Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 7, 1918, p. 4

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li v- hie georgetown bcrald wednesday anrimt 7tli huh for peace o god of ixivp o kiiiu of ivure make warn throiiitlioiit mil- world to fotiao the wrath of sinful man iohtriiin give moce q godtfivr peocf luuiin remember lord tliy workhof old the wonders that our futheih told remember not our sins dark stain give peace 0 tod ive muee attain whom shall vfefcrnst but theej o lard where rest but on thy faithful vijiird v- an tjltf fvjrtv z itf jfciicejloarf av jeaajji3 v j where sftintm ajid ane dwell above all hearts are- knit in holy love w bin4s in that iinvony fhaij v live tieneeo god ivo ikwciikiliii y v r wjfy wn fcovottqijrn selected -vv- fir chttuliitiuni jfefitoiot ijesv w unaxqeri rallwajfaeilljiieahd jijctiio centilo of antoof ftniitribs most prbrtimyo distraite ha6t- jmmjiua wilj boostioeotbetowjr tta j yoitr pa jv at jmustpeiuy boou forn a professional shoe maker whttknows- jnst what to pick out oath week and transfer tbem fresh from factory u foot remember ray expenses av6 light antltfrofits the samp i dont sell ybu shop worn boots and if they rip i fix them free and thats what others dont do i have now an assortment of all kinds so look ont for out prices on all new and secondhand boots im just the man georgetown needs repairing as usual secondhand boots bought and sold j roney the gold boot pi- v rm bui ivi wmmk- i insurance do yon require fire life accident or auto insurance i roprcaant anjrtc nf thnjinalnnm panies and shall be pleased to tran sact your insurance business r j hynds ce01getown ontario floor grain feed we carry a full line of poultry supplies grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfectant try our laying mash and get good results from your hens hog feed molasses horse feed we will deliver to the glen in the afternoons of tuesdays and fridays get your orders in early phone 19s for prices georgetown flour feed mills c greensides proprietor hard to translate bible i ceeielalerame ametint of infertility re- aelree maka wre fk hw brace da jroo apop an be- une kiitwi abent an elir or a hottentot about ohambuat or a can- alee about tkc holj qhast tbata why tb ma and women who translate tha blbl into pagan laa- fuafaa bar ta as a greater amount of lagvonlty and imagination than anything alas obaerrm a writer in the world outlook it muat have been a very pleaaant peraon who finally suggested to the mingled relief and amuaement of tne tired worker that the lamb of god might just aa well be tranalated the uttle aeal of god in the eskimo bible eajcltno children have the aame ten- dro towardto fuhny little ililjai wtf thetv fliqnrnto- eyaaaml aiitt fit thatoiber iyidren baa towifrd bttby beep- te saklmo blbje win ode- of tbe moat difficult to trunalate and huajust beep flnlahedafter 150 yedra of work lf course to a half troxen f urolafll ppljle flrlmt jnlklooajbr fait imr- pjmjut to urrouniflby pwlar bvyra and ifalruaaa ltlavuext jipiolbp v thimifata uiefatory f thebrlglit oqlored oridrtoi1ii bblj laod th f liigiige of n nprthfnj people caat tf- etarlly lacking lp tdoiiena pf woda add phraaea and too ofteh even tdeaa r but blbla tirabladng if like greek granjm t ejeptlio ft ery role tb ibulaa live in a iou6 try aa warm and tropical aa the holy land on the pleaaapteet of daya hut the- zqln 3lhla nab ottered about ajt many dlfilcaltlea aa any renpeotable task baa a right to offer in tha flrat place tha earlleat trans lation was made by mora than thirty people working independently despite ita inaccuracy and inronalatency it waa extremely popular among the na tive it even ahaped zulu thought so completely that every paragraph of tha zulu newapaper taenia with bible vocabulary but it waa inaccurate many of tha mletakea were of course extremely amaalng the translators found ta their anrprtee that inatead of croaalng the red aea and the jordan dry ahod tha children af israel went over thlrety and a literal transla tion of tha premise that enemies should melt away before them was discovered to mean la zulu idiom th their en emies aheuld be aa happy aa men full of beer in 1001 new translation waa be gun tbera waa atlll many difficul ties bow were tha translators for instance to- describe as in isaiah 11 1824 the entire wardrobe of a jpwraa at the height ef the nations clvlllrn- tlh to the zulu debutants who in th heaviest winter season wears little more than a string of scarlet beads ri also having taken over the freight and cartage business of mr n c bell we are at your service for anything in this line give us a call c greensides amerioas greatest singers musioians leoturors and actors are presented in chautauqua oourses the opportunity of hearing the worlds best thought and musie is offered on tha channel patrol tha weather round about here has been too damnable