the geoiujetown hesajj wednesday we have a choice lotbf meats canned goods etc for friday and saturday be sure you get yours w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 we sell only the best in grain and boot seeds it will pay you both as regards quality and price to purchase from us robert noble limited norval ontario adams co all cash store big offering this week ladies suits ladies dresses misses dresses childrens dresses good gardens bequire the best of seeds we sell the best adams co georgetown phone 43 main and mill sts thehc tr they- have called theni frpltf the high sc1ko they have called thorn jfronf tlie mv lh may teprg v the rfaldiekmjf the- soil u ctibrnfr fceon fcbcrhojne farni8wwdng thorbsno timfpc shirking while our lads are fav away thoymust havp fdodi u woll put ahijirvq8tmafcei7 on oach- waiting aero untif woltnow the german foe is licked for good they have loft the homo and office and theyll work with might and main that our men may lick tho kaiser and come book in ihsoco again wo will load our ships with-pro- duco and tho uboats wo will foil so dont forgot tho farmeretto and tho soldier of the soil wilfred hooves important points in hatching chickens during the hatching season the poultry houso and particularly the nest should bo kopt clean clean wator and a supply of wholo grain should bo nccessiblo to tho sitters and a dust bath should bo provid ed also if more than one hatch is being taken off clean out and disinfect tho nest aftor each hatch and put in new sod and fresh litter dust tho hen with insoct powder before putting her in tho nest and again a day or two before leaving tho nests with tho chickens it is a good plan to put into the dust bath a little dry sulphur or ground tobacco be sure also that- tho house is froo from mites thoso little posts get into tho craoks and corners of tho building and at night as tho hens are resting they como out of thoir hiding place get on tho lions body and it doos not tako very many of them to make a hen so uneasy that she cannot sit in some cases tho mites bocomo so troublcsomo that they actually worry tho lions to death how to get hid of mites clean out tho houso and thor oughly sweep not forgetting tho windows walls arid coiling when this is all swept out oloan uso a garden hose or a stiff brush and hot wator soo that ovorything in tho cracks and crevices is wash ed out aftor this is dono allow the house to dry for a while and if ovorything then appears to bo clean uso a good disinfectant and be suro that tho solution is forced by tho spray or brush right into tho craoks and crevices if the mitoa are bad use boiling hot wator followed by coal oil and liq uid lico killer or lico paint bo suro that this goes into tho craoks and crovicos and when you havo gono over your houso thoroughly according to tho above treatment in all probability tho mites will bo exterminated but it is advisable in tho courso of threeor four days again to inspoet for mitos and per haps to repoat tho doso oncb more georgetown may 7th 1918 mr j m moore as an hem of possible interest to yourself and other readers of your pnper i desire to state that slnoe the fire at the woollen mills mr henry corke has paid into my hands th sum of 000000 the amount of loan given him andl now hold tne same in trust fop him tours respectfully j w kennedy corporation treasurer 1100 reward given to any person or persons who will supply information whtoh will lead to the oonvlotlon of tho party or parties who are respon sible for knocking the top stones dft the stone fence at tho end of main street j a wllloughby an entertainment will be given in the town hall alonwilliams friday may 17th under the auspices of st albans churoh consisting of songs recitations etc and a two act play will be glvon by the girls guild of st georges churoh georgetown en titled the parish fair admission adults 25c chldren 18c bpkg deeded raisins v b6o 2 15c ikgs matehos 26o quart jar sour swept and mustard pickles rog 85o l9o soar sweet 6v mustard pickles in bottles rag flop 18o hoinz sweet mixed pickles in bulk rog 60oot 45o tomato catsup 10 15 25 80 860 pure jam in jars 2680o pure strawborry raspberry jam 4lb pail 90 de 05o black toa in bulk per lb 40 gococ japan tea in bulk per lb 40 50o we havo a fow dutch setts multipliers onions loft whioh wo aro offoring at tho following prices dutch setts 2 lbs 800 multipliers 2 lbs 25o lot us have your order for ensilage corn a m grandy the pure food store phone 75 i ivrm protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned ah the time it is here it is earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont cany unneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and fire by opening a savings account th m6rchant5 dank head office montreal of georgetown branch acton branch canada established 1884 c w grandy manlier l b shorby mtujor max junk and metal dealer highest prices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetown georgetown creamery wo pay the highest markot price for cream in any quantity open monday wednesday and saturday nights during seeding poultry eggs wo will pay you tho highest market price for your poultry live or dressod also frosh eggs georgetown creamery co m saxe manager iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil y i yafa rffmvwftt