre- jddeftui ofgeo1lftiwh or many year have- ihe sympathy of the enuwheofti royalty inrtbeir very eadbereavement the colgate maroon or hamilton n y ina recentceano has tbe following to say in reference to ueotcpl james bausntfne p 80 via thereis no ootege or university in the united t8tst that ia tiohgriiors than solaates iwprejparehermen tq enter the miliiaryaervle q heir country and the call to tbe people of canada for prayer on behalf of tbe empire was gen erally observed in allchnrcnes through out- tho dominion on 8nnday last if ever the nation needed prayer we believe it ia to day for the past three years we have battled relying pretty mnch on oar strength we have tared oil defeat touts all isnt it abont time we placed onr reliance and faith upon a higher pow er than mans to complete the great task to w we havededieatedonreelvpat he time we got down on oar something we fear that a great many men never do less boasting and more praying is needed and then perhaps we will be able to strike harder when the proper time cornea many and varied are the changes and tin mh ion that the war has caused and especially have business circles bad to be alive to meet the changed conditions of the time on of tb m iiueiest of these ie the adoption of a cash and no credit system in which many bnei- firms are beginning to figure time not u treat while back when there was very lutle cseh and it was almost all credit hot experience has shown the silinrss of the system the extra book keeping that bad to be adopted the loss in tmd accounts and tbe extra ontlay to each business in carrying along at the bank many a business man wonld have been saved frtman early financial grave bad he liet n raved the worries incidental to a butintas not carried on a cash basis tbe queiftinn will of course be asked doea the cah system suit every botineesthb only answer to that is a trial if a motor car company whose dealings are in large sums can ran on a cash bull and find it profitable to dp so smaller businesses ought to be able to do so and there is no denying tbe fact that business men would be happier they could even sell cheaper and the pnrcnasers would theneelvea be less worried over unpaid bills for things that often coold be done withont if the i there is n individual that uvdoluv tnore tornakelthat prepafttiqn ara intelligent and thofoushgblng i at ipseiwe than llbutensntsolanej james ballanttue pe- utimoet recent service to the-uqivtr- sity was in securing for colgate he ei- tabflsbuient 6t akeesrve omcers traio ihgcamp w bespeak the appreclaflon of the entire nrliverbity when we acknow ledge our gratitudeto him for opening to na tbe opportuaity ot availing ourselves of this privilege we respect and honor him for his wholehearted loyalty to the inaritution with which be basy-temporari- ly at least as soclated himself we admire blm for bis superb soldierly bearing and splendid christian character we pledge again to him our loyalty to the program which he ie carrying oat from now on until tbe end of the col lege year the new status under whlob we are operating places everyone under the obligation to every oance of avail able energy and concentrated attention into the work of tbe battalion nothing less tban that can with propriety be ac corded to the leadership of a man whom lord aberdeen tbe eminent briton de dared has no superior in the british em pire as military leader nothing leia than that is worthy of the great cause for which we are all fighting the creation of a world that shall be secure for human freedom it ia not enough to do our bit we must give our utmost for those that are not openly working sacrificing and giving until tbey actually fee the privations of war are insidiously aiding the enemy those that are not for us are against us if colgate fails to make a larse oontri bntion to the military prosecution of the war it will not be through lack of oppor tunity the ftecretaryoi war b declared th eo c tu beau i trawlb ground it will not be because of the lacl dr andersons majority 2072 on friday afternoon returning officer b l hetnstreet made bia official count of the ballots cast in the election in hal loa for the house of commons ondeo 17th dr andersons majority is 2072 as mr gregory did not poll fifty per cent o tbe ftat for ills opponent he forfeits his deposit sa the flgnraa stand when the soldier a vote ia added dr andersons umjority is likely to be increased the following are the figuree by polling sub divisions os i mllloli- v a lotkioskyilje i lb z l jtoz a a b a ibprungidn 2 ot of adequate fnetructlon there is no finer man in america than cotonel ballanune for this work it will be becautie we have been blind to ode opportunity neffleot- fnl of oar duty fulpe to onr higher in stincts tbe opportunities of training ure here let there only be the proper re cognition of the beriounnesa of this boat nem and we as a student body ball be prepared to