p the ge0r6et0wn herald wednesday eveg april 8rd1918 not much of a man he may be as rich as a millionaire or a bciod of noblo name no sage with his wisdom may compare he may shine in the blaze of fame he may bo the moat marvellous thing in sight i that oar humble eyee can scan bat if bis heart ie not in onr light he isnt much of a man he may be as sqaare aa the day ia long and just in his every deal i hejoayaefc lie rjgbi and eechew tha isi tvmafi- aopa hjierkbe4 c i be may he asaintlnhie boly ways soul pnreilnoe faiwe tat if out of hie codritry war be stays h isnt mqcu of a man i iminimy be true to bis cblld and file v anfl loyal to all njankwd wfrljfn mawbote long ufa vjjndetito4iaheirriina j henno patr1otryourl6ods ols breast atthetbrejtqlb toemana elan hiiaoab in that whicfjof aillsbeet for be isnt mach of amanx v c txaniana sbpldon 1110 woman took vinol vmqw she is strong and v hearty phtladelphm pa i was over worked run down nervous could not eat or sleep i felt like crying all the time z tried different remedies with out benefit the doctor said it was a wonder i was alive and when vinol was given me i began to improve i have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect and have gained in weight i can not praise vinol enough mrs sarah a jones 1035 nevada st philadelphia pa we guarantee vinol to make over worked weak women strong or re turn your money formula on every jbottle this is your protection l- hnrnttqan dru q all aircraft outrivaled ancient brd tho ptarodiityl had twentyfive fast wings weight about twentyflve pounds whence do the angels derive their wtiis the nngels that is to say of padding nnd sculptural art from whnt source ih the aceepiod model for these appendages derived t tt is rnther difficult to say accord ing to tho ihllndernbla public ledgor hut appnrcntly the wings convention ally worn by angels are those of the nlbntross at all events albatross wings correspond most nearly to tho patterns t1 albatross weighs about is popdis nr liaa awlngjpreftil of 11 feet sthjpfc iffy vlngshosiab a 6 i spttti sfluflreteo wlft a jttn jr crenel nroprklonnte q stae an angel as well oqurpned ar flight as tha albatross aught to be able to fly very well tho trunppetef swan which is the ffeotps vvetshtrcsttler o sljf lqntrtil- tance flyers yrbnldbe at a rjlsndvan- fngeios cortipqred-wlthnn- angel ft- wetgbs pounds ttd hs 0 wln0 i ipre4 otonlyjgiir xht 1 iji but fingtfc priniojwn bj ril cniiid coinphrens n flyer tylthv tlt6 pjero- rjnxujil ofr fopo0vw years dr so ago which weighing oerhnpajn pfujiida hnj sjririg sprerid pfiaii- fjet its bones weraullarst pknerlilte upd jtf body hardly more tluih an rrtywyidnpto to its wings- with a lierfd thafwhs principally n dagcerllke hont uiul n pouch like that of a pellcnn it flut- tered mothitko looking for qsft 8ln ihs shores of uie cretaceous sen tha extended northward from fheprpnont gulf of mexico to and over knnsatj be was someflyer the ptcrnno- don as naturalists cull this species of pterodactyl our modern flying ma chines have yet to rival bis perform ances bracelet watches our stock is now at its very best a gift sure to please the recipient and to keep the giver in plea sant remembrance silver and strap 74 10 jewels ft soo and upwards j soldiers watched with radium dial and hands in silver or nickel case fitted with waltham or- swiss pqvement x asmall deposit will setire any particle for later delivery- plain r3uet or next ftccibfeon hbtwi town also at tho best druggist in all ontario towns notice to creditors in tlie matter of tfie estate of lorenzo l bennett late of the village of georgetown in the county of halton merchant deceased notice is horoby given pursuant to soction 50 of tho trustoos act r8o 1014 chapl 121 lhat all creditors and ethers haviug claims or demands against the estato of tho said lorenzo h ben nett who died on or about the oloventh day of march 1918 at tho village of georgetown nforosaid aro roquried on or before tho twentieth day of april to send by post prepaid or delivered to the undersignod solicitors for jamima bennett the executor of tho last will and tostament of tjio said deceased their christian namos and surnames addresses and descriptions tho full par ticulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the na ture of tho soourlty if any hold by thorn and tako notloo that after suoh last mentioned dato the said exocutor will proceed to distribute tho assets of the said decoasod among tho parties entitl ed thoroto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then novo no tloo and that the said exocutor will