iies thb gexatown hjbrald wednesday 20th june w i v r t jmtartf goods zr rodttijhnlsllk mrwt ywwabovflbe aiiiido jurd pjrhvwfyio voiles- top anj7no yunl v oonjtocroi4n vccnirtar white peabjr pluktsltio f 10 17rana oovanov cnepods ehoooiinmhih bluo nyhllb crbrih mhize peach copen navy nnjl flosh 16fr mirt 175 ynd silk pou1lnln oldltoso ory sund navy brown inh lunpk 4p usounil 18fl yra khaki cool foulards inocy and plain colors burnt uluo old hose and clroy 100 ynrd a nlco range of huk mull muslin 50o and 75c yard all wool 8erqe serge sultlnss all wool 64 inches wide colors navy hrown orwn 8und maroon and grey 28 yard worth 350 ladies silk waists ladles cropo do chono walbts colors hlto maize cream pink sky 630 ladles whito silk waists 360 and w0o ijidlos whito volio wulsts 200 2410 and 300 xadleir white ijnwn and musui wolaw j ia moniid 9300 liaijw fopcv 61 corbel coverlj- jbi 10 xintles camhrlb cbrset covers wktl luco s trimming ffl 40e 60o tsoand 100- v lapies vests a largo assortment of ladles knitted lfhcjerv wear combinations vests and drawers ijndloh vests 25o to 76e ladles drawers 50o ladles combinations 125 and 150 hosiery ladles white cotton hose 25o and 35o ladlos white lisle hose 36o 50c and 75o ladles white silk ankle hose 50o 75c 100 ladles white silk hose fl00 10 175 and 200 ladles oroy silk hose the kayser 225 pair indies brown cotton and lisle hose 60o and 75e ladles qrey lisle hoee boo and 7so childrens white nil hose 2bo to 50o childrens black rib hose 25o to 50o rf- ifcliiitrdt on aigiboarej yivnmiaa didnt y jbtweek fon wonted the sntlni-knlf- aqil tbr shopper sharpened v lira sbliurbrtiadeed i did bless rmirrjirtlj heart how thloiabtful jou ire i th are botb obt3jht asobe mmtm i tjrwjwj to tbwtoi i ttotvmrr v r fho weet ijfjton to offoi- m tnathtoi yprpwfcma hu- airubl jmuwrop thcniujd f vfi ot wrjtr uwtnotv unm to bi tiewpa boji ml thnrtf a 41tid tbllelt oieibwl ifancy wbeo- b yea mejeotolow lioll iohome i 8mokblfej powder this advantaees of smokeless pow der besides lis virtue- of hltfiexplai veneaa iriro twof ohj ij dooa not create a smoke cloud thar betrnya the location of the fftm or gunners and at the saiue time the man bohlnd 1 1 10 rma ia not confuted for a second by it pall of anoko that obacuivs the ir nt vision la the direction of the tneuty canada food board license no 83290 mcbean co georgetown military news judbink by the lottors which nro lwi rmwivtil at otuma uipi in- rook me to sleep nackwanl turn backward oh cash in your lliglit still miich iinoauinoflb in tbo rural dutricts duo to tho widchproad bo- liof that thoiiinotoonyoarold boys who rocontly rckistorod are to bo called up at onco and exemptionk oanoellod in canes of men 2h 24 2fi and 20 yoain of ao it can bo btated ofllcinlly that thoro in no intention of calling out any of thoo clasacs for tho present and official announcement to this effect will bo inado in tho course of tho noxt week tho present plan i to call no furthor elassos to the colors until tho full when harvest- in is over what will be clone w dup e on tho state of tho war and tho need for roinforcomonts if tho situation in still as urgent and critical as it has boon during the past fow weeks tho government undoubtedly have to call up tho ninotoonyeiirolds and oancol oxomptions of soino othor ages tho order cancellintc oxomptions betwoon tho ages of 20 and 22 has been highly successful and has re sulted in socminr speedy reinforce ments there have now been call ed to the colors nearly 7fl000 men under tho military service act the noxt couple of months will in crease tho quota to ono hundred thousand this was all that was provided for by the act and if the number is to be increased parlia ment will havo to bo summoned early in tho fall or on the return of sirltobort bordon jjot me no mush again just tor to- night prices return from your limitless soar bankbook dear bankbook tho days have been long since i last stood in a depositors throng days without heat enough nights without light meatless and heatless no sugar in sight let me but dream of tho days of things cheap rock mo to sleep brother rock mo to sleep backward low b oh gar- n0 milk f ch cow eaay ef the flowery kingdom vlaldi only to offeprlnfj uled only for draft purpose americana who travel through the interior of china greatly mlaa cows milk and her butter aa a japanese blgn pute it the people of the orient use title of either mares milk is sold to invalids nt a high price because the chinese believe that it la a source of great bodily strength says the youths companion bat the natives nae cows solely for draft purposes and having earned her living for years in this manner bossy stands lipon her dignity wben ameri cans demand milk of bor to her off spring she will give it but not to man if hy any nosalblllty ahe can avoid it mj hvwllp- in japan there are now d few am ericanbred cattle owned by foreign- era that make the native cows look like goats one of these cows was im ported into eor a by a missionary but he bad difficulty in getting his coolie to tend the beast the servant was fresh from his country home where he bad heard little and aeen less he took the cow for an elephant and fled before her in koroa the little native cow la a petted darling that has been indulged to such an extent that incredible as it seems she refuses to eat grass anlesi it baa been boiled it is not unusual in very cold weath er to see a pet cow clothed in a thick warm blanket while the children the family shiver in then- cotton gar ments and often very few of them building trench trenches on tbe western front as- penr to the civilian eye which is sxed upon photographs to be just a ditch backed by dugouts in reality details trench correspondent an emuiaauf mount of work and scientific study is required for tbe establishment ef t complete winter tranch for