render to onr country the need of service which by the operation of the principle of noblesse oblige we ought to render 107 73 ml3 ids 106 184 mi cios whs- i o 3 61 42 0d t sir ij v final appeal judge gives ruling on exemption of farmers mr justice duff the final clares it is essential court of appeal de- clares it is essential that there shall he no i ri dijtnmt4pfl p106 llbl 99 m04 m is 90- 164 110 9t 66 06 40 61 63 88 111 68 85 88 166 116 104 86 63 4066 1994 majrfor anderson 2072 1 1 4 v jb0- 44 43 48 41 n 23 j6 78 61 60 49 34 60 28 92 67 94 i 1 1994 16 12 12 other councils following are the names of the mem bers of councils in neighboring munlci palitles nassaoaweya reeye m j carton councillors albert anderson e rv ratcbeon amos norrieh geo oram mett acclamation nelson sgt 0 c polkinghorne- son of mr and mrs g e jolkinghorne of lime houee has been awarded the distinguish ed conduct medal for hia bravery while on the battle field cadet aral oneill cabled his parents mr and mrs j n oiseil that he had arrived in england safe on wednesday cadet wyndham spence 6f begina an old georgetown bov spent a few days in town laat week wyndham has joined the flying orpe and is in training at exhibition camp toronto cash eyetem duced was more generally intro- ii it if i church news fl mkthodibt b our league and sunday school an commencing the new year under clr cumptancee moat favorable and we in vite those who have not yet joined the force o willing workers to immediately cttmo with us our cottage prayer meeting on than day evening will be at mrs harrisons charles street iastoras subjecta for sunday morning tho influence of proper reading upon the mind and life evening christian expeteucee its reality its power its com fort baptist tbe annual meeting of tbe chnroh le to be held tomorrow thursday even ing in tliasnnday schoolroom at eight oclock the roll will be called annual reportb presented officers and committees for the onsning year elected and other important matters discussed a social hour will follow daring wbloh refresh ments will be served it is hoped that every member of the church and cong regation will endeavour to be preaent a good time is confidently anticipated sunday morning tbe pastor will apeak of 1 lie heros creed and in the eve- lng he will discuss camotfrlage questions for the question drawer should be handed in at the morning service the anniversary of this church will bo celebrated on bnnday the 20th jan uary prof a l mocriromon m xv ll d chancellor of mcmasler univers ity toronto will nreaob morning and evening dr mcgrimmon la one of the ablen preaohera in the dominion and this church is singularly fortunate in scouring his services for the anniversary lieutcol peroy domville 164th batt alion has been at home at hamilton for some time has been struck off the strength of tbec e f seven thousand canadian soldiers have been decorated since tbe war began yet these are only a moity of those whose gallantry was as great but went by un observed as those who received honors maryl first tj 8 draft said he married an old sweetheart six months ago she was a widow with six children there are worse things than war remarked tbe muchmarried groom of half a year as he passed op bia chance to aak for ex- emption lieut lindsay sutherland who was wounded in france a few weeks ago bas been removed to a hospital in england nd is doing nicely result of draft appeals mr justice brltton heard appeals again st decisions of halton tribunals at the court bouse milton last week messrs h harrop and j p griffin were present si reeve obas read head deputy reeve wm irving councillors j leonard m smith o greenleea acclamation trafalgar reeve o h tamer deputy reeve w h mordeo councillors j wal brook wm daw son 8 marlatt acclamation milton mayore f earl acola reeve j little accla councillors 0 r turner e syer j aroxleed a l chambers l ramabaw f pearen burlington mayor- c f coleman reeve huchea cleaver and r gray councillor e harris b campbell or a w bodkin t atkinson e g paige wm banker acola acton reeve geo hynda councillors elected by acclamation oakviixb reeve a s forater deputy brave geo hlllmer acola cninarjaoodsy all tbe members of last years couneir were reelected as follows w d bowles keeve r mcculloch deputy reeve messrs newborn maltby and lyons councillors brampton mayor l j 0 ball accla reeve robert worthy deputy reeve g a ball councillors j heatley w h holmes mr warr h g mollis r bird e arm strong all by acclamation fpu 6tsaeof authority iwseir al pabf friormatbit n v dttatiax hrn mr justice dutt gave judetrrent on oecemfjer 6th ip the filaf test caae brought beiore hir a central appeal- judge te final iourt of appijj for the ucinik 6n4abatw the appeal wmirnfioe ifjrw w jrovm eeiii tjtfcptxii tii aon wiyj rowntree from the deipvjiowof local tribunal ontario nb 421 which refusedf a clarm for exerriptiort tine tgiii wa ttid u be an rexperieiicer