not bo liable for tho said assets or any part thoroof to any porson or porsons of whoso olalm notice shall not have been roceivod by it at the time of suoh dis tribution bhilton wallbridgb a dale solicitors for tho said executor bated at goorgotown this elevontb day of march a d 1918 208 8t happiness induce old ge human body demands enjoyment and like a rosa will not thrive in shadow x woman has declared ihnt at one hundred and six she is in better health and happier than at any previous time in her life according to the christian herald ursly a woman who is healthy at one hundred and six ought to be happy one would have to he happy to be healthy none but a happy disposition could carry one through so many years a gloomy temperament would strangle life out of the body long before the age of o huudied urn li the human body con no more thrive in shadow than can a rrmc we live by desire to live enjoy ment of and zest in life are a coustunt source of life supply old age ought to be tho happiest period of life particularly for a wom an if she has kept her rnlnd active and has wisely refnsed to settle into the dull rut thnt people nhvny have ready for her sho con begin in old ago to enjoy life in earnest in old nge there is no mme worry about tho bnblcs no more miflvrlnr for others tho children nro grown up nnd if her part has been well done they are a prop nnd a solnce to her grandchildren nre a delight without tbe bitter constant worry the woman grown old in years should be at her host mentally she is free to indulge her tastes enjoy a good book and tho conversation of genial minds women retain their vitality nnd spir its longer than men do tho burdens of life fall from them gradually and the pence of retirement from actlvs du ties comes upon them uttlo by utile and almost imperceptibly w clearing auction of farm stock implements furniture the undersignod has been instructed by m williamson to sell by public auction at lot 14 sth xiino esquoslng on friday april sth at 1 oolock sharp tho following horses blaok porchoron maro 11 yrsj brown clyde mare 12 yrs blaok joroberon toam ohestnnt driving borso 8 yrs cattle durham grade oow 8 yrs calf at side part jersoy cow due lime of sale durham cow 4 yrs due sep 10 milking wolli durham holfor 8 yrs duo oot 22 part jersoy holfor 8 yjs duo oofc 1 grade durham hoifor milking 1 r erode durham hoifors 2 yrs 1 dur- am stoer rising 2 yrs 1 yr last spring calves 8 baby boof steers holfor calf 5 xnos 20 heavy fot stoors nn extra oholco dnnohi pigs and fowlvorkshlro sow fcrod 8 wooks 11 pigs 10 weeks old 11 pr plymouth hook fowl implements lumbor waggon box and stook rack lumbor waggon box and scat domocrat waggon nonrly now 1 top buggy outtor pr bob slolglis hay- mok ploaburo slotghs masbeyharris binder lioarly new massoyharrls xnower spring tooth ooltivator blssoll also root seufllor dcorlng mower xrantfbrd mower massoyharrls hay rack noarly now 10 ft hayrack hoy ted der blssoll land roller deering seed drill noarly now set diamond harrows doublo mouldboard plow light 2 furrow plow turnip drill 8 number 21 floury plows 2 wilkinson plows garden wheel hoe 8 root pulpers fanning mill buggy pole platform soales 1200 lbs 88 lb hay fork rope sugar kettle set wag gon springs ooal oil tank and oil set coublo heavy harness nearly new set plow harness 2 sob doublo barnoss sot single harnoss 8 dos grain bags a num- bor of loddors quanity lumber number liorso collasr household furniture 2 bed steads folding loaf table 6 kltchon chairs 2 small tables 000k stove box stovo ohurn buttorbowl and ladle flour tmrrol milk pall and pans hay and grain quanity of elovor snd timothy hay 400 bus seed oats va- rlous othor artloles too numerous to mention everything w bo sold without rosorvo as tho farm has boon sold termshay grain fowl fatoattlo ana bumnof 1000 and undor cosh over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint notos fivo por cent cor annum off for cash vt a wilson benj petoh oiork auctlopoor puk9eiost ladies tan leather purse containing a k 92 and fl bill 10c and a copper also ijipdkerohlef with dark blue border lost pi saturday betweep ltobt leslies and tarra ootla- finder kindly returnto bhis dora tongue or leave at herald oi iowi optimism helps 8ome hnppy is the innn or woman who can lay nslde tho enres nnd sorrows of the rushed nnd crowded todny nnd revisit the scenes of yesterday hnppy too is the ninn or woman who lives in the tomorrow thnt tomorrow where- all is fair and bright that tomorrow in which wo are going to do noble and helpful deeds dnd to win fume nnd for tune that