for words lately and life on a patrol boat ha been no cinch came down harbor yesterday in a regular blizzard could barely see fifty yards ahead at times about three inches of snow all over the ship trend ing like the devil theres an infernal noweaternly wind blowing nnd this packet roll about like a sickhead ache its no joke jnonkeylng about in a tiny craft of this sl huntlnic tin ashe lit daylight ifa haul cnoukh but at night its extremely daugwou aa one cant sea th seaa and us liable to half swamp anas self in turn ing and aa far as any comfort below goes there isnt any everything is damp and cold and the steward loans the greater part of your food in bring ing it to you and what you finally re ceive is s cold unpalatable mess yet by heaven its something to be nut here hnylnp a chnuce to bag a bally german awlne atlontiemagailn learn something vary day in their antipathy to england and to everything english or supposedly eng lish the germans have apparently un dertaken to eliminate from the spoken and written teutonic languuge of th day all words of known or suspected english origin tbera comes at first hand this episode reported by prof r 8efton delmer who was instructor of english in the university of berlin when the war broke out and who from that time until may 23 of this year was ither a civil or an interned prisoner wishing to make hint uncomfortable at a police station one ilny a portler- frau who knew hi nallonituty rebuked ber departing conipaalin for usiiik the word adieu ach vu ulie colled after her adieu sngt tnun ufht nichr pas 1st engllseh kit rations foe offlcsrs those german denilginlh the officer of tha army are now on clothing ra tions ilk ordinary mortals thuy will henceforth only be able to secure new uniforms oa clothing cards the new regulation prescribes just how exten sive a wardrobe an officer may have and ha will not be permitted to array himself la excess of lu limitations the only special concession to officers is that they are not required as civil ians are to declare how much clouj ing they already possess llflht work mr qrlddlos promised a tramp a good breakfaat if he would cut a littlf wood i v w welir bo the fellow consumed eight or ten biscuits ham and eugx some potatoes and two cupfulu of coffee and then did lio cut a little wood ten it whittled lihuself a tooth pick and mild ucoil uiornlng good flour is absolutely xecessabx to pro- duee the best in bread and pastry the noble bband8 are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario at georgetown chautauqua aug 2026 yotjli find wrrglev everybody thinks of wriglevs wfien chewinjum is mentioned w tbe re effort to- 1v benefits and enjoyment of this tomo sweetmeat v- wrigleys helps appetite arid digestion auays thirst renews vitfour hade in canada scaled fiaht keptrum utilizing all the heat any furnace will bum fuel extract the heat from it but only a properly built and installed furnace will utilize till the heat to warm your home mcclnrys sunshine furnace installed the mcclnry way is guaranteed to warm your home every room in it toh saxe by j w kennedy m sunshine furnace london toronto monft winnipeg vancouver st john nb calcury ifmtlmi flmonton fuskaroon 0j i i i i i il amlleaakjaajaajajasnaaaniaaaaanaaaaysa children cnr lor flotchfre sur v m castor i a the kind you havo always bought bud which boa been in use for over thirty years has borne tbe signature of and has been made under hlf per sonal supervision since its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience again experiment what is castoria castorta is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains j neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee fft more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverisbness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the chudrenp panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought eloquence in brief woflds anral panning may said te hoi tlu record but thar hv j mn soma othra there are many fourmlout war time speaker but so far as known f there ties been hut one fqarword wnr- j time apwh that was the sententious utterance credited to general iersh- ins it was delivered st the tomb of i lafayette on tbe flrat or laat septem ber in the preaeoce of a number of dl- tlnfcuftuml persons who crowded about tht- flowrrrtiverert irav in the quaint old cemetery ijirnyette we are here said oen- enil ltklilnjr there ure other ficntentlous speeches in iht eiiimlm but it is doubtful if one cnii rc founil that roiuhlu ns i much wnftniem vlthltibrvlty nrjisf lfillcatlun pvih lutttred tetiarfl ualwtltsin the 6cafv he iipenlfi dt tht ourrlcd theater in tlillfiilpiliihi the euilihtit exponenf of the dnimu ipoh no liuvitaraae of flje iilijiurtunlryandrdejdvliiui- he came the riuit cast a cinplncetit tflauce at the esfjpecant throng nnj then tcr iully- jiavfdtila arilauil utlav- j