thegeorgetown herald wednesday jul ut huh the vale 1 know of a vale in tin- forest deep whoso beuuly lias no excell where the tdmdo i tliiek and hveetaiid tool which niilure holds in a spell in the centre there stands an iwi pine with hnmches drooping low and down on the farther willowy edge a babbling stream doth how 4n summer lhurass and trees are greeny wrigleys i dalton wan talalli then he quickly i adjoining ctmwin en a beach hidden im glad that enjoying himself arming he liga n rffully with another am i and oat into as y sad seated her by ferna altun aeeau te a ith the glrta rata fei- bracelet watches v a buj itf aiiinhinuwpyfcww s- x aiidv sjirlng lipwi1di16i4ll ifi nlany lvhiuiiinv bj v tim birds come- there tojirrt ami v ujb and fill duo vithlliair tju rpuinviwdi tftritsih ilnit lbohnk m- i-jmn- fyi maferag tlsutoirreiawyf i j j vi v 4 liuli blinajtonk v itt idge v wws the tjiiritfy gj-btihd- la eax jind frsbjfi intlio ww j tiie y v v- but jn wfpt by icojs boiftiu bo ooiub with iueto thiit iaetdy vaje and sitwhoro the wild flowors grow whoro tho birds will sink to yotr and me and read some poem yon know so read to me some poem sweet prom whatever book you may and let us forget for the while at least the cares that go with the day beportinq a whole nation uleer in action toward belgium la partly fallowing style first set by king sarfon only a few years age ceraparattyo- ly the great king sargon was held by critics te be a biblical myth a monarch who never ruled assyria but excava tions in that ancient laud confounded the alleged historical experts says tn newark news and n comes aloni no less an authorityriinii jonn uyne- ley prince former wtuttniiitiu of new jersey master of some twenty ancient aad modern tougurs und huud of a department la columbia university calling attention to the fact unit bar gen first set the style of ilpurtlug a whole nation that is hlni partly fol lowed by tlio kalsr in llulkium it was some mx years uao that sargon curried the ten trilmi of laruel out of the promuud land uud till up tbelr country wli arabs uml trluth from northern asia minor end lie did such a good job that the jews never came back history however does net always reptmt itself as witness the return from captivity of the jews released from babylonia through cy- rus the persian razor strop rhymesters the deurtli nf bnrbcrs has forced a good many men to shave thcuihctves who before the war rcgnrdcil vcn a safety razor as n fearsome anil dan gerous inipumicot there lu a kind of mural satisfac tion in shining ones self which is in duced by no other toilet function i know u verse writer of some distinc tion observes a writer in the london chronicle who asserts that hlfl hap piest rhyming feats always come to lilin with the rhythmic sweep of the lather brush and the razor not a safety and our novelists particularly the victorian ones nre fond of the dress ing gown and sharing dishabille of their heroes the most remarkable barber in eng lish literature is thackerays mr eg lantine whose affection for the kav- enswlng was inspired by the glories of that young womans bulr opening of 8uez canal it cannot be made it shall not be made it will not be mode but if it were made there wouldrbo a war be tween england and franco for the pos session of egypt so said lord inlm- erston in 1851 with regard to the then proposed sues canul nevertheless tho fortyeighth anni versary of the inaugurntlonhf tho for bidden waterway hna passed writes a london correspondent the first fleet consisting of 40 vessels passed through next day on november it 1600 the greatest draught was only 16 feet tlow many of those who par ticipated in the inauguration survive former princess eugenie is one fsod for the dog meat is the natural diet of the wild dog and should be nu important item in the sporting dogs diet observes ontlng so long as it is untainted tt makes little difference whether tt la horse beef or mutton but pork is not ae good and any quantities of fat should not be fed generally it is beat te cook the meat in a sort of hew with vegetables mixed hut occn- sleoally a dinner of raw lean meat la a welcome change find mrvh us n what a line sunset harry still- well pointed to the red and orange weatern sky his companion sighed but sals nothing sa with his back to the window he was carefully- putting away w engravers toots ypeiw feuow v jfirsoi- 1 hviconjfl piled piaitytrirtttecealwhvcftulv- udlooder buvivfbdday6u see aiy at the colors eijl there edward dalton shook his head life is to me one longgray iuy of cwnrserdoatkimw jpsthow yuu upf- nalreyed people siae things i lktln- gulan what you callklue iuuh au thai akyetfa cjiiuaunay uy offvjetii ilite thi violet and njuebellejid lij perceive wjiat anjrluy w all the other