fa hihid iyhb had beer vbkins on thefkrrncontihuiuly for the pat apwn yeai am eyer since learirrg chool he hvcjs ancl works with hi iather- who own a ferrii of 150- acres near weston hdntario with the exception of a younger brother he v is the- onlymale help of the father on the carnal llie father i amimof advancedyears in granting the man exemption until he ceases to be employed in agricultural labor mr justice duff said the military service act does not deal with the subject of the exemption of persons engaged in the agri cultural industry and the question which it is my duty to decide is whether the applicant being and having been as above mentioned habitually and effectively en gaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry ing on of agricultural production ought to be exempted under the provisions of the military service act these two propositions are indisputable 1 in order that the military power of the allies may be adequately sustained it is essential that in this country and under the present conditions there isnould be no diminution in agricultural production 2 the supply of competent labor available for the purpose of agricultural production is not abundant but actually is- deficient the proper conclusion appears to be that the ap plicant a competent person who had been habitually and effectively engaged in labor essential to such pro duction ought not to be withdrawn from it it is perhaps unnecessary to say that such exemp tions are not granted as concessions on account of per sonal hardship still less as a favor to a class the sole ground of them is that the national interest is the better nerved by keeping these- men at home the supreme necessity upon the existence of which as its preamble shows this policy of the military service act is found ed that leads the state to take men by compulsion and put them in the fighting line requires that men shall be kept at home who are engaged in work essential to en able the state to maintain the full efficiency of the com batant forces and whose places cannot be taken by others not within the class called out learn shorthand jcclarke january bargains at the mens store milton representatives of tbe farmers ig exemption altogether or temporarily rhe foilowlngare some of the decisions about kickers it- oh folks is awful bard to suit no mat- tsr hnw you try if days are dry they warn em wet if wet tbey want em dry j dont sex why they alwaya fuss because theii jiy nte few and get worked up in to a shini likewise into a stew and aneakiu of tbe weather now that zero days is here and tbe air is full of frost by gum und brightund sharp and qjear why men go down the street to work i they are bent in with woes and nothine to bo seen of them bat tbe blow end of their nose tbey iret on sixteen pairs of f underwear and james e featberston farmer samuel morley to may 1st 1018 harold dent aimer placed class 2 chaa joseph mcdermott tannery che mist oakville to july 1st 1018 thos chisholm auctioneer class 2 wm henry delvln farmer chaa norris farmer norman agnew farmer disallowed harold maude machinist to have an other roedicsl examination gordoo laing beekeeper maxwell norris farmer ruthven campbell wm neilson thresher erquealng with extensions topec slat 1018 j a e brsden barrister with exten slob to aug 1st 1918 frank rt mccannell asst manager to aug 1st 1018 geo a bailey farmer j wllbert shary cpu messenger with extension to an loth harold a hal lord hank agent camp bellville wltb oxtunalon to july 1st 1018 leo ocoonell laimer trafalgar sockn lour salts of underwear and wrap ped nronnd are loads of rags more than most foiki can bear they have three pairs ill milts atuok on to keen their fists alrti nndspeakin of their looks by herk ihey surely be a fright tbey pat ilielr paws up to their nose tbey bang on to ihnir jiiw and shovo their fingers in their mouth to get em for to thaw asniliv scotch block ft mifc ui grettynu now with neer manners bad and bold they simply spit hpll otyon oh gee but aint it cold i twa only a few months ago lent jolka whats ms up now was pan- n tip and down tbe road like some old mnllle cow they didnt wear no coat nor vest no collar and on lie ihey kept p m tbongb theyd hit the sky tbey mopped their brows and said gee wlili bat slnl tbie awful lint youd think they feared theyd be reduced to grease marks on lbs spot and so they kick when days gats hot they kick when tbey torn cold ihife mmwiw jfcjvgfc ggj modonald mcfsdgen a pretty wed ding was held st the home of missmlcbiea on dec 10 1017 when their rieire maggie mcfadgen became tlio bride of mr joan c mb donald of esquvsing by tbe rev mr boss tho bride entered the parlor on the arm of tier grand uncle mr george miohle tho silken knot waa tied under anarch of evergreens trimmed with while ilk ribbon snd wblfo bell tbe bride looked very pretty in a pale bins silk dreaa with white- trimmings and orange blossoms