odliwtiftla toikudjiif to5hafrlcl v llila ivtur rnjf ueiiclj a brief af the nrdliuirjy boat chrltenn i ybliti iwalle an tucjdentthaf uiip- iicriwl mihy seari atone of -cleto- ilnuirk oarljtlay hlpyardar m injror j ttiieet a pfillthr touiianatlori tof tr mid potetty j alilffsthobuerthey were all wood- eniinntsat that time was xeady for r fimt- dip into the waters of the rruynltojta f a pretty yhunf woman srclotte of the ownon had heea aelected to wlns the bottle of wine afraloat the prow af tbe imat end say h christen the j q krollilnkhum if that was lta nam kverythlnf waa in readiness th last prop awaited the final blow the bottle vrun polaed in air tb yard manager waved his hand th bottle struck the aide of tbe ship i unhappily there waa a defect in tb tflase the bottl collapsed la aa un expected manner and threw ita con tend all over tbe young womana alee white frock gonaequently what ab salil was this i chriaten the ood gradoua f and the stnneh threemaster good gracious gracefully slid into the water bracelet watches just what your soldier laddie needs we have them v jnfiilsijam save milk and save llv whipped cream desserts and lota af butter on bread mean that milk whlcb babies need is being sacrificed to pam per adult appetltea the children bureau of the united states department of labor la trying to save 100000 htm of young chlldr during till clean mlllt i a food hahle must as to thrive if they are not bottlefed their mother need to drink it for them with the appalling rise in the price of grain and tbe acarclty of labor fnrmera are selling off their cows and not nearly a much milk is being pro duced as heretofore this in face of the fact that malnutrition of little chil dren means certain death to thousands lives needed to replace the awful wnhte of war it order to aave whole milk both england and italy have curtailed the male nf cream ad butter surely every community in the united states will exert itself to control the price of milk so that it may not fall to reach tbe thlldreu in nomas whwf the ineomls pitifully email and will use the con tents of tb morning rolls bottle very sparingly until our sick soldiers are plentifully supplied by ralnett love well of the vigilantes 0rn balls the germans are great lovers of flreworka and perhaps no one sees ao much of these as the flyer by night over the bnn hues there it one device above all which is most interesting and inexplicable os well hi being extraordinarily beau tiful thin is known variously as flaming onloni chain rockets and jrreeq balls it consists of long rlmlna of brilliantly luminous balls o bright emerald in color which rush upward from the ground in lines of thirty ur forty or even more and which are chiefly tired at allied ma- chlnei when on bombing raids at utght the green balls form light relief and tnku the airmans nervousness and struln away yoni- newest shoes hoiiicmiikh mvet with infitlonth if yuiilitu a rij brftik or hhio alijilit lofot hcrul them at onoe to iik tor our expert shoe repairing wt know we can tuitixfj you with our flood workmanship our prompt service and our fair pricek why not try our shoe repair work on thut comfortable old pair phone 141 oeoroetowh proof that world moves 1f a junk and metal dealer xt jldtascll highest prices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetown simple llttl experiment will con vlnce the skeptical ef fact pretty generally conceded tnk a goodslaed bowl fill it nearly full of water ami place it upon the floor of a room which la not exposed to shuklng or jnrrlng from the street sprinkle over the surface of the water n coaling of lycnpodlmn powder thia upon the eurfnee of till coating of powder make with powdered charcoal a straight black line suy ao inch or two in length having made this little mark with the olmrconl powder on tile sun are of tho contents or the howl tuy upon the floor close to the lw a stick or some other struigiit object sn that it will bo exartly pin alll with the murk if the llm happen to be piralle with b crack in tho floor or with uuy sta tionary object tn the room this will serve as well leave the bowl unuxurbed for a fow hours and uin observe the po sition of the black mark with referepc to tbe object with which it was parallel it will be round to have moved id tb direction oppoxlie to the move nient of the enrth on it axis the earth q simply revolving has carried th water and everything else in tha bowl around wllli it but the powder on tho mirfae hus been left behind a little i the una will always be fnnnd fa have moved from east to west which i perfectly good proof thut everything 1 else hue moved tho oihor way in and out there la tome tuls among s number of- the women folk of woodruff place pf organising a club to be known as the ins and outs not that ibey wish to be narked as gadabouts or anything of the sort tb proposed club till refers solely to g recent pamphlet laaued by the authorities of tb town lthln a city whlcb ens tains th directory of tbe 1800 lnnb i hunts the booklet la neatly arranged is embellished with pictures of tnl towns beauty pots and contains pleu ty of sdvertlwmants ss a oo dlr tort shoaid bat aomthow in tbt course ftosn csoras taker to prlotey tbe nana f about tweatylr of tbo 5 ood wives ef tb town were omitted be llttlt cto idsslm b pvopo with one raulrententfor msmbonfhtlj which is that tbe member sball be in the town gpd out of bo directory jusdlsospou new one reason for its success there is only one car that interests you the most and that is the one you buy but you can not afford to ignore the fact that more than 80000 have already been sold every oneof them prtyvrngthesuccesstof thtr remarkably efficient 32 horsepower model 90 motor one of this cars many superiorities model 90 owners tae not partially satisfied with their cars because they are not partially good cars they give all the desired advantages of modern motoring efficient mechanism com bined with beauty of design roominess easy- riding comfort complete equipment and sim- plidtyjof control let us show you this car with its 106inch wheelbase autolite starting and lighting vacuum gasoline system large tires nonskid rear and rear cantilever springs come in today t j speight representative georgetown willysoverland limited wuiricnlht nd ovwland motor car and light commercial wagon head office and works wast toronto ontario tight four model 90 georgetown creamery we pay tho highest mmliot price for crcitin in any quantity upon monthly woilncudiiv nnd hatuidtiy iiikiiik tlurink xeodinir hihoht toht 8 j lyons ii win htuhlw j w o wilson 80 poultry eggs wo will ilty you tho highoat mniliot piico for your poultry livo or dressed uiho ficli oujkh georgetown creamery co m friemager y datoa or rail fmlr ikltiktovnrpolthkit 2h toioiito us im au sm to ftcpto onkrilu sept 1im71h oiiiiikilli v sppt 17 1h biitinptoii hpl 21 afton ktpt 2ibft 8trottillc sept 21 fertik st2tl 27 abfrfoylr oil 2 cookhvilli oct 2 hook wood oft 8 j milton oft h9 hrin oflillo rtitrlinklon tlumkiusivinu dhn iv0ttce to creditors nicleirjlsrt iivcn iitunfuiiut u- rvvix 1914 hqrtjioft aro7 dtfmiiui utfaftiri vrturv wikliaoi jjuiton- h6rif jtir tfr ihvhlhki tr murkdnlkr ii the ojiniy of srs jehk- ttmiiivt wliti dioo oft tif atjotmlhu 2hh xit miy vix ll artprthiftirtti lo vml t bv pkimtti r ilelivtr to illiiim j ihuukrat mhrktirtjt oiitouioflmr kv- fittifi unimliijil will vrtitltiwjinimi of tkai viltifmjniioriill ijinmyhii4jttctr m yftitiottvj wjrtpjl v4tihfit- ttf iuy4ittnytlllvh v ui tftkii tumiiithfit hfintbv 13th jay or- rupvijiib liirtijlitrgtpar wift lirtscihjil to ifleuriuithemthttrutthuvatti 1uwhhviirtiar4 unlyto ths olulriiw 6 whi4h nv sheifflhttn nave itiotflrmlr for lt hmcik if thtf jmiil tntittf of uny piirt iheroof ib iiy htiou f urlvfhe clasm thrv hharlaot thru tuivr rteiv nqtice dfuyd m murkditlt vhlm 22ml dw o july ad i9m p mcctllotoh splicitor for kfluibeth short ii and william j bowe exerntors of the ant will and tehtament of nit id william jmnet short ill drceakfwt vl anto for sale mclaughlin llvo pasronffcr hit hp motor in lirst clasn condition tilen root 2 dominion knobby trpad now his bprink 2 npares self atarter elootrio lights etc will be sold cheap for npot cash apply at horaldoftlce tenders wanted sealed tender will be received by the clerk up to auffuht 9ih 1918 fur the pav ill of mnju lre ccortfmlowh w4tb tarvia pavemtmt plaim and spec flea tioiin may be neon jit the clerks office georgetown f i- heath clerk insurance fire amd accident mrsrrcrt27 special ji choice fresh fruit strawberries green vegetables a restivo frnlt speoiallat main street oaoreatowa judgment used kowmi7 fofithouiht and a llvy mui of public psmrtciatioa plar important part to the coutractlon of a railroad tb cnuun nor thern made a tuppy choice in tba aclcctloo of its rout between toron to arid ottawa i oklrtlng the short- line of lakeontarfo aou the buy of qui ate over tbt blbt of land bo- twtan napneeand ftydcnbuni and through rmeiu lake region add stmt to tb daytime journey in spring pc fiummat corofortetila day and nlgbt tralu stopping at prlndpallnurmedfau atatlont have i tha rout vary popular for information hirrutiire tmtrt and rnrrvuiiiitu kiply 1 dj matthkw druierlit georgetown or write tkuerpl iiiiioker prpurt- meot 08 king bircctuut tu canadian northern tr we can now supply your needs in butter paper at the herald j aiimia arthur b castell t 8 r oollsa af hnsle london eneland oholrmbtr prasbytmian churob qeoraatpwn teaober of piano or- kan cornet violin and slaiing tiiitlkii vao inany brnncli 96 per itirni of 20 lnqi n my reuu ilfiico mnlnst ittorttulown r titiinlto hohi vwkuwmmbmmmmimmm wiawiaeasjwuihunnyjbl viyiy v-yifo- iiilj infill ikrnm

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