colors- you suekbt are tdmeoaiy ae masqr vartshqos pt gray mote rife lamineusi what ybucall colir foda tarwff uijhtand ahad s- vaad tjjere- yettfcavej tbe jwrnensa- aavaatal ver a la eorpefeasloa aald sallwell ur ssseeh away his thoughuess neatlea that add pained bis mend when in eagravug we demt know whether a color should eam oat light er dark yen see the right tone at eace are yea going te maad leaadera dance this rvtalagr he had abraatly changed the subject ae asked ste to cerae ae i supboaa i must anawered daltea with utue eagerajeas te go the two yeuag men left the studio together per the length ef a whole block sullwell dilated on the charms of miss leander hlatlng that he was the preferred suiter to the hand ef the heiress dalton listened la slleaee bat at the tret corner he turned dewa a bystreet to escape from his loqua cious coaialen edward daltea the congenial color blind spoke truth when be said that life was to aim one long gray day morbidly sensitive to his visual defect he was becoming meedy aad unsocia ble ale imagined that he lest mors ef the joys ef life than he perhaps really did aad he found scant cono- peasatiea la the fact that his eyes were exquisitely alive te form to the lumi nosity of the colors he did set tee aad hence te gradations of light and shade ihtfterce 1 ni n f tmr latter gift characteristic of the color- bllnd made him invaluable to his em ployer aad had won him a fine posi tion and yet hie hours away from ills work were more thun ever given over to gloomy thoughta for he felt him self handicapped in striving for the prise of life and the fairest of these was st tbst very moment an object of rivalry among hla friends msud leander was the prettiest girl la town and aa heiress besides a handsome fortune had been left her by aa eccentric maiden aunt on condition that ahe be engaged on her twentyflfth birthday otherwise the money was to revert to eeme charity an easy tsjjfh c to fnldll one would thlak for a girl of mauda posalarlty km indeed suiters were net lacklag many ef them were merely fortune banters annoyed by the persistence ef these maud had grown to dislike t all aad had vowed net to marry amy eae among them there was ealy one young maa in town maad cared te think ef as her ttttejre husband bat edward dalton sept aleef the sense of bis inurmlty haac ever hint aad moreover the thought ef her money kept him back he detested fertunehuatlnr had she beea peer as he was he might have asked her to share his ajsowing pros pects the heiress could net ask tet he loved maud aad was miserable be cause he would not tell her so maad divined his feelings from the shy deference with which he ap proached her la grateful contrast to the toague worship of her suiters she therefore made up her mind either to marry him er to let the money go ami remain a bacheloraudd but he would net spask aad she dared not for fear af seeming unmalsealy in his eyes while the fatal birthday was fast ap proaching and a score of youag men huag ea her decision daltea went unwillingly to the dance it tormented hint to see her surrounded by that throag ef flatterers all unworthy ef her one of whom would soon carry off the prize it ever occurred to him that he stood a batter chance than aay of them as hs entered the room maud was chatting with stlllwell but she dtson- gaged herself immediately and beck oned te him im so glad youve come she amid cordially this first dance beloags to yon and off ahe west with htm leav ing stlllwell to gaze after her as if his rightful property had been snatched from him hla frowai promised noth ing good to bis friend aa he watched them swing aronnd the room aa ugly thought took shape la his mind selz- lag the first opportune moment he asked maud for a dance its hot here he said after he had obtained her promise would yon not rather go into a cooler room for s whlle7 yes if you like for a moment shj said stlllwell giancoil uround to wjjar protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned all the time it is here it is earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry unneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them atrainut loss theft and are by opening a savings account th mrcmant5 bank head office montreal op canapa established i us six reasons georgetown branch acton branch c w grandy manager l b 8horby manager at georgetown oiautaqua aug 2026 chew it after every meal the flavour lasts your newest shoes siiiiici inii tiktl with iifiiliil if miii linl ii ni hrciiu nr sunn flijjll iliiirt slllll llll iii llllll in us inr our expert shoe repairing w know ii wit inf miii wil h mil- tii iiikininiliii our ircmii so v iii iiiil in ij i i i iriris win no t iv oni shin- itipnir woil on tlmt iiiiiiioii nhli- old hi i r w wharead