in her hair and carried a show er boquet of white mums maiden hair ferns and amllax after tbe ceremony sod congratulations lunoheon waa served in ootirassat injaii tables tbe bride received many useful snd valuable presents tbe brldos travelling salt wis navy blue serge white silk waist and br io raafoti the liappy couple let showers of cbutetfl for points east tbe exemption tribunal la atill doing business attbeooarl house about six appeals a day are given them to dispose of sa ibst tbey evidently are not over burdened with work mr and mrs j s mccannell of mil ton are settled al 68 park road for the winter mrs david robertson is with them toronto star mr a g luxtoi formerly f milton is a candidate for the mayoralty of mt forrest good luck a g miltons mayor and reeve for 1018 are lbs same gentlemen who occupied those positions tast year it is well no im provement conld of been made as both of tbern are experts so far as municipal mat ters are concerned owing to the fuel situation the church es in town are cutting oat some of the week nlebt services there was no ep- worth lesgne meeting monday evening at tbe method lat church and tbe prayer meeting was held at tbe parsonage laat night hnw long this arrangement will last depends upon the fuel situation a few minutes before twelve oclock noon yesterday are was discovered in mr shermans photo gallery the alarm waa rung and the firemen were eoon on tbe job but the hose was not turned on a few buokela of water being sufficient to extinguish tho blase we understand tbe fire started while mr sherman was enga ged in thawing out the pipea tbat bad be come frosen kefqrroer on tuesday pte arthur mayes who returned from franco last year went on duty at tbe jail sheriff webster having appointed him turnkey to succeed w h held resigned the sheriff is an advo cate of tbe employment of returned sold iers in all positions whiohthey are capa ble of filling and waa consistent in ibis appointment al that a soldiers train ing specially qualiflshloi for tbe band- ling of prisoners champion the home of good groceries how is your fruit p tbia la the limeof yoar when women find it quite a problem to know bow to make their stock of fruit to last till the ireeh fruit arriv es here ia a liet wbloh may help you solve the problem wagataff pure raspberry and starwberry jam per 4 lb pail bso fornlval pare strawberry and raspberry jam per 4 lb pail 00c farnlval pure raspberry jam per 2 lb tin 4so compound jam per 4 lb tin 76o pure strawberry raspberry and blaok currant jam per jr26 80c plum peach and apricot jam per jar 25o marmalade per jar 20 4 28o raspberries and strawberries per tin 80o peaches plums and pineapple per tin 25c we also have a stock ol corn syrup and maple syrup al different prices let as have your order satisfaction guaranteed i 0 0 a ms grandy the pure food store jrin were id fn erin village the old counoll all reelected by acclamation for ibe sobool board all were alao elected by acclamation mr j j still king theplsoeof mr6tepbens resigned jo the township of erin with the ex ception of he deputyreeve all were elected acclamation as follows reeve a mcklnnonj councillors r w tars- well w jesaop g bryaon for deputy- reeve there will be an election between messrs w h burrows snd jos mllloy whlob wilt take plsoe on monday next mr harold morris georgetown spait the holiday here wltb bis parents ad vooate saturday treat sugar and peanuts sro very fattening and besides quite pleasant to j wo advlko you to visit us saturday and toko advantage of oar specials loo lbs of ooaoanut rook and uomomade toffoo wltli oocosnnt and shorthand easy to ammtlr the deaurndt for btenoffrkiihorb jans never been so groat as it in today fly utilizing your snaro time oven- lugs young pooplo njay qualify r hlypald positions in stenographers or private secretaries- with kliort doura pleasant work add splendid opportuni ties for advancement oin the class being formed for georgetown full particulars bv applying to j 0 clarke sos college htrout toronto in spite hwjo pinoed j ibbiinoliw v r v fti iv i- m olaok aewfesi 9potoljt iiooj eniljah iwis ttdtsrted flm tuatwillaiwthia the range of efafintin v- r tnls is he opportjlnetirneto glfioe your rde td get the ad vapiago of the old pricep v alikoohgaorjfs tj6tt- ulfft i6 stjiiij nhl i poojal bargbibs in all ed fiwe hf j aspletiia v ttiesfl bockjbmdbtjje auffre we wiljgive ybn tho beat taigauis ever offer ed in au lirbpfmariww vqar- stoou 16 largandnstbe 3rdioedjthisia a tildiieiiiwer saw wo invite yoii tooauandbe donviricia4 millar co georgetown phone 126 fine high class tailoring and mens furnrshinqs agents for stock well henderson a co dyers and cleaners toronto new advertisements for sale ok rent two houses in college view conven lently situated water and electric light cement oellar apply emmannl lnrnsso college viow box 400 2118 12tp hayror sale a few tons of good timothy hay tor