tomorrow in which we nre going to movo the world n million miles nearer to heaven mnklng it a better plnce for our fellowmen in which to live thnt glorious tomorrow in which our dreams aro to como true if pray ers and conscientious efforts count for ought in bringing them to pass dont give up your drenms dont deny your self this bit of happiness for each beautiful inspiring dream mellows your heart and widens your mental horlton counter check 3q0k we are now prepared to furnish the best counter check books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order j m moore herald office beautiful home ror smle situated on mainbl immediately north ofgtr solid brick six wall itone foundation 4 bedrooms bath room parl or hviog room dining room 3 very urge square halls and kltohon good cellar warafalr beating handsome elect- rlo fixtures lot contains about four filths of an acre nice sized lawns good orch ard containing about 75 treee large garden to make a quick sale this deflirablo home is being offered at a very moderate price house may be seen at any time mrs l l bennett reeves vacuum cleaner the reeves vacnm cleaner ie the only hand cleaner manufactured hal wilt do oportte wto ikee broom and carpet sweepertaut does ithe same work as the meet expensive electric gleaners furbished with- an extra norrfo or cleaning upholstered inrnltore and mat- treeaee complete prjee h16o fob gash with tbe order 8phdwit- yarganrahtee deeoripiiye oirfijlars on appllcalldri- j agerfte waijtfd good cbiimlsalon dlsiributor for dtarto something n bipeafaqiboaastown will bpy anything u have it nil and pajrsthe bjghesi price for lite poult- ay i canarfbrd to pay a higher ptloe than others in ontario as i bhlpto montreal price rota 20 to soclb any person havlng poallr to sail let me kapir nnd i can gnaron yop belter satlbtaction than yon will get from anybody else i buy old bags with or without boles also rags rubbers bottles old iron stoves second hand clothes bides sod skins i eay a price that will surpriee you if yon ave anything to sell mall me a card 8 rlceman georgetown po private residence next door to j a bells shop 2274tp the dainty decorator makes the home brighter vvwf dr tbe greatest serviieihsriiali things ds well s larfql there is no liniitto the inany uses fo which it is adapted- t xacflveretii ijegigned for beauufyiji and preserving- ofd rfwrrd6 scrdtchled furnitufca djlrtsfned tipois rj tbwdedaridnvxifldd and ebkiis i vith acari trfitacqvieret skriji a boeekbs brush ft w- man can insparc rabmenteprpdurie wbnjderf ul vesillts put ttpiu tbe fojlowing size cans quarts pints rial pintb add quarter pints a v s v w c anthony phone 46 georgetown alice was net particular little alice was a great pet of her grandmother who lived in the same house with her alice hnd tho bad habit of running away and her mother often hnd to resort to rather strenu ous measures to keep her at home one afternoon her mother was rrndy to go to her club but ns unual alice was missing so she started out in search of her finding her at nno of the neighbors she sturted with her toward home in silence suddenly al ice looked up with a winning smile and said oh mamma you dont need to go home you can just en on to your elub and grandma can whip ine miscalculation why didnt that widely advertlsod cafe open well you see after putting la a dancing floor nn ice slcntlng rink dressingrooms for the cnliuret per formers nnd a platform for the or chestra thoro was no room for tnbles tho lamb atents i promptly sfcurem in all countries ak for our invbn- totts adviabnwiiloh will bo aont ire marion a marion m university st montreal wood for sale i have a large quantity of wood suit able for summer fuel out in 12 to18 inob lengths split and delivered apply j brentford oollego view 20th a i tp nh smle or rent two honses in college view conven iently situated water and eleorlo light cement cellar apply emmannl lorasso college view box 406 3118 12lp spring term from april 2nd merges into the sum- roer term on inly 2nd in shaws bual- new schools toronto no vacattods nleranmsy free csuipgue w h shaw president lack of food threatens the battle line ontario the food wanted by mankind does not exist the word shortage is no t strong enough the whole world is up against a nasty hing familiar to the people o i india called fam ine lord rhondda britains food controller one year ago only the enemy was on rations today great britain france and italy arc on rations today germany controls the wheat lands of rotimania russia poland and ukrania today the shadows of hunger famine disease and death