phone 141 georgetown counter check books wc are now prepared to furnish the best counter cteck books made to merchants and others who require same let us have your next order j m moore herald georgetown qotrdrqp thcryojrfctarwcntmodlctaito h aveuclwejiamuonforasj unlteskwnndwcis rfi f thcrcbyl cilhoroniimm mineral wnaoti puxplm sill v li mx 1imo atuisnf flbm sti jldmnssr castoma ifo infants and children powers know that ienuine castoria always bears the signature of low hla innnnlty clalile at llnwa hid intlrinlty matter wl lilin 1 inivi- nvr hin hunt von ur blind li- nipi folorlilii vik iim rin iiplc ll v ji b uy of i tromerk iim ntvr linou it too uml i ciisl-lfim- ties lire til- erhjiyi rn aiake blsa maeo- why what la the hhr asked alarmea of anything that hea h nt mr echoed unlit to be amene -i- i- tkichiil inaho 4 ulutit la greoa inlioal for hed iuf he kuuwa i nt r imtrtt la ulili iiili liitlrwl- i ul ly iiyc with i ih tp iu 4t jihto i jwftm j h vptflw vty i v nnswm t miuui tiv v- -i-n-iiauttw- toov hr lit i v fity ffinliina tu viwmioi j -h- itoivl f hts iim ni i ijuirftirw tfiiilu j j 1 if jpfcmsy faia hodauijdiirtvi i liihljliimlul tn fhaitfi f v jiu tlmtl il tlnist- rni iblniifiii jai wajill tlkvilihiiiiidons sue riuh afirirtitlninlt jvhff lleowfli j iantitbvrimirblne tor tt cnrpbfvilil- wjjlfc- nnd eu tor wh- tt seema f ontlslf te utts nej aidthe stint disapprovlacly wttji pvr birthday so aeir st hand yeai uuoulot think koikn vy uao fauatl tse conilltloas at the will as4 aiai rate yomr rooms afterwards ifs a trlfllns matter new the eelor ef mj iiau is- hjr no laeaae a trtfa just now maid mm esaahatteallr and then relapsed tabs atlonos what hato yen decided te do en year birthday the auat a eked agate maud ahrasged with a twlakle in her eye yea know that yea mast decide then er lose a life income the int perslitedi it would be a stty te bare ull that money go out ef the family if i cant grt th haauaad 1 want i woirh take any anil i dent core who setr the money im aot a bargain to tie given away in that fashion these hungerson hnve just dlagssted me they dont come for me but for my uieuey and i wont have one of tbem 1 want a man who will love me for my own sake a tr there la none id rather lose a life income aad be my own mistress teu girls sre getting- altogether too iadvpendeat sighed aunt mary who lielnnyed to an elder generation i iohat your soldier cfddie needs we have them i-it- v iji i- xz h use for over ty years by the end of the week the room waa rehung a symphony in bine aad geld and maud waa receiving the duty- calls after her party all her suiters cauie and edward dalton came tee one stormy evening when no eae else ventured out and attluvestl was key uway by an appelatmemt km t ring the parlor that la its bright colors had hitherto seamed to him merely grey he opened his eyes wide lu aurprla what a transfermatloa i it wiik radiant with color aad light und in this blu glew atmd she no longer the grey figure he had had al ways found ber but gowned in blue from head to foot never had ahe looked so bewitching and aevw had tusr been as fmionk xtr otr brimmed his heart and yet his teagae feemd no words to utter u when utter an hour he rose to go a4 hat soft hand lingered a moment la lata far the goodnight snd her eyes were llzed intent en his with a question paaaleaate words rose te his una then suddenly he turned aad left her maud went back into her bbao-aad- gold parlor with teurs in her eyea had it all been an illusion he did not care for her long and leaf aba thought it all over the had done all what maiden conld do to make n maa peak and all for nothing i there still wss oaae day by day she waited bat he did net oome again she lest honrt for evorrehlng snd even refused te join s party her best mead gave in her boner on the eve of bar birthday tint evening ahe wasted u be alone and gave strict orders te tint maid to admit ao vlaltors thau gowu- d in her peie blue maslln she went dews into ber blueaadgeld parlor to ivees over the dream of her hones that sr vanishing and aa ahe sat there all the color seemed to fade ent ef the room i must see miss leander if only for one nameat 8he flew te the dees ok come la mr dauea ive been waiting for yea ah bmrst eat with so much fervor that his lore too at last was kindled lata npairh when aaat mary eaaae dewa an hear later ahe fond fhaaa sitting haad la hand on the sofa hataa as two chlu drea wall im glad ifa yea bdward ahe aald cordially shaking ma head la bath her own and glsd everybody else in town was except the daccoacerted sikors wvyy yr j j v v vitajplf highest prices pkid for jrall kinds of funic jowa jl phone 157 georgetown avksaaaaasi instai- a economy h-p- tvjsfots by the coal 17 saves koreheat le- most durable mo5tec03mical