sale apply g wrigglesworth george town ont itp house to rent frame on union street 0 rooms and water inside immediate possession apply jno batlantine georgetown may ror sale three ion drgood timothy hay two good plymouth rock cockerelsjdrlngle strain wj alexander phone 42rl4 aahgrove it seed wheat and oats a limited quantity of firnt prize spring wheal for sale at 2 60 per bushel also oat at 5100 per bushel d k leslie r r no 8 georgetown 4tp lost on ohrietmas day between aahgrove and stewarttown aato chain finder lease communicate with w j alexan- er aahgrove it camera ror sale no 2 autosraphio brownie nearly new to be sold for 600 apply to d forater john st or sale 2 aores of garden land and frame housb of 0 rooms also stable snd ben house in georgetown going to be sold at a bar gain price shoo t apply to price si 100 willougbby is this your boy do yon know that one out of every four school children have de fective sight dont blame tbe child for poor reports at school for barid isposi- tion and a general lack of interest in everything unless yon know his eyes are right poor eyesight causes all sorts of nervous tronhles and maybe that is the trouble with your child children are anxious to succeed the wise parent helpsthem to please and to excel in their studies in their games snd everything by saving their byes de plant optometrist georgetown phone 199 office next to library ror rent store next to brill co and room above store apply to hkalo offioe or to f w brooke 1924 aldrich ave minneapolis minn to customers of georgetown dairy owing to tho cost of providing bottles we are necessitated to charge customers in future for broken or lost bottles we ask all to kindly bear this in mind wm gillman georgetown dairy annual meeting the annual meeting of eeqiiesing ag rlcultoral society will bn held in tho council chamber georgetown on saturday jany 19th 1918 at 8 oclock for eleetion of ofllccre re ceiving secretarys report and other buai- neee all interested are requested to be present j a traoy saoy adams coy all gash store new dairy on and after january 14th i am pre- firstclass pure milk to pared to supply residents of georgetown also cream in fair share ol pint bottles we solicit yoar patronrge 8 thompson phone 108r4 2tp local agent wanted for georgetown and district to sell for tu old rbliable fonthill nuhsbbieh splendid list of stock for- fall planting 101 and spring planting 1018 inclndinit we alone con- i many new varieties wicb trol send for new illustrated catalogue alao agenla proposition handsome free outfit exclusive territory liberal com- missions stone and wellington the fonthill nurseries established 1887 toronto ontario take wo advlso you to visit us loo lbs of peanuts in it carp op thanks k se some ne ojq mis lake ss i lay uit as be come stjpk top your olio i mmyjmf3 i hereby ew my sincere thanks to all who so hlnjly assisted ways on tbeoecasioi bereavement cauied jjfiofsd bmdnr me in many of my receotsad by hades thofnir jackson and leg civil engineer snrveyor tempje bldg brantford lfaj a m jaoksop b m lies veobablool engineer hto oibdpb r 0 wynnerbobeffstvater works t i j eoglnost v 0mm 850 lb lay treat prjca 19o bo lbs saltod peanuts a small swoot nut woll oookediinrtli 4oo jb saturday special 29c weekend gbcooatbs jndn by the groat quantity wo soil ovory fsatlirvlay we tuurtt yon bavo 4lr0f vorefl that you oro gomn a real blgbraln in our lioniemaoo vr eeena obooolatos assorted fuvors bcif 4oo lb vymkenajpecaliir ii9evi korrinoton r- fru1t trees and plants for spring planting we need no further introduction the fact that we have been in the nursery bnslnsss slxtyono years and are now prepared to meet existing condjtionsby offering oar high grade trees and plants direct lo tbe customers at rook bottom prices send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties wbloh you can order dir ect sod save tbe agents commission of wbiob yon get tbe benefit our price wilt be sure to interest yquand all stock j doods you want f and will want in the days to come mayhap not until 0 next fall or winter but now is the time to buy and pro- tect yourself and family money saved is money made 0 we will be into stocktaking in a few days and we always have 1 i ties to clear at cost price 0 hdhmscoj phone 43 main and mill strep ours is the best store for general dealing you money on your next order let us save georgetown treets true ig abiolutoly first class am i0 the dhase prothers 0o of ontarto lm r iku estanlisuxn 1867 rjame omt moobehead norrlnation vmanasm vi lmiitkitsa lee sing laundry the old reliable laundry plrstclsss work jruarantced at j tjb wwbst price 4 blrts 10s m i ikworrlt it tl fflfflfitf georgetown creamery we pay the highest market price for cream in any quantity c 31 ii 1 ggs we will pay you the highestfmarket price for your poultry live or drebsed also fresh eggs gcorgeioj creamery co msaxewanaiir 0m- twbim tijwi y