every mile a trench over comv 100 sand bngs are needed one maa n fill a bog with earth and lift it t ilnce 28 times in a night when all th ork of repairing trenches is done ct would take a battalion eight month do this work a mile of trench and its coneoml- ant protection demands 12000 sixfoot itnkes 12000 small pickets 6260000 inndbags weighing 1000 tons in all 10000 feet of corrugated iron 1128000 teet of timber etc naval cadet slang tar certain alajog expresslona used by the annapolis cadets writes ju lian street in his new travel book american adventures i am in debted to a member of the corps from tills admlraltebe i learn that a bird or wasio is a man or boy that steam ts marine engineering and to be bilged for juice is to fall in exam ination in electrical engineering to gat an unsat or unsatisfactory mark or even a alp or swabo which is a aero cadets do not escort girls to dances but drag them a girl is a drag nnd a heavy drag or brick is an unattractive girl who must be ta ken to a dance a sleuth or jimmy- legs is a night watenman ami to bo ragged is to bo cauitit messhnll waiters are sometimes called mokes while at other times the nnmes of certain exalted dignitaries of the uovy department or of the academy are ap plied to them passing of london landmark auolher tine old london landmark st oluvos church lu soulhwnrk is to he closed it derives its name from oluf the christian viulug of whom lonufellow sings in stirring strain writes a london correspondent but knuuind possesses churches with dan ish associations of a different kind when these pagan sea rovers invaded liinglnnrt pnd were caught the ancient r terween edfo ihurv miif h6flvoof mi j b- lhvf5oi vn fiiblussehaoj-a- cujt of irish crochet wild rose pattern reward to finder g h dayfbpfc t i i i l h hoiwbrabsajjb qood wotfs hort6for ajle rriee roaahable apply at hepifd p j firstplane acnnoiation for itbree entlomen aimlytb tlfyn hfv g monilly vrotoist jmwj r i v i i hotjrobavaxb framo house oa george st s rooms hfiirl and soft wibor cement collarddu gardon ofsmalltouitl apply to miss e f tfodoriald ttie4tp ost on sunday juno 10th on the fith lino between jamos grants and h jj smiths ladys black leather hand half containing a sum of monoy nnd a number 6f othor articles finder kindly leave at herald oftlco and rocoivo roward fl19tf help for halton farmers if i v- j i r l v for haying ami ha hundreds of men are available to a- ast inharvostinif in halton aad mtmy are experienced in farming the ontario government and othrr ajf- enciei have looked up these men and the municipal council have appointed regis trar to whom farmers can apply to for help farmers should avail tutntkolvcs of this annistance where help is needed farmers can file their applications with any of the following halton reeintrarht w k lefraft onkville chan hall trafalgar poi j f richardson milton w f strone burlington j w crazier miltoni c v grandy georgetown j a iracy ksquesing po w j reid actom marnhnlt holmoa campbellvillc men or boys witling to assist on farms can also register with any of tho above registrars only do so at once those wishing to write direct may do so to ontario employment bureau 55 king st west toronto 626jt iiients threadbare lot mo remember you as you onco were i am so weary of toiling for tain toil without iny enough gain all in vain weary of spending my shokols each day weary of scoingthem vanish away tired of tho strugglo to malm my duds last so tired of wearing my hats of tho past let me but droam of a job with pay steep rock mo to sleep brothor rock mo to sloop h e d baalish used piously to flay them and null their skins to their church doors in the college of surgeons are three grid relics of the sort one taken from a church at hadatock bssex a sec- end from copford in tbe same county and a third from tbe north door of worcester cathedral tt saturday treat our homomacio lndy caramels aie not for ladles only the men are very fond of them a i ho thin saturday we offer you 75 ibt of lady caremeu an i caramel choealate nnd vanilla flavora with a itbural hupply of filbert oblong niilb in them regular 40c a if s aturday treat price 29o equalisation of assessment tho following is tho equalized assessment for halton for 101h as per bylaw no 444 pased last tuesday trafalgar 440085 bsquesink 8907247 nelson 2u28io2 nassagawoya 18877h5 milton g187fib oakvillo i400o86 burlington 1222814 georgetown 000106 aoton 682881 17118014 o tr time ghanae a now time tahlo enmo into ef- foot on the grand trunk on sunday but nnno of the trains going thro ugh cloorgetown in any dirootion aro affected in future no train from tho canadian side of the riv er will bo allowed to go through tho sarnia tunnel oxcopt freight trains mnsio in high bohools to put tho study of music on thti curriculum for the high schools of ontario is ono of tho first movos of tho now minister of education hon dr ii j cody it is said that the announcement of this chango will bo mado soon ont ario isthoonlyprovinoein canada said ono prominent educationist which does not toad mnsio in its high schools weekend chocolates if you have never tried a pound of our homemade week end chocolates then you have a rijjht to wonder why we tiell so many of them every saturday for if you have tried them you will know aborted flavors hard and soft centres regular 40v a lb weekend speoial 83e t h moorehead new idea patterns we have taken the agreney for this well known line of patterns july styles are now ready lv the 3lxjul store the finest in drug store service georgetown wo pay tho highost market price for cream in any quantity opon monday wednesday and saturday nights during seeding highest tost harry p lawson 80 h ruddoll 88 poultry eggs wo will pay you tho highost markot price for your poultry live or dressed also fresh eggs georgetown creamery co m saxe manager