costs least fpr reibs w c anthony deale geor auiimil ourilmi pjiity tll mlllllllll i i l 1- i hi- ii ill i iviiii colli i ll nil will in- i inn ii- o mi- w miimhull -t- colt i on tiiiiimihv aiikiist ni a plinihil inoiiiiii sijn ulvx y ihiiiilliwiii hil tin- liimoiih limir mull- qinii-ii-iii- of llrniiii- tim iiiink lkilin ciiiiinliis vii- il ili- niiiiiliiiii lii liinii-iii- i cliilluiihiiiii iiiiiiilv niu o hum uillllim hy tin- pukliii- solo mill tiiiiiiioiki t in ii-i-oiiiiiiii-i- with looil ttniiol i- s iiiii w c miirshnll si viiiiiin nri- cliim -n- f fee kim lv iui- ill llfurtll-il- 1 jwintv i i j lertr i j j- jltv tj rt vji vi j f i i 1 wv- crv i 1 vii rii i yv tvvtf 5rdoiiihiii- kriiiji vtd nu aiirniir v- 1 s- id ihiiin loi- vio i allill iligijd oil- wjiiijo notice to creditors 1 tu j miili k i ilillls i if f vi in m iv ll tr i 1 1 1 111 -i- hill i l ii- il- iiiiiis i lll i ll- lll- i i- i 111 1 i hi- i i i ni ii-i- i 1 mlull- tins iil v l lls 11 i i ii i 111 i i ii sli n- lr lllillli sliorlill iil willi j hws i il si will i l sil uilli js shoriill i- iisil lets send you the herald only 125 in advance the hamble penny mere than a button cents have been coined in the last deeade making- tho uuaaktr coined from 1798 la all sjtm- eeooou sn average or it for eaca man woman and child in the catted states considering the deasaad for timan and the fact that every coat la worth more aba a it metal value it seems aa if the government might astnt in a 13meath more taaa ummjul the achievement of taa roatrd rauv atostxw qlebo 4 ift fa exact copy of wrapper coal the best so ran ton coal in all sizes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballaiitine georgetown phone 80 the spirit of 17 the boy had taken from mr pocket a pair ef big darkbine hmiieimiitod mittens on the pnlma was sewed red woolen to reenfnrce tbem he care fully drew them on folding his hi mix thumbs up on hla lunchronhnx oiliceii to the front of his chair snd sat think- ing with eyes fixed on the furuway places of ma dream he was going over it all again there was no haute no excitement no foolish sentiment but sure determination aad the courage of youth suddenly turned te manhood with a little start ae eaaee beak to the present aad rising aam i goeaa td better be gelag tea aald i cowm get a train in abeat half an hour before yea go will ywa ten me my boy why yen chose the infantry well when yeu rend of anything real hard taht baa to bo doae yea will notice that it is always the infantry that does it they have to bo snreag youag fellows they caa depead oa for ike real hand thlnea so i ohese tho infaatry sir there waa a alienee which he brake with th quiet words i think til be going qeodby sir mary herrtek smith in atlantic georgetown creamery v i j 1 1- llils mniiit iliii- im- cicniii in niiv iiiiinlil miiiiilni iiliiisihi mil siiliiiiliii iinhuwilmiiik siiilini ilililt til s i liyoiih 11 win slnlihs ii v i wilsini poultry eggs wl- will l mill ihl- llitlllsl ill mj-i- fill- mill ilillllll lii- or ihiksiil also lijt i ikk georcfefown creamery co m saxe manager jlvjm0 butcher i fh alwajs lik i cliiee stocll of the k s hit iiiiifilli in fisl lllll suit r l mt wlill in u it the tsiilr lowes possije prices ihiii i i ii 1 1 s i- jis get tine best insurance fire and accident mrs roe zlztt a restivo special choice fresh fruit strawberries green vegetables a restivo fruit specialist mnin stroet georgetown forethought and good judgment used travellers show preference for scenic route busy men use nicht trains nowadnyi forethought and a lively hiiiitc of public appreciation ploy an imiortitnt pnrt in tliu construction at u ruilroail the cnnmliun nor- tticrn mutlu n tmnpy fliniro in tho k1rcion of it h ronth lxtwiii tortm- to uml oltnwn ntclrtlntt tliu b more lint nf inlcu nlai mill the iluyof unimo itvrr the hilrihteof luntl bf- iwfcu nitniiiitt inn svdfuliufii mid tlirttuiih kidiau iika rikinu qiluit kct to he luvtiiiie jiiiriiiy in sprftih or milliliter comfort uhlu tiny uml nuht truln ptuppiiik ut prlttcipiil inttruicdiiite wtutlotiit buvn mudo the route very nupulur lr r h m ti w iiiiiv l 1 i t luf htvik s kiiiif mrtfl iitsi toi leimll jpfjft fbour is absolutely necessaiex to pro- duoo the best in bread find pnairy the noble bkands are the superior flour of today try thoiu robert noble limited norval ontario canapiftftnflraern we can now supply your needs in butter paper at the herald l 71 w xtiiiniitimtmfsi i iii arthur b castell t s f cillto i mulo lotuloii buirlitim cliolrmnhtir rrohljytortau clmrh iiirretfun toaohor of piano or- rm coriiot violin nud singiug tullliin i liu any lifmuli 06 pi iitn l n itimiium nt inv iki l-iii- miiiii st iiumkitiuwii i ni pupllii luii pianos rxfntivi v3l v miiimiimmmsimm a-iylkiiiiiy-