hang over the allies upon 1 he 1918 crop from canada and the united states depends the fate of the democratic peoples of the world if that crop is sufficient the allies can be fed if that crop is not sufficient the allies may have to accept a german peace increased demand and decreased sup plies the harvest of frano was one- thini loss in 1917 than 1916 and this year must be smaller still owing to lack of fertilizers which cannot be supplied through shortage of ship- pincr the worlds decrease in live stock as compared to 1913 is approximate ly 115000000 head bone arc proudly paying the price and sharing with france and italy their lim ited itock of food for in this there is mighty pride a conscious measuring of their glory with the best traditions of llclcltf lit sparta arid of imperial kbrtle for britons know that upon tliem rests the burden of saving humanity the story of their service shall rinr and echo for ever along the hilltops of history man and the last shilling and you think it is only a bit of rhetoric but to my mind its the most solemn and abso lute truth i inctn when i say it that it would in very truth be a million times o t i t f ti p fl herbert hoover says to send more food to our allies is not charity be dead every one of litem rather than live on nn the serfs of a triumphant prussia ihw nn any lover of liberty remain inscmmhlr t this peril lunl iris virtory and the world miie ilr for democracy inik of food menus disaster and sub- jukmnm to ticfinany that battleline in france and flanders mast not want do you realize what a german peace would mean to canada germany covets our natnrnl re sources our agricultural and min eral wealth our forests our fisheries everything that is canadas germany wont be satisfied with european territory with teeming masses wrangling factions and de pleted natural resources she wants colonics big thinlypopulated coun tries in temperate zones for her sons and daughters to go to propagate their kind the kaiser would sacrifice millions of germanatomorrow if he thought that by so doing he could set foot on canadas shores as conqueror and whats more the germans would offer themselves- for the sacri fice so great is their subjection to the military ideal the only thing that balks german ambition is that battle line from the north sea to switzerland and the british navy the only thing that sus tains oar men on land and sea is food what are we each one of us pre pared to do to insure that food supply germany by hersubmarine cam paign has seen that great armada the british mercantile marine shrink in volume germany has seen south america australia new zealand india and far away outposts of- the empire practically cut off from supplying food to the motherland because of the lack of ships forty million allied rhen and women hawing been put on- wanvorfc food production has dangerously de creased in europe these forty million consume more food than when they were in ordi nary occupations nnd there are fewer men for farming hence an our european allies arc dependent upon us fot filter uantities of food than we have ever heforc exported they arc the first line of our defence our money nur ships our life mood and not least of all olk food supply must be of a common stock in prewar times britain france italy and medium yearly imported more than 7slicmkltktf bushel of jrain plus vast quantities ol meats and fats the submarine destruction of shipping has made it necessary to abandon the hope of bringina food from south amer ica australasia and india food must there fore be shipped from canada and the united states the nearest and safest route canadian and united states sup plies are normally isoooochio bushels short of the allied needs fly kreater production and con servation canada and the united slates must combine to increase the ex port of irrain bv lmliomoix bushels the rcinainini shortaiic of isjlllll kill bushels must be overcome by greater reduction in con sumption in the al lied countries and this is being done by llritain france and italy rationing her people from two and a half years of contact with the german army i have come out of the horror with the complete conviction that auto cracy is a political faith and a system that directly endan gers and jeopardizes the future of our race that threatens our very independence it has however been able to com mand complete in- spiration of devotion and self sacrifice in its people to the interest of their na tion the german farmer in the name of the fatherland supports a nation two- thirds as larur as the united states and threatens to subject the world from an area onehalf the size of ontario my vision of war is not of an aca demic problem to he solved by discussion to me h- is a vision of brave dying men and suffering women and children for service on whose behalf the greater exer tion of the allies farmers comes in a direct necessity and a direct plea the canadian and the united states citizen who sees war as i see it needs no in ducement and no inspiration but the thought that every spade full of earth turned and every animal reared is les sening human suffering and guaranteeing the liberty of the world the heart of this problem is labour without more farm labour more food cannot be produced if you really want to serve your country in a big practical way register now for farm labour or urge and assist your male employees to do so it is war the allies have a right to demand it they have a right to rcscnt the offer of only what is left over those who are fighting the common battle for civilization and for our protec tion have a higher claim than had laz arus to only the crumbs that fall from the rich roans table the canadian people must rcfognuc that our allien have the first claim on our food supplies as the shipping situation makes the allies dependent upon the north ameri can continent for food it is vitally neces sary that canada should increase her pro duction of food in order to take a larger part in providing for the allies require ments this is es pecially urgent as the maintenance of a large united states army in the euro pean field will cause a very heavy drain on that countrys re sources- there must be no peace with oot vic tory for nearly four years germany has been s t r unfiling against the powers of law and order she has failed so far to make good her es cape with her booty by superior strength and skill and now she is attempting by intrigue suggestion device and propa ganda to divert the attention of her an tagonists from the s t niggle itself and thus to gain her ends by relaxing the strength and skill of her antagonists what she can gain from these tactics is plain to all the world in the sorrowful ex perience of russia germanys most dangerous weapon is not her zeppelin that is obsolete not her submarine that can be overcome not her machinelike army that has been repeatedly hurled back by the living armies of freemen her most dangerous weapon is her prop- aganda of peace while with her hands she murders and despoils with her voice she invites to parleys the citizens pf ontario must lead this mighty crtisad for greater food production they did it last year and will do it again aa the greatest food producing prov ince ontario must maintain her leader ship in ainciica great irr our oppor tunitiesour responsibility is tremen dous upon every man and woman boy and girl rests a personal obligation to serve every pound of food produced in what ever form is a contribution to the cause of freedom ontario farmers should sow 500000 acres of spring wheat every ontario farmer whose land is at all suitable should put an extra five acres into wheat even at the expense of another crop i arthur bcastoll tflf oolleqe of mu8io lonck1 emolano ohoiiimmiir puranviimaat ohumih ocokmtowm teacher of pimu origan cornet violin and singing tuition f1 fl- ij iratch til 00 par 5f i it inn ht u u r si g puih 2 pianos wined iv-v- v t v- vv ws bavolo nto urge 8iaijnifl v i slnlftin fortrfnptwiiglh dltble m j plonr feed and provlaloni john b alia n tine qeokoetown phone 30 ont lee sing laundryj the old reliable laundry jj firstclass work guaranteed at j the iowiist pr1cb j shlrtb 10c rob block osonairrowir r c nixon ueortown what you can do to help- when liberty is in peril there im threat of lasting disaster in the very- word peace lloyd georges warning i fear the dlaciplined people behind the german army the rationed family aqd the determination of wife and later and daughter and mother to stand and starvefo that their fighting men may be fed i fear it more than the imperial german army itself britnin is now on food rations france is now on food rations italy is on the verge of starvation only continuous support from us can enable us to hold out only with a disciplined people behind cart we hope to win the rationed dritish nation blood of our blood bone of our c lord leverhulme long known in can ada as sir william lever who knows well the oerman mind in a recent inter view stated you will never be able to dictate terms to germany till she is beaten the argument you mention is- founded on the dangerous fallacy that because germany is aick of this war she is sick of war in general she isnt i doubt if ber government ia even sick of thia war youve read the apeech of that old brig and hertllng ia there any sign of re pentance in that apeech is it a chas tened speech is it the speech of a stateimsn who wants disarmament and a league of nations not germany is back in her mood of 1914 she believes she is winning the war she believes ahe has wonnow and if we talk of peace to her she has won it why it would be better a thousand times that every man in england should be dead than that germany should isaue from this war with the feeling of a conqueror you hear people use the phrase to the last i i i i 1 at all costs production must be main tained hats why farmers and fanners sons arc iteinr eempcd from military service wnruitik nn a lnm is equivalent to ser vice in the srtnil iiuc trenches t euille the farm loilo the work two faclui1 ate lstuitial the lirst is time whatever vc are to mo must be done at once valine wail for no nun the second is lahor many farmers cannot plant the acres they would hecausc they cannot fret the necessary help many are afraid ia increase their acreare because they fear they wotdd nut he able o cultivate anil harvest an unusual top after they had raised it the burden is not one to he placed solely upon the farmer nwr can it be placed upon the townsman it is a personal obligation upon every man woman boy and jrirl in every farm town and city home in the province of ontario away with criticism go- oikratei mr city man dont say that the farmer should do soandso and thus allow criticism in this hour of our nations peril to cripple your effort mr farmer don t hastily underesti mate the value the city man can be to you get together in the fight for liberty let us not lament what might be but earnestly face what must be fifteen thousand hoys between the ages of fifteen and nineteen must be or ganized as soldiers of the soil to work on ontario farms this season farmers can get one or more of theso boys by applying to the district repre sentatives or to the iuhlic employment bureaux at toronto ottawa hamilton or london unmarried men exempted from mili tary service arc urked to take up farm work married men who have had pre vious experience on a farm are urged to resume farm work for a season em ployers of labor are asked to assist men to take up farm work we urftc the farmer and the towns men to get together for frreatcr produc tion in the interests of a free people and democracy let the organization of resources comtniitee your district representatives of the iuhltc employment bureaux act as your intermediaries when we have done our best the cry forfood cannot be wholly met for the rest our allies are tightening their belts organization of resources cornmittee parliament building a toronto oat chairman his honor sir john s hendrle kcmg cvo lieutenant- governor of ontario vicechair men honorable sir william h hearst kcmg prime minister of ontario william proudfoot esq kc leader of the opposition secretary albert it abbott esq phd the only thing that balks german ambition is the battle line in france the only thing that sustains our men on land and sea is and the british navy fbod n 4mmi pnmwmiffb wtctpbhkwstwj rjr suhtiintiilli made harness reg in a pneumatic cleaners for rental at j dollar per day a good asxortwent of trunks and valises agent for page wire fence repairing promptly done nixons harness and repair shop fruit trees and plants fot piiiig llantnik wo tittil i further introduction tbe fact lhat we have leen in the nursery biihints tixlyone yenrp and ore now prepared to meet existing conditions by offerinc our hiyh crndo trees and plants direet to the cubtouiera at rock bottom prie p send for onr illumratcd circulars of hardy vatietieh v iiieh you ean order dir ect nntl eavu the auentx ermmieflop of which you tret the benefit our prices will bo fure to interest you snd all stock is absolutely firtt cirsh and true to name the c11ami- i1hother8 co ol ontario ltd estalliikliki 1867 oolbodnk 0t wwttwml3 insurance fire ami accident 5 s s hdc vv heorhktown s j wro null ontario 5 s tho dii web gos scran ton coal the standard antbraoite the dl fc w soranton in all sizes is tho only hard ooal we oarry a largo stook now on hand also threshing and smithing ooal ooal bins opposite norval station phone 62r24 bell line j watkins norval i j a tracy clerk township of icaquealng clerk ilr1 division court tim lending kiro its ufo insurance gos represented issuer ol marriage licenses office mill street west georgetown ofdco hours wednesday